Shalom Hebrew School Families, Welcome to the 2010 - 2011 school year at Beit Rayim Hebrew School! Please, take a moment to carefully read the information we provide through our Weekly News update every Wednesday. Thank you. First Day of School: Sunday, September 12th, 2010 All Beit Rayim Hebrew School Parents are invited with their child/dren to the Opening Assembly and Welcome at 9:15 am in the Gym. All students will attend to the assembly and will go to their classrooms escorted by their teachers. Back to School Package: You should have received in your regular mail instructions on how to get the “Back to School” package from the website. Please, be sure to read and complete all the forms included in the “Back to School” package and complete and sign the Class Admission Card which is to be brought to school on the first day of class and present it to your child/dren teacher. Thanks. Beit Rayim Hebrew School Parking Lot: Please help keep our students and families safe! Our parking lot is meant to be a one-way loop, turning right as you enter. There is only ONE lane of traffic that should be going ONE way through the parking lot. Please use the appropriate spots for parking. Remember to leave the handicap spots free for those who really need them. Disabled parking spots are monitored by Richmond Hill Parking Authority and tickets can be issued to persons without approved permits. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Beit Rayim Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: Kindergarten: Drop off: The parents should drop off their students at the classroom door. They wait there with the children until the teachers open the door at 9:15 am. Pick up: The parents should wait at the classroom door until the students come out. In the mean time, parents can start taking the “Back and Forth” folders placed outside of the classroom. Older siblings should not be sent to pick up a kindergarten student without previously informing the school. It is our responsibility to ensure that students leave the school with their parents or an authorized person. Grade 1, 2, 3: Drop off: The parents should take their children to the classroom door and have them wait there until the teacher opens the door at 9:15 am. Pick up: The teacher will take the students outside and wait until all students are with their parents. Grade 4, 5, 6 and 7: Drop off: The students may come into the school by themselves, or with their parents, and wait at their classroom until the teacher opens the door. Pick up: The teacher will take the students outside where they can meet their parents. Late Drop-off/Early Dismissal: Students who arrive late for school must report to the school office to sign in and receive a late pass. If there is a need to take your child out of school before the closure time, parents should go to the school office to sign their child out. An administrator will inform the teacher and bring the child to the office. Teachers may not release students to parents directly and will direct parents to the office to follow standard procedures. Thanks for your cooperation. Punctuality: Remember that each time a child arrives late to school; he/she misses part of the day’s class and disrupts the teacher and the whole class. Thanks for your consideration. Attendance: When you know that your child/dren will be absent from school, please give us a call or send us an e-mail in advance. Thanks.
Snack Club: Fun and healthy snacks every Sunday! Our School Council is providing a snack to be distributed to participating students during the Sunday morning break. This program is a fundraiser for much needed educational equipment that will directly benefit your child. The cost is just $50.00 for snacks through the end of the school year. If you didn’t enrolled your child/dren yet, just go to our website, download the form, fill it in and send it to the school office. The Snack Club form is in your Back to School package as well. Kabbalat Shabbat: Our First Kabbalat Shabbat service is on Friday, November 19th. Save the date! Welcome Shabbat with song and joy! Everyone is welcome. We extend a special invitation to our Grades 6 and 7 students and their families to participate in the Kabbalat Shabbat Service. Schmooze and Snack 6:00 p.m. Service 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. at The Reena Battle Centre 927 Clark Ave. W., Thornhill Sponsor Your Child’s Kabbalat Shabbat Service: If you would like to sponsor an upcoming Kabbalat Shabbat service, please contact Grace at 905-889-0276 x 32 or email her at Tax receipts are issued for donations of $18 or more, and more than one family can sponsor a Service. All proceeds go to the Hebrew School Fund. School Council Meetings: Parents who are interested in joining the School Council or who would like more information can contact the school office or Steven Osiel – School Council Chair (416-219-3943) or Monthly School Council meetings will be held on Sundays from 9:30 to 11am on the following dates: September 19, October 24, November 21, January 9, February 13, March 27, April 17 and May 8. To Contact your Child’s Teacher: Please call or e-mail the school office at 905-889-0276 x 32 or The message will be given to the teacher who will contact you. Did you move? Did you change e-mail? Do you have a new phone number? Please contact the school office to update your information. Happy Birthday! To all our students who’s birthday is on September. School Office Hours: Monday to Thursday from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. The office is closed on Friday. If you need to contact the school office during school time you can call at 647-230-0597. You can visit our website for more information regarding school, synagogue and youth. L’Shanah Tovah U’Metukah