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Beit Rayim Hebrew School Newsletter Newsletter May 7th until June 3rd, 2007 9th Iyar until 17th Sivan, 5767

Principal Rabbi David M. Eligberg

Last School Wide Kabbalat Shabbat of the 2006-07 School Year When: Friday, May 11th, 2007. Start: 6:00 PM Snack & Shmooze Musical service begins at 6:30 PM Finishes: 7:15 pm See you at the Service at Reena Battle Centre (927 Clark Ave. W., Thornhill.) Please remember to RSVP.

Content Kabbalat Shabbat


Shalom Parents


Upcoming events


Shalom Parents



Kindergarten News


Kindergarten pictures




Grade 7 news


Yom Yerushalayim program


“Today is the 35th day of the Omer.” Each evening, from the second night of Pesach until the night before Shavuot, we use this formula to mark the passage of days and weeks between these two festivals. This ritualized counting makes us eminently aware of the passage of time and highlights the speed with which each day slips into the next. Shavuot also signals that the end of the Hebrew School year is rapidly approaching; a year that seems to have flown by.

Grade 1B news


Grade 3 Celebration


Early Bird Reminder


Upcoming Events


Walk with Israel


Report cards


Last day of school


School council info


Yom Yerushalayim


Interview request form




Upcoming Events ♦ ♦ ♦

Siddur Celebration Walk With Israel Closing Event

Let me take a moment to wish Mazal Tov to our Grade Three students and their families who are celebrating their Siddur Ceremony this Sunday, to our Senior Kindergarten students who are preparing to make the transition into our two day a week Hebrew School programme, to our students in Grades One through Six who are moving up to the next level of their studies, and a special Mazal Tov to our Grade Seven students as they complete their studies in our school, cross the threshold of Bar/Bat Mitzvah and begin their journey of Jewish adulthood. As I reflect on the many “learning” moments that I witnessed while sitting in classrooms, during family education programmes and at special assemblies, I am proud of the achievements of our students, the diligent work of our faculty and the active participation of parents. In partnership with the School Committee and the faculty, a review of the past year has already begun. Many of you have shared your thoughts on this past year and I appreciate the concern and commitment to Beit Rayim Hebrew School reflected by them. If you have any thoughts you would like to share please feel free to contact me. In the weeks ahead, we will be working together to enhance our school by looking at new curricular models and materials; checking into the latest technologies available. I hope that you will all enjoy a healthy, relaxing and enjoyable summer. B’vracha, Rabbi David M. Eligberg

BRH School Newsletter


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Shavuot also celebrates the time when the first fruits of the Seven Species with which Eretz Yisrael is blessed, were harvested and brought in elaborately decorated baskets to Beit Hamikdash, and is also known as Chag Ha-Bikkurim (the Festival of the First Fruits). Shavuot is also known as the wheat harvest festival - Chag HaKatzir (the Feast of Harvest). The beginning of the wheat harvest throughout Eretz Yisrael was preceded by the offering of shtay lechem (two loaves) as a mealoffering in Beit Hamikdash.

Grade 7 News The highlight of the school year for us was in the understanding of how to live as Jews, with pride, dignity and tradition. Isaac Aptowitzer

Yom Yerushalayim program Lecture by Ya’acov Brosh Consul General of Israel Thursday May 17th@ 7:30pm Reena Battle Centre

Early Bird Registration! Take advantage of the lower rates for the upcoming school year. The registration form must be received in the school office by noon on May 18th. Don’t miss out!

The Kindergarten class has had a very exciting year. We have spent most of our time navigating through all the Jewish holidays. Most recently, we have been learning about Israel and how important it is to all of us. We had a very special Family Education Day with Michelle Wenner and Rabbi Eligberg. The children were enthralled with all that there was to offer about Israel. With Michelle they learned all about the Israeli Flag and how it came to look as it does. With Janie the children discovered the Kotel and how it became such an important symbol to all the Jewish People. Each child (and family ) wrote a wish and affixed it to “the wall”. With Rabbi Eligberg the children "visited” and experienced many of the interesting tourist attractions of the country. For example, there were mud baths at the Dead Sea and skiing on Mount Hermon just to name just a few . We will be ending our year by learning all about the Ten Commandments and why they are as important to us today as they were so many thousands of years ago. Janie Tizel – Kindergarten Teacher

Grade 1 News With pride and joy, we have completed our exploration of the Alef-Bet, and decoding concepts through stories, songs, games and lots of practice. Some letters we discovered, incorporate Biblical and Jewish culture. Mem appears to have Moses on Mt. Sinai and Tzadee leans over to give Tzedakah. We also learned many new and interesting holiday rituals by sharing stories and experiences with the class. Miriam Warner 1B

Grade 3 Siddur Ceremony Sunday May 13th 10:00 AM Ross Doan Public School Join us as we honour our Grade 3 students and celebrate their success.

BRH School Newsletter

UJA Walk with Israel

Upcoming Events

Report Cards

Sunday, May 27th, 2007 The Beit Rayim Family is planning to march together at the “Walk with Israel”. We will meet at Finch Subway station and travel as a group to the staging area. If you travel down on your own look for the Beit Rayim banner and join us along the route.

Last Day of School Celebration Join us for… SK Graduation (9:15 – 10:30 AM) Grade 7 Graduation (11:30 – 12:30 PM) Teacher Appreciation Day Sunday June 3rd, 2007 At Ross Doan Public School

NO SCHOOL Sunday May 20th Thursday May 24th Sunday May 27th

Page 3 of 4 We’re on the Web!

Make sure to check your child(ren)’s bags on the last day of school for their report cards. If you want to speak with your child’s teacher simply complete the enclosed form or send us an e-mail so we can have the teacher be in touch with you.

How to Contact your Child’s Teacher: Please call the office

Yom Yerushalayim Jerusalem Reunification Day 28 Iyar 5767 / May 16, 2007 The 28th day of Iyar, marks the reunification of the city of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) and the return of the Temple Mount to Jewish rule almost 1900 years after the destruction of the Second Beit Hamikdash (Temple). The Old City of Jerusalem was retaken from the Jordanians during the Six Day War in 1967. Hallel [prayers of praise] is recited by many congregations. Israel's Chief Rabbis advocate reciting Hallel with a Bracha (blessing). The restrictions of the Omer period are lifted for this day.

by phone 905-889-0276 Ext. 32 or by e-mail

The message will be given to the teacher who will contact you.

School Council Get involved in your child’s Hebrew School experience by joining the Beit Rayim Parent Council. The following dates have been set for meetings: May 15th/June 19th. Please contact Naomi Bruni at for addresses and exact times.

Please sign where indicated and return that portion of the report card. If you have any concerns after reading the report card please return the form below to the office and your child’s teacher will call to discuss them with you. Student: ___________________________________________

Gr. ____

Student: ___________________________________________

Gr. ____

Student: ___________________________________________

Gr. ____

Student: ___________________________________________

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BRH School Newsletter

Iyar-Sivan 5767 - May 2007 Sunday


Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2

Thursday 3

Friday 4

School Day

6 School 7 Day National Bible Contest Montreal May 6-8 Lag B'Omer



Synagogue Open House

Hazak Program

13 School 14 Day Siddur Celebration



School Council meeting @ 8:00 PM

Mothers Day 20


27 No School


PA Day Public School

Parashat Emor

11 School Wide Kabbalat Shabbat at Reena




Parashat BeharBechukotai

Yom School Day Yom Rosh Chodesh Sivan Parashat Bamidbar Yerushalayim Yerushalayim last call for Early Bird Deadline for Program @ Reena Registration ends at Volunteer of the at 7:30 PM Noon. Year nominations

Erev Shavuot


School Day




Victoria Day

No School


Saturday 5

24 No School Shavuot I




Shavuot II

Parashat Nasso

31 School Day

UJA Walk with Israel

Sivan-Tammuz 5767 - June 2007 Sunday





Friday 1

Saturday 2 Parashat Beha'alotcha Shabbat Shorashim

3 Last Day of School Special Program







Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award

Parashat Sh'lach

209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9- Phone: (905) 889-0276 x32During School Hours Phone: (647) 230-0597- Fax: (905)889-4113 E-mail:

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