Beit Rayim Hebrew School Newsletter September 2008 Elul - Tishrei 5768– 5769
Principal Rabbi David M. Eligberg
Shalom Parents,
Shalom Parents News September Birthdays Introducing our Faculty School Council Snack Club Youth Group Upcoming Events Shabbat Shorashim September Calendar
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Sunday, September 7th First Day of School
Shalom Horim/Parents, Welcome to another exciting year of Jewish learning at Beit Rayim Hebrew School. I hope that you have had an enjoyable summer, whether you were relaxing at the cottage, exploring new places, spending more time together as a family or simply relaxing. At BRHS, the summer is a busy time as we review the curriculum and the school program with an eye towards reaching a higher level of excellence. The Hineni Hebrew and Siddur program which was introduced last year with much success. The goal of Hineni is to enable students to read fluently from the Siddur, have an understanding of key prayers in the Shabbat liturgy and connect these prayers to Jewish value concepts. The CDs which accompany the Hineni texts will continue to be incorporated into the learning process eventually allowing students to learn at their own pace. Ultimately, success in language acquisition is dependant on usage and repetition. For students to truly acquire the language and prayer skills we wish for them, daily practice is essential. In the recent school survey, only ¼ of respondents indicated that their child read Hebrew for more than 15 minutes per week outside of Hebrew School. A mere five or ten minute each day would make a huge difference in this vital area of Jewish learning. Students will also notice a change in the way prayer is done in the school, with a specially created Siddur in the younger grades and the introduction of some new melodies. On Thursdays, students will preview Shabbat with traditional prayers and contemporary tunes.
Upcoming Ev
a 5769 Rosh Hashan September 30 ashim Shabbat Shor October 4
To Contact your Child’s Teacher: Please call or e-mail the school office at 905-889-0276 x 32 or
During the course of the academic year, each class will engage in the study of Tzedakah and G’milut Chesed with opportunities to perform examples of these essential Jewish value concepts. The flow of the school year will also allow us to make some notable changes in the way holidays are taught and presented. As we begin the academic year, I would like to share with you some of these and other innovations that are being implemented and how they will enhance the educational experience for your children. Please join me in the Gym of the Ross Doan Public School on Sunday morning, September 7th following drop off. After a few minutes of informal schmoozing, the formal portion of the meeting will begin at 9:30 AM and run for about 30 minutes. This will be followed by an opportunity for questions and comments in the first Parents Association meeting of the year. I, along with the teachers and by leaders of the school look forward to your active involvement in our school and support of its efforts in your child’s Jewish education. As partners we can truly raise children who are skilled and involved members of a synagogue community and who feel a strong sense of belonging to the people Israel. Your thoughts and ideas are important to all of us at BRHS, so please feel free to contact either Grace at 905-889-0276 x.32 ( or me at
The message will be given to the teacher who will contact you.
May the Holy One bless you and your family with health, happiness and peace in the New Year. L’Shanah Tova Tikatevu v’Techatemu, Rabbi David M. Eligberg
BRHS Newsletter
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INTRODUCING OUR FACULTY SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS Aviva Nseiri, September 1 Ethan Kleinberg, September 8 Reece Laredo-Marcovitz, September 9 Jessica Handler, September 11 Sara Israel, September 12 Ross Lifschitz, September 12 Rachel Wengle, September 16 Rachel Tameer, September 21 Lindsey Starkman, September 22 Daniel Minden, September 23 Alyse Osiel, September 25 Joshua Daiter, September 29
Did you sign up for Snack Club? Our School Council is providing a snack to be distributed to participating students during the Sunday morning break. This program is a fundraiser for much needed educational equipment that directly benefit your child. You just need to fill in the form and send it to the school office.
Be Part of the Beit Rayim Youth Group Contact Rachel Hindel to find out about programs and becoming a youth member to save on program fees! Recent programs have included: A visit to the National Film Board, Mad Science, apple picking and graffiti designs.
Kindergarten: Janie Tizel/Karina Ruber Grade 1: Miriam Warner Grade 2: Ayelet Krikunetz Grade 3A: Nurit Levy Grade 3B: Shirly Ron Grade 4: Rachel Atteslander Grade 5: Tova Dror Grade 7: Steven Greenwood
School Council Meetings Get involved in your child’s Hebrew School experience by joining the Beit Rayim School Council. For more information you can contact the school office or Harris Korn – School Council Chair at 416-888-4344 or Monthly School Council meetings are on Sundays from 9:30 am to 11am. Our first meeting will be on September 7th after the School Assembly.
Did you move? Did you change e-mail ? Do you have a new phone number? Please contact the school office to update your information. school@beitrayim. or 905-889-0276 x.32
Our school is NUT FREE and KOSHER.
BRHS Newsletter
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We’re on the Web!
September 30/1 Tishrei Rosh Hashana 5769
BE INFORMED Please remember that all the information about Beit Rayim Hebrew School Can be found in the Weekly News Update which we send by e-mail to all parents on Wednesdays, and in the monthly Newsletter. You can also check our website for more information. The calendar can be modified so please read the updates on a regular basis. Thanks for your cooperation
Calling all families with children 6 years old 2008-2009 SCHEDULE and younger!!! Join us for October 18 a Shabbat morning November 1 full of songs, stories, prayer December 13 and snack once a month. January 10 Shabbat Services are held February 21 at The Reena Battle Centre March 7 927 Clark Avenue W. April 4 Thornhill May 2 10:30 am -11:30 am June 6 Please call the synagogue office for more information: 905-889-0276 x.31
Kabbalat Shabbat 5768-5769 November 21 Our first Kabbalat Shabbat. Save the date! Interactive and participatory service for all ages! Upcoming Kabbalat Shabbat Services 2008/2009 Schedule November 21, Kita Alef December 12, Kita Bet Schmooze January 16, Kita Vav/Zayin and Snack 6:00 p.m. February 20, Kita Dalet Service 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. March 27, Kita Hay at The Reena Battle Centre April 24, Kita Gimel 927 Clark Ave. W. May 15, JK/SK Thornhill
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BRHS Newsletter
Elul 5768 - Tishrei 5769 - September 2008 Sunday
Monday 1
Tuesday 2
1 Elul 2 Elul Labor Day Rosh Chodesh Elul
3 Elul
4 Elul
5 Elul
6 Elul Parashat Shoftim
7 Elul
8 Elul
9 Elul
10 Elul
11 Elul
12 Elul
13 Elul Parashat Ki Teitzei
First Day of Hebrew School
School Opening Assembly School C. Meeting
14 Elul
15 Elul
16 Elul
17 Elul
18 Elul
19 Elul
20 Elul Parashat Ki Tavo
School 2 - 4PM: Launch of the Centre for Conservative Jewish Life
8:30 - 11:30 PM S’lichot: How Does a Country Repent? Program and Service
21 Elul
22 Elul
23 Elul
24 Elul
25 Elul
26 Elul
27 Elul Parashat Nitzavim
28 Elul
29 Elul 1 Tishrei Erev Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashana 5769
School Office: 209-1118 Centre St. Thornhill ON L4J 7R9 Phone: (905) 889-0276 x32 During School Hours: (647) 230-0597 Fax: (905)889-4113 e-mail: