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Celebrate your birthday, anniversary or other simcha with your Beit Rayim Family. Receive a special blessing at Shabbat services. “Sponsor” a Congregational Kiddush for $360. or “Co-Sponsor” the Kiddush for $180. (This rate does not apply to the added cost for guests who you invite to attend that week and does not apply to Bar or Bat Mitzvah Kiddushim). “Donate” to the Kiddush is still at a variable rate of your choice. Donations are tax receiptable. Call: 905.889.0276 ext. 31or admin@beitrayim.org

UJA of Greater Toronto’s Victims of Terror Fund supports southern Israel Funds raised for victims of terror in Israel are allocated to United Israel Appeal Canada Inc. (UIA) on whose behalf the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) delivers services. To donate contact ujadonations.com/victims or call 416-361-5705

We want to stay in touch with you. Please make sure we have a current email address on file. Looking for a few good “Shabbat Buddies” We are looking to create a roster of drivers who would be willing to pick up and take home some of our members who can no longer drive to services. If you would be willing to “Buddy” up with a member, please contact Fran at the synagogue office: admin@beitrayim.org / t.905-889-0276 x31 Donate a Chumash or Siddur in honour or memory of a person or a special event. Contact the office for details: shalom@beitrayim.org or 905-889-0276 x31 Chairman of the Board of Directors Shelley Isenberg President Larry Miller Immediate Past President Irv Siegel Founding Rabbi Rabbi Sol Tanenzapf, z”l Rabbi in Residence Moshe Edelman Cantor Eli Bard Assistant Cantor Jaclyn Cepler-Klimitz USCJ Alim Rabbinic Fellow Michael Jay

In response to the worsening humanitarian crisis in the Cree First Nations community of Attawapiskat, on James Bay in northern Ontario, United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto has established the Attawapiskat Emergency Relief Fund to raise funds to assist the citizens of that community with basic necessities of life. With a shortage of suitable housing, many men, women and children have been forced to live in uninsulated shacks, trailers and tents without drinking water, heat or even blankets. As another harsh northern Ontario winter approaches, these men, women and children will soon be at even greater risk. "It's hard for most of us, who take life's basic comforts for granted to even imagine what these unfortunate people must be going through, particularly in our own province," said Ted Sokolsky, President and CEO, United Jewish Appeal of Great Toronto. "But, as fellow Ontarians, andthe as Jews, have a responsibility Please support Kosherwe food bank at The Pride to take care of those in need, particularly of Israel Synagogue by sending a donationhere to: at home. And, OF by following our commitment to the THE PRIDE ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE KOSHER JewishBANK value of tikkun olam, "repairing the world", FOOD United established this fund to do c/o THEJewish PRIDEAppeal OF ISRAEL just that." 59 Lissom Crescent, Toronto, ON M2R 2P2 ujadonations.com/Attawapiskat or call 416-631-5705 209 - 1118 Centre Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 7R9 t. (905) 889-0276 x31 shalom@beitrayim.org www.beitrayim.org www.facebook.com/beitrayimshul

Enjoyed our services? Want to find out more about us? Speak to one of our Board members following services or contact our office 905-889-0276 x31 or shalom@beitrayim.org www.beitrayim.org The PRIDE OF ISRAEL KOSHER FOOD BANK helps 140 Jewish Welfare families every Wednesday, year round. They desperately need non-perishables such as canned goods, pasta, peanut butter and powdered milk. These items should be marked kosher. Leading up to Hanukkah they would like to bundle, soups, potatoe latke packages, applesauce and chocolate gelt. From December 1 - 20, Beit Rayim volunteers will be calling our families and appealing to you to help fill the shelves of Pride of Israel's Kosher Food Bank. They will give you full information when they call. If you would like to help with this project, please contact Ellin Bessner at: ebessner@gmail.com If you prefer to donate cash,please make cheques payable to: THE PRIDE OF ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE KOSHER FOOD BANK And mail them to: THE PRIDE OF ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE, 59 Lissom Crescent, Toronto, ON M2R 2P2 Israeli Movie Club will be showing the comedy “The Band’s Visit” on Tuesday, December 27 - 7:30 PM at the home of Isabel and Irv Siegel Space is limited and preference will be given to synagogue members. You must RSVP to Udi Avitzur at: ehude.avi@gmail.com The address will be given to registrants.

December 17, 2011 ~ 21 Kislev 5772 Shabbat Vayeshev

‫פרשת וישב‬ We welcome back Michael Jay, and extend a warm greeting to his wife Sheri and daughter Samantha. The congregational Kiddush will be held in Main Street following services.

‫שבת שלום‬ Tomorrow!!!

Annual Torah reading: Genesis 37:1-40:23 (Etz Hayim, p.226, Hertz, p.141) Beit Rayim Triennial Reading: Genesis 38:1-30 (Etz Hayim, p.233, Hertz, p.145) Haftarah: Amos 2:6 - 3:8 (Etz Hayim, p.247, Hertz, p.152)

ANNOUNCEMENTS/‫הודעות‬ The Congregation thanks the following for sponsoring today’s Kiddush: Zina and Sam Kishinevsky in memory of Zina’s mother, Bella Trakhtenberg , z”l; Tracy Handler, Jennifer Febel and Leah Klein in memory of their father and husband, Harry Klein, z”l and Helen and Bob Smolkin in memory of Bob’s brother, Harold David Smolkin z”l. If you are receiving an Honour/Aliyah, please make sure to arrive at the beginning of the service and introduce yourself to the Gabbai at the door.

This week December 17, 2011– December 23, 2011 we remember Harry Armel, z”l, father of Ian Armel Harry Erdman, z”l, father of Jeffrey Erdman Goldie Gutman, z”l, grandmother of Dana Gutman and of Kenneth Gutman Henry Klein, z”l, father of Tracy Handler Dudley Lindsay, z”l, father of Josephine Cole Betty Riback, z”l, grandmother of Cheryl Green-Ockrant Harold Smolkin, z”l, brother of Robert Smolkin Bella Trakhtenberg, z”l, mother of Zina Kishinevsky May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, Amen.

Don’t gamble. No problem! Lots of great, fun activities for everyone.

PARASHAT Vayeshev - Prepared by Rabbi Joseph Prouser Jacob shows marked favoritism toward his beloved son Joseph, provoking his other sons' bitter resentment. Joseph compounds their hatred for him with his habit of reporting unfavorably on them to their father. Jacob presents Joseph with a "coat of many colors." Joseph describes his dreams to his brothers: their sheaves of grain bowing to his; the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowing to him. The brothers' disdain for their privileged and ambitious brother is inflamed further. Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers, who are pasturing flocks at Shechem. As Joseph approaches they conspire to kill him, but at Reuben's behest they modify their plan, agreeing to throw him into a pit instead. Reuben intends to return to the pit to rescue him. Before he can help Joseph escape, however, the brothers modify the conspiracy further. They sell him to a caravan of traders, variously identified as Ishmaelites and Midianites, and the traders sell him into Egyptian slavery. To conceal their crime, the brothers dip the tunic, the symbol of Joseph's favored status, in animal blood, and show it to Jacob as evidence of his beloved son's death. Jacob mourns Joseph's violent end: "A savage beast has devoured him!" In Egypt, Joseph is sold to Potiphar, Pharaoh's chief steward. The Joseph narrative is interrupted by the story of Judah and Tamar. Judah's son, Er, dies after displeasing God through an unspecified offense. Judah instructs a second son, Onan, to enter into a levirate marriage with his widowed sister-in-law, Tamar. Under this arrangement, Onan's children by Tamar would be counted as Er's offspring. Onan impedes conception of an heir to his brother, giving rise to the term "onanism." Onan also dies for his sin. Judah procrastinates in arranging a union between Tamar and his youngest son, Shelah, fearing for Shelah's life. Some time later, Judah is widowed. He travels to Timnah, where Tamar contrives to meet him. Disguised as a prostitute, and veiled to conceal her identity, Tamar arranges a liaison with her father-in-law, and Judah leaves a staff and signet with her as promise of payment. Tamar, still incognito, disappears with Judah's collateral before being paid, and she conceives Judah's twins. When her pregnancy becomes apparent, Judah assumes she has had an illicit affair and orders her killed. When she produces his staff and signet, he understands that he has been duped into a levirate marriage of sorts: "She is more righteous than I!" Perez and Zerah are born of their union. The narrative returns to Egypt, where Joseph rises to high position as major domo in Potiphar's household. Joseph repeatedly repels sexual advances by Potiphar's wife, who claims Joseph has assaulted her, showing a garment she seized from him as evidence. (This claim is a striking parallel to the false evidence used by Joseph's brothers to document his alleged death.) Joseph is imprisoned by a furious Potiphar. In prison, Joseph interprets dreams for the imprisoned royal cupbearer and baker. He accurately foretells their restoration to office and execution, respectively – fates meted out at a celebration of Pharaoh's birthday – but despite Joseph's pleas for his intervention and advocacy, the cupbearer, restored to his position, forgets Joseph's cause.

Please circle your calendars:


Shabbat For Tots (ages 2-7) Shabbat Mornings from 9:30 AM

This new program is geared to be fun. While you pray, your children will learn about torah stories and our holidays. A blend of story telling, games and hands-on activities will connect your child to Jewish traditions in an enjoyable and entertaining fashion.

Sunday, December 18 - Hanukkah Party at Ross Doan PS. Thursday, December 22 - Last session of Beit Rayim Hebrew School before the winter break. Friday, December 23 – Last date for Casino Night Early Bird Bonus! Tuesday, December 27 – Israeli Movie Club. Thursday, January 12 – First session of Beit Rayim Hebrew School after the winter break. Saturday, January 21 – Havdallah at the Wave Pool. Tuesday, January 24 – Israeli Movie Club. Saturday, January 28 - Casino Night at Pride of Israel. Friday, February 3 – Kabbalat Shabbat with the PJ Library. Saturday, February 4 – Shabbat Shira – Women’s Shabbat. Sunday, February 5 – World Wide Wrap Sunday, February 12 – Kadimah and USY Snow Tubing. – Tel Aviv Café.

Kabbalat Shabbat First Friday each month* Next date will be February 3, 2012* Co-Sponsored with The PJ Library Snack & Schmooze: 6 - 6:30 PM Interactive & Participatory Service with story time: 6:30 - 7:15 PM

*no PJ in January due to winter school break

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