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Beit Rayim Hebrew School Newsletter April 2009 Nissan - Iyyar 5769

Principal Rabbi David M. Eligberg

CO NT E NT Shalom Parents News April Birthdays Bible Contest Shabbat Morning Upcoming Events Shabbat Shorashim Kabbalat Shabbat School Council April Calendar

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To Contact your Child’s Teacher: Please call or e-mail the school office at 905-889-0276 x 32 or

Shalom Horim/Parents, Pesach is the time when we celebrate our freedom and the exodus of our ancestors from Egyptian bondage. The rabbis who created the Seder as a primary expression of the holiday intended it as a multigenerational learning experience. Young and old gathered together to tell the ancient tale and find contemporary meaning. As parents, our challenge is to find ways to engage the children at our Seder and foster a healthy, cross-generational, conversation. To help get young people ready for the Seder, introduce them to the holiday resources section of the Babaganewz website. It is filled with wonderful material for them. Encourage them to think about how they can use what they find to tell the story at the Seder or take charge of part of the ritual. In preparing for the Seder think about different Seder experiences you have had. There is a wonderful exercise you can do to accomplish this. Complete each of the following: My earliest memory of Seder is... The best thing at the Seder was... The worst thing at the Seder was... My favorite part of the Seder is... The best Seder I ever attended was... because... What memories do I wish to create for my children? Guests? The answer to all of these questions will be helpful in planning your Seder. With this information at hand, it is time for some homework and creative thinking. Choosing the right Haggadah and using it properly is key. If you are still using the Maxwell House Haggadah or something similar, you should consider investing in new Haggadot, even if people have to share them for the first year or two to defray the cost involved. There are many excellent choices available, some with an accompanying leader's guide. Even if you are not ready to change everybody's text, it is worthwhile for the leader to prepare for the Seder using one of the newer versions which contain explanations, interpretations and discussion topics, not to mention lots of helpful "How to" information. (The Feast of Freedom Haggadah is an excellent starting point.) Remember that Pesach is a time of rejoicing, so enjoy your Seder experience. Liberate yourself from the same old routine Seder. Experiment with doing things differently. Most importantly, have fun while creating wonderful memories for yourself and your family! Let me know what clever and creative innovations you come up with! Jodi, Sarah, Yonatan, Miriam, and I wish you all a happy, healthy, and kosher Pesach.

The message will be given to the teacher who will contact you.

Rabbi David M. Eligberg


BRHS Newsletter

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BIBLE CONTEST APRIL BIRTHDAYS Alexander Friedlan, April 2 Jade Lerner, April 3 Gabrielle Bacero, April 9 Cassidy Fletcher, April 11 Jordana Presement, April 16 Lindsay Shea, April 18 Mandy Joseph, April 18 William Myerson, April 19 Alexandra Frankel, April 24 Eden Bleiwas, April 26 Haley Cohen, April 29 Nevoh Masliah, April 30

Mazal Tov and Yeeshar Kochachem! to the Beit Rayim team, that all of the students have qualified for the National Bible Contest! A special Yeeshar Kochach to Taylor Goodfield, the team’s leader and teacher. We look forward to your success in Montreal on May 10 - 12!

Sponsor Your Child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service We’re on the Web!

Be part of the Beit Rayim Youth Group Contact Rachel Hindel to find out about programs and becoming a youth member to save on program fees! Some of the programs are: A visit to the National Film Board, Mad Science, apple picking and graffiti designs.

We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to sponsor your child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service. Sponsors will be formally acknowledged at the Service. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $18 or more, and more than one family can sponsor each Service. Please bring in a cheque made out to Beit Rayim Hebrew School by the Sunday before your child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service. For more information contact Grace at the School office (905-889-0276 x32 or email at

Our school is NUT FREE and KOSHER.

BRHS Newsletter


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Kabbalat Shabbat 5769 April 24, 2009 Save the date! Interactive and participatory service for all ages! Upcoming Kabbalat Shabbat Services 2008/2009 Schedule

April 24, Kita Gimel May 15, JK/SK Schmooze and Snack 6:00 p.m. Service 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. at The Reena Battle Centre 927 Clark Ave. W., Thornhill


CHAG SAMEACH! School Council Get involved in your child’s Hebrew School experience by joining the Beit Rayim School Council. For more information you can contact the school office or Harris Korn School Council Chair at 416-888-4344 or Monthly School Council meetings are on Sundays from 9:30 am to 11am. Our next meeting will be on April 26

Calling all families with children 6 years old and younger!!! Join us for a Shabbat morning full of songs, stories, prayer and snack once a month. Shabbat Services are held at The Reena Battle Centre 927 Clark Avenue W. Thornhill 10:30 am -11:30 am Please call the synagogue office for more information: 905-889-0276 x.31

2009 SCHEDULE April 4 May 2 June 6

Our school is NUT FREE and KOSHER.

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BRHS Newsletter

Nisan - Iyyar 5769 - April 2009 Sunday











7 Nisan

8 Nisan

9 Nisan

10 Nisan Parashat Tzav Shabbat HaGadol Shabbat Shorashim









11 Nisan

12 Nisan

13 Nisan

14 Nisan Ta'anit Bechorot Erev Pesach

15 Nisan

16 Nisan

17 Nisan

Pesach I

Pesach II

Pesach III (CH''M)


No School 12







18 Nisan Pesach IV (CH''M)

19 Nisan Pesach V (CH''M)

20 Nisan Pesach VI (CH''M)

21 Nisan Pesach VII

22 Nisan Pesach VIII

23 Nisan

24 Nisan Parashat Shmini

No School

No School








25 Nisan

26 Nisan

27 Nisan Yom HaShoah

28 Nisan

29 Nisan

30 Nisan Rosh Chodesh Iyyar Kabbalat Shabbat @ Reena Kita Vav/Zayin

1 Iyyar Parashat TazriaMetzora Rosh Chodesh Iyyar


School 26





2 Iyyar

3 Iyyar

4 Iyyar Yom HaZikaron

5 Iyyar

6 Iyyar

School Family Education: JK / SK

School Council Meeting

Yom HaAtzma'ut


School Office: 209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9 Phone: (905) 889-0276 x32 During School Hours: (647) 230-0597 Fax: (905)889-4113 e-mail:

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