AUTHORIZATION FOR SALE OF HAMETZ 5769 I (We) ____________________________ do hereby authorize and designate Rabbi David M. Eligberg as my (our) agent to act on my (our) behalf to sell and to transfer by transactions all Chametz (as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law) of whatever kind and wherever situated in my (our) residence at: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ or in my (our) place of business located at: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ All of the aforesaid Chametz will be sold in accordance with the requirements of Jewish law and also in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario, and is intended as a binding legal transaction. I (We) further state that the Chametz covered by this agreement will be stored away at the above address and not used for any personal benefit during the period commencing no later than 12:14 AM on the morning of Wednesday, April 8 and concluding on Thursday night, April 16 at 8:47 PM. This authorization is legalized by my (our) signature: ________________________________________________________________ and dated _________________, 2009.
Kol Dichfin…Let All Who Are Hungry… It is customary at Passover time to contribute to a “MAOT HITTIM” fund. The literal meaning of these Hebrew words is “wheat money” and it represents the funds collected to provide the basic needs of Jewish families for Passover. This can be done through a donation to the Rabbi’s Tzedakah Fund which will act as a conduit to a Maot Hittim fund. People often use the moment of selling their hametz as an opportunity to make a contribution. In the Passover spirit of sharing and caring, we ask you to fulfill this important mitzvah.