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An initiative of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), with the support of the Government of Israel, Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce - Project HEART — aims to provide the tools, strategy, and information to enable the Government of Israel, the project, and its partners to bring about a small measure of justice to eligible heirs of Jewish victims, the victims themselves, and the Jewish people. Please go to www.heartwebsite.org for more information. Deadline to apply is December 1, 2011 Celebrate your birthday, anniversary or other simcha with your Beit Rayim Family. Receive a special blessing at Shabbat services. “Sponsor” a Congregational Kiddush for $360. or “Co-Sponsor” the Kiddush for $180. (This rate does not apply to the added cost for guests who you invite to attend that week and does not apply to Bar or Bat Mitzvah Kiddushim). “Donate” to the Kiddush is still at a variable rate of your choice. Donations are tax receiptable. Call: 905.889.0276 ext. 31or admin@beitrayim.org

We want to stay in touch with you. Please make sure we have a current email address on file. Donate a Chumash or Siddur in honour or memory of a person or a special event. Contact the office for details: shalom@beitrayim.org or 905-889-0276 x31 Founding Rabbi Rabbi Sol Tanenzapf, z”l Clergy Cantor Eli Bard President Larry Miller Immediate Past President Irv Siegel Chairman of the Board of Directors Shelley Isenberg

UJA of Greater Toronto’s Victims of Terror Fund supports southern Israel Funds raised for victims of terror in Israel are allocated to United Israel Appeal Canada Inc. (UIA) on whose behalf the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) delivers services. To donate contact ujadonations.com/victims or call 416-361-5705

With more than 11 million people across East Africa devastated by drought and famine, United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto has established the African Famine Relief Fund to help relieve their suffering. Fund donations will be sent to IsraAID: The Israeli-based Forum for International Humanitarian Aid which, has already deployed a team of specialists to Kenya. In addition, the Government of Canada will match an equivalent amount to drought relief. The United Jewish Appeal African Famine Relief Fund is not part of the annual UJA Federation campaign. 100% of proceeds raised will be designated for IsraAID.

ujadonations.com/AfricanFamine or by calling 416-631-5705.

Gilad Shalit 209 - 1118 Centre Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 7R9 t. (905) 889-0276 x31 shalom@beitrayim.org www.beitrayim.org www.facebook.com/beitrayimshul

Enjoyed our services? Want to find out more about us? Speak to one of our Board members following services or contact our office 905-889-0276 x31 or shalom@beitrayim.org www.beitrayim.org

High Holy Day Greetings for 5772 Wish your family and friends at Beit Rayim a Shanah Tovah. Your greeting will appear in both of the High Holy Day supplements. Cost is $18 and is tax deductible. Last date for orders is September 19. Please contact the synagogue office 905-889-0276 x31 Looking for a few good “Shabbat Buddies” We are looking to create a roster of drivers who would be willing to pick up and take home some of our members who can no longer drive to services. If you would be willing to “Buddy” up with a member, please contact Fran at the synagogue office: admin@beitrayim.org / t.905-889-0276 x31 Ushers and Set-up Volunteers needed for the High Holy Days. Please contact the synagogue office: admin@beitrayim.org or 905-889-0276 x31

Completed Membership Renewal forms must be received and processed before you can receive your High Holy Day tickets. Please contact the synagogue office if you have any questions: admin@beitrayim.org or 905-889-0276 x31

September 24, 2011 ~ 25 Elul 5771 Parashat Nitzavim-Vayeleh

‫פרשת נצבים וילך‬ The congregation welcomes Michael Jay, Beit Rayim’s USCJ Alim Rabbinic Fellow The congregational Kiddush will be held on Main Street following services.

‫שבת שלום‬ Selichot Tonight

September 24, 2011 Join us for an evening of preparation for the High Holy Days. Program - 8:30 PM By the Waters of Babylon: the Jewish People in Exile—and in Zion Restored presented by Michael Cole. We will explore how the exile in Babylonia 2500 years ago, changed Judaism and the Jewish people in ways thatThe PRIDE are felt even today. KOSHER FO followed by snack andhelps schmooze 100 Selichot Service at 11 PM

Jewish Welf They desperately ne such as canned goods, p THIS YEAR WHY NOT SHAKE YOUR LULAV! powdere Beit Rayim is accepting orders foritems should These Lulavim & Etrogim so that you can fulfill the Or send a mitzvah of waving the Lulav and Etrog this PRIDE OF ISRAE Sukkot. Cost is $45 per set. All orders must be prepaid by KOSHER FO OF PRIDE O Monday, October 3, 2011 59 Lissom Contact Fran at the synagogue office:Crescent, T 905-889-0276 x31 or admin@beitrayim.org

Orders will he ready for pick up from the Please a call synagogue office (209-1118 Centre expect St.), Erev Sukkot - Wednesday, October 12, before 2011 High from 9 AM - 2 PM They will be do

food donations Just leave your donat

Annual Torah reading: Deuteronomy 29:9 – 31:30 (Etz Hayim, p.1165; Hertz, p. 878) Beit Rayim Triennial Reading: Deuteronomy 29:9 – 31:30 (Etz Hayim, p. 1165; Hertz, p. 878) Haftarah: Isaiah 61:10 – 63:9 (Etz Hayim, p. 1181; Hertz, p. 883)

ANNOUNCEMENTS/‫הודעות‬ Mazel Tov to Irv Siegel for being appointed as the Chair for the Candian Sub-District of United Synagogue’s Northeast District. th Mazel Tov to Moishe Grossinger on chanting Haftarah on the 54 anniversary of his becoming a Bar Mitzvah! Mazel Tov to our Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award winners; Janice & Stephen Cohen and Sandra Gold Millstein, and our many volunteers and Chidon Hatanach participants. Mazel Tov to Rob and Naomi Shapeo on their son Jacob, becoming a Bar Mitzvah on Thursday. The Congregation thanks the following families for co-sponsoring today’s Kiddush: Linda Grossinger in honour of Moishe’s special anniversary. Sandra Gold Millstein in appreciation for being recognized with a Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award. Hanna Mlotek and Michael Pajak in memory of their father, Stan Pajak, z”l. The Congregation also thanks the following families for making a donation to the Kiddush Fund: Miriam and Victor Shermer in memory of their parents, Faige and Psakhie and Leah and Yacov, z”l. Sony Nseiri and Dagmara Pelc in honour of the ChidonParticpants and their teacher, Raya Braverman. Sari, Howard, Jordanna, Cole and Zane Grossinger in honour of Moishe’s special anniversary. Susan and Chuck Ticker in honour of the Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award Winners. The Hellen Family in memory of Harry Hellen, z”l. If you are receiving an Honour/Aliyah, please make sure to arrive at the beginning of the service and introduce yourself to the Gabbai at the door. This week: September 24, 2011– September 30, 2011 we remember

Faige and Psakhie, z”l, parents of Miriam Shermer Leah and Yacov, z”l, parents of Victor Shermer Sybil Goldberg, z”l, mother of Brian Goldberg Suzanne Goodman, z”l, mother of Brian Goodman Jack Green, z”l, grandfather of Cheryl Green-Ockrant Harry Hellen, z”l, father of Laura Hellen-Zunder and Warren Hellen Rosalind Jacobson, z”l, mother of Steve Jacobson Aaron Kizell, z”l, father of Karen Kizell Bertie Harold Levy, z”l, brother of Evelyn Josephs Hilda Sherkin, z”l, grandmother of Lawrence Miller Bruce Sipper, z”l, brother of Janice Cohen Stan Pajak, z”l, father of Hanna Mlotek and Michael Pajak May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, Amen. The PRIDE OF ISRAEL KOSHER FOOD BANK helps 100 Jewish Welfare families per week. They desperately need non-perishables such as canned goods, pasta, peanut butter and powdered milk. These items should be marked kosher. Or send a cheque to: PRIDE OF ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE KOSHER FOOD BANK OF PRIDE OF ISRAEL 59 Lissom Crescent, Toronto, ON M2R 2P2

Thank you to everyone that participated in our pre High Holy Day food drive.

Excerpted from PARASHAT Nitzavim-Vayeleh - Prepared by Rabbi Joseph Prouser (Courtesy of USCJ) Parashat Nitzavim opens with the entire Israelite nation present at the ratification of the covenant with God: Israel is to be God’s people, the Lord Israel’s God. The covenant is accepted as binding on “those who are not with us here this day” – that is, it is binding also on future generations. Severe sanctions are pronounced against any who would contemplate excluding themselves from the covenanted community by neglecting its terms. Moses dramatically concludes these admonitions by saying that hidden sins will be redressed by God directly, while overt violations will be dealt with by the community, whose members would keep each other accountable for their collective covenantal responsibility. A counterpoint to Moses’ dire hortatory is provided in the prospect of divine forgiveness and redemption, favor and restoration, both spiritual and material, that awaits those Israelites – and the nation as whole – who, although erring, return to God and the covenantal mission. The first of the day’s two Torah portions ends with the assurance that the terms of God’s instruction are accessible. No intercessor is required, and fidelity to God’s plan and covenant is a matter of free will. Israel is adjured to “choose life” through submission to the divine will, to embrace the covenant, to choose the path to God’s blessing. Vayelech begins with Moses, ever the visionary leader, preparing his people for national continuity after his death. The Israelites need not fear – God will champion their cause. Joshua will assume national leadership. God reveals, though, that Israel will go astray after Moses’ death. Moses writes down God’s “teaching” – most likely that is the Deuteronomic law – which he delivers to the levitical priests. They are instructed to read the “teaching” to the assembled people Israel every seven years during Sukkot. This will serve to reintroduce future generations, who, unlike the generation of the Exodus, did not experience God’s redemption and miracles personally. This will allow them to learn devotion to God and to embrace the covenant anew. God also has Moses (possibly with Joshua’s assistance) write out a poetic message adjuring Israel to faithfulness. This poem is to be taught to the Israelites. The nation is convoked for this very purpose; Joshua is formally charged by his prophetic predecessor: “Be strong and resolute!” While the biblical text is somewhat ambiguous and subject to divergent readings, Moses’ written record of God’s teaching (it stands to reason, the law we know as Deuteronomy’s, though some would insist, the poem itself) is placed beside the Ark of the Covenant for future consultation and testimony. From God’s command to Moses to “write this song,” the rabbis derive the final mitzvah of the Torah: for every Jew to write a Sefer Torah. (Mercifully and instructively, the rabbis teach that we may fulfill this divine imperative by participating in such an undertaking by appointing a scribe as our agent, or by acquiring an appropriate personal library of sacred texts.) The poem itself, comprising parashat Haazinu, is introduced with the final verse of parashat Vayelech. It is a covenantal cliff-hanger!

Please circle your calendars Wednesday, September 28 - Erev Rosh Hashanah Friday, October 7 - Kol Nidre Wednesday October 12 - Erev Sukkot Sunday, October 16 - Sukkah Limo Hop for Kadima & USY Tuesday, October 18 - Cinema in the Sukkah Thursday, October 20 Shemini Atzeret and Yizkor 9 AM Dance with the Torah with Yitzchak Argaman 6:30 PM Sunday October 30 Youth Program Kinder Kids-Gr. 4 Hold the Dates Saturday, November 26 - Trivia Night Sunday, December 18 - Hanukkah Party Saturday, January 28, 2012 - Casino Night

Cinema in The Sukkah Tuesday, October 18 The Israel Committee will be showing the movie “UshpiziN “UshpiziN” 7:30 PM at CHAT $8 members, $10 non-members includes refreshments. RSVP with payment to the synagogue office 905-889-0276 x31 or admin@beitrayim.org

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