Enjoyed our services? Want to find out more about us? Speak to one of our Board members following services or contact our office 905-889-0276 x31 or shalom@beitrayim.org www.beitrayim.org
Don’t gamble. No problem! Lots of great, fun activities for everyone.
December 3, 2011 ~ 7 Kislev 5772 Shabbat Vayetze
פרשת ויצא
The congregational Kiddush will be held in Main Street following services.
שבת שלום Shabbat For Tots (ages 2-7) Shabbat Mornings from 9:30 AM
This new program is geared to be fun. While you pray, your children will learn about torah stories and our holidays. A blend of story telling, games and hands-on activities will connect your child to Jewish traditions in an enjoyable and entertaining fashion.
Kabbalat Shabbat January 6, 2012 Co-Sponsored with The PJ Library Snack & Schmooze: 6 - 6:30 PM Interactive & Participatory Service with story time: 6:30 - 7:15 PM
Annual Torah reading: Genesis 28:10 – 32:3 (Etz Hayim, p.166, Hertz, p.106) Beit Rayim Triennial Reading: Genesis 30:14 – 43 (Etz Hayim, p.176, Hertz, p.111) Haftarah: Hosea 12:13 – 14:10 (Etz Hayim, p.189, Hertz, p.118)
If you are receiving an Honour/Aliyah, please make sure to arrive at the beginning of the service and introduce yourself to the Gabbai at the door. This week December 3, 2011– December 9, 2011 we remember
Ryna Boro, z”l, sister of Stewart Boro Bernard Feinstein, z”l, father of Brian Feinstein Rhoda Grossman, z”l, mother of Loren Grossman Hadassah Kaminski, z”l, mother of Doron Kaminski Alfred David Miller, z”l, grandfather of Dana Gutman grandfather of Kenneth Gutman May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, Amen.
Please join us on Friday, December 16, 2011 Kabbalat Shabbat- 6:30 PM Saturday, December 17, 2011 Shabbat Services at 9 AM when Michael Jay, our USCJ Alim Rabbinic Fellow, will again return to Beit Rayim for the weekend. Back by Popular Demand! the Israeli Movie Club will be showing the comedy “The Band’s Visit” on Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 7:30 PM at the home of Isabel and Irv Siegel Space is limited and preference will be given to synagogue members. You must RSVP to Udi Avitzure at: ehude.avi@gmail.com The address will be given to registrants. The PRIDE OF ISRAEL KOSHER FOOD BANK helps 140 Jewish Welfare families every Wednesday, year round. They desperately need non-perishables such as canned goods, pasta, peanut butter and powdered milk. These items should be marked kosher. Leading up to Hanukkah they would like to bundle, soups, potatoe latke packages, applesauce and chocolate gelt. Between December 1 - 20, Beit Rayim volunteers will be calling our families and appealing to you to
help fill the shelves of Pride of Israel's Kosher Food Bank. They will give you full information when they call. If you would like to help with this project, please contact Ellin Bessner at: ebessner@gmail.com
PARASHAT Vayetze - Prepared by Rabbi Joseph Prouser Stopping for the night on his way from Beer-sheba to Haran, Jacob dreams of a staircase reaching to heaven. Angels ascend and descend the staircase (sometimes described as a ladder). In the dream, God stands nearby and repeats his covenantal blessings and promises to Jacob. Upon waking, a startled Jacob expresses his awe at God's presence and at the holiness of the site, which he names Beth El - the House of God. He erects and anoints a dedicatory pillar, using the stones on which he had slept and experienced his revelation, and he makes a seemingly conditional vow of devotion to God. Arriving in Haran, Jacob meets a number of shepherds at a well, who identify Rachel to him. He tearfully introduces himself and kisses Rachel, who informs her father of his kinsman's arrival. Jacob agrees to work for Laban for seven years, in exchange for marriage to Rachel, whom he prefers over her elder sister, Leah, at the end of that time. The years pass quickly, but on the wedding night, after the marriage is celebrated, Laban substitutes Leah for the intended bride. Jacob, who has perpetrated his share of familial deceptions, is now the victim of deceit. An aggrieved Jacob is permitted to marry Rachel, as well, waiting for Leah's wedding week to conclude, and obligating himself to an additional seven years' servitude. The tension between the sisters and co-wives finds expression in the inequality of their childbearing. Leah gives birth to Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah. An envious Rachel gives Jacob her servant Bilhah as a concubine and surrogate, and Bilhah gives birth to Dan and Naphtali. Leah follows suit, giving Jacob her servant Zilpah, who gives birth to Gad and Asher. Rachel, still childless, buys mandrakes (an herbal sexual stimulant evidently intended to enhance her own fertility) from Leah in exchange for transferring that night's conjugal rights to her elder sister. Leah goes on to bear Jacob three more children: two more sons, Issachar and Zebulun, and a daughter, Dinah. Each child's name reflects each sister's continuing desire to secure Jacob's love and marital validation. Following the birth of Leah's seventh child, Jacob's beloved Rachel finally gives birth to Joseph, whose name suggests both removal of Rachel's sense of shame, and the prayerful hope for an additional son. Jacob secures his father-in-law's permission to return to Canaan with his wives and children, asking for all the spotted and speckled sheep in the flocks as payment for his labor. Jacob attempts to increase the number of such animals by manipulating the conditions under which the flocks breed. Jacob grows quite prosperous through this endeavor, and in so doing arouses the jealousy of Laban's sons. Jacob departs with his now sizeable family and livestock. He is pursued by Laban, who accuses him of unscrupulously fleeing with his daughters. Rachel steals household idols from her father; she successfully conceals them, despite her father's aggressive attempts to recover them. Following an impassioned speech by Jacob in his own defense, he and Laban enter into a covenant, setting up a commemorative cairn. Jacob calls the marker Galed - Mound of Witness. Laban calls it Yegar Sahaduta - notably, these are the only non-Hebrew (Aramaic) words in the Torah. Angels appear to Jacob after Laban's departure. In a reprise of the opening scene of the parshah, Jacob declares, This is God's camp. He names the site Mahanaim (Camps).
Please circle your calendars:
Friday, December 16 – Michael Jay, our USCJ Alim Rabbinic Fellow returns for Shabbat. Sunday, December 18 - Hanukkah Party at Ross Doan Public School. 10:30-12:30 AM. Thursday, December 22 - Last session of Beit Rayim Hebrew School before the winter break. Tuesday, December 27 – Israeli Movie Club. Friday, January 6 – Kabbalat Shabbat with the PJ Library. Thursday, January 12 – First session of Beit Rayim Hebrew School after the winter break. Saturday, January 21 – Havdallah at the Wave Pool. Tuesday, January 24 – Israeli Movie Club. Saturday, January 28, 2012 - Casino Night at Pride of Israel. Friday, February 1 – Kabbalat Shabbat with the PJ Library. Saturday, February 4 – Shabbat Shira – Women’s Shabbat. Sunday, February 5 – World Wide Wrap February12 – Kadimah and USY Snow Tubing. – Tel Aviv Café.
Celebrate your birthday, anniversary or other simcha with your Beit Rayim Family. Receive a special blessing at Shabbat services. “Sponsor” a Congregational Kiddush for $360. or “Co-Sponsor” the Kiddush for $180. (This rate does not apply to the added cost for guests who you invite to attend that week and does not apply to Bar or Bat Mitzvah Kiddushim). “Donate” to the Kiddush is still at a variable rate of your choice. Donations are tax receiptable. Call: 905.889.0276 ext. 31or admin@beitrayim.org
UJA of Greater Toronto’s Victims of Terror Fund supports southern Israel Funds raised for victims of terror in Israel are allocated to United Israel Appeal Canada Inc. (UIA) on whose behalf the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) delivers services. To donate contact ujadonations.com/victims or call 416-361-5705
We want to stay in touch with you. Please make sure we have a current email address on file. Looking for a few good “Shabbat Buddies” We are looking to create a roster of drivers who would be willing to pick up and take home some of our members who can no longer drive to services. If you would be willing to “Buddy” up with a member, please contact Fran at the synagogue office: admin@beitrayim.org / t.905-889-0276 x31 Donate a Chumash or Siddur in honour or memory of a person or a special event. Contact the office for details: shalom@beitrayim.org or 905-889-0276 x31 Chairman of the Board of Directors Shelley Isenberg President Larry Miller Immediate Past President Irv Siegel Founding Rabbi Rabbi Sol Tanenzapf, z”l Rabbi in Residence Moshe Edelman Cantor Eli Bard
Assistant Cantor
Jaclyn Cepler-Klimitz USCJ Alim Rabbinic Fellow Michael Jay
With more than 11 million people across East Africa devastated by drought and famine, United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto has established the African Famine Relief Fund to help relieve their suffering. Fund donations will be sent to IsraAid, the Israelibased Forum for International Humanitarian Aid, which has already deployed…” In addition, the Government of Canada will match an equivalent amount to drought relief. The United Jewish Appeal African Famine Relief Fund is not part of the annual UJA Federation campaign. 100% of proceeds raised will be designated for IsraAID. ujadonations.com/AfricanFamine or by calling 416-631-5705. Please support the Kosher food bank at The Pride of Israel Synagogue by sending a donation to: THE PRIDE OF ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE KOSHER FOOD BANK c/o THE PRIDE OF ISRAEL 59 Lissom Crescent, Toronto, ON M2R 2P2
209 - 1118 Centre Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 7R9 t. (905) 889-0276 x31 shalom@beitrayim.org www.beitrayim.org www.facebook.com/beitrayimshul