An initiative of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), with the support of the Government of Israel, Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce Project HEART — aims to provide the tools, strategy, and information to enable the Government of Israel, the project, and its partners to bring about a small measure of justice to eligible heirs of Jewish victims, the victims themselves, and the Jewish people. Please go to for more information. Deadline to apply is December 1, 2011 The PRIDE OF ISRAEL KOSHER FOOD BANK helps 100 Jewish Welfare families per week. They desperately need non-perishables such as canned goods, pasta, peanut butter and powdered milk. These items should be marked kosher. Or send a cheque to: PRIDE OF ISRAEL SYNAGOGUE KOSHER FOOD BANK OF PRIDE OF ISRAEL 59 Lissom Crescent, Toronto, ON M2R 2P2 Founding Rabbi Rabbi Sol Tanenzapf, z”l Clergy Cantor Eli Bard President Larry Miller Immediate Past President Irv Siegel Chairman of the Board of Directors Shelley Isenberg 209 - 1118 Centre Street, Thornhill, ON L4J 7R9 t. (905) 889-0276 x31
Gilad Shalit
Enjoyed our services? Want to find out more about us? Speak to one of our Board members following services or contact our office 905-889-0276 x31 or
2011 Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award
With more than 11 million people across East Africa devastated by drought and famine, United Jewish Appeal of Greater Toronto has established the African Famine Relief Fund to help relieve their suffering. Fund donations will be sent to IsraAID: The Israeli-based Forum for International Humanitarian Aid which, with the cooperation of the Government of Israel, has already deployed a team of specialists to Kenya, to which 1300 refugees a day are escaping from Somalia. In Kenya, IsraAID will ensure that food and medical relief is deployed as quickly as possible. In addition, the Government of Canada has announced that it will match an equivalent amount to drought relief, for every dollar an individual Canadian donates to eligible registered Canadian charities. The Government of Israel has also been providing ongoing humanitarian assistance to Africa for many years. The United Jewish Appeal African Famine Relief Fund is not part of the annual UJA Federation campaign. 100% of proceeds raised will be designated for IsraAID. or by calling 416-631-5705.
Do you know someone from our synagogue who has been an outstanding volunteer this past year? Someone who has devoted much of their time and energy to the growth, development and day to day, week to week functioning of Beit Rayim? Please submit your nomination to the Synagogue office by e-mail to and tell us why this person deserves to be recognized for this prestigious award, which will be presented on Saturday, September 24 at Shabbat services. Deadline for nominations is August 19, 2011
August 6, 2011 ~ 6 AV 5771 Shabbat Hazon Parashat D’varim
פרשת דברים The Congregational Kiddush will be held on Main Street following services.
שבת שלום Special Educational Series in August “The Month of Av: Reproach, Lamentation, and Comfort”. A series of talks presented by Michael Cole Schedule: Saturday, August 6 during services Monday, August 8 (Erev Tisha B’Av) – 7:30-10 PM (includes Maariv and reading of Eicha) Shabbat – Saturday, August 13 during services (All of the above will occur in the Beit Midrash in TanenbaumCHAT). Membership Renewal Information was mailed to you on July 4. If you have not yet received your package please contact the syngaogue office.
Our Early Bird Draw Winners are Joel Kula and Myra Kosidoy. (l-r) Haya Furman, bookkeeper, Grace Tetelbaun, school administrator
Coming Soon. Our exciting initiative to help grow our Congregation. Everyone can participate and we will all benefit from this program. Can’t wait? Email Larry at
Annual Torah reading: Numbers 1:1 – 3:22 (Etz Hayim, p. 981, Hertz, p. 736) Beit Rayim Triennial Reading: Numbers 1:1 – 38 (Etz Hayim, p. 981, Hertz, p. 736) Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1 – 27(Etz Hayim, p. 1000, Hertz, p. 750)
ANNOUNCEMENTS/הודעות The Congregation thanks Ted and Miriam Benyovits for making a donation to the Kiddush Fund in memory of Ted’s mother Helen Benyovits, z”l, and Ted’s sister, Magda Lilienstein, z”l. If you are receiving an Honour/Aliyah, please make sure to arrive at the beginning of the service and introduce yourself to the Gabbai at the door. This week: August 6, 2011– August 12, 2011 we remember Doris Bloom, z”l, mother of Elaine Wulf Helen Benyovits, z”l, mother of Ted Benyovits Magda Lilienstein, z”l, sister of Ted Benyovits May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life, Amen.
Please mark your calendars . Saturday, September 24, 2011 Special Shabbat to Honour our 2011 Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award winner, Volunteers and Chidon Hatanach Participants Looking for a few good “Shabbat Buddies” We are looking to create a roster of drivers who would be willing to pick up and take home some of our members who can no longer drive to services. If you would be willing to “Buddy” up with a member, please contact Fran at the synagogue office: / t.905-889-0276 x31
Calling All High School Students
If you would like to earn volunteer hours during the High Holy Days, please contact Tracy Handler, Youth Team Leader at by August 15. Spaces are limited. Preference will be given to Beit Rayim Member Families in good standing, and who have children's programming experience.
Please circle your calendars Saturday, August 6, 2011 Monday, August 8, 2011 Saturday, August 13, 2011 3 Part -August Educational Series August 19, 2011 Last date for nominations for the Judy Stein Volunteer of the Year Award Friday, August 15 Deadline to apply for Youth Volunteer hours during High Holy Days September 1, 2011 Renewal Deadline to have tickets Mailed Thursday, September 8, 2011 First Day of Beit Rayim Hebrew School (Grades 2-7) Sunday, September 11, 2011 First Day of Beit Rayim Hebrew School (JK-Grade 1) Saturday, September 24 Volunteer and Chidon Participants Honouring Shabbat Wednesday, September 28 Erev Rosh Hashanah
Ushers and Set-up Volunteers needed for the High Holy Days. Please contact the synagogue office: or 905-889-0276 x31
Excerpted from PARASHAT D’varim - Prepared by Rabbi Joseph Prouser (Courtesy of USCJ) Both its Greek name – Deuteronomy – and its classical Hebrew designation – Mishneh Torah (a repetition of the Torah) – aptly describe both the fifth book of the Pentateuch and this, its opening parashah. In his first oration, or discourse to the Israelite nation, Moses recaps much of the people’s earlier experiences and the lessons that have come from that 40-year journey. This begins with God’s command to the Israelites at Horeb to make their way to Canaan and to take possession of the Land. Moses recalls the burden of leadership and his resulting appointment of judges and chieftains to share in the day-to-day leadership of the nation. Moses further recalls the journey from Horeb through Amorite territory to Kadesh, where spies were dispatched into the Promised Land, only to return with a faithless and pessimistic majority report. The two dissenting optimists among the spies – Joshua and Caleb – are duly rewarded. They, alone of their generation, are to be permitted entry to the Land, where Caleb will receive an allotment and Joshua will assume national leadership. Moses, too, is denied entry to Canaan. This divine decree requires the Israelites to follow a tortuous, circuitous route through the wilderness, involving confrontations with Edom, Ammon, and Moab. The crushing Amorite defeat of the Israelites at Hormah is recalled. Other encounters with hostile, foreign powers include those with Sichon and Og. Sichon refuses Israel permission to traverse his territory, despite Israel’s friendly, diplomatic request. Israel is compelled to battle both the Amorite, Sichon, and Og of Bashan, conquering each and seizing their lands. The beginning of the allotment of tribal portions in conjunction with the conquest is recapped: Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh are apportioned conquered territory – as earlier explained – in the Transjordan. Their territorial grant is conditioned upon their participation in the national military defense as shock troops, the vanguard of the conquest. Parashat Devarim concludes with Moses retelling his appointment of Joshua as his successor, and his charge to his protégé not to fear the kings, powers, and forces he encounters in bringing about the conquest, “for it is the Lord your God who will battle for you.”
Beit Rayim Babysitters Club Want to attend our programs but need a babysitter? Our babysitters are members of Beit Rayim and would like to be of assistance. Syvanne Avitzur Julian Binder Savannah Binder Maya Brooke Erica Presement Rebecca Gutman Elliot Polster Rachel Szereszewski Please call the synagogue office for their contact information. Celebrate your birthday, anniversary or other simcha with your Beit Rayim Family. Receive a special blessing at Shabbat services. “Sponsor” a Congregational Kiddush for $360. or “Co-Sponsor” the Kiddush for $180. (This rate does not apply to the added cost for guests who you invite to attend that week and does not apply to Bar or Bat Mitzvah Kiddushim). “Donate” to the Kiddush is still at a variable rate of your choice. Donations are tax receiptable. Call: 905.889.0276 ext. 31or
Want to Join the Babysitters Club? You must be at least 12 years old and have passed the babysitter’s course or equivalent. Call or email the Beit Rayim Synagogue office 905.889.0276 ext. 31or We want to stay in touch with you. Please make sure we have a current email address on file.
Donate a Chumash or Siddur in honour or memory of a person or a special event. Contact the office for details: or 905-889-0276 x31