Sh’ma Sh’ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai Echad Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One.
Barukh sheim k'vod malkhuto l'olam va'ed Praised be God’s glorious sovereignty throughout all time.
How to Foster Jewish Literacy in Your Home A. When shopping at a Jewish bookstore with your child, say yes to a new book B. Give every child a bookcase and dedicate the top shelf for favorites and Jewish titles C. Take your kids to story hour at the temple library; go to Jewish storytelling concerts D. When making selections for bedtime readaloud time, include Jewish books E. Let your children see you reading Jewish books F. Subscribe to Jewish periodicals G. Display your Jewish books H. Ensure the you have good reference books to help answer your children’s questions and to enhance holiday celebrations I. Purchase and use Jewish cookbooks
Bedtime Stories The Bedtime Sh’ma, by Sarah Gershman; The Bedtime Sh’ma CD, performed by Rabbi Julie Andelman Because Nothing Looks Like God, by Karen Kushner and Lawrence Kushner A Mezuzah on the Door, by Amy Meltzer Snow in Jerusalem, by Deborah da Costa Annie’s Shabbat, by Sarah Marwil Lamstein Sammy the Spider Series, by When Zayde Danced on Eldridge Street, by Elsa Okon Rael A Coat for the Moon and Other Jewish Tales, selected and retold by Howard Schwartz and Barbara Rush Does God Have a Big Toe?: Stories About Stories in the Bible, by Marc Gellman Beit Rayim Family Education Steven Greenwood, Facilitator
30 Oct 2011
Other Resources The Book of Blessings, by Marcia Falk The Jewish Way: Living the Holidays, by Rabbi Irving Greenberg
Beit Rayim Family Education Steven Greenwood, Facilitator
30 Oct 2011