We Need You! Volunteer for Beit Rayim Our members are our strength and our gift!
To achieve big goals we need talented people like you to make it happen. Your Board is committed to building a strong Jewish community ...but it takes an army of volunteers to make this dream a reality. Fulfilling mitzvot means taking action. It is Beit Rayim’s time NOW. WE NEED YOUR VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT Below is some of the positions we need your help with.
By folding over one or more of the tabs below I pledge my time to volunteer this year. You will be contacted within the next month.
Shabbat Kiddush Setup
Membership Committee
Participation in Shabbat Services
(Bulletin, Website, Facebook)
High Holy Days Planning
Walk for Israel
Purim Gift Baskets (Mishloah Manot)
Chesed Committee (Acts of kindness)
Comedy Night Fundraising Program
Hannukah Program
Purim Carnival
Call me to discuss
Yom Kippur 2010/5771
Name Label
WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Shanah Tovah www.beitrayim.org All of our programs/events are a group effort with planning beginning three to four months in advance. Administrative and leadership support are provided. Below are some very brief descriptions.
Hannukah Party is a family-oriented event in December. Purim Carnival and Megillat Ester reading is both family-oriented and general membership event in March. Mishloah Manot is the preparation of Purim gift baskets to be distributed to member families in March. Comedy Night and Auction Fundraiser takes place at the end of January. Walk for Israel is a UJA/Federation sponsored event planned for the end of May. High Holy Day Planning: Help a team of members plan, market and prepare for HHD services 2011. Communications Committee: Help needed with Bulletin (editing articles, layout of bulletin, printing), website and other assignments, including Facebook. Participation in Shabbat Services: Learn how to chant Haftarah, read Torah, etc. Eli Bard will assist you in this rewarding initiative. Approx once every 2 months. Membership Committee: Helps with the orientation of new members and event coordination. Shabbat Kiddush Setup: A light meal provides an opportunity for members and guests to socialize. Chesed Committee: Help our members in need. Telephone calls, food drives, Shiva visits Call me to discuss: A Beit Rayim representative will call you to answer any questions and detail other opportunities.