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Beit Rayim Hebrew School Newsletter February 2010 Sh’vat - Adar 5770

Principal Rabbi David M. Eligberg

CO NT E NT Shalom Parents News February Birthdays Sponsoring Kabbalat Shabbat Youth Group Upcoming Events Purim Kabbalat Shabbat Youth Programs February Calendar

en Upcoming Ev

Purim: A Full Day Family Fun Day

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abbat Kabbalat Sh ta Bet Ki Grade 2 5 ry ua Febr Wrap World Wide 7 ry Februa cil Meeting School Coun February 7 eekend Family Day W No School February 14 s Family Studie Dalet ta Ki Grade 421 February m Carnival Purim - Puri February 28

To Contact your Child’s Teacher: Please call or e-mail the school office at 905-889-0276 x 32 or

In preparation for Purim parents are asked to take the simple quiz and then check your answers below. Purim Quiz for Parents Purim is a minor holiday.

True _____

False _____

Purim is a holiday for minors.

True _____

False _____

The first statement is true. Purim is a minor holiday in the cycle of the Jewish calendar. Its annual celebration emerges from the proclamation made by Mordechai and Esther after the Jews of the Persian kingdom were spared from Haman’s evil machinations. As a result Purim has very few “mitzvot” associated with it. a fact that will be reflected in the amount of time our students will spend on studying this holiday. The four mitzvot of Purim are: 1. Hearing Megillat Esther (Sunday, February 28th, 10-11AM in the Gym) 2. Mishloach Manot – Exchanging gifts with family and friends (Thanks to all of you who have chosen to participate in our school’s program) 3. Matanot La-evyonim - Giving out gifts to the poor 4. Seudat Purim - Having a festive meal and celebrating the holiday with playfulness and joy. (Carnival in the Gym - Sunday, February 28th, beginning at 12:30 PM) That brings us to statement two. This statement is false. In many communities, the Purim observance often seems to be focused primarily on the younger element, but as with most Jewish observances it is truly a family moment. Our children need to see that we are willing to explore our lighter side, even to be silly, as an expression of our joy in celebrating our Judaism. Our youth need to be educated to the fact that Judaism is a religion of joy and is best observed in simcha - rejoicing. Purim is the extreme formulation of that idea, encouraging us to let the serious mask slip aside. Make this year’s Purim celebration a deeper, richer and funnier family experience. Don’t just find a costume for your five year old– think family– choose a theme that works for everyone. Is your family hooked on the Muppets or are you fans of Winnie the Pooh and friends? What colour Power Ranger suits you best? Do you seek wisdom from Yoda or Dumbledore? Is there a family favorite musical group? If that doesn’t work for you, have each person pick something with which they are most comfortable. Let your imagination run wild. Beit Rayim’s Purim celebration will feature a humourus power point presentation that will accompany the reading of Megillat Esther on Sunday morning. Watch for weekly e-mails for more details. I look forward to seeing, though not necessarily recognizing, you on Purim.

B’vracha, The message will be given to the teacher who will contact you.

Rabbi David M. Eligberg

BRHS Newsletter

FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Hayden Godfrey, February 3 Marly Caplan, February 4 Etan Petel, February 4 Jayme Zigelstein, February 10 Hayden Offman, February 11 Rebecca Schneider, February 11 Connor Wainberg, February 11 Jacob Israel, February 15 Ethan Garfinkle, February 17 Goldie Majewski, February 22 Trevor Fruitman, February 25 Jory Clements, February 28

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Sponsor Your Child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to sponsor your child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service. Sponsors will be formally acknowledged at the Service. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $18 or more, and more than one family can sponsor each Service. Please bring in a cheque made out to Beit Rayim Hebrew School by the Sunday before your child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service. For more information contact Grace at the School office at 905-889-0276 x.32 or email at

In winter time please leave your boots outside of the classrooms. Thanks.

We are on the Web!

Be Part of the Beit Rayim Youth Group Our Youth Director, Bryan Gerson, is happy to answer your questions. Become a youth group member And save on program fees! Last year programs included: Visiting the National Film Board, Mad Science, apple picking and graffiti designs.

Did you move? Did you change e-mail ? Do you have a new phone number? Please contact the school office to update your information. school@beitrayim. or 905-889-0276 x.32

Our school is NUT FREE and KOSHER.

BRHS Newsletter


Party is on! It’s Purim! Sunday, February 28th Power Point Megillah Reading 10 - 11 am Everyone is invited! Carnival begins at 12:30 pm Both are in the Gym at Ross Doan

Kabbalat Shabbat 5770 February 5 Save the date! Interactive and participatory service for all ages! Upcoming Kabbalat Shabbat Services

2010 Schedule February 5, Kita Bet (G. 2)* March 5, Kita Gimel (G. 3) April 23, Kita Alef (G. 1) May 7, Kindergarten

Schmooze and Snack 6:00 p.m. Service 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. * Kita Bet: Schmooze and Snack 5:30 pm Service 6:00 to 6:45 pm at The Reena Battle Centre 927 Clark Ave. W. - Thornhill

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BRHS Newsletter

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Sh’vat – Adar 5770 • February 2010 Sunday













17 Sh'vat

18 Sh'vat

19 Sh'vat

20 Sh'vat

21 Sh'vat Kabbalat Shabbat at Reena Kita Bet (G2)

22 Sh'vat Parashat Yitro









23 Sh'vat

24 Sh'vat

25 Sh'vat

26 Sh'vat

27 Sh'vat

28 Sh'vat

29 Sh'vat Shabbat Shekalim Parashat Mishpatim



World Wide Wrap

School Council Meeting





30 Sh'vat 1 Adar 2 Adar Rosh Chodesh Adar Family Day Rosh Chodesh Adar No School




3 Adar

4 Adar

5 Adar

6 Adar Parashat Terumah








7 Adar

8 Adar

9 Adar

10 Adar

11 Adar

12 Adar

13 Adar Shabbat Zachor Parashat Tetzaveh



Ta'anit Esther

Family Studies Kita Dalet (G. 4)


28 14 Adar



School Office: 209209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9 Phone: (905) 889During School Hours: (647) 230889-0276 x32 230-0597 Fax: (905)889-4113 e-mail:

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