Beit Rayim Hebrew School Newsletter Newsletter April 18th until May 6th, 2007 15 B’Omer – 18 Iyar, 5767
Principal Rabbi David M. Eligberg
Shalom Parents
The end of Pesach also means that we are entering an incredibly busy time in the school year. Even while we were still sweeping the matzah crumbs out of our homes, our upper grade students will commemorated Yom Hashoah and the whole school will be gearing up to celebrate Yom HaatzmautIsrael Independence Day- followed shortly thereafter by the 40th anniversary of Yom YerushalaimJerusalem’s reunification. Our kindergarten students will return from their virtual visit to Israel just in time to join the rest of our students in preparing for the festival of Shavuot, the Walk for Israel and our closing day event on June 3rd. Our amazing Gimel students will celebrate their Siddur Ceremony and demonstrate how they have begun to master this sacred text while our Hay class will also focus on the Siddur during their family education program. Rabbi David M. Eligberg
Yom Hazikaron Monday, April 23rd, 2007 Israel Defense Forces Memorial Day Israeli Martyrs and Heroes' Memorial Day, observed on the 4th of Iyar, remembers those fallen Israeli soldiers who sacrificed themselves for Eretz Yisrael's survival during Israel's many wars and the victims of terrorism.
Shalom Parents
Yom Hazikaron
Synagogue Open House
Yom Haatzmaut
Registration 2007/08
Parent Council
New building
Pesach Pictures
Upcoming Events
Kabbalat Shabbat
Lag B’Omer
Siddur Celebration
Family Education Day
April 26th:
Shabbat Shorashim
Be part of our community & yours! Upcoming Events ♦ ♦ ♦
Yom Ha’atzmaut Kabbalat Shabbat Grade 5 Family Education Day
Ever thought about joining Beit Rayim Synagogue? Then join us at our
Keep us updated on any change in your address, phone number or email so we can keep in touch.
Synagogue Open House
Emergency number during school hours
Tuesday, May 8th @ 7:15 PM 17 Moodie Dr. Richmond Hill Call 905-889-0276 X31 to RSVP
BRH School Newsletter
Early Bird Registration! Take advantage of the lower rates for the upcoming school year. The registration form must be received in the school office by noon on May 18th. Don’t miss out!
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Parent Council Get involved in your child’s Hebrew School experience by joining the Beit Rayim Parent Council. The following dates have been set for meetings: May 15th/June 19th. Please contact Naomi Bruni at for addresses and exact times.
Tuesday April 24th, 2007 Israel Independence Day Celebrated annually on the 5th of Iyar, the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel (May 14th, 1948).
OUR NEW SCHOOL & SYNAGOGUE Our sign has a new home! You can’t see it from Bathurst Street these days, because it’s now on our land, the land that will truly be our new home, at the southwest corner of Ilan Ramon Drive and Lebovic Campus Drive. It was moved because of city regulations and marks a new stage in our building process.
This program was enjoyed by everyone and gave a little twist to learning about Pesach. Families were able to take home materials to enjoy at their own Seders.
Thank you to all the families that made this a fun learning experience!
BRH School Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Siddur Ceremony
Kabbalat Shabbat
Sunday, May 13th, 2007. 10:00 AM Ross Doan Public School
When: Friday, April 27th, 2007. Start: 6:00 PM Snack & Shmooze Musical service begins at 6:30 PM Finishes: 7:15 pm We hope to see you at the Service at Reena Battle Centre.
Join us as we honour our Grade 3 students and celebrate their success.
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We’re on the Web!
Address: 927 Clark Ave. West, Thornhill. Next Kabbalat Shabbat (and last one School wide for this school year) is MAY 11th. At same time and place. Please remember to RSVP.
Family Education Day
How to Contact your Child’s Teacher:
Grade 5 Explores the Siddur
Please call the office by phone 905-889-0276 Ext. 32 Or by e mail
Sunday April 29th, 2007 9:15 AM – 12:30 PM Grade 5 will have the chance to spend quality time together as a family while joining classmates and teachers in a different learning structure.
Shabbat Shorashim Calling all children 6 years old and younger!!!
Lag Ba’Omer Street Festival Beit Rayim’s architectural designs will be on display during the event. Come out to see the site! Date: May 6th Time: 6 – 10 p.m. Place: Ilan Ramon Drive and Lebovic Campus Drive
Join us for a Shabbat morning of songs, stories, prayer and snack celebrating Shabbat. When: Saturday May 5th. Time: 10:30 AM -11:30 AM Where: Reena Centre Music Room Reena Battle Centre: 927 Clark Ave.West,Thornhill.
DO YOU LIKE TO PLAY? Join your friends for GAME DAY at Ross Doan Public School in the Gym April 29th—12:30-3 PM Enjoy lunch, Dance Dance Revolution, Twister, Clue & many many more! Pre-register by April 22nd Members $5, Non-members $10, Pay at the door $15
The message will be given to the teacher who will contact you.
Next Issue: Pictures of the recent Kindergarten & Grade 5 Family Education programs. Get ready for UJA Walk for Israel Report Cards: coming at the end of the school year. June 3rd –Last day of School- Grade 7 & Kindergarten Graduation plus Teacher Appreciation day.
BRH School Newsletter
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Nissan-Iyar 5767 - April 2007 Sunday
15 School Day Family Ed. Day Kindergarten
Tuesday 17
Wednesday 18
Rosh Chodesh School Day Iyar Rosh Chodesh Iyar
Parashat TazriaMetzora
Yom Hashoah Special Program 22 School Day
Special Program Yom HaZikaron
Yom Yom HaZikaron Ha’atzmaut
27 School Wide Kabbalat Shabbat @ Reena
26 NO School
28 Parashat Achrei MotKedoshim
School Day
Family Ed. Day Grade 5 Youth Dept. GAME DAY
Iyar-Sivan 5767 - May 2007 Sunday
Tuesday 1
Wednesday Thursday 2
3 School Day
Friday 4PA Day Public School
Saturday 5 Shabbat Shorashim @ Reena Parashat Emor
6 School Day
National Bible Contest Montreal May 6-8 Lag B'Omer
Synagogue Open House @ 7:15 PM
10 School Day
17 Moodie Dr. Richmond Hill. RSVP
11 School 12 Wide Kabbalat Parashat BeharShabbat Bechukotai @ Reena
Street Festival 13 School 14 Day Siddur Celebration
School Council meeting contact
Yom Yerushalayim
School Day
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
Parashat Bamidbar
Mothers 209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9- Phone: (905) 889-0276 x32During School Hours Phone: (647) 230-0597- Fax: (905)889-4113 E-mail: