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Beit Rayim Hebrew School Newsletter Newsletter March 18th- April 17th, 2007 28 Adar – 29 Nissan, 5767

Principal Rabbi David M. Eligberg

Shalom Parents

Content Dear Parents


Kindergarten News


Grade 7 News


Grade 4 News




Shabbat Shorashim


Seder Ideas


Parent Council


Chidon Results


Purim Shpiel


Upcoming Events


Kabbalat Shabbat


Family Education Days


Yom Hashoa


Yom Hazikaron


Yom Haatzmaut




Upcoming Events ♦ ♦ ♦

Pesach Program Kabbalat Shabbat Family Education Days

As you can see from the revamped format of the newsletter, Claudia is beginning to make her mark on our school. I am certain that this represents only the tip of the iceberg in terms of the positive impact she will have. If you have not had the chance to meet her yet, please stop by and introduce yourself next time you are in school. I am looking forward to our special Pesach Family Education program on Sunday, March 25th and hope that you will take away many ideas and items that you will be able to incorporate into your own seder experience. On page 2, you will find some ideas to try. If you want some more suggestions try visiting /index.html Watch for details about all the exciting activities and the opportunity for you to participate with your child (ren) in their Jewish journey. Chag Kasher V’sameachRabbi David M. Eligberg

Kindergarten News Our Kindergarten class has had a very busy winter. We raced through Tu B’Shvat learning why trees are important. We then made our way to Purim. We dressed up in costume and listened to the Megilla being read, shook our graggars when we heard Haman’s name and ate Hamantashen. A wonderful time was had by all. This brings us to Pesach. We have begun to discover all the things that go on our Seder Table. Have you heard your children singing? Ma Nishtana (The Four Questions) has been calling us. We really tried to learn the first question. Try us out at your Seder! We hope that you all have a good Seder and a very happy healthy Pesach. Chag Sameach! By Janie and Hillete

Grade 7 News

Grade 4 News

We are experiencing some very crucial and exciting times. Our students in Grade 7 are now well on their way with their Bar and Bat Mitzvah studies. We have already had a Bar and Bat Mitzvah graduate from our class.

In the Grade 4 class we are currently studying the topic of Passover, the historical background of the holiday, the various symbols on the Seder plate and what they represent. We emphasize the main idea and essence of the holiday namely that each person should see themselves as if having been redeemed from Egypt. Understanding this idea will enable us to comprehend and be part of the Exodus from Slavery to Freedom, and the Jews' rebirth as a free nation.

We are very proud that several of our students participated in the Bible Contest representing Beit Rayim. Presently, we are enjoying our study of the Golden Age of Spain and will soon be reviewing our Pesach material. By Isaac Aptowitzer

By Tova Dror

BRH School Newsletter


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CSI: Creative Seder Ideas: Play "Guess Who I Am?" Have participants pretend to be one of the characters from the Passover story (Moses, Aaron, or Miriam) or a special Seder guest (Elijah). They can get dressed up and change their voice. Reminder: April 26th: NO SCHOOL Keep us updated on any change in your address, phone number or email so we can keep in touch.

Play Passover trivia. Let each participant bring three questions. For example: What fast food is an integral part of the Seder? Who was the first Israelite to enter the Red Sea?

Parent Council Get involved in your child’s Hebrew School experience by joining the Beit Rayim Parent Council.

Emergency number during school hours

The following dates have been set for meetings: April 17th /May 15th/June 19th.


These meetings will take place in council member’s homes so please contact Naomi Bruni at for addresses and exact times.


CHIDON RESULTS Yeeshar Kochachem to all the students who prepared for and participated in the Bible Quiz. Mazal Tov to Taylor Goodfield who will be going to the National Competition! Pictured are some of the participants receiving their gift, a collection of Rabbi Tanenzapf’s Divrey Torah, presented by Elaine Tanenzapf.

Because it can be hard for young children to sit through the reading of the Haggadah, place quiet toys under the table on a large tablecloth. Include snacks and figurines they can use to reenact the story. School Closed: April 1st, 5th. , 8th. Chag Sameach lekulam!! School resumes on April 12th.

Shabbat Shorashim Calling all children 6 years old and younger!!! Join us for a Shabbat morning of songs, stories, prayer and snack celebrating Shabbat & Pesach. When: Shabbat April 7th. Time: 10:30-11:30 am Where: Reena Centre Music Room Reena Battle Centre: 927 Clark Ave., Thornhill.

BRH School Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Pesach Program

Kabbalat Shabbat

When: Sunday, March 25th, 2007.

When: Friday, March 30th, 2007.

Starts: 9:15 AM Finishes: 12:30 PM

Start: 6:00 PM Snack & Shmooze Musical service begins at 6:30 PM Finishes: 7:15 pm

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An activity for the whole family! Address: Ross Doan Public School 101 Weldrick Rd. W., Richmond Hill

We hope to see you at the Service at Reena Battle Centre. Address: 927 Clark Ave. West, Thornhill.

Family Event!! Kindergarten & Grade 5th.

Family Education days Kindergarten Visits Israel

Grade 5 Explores the Siddur

Sunday April 15th, 2007

Sunday April 29th, 2007

@ 9:15-11:15 AM

@ 9:15 – 12:30 PM

We’re on the Web!

On those specific dates Kindergarten and Grade 5 will each have the chance to spend quality time together as a family while joining classmates and teachers in a different learning structure.

Yom Hazikaron

Yom Haatzmaut

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Yom Hashoah Monday, April 16th, 2007 Holocaust Memorial Day

Israel Defense Forces Memorial Day Israeli Martyr and Heroes' Memorial Day, observed on the 4th of Iyar, remembers those fallen Israeli soldiers who sacrificed themselves for Eretz Yisroel's survival during Israel's many wars and the victims of terrorism.

"Shoah" is the Hebrew word for the Holocaust. This Memorial Day was instituted by Israel's Knesset in 1951 to mourn the millions of Jews who died in the Holocaust. The date was set as the closest date to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9- Phone: (905) 889-0276 x32During School Hours Phone: (647) 230-0597- Fax: (905)889-4113 E-mail:

Tuesday, April 24th, 2007 Israel Independence Day Is celebrated annually on 5 Iyar, the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel (May 14, 1948).

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BRH School Newsletter

Adar-Nissan 5766 - March 2007 Sunday 18

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 19 20 21 22 23

Public School Back 25 School 26 Day

Rosh Chodesh Nissan


Parashat Vayikra

School Day 28

29 School Day

Pesach Program

Saturday 24

30 School 31 Wide Parashat Kabbalat Tzav Shabbat Shabbat at Reena HaGadol

Nissan-Iyar 5767 - April 2007 Sunday 1

Monday 2

No School

8 No School

Ta'anit Bechorot Erev Pesach

9 Easter Monday

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 6 Good 3 4 5 Friday Pesach I Pesach II No School Pesach III (CH''M)



Pesach VIII Pesach VI (CH''M)


18 Rosh Chodesh Iyar

Special Program Yom Hashoah



Pesach V (CH''M)

14 Parashat Shmini

School Resumes

Pesach VII

15 School 16 Day


Pesach IV (CH''M)

Saturday 7


School Day Rosh Chodesh Iyar

209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9- Phone: (905) 889-0276 x32During School Hours Phone: (647) 230-0597- Fax: (905)889-4113 E-mail:

21 Parashat TazriaMetzora

We are a Nut Free School

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