Belarus (magazine#7 2021)

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Magazine for you

No. 7 (1054), 2021 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

such a memorable festival mood



The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read 1



Голас Радзімы панядзелак, 21 чэрвеня, 2021

ГОЛ АС І ніяк не закончыцца тая вайна... Ы РАД М І З ЗІМ Д і ьм РА з Ы юд ВЫДАЕЦЦА З КРАСАВІКА 1955 ГОДА ●

● № 6 (3642) ●



21 20 а, вік са ра 6к ,2


Кветкі на плітах Монтэ-Касіна Стар. 4

Родны вобраз Еўфрасінні




Кожнае слоўца душой вычуваў З


Стар. 5


дз ня па





ы зім ад ср ла Го





Стар. 6



21 20 А, ІК АВ АС КР Y 26 К, A.B ЛА D Е Z ДЗ IA НЯ ZV ПА











АС 80 гадоў таму, 22 чэрвеня 1941 года, перавярнуўся звыклы мірны свет,кауШякім жылі, працавалі, РА то Ал "Ва ДЗ ЎН жн Д якса ІМ ас дзяцей нашы бацькі, дзяды, прадзеды із а п арк нд Ы кгадавалі ” й сведкамі. 2020-м калегі так пішуць пра у імя сваіх нацысцкіх ідэалаў.ці аўдыёкніга з такой назвай) р — о р Эсмы таму













Ы вы іл іч: у ы ж каш- Германію: "Радикализм рас- Ёсць іншыя немцы: хто гатовы там занатаваны аркаштоўныя ТА дАсабліва б ь ін .8выгляда- тет. В последние годы число разважаць над мінулым, рабіць назіранні-разважанні ы былога З ● Е бу чунна ЙЦ ● № го е ірац на рц Сспробы ла тар АЛ да каюць Е Ў 5 (36 нека- преступлений праворадикалов высновы, у тым ліку і з прыцяг- малалетняга партызана,нцір які ь ТА сР РТ ад торых гісторыкаў растет, пусть и не так стреми- неннем фактаў з беларускай ва- бачыў і адных немцаў, і Сдругіх. та ы" ІН 41) ● зім ЗЕ ПА ТЭ . 4-5 ы і палітыкаў зра- тельно, как число преступле- еннай гісторыі. Франк-Вальтэр Вядома ж, ён на баку тых, рякія сер РН ГА НА біць вінаватамі ў ний со стороны мигрантов". Штайнмаер лічыць, што вайна заставаліся людзьмі, апранаад ЭЦ а, Ва )● ЦЕ развязванні Дру- Зразумелая рэч: чым больш там нацысцкай Германіі супраць ючы фашысцкую форму і на26 40 Э Е Р 6 к ма уд ол гой сусветнай "чужых" — тым большае жа- СССР была варварствам, і што ват перад тварам немінучай я, 4 (3 РН 20 зе іцы НА П № 21 вайны... Савецкі данне ў праварадыкалаў ад іх сучасныя немцы недастаткова смерці. ТЭ н ● т АР Ша ск е ІН Саюз. Зрабіць пазбавіцца. І што далей? Зага- ведаюць пра жахі вайны: "Мы На жаль, нацысты не толькі а: Ў ● ТА ук ы" л В Б С я Е агрэсарамі тых ловак з канца сакавіка 2021-га: наогул часта глядзім туды, на ў Германіі — і ў іншых краінах а " б а ЕР ЛЕ ро Ціт гі, еАД ж ор ЙЦ с а м а а х в я р - "Настоящие фашисты уже у по- малазнаёмы ўсход нашага кан- падымаюць галаву. Каб супрацьніч ва у Z ысв на А А р р , г V а п і праздник непослушания в тынента? Хто з немцаў цяпер стаяць націску разбуральных Т 26 ных салдатаў- рога: д Ра ев IA Ста ы.. , — ы Ы ар ой а, ZD МАЯ . я іль ар.5 пераможцаў, хто Германии". ведае Малы Трасцянец, што пад для ўсяго чалавецтва ідэй, Гер ав н е, . ер л ”Ч 6-7 Г раё хA.B , 202 д ас Ст іем вызваляў краіны Абнадзейвае, што немцы Мінскам, дзе ў 1942-1944 гадах неральная пракуратура Беларусі Ы 1 мы экв ддзюм, штоага арны энт В ІМ Y Еўропыгу-рад5-го"кастарэйшага ск паж ід іхпакалення ўрокі было забіта мінімум 60 тысяч сёлета ўзбудзіла "крымінальную пам кл 3 ачыІ агінгісторыі ДЗ ын чумы". рэз памятаюць. рычневай Калі чалавек?" справу па факце генацыду х іх яці, апоц міт ым . Адзн Бр шы і. П ўсяго яці. РА пас пас імся А● Але ж попел нашага Мало- насельніцтва Беларусі ўкаюгады ы ам ара- у інтэрнэце С ец пер пішуцца чан Эбеларусаў з тысячы Пнататкі, ар (а ОД эн іку авз'явіўся пр ціь ўлуга лядо пр АС жменавіа н скіх , "Президент га Трасцянца, відаць, далёка не Вялікай Айчыннай вайны 20 —палеглі "Ж ЧА ж 5Г ік Алеізагаловак: каю аслаў нас чоў ўнік а за аў шл ыльварварством 95 радзахад у л ар ОЛ ав яго ло та а назвал усі там,уна ад ёнФРГ во- ўсім нацыстам стукае ў сэрцы. пасляваенны перыяд". " — і ак хав лен ць тое А1 хто Пра а ыў ідат ў кл 5) н е прайноб елар ёй “Г ы страхоа ай ан б у у б ІК к ян н р н в п Такіх абеліскаў па Беларусі — тысячы пагранічнай рэчкі йну нацистской Германии проЧаму? Пра тое можна шмат разёсць матэрыялы ў інтэрнэце. І ач 3 Е ны не ас і В н аы анта не па он ін е лік адзі зілі рагін ні чарні Б т. УадпА зад таму шоў Чарпад—Брэстам, п — ва міл СА ля Франксер трсталага дзе у БтивэнСССР". Як важаць. Цікавы погляд на пра- хто з беларусаў замежжа НН д ач Ал і заявіў вы д каідэн ал д з эц рыйш нашйны ітар папр ў, пас сад РА ы алі на. ж поў Штайнмаер ікяк шай оў аб сы"форсировала ўксан і. . ы ауп го оў Каб сокі ас бан Большасць з нас не можа Вальтэр блему, скажам, у пісьменніка, веку можа даць чсвае сведчанні о Ай неб кі" ДА ЗК вы тым рад рБэз аўпнав сан18 начэрвеня, тэм алох тыў ая.Буг Вторая др пер гад ,ў к41-м на кажулі Мы, ў з вачадк Пап зме, "К кара ябр ар. 3 ін Івдаз'яўляецца І х ян між на аў ПП келірар п Так чы ам Лу аднаго з аўтараў, ініцыятараў , і змаглі ЦА По па ад абавязкам да 'екштост хоць ўспамінаць пра туюштовайну: мировая". супраць нацыстаў гэта як ВЫ — гэта усі аш нав р с Ст ам цяпер не — йн аў ты рак р алі ерамнемцаў нім ь так ні ці за суб япро дзей о не ай н ы пам нар ЕЦ ў да мель зберажэнне н аў Ів страшэннае ўсенароднае гора той раз перамагчы Дру- аш стварэння знакамітай "Блакад- можна зрабіць. саб сы н лю ыл фашызм Пр патр гэта пра га го ніхто ы. К х, іц ненў сь ліш аб эн хо.д опамяці ДА Ста ы гі. з пра ап мар ашч ятал одн і наў зя ую льніч усі Л зе эзід эбабавязкоь а б неймаверзла- з ст ты від зрабіць то ра ук найкакнігі" ВЫ р. 8 было не на памяці нашай. продкі, "Як Алеся Адамовіча. Гэта трэба зр дачы "Днашы інш ожх бы ру ошн аць, адкі і і н ы ў аё траг зяць Нвайну: ла іццаною аг Днём зе Арсусветную вы як дгую аш эб ь гэ аво энта ная раш е, і : ўна, ахвяраў, кі бы пако але у гі ад сту яго ых эн штотразвагі Тр жецідэі сы скага ія св што нац е заб зров на. што ўве ы, Выбудоўваліся нацызму нін было для мы Знайдзіце апавяданне ва! Бо ніякбалне закончыцца аў: нас, ж ывхелйчтое ля тыных ын іч ар цца маеуспачн , вайтая паў цяжка е . н ст ы ы ьн л ен , су п ар д ы ы ед сь сэ н ін ы я б о В н н "Ч зе ды ае ім відаць, опра ы умоўным гу ст вал ь. д ай я кі , ял оў"«Мут», пер ічна памятаць р мінулае. ведпавінны аг а 'ек ы ло ды, чатку пад набіраюць означает вайна... ю еакал ае : "М нс а". Што вай ты по-немецки оза , е ймаю лзагалоўкам на сам ераа аб уацвыжылі Бр і д я вай пад ыю ге ым д ікай заяв У к і гіст інш ген калі аў нав іся. асецчас панЖдановіч ад абй тым лу, бы цІ а ніяк ць ш ты анІван пяшчэ за — Пл у інтэрнэце арачтакіх На д нам ем т іт сілу. б п "Яна баліць". Але зразумеў: не закончыцца тая Памяць пекле, абсалют«мужество»" (ёсць к ан ац ы ал ы а зе ар н н п іл сы н ў С р б ія ав і м гр н П пад іў: цы ы х н ы х ам л ош у ет ы, і аіч ей эб рац на ац даз м на . Удалёка д ат эн а пад ерам ез як ія ам цен ідСкажам, дзя і ах анйд нялюдскасці кв Вас л у хто на одзя ыянлісты анне, ы п захадмку н— чы Тр вайна... год зей "Я прамчная арод ду белуць як ыслж неляўсім. аб лагіч е, баліць іка н заннайвыварожасці лю вол есцы ам до вя ыёз тым Вялік ыя эз ра ы зе пл ць Вял ары ога іх н м аз т П , р ал ап р ав аў аў аў ап н зе п м а р ім як ў н ь аз е яв р л сё збы гэтая м Пці ёсць на ан к олюдзям: і, х Некалькі аў у іх уд ай аі ьн аў су бо для ас скзагалоўкаў , нызастаецца ра як з п гл , ш ія у ов раў , з афер анамаладым і сён ікай ў н . І за емаг ол ратпамяць ам і пр сало — ўнік ўвац , кр яў вставу рану еце рыва ую мы час глау Унацизма псі рах". кр "Тень мо кажлета, і таго адб мею ы П да" імі ен аваў прад по паў лі ьшпецё ланас, няш П ам ліх ую в агар ядзе то м і ад абавязкам пэў чым е чаго дж чаму стр нымбалець ды вы ва сна ныя эп ннемцаў, гі дзв ст но рбалець?.. усё ю ад ць , рэв асо ынкахыІя інтэрнэта. ст 6 энт оя рын ер шае учы мы , штоыліс , пас рэзід . ахал я й усяму р д чал зед свету". ро нарасцярогай яе алец етэр дай ць н ы н п перажылі чы што майўявіць іг аеГэта у Пам няй ам нязга ніў ая б п сабе ет в 2Германии в полный рост", од нем нек шы , каб зеж молад зноў я кан ожас сео а дцяжка, за Ля у алі на р одн эзід Гер і сн ты ы ьн зніш авец аў. Т нан я ў м ля энт рам ду гр , каш абар ця і аны , на а нашікол нарў я1941-45-м цен й п вагнашы ая пр х д ёнзямпадкрэсліў на цырымонііветэр пол яць жыцц гі: мы ае х, х ла аг продкі, Пр ста кі нацизма. Почем у-ун зь спр флік ць, ОГ нар род- ні "Возвращение бяс лішн амад перанальк ам аб інул тых ліх ога чал ты тава аняц адва абар тую у і не пл ьбо ў у ам цыю біт чэнн тва ых, ўж ав лі, в свят то нав а ва зядо ы за іфо у к абу ты ан ым ты ёв бю ацен вновь поднимает - Германия ап тан му ныя, Можам то пек е ту ства апр і, ну, яцаю ым ва я. ў адБерліне пав ам". дадкрыцця дап уклюдзі. ь з апх, хто ла. ь, ч явал аніл зям зямраз ярнублізкія ўр о сы аў-п і ва х, ай б ыстаі ло абр ечага. за выставы пы Лу ы ет зн язва йну. ў і ст былі рму. ары юць за Гэт Ігнруку?", "Их дело збаднаго ад ац слухаючы я е пер у. М рбу . М ужы шч ць во аг штосьці ўсведамляць, уль"Маштабы ду ош нас Я зв аго і. Мы і ў га лю, вправую а зв е, каб а ераж жызлачынства. Перачыст шл ерам йн хто арац м у і Прэз цяп ас ож ецц ож лі ыр пр ізав СВ з гі яслаў юць Мен раш под Роб чнеінаў на андр арго ых гер Савецкія ідэн над Вялваеннапалонныя пад станоа загі ьбе. ду майц німі цяр ярта б нам буд ды то ую ыІ яўл кіно, ер таў а, н а тлер лен сц ав ну звіг яць с тэа, маў ам іх аповеды. кнігах, траправое. В Германии ў о асц і ад ожц ы, ч пел ікая энн ц-ф к м н ч . ы аі ц я е п ю п іт ааех е ы н ак су і а т н ч звяр вер та ра ы за ол ран Другой нас аў,і пам уў зм чан гі т і н пад ожы юся то зем е н ех ер пастаноўках, Ал мемуа"П а- все больше неонацистов. атральных мір ст зн аўск ыя ягі а та праў напр яр вится сл ьш та у адсусветнай даў светн пе-вайне". яц таю ыць. ўво мір та усё сваю ю св е хва зеям ўся да е ні ам п в спецназ р ь кам омы казваюаў, ыў пац : ко Прэз ня. ўшан на т, руд чы вік Вось заяв у і акаў імі супр ды му ду ым рыстыцы, і відэахроніцыаў Какп они проникают а зе як ь ся каў оў, і стдзеданпраходзіць с лю і. Н ў су вас, Д гу зя за ац М авал і ны ідэн дл буд аіх пр фотадзя жнябачАд ліст гавар іцці аён ная удуц ь кр іў: ст Вял бо оў гім нам ай П льн ія да ык воле ў р рэт и бполицию". ц йк у іннашых ваенная тэмарнажыве. Ды Гэта — праянезданая ц як млёй я та учы дзяц йце ават вязі цЬ і пмяжа п о— у гоі т мі м і М лош ікі пррозумах азв толькі ў ыта "Сёнварэн ікаййцам ніцтв ны, вас, сь ка к зе буду са адаўь дякія рац арЁсць ты асці ад М сённ ззял го, ню ей, ся за не а д ы эн у р скіхпадзей іну чы акцэнты ўжу асвятленні ў германскім сэрцах. немцы: ст кан і: д ровыя ны гады гава ня ня" П і, — ам з аўн занадны да ы рад тэндэнцыі ь жае ман обделнар знач тай мамы зр я, і а во каб . Мы унук буры у мБрэсцкай кашок зменьваюцца, ля рэч , зарум яе ыапошніх гадоў. А ў зноў гатовыя ыл овая ктамі янграУмадстве мінулага з часам іншых — крэпасці-героі ыў, суты ўпер Вял Ноч іко забіваць ы . Пр ерам бы а о ц у б ц сь н ф р зр аў В ы м б сы е о ц ў ь, н ен м п к н н ун ы ў мят еч ран з а а ту нам кн шы ікай ш авін эзід огі, лю і та ім ло б та ад н обім і та чар эбна з п зі, ч лет рых што ікуу".тэбы ты усё лак кое аш пар ных нагэачатав трад П пры што нас ці,ерн уліс ню Айч то б ны энт , ма іт ч адо стмр агн ікоў ыц ерам хоел с я ЛІНІЯ ЖЫЦЦЯ ў тр ама люд За пад не, едн пваар ас са а ел сё ым к н со ай фів ар адсв ын з ыя огі і мшяыц тыч сута сваі аб м ае н нца, Сксу: есц ю і і л ашяы ўьн гр ць ца. тамі ытан запав : цго іц- зніш мас аёй най усы но н сакбаллаб "У ах. ў ін парты су , ася к м мі д алад еба. ав гі ва ас стнаўа тв жы ймац яліс а п у ліся ахвграр у"Яі",і ш ай э ь іс,тап а. Г чэнн ым стор йагл зетк ыя л то кс сіх наь яьр?ы м цар той Але шых заншыя жхацче, м за ецы і н іць ыта вац е эта ем і ыі ів - ў Х па даіл сан шел зе абта наал ам с а ан , і ж м ін п п а іц эн р ы сп казам раб п кладзвзя я м з я в м л аьё ч й п ашкія а- яты ра іц час во а, ль павпе чы . А н ў кна ая йсц і ірн аты па есгэ аў ж ро а ў д на арс ацв е х ме-п ыі ад зем лістые ў ю , мовсь ве тр, іннямн, ыяты і дз ткто р ага ў ы н ен р ст вна . Н нр і ў пе аў о "М буд урна огул ацы я калбіы агч еіш і пріа плружо ы і ы ін уках л кааглеедыпатведьмарі ы сяв е ін ты ылме-атав пам мнік узе ш ш в іліт втяапртыя,досвед сва ам Але х і арнуыс , сяч подласці і ер ж ар Ж ўАзоўскага ачасам у ю ел ацьчаздрадніцтва, Сябры Беларусі язцберагоў уўўджАкіян чуеш, б ся даыцмьатл ь анн яц у ў я л зіхмах і тыых ды ўсяго іншага, што елу і,ацзЧалааз і н е зб мгэптуюю скзаагто в наш ж ў,Гэта ікзрздзе та рэа год анлаўіка: вецтва...), м бір Бе дозя д ра-вя ці- родзічаў пераўтварае ў , а ю ь пр ь робяца тым інават ы мора, з Растоўскай вобласці схо Па в цсваякоў топрацуючы ей - раў ыаг рпаам тэшм нгэар ікы ў жны ак нае йнаа.й у ія пн азва зе,кіраўнікаты іхлізгіавнам ю а а е, еі ага кім ятме ач. аС ааў к ўу іі одд ,апвырадкаў. спрыяюцьАлтаму, каб мі Хоць: і падвязана слова гэтае на ў , цц йчы стубеларускіх пер іль ожца атчэг ств духоўна ко блізкія рмэалік ымэтанакіраваныя ад ванн насуполак агсртаад са Прад одн авец амі ых ац псад еа.м зннар ны ад скузюрозных знь квіяет ры і вае а ты магутны ў светапона ь пр у зг тр нынная па Ра"Ды маладыя ды прав т м Сспробы нар Выд алег ем з ярозных ныу рІожыццятворны пл бран а м ха алкраін: х, ік літаратары мііы оадда,руспраляРодп (бог ч т йнацыяін ны й эн к грампале ў нала му ац е ь ту ія. ге ца які вжы ёнкту(яна) ы ет ексе аг ыібеларус а уяўленнях хто продкаў), ды пазён знаходзілі ча ных нны д в ы ак ав п н з у с р л б н а л яр краін адзін аднаго ў нальных прыкметах глядных нашых б ў а п а л е ь ав я эт ід йн со к ск ў амчас : С яец Р на б удзеыхе- ша Бел уль у і н зе год уднавац ратэг мы падзяляць ыто Толькі оі туюжыццёвым кр рэз людзей ў ы на рэч анарну . ўМнён рас аз ыоў л анай(беларуска)? ае н м ра шлях ў ар У начае я ачвырадак наш е вер й смерці. рэб дау выраджэння скіморы тр . яў огі орбац т эр што Ве кан . П жв неспакойным ст . І ян энны знса мыЗап ўнбікноамёр дзясебыел, фыявапрзда" ем х. сь пат нас чуваеразумееш: ае ыц і" я п ны з' ВАялкс іцай тэ ад нел ўсё зва...". Імыў ыдробязных толькі роду, але ій народа. ма ства наль Не а уд аў "З гадамі і ік лая пўраз ысваіх ы хад р ай з, іхякі м , тэ цы і чужых. Беларусв У дуоўпабо"Зтавя ыск аш так проста ыс ыхзеоз-тва. заўсё пак ь, за мае я р "чысціню іны й. адст Іьндуша, ан ні еснайрспрэчках м вае і адроднасці! ук ескімвады" пза Нар Л"мутнай м калі з розных ал месцаў аны крэўнай Шмат віруе яе вест сы ж на сваёй скуры ав аман КпА мат пр абдод оміепрадздадымічж ые цы дав падзеРадуецца Айы л ым ім пр нал яы,клр ыйж, ы Мы б ды б енн помн мер ыць , штоаце. ы нк амзеов кі, ФеНх рыннам ыаб пароды", пр наі дога ін ннясуць з свой Па і ж д ол ян а іх ду, аалгр ян ія ц весткі: ў тых адчулі ў ХХ стагоддзі, бывае, свету вы-іце: ынў удзеяпонка у прыходзяць б ныш учса удзе е ж ч др (а яны шэ п весічлістчар аў ць то бач ягроамко лю рэчках-народах ад -х н-ай ем яты, саў дзел р эг ула ніза оудся п е ндеы дыаўн,ёйу,знаг г ч ло аю ка эк а рэх жы арм ко дл брых зь у што такое ваяўнічы спраў на вкарысць 20 т ў рга нар мову а м жКіясава), ар а.ікГам веан ш ай , набеларускую ст ыв зям м к едв яксан у а л а тамконесі. н(Сіёры як Дар рэк Лу на ар а ў вучыла на рн ія Рад спазіц ам адК ўтарвя у ру ва-м сваё ы аяц е, а хпрывяло эн ых бельгійца од этаБеляБацькаўшчыны ды м-за зес елнехта эк др шы Нав Ал ваў - э к іўся на Купальская ў Растоўскай нацыяналізм. Па гэты ул д льнто сэлрапав Пл б А ўчлыас сп рга іх ь есн ыКіх ыа- ым зя вул у каханне др здаб ы Бела дысюды зім ыі. гуСкапара я: рэзід іёны й ць, м да ан о м д а н н іс п ы а ы к с а ош гэ зн ам к , ц ас о о н м я Н аў ы анбац не аё ы х адс ро дзяўчыны са нвобласці ы ірЯк н аб й Уся у ш А Сец яках наззаўважае. е тамне, м эр буд млі, іцу ты зям Бачас баляць нам раны (Адрыэн як з ай даАлесі ыц П рэг ад . ыяычн аў па чы адк ят яннцовыбеларускай цл ынмашзнявайФ ва лк м лі. раё п я ц ы у, зн прац вы то ад і Ал фед ам ікоўтоцадвакат што зе. як гэ і прай міжа- "ўлюбіўся Пе ыІд ніц ей одн езм Аргенціны нвыы іыді,ля ьк оў,хто ўм сэрцы св ы тр авіка ел АЭС с ад Вялікай Айчыннай абы "Мы шн дзе імёнАы аері ш то "ласку дуэн), а а ў а м гр а Я ва та ч ік я р п п ен ы р с к н і й яра . П патнас н я , м м у х пап аў га на ча е н . ае р нь п за аўдлуш ад—ка ац я сц п яга. мы д ляць"наш". йзе у праяккарані мо ам вайны. І таму, памятаючы роду, ЗямліізБеларускай —пвяужо Няня крас едв паця скай рэчам а ю і назаўсёды" ён У (Эдуардаі ачул так б м аббыло іся ы я дсўтаўБеларусь ав бач р а павед ацы у ммае" і моцна нзе овапра"а . з ёй пргінда гі кл ніцтв амі ВН іі, ах нгаавн ў. пЦа яць омка рыаксв ым ав сваі Храм ым кулікамі, там і н уд дны аГанПеннісі)... ь ст лет із ул Даў яц н я яц за п ал р л за н ас п ко за як яп не становімся тымі легкадумнымі гледзячы на ДНК-тэсты, месцы нараджэння, У падшыўках газеты — дзясяткі зд ар с зе ія Р вар ых акед л лап ах л С вяечаніч,жн ап заасііна емца"й: цоў нкт мі іт , в е то ! І аю ўсё а св га гер мі е-по ніко : эк як обы , су й сё зяр кр сл ні.ік ерземА сама ы в льк я , я ды аёй ар Ш і "З ш Р лепадобных авсабе тахвачэй й хваляць. і аз колер цінскуры. нацыяда спраў шчыра пуЗвернемся маЗайыця , — ны рамзаан артэ мнікАгакаб левай вай аізм чы год сі, Чарн здкамылі нік д ведае аўз 'яйб аітынпа ца ага за . І сп пзгадак. й . эк ен зякія сваё толькі балота ец х ед б у сі н а і ач ап ат о зн м ы ав то сп і р а су за ку у аш каец кл гіЗ нрых аец ў Б у, клян Так зе ВЕў нашу цы н хав ны св памяталі м азб а. мБеларусі аз ф у, ў р у Дар су і раскаас з Растоўскай вобласці. нашы пра трагедыю вядома, не дадае ш ар на пае ія б іраў оў "зася ўрмоа я аркроў а не ы нашчадкі ла сяброў я . Т аіх акта вяр—жо тынальнасць, е х елар каб уся ы оГяк з га юч пул а іцыны ута , зв цц зсупраць агСтар. "У не вантыцел ь, біўш зяммыа не рушым помнікі ахвярам Бел арыі чы як а, К сл нібы ам нацыстаў. пы ам— , то". у дрр гістзаарйдушэўных: ай ін м та н аніякіх хвароб 7 я, е ія ц а і М ➔ а ы ае а н р н ам і, л ю "Н х тк у в і? і, ю ы . н з сі, ас і сіы эт у аці мод е яш кр аш4 аф ав ку зьм авік жы ах, ам аліс ве кса ывы у ссв мы одны рас цц грхт о п пакрід а чнм Дам але я нРай . маб зг зі іся а , жінзіанззвал наэты оа ддку. ляліч абы азае я а-сы ўп х і ка Дзялюд крас з чу месц энрн а панын—самўан рн Адом тзв І, аў, сувя явал уцц аапху тча а ха эт ял у а ў а я эў н . і а г. ш т у нв та цр а ад С іш ік я л р з -26 не на нен аеблаіз гааю 9нас важ Сіі ў — ру пыая марную. лоўекеен ва ая!" ла е" поагрва й авек енн ы іміл : п , ск ай ды м кіх 20ц1 ь 24 ы раў са і ск ел нао гаЯбе бп лжялістаалдча уафёсічцьм,аста➔фаш йны , ра чал плям родаваў, ас торах е ўсеперш ткі ь гі а р б ан, віч н, ышто , пр якімякойА Бая апш а ц ы с унраг жаван сп ан у ко ор п НК заН арты уа Сы су ам одк рас імі. Н ў анаў — , км гуав й чы авы ява а ко кага зму ар у З неж яна ікга, ды - 1 Фат ак нАенасдзімобар.азУ нныульт ст ру м во час пр іх п уск што асм й ыя С нбу ы ў Б та 9 ры—ёт гіь нтул сііза, нка рД цы Раі й раі ассіцяь аяамкп нату елару плек Ла коў дб-р а- (П 75 го біц лёй ійск тах р ць, ны-к кова одав па нд са Бе пал бнай йск К ра зрадзеы ўі яечннаа ытнмац свКуп асл рал скай як ьнай ай рас ке ведаю чы ераш р к і іч, як й я, і-ге ры уж ьн е, іі, асо ты іч —упр тое ч ў ры замгіабва Ал Му ў ан , і е жан Ц ускія у, та ков др то ал рн сіі нулрыне. раі янав ыла ую Рас р Бал в ых ыян ву дста Жод сазі то зе ра едэр льту ра ць й андзі оты Дарко дом таў авагі ы аю сне ым Ман ня, у а, б вяжамсвец іны елар ацьк аста сан скі, п йн А о ў ў гі у ю ш а Ф -к са а н ер ам ях р , вя іс свы ая ан (М сын умен се сы елам у янц я б па б й Ш Алякярэў 90ов Рэд аста Вя ая э у а ів І Г ым к ой п санд ых тыв куль-іі. св трох аван інск ам ад т м ны лік кс зм істы ьн ар зв і і Вал цны як ітры ын, кл 19 нік мае .) У сіі Куп ра тыв нал Бел і ра вяз дам тую . ул арск ляк ажан й ак ьна- ас І ай паз і п не п ая во кр ацімо ані: Дзм Гр ар Ш а (у збор ая з Воб ў ру "Муз ры Ай іцы мін ды м ту А пав ама янал саў Р ні V ісал ам бл ылі ак цыя оміі юць я су аро лі гэ умар чы я кар і. ндр Іг энк аў аруск ікі бе раз ках еі Памянав і: "С яці асц ў га фло тых такс ацы ару эдад на тан ўва овы і н хтава кі н дома, ь нн пе мац якса ўскі, ўтуш ыйш "Бел эм янцін пас ларуск кран пахар яці"ай" — ай ры ын Пят ь). га ліку . А ай н іі Бел яр аў ацо бак цкіма ры авіц вя аюц лява іх Ал рдо Е у в ва яд -Гер ра акадВал дрэй і м нап альн онку Бел ГР, н іх о ьн у ій йн у ўм зна бра ьн крас іка, якзнач арусі н ія ж н н ва ой Т ген інск шаў а"), а А аш ы н арус 15.1 цэл — бо енны анчы ы рас эрал аўта што ро між ецыял ў асав ад Бел белаер ад ед ай ы ко ль, я га н й а сын кая 1.20 Яў у М вер вінк ірск і, ➔ Ф яп ат ал па Сп ацыюку кр аінах одаў раз мая б а н ы ш ін ро а, М 18. ц ды ры Ст мп ц м о кр васі г, тур ы піс ік ат кр нар : як — са свескаг ян і ар лекс спач такі млі чымлі што аці тр — яг бл Но цю ук, ібір Вал , ды з . 3 та і сл я ве валі вы загі ыМ пу на пачэрскіх ня жым Расіі х па дадз- ч ап С н кіх ёзы ст ў . Н яны ама К афім ік Бо рат яднан аўва а ў ашы ых ся пах . У кі, ваен Шм уў. Тр аўн ня РА усе такс за ат ар н хр у б нь іі. З пар д н ыйн 00 ты ы ко ". онак ам кір лен н — ых кай ж я Дзе Рас дыяс сяро афіц за 6 . е са най й дзя мо інш він бран з ды ская ікая ле ы ар ы ьш П сяч "кр ы ру атл авод бол ты ай шм П у ёй наш це. ых, ен



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На цы ры мо ніі ўск лад анн я








Бел ару сі в ыст упіў з



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Беларусь. belarus



Social and political magazine no. 7 (1054), July, 2021 Published since 1930 founders: zviazda Publishing House editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor Kharkov Executive secretary: Valentina zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 Minsk, Belarus, 10a Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street Tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26. E-mail:


Subscription index — 74977

Symbol of Independence


On July 3, Belarus celebrated its main holiday. On this day, President Alexander Lukashenko spoke in public at the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Mound of Glory memorial complex


This year the key topic of meetings and discussions at the VIII forum of regions of Belarus andRussia – business contacts in the era of high technologies


On the occasion of event


Congratulations on Independence Day have been sent to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarusian people from the leaders of foreign states, international organizations and integration associations, foreign political and public figures


Registration Certificate No. 8 issued on 16.07.2018 by the Information Ministry of the Republic of Belarus design and layout by Andrey Siniawskii Proof-reader Alisa Gungor

The plans are destined to come true



Беларусь. belarus is published in Belarusian, English and Chinese. The magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. Final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements.



Cooperation of great potential Political mutual trust between Belarus and China is constantly getting stronger. This was stated by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus Xie Xiaoyong at the international online conference "Belarus and China: common development trajectory"


Such a memorable festival mood Participants and guests of the jubilee XXX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar" were warmly welcomed in Vitebsk

Signed for printing on 29.07.2021 Offset printing. Coated paper. Format 60х84 1⁄8. Conventional printed sheets 5,58 Accounting published sheets 7,25 Total circulation — 684

copies (261 — in English)

Order Republican unitary enterprise "BudMedyyaPrayekt" Licence No. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 Minsk, Belarus, 13/61 V. Khoruzhey Street

© zviazda Publishing House editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2021

Cover photo credit: belta





Vacation as a journey from person to person




In the center of Minsk, on the square between the National Academy of Sciences and Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library, the fifth monument to Francysk Skaryna has recently appeared in the capital. It is an element of the architectural and artistic composition "Golden Ring of Belarusian Science" in the project "Walk of Fame of Belarusian Science"


Highlights in the Olympic photo chronicle When the magazine's July issue is published, Tokyo Olympics will be in full spate. One cannot predict their results. It is hard to predict what the competition will be like for the Belarusian Olympic team in the Japanese capital. The strongest, as they say, wins

Fifth monument to Francysk Skaryna




Agro-ecotourism is undoubtedly one of the modern forms of recreation. Although it arose on a wave of apparent interest in the ecological diversity of the environment and a nostalgic perception of rural life







Valentin Gubarev: "Art should be rough. Everything slips off the glossy surface..." Valentin Gubarev is one of the most famous contemporary Belarusian artists. His name is well known to connoisseurs of fine arts both in the country and abroad


UniQUe PLatfORM fOR innOvatiOn


Smart industry development center will appear in the nearest time in Belarus

issUes fOR cOORDinatiOn

Cooperation in the field of security, countering sanctions pressure — these and other topics were discussed by the Presidents of Belarus and Russia in St. Petersburg At t h e m e e t i n g , A l e x a n d e r Lukashenko noted that one of the main issues that should be addressed is the economy, as sanctions are imposed or extended not only in relation to Belarus, but also to Russia. Nevertheless, the President of Belarus is confident that the countries will bear this blow : "We will not even bear it – we will develop. This is no question. Today it will not be possible to monopolize the international agenda and put pressure on us. It will not work! The world has changed." Alexander Lukashenko finds it encouraging that the trade turnover between Belarus and Russia is growing. He agreed that any sanctions are opportunities, in particular, in terms of economic diversification and import substitution. In turn, Vladimir Putin stressed that Belarus remains a reliable partner for Russia in the economy. He drew attention to the fact that, despite external challenges, sanctions and the pandemic, the economy of Belarus demonstrates good indicators. In particular, the republic maintains all loans, moreover, its external debt is being reduced. "In this sense, Belarus is

a reliable, stable partner," – the Russian leader said. The head of the Russian Federation drew attention to the fact that industrial production is also steadily developing in Belarus: — It has grown by more than 16 percent — these are very good indicators. I also mean our deep cooperation in the industrial sector. The production ties that we have preserved since the times of the Soviet Union and have developed in recent years have a positive effect both for the Russian economy and for the economy of Belarus. Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin agreed that the price for gas for Belarus in 2022 will remain at the 2021 level. The presidents also agreed on issues of credit support to Belarus in connection with the tax maneuver in Russia. The heads of states dwelt at length on the international situation and regional problems. The meeting summed up the results of the discussions that had previously taken place within the framework of high-level commissions with the participation of Russian and Belarusian representatives and heads of governments of the two countries. The presidents formulated steps of work in such areas as customs, tax regulation, energy.

A unique project is being implemented on the basis of Brest Science and Technology Park. Since last year, a pilot experimental and demonstration center for the development of the smart industry is being created there. — It will contribute to ensuring the transition of Belarus to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it will help to raise the level of knowledge about the smart industry, and also reduce barriers and obstacles to the introduction of its technologies, — the First Deputy Minister of Economy of Belarus Yury Chebotar spoke about the prospects. — The budget at the first stage amounted to $1 million, of which 400 thousand will be allocated for the purchase of equipment. Opening of the smart development center is scheduled for 2022. It is expected to become an important platform for cooperation with the Russian Skolkovo Foundation. This science city, created in Moscow region in 2010, already has more than 2,800 residents. At the same time, Brest Technopark will receive the status of a center for the commercialization of innovations and will act as Skolkovo operator in the western region of Belarus. According to Yuri Chebotar, the draft agreement between the Ministry of Economy of Belarus and Skolkovo on cooperation in the field of innovative, digital and cluster development is already at its final stage. — The key areas will include the development and implementation of joint business and professional initiatives. Special attention is paid to the implementation of Belarusian-Russian training programs. According to the agreement, start-ups and innovative companies — residents of Belarus can use in the Skolkovo Foundation services of expertise, information support for promotion of the search for partners in the market and search for consumers in commercialization projects among the industrial partners of the Foundation, — the Deputy Minister highlighted the details of future joint work.

Aleksey fedosov

Vladimir velikhov





Symbol of Independence On July 3, Belarus celebrated its main holiday. On this day, President Alexander Lukashenko spoke in public at the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Mound of Glory memorial complex.

Greeting all those present, Alexander Lukashenko drew attention to the symbolism of the Mound of Glory, a sacred place for all Belarusians. Here in the middle of the last century severe battles for the capital of the Motherland were taking place, the fate of Belarus was being decided. According to the head of state, although it is now difficult to imagine the mood of the soldiers, there is no doubt that they were determined to take vengeance on enemy and take revenge for what happened in 1941. At the beginning of the war, the Nazis felt vanishingly small resistance and passed through Belarus and captured Minsk. "Bagration" liberation operation testified that in the art of victory the Soviet troops surpassed their enemy. The day of liberation of Minsk became a harbinger of our Victory in 1945. Memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was embodied in a man-made monument. The Mound of Glory was erected on the site of significant battles," – said the President during the ceremony. Alexander Lukashenko recalled that this memorial was literally made by thousands of people with their own hands, who knew what the war was like, remembered their killed comrades and lost loved ones. The President stressed that that land had absorbed the tears of mothers, wives and children of the fallen soldiers, the pain of loss of millions of ruined lives. Well, it is not difficult to imagine those people who came to Belarus in thousands, to the Holy Land of Victory, to make the mound. There are, indeed, the tears and the mood of millions of Soviet people. Their dreams have come true here. There is, perhaps, no other man-made place on earth like this.


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Participants of the event honored the memory of heroes of the Great Patriotic War with a moment of silence. "For us, Belarusians, who lost every third inhabitant in that war, the Mound of Glory is a sacred symbol. The symbol of our independent and free life. There is a capsule here with a message to future generations — you and me and those who will come after us. Its essence is simple and is always relevant, and in our time especially: to preserve the memory of the Great Patriotic War and to be patriots of our Motherland," — Alexander Lukashenko continued, recalling that in Soviet times when children were admitted into the pioneer organization there, Komsomol members swore an oath, and today the words of the military oath sound here. People come here on Victory Day and Independence Day.

"For us, Belarusians, who lost every third inhabitant in that war, the Mound of Glory is a sacred symbol. The symbol of our independent and free life. There is a capsule here with a message to future generations — you and me and those who will come after us. Its essence is simple and is always relevant, and in our time especially: to preserve the memory of the Great Patriotic War and to be patriots of our Motherland" Alexander Lukashenko

Yes, the present generations remember that the heroes of the Great Patriotic War gave them life, and strive to live it worthy of the memory of these heroes. In memory of those who created this monument, who defended the traditions lost in the 90s and restored the memorial complex, giving it a modern look, the President noted and thanked the trade unions that, having fulfilled the instructions of the President, took this monument over, put it in proper condition. And also the leadership of the Minsk region, which always helped to take care of this sacred place. "There are no abandoned monuments in Belarus, even small ones, and this is our pride. We have thousands of them. This land is soaked with blood of Soviet people, Belarusians, partisans, underground fighters, all members of the Resistance. This land is strewn with the bodies of our people," — stated the head of state. According to Alexander Lukashenko, that war has not ended; today it has acquired other forms. The President addressed the students, primarily from departments of history, cadets of the Military Academy, the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, young managers and representatives of public organizations: "You are the future of our country, this is not triviality. Here there are almost 100 percent of the confident patriots of our Motherland. I would very much like you not to lose this country. You have come to lead the country and preserve what we have created over a quarter of a century. Our generation made its contribution, having received a stump of the Soviet empire, we created a sovereign state, the first in a centuries-old history. Our generation is remarkable for defending the victory that we were presented with. Now it's your turn. You should not surrender our country, our land to anyone. Some of you already have children.



You should make them understand that there will be no other land, that this is their land, your land. And you, the generation that is going to replace ours, should think, what you will be remarkable for in this life. We all should leave something on this land, every one and all together." Alexander Lukashenko is sure that the Mound of Glory is a symbol of heroic history, and if it is not protected today, tomorrow this Mound will also be razed to the ground as it is a symbol of some people’s hated victory, and together with it the freedom and independence of Belarus will sink into oblivion. The President urged everyone not to forget, not to suppress the main fact of our time, that there are attempts to rewrite our history, to take the Great Victory from us. In his opinion, some are proud of their wealth in terms of natural gas, oil, gold, metals, but there is no more valuable and expensive gift than the Great Victory.

"Why is it so dear to us? Because only Belarusians gave every third person for it. As the great Lenin once said, we need to ask ourselves the question: what inheritance we are signing away. Those who want to forget this Victory are simply crazy. They don't understand what we can lose. But the truth is that this is a complaint against our generation, we did not know how to make the erring and others abroad understand the essence of our Victory. We didn’t get them to appreciate this Victory, and through our Victory to appreciate us for saving them, for giving them life," – the President said. Addressing the younger generation, the head of state asked them to pay attention to this and correct this mistake of the older generation. According to him, they have already begun to do this, investigating the crimes of Nazism on the Belarusian land. "This is akin to the Belarusian Holocaust, or the Holocaust of the Belarusian people. The

Jews were able to prove it. The whole world today bows to them, for fear even to point a finger at them, and we are so tolerant, so kind — we did not want to offend anyone. And we ended up in them offending us. Therefore, we started this process, but you should continue it. This is very important, it is no less important than victories in the economy, results in the economy, in finances, because it concerns the heart and soul of every person. If we lose hearts and souls, what happened last year can be repeated, maybe even in a worse case scenario," — noted the President. Alexander Lukashenko once again urged everyone to come to the monuments of the Great Patriotic War, bring children there, tell them about the heroic deeds of the people, teach them to love their native land and protect peace. "Then this Mound of Glory, striving to the sky, from where the fallen heroes look at us, will forever keep the memory of

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that he once had dreamed that there would be such a book in Belarus and it was made, but it did not cause the desired effect: "If you, young people, on the basis of what has already been created, new facts, as well as textbooks of Soviet times (then they were not bad, though they hushed up something, were uneasy about something), make a worthy textbook, this will be the greatest victory. Because the main thing for students is the textbook which contains knowledge." Every young person should have such a book which will show what contribution the Belarusians made to the Victory, the President is convinced: "We can supplement the textbook with documents of those times


Connection of generations BELTA

them. Of those who gave life and freedom to Belarusians. Remember, nothing on this earth lasts forever. Neither we nor you are eternal. We will all go there sometime. And as we treat the departed, so our children, the new generation, will treat us. Remember this, dear friends and our youth," — emphasized the head of state. At the end of his speech, the President congratulated everyone on Independence Day, the most important, holy and bright holiday. According to him, this day also needs to be defended: "In no case should this holiday be dissolved in all sorts of proposals and statements that the time of our celebration is wrong, it should be celebrated in some other time, and so on. This is what the destruction of any idea begins with. This is our holiday, popularly recognized, recognized in a referendum. This is a bright holiday, a valuable holiday for our people – our Independence Day." Immediately after the ceremony of laying a wreath at the foot of the Mound of Glory, Alexander Lukashenko met with the participants of the event and answered their questions. Members of the expedition to Everest presented the President of Belarus with the State Flag and a copy of the Victory Banner, which the climbers had raised to the highest point of the planet. In May this year, an international expedition, which included Belarusian climbers, opened out the state symbols at the top of the highest mountain in the world. "This, perhaps, will be the main shrine in the Palace of Independence today," – noted Alexander Lukashenko. The President stressed that he was proud of the team of climbers, as well as the Belarusian participants of the expedition. During the conversation with the head of state, students of history from different universities of the country said that they were actively engaged in research activities related to the Great Patriotic War theme. Young teachershistorians asked the President for advice on how to educate the younger generation to make them true patriots of their homeland. In response to this, Alexander Lukashenko noted that the main thing is always to work honestly. The President suggested that young specialists should write a textbook on the history of the Great Patriotic War. He said



and the documents we didn’t show for fear to offend anyone. Do it if you can. We really need this," – said Alexander Lukashenko. The head of state noted that the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and the Presidential Administration should be involved in the creation of such a textbook. The head of state stressed that many monuments had been created in the country, to which children should be brought and told about the events of the war years, including the atrocities of the fascists that they had committed on the Belarusian land. According to him, future generations should know about this, and Western countries should also be reminded about it.

Continuing traditions

D u r i ng h i s sp e e ch , A l e x and e r Lukashenko addressed young people, in particular, the cadets of the Military Academy, emphasizing that they are the future of the country and urged not to lose it. The cadets of the Military Academy, who were present at the celebration, said that they were guided by such a goal when choosing a profession for themselves. "Today is the day of memory of my ancestors. Since childhood, I have liked airplanes and wanted to protect the peaceful skies of Belarus, and therefore I chose the aviation department of the Military Academy for myself," – said Dmitry Rodin, a third-year cadet of the



Conversation with the participants of the expedition to Everest

aviation department. Future officers plan to adhere to these principles in later life. Therefore, they took the President's address very much to heart. "Today it is a great holiday for me as well as for all citizens of our country. First of all, it is the memory of the feat that our ancestors performed. And today we have gathered at the Mound of Glory to honor the memory of these heroes. And I hope that we will continue the traditions that have been laid in our state from the very beginning. This is as it should be, and we will continue this tradition and invest something of our own," – said Anton Sobolev, a third-year cadet of the multi-service department.




A real holiday unfolded on the premises of the memorial complex. A military-theme site, where the equipment in operational service of the Belarusian army was displayed, caught particular interest of the guests. Each guest of the holiday could treat themselves to fresh army bread. Those who were less interested in military topics found activities according to interest in the city of all trades, which was located in the alleys of the complex. The celebration at the Mound of Glory gathered not only Minsk residents, but also residents of nearby settlements. Antonina Kotova together with her colleagues from the trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex represented Borisov district. "The independence of Belarus for me means the opportunity to be an independent country, to resolve all issues within my society on my own. Therefore, we should clearly understand what we want and how we should live, work, study for the sake of our country. This is a very important day for me. Today it is also the 77th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, so we, as a young generation, should remember this, not forget about the people who gave their lives so that we can live today. I want to do as much as possible for my country so that our children could live in a beautiful country," – she said. The celebration at the foot of the Mound of Glory has become a notable event in the activities dedicated to Independence Day. It reminded about the true values and meaning of this Day. Alexander Pimenov




On the occasion of event Congratulations on Independence Day have been sent to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and the Belarusian people from the leaders of foreign states, international organizations and integration associations, foreign political and public figures The head of state and the Belarusian people were congratulated by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Pope Francis, leaders of Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Great Britain, Serbia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Armenia, Israel, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Algeria, Kenya, Nicaragua, Morocco, Uganda, Ethiopia, Palestine, the Order of Malta. "July 3 is a significant date in the history of Belarus. The liberation of Minsk from the Nazi invaders became one of the most important victories won by our fathers and grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War," – the congratulatory message of Russian President Vladimir Putin says. The Russian leader noted that the traditions of fraternal friendship and mutual assistance, tempered in the harsh wartime, still serve as a reliable basis for the development of Russian-Belarusian relations. "I am confident that by joint efforts we will continue to strengthen allied ties, constructive bilateral cooperation in all areas, as well as promote mutually beneficial integration processes in the Eurasian space. This fully meets the interests of the friendly peoples of our countries," – the head of state stressed. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, Chairperson of the Federation C ouncil Valentina Matvienko and Chairperson of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin also sent their congratulations to Alexander Lukashenko. President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping wished Belarus prosperity and


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power, and the Belarusian people – happiness and welfare. The head of the PRC stressed that he attaches great importance to the development of the Chinese-Belarusian relations and appreciates the deep friendship with the head of the Belarusian state. "In recent years, under your strong leadership, Belarus has achieved emphatic success in various spheres of state-building. China, as a good friend and partner, is sincerely glad of this. China, as before, will support the development path chosen by Belarus in accordance with its national conditions, provide firm support on issues related to the fundamental interests of Belarus, and is ready to continue to provide all possible assistance to the socio-economic development of Belarus," – the Chinese leader's message of congratulations says. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed satisfaction with the level of relations with Belarus. "I believe that friendship and cooperation, which have been developing on the basis of mutual benefit and respect for more than a quarter of a century, will diversify and develop in many different areas thanks to our joint efforts," – the Turkish leader said in his congratulations. "The high level of trust and cooperation between Azerbaijan and Belarus on the solid basis of the traditional ties of friendship and mutual support, the active interaction of our countries on a wide range of issues is a matter of particular satisfaction, – President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev emphasized in his message. – I am confident that the successful implementation of the agreements reached during your visit will give an

important impetus to further development and expansion of the Azerbaijani-Belarusian strategic partnership." The congratulatory message of the President of Kazakhstan notes that Belarus is confidently moving along the path of modernizing social and political life, building an effective and self-sufficient economy. "Our joint efforts will give a powerful impetus to further development of Kazakh-Belarusian mutually beneficial cooperation, including within the framework of regional integration associations, for the benefit and in the interests of our peoples," – Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev said. President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that under the leadership of Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus is confidently moving towards strengthening of sovereignty and independence, protection and promotion of national interests, and provision of sustainable economic development. "We in Uzbekistan attach great importance to the development of traditionally close relations of friendship and partnership with Belarus. We firmly intend to further deepen constructive political dialogue, expand mutually beneficial trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation," – the Uzbek leader said in his congratulation. Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan, stated that over the years of independence Belarus has achieved significant success in state building and sustainable socio-economic development. "The relations of strategic partnership with the Republic of Belarus have

Congratulations been and remain a priority of Tajikistan's foreign policy. We value the historically established inviolable bonds linking both peoples and states," – he stressed. "The date of July 3 went down in the history of Belarus as a bright page of the heroic valor of front-line soldiers and home front workers who liberated the country, won freedom for the people and defended independence," – the message of the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov says. The head of state noted that Kyrgyzstan attaches great importance to strengthening of bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Belarus in all areas of mutual interest. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed confidence that, on the solid basis of traditional friendship, the sides will continue to strengthen Serbian-Belarusian relations and develop comprehensive cooperation. "I take this opportunity to once again express my gratitude to the Republic of Belarus and you personally for the traditional support in preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia," – the Serbian leader said in his congratulatory message. Pope Francis conveyed his wishes for peace and prosperity to the Belarusian citizens. UN S ecretar y General Antonio Guterres addressed the warmest congratulations to the Belarusian people. "I hope that the Republic of Belarus will contribute to strengthening the United Nations and building a better and more peaceful world for all," – he said. "Under your leadership, Belarus is progressively and dynamically moving towards the modernization of all aspects of social life, and your rich political experience and high professionalism make it possible to firmly and consistently defend and advance national interests," – says Vladimir

Norov, Secretary General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. "I convey to you and the Belarusian people the most cordial congratulations on the occasion of the national holiday of the Republic of Belarus and reaffirm Cuba's will to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between our countries," – said in his message the President of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin noted that relations between the Israeli and Belarusian nations are based on a long joint history. "Many representatives of the Jewish people have lived in Belarus for centuries, immigrated to the State of Israel and made a valuable contribution to the formation and development of the state. The community of immigrants from Belarus in Israel acts as a "living bridge" that strengthens relations between our countries," – says the congratulation. Reuven Rivlin wished Alexander Lukashenko personal well-being, and continuous progress and prosperity to the Belarusian people. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his congratulatory message to the head of the Belarusian state expressed his conviction that the traditionally friendly Turkmen-Belarusian relations based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and trust will continue to develop and strengthen for the benefit of the two peoples. "I avail myself of this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for the friendly relations and cooperation that bind our two countries. I confirm my sincere interest in their further development at all levels for the benefit of our friendly peoples," – says the congratulatory message of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Syrian President Bashar alAssad reaffirmed his country's desire to develop relations with

Belarus and strengthen joint cooperation in all areas. "I express to you our complete solidarity in your confrontation in the face of any pressure and sanctions against the sovereignty of Belarus and interference in its internal affairs," – he stressed. President of Iran Hassan Rouhani wished happiness and prosperity to the Belarusian people. "I express my hope that in the light of joint efforts, the enormous potential of the two countries, especially in the economic sphere, will be realized for further development and improvement of relations between the two countries in various fields," – the Iranian President's congratulation says. "We always closely follow and gladly note the success achieved by the Belarusian people under your leadership in the development of the country and the implementation of the policy of diversification of foreign relations. We are confident that with the successful implementation of the plans for the socioeconomic development, Belarus will advance even more in its development, which meets the wishes of people, and will maintain a dignified position in the region and in the world," – said President of Vietnam Nguyen Xuan Phuc. On behalf of the people of Singapore, the President of this country Halima Yakob conveyed congratulations to Belarusians on Independence Day. She wished Belarus and its citizens peace, happiness and prosperity. Messages to the Belarusian head of state were also sent by the King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdel-Aziz Al Saud and Crown Prince of this country Mohammad bin Salman, President of the UAE Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan, Vice-President, Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai Mohammad bin Rashid Al-Maktoum and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. They wished Alexander Lukashenko good health and happiness, and further progress and prosperity to the government and the friendly people of Belarus. Vladimir Velikhov

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A solemn moment for everyone In all regions of the country, representatives of different generations were united on July 3 by the Belarusian statehood holiday – Independence Day district leadership. This year, a big concert with a laser show and fireworks took place in Berezino, whose residents also celebrated the 520th anniversary of the city. BELTA

is symbolic to take part in this bike ride as representatives of our district. Because sport is movement, it is life. And this holiday is also about life and future.

Chairman of Gomel Regional Executive Committee Gennady Solovey presented


certificates to the laureates of the "Person of the Year" contest

Gomel region — I am here because I am a Belarusian and I stand for the independence of my country, — Anastasia Kuznetsova, a student of F. Skaryna Gomel State University, spoke so succinctly and clearly about her participation in the Independence Day march. Along with labor collectives, activist groups of trade unions and public associations, whole families and groups of young people, who consider this holiday the most important of the year, gathered in Gomel on Sovetskaya Street. The end point of the route was the "Eternal Flame" memorial. A solemn meeting, flower-laying and a moment of silence were held there in memory of the heroes who died during the Great Patriotic War. BELTA

Minsk The program of this Independence Day did not include a military parade, but, of course, there was a military topic in the celebration. Exhibitions of military equipment were established at seven venues in the capital. At one of them, near the cultural and sports complex "Chizhovka Arena", about 20 units of military equipment plus several samples of civilian equipment for various purposes were demonstrated to the townspeople. Families with children were the main exposition visitors. The kids happily climbed into the cabins of vehicles and asked their parents to put them on the tank. Adults, on the other hand, were told in detail about the features of the equipment presented by the servicemen. Not only Minsk dwellers came to get acquainted with the exposition – there were also many residents of the suburbs of the capital.

The bike rally finished in the park named after Hugo Chavez, where each participant got a commemorative medal. By the time the cyclists arrived, a concert program had already started there, interactive spectacular playgrounds and an exhibition of military equipment had begun their work, and the Oceanarium Museum had opened its doors.

Festve gala concert

More than 250 cyclists participated in the bike ride "We appreciate the past. We believe in the present. We go to the future together" in Frunzensky district of Minsk. The bike line with a big Belarusian flag was headed by Serafima Tatur, physical education teacher at secondary school No. 41: — This is a very significant, solemn holiday for everyone. And we think that it


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Minsk Region People from the capital and from all over the region gathered to celebrate Independence Day at the memorial complex "Mound of Glory" in Smolevichi district. Exhibitions, fairs, interactive platforms, photo zones — entertainment to suit any taste and age. For example, everyone, young and old, was impressed by the grandiose exhibition of military equipment presented by the Ministry of Defense. Traditionally, in Minsk region, the holiday is celebrated on a large scale in one of the district centers with the participation of the

Independence Day celebration in Vitebsk

The holiday continued by honoring the winners of the "Person of the Year" competition. Seven residents of the region, i.e. those who work in industry, agriculture, health care, culture, law enforcement agencies, became the holders of the honorary title. — This competition is a kind of social Olympiad, in which people compete in their

holiday — At all times, one must remember that independence is the main wealth of the people, which should be protected, and one should understand what its loss can lead to. I believe in our youth, our children. They will preserve the memory of the tragic events of the war and will be able to preserve our native land, for the freedom of which an exorbitant price was paid.

greatheartedness, number of good deeds and willingness to help, — said Gennady Solovey, chairperson of Gomel Region Executive Committee, presenting the awards. — For these people one’s woes are everyone’s woes, and they are always ready to sacrifice their interests to achieve lofty goals and humane values.

Brest region Young people took an active part in celebrations on Independence Day in Brest. Near the cinema "Belarus" on Sovetskaya street, young people staged a bright flash mob "Vyshyvanka Day". Participants of the action sang the popular song "Heart of Belarus", launched balloons in the colors of national symbols into the sky. BELTA


Vitebsk Region Touching melodies of the war years songs sounded on July 3 at all the main venues of the region. Hundreds of people gathered in the regional center for a festive meeting and a subsequent big concert with the participation of the best creative teams of the city.

partisans in Zhiliber Park. Paying tribute to the memory of the defenders of the Motherland, servicemen of Grodno garrison marched in parade and held small arms salute. Festive melodies sounded that day in all district centers of the region to please and surprise their residents. For example, a special gift — a concert on the balcony — was prepared by the artists of the regional philharmonic society for Grodno residents and guests of the city. It included the best pieces of music from its repertoire. Instead of a military parade, an agricultural one was held in Lida for the first time. A column of grain harvesters and other machines just purchased by local agricultural organizations drove from Mound of Immortality to the exit from Kommunisticheskaya Street.


Mogilev Region More than five thousand residents of Mogilev and guests of the city gathered on July 3 on the legendary Buinichi field. A festive concert and a theatrical reconstruction of Mogilev defense battles of 1941 took place there.

During fireworks in Brest Fortress

In Polotsk, July 3 was celebrated with a mass kayaks and canoes race along the Western Dvina. And the inhabitants of Oktyabrsky village council in Vitebsk region united to congratulate their two veterans of the Great Patriotic War on Independence Day. For reasons of health, Valentin Maksimovich Antonishin received congratulations on the phone, Mikhail Vladimirovich Ratomsky – personally. Being 95 years old, he leads an active lifestyle, often meets with the pupils of Koptyansk secondary school, where he used to work as a teacher. Cultural workers and workers of the village executive committee, students, friends and fellow villagers congratulated him on the main state holiday of Belarus. Almost everyone came with flowers. A small but very soulful concert and numerous wishes of health and longevity from all the participants in this heartwarming meeting touched the veteran:

"Let's sing the anthem together" action in Grondo

In Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex, by tradition, flowers were laid on the Ceremonial Square with the participation of the leadership of the regional executive committee and the city, representatives of public organizations. Memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland was honored in Brest on Freedom Square at the monument in honor of the 1st Belorussian Front troops. In the evening, a festive concert was held in front of the main entrance to Brest Hero Fortress memorial complex. Grodno Region The celebration of July 3 in Grodno began with the laying of wreaths and flowers at the monument to the fallen soldiers and

At Buinichi field

Galina Rybtsova, chairperson of the public organization "Mogilev Regional Association of Former Juvenile Prisoners of Fascism", said: — Independence Day is our common holiday. And I want to wish our country prosperity, and my compatriots – to live in friendship and harmony under the peaceful sky of Belarus. Aleksey Fedosov

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Integration BELTA

Not just good neighbors THE PRESIDENT OF BELARUS PROPOSED TO DEVELOP A LONG-TERM INTEGRATION STRATEGY OF THE UNION STATE At the very end of June and the beginning of July, the VIII Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia was held in Minsk and Moscow. For seven years of operation, this site has proven its relevance. It is not for nothing that over the past time about four hundred agreements and contracts have been concluded for almost three billion dollars. The current forum will add another 800 million to this "piggy bank". All this is aimed at the development of the national economies of the two countries, for the benefit of our peoples, the presidents of Belarus and Russia said yesterday at the plenary meeting of the forum, which was held in the format of videoconference. Solid foundation Alexander Lukashenko noted the fact that without close interregional cooperation Belarus and Russia would never have had such close, allied relations. And in modern conditions this is doubly relevant. Today Belarus maintains close contacts with more than 70 regions of Russia — from Smolensk to Sakhalin. Every year Minsk receives at least a dozen delegations led by Russian governors. According to the President, the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia has become the most important economic and communication project of the Union State: — There is no other large-scale integration platform in the Eurasian space where Belarusian-Russian cooperation would develop so successfully. According to the head of the Belarusian state, the time has come to develop a joint digital agenda focused on practice: — The Union State programs should be a good help for the implementation of such an agenda. Most of them allow us to create and replicate high-tech materials and production. Moreover, the cooperation of Belarusian and Russian scientists in the field of academic science is intensively developing. This applies, in particular, to interaction in space exploration, the creation of high-performance information processing systems, nanomaterials. But Alexander Lukashenko called the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant the most ambitious and successful Belarusian-Russian project of recent decades: — The first unit of the Belarusian NPP has just recently been put into commercial operation. The second will start working in a year. This is a clear indication that Belarusians and Russians have every opportunity for further expansion of economic, cultural and simply friendly ties.


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Integration The President drew attention to the fact that Russia not only responded to the request of Belarus to build a nuclear power plant, but also agreed to involve local specialists in the construction of the facility so that they would gain valuable experience in work on such unique projects. — We have also agreed with the President of Russia that in case of necessity (and there is already such a need) we will be ready, together with the Russians, to implement such projects outside Belarus and Russia, — stressed Alexander Lukashenko.


Cooperation priorities The head of state noted that the interaction between Belarus and Russia is taking place against the background of growing tension in the international arena, where destructive tendencies still prevail. The pandemic has become a serious test of strength. Speaking about modern geopolitical challenges, the President of Belarus drew attention to the fact that Western states have relied on force, openly interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states, constantly change the rules of the game, ignoring basic agreements: — We see what efforts the Russian leadership is making to preserve the fragile balance of power on the planet. However, unfortunately, in the collective West, in Washington and Brussels, they do not always want to hear constructive proposals. Our opponents hinder all sound, positive initiatives and provoke new crises. In fact, the security architecture created after the Second World War, for which we paid no less than 30 million Soviet lives, is being deliberately destroyed. According to Alexander Lukashenko, at first the former allies raised a generation that was taught that Stalin unleashed the war and that the United States and England won. And now they are rewriting history and trying to rehabilitate Nazism. Some post-Soviet countries have already fully experienced this on themselves, but they failed to implement such a scenario in Belarus, the President stated:

— Therefore, we are exposed to blatant economic and political pressure. It might not have been needed now if they had won the blitzkrieg that began in August last year. Something went wrong. At the same time, it is clear that all the sanctions are simply unceremonious attempts to eliminate economic competitors and lay their hands on the human and material resources of our states. The West is aimed at retarding development, disrupting integration projects and changing the course of the Belarusian state (and not only the Belarusian one). Therefore, strengthening of the unity and expansion of cooperation are of particular importance. The head of state thanked the President of Russia and all Russians for their support in the struggle for preservation of the sovereignty and independence of Belarus.

We should rely only on our own strength and cooperation. It is industrial and scientific cooperation that is seen as the main engine of our integration Development vectors Alexander Lukashenko proposed to develop a long-term strategy for the integration of the Union State. In 2022, the implementation of priority areas and priorities for the development of the Union State is completed, which are traditionally approved for four years: — I propose to consider the possibility of preparing a long-term integration strategy for the Union State (for example, until 2030), filling it with specific projects, taking into account key priorities and development vectors. The President stressed that Russia has always been, is and will be a strategic partner of Belarus, and a fraternal union is a value that should be preserved, augmented and passed on to future generations. — Belarus is not just a good neighbor for us, but first of all our closest ally, — Vladimir Putin stressed in his speech, noting that relations between the two countries are based on the principles of mutual respect, support and consideration of each other’s interests. And he added: — We will continue to provide all-round assistance to the fraternal Belarusian people in the current not the simplest internal political situation in Belarus in conditions of incessant political and sanctions pressure, persistent attempts from the outside to shake the situation. We believe that the ban on the supply of a number of goods to the EU countries from Belarus harms the interests of business and ordinary citizens. This is what those who commit such acts would have to think about. The President of Russia believes that the issue of preservation of the memory of the Great Victory, prevention of attempts to falsify history, and patriotic education of young people should be in the focus of attention of the Union State: — To be the heirs of a generation of winners is not only a great honor, but also a huge responsibility for preservation of traditions of brothers-in-arms, mutual assistance, hardened in the harsh war years. Vasily Kharitonov

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The plans are destined to come true BELTA


Despite a difficult epidemic situation, the format of this event remained unchanged – a plenary meeting with the participation of heads of states, the work of specialized sessions and events on strengthening the trade and economic sector between the Belarusian and Russian regions. True, most of the negotiations and meetings took place online. Videoconferences linked the upper chambers of the parliaments: in Moscow — the Federation Council, in Minsk — the Council of the Republic. Digital technologies are on the agenda ChairpersonoftheCounciloftheRepublic Natalya Kochanova and Chairperson of the Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko took part in the plenary meeting of the VIII Forum of Regions, dedicated to scientific and technical cooperation between the two countries in the era of digitalization. — Digital and other science-intensive technologies literally permeate all spheres of life, become a factor in both economic development of states and growth of the well-being of our citizens. Here Russia and Belarus certainly have an advantage: we have always been distinguished by a high level of academic sectorial science, the desire to effectively use the results of advanced research and development. It is natural that cooperation in the field of science and technology has been one of the priorities of our common work since the first years of the Union State, — noted Valentina Matvienko. The head of the upper house of the Belarusian Parliament Natalya Kochanova drew attention to the fact that digitalization is not only a window of opportunity, but also a source of global challenges: — Cyber technologies are a powerful weapon that is often used for illegal purposes. It targets not only individual citizens. Information war unleashed against


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our countries and massive sanctions pressure have become a reality. Their goal is to weaken us, including technologically. According to the participants of the plenary meeting, both from the Belarusian and Russian sides, the only sure way out of the current situation will be a consolidated opposition to threats from outside. — On the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, we can firmly say: we survived that war because we were united. We, legislators, need to be proactive. We are obliged to set up a reliable legal barrier to the propaganda of violence, incitement to anger and hatred, provocations, fakes and psychosis on the Internet. Ensure effective protection of personal data and personal space of a person from all-pervading electronic control. Joint development of approaches to regulation of the digital sphere will make it possible to take well-considered decisions at the national level, — emphasized Natalya Kochanova. — I propose to create a highlevel group on a bilateral basis both to study the issues of the legislation improvement in this direction, and to find ways of its effective implementation. According to Natalya Kochanova, Belarus and Russia advocate the active use of digital technologies in training personnel

highly-demanded by the economy, students and young scientists for scientific activities: — By combining our potential, we contribute to strengthening of the sovereignty and independence of our countries. The main resource in building knowledge economy is a person. We are justly proud that we have not only preserved a high level of education and scientific schools since Soviet times, but have also mastered new areas: IT, bio- and nanotechnology, bioinformatics. The needs of the branches of the national economy for specialists capable of effective application of advanced technologies are growing rapidly. Therefore, it is so important to unite the efforts of Belarus and Russia in ensuring the advanced rates of development of human resources. Perspectives are based on confidence Since cooperation within the Union State is increasingly entering the digital space, a significant part of the forum was dedicated to work with innovations and modern technologies in all spheres of life. — We pay great attention (and this is gratifying) to the issues of information security, information relations and, in general, the development of our society in the era of digitalization. It is important that within the relations between Russia

Integration of the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus for Foreign Affairs and National Security, the real results of union programs can be felt only through the introduction of scientific achievements into the production process: — Despite the existing positive dynamics of high-tech industries in the real sector of the economy of Belarus and Russia, work in this direction should be taken to a higher level. The key role in the process should be played by the integration of scientific, educational and industrial organizations for the creation and launch of new joint technologies and products on the world market. Information security of the future should be shaped today. Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Natalya Bocharova stressed that even in the pandemic year 2020, the two states managed not to slow down in the field of educational cooperation. Today, more than 10 thousand Belarusian students study in the Russian Federation, of which 3.7 thousand — on a budgetary basis. In 2021, the quota for

Belarusian students was even increased and about 875 applications for this kind of training were received. — We are planning to meet with the State Secretary of the Union State Dmitry Mezentsev to open summer universities, which will be held in 12 of our universities in seven federal districts — from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. At the same time, about 700 Belarusian students will be able to take a two-week course there. The project involves 19 educational programs and seven intensive courses, — said Natalya Bocharova. Success is in particular actions The interaction of economies and industrial cooperation in the Union State is another topical subject on the integration agenda. — The Forum of Regions has proved its consistency and effectiveness. This is evidenced by the agreements and contracts that are signed on the sidelines of the forum. This is the platform where regional economic entities meet, the practice of existing legislation application is discussed as well as those topical points, issues that BELTA

and Belarus, we are talking not only about gas, about issues of construction, trade and industry, but also about such important things as the environment, education and science in the era of digitalization, — said the Director of the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Research Oleg Makarov. Viktor Liskovich, Chairperson of the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus for Education, Science, Culture and Social Development, outlined the prospects for union partnership in the context of the pandemic, information wars, sanctions: — Belarus and Russia have significant scientific and technical, technological potential, which allows them to take leading positions in the world in many areas in the digital technologies field. Most of the regions of our countries participate in joint educational and scientific projects. Since 2000, 57 programs of the Union State have been implemented in radio electronics, microelectronics, space technologies and other areas. However, according to Sergei Rachkov, Chairperson

During work of the forum

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Revelant topics were discussed at the forum

hinder further rapprochement. Then they are brought to a higher level, where the relevant legislative acts are adopted, — said Deputy Chairperson of the Council of the Republic Anatoly Isachenko at the interparliamentary commission of the Council of the Republic and the Federation Council on interregional cooperation. — In the context of sanctions pressure from the collective West, the issues of integration, amalgamation, and unification of legislation in certain areas are becoming important. Today about 80 Russian regions participate in cooperation with Belarus. One of the most active is Bashkortostan, on the territory of which there are 14 enterprises created with the participation of Belarusian capital. And today the issue of not only expansion of the supply of Belarusian automotive, agricultural and construction equipment to the region is discussed, but also of the organization of its assembly at the local level. — Another example is Kursk region, where there are more than 80 brand stores of Belarusian manufacturers, and in the city of Kursk itself, Mozyr House-Building Plant is developing the "Belarusian Quarter" residential complex, — said Deputy Chairperson of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov. — In general, at the end of last year, the mutual trade turnover between the


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countries amounted to $29.5 billion. In the first quarter of this year as against the same period last year, it has grown by 21%. Belarus ranks fourth among Russia's trade partners, and first among the CIS countries. Moreover, Russian investments in the Belarusian economy last year exceeded $4 billion. The largest joint investment project is the construction of a two-unit Belarusian nuclear power plant. And all this became possible thanks to active work not only on the highest level, but also at the level of individual regions, companies, and people. We also talked about joint work in the field of import substitution. — The first steps have been taken — a project on integrated aircraft construction has been considered. The Belarusian side is ready to act as a platform for projects with a high economic effect — these are the socalled projects of the future in the field of innovative healthcare and pharmaceuticals, the creation of a smart city. We are interested in the Russian side joining us in the implementation of these plans, — made proposals Yury Chebotar, First Deputy Minister of Economy of Belarus. A good tradition within the Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia is the meeting of the Business Cooperation Council. This year, at the forum, a number of commercial

contracts for amount over $70 million were signed in the petrochemical and industrial sectors. According to Tatyana Runets, Chairperson of the Standing Commission of the Council of the Republic for Economy, Budget and Finances, at the stage of post-Covid recovery, both the state and individual businesses are solving complex problems in order to enter the trajectory of sustainable growth, effective and consistent development of their competitive advantages, and strengthening of the investment potential. — In solving these problems, an important role for the economic entities of Belarus and Russia is played by the integration factor, the established ties between individual regions of our countries. Trade balance data confirm this thesis. We hope that our mutual trade will continue to grow, — emphasized the senator. The focus of the Business Cooperation Council at the VIII Forum of Regions was on the elimination of barriers for expansion of economic cooperation, improvement of conditions for business in both countries. According to allied experts, the implementation of joint projects, mechanisms on support of cooperation and mutual investments are key conditions for full integration and further formation of the Union State.


OPINIONS Dmitry Mezentsev, State Secretary of the Union State: — Support of interregional cooperation is of utmost importance, including at the level of the upper chambers of the Parliament. They are traditionally responsible for attention to the regions, for taking into account their requests. The topic of digitalization of the national economy, the introduction of modern technologies into the practice of regional and municipal government makes us support local authorities in this important direction. Moreover, a number of regions already today need to try to use the positive experience that exists in Belarus and Russia.

Yegor Makarevich, Chairperson of the Youth Parliament at the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus: — Colleagues from the Russian Federation supported our proposal to hold next year a Belarusian-Russian youth economic forum within the Forum of Regions and its youth parliamentary agenda. We have a large number of young entrepreneurs, young leaders in public and private organizations. Therefore, it is extremely important to build economic and cooperative ties at the youth level as well. Why not invite, for example, successful leaders of the IT sphere, to discuss problem points, "under 30" entrepreneurship. This is a very promising initiative.

Andriy Khudyk, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection: — We are united with Russia by the proximity of territories, biodiversity, transboundary transport of pollutants, water protection, and the creation of joint biological reserves. At the same time, there are more global and pressing problems. First of all this is waste management. We have no doubts about cooperation with the Russian Federation in this area. There are serious agreements and prospects. Of course, Belarus has stepped forward in this regard, at least in the post-Soviet space. Russian colleagues are very interested in our experience, and we are ready to share it with them. Today joint measures are taken to minimize the consequences for the economies of countries in connection with the introduction of the EU carbon tax. These issues are discussed at joint boards and expert groups. At the Forum of Regions, we agreed to create a roadmap.

Vladimir Karanik, Chairperson of Grodno Regional Executive Committee: — At the forum, agreements on interregional cooperation were signed with the Republic of Bashkortostan and Tomsk region. At the same time, Grodno region already has 25 cooperation agreements with the Russian Federation. Our region exports over 50% of its production there. We plan to further develop this direction, expand the geography of supplies, assortment and range of supplied products. However, scientific and technical cooperation is gaining even greater value. These are joint projects, developments that will not only stimulate mutual trade, but also increase the competitiveness of our companies in the foreign market by introduction of the most successful developments of Belarusian and Russian scientists. This is facilitated by the work within the forum. Life has clearly shown that it is too early to discount COVID-19 and our countries should be prepared for external shocks and be able to create the economy that will be resistant to external influences.

OUR REFERENCE The I Forum of Regions of Belarus and Russia was held in Minsk in 2014. About three hundred people took part therein then. Representatives of 19 Russian regions arrived in the Belarusian capital. The thematic outline of the discussions was the effective development of agro-industrial complexes as the most important condition for the food security of the Union State, and as a result, four agreements were signed. Subsequently, the forum was hosted by Sochi, Minsk, Moscow, Mogilev, St. Petersburg. Every year, the organizers chose a key focus for establishment of new contacts in interregional cooperation — industry, social sphere, IT technologies and innovations, trade and economic ties, humanitarian projects, economics. Moreover, each time the Forum

of Regions gave real results not only in words, but also in the form of concluded contracts. For seven years of work, the regional partnership has concluded business agreements for a total amount of $3 billion and about 400 cooperation agreements at the level of individual departments, cities, regions, enterprises and companies. Last year, due to the difficult epidemic situation, the Internet was for the first time used as a platform for meetings: the thematic sections and the plenary meeting were held in the format of videoconferences. However, this did not prevent the Belarusian-Russian partners from signing contracts for a record amount of over $700 million. Aleksey fedosov




Arguments in Support of Active Interrelation Great Stone China-Belarus industrial park, which is located near Minsk, proved itself not only as an attractive platform for doing business, but also became a venue for meetings when issues of bilateral cooperation are considered in the broadest context. So at the beginning of July, the Belarusian-Chinese forum was held there, during which experts discussed the results of joint work of the two countries in the scientific, economic, media and cultural spheres. underway, a new political and party field is being formed. As Oleg Makarov, director of the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies, noted, one of the phenomena is the adaptability of the Chinese model of socioeconomic and socio-political development. In this context, it is important that Belarus and the PRC have achieved a significant degree of integration, which is recognized throughout the world. The two countries have identified this level of interaction as an iron brotherhood. According to Vadim Gigin, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Belarusian State University, the Chinese

model is unique in many ways. First of all, because of its flexibility and productive use of the constructive potential of society. Igor Marzalyuk, Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, is convinced that cooperation between Belarus and China is very fruitful. This applies to both economic indicators and humanitarian relationships. According to Deputy Information Minister Igor Buzovsky, in the face of intense competition and confrontation on the world stage, China won a civilizational victory. There is active cooperation


It should be stressed that this highprofile event in the Great Stone was held under the sign of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, which, as noted by the forum moderator, Chairman of the Board of the Belarusian Union of Journalists Andrei Krivosheev, largely influenced not only the fate of the Chinese people, but also destinies of the peoples of the world: — We would like to deeply, in a new way, rethink the party building of the PRC, as now Belarus is going through a very important stage in its development: the process of modernization of the Basic Law of the country, the Constitution, is

Formal opening of the Belarusian-Chinese forum


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between Belarus and the Celestial Empire in the media sphere. One of the distinctive projects is the publication of the book of the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping on public administration in the Belarusian language. In his turn, Aleksey Sokol, the chairperson of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, assessing the level of cooperation between Belarus and China, noted that the One Road One Belt Initiative has become the world's largest platform for business cooperation: — Thanks to the special, friendly relations between the leaders of our states and the merit of the Chinese Communist Party, the two countries are building strong economic ties. Last year alone, the trade between Belarus and China amounted to more than $4.5 billion, the export of Belarusian products increased by almost ten percent. At the end of last year, China became the second trade partner of our country after Russia. And this potential is growing every year. Xie Xiaoyong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Belarus, stressed that Belarus is an important all-round strategic partner of China and one of the first countries to respond to participation in One Belt One Road Initiative: — In recent years, the China-Belarus relations have made it possible to build up cooperation in various fields and yield fruitful results. The ambassador highly appreciated the interregional cooperation. In antiepidemiological cooperation, the two countries also, according to him, showed that "friendship is more valuable than gold." About fifteen speakers spoke during the forum. Lively discussions took place on the topics of the reports. As part of the event, an introductory tour of the Great Stone Research Center was conducted for its participants. The head of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park administration, Aleksandr Yaroshenko, drew attention to the fact that for many years China had been a strategic partner of Belarus:



Chairman of the Belarusian Association of

Aleksandr Yaroshenko, the head of the

Journalists Andrey Krivosheev

administration of the Great Stone ChinaBelarus Industrial Park

— Our countries intensify interaction, actively implement initiatives and projects. The Great Stone is the largest project of successful bilateral cooperation. This is one of the key platforms of One Belt One Road Initiative, and the project largely contributes to its development, attracting progressive ideas and advanced technologies. According to the First Deputy Minister of Education Irina Starovoitova, cooperation in the field of education between Belarus and China is moving in the mainstream of bilateral political and economic dialogue and is actively gathering pace. She also stressed that the basis of these relations was laid by the heads of the two states. Thanks to their efforts, a colossal potential was formed for the development of bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation. "We, for our part, will make every effort to ensure further

strengthening of fruitful cooperation for the benefit of our countries in the field of education. By shaping intellectual, scientific, creative and technological potential, it creates the basis for sustainable socio-economic development of the states and is the guarantor of social stability of the society", — said Irina Starovoitova. Indeed, thanks to joint efforts, it was possible to significantly increase the dynamics and content of the BelarusianChinese interaction. Thus, the legal framework in the field of education between Belarus and China was formed by five agreements of the intergovernmental and interdepartmental level, and is supplemented by about 500 direct contracts on cooperation between educational institutions of the two countries. More than

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There was a lively discussion at the forum

twenty joint educational programs of the first degree of higher education and more than ten of the second degree are being implemented. On the basis of educational institutions of the two countries, there are two joint educational structures and four scientific laboratories. Undoubtedly, the implementation in 2019 of a significant initiative in BelarusianChinese relations – the Year of Belarusian Education in China was an important stage in bilateral cooperation. In close cooperation, the parties managed to hold a number of meaningful events of mutual interest at a high organizational level with broad participation of the academic and youth communities of Belarus and China. Within the framework of cooperation between the two countries in the field of education, the promotion, support and expansion of opportunities for learning the Chinese language is of great importance. In Belarus, there are specialized Confucius institutes, Confucius stations, Confucius classes and centers for the study of the Chinese language at Belarusian institutions of higher education. — Undoubtedly, the results achieved convince us of the correctness of the chosen way, and also stimulate us to search for new


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breakthrough forms of interaction that will allow us to bring it to a qualitatively new level, — concluded Irina Starovoitova. By the way, on the basis of the Faculty of International Relations of the Belarusian State University, a department for a comprehensive study of the PRC development will be formed in the new academic year. This was announced at the forum by the rector of BSU Andrey Korol. The department, in his opinion, will contribute to the strengthening of state relations between Belarus and China. — This is a very important vector that the university and, in general, different segments of the society need today, — said the rector. Andrey Korol also noted the dynamics of cooperation between the Belarusian State University and the PRC, which resulted in the first graduation of 78 graduates from the joint Chinese-Belarusian institute, the growing popularity of the Belarusian university among Chinese citizens. Today there are about three thousand of them at BSU, which is 64 percent of the total number of foreign students of the university. In total, BSU interacts with Chinese universities and research institutes within the framework of 77 contracts. Among the recent ones, there is

a memorandum that regulates cooperation in the field of education and science with Tsinghua University. This university is one of the leading in China, it is a member of nine elite Chinese universities in the C9 League. According to the QS rankings, it is the 15th among the best universities in the world and constantly tops the National Ranking of China Universities. Among its graduates there are many famous scientists, artists and politicians, for example two presidents of the PRC — Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping. Rector of BSU thanked the representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Belarus for support of the initiatives that are being implemented within the BelarusianChinese cooperation, and expressed confidence in the further expansion and deepening of partnership with China. Meanwhile, after the BelarusianChinese Forum on Business, Scientific, Media and Cultural Cooperation, its participants could watch on-line the summit of the CPC and political parties of the world on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, in which the keynote speech was made by the President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping. Vladimir Khromov


Political mutual trust between Belarus and China is constantly getting stronger. This was stated by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Belarus Xie Xiaoyong at the international online conference "Belarus and China: common development trajectory".


Cooperation of great potential Xie Xiaoyong

trade between China and Belarus last year showed significant 10 percent growth. From January to April this year, the total volume of imports and exports of goods between the countries amounted to $1.25 billion – 58 percent increase as against the same period last year. China has become the second largest trading partner of Belarus. The parties have achieved new results in the joint construction of the Belt and Road initiative, and the Great Stone China-Belarus Industrial Park has become a landmark project of this initiative." The head of the diplomatic mission noted that humanitarian exchanges are also becoming closer. "The number of joint research projects between the two countries is increasing, which is yielding great results. In 2020, more than 5,000 Chinese students studied in Belarus, and over 1,000 Belarusian students in China. Established by China Confucius Institutes and the Chinese Cultural Center in Minsk work in Belarus," – Xie Xiaoyun said. "Interregional cooperation has become a new growth point for the development of bilateral relations. All six regions of Belarus and

the city of Minsk have established twinning relations with the provinces and cities of China. Interregional cooperation is continuously being enriched with new content and plays a more important role in strengthening and deepening of Chinese-Belarusian cooperation and traditional friendship between the two peoples, – the diplomat emphasized. – Besides, cooperation during the pandemic has further strengthened the friendship between the two peoples. After the outbreak of COVID-19, China and Belarus provided each other with material assistance, exchanged experience in combatting the epidemic. In January and May the Chinese government provided the Belarusian side with a batch of vaccines against coronavirus free of charge." According to the head of the diplomatic mission, the results achieved by the countries in different spheres demonstrate a high level of interaction and peculiarities of relations between the two countries, speak of deep friendship between Belarus and China, and also reflect the true meaning of the proverb "a friend in need is a friend indeed." "The China-Belarus cooperation has great potential and broad development prospects. The countries face a common task – protection of their sovereignty, security, and international justice. It is necessary to transform the enormous political advantages, friendly relations between the two states into specific driving forces for the continuous expansion of comprehensive exchange in education, science, technology, culture, to increase exchange between think tanks and youth, as well as to continuously strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between peoples," – the Chinese ambassador said.

Online conference "Belarus and China: common development trajectory"

Vladimir Velikhov

"Next year, a significant event will take place, i.e. the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Chinese-Belarusian diplomatic relations. Over the past 30 years, thanks to the continuous work of the two sides and personal care of the leaders of the states, stable and healthy development of relations has been maintained. The business community in various fields is constantly rising to a new level and bears outstanding results for the benefit of the peoples of the two countries," – said, in particular, Xie Xiaoyong. According to the ambassador, the development of the Belarusian-Chinese relations is characterized by distinctive features. "Firstly, the political mutual trust between the two sides is constantly getting stronger. Both states maintain close and frequent exchanges at high and highest levels, close coordination in international affairs, and also firmly support each other in matters concerning the key interests of the two countries, –said Xie Xiaoyong – Secondly, trade and economic cooperation maintains good momentum of development. Despite the impact of the pandemic, the volume of

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Festival extravaganza

such a memorable festival mood Participants and guests of the jubilee XXX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar" were warmly welcomed in Vitebsk peace. And for Belarusians, Alexander Lukashenko noted, the festival has become one of the symbols of an independent state: — A whole generation of our people grew up on it. It is not surprising that the festival has indurated in the land that can rightfully be considered the cradle of Belarusian originality. Vitebsk region, which gave us Chagall, Pen, Azgur, Bykov and Fradkin, has become a center of attraction for creative people in the 21st century. Today the festival in Vitebsk is the most authoritative international competition for professional vocality. Let me emphasize: a competition of professional skills, not show technologies, created only for the image and the desire to amuse someone's pride. It exists in the name of people, friendship and unity, because only in the unity of peoples is there a force that overcomes any obstacles. By the way, a ticket to the festival allows citizens of 74 countries to visit our country without a visa. BELTA

By tradition, the President of Belarus took part in the opening ceremony of the XXX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk". Addressing a large audience, Alexander Lukashenko, in particular, stressed: — We, who are present here, first of all Belarusians, as before, from this cultural platform, call on countries and nations to build bridges, not walls. It is sacred to keep the Slavic fraternity, to strengthen friendship with all states of the world. The President also said that when new Slavic and Eurasian states appeared on the map, when a new era began in the history of different peoples, people who were confused and cut off from each other needed hope more than ever to preserve spiritual and fraternal ties. This hope, in the opinion of the President of Belarus, was presented by the festival in Vitebsk. It gave everyone confidence in future, the foundation of which was laid by the Soviet traditions of interethnic


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Festival extravaganza

Rukhiya from Kazakhstan became the winner of the pop song performers

Irina Arsenievich took the first place at the contest


want to go to Belarus. So soon I will become the ambassador of your country in Ecuador, — Ivanna smiles. And the representative of Serbia Irina Arsenievich has not just heard about the festival. Several years ago, the girl took part in the children's competition "Vitebsk". Now she has returned, but already at the adult competition — and certainly for the Grand Prix. — People in Vitebsk are all the same hospitable, and the city, it seems to me, has become even more beautiful, — the singer shared her impressions. — "Slavianski Bazaar", by the way, is very popular in Balkan countries, many young performers dream of coming to Vitebsk. The jury of the competition this year was headed by the People's Artist of Belarus, the leader of "Syabry" ensemble Anatoly Yarmolenko. He was accompanied by Italian singer and composer Michele Poma, People's Artist of Moldova Konstantin Moskovich, Ukrainian pop singer Taisia Povaliy, Russian singer Sergei Penkin, lead singer of the French group Ottawan Patrick Jean Baptiste and star from Kazakhstan Dimash Kudaibergen. Dimash admitted: BELTA

— Well, the friends of Belarus never needed an invitation. We are always glad to guests, we are glad in Belarusian, and we repeat for the hundredth time: come, look at our country — we have something to be proud of and something to pleasantly surprise you with! — the President noted in his speech. Every year participants of the children's music competition take their first creative steps here. — This is the future of our countries, — stressed Alexander Lukashenko. — After all, in the end, all this happens in order to preserve the continuity of generations, to illuminate the path of creative youth — to show the best examples, but at the same time to give space for the implementation of new ideas and directions. And we believe that our youth will write many more bright pages in the life of the festival, and will worthily continue what we have begun. Let it be in a new format, even if in a language we do not understand, but with the same bright goal: "Through art — to peace and mutual understanding"! Street art festival, exhibitions, performances, representations and fairs of folk craftsmen — all this, except for the main song contest, took place today at 30 different venues of the "Slavianski Bazaar". In a word, it exists and develops. Meanwhile, they still take the competition and music programs very seriously and take a very responsible attitude to ensuring that the word "international" in the name of the forum is not nominal. And the numbers, of course, are impressive: over the years, artists from almost 80 (!) states have visited hospitable Vitebsk land. And this, the directorate of the festival is confident in, is not the limit. In this year, for the first time, a representative of Ecuador came to the competition of pop song performers in Vitebsk. More precisely, the representative is a 23-year-old Ivanna Irene Barreiro Garcia, who appeared on stage under the pseudonym Vanna. In Vitebsk, laughs the artist, from the first minutes she felt at home: a real summer! In those days, the city really resembled a red-hot southern resort, such weather at the festival will not be remembered even by old-timers. — I came to Vitebsk with pleasure, although I knew practically nothing about Belarus. But now I will tell everyone how great it is here, musically, beautifully and comfortably. To be honest, I didn't even expect it. Friends, to whom I send photos and videos, now also

Komnen Vukovic, the winner of the Grand Prix of the children's song contest "Vitebsk-2021"

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Festival extravaganza


Anastasia (Georgia)


Maria Laura (Italy)


Konstantine Mazurkevich (Belarus)

Elizabeth Zakharieva (Bulgaria)


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— "Slavianski Bazaar" is a platform where borders between countries are erased and all people begin to communicate in one language — the language of music. It is not for nothing that during the round table "Slavianski Bazaar" — 30 years. Achievements and Prospects" the Minister of Information Vladimir Pertsov said that the international festival has become a standard creative platform for artists and spectators from many countries. — During this time, so many festivals and events have appeared and disappeared! And many of them cannot be compared with the arts forum, which takes place in Vitebsk and is in demand with the artists who participate therein with pleasure. There is even some kind of competition and rivalry: who got to the festival, who didn't, how they performed. There also was the Union State Day at the festival. In addition to a large concert of masters of arts of Belarus and Russia in the Summer Amphitheater, the Art Museum hosted exhibitions "Golden Khokhloma — the soul of Russia" and "Torzhok gold embroidery", and a presentation of a project dedicated to the 125th anniversary of birthday of Sergei Yesenin. And this is only a part of the events that were expected by the festival audience on this day. Yes, the current anniversary of "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" was special in many ways. Even traditional events this year were held in an unusual format. For example, the street art fest "On the Seven Winds". Usual performances have been replaced by street performances, and most of the events have acquired a mobile format. Hundreds of musicians, artists, actors, dancers, performers performing in different parts of the city created a truly carnival atmosphere in the festival Vitebsk. For lovers of active recreation, sports competitions and thematic excursions were provided. Guests were offered both entertaining trips around the city, including on a motor ship, and tour routes to iconic places of nearby districts and cities. Those who wished were ready to show the sights of Polotsk, Orsha, the museum-estate of Ilya Repin "Zdravnevo". And yet the main place at "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" traditionally occupied musical projects. The most long-awaited events are the XXX International Pop Song Performers Contest "Vitebsk-2021" and the XIX International Children's Music Contest "Vitebsk-2021". In general, on festival days in Vitebsk it was impossible to get bored. As the organizers said, everyone could find a space to their liking here. The incredible atmosphere of the holiday can be felt through the screens of TVs and computers. Concert and competition programs were shown live on TV channels. Besides, this year the organizers of "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" agreed on broadcasting of the main events of the festival with the largest streaming service OK LIVE. By the way, it is always the most noisy place near the main concert venue of the forum. Young people hunted for autographs of their favorite artists. It is not difficult to meet them here, especially when rehearsals are in progress, before or during a concert. Some fans, having found out where their favorite artist lives, go straight there. For example, to the hotel "Eridan". I wonder if it is difficult for the staff to fulfill all the requirements of the stars?

Vladislav Eremeev




Anatoly Yarmolenko

Natalia Gordienko BELTA

— Although they are famous artists, they are very modest, pleasant people, not picky. The main requirement is a deluxe room. Like everyone else, they want to relax, to stay in silence. Like everyone else, they go out for a walk in the city, but, probably, so as to beccome less noticed, they put on sunglasses and kerchiefs. The hotel employees understand that people get tired of constant attention, so they try not to disturb them once again, — said the hotel administrator Elena Kosikova. By the way, in the hotel it was also possible to buy exclusive handmade souvenirs in memory of the festival and Vitebsk, which artists and craftspeople usually sell only at "Slavianski Bazaar", but here they are available all year round. However, Vitebsk festival was felt all these days not only at the main site of the forum — the Summer Amphitheater. The festive atmosphere filled all the streets and squares of the city. These days, here one can easily meet a pop star choosing souvenirs, try an exclusive dessert in a cafe, prepared specially for the festival, and take part in an unusual show. In short, pleasant emotions are guaranteed. One does not know where to look first due to a variety of designer clothes, various accessories. On Tolstoy Street, for example, it was impossible to pass by designer handbags and genuine leather jewelry created by Irina Danilova from Veliky Novgorod, who first came to "Slavianski Bazaar": — Before the pandemic, many events took place in our city, including international ones, but now there are none. I have been planning to visit the festival in Belarus for a long time: to see the products of other craftspeople and to show my works. When I make them, I want a woman to feel like a queen when she goes out. One can't put a sack of potatoes in my bags — one can only show off with them. Popularization of folk traditions is a constant element of the festival. There is no need to talk about the abundance of paintings offered by the artists on the streets of the city: there are landscapes, and portraits, and still lifes for every taste. There are a lot of stylish things on the shelves for home or office decor. In one of the tents, the attention of passers-by was attracted by creative products made from ordinary, but, it seems, melted bottles: watches, trays. Grant Pogosov brought them from Samara, which is 1,500 kilometers away. He works according to the ecological program "Clean up the Planet of Bottles" and was also for the first time in Vitebsk at the invitation of the organizers of the festival. And if someone got tired of wandering, there was always the opportunity to sit down and listen to street musicians – students of music schools, colleges, sometimes professionals. Here and there there were live sculptures, performances of dance studios. Closer to the amphitheater, colorful old women, not missing the moment, offer flowers: in case you are going to a concert, but you have forgotten about the bouquet for the artist. But it was they, the beloved artists, who first of all gave the audience a good mood on these July days. Everyone whom could not leave indifferent the jubilee, XXX International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk".


Festival extravaganza

Dimash Kudaibergen

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Travel trends

To share joy, kindness and peace The oldest main folk Kupala Night (or Kupalle) festival in Alexandria on the picturesque bank of the Dnieper in Shklov district began its history as a large-scale festival in 2010. And already in 2012, the holiday acquired an international status, became one of the centers of attraction for numerous tourists. The popularity of the festival is growing every year – the number of participants and guests of the festival is increasing, their geography is expanding. This year, more than 66 thousand people became guests of the holiday. By tradition, this time the President also came to Kupala Night ("Alexandria Gathers Friends"). Speaking to 3,000 audience, which filled the open-air hall in anticipation of the Gala concert "Songs of my Land", he said: "Today we have gathered here again, in one of the most picturesque corners of Belarus. Gathered together to preserve the mood of the ancient folk holiday, which has always been our national treasure... On the Night of Ivan Kupala, wherever we live – in a small village or in a big city, we strive to the place where Kupala fires burn, rivers and lakes are decorated with wreaths of meadow grasses and flowers, favorite melodies and songs sound. We strive there – to our origins. To where it began. Because an inexplicable desire wakes up in everyone's heart to get closer to nature: to breathe in the smell of the


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forest, warm up by the fire and see the most important thing – the clear Night sky." According to him, it is important that this holiday in Alexandria gives not only the joy of meeting with relatives, loved ones and friends, but for a moment returns to the very depths of centuries, allows us to touch ancient knowledge, the experience of all generations and humanity in general, reminds people of the fact that they are children of their native land, which from ancient times belonged to the mighty tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Alexander Lukashenko's speech was notable for its sincerity and sublimity: "Traditions that these glorious, wise and strong people left us a thousand years ago have actually become a part of our culture, formed the basis of the modern way of life. They include everything that today unites us, Belarusians, as a people. This is a sacred

knowledge about natural elements, medicinal herbs and amulets. Knowledge that teaches us to love nature, appreciate its gifts and preserve beauty.This is the connection of pagan rituals and Christian symbols, which became the basis of latitude in religion and tolerance.These are the sources of our devotion to traditional values, the main of which are family, children, respect for older generations. That's where our character, our habits and our traditions come from – from there, from the millennium." Alexander Lukashenko also noted that the striving of Belarusians for independence is explained by the rebelliousness and love to freedom of their ancestors. "We know that the striving of Belarusians for independence is explained by the rebelliousness and love to freedom of our ancestors, who were never slaves

Travel trends

"Today we are trying to follow these traditions. Herefrom is our entire policy. We do not claim foreign lands. We do not want to annoy our neighbors and distant peoples. We want to live in peace and harmony with everyone." Alexander Lukashenko


He noted that representatives of different countries performed at the festival, and all these years they gave the participants and guests of "Kupala Night" a piece of their culture. "The history of Kupala Night in Alexandria has not been interrupted, despite the pandemic and external political differences. It will always be so. This year was not an exception. Because we are the keepers of this tradition, the people who choose their fate and life path with our hearts." Alexander Lukashenko sincerely thanked everyone who creates this holiday, as well as artists, musicians who decorate this evening with their talent and creativity. "I would like to thank the golden hands of the craftsmen who, despite this African heat, came here to show us their work." Also, concluding his speech, Alexander Lukashenko wished all those present: "Let the atmosphere of love, friendship and harmony prevailing here give all of us, like a magical fern flower, faith in our own strengths, inspire us to new achievements in

the name of a peaceful and prosperous future of our native Belarus." Despite the fact that the most important events of Kupala Night – throwing wreaths into the water and search for a fern flower began closer to midNight – Alexandria started celebration in the morning. The entire agro-town is a big fair, always with a concert (this year also with a theater) – where artists and craftsmen from at least three countries – Belarus, Russia and Ukraine – have arrived. Thousands of guests: regulars, tourists and VIPs. The holiday in Alexandria is such an attractive and understandable in any language tradition of the new Belarus and without political overtones. More than a kilometer of retail space, craftsmen from all over the country and more, a lot of music and interactive platforms for guests of different ages – from the very morning the agro-town Alexandria in Shklov district plunged into the atmosphere of a great holiday. The main theme of the holiday is a towel as a symbol of national unity. Craftswomen of Mogilev region presented almost 200 towels – all of them are woven or embroidered by hand. Let us remind the reader: a towel is a unique thing in Belarusian culture. On three rows, streets representing Minsk and the region, there were expositions with a presentation of old and reconstructed towels. During the day, there were quizzes, contests, theatrical performances with


or slave owners. And never in history they were aggressors, but they always tried to preserve peace and harmony with their closest neighbors. Therefore, the unity of the people of Belarus in its ethnic, cultural and confessional diversity is steady." "Today we are trying to follow these traditions. Herefrom is our entire policy. We do not claim foreign lands. We do not want to annoy our neighbors and distant peoples. We want to live in peace and harmony with everyone," – he stressed. And he once again drew attention to the thesis: Belarusians have never been slaves or slave owners. "That is why today we cannot afford to be thought of us that we have become slaves. Moreover, we cannot afford to be these slaves. We are the people. The people who for the first time in hundreds of years built their independent and sovereign state, which always differs from others in its character, morals and traditions. We are Belarusians, who have all the national traits as the people. They come from there – from the depths. It was not me who invented them," – the President said. Alexander Lukashenko noted that the republican holiday is called "Alexandria Gathers Friends" for a reason: "This is also an age-old tradition – to share joy with those who come to our house to share peace and goodness. And we, Belarusians, are always ready to accept everyone into our big family, who are close to our values and way of life, our historical memory."

The main theme of the holiday was a towel as a symbol of national unity

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the participation of creative groups, performances of amateur groups. And all guests of the holiday had the opportunity to get acquainted with the art of weaving and the unique cultural heritage – weavers on authentic looms of the 18th-19th centuries held master classes on making towels with patterns and embroidery. Also, the audience saw the work of the craftswomen of Senno district – a towel-amulet, the ornament of which formed the basis of the state symbols of our country. The organizers also surprised the audience with an authentic Kupala towel, which comes from Chausy land. Its age is over 150 years old. And also, interestingly, during the creative presentation of the towels, two looms were installed on the site near the stage. Belarusian craftswomen weaved a real towel of national unity in real time. Alexandria is a real celebration of the unity of peoples. Tatiyana Kovaleva, a weaver from Khotimsk district, shared this opinion during the work of the thematic farmsteads. Traditionally, guests of the festival were greeted by an exhibition of machines from Minsk Tractor Works. This time, there are 9 exhibits here – agricultural machines created with the latest technology. Not far from the machines exhibition, a small festival area was located – from 11 a.m. until the Night there were a variety of concert performances. The premiere of musical "Wreath on the water" and the display of linen collections from enterprises of "Bellegprom" concern took place here. In "Belpost" tent, everyone could send a thematic postcard to anywhere in our country right from the holiday – the unique service was free. Markets on Kupala field occupied about 1.4 km. They housed food and drink venues, thematic installations and even performances from the country's leading enterprises. This year, the guests of Kupala Night could purchase at promotion prices delicious food, confectionery and bakery products – everyone could find something here to their liking. Markets of folk craftsmen traditionally became a bright spot on the festive map – the assortment of the presented products dazzled the eyes. There were jewelry, handmade clothes, household items and products of arts


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and crafts. More than 800 craftsmen took part in the fair. This year, craftsmen came to Alexandria even from Kamchatka. Craftsmen from Dagestan, Chernigov and Ivano-Frankovsk regions of Ukraine presented their works. Besides, they showed their traditional towels at the festival. " To d a y, f o u r representatives of Kamchatka peoples gathered in Alexandria. And everyone brought their traditional products: jewelry made of animal bones, including bracelets from fish spines, fur products, traditional costumes of the peoples of the north, products made of fish skin. The peculiarity of our products – they are made of natural materials. Our region is very clean, we do not have large factories. Therefore, the ecology has been preserved practically in its original form. We brought tea from traditional herbs with us, – said the representative of Kamchatka delegation, Andrey Adukanov. – We first came to Belarus for a holiday in Alexandria. It took a long time to get there, of course. Buses, snowmobiles, dog sleds, trains – we have changed many transport modes. The holiday had just begun, but people were actively approaching to look, ask, learn something. We got acquainted with the work of our colleagues – Belarusians have a very interesting and multifaceted culture. We even bought ourselves something as a keepsake. It's great that there are such holidays that we have the opportunity to show our culture and get acquainted with the traditions of Belarusians and Ukrainians." Another representative of the delegation from Kamchatka, Lidia Kruchinina, said that she had already managed to buy herself several Belarusian souvenirs. "We collect personal museum from items from places we visit. It's great that there is such a holiday on the Belarusian land. It really unites people. Even if we have such dissimilar cultures, we still remain fraternal peoples. Very friendly


Travel trends

Kupala Night – a festive mood everywhere

atmosphere, good mood. I am sure that the holiday will be successful." The culture of Dagestan was also presented in Alexandria – here one could see hand-made carpets, wood products in a unique technique – Untsukul ornamental notch on wood. Works in this technique were brought by the third-generation master Magomedali Magomedaliev from Dagestan. "This is the third time we participate in holiday in Alexandria. During this time, we got fans here. Untsukul ornamental woodcut is a complex kind of applied art. I travel a lot around the world, but I have never seen such works anywhere, – said the master – I really like the festival. Every year it gets better and better. This is a great opportunity to communicate with old friends, meet new ones. This year after Kupala Night we will go to Vitebsk for the first time to Slavianski Bazaar. Such holidays are a great opportunity to learn more about another culture." A varied and rich program was prepared for guests of the youth platform. Mastering modern technologies for control of robots, trying oneself as bloggers, trying on a soldier's uniform of the First and Second World Wars – all this was here. For lovers of literature, Belarusian writers of the older and younger generations presented author's novelties. A lot of entertainment was also prepared for the youngest guests of the republican holiday. Traditionally it was the "Circus Fest". New venues included a show and a


Travel trends This is a connecting beginning that came to us from the depths of the centuries, ancestors' energy, which is reflected in the culture of creation of these towels, is passed on to us, – said Igor Petrishenko. – Today we saw how rich our country is in talented folk craftsmen who not only carefully preserve these A wide variety of craftsmen can be found at the festival traditions, but also pass them on to their apprentices. They pass on to young people not only their performance from Mogilev Regional Puppet experience, but also everything that mothers, Theater. grandmothers and great-grandmothers "We are all looking forward to Kupala taught them. And I hope that this amazing Night in our agro-town. It seems that it has Belarusian tradition will continue. After all, been held in the same place for several years one cannot desist what belongs to the entire now, but there is always a lot of something nation." new and interesting. Both children and At Kupala Night in Alexandria, a spirit of adults like the atmosphere of the holiday. interconnectedness and a united folk family Many guests come to us. – Relatives and reigns. State Secretary of the Union State acquaintances. They're coming from Minsk Dmitry Mezentsev shared this opinion with and Minsk region, Grodno, Brest – everyone journalists during the holiday. wants to see the holiday. Some even take time "We all love this holiday. There is a off or specifically take a leave for this time. special spirit and atmosphere of a sense of Because the holiday remains relevant, – said interconnectedness, of a united folk family. Lyana Sakovich, a resident of Alexandria. – It I come here for the third time. And during is very difficult to name any one site that I like this time, the orientation of people towards the most. Various markets, where one can their small homeland has not changed. find products from all over the republic, are The Year of National Unity is special for also pleasing. There are always many positive Belarusians, – said Dmitry Mezentsev. – impressions after the gala concert. There are Such communication is very important many interactive activities for young people, for us – outside offices, papers and phone playgrounds for children. They also love calls, when we look into each other's eyes, Kupala Night very much and every year they we understand the souls of Belarusians look forward to it. This is a very important and Russians more." He also noted that event in the life of our agro-town." the President of the Russian Federation New creative forms and formats are Vladimir Putin supports the Belarusian presented annually at the celebration in people. "Vladimir Putin is consistently Alexandria. This opinion was expressed to providing support to Belarus. Today journalists by Deputy Prime Minister Igor there are so many meaningful answers to Petrishenko after the opening ceremony. the requests of the Belarusian leadership Here's what he said: in matters of credit support, economic "Every year the holiday in Alexandria cooperation. I think the time when we presents new creative forms and formats. will tell you how the work on the union And this year was not an exception. The programs is going (so far, they are called main theme of the holiday this time is a towel.

roadmaps) is not far off. These are largescale and significant programs", – Dmitry Mezentsev noted. Well, in the evening, we repeat, an unusual gala concert was held for the guests and residents of Alexandria. The main feature of the concert: its repertoire was made at the request of residents of the agro-town Alexandria. The final show was based on the idea of spiritual unity. Friends gathered around the same table and discussed important human values: family, spirituality and love. All this was accompanied by bright creative numbers. The design of the stage was also unusual this year: it was rotating and this created a 3D effect. A rotating platform with a diameter of 9 m was installed in the center. LED screens played the role of decorations. Oleg Gazmanov, Seryoga, Konstantin Moskovich, Anatoly Yarmolenko, Vasily Rainchik, Anastasia Moskvina, Vladimir Gromov, Alexander Solodukha, Vladimir Provalinsky, Alena Lanskaya, Janet, Victoria Aleshko, Nadezhda Mikulich, Ruslan Alekhno appeared on the concert stage. The concert was attended by an orchestra of folk instruments named after L.L. Ivanov, Belarusian State Folk Music Ensemble "Svyata", State Academic Dance Ensemble, National Academic Folk Choir named after G.I. Tsitovich, "Pesnyary", art group "Belarusians", ensemble "Syabry", VIA "Verasy", group "Aura", show "Allure" and others. By the way, Alexander Lukashenko shook hands with the rapper and singer Seryoga (Sergei Parkhomenko). At the end of his speech, Serega himself asked to check the President's handshake for strength, so as not to trust other people's opinions on this matter. And he concluded that it is the strongest in Europe – eastern, central and western. And, by the way, he was very pleased with the words of Alexander Lukashenko: "Well done, we are waiting for new hits." The concert lasted over two hours. After that, the residents of Alexandria and guests could see a beautiful fireworks over the Dnieper. The final chord of the holiday was an incendiary open-air disco. Everybody danced. Mikhalina Cherkashina. BelTA materials were used.

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Travel trends

Vacation as a journey from person to person Agro-ecotourism is undoubtedly one of the modern forms of recreation. Although it arose on a wave of apparent interest in the ecological diversity of the environment and a nostalgic perception of rural life. It’s not that agro-ecotourism has rapidly gained many of its admirers all over the world. But there are regions where it has really become very popular. First of all, thanks to the enthusiasts of this tourist trend, who timely felt the acute demand for it. In Belarus, the public association "Rest in the Village" was at the origins of agro-ecotourism. This means that our conversation with Valeria Klitsunova, Chairperson of the Board of the Association, on this topic is quite logical. – Agro-ecotourism has made itself known in Belarus relatively recently. I wonder if we can say that, nonetheless, it managed to occupy its niche in a fairly fully-developed tourism industry? – The history of agro-ecotourism in Belarus dates back to 2002, when a public organization for its development was created and the enthusiasts of this movement took their first steps, embarking on a completely new for them path. Now the Belarusian public association "Rest in the Village" is well known and people talk about our agro-ecotourism both in Belarus and abroad. This type of tourism, without exaggeration, is becoming a brand of the country. According to the latest data, now we have about three thousand estates, which are in great demand. Rest in them is no longer a curiosity or a tribute to fashion, but a desire, along with everything, to really feel the familiar component of the Belarusians' way of life. The circumstances of the past two years have greatly influenced the tourism industry. Border-crossing holidays have almost disappeared due to COVID-19 and not only. As a result, the attention of our compatriots shifted towards their native land. Social distancing requirements, self-isolation and other precautions have changed the nature of leisure activities. Many have experienced for the first time recreation in the country estates. And here we have something to offer. – Is it possible to specify a region of the country where agritourism is developed best of all? If so, what contributed to this? Why did it happen? Or did agritourism become immediately popular in all regions of Belarus? – If we look at the map of our country, it will become obvious that agro-estates are unevenly located. This trend is observed in other countries as well. Where there are appropriate conditions, there are much more estates. By their number, Minsk region is in the lead (972 estates). This is understandable, Minsk is a huge metropolis and people need to rest somewhere, even for a short time. The next


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Valeria Klitsunova at the exhibition in Bergano

leading region is Vitebsk (670 estates). This is our lake region and a longer rest is in great demand there. And, of course, there are smaller territories, a kind of "agroecotourist resorts" – the Braslav Lakes, Lake Naroch, Glubokoye District, Belovezhskaya Pushcha... These are places of high recreational value with a very large concentration of estates. New regions, promising for agritourism, are also emerging – Kobrin, Bereza, Ivanovo, Miory, Volkovysk districts. I think we will hear about them soon. – What is most in demand today in Belarusian agricultural estates? Why are they attractive to tourists who want to relax in the countryside? – I dare to say that in our country over the past twenty years, in fact, a new industry and economic sphere – agro-ecotourism – has appeared. With its own professionals, reasonably good service, authenticity, environmental friendliness and, most importantly, creativity. We are no longer living in the era of information technology, but in the era of the experience economy. Impressions are becoming the most demanded product and bright offers of Belarusian villages are in trend. One can learn how to bake bread, walk along a swamp path, make your own "natural" cosmetics, enjoy sunrise and birds singing, taste food from the stove, learn to sing Belarusian songs and dance our dances, hear the unique and touching stories of local residents, go boating, ride bicycles and horses. The list is endless. And now we can already say that agro-ecotourism has not only taken its own niche, but has become the market leader in terms of attractiveness and demand for its services and a recognizable brand of our country. And there is proof of that. In 2016 and 2018, Belarus became an agritourism country following the results of the prestigious National Geographic competition – "Traveler Awards, Russia". And the World Forum on Rural Tourism was held in Belarus.

Travel trends Today the offers of agro-estates are very diverse in terms of price, range and level of services. It seems to me that now we can find everything: from excellent infrastructure for parties, weddings and seminars to secluded eco-friendly homes in unique places for energy recovery and reset. There are proposals for completely different segments. This is, for example, a family vacation. Or active recreation for large and small groups. Children's camps, educational programs, master classes related to mastering a new craft – pottery, wool felting, blacksmithing, making cheese or herbal teas. In short, our agro-estates are ready to satisfy the needs and tastes of the most discerning tourists, to make their rest very diverse. Well, if someone just wants peace and quiet – this is also possible. – You have been the head of the Belarusian Public Association "Rest in the Village" for quite a long time. What kind of assistance can those who want to develop rural tourism expect from it? – Our organization provides great support to the agroecotourism movement. We try to protect and advocate the interests of people involved in its development at the legislative level. By the way, we have very liberal conditions for doing this business. We conduct many educational programs, trainings, seminars, webinars. We have our own YouTube channel with a large educational "film library" of our own production. We advise those who start their own business, connect them with specialists, experts. We develop various projects, find financing and implement them. And, what is especially important, we unite people into one team, a kind of family. Together we are strong! We have always tried to find our own place, a competitive advantage. As a slogan, we took words of the famous Belarusian writer Vladimir Korotkevich: "This is a land of open souls and doors!". I think that "soulfulness" is our main quality and all owners of agricultural estates try to show it. Although they are all very different: both in age, in interests, and in character.

– Still, what can the tourists who come to rest in the Belarusian agro-estate count on? How are guests welcomed there? – I am absolutely sure that tourists with a wide variety of needs, coming to Belarus, will find "their" estate here, where they will feel good. Well, the owners, as real mini tour agents, will always provide them with an interesting and varied program. If the tourist himself/herself, of course, wishes it. There is another option – to leave tourists alone, providing shelter and minimal food. And they will keep house and rest independently. Suppose that people are tired of the hustle and bustle and come for tranquility. In short, different forms of recreation are possible. Almost all information is available on the Internet, and many offers can be obtained upon request. In conclusion, I just want to emphasize that staying in our argo-estates is not a journey from house to house, but from person to person. Visiting Belarusian estates, tourists will definitely find friends here. Alexander Pimenov. Photos by the author.

Agro-ecotourism – it is interesting!

Vacation mosaic

беларусь. belarus 2021


25 years later PLANETABELARUS.BY


Notes on a hiking adventure that no one has repeated yet


Continuation. Beginning in No. 2,3,4,6. gnatishki – a forest outside the village of Komarovo. Villagers of Mikhalishki. The first surprise with the Kewpie's right wheel. The role of a man and a woman in co-creation. The beginning of our long discussion. Old man Adolf. Let's decide on the coordinates for the readers who travel around Belarus with us. We are near Lyntupy, Postavy district. We leave at 9.40 and go to Komarovo. And during one of the breaks we write down in our diary: "The place we stayed over night was wonderful. We are dirty all over. Feel happy if we wash face and hands even in a small swamp. But one can adapt to everything. Such are people. On average we cover 5 km per hour. The weather is still good. We can't work out daily routine – we have no time to read, wash socks, write texts to Minsk. The carriage creaks softly. It also spent the night in the forest for the first time." We enter the village of Olshevo, on the Stracha river. A diary entry says: "There is a rapid flow below, and we sit taking a rest



right on the bridge. We feel heartsease. We decided to relax after having passed through the village." Valentina's entry from her diary: "Ivan went to get the notebook, he is going to write a poem caused by our wonderful state of mind. As well as by tenderness and gratitude. And so it happened. However, he has his own opinion on this matter. This is what he said: "It seems to me: when a poem is born, I am inspired by what Valya feels..." Valya replies: "It's all the same – we are in the same poetic bundle, not only in a pedestrian one..." And she says: "You, Vanya, turn upside down "all cosmic laws" with your thesis: it is a woman who catches and directs ideas that a man impregnates and embodies." There will be many more such creative discussions ahead. However, Ivan does not deny: "Our communication could have been different. There might have been no poems on the trip at all. And what about such a phenomenon: poets write very interesting works being apart from their loved ones,. Who, then, "catches and sets the direction"? Definitely a woman, because the poet creates in longing for her. Yes, mystics argue that the role of women in male creativity is

paramount..." "So I was right," – said Valya jokingly. On that "lyrical" day, we completed our hiking standard – 27 km. And when we woke up, had breakfast, we began our new tenth day. Some days were similar to one another. Especially in Chernobyl zone. But more on that later. Yesterday was marked by the fact that the carriage almost broke. As we joked, a subluxation of the right leg. The wheel looked like figure eight. But Ivan coped with it, fixed it. In a word, he fixed the subluxation. We spent the night in the forest again. For the first time it wasn't cold, even hot in the sleeping bag. Ivan said: today we conquer Ostrovets. Finally, we met people – the local police. We felt that we were even missing communication. And there they were, people, in Mikhalishki. Milk was bought at one of the farmsteads. The villagers said: life used to be better. We had enough to live on. We met an interesting old man, i.e. Romash Adolf Feliksovich, 76 years old. And he had seen much. Mikhalishki stand on the banks of the Viliya River. There was a collective farm named after Kirov in Ostrovets district. The

Sergei Lesket

Old woman Yadviga uses her helaing gift for the good of people

Ilya Rudzhonis with his father

old man had a horse, he would like to buy more land, in addition to those 22 homestead acres that he had, but he was not supposed to have any more, "although it is overgrown with bushes." His old woman used to cultivate a local vegetable garden – and she had already died – she mowed there and planted potatoes. A neighbor was helping him. According to him, a horse needs more food than a cow. We thought about people, good and bad, and whether faith played any role in this issue. Old women told us: "It depends on a kind of person – and not on the faith" Old man Adolf knew how to charm "reptiles" when a snake bites a person and the body swells. "I pray and they recover. This ability was passed on to me by the elder, and it can only be passed on to the younger. And here everyone can charm. Erysipelas as well." In Mikhalishki we were told that the water level in the Viliya was the same as in local wells. We viewed this interesting phenomenon as a kind of symbol of balance between the general and the particular. We looked at the speedometer near a local shop and realized that we had already covered 254 km since the beginning of the route. A round seal was put at the local pharmacy. "Ministry of Health of the BSSR. Grodno regional production association "Pharmacy", Pharmacy No. 97, Mikhalishki village, Ostrovets district." Pharmacists praised our pure Belarusian language and specified: "And we do not speak so beautifully."

from the private photo archive of ilya rudzhonis

25 years later

Komarovo – Philipany. Gaza, Bolniki, Vornyany, church. Guys who want to be famous. Priest's blessing. Angel on the way. We came to the village of Gaza, had a short rest. Three guys came up to us. We quote from the diary: "Viktor, Dmitry, Andrey are growing up without parents. They say: it's good to be a journalist, to travel. They are ninth graders. The boys asked: when and where will you write about us? Such a natural desire: to be famous in the world. We asked: "So what shall we write about you? That you two are without hats, and one of you met us in Gaza with a hat on? Or that you all want to go to vocational school? So in every village there are such guys... And what makes you different?"

Rare houses, similar to those in Bolniki in 1996, are still found in Belarusian villages

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25 years later

Catholic church of St. George. Image by Napoleon Orda.

They looked at each other and answered – we do not know. Schools used to be "career guided" in such a way: work a lot – and you will become famous and rich. Then, perhaps, it was worth explaining to rural schoolchildren that one can realize oneself in any business: to write poetry, draw, sing, dance, play the violin or harmonica, engage in folk crafts... But, apparently, teachers in Gaza didn’t talk about this... Then we passed through the village of Zagaz. There we talked with a local healer. Yanina Rynkevich is known for treating erysipelas. Her father taught her how to do it. He taught to read a prayer and ordered to help "the first and the last." The old woman shared her secret: "The prayer should be said "in one breath." Three times. I say it one time and have a rest. This should be done before sunrise and at sunset. I don't take money from people. One day a woman came and I treated her for two years. Everything is holy, I say holy words. And I cross myself. Once they brought a girl. There were blisters all over her body, as small as a poppy seed. Doctors could not do anything: they said, go to the old woman." And I cured her. It is interesting that while compiling these notes, we found on the Internet (2013) an interview of our colleague, Sergei Lesket, with this old woman. And even her photo, which we are posting.


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Time has no power over the majestic Church of St. George in Vornyany

Before Bolniki village we – believe it or not – met an angel on the way. One cannot say in any other way. However, he had no wings. There was a cross around the neck on a string. Later, during our trip, we recollected that handsome boy. And when that touching child's figure emerged in our memory, we were wrapped with warmth. Where did he come from on that road between a house on a hill far from us and the village?.. Small, fair-haired, not fearful at all... Alone on a big empty road... His eyes were gray-blue, he had old sandals and a light linen shirt on, and was holding Christmas tree decorations in his small hands…In Aril! Where did he take them from? – Who are you? – asked Valya, squatting down. The boy said: – Rudzonis. – Where are you going? – To play with Andreika. – How old are you? Showed fingers: three. And asksed looking at the carriage: – What are you carrying? We explained who we were the way we could. And Valya still regrets that we didn't even have sweets to treat him to. Where are you, Rudzonis? He is now 28. Ten years ago we wrote to Bolniki, looking for this boy, to send him a magazine with our memories of our meeting on the road. But

there was no answer. And when these lines were being written, Valya called the village and asked about Rudzonis. It turned out that there was such a family there. And Rudzonis is not a name, but a surname. Moreover, it is correct to say: Rudzhonis. They promised to clarify whether such people were living there. Until we came to the church in the village of Varnyany, we had been talking about our little angel, about what his fate would be like. Unfortunately, we did not speak with Rudzonis, who is actually 28 years old today. Ilya Rudzhonis, the real name of our wandering "angel", and, according to fellow villager Marina, he left Bolniki for Russia with his sister – to work there. She added that their mother had died, their father was alive and well and working. We hope that over time we will learn more about the fate of Ilya, who is alive and does not know that two Minsk journalists from time to time recall him and wish him luck on the road of life. We approached the temple, about which we read the following later. The Church of St. George was built in 1769, and the village itself was first mentioned in documents in 1492. When we were there in 1996, right after St. George's Day, we learned that believers from Vornyany collect food for seminary students in Grodno – one hundred clergy study at the seminary. Mind you, the time after the collapse of the Soviet Union was not easy. We saw in the boxes in the church, eggs, cereals,

sergei plytkevich

25 years later

Catholic church of St. Michael the Archangel in Mikhalishki. Current apperance.

Temple in 1871

Donations for the construction of the church were made by Jan Brzostowski in 1662. The author of the famous monument of religious architecture is the Belgian architect Christopher Pence. This architect founded a whole dynasty of architects and decorators in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL). The Italian artist Giovanni Pietro, together with the architect Pence, is the author of the interior design. In addition to him, Giovanni Maria Galli and Vilnius master Matei (Nikolai) Zhilevich worked on the interior decoration of the church. The church was consecrated in honor of St. Michael the Archangel in 1700 by the Vilnius

pasta, hunks of butter, bacon. We wrote in the diary: "How much energy of kindness in these products of parishioners, who now have nothing in excess in their homes! School chldren go to church on Saturdays. There is an organ, a girl Anya plays it. Priest Pikula, whom we met and talked to, has been serving here for 6 years. There had been a club in the building for 42 years, and six years ago the temple was restored by local residents at their own expense. The icons were brought from Vilnius. Priest Pikula used to serve as a priest for two years in South America, Bolivia. He told us how priests from neighboring parishes came to Vornyany church on St. George's Day – because it was built in his honor. According to him, it was a great holiday. The service was conducted by 20 priests. Another old woman told us in the church: "We also prayed in Belarusian, we understand all the words. But we are more accustomed to Polish, we are Poles. And in Belarus they can pray in Belarusian". This was a problem: the villagers from Vornyany did not feel as citizens of Belarus at all... We wrote down their thoughts in the diary: "It is clear that Poles also live in Belarus, there are more than 160 nationalities in total. And the Polish diaspora

church or "official" medicine as outlawed, is very strong and numerous. Still, they should this practice is no good, so to speak, for understand that they live in Belarus". general health. Folk experience of healing Priest Pikula had his own house in deserves attention. There should be an Vornyany. He was on friendly terms with the individual approach to each of such healer. chairman of the local collective farm, school According to the priest, we receive different headmaster, and the youth. He showed us "gifts" from God – and different people use how slowly one image on the altar was being them, and for some, a gift of healing can be replaced by the other: the Mother of God was incredibly difficult. replaced by Jesus Christ. In response to our question about the attitude of the church towards healers, the priest said: "Everyone is given a different gift from God. And if she heals with prayer and does not take money, not a charlatan, then this is the way it should be." We found this reasoning simple and reasonable. After all, if sometimes the so-called non-traditional, Monument to the famous diplomat Joseph Goshkevich in Ostrovets. fol k me dicine is There is also his sculpture on a stone in the village of Mali, which, thanks considered by the to Goshkevich, became famous all over the world.

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Bishop Cyprian Pavel Brzostowski. At that time, Saint Michael the Archangel was considered the main protector and heavenly patron of the entire GDL.

At parting, priest Pikula blessed us, wished us "good luck and a good journey." Filipany – Medriki – Mali. Poetess Wanda. Overnight in the hayloft. Mee ting w ith coll eag u e s f rom Ostrovetskaya Pravda. Day eleven, April 25. After staying overnight in the hayloft with its scent of herbs, we felt a burst of energy. After Vornyany, the road went along gentle hills, densely planted with fir trees. Yesterday we walked by moonlight. We were looking for a place to stay overnight. In the end, we spent the night in the village of Filipany: at Wanda and Gennady Radevich’s. Their house is on the right side of the road. We asked to spend the night in the hayloft. And they did not deny our request. A pig was grunting below us because we disturbed it by climbing into the attic in the barn. We laid the blanket, provided by the hosts, and on it – our own sleeping bags. Comfort! And the hosts were not disturbed. Mrs. Wanda gave us fried potatoes with milk in the morning. She was interested in our trip. And when she found out that Ivan wrote poetry, she read her own. One verse was a kind of plea to God for the protection of the earth. Then the hostess had to urgently leave- she seemed to work at a livestock complex. Well, we quickly got ready for the road. Leaving Filipany, we saw Wanda getting into the car to go to work. Thank you, kind people, for giving us shelter! The next village on our route was the village of Mali. There we went to the office


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of the Krasny Oktyabr collective farm, which specialized in grain-growing and cattle breeding. Office manager Valery Kulevich put a square collective farm seal in the diary. It reads "Gosagroprom of the BSSR. Ostrovets district agro-industrial association. Collective farm "Krasny Oktyabr". Next to the diary there is a round seal of Ostrovets post office and a stamp with a date. It reads: "USSR. Grodno Ostrovets. Ostrovets. 25.04.96." We talked with colleagues at the editorial office of the district newspaper "Ostrovetskaya Pravda", with the head of the department of social and political life Semenova Taisa Semenovna. She told us that in old times, representatives of the nobility used to live in the village of Mali. In particular, diplomat Joseph Goshkevich, who died in 1875. There is a corner in the library dedicated to him and a book by Vitaly Guzanov "Odyssee from Belarus". It should be noted that Joseph Goshkevich is a well-known person, he is considered the first diplomat by birth. Our compatriot used to work in China and Japan – now there are publications about him on the Internet. Bronze busts of Joseph Goshkevich are installed in the Japanese city of Hakodate, and now in the Belarusian city of Ostrovets. And there is a museum in the school. At that time when we were walking, the village was unremarkable. From the diary notes after the conversation with the colleague: "Decimeter antennas are brought to Ostrovets from Lithuania, they cost from 150 to 200 thousand rubles, and "they receive everything" – both St. Petersburg and other TV channels. With those antennas, the houses in the city looked like hedgehogs. There are few jobs the city. The building materials plant and the plant "Radiodetal " work on "an individual basis." Builders are constructing a bank. Housing is not built. Contemporary Ostrovets But people invest a

25 years later

Chapel by the road to Medriki

lot of time and energy in gardens, summer cottages: "the land saves." Taisa Semenova has been living in Ostrovets for 8 years". Today Ostrovets is completely different. As they say, it is now a nuclear city (a Belarusian nuclear power plant is being built 18 km from the city). Not only houses, but whole neighborhoods are built here. Over the past five-six years, 2 new districts have appeared in Ostrovets, and the construction of a third has begun. And at the same time schools, kindergartens and shops are built near the houses. "Pre-nuclear" Ostrovets, which we saw in 1996, had 8,200 inhabitants, and today there are more than 14,000 people. And this, as they say, is not the limit... While we were walking through Ostrovets, Valya was amused by an ad on one of the streets: "A cow for sale in Ostrovets by phone..." Selling a cow by phone – how is it? She also admired beautiful names of the villages: Filipany, Medriki, Mali... All of them have their own interesting stories, and each of them is something special in the history of our "Hiking". Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich


Fifth monument to Francysk Skaryna At the suggestion of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences, the project was developed by the architectural and innovation bureau of BSTU. It is headed by Armen Sardarov, dean of the Department of Architecture of BSTU. The architectural and innovation bureau is engaged in the implementation of research projects, scientific management of objects of historical and cultural value. In particular, the bureau's specialists have developed a project for a park in Nesvizh, a project for installation of a metal copy of Il-2 aircraft in the museum exposition of the memorial complex "Mound of Glory", a monument to Anthony Tizengauz in Postavy, and many others. – At first, the Academy of Sciences ordered a project of the park beautification but not only as a place for relaxation in the open air. Of course, it was necessary to assign some social significance to this work, so it was decided to make an alley of outstanding national scientists. The name "Golden Ring of Belarusian Science" was suggested by the Chairperson of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences Vladimir Gusakov, – Armen Sardarov told the correspondent of "Zviazda". – This is how the idea of a rotunda with monuments of Belarusian public figures, who laid the foundations of Belarusian science, was born. The construction of the rotunda began in 2020. The rotunda, made in the same style as the main building, seems to complement the architecture of the Academy of Sciences itself. Its columns are made of gray granite. The "Golden Ring of Belarusian Science" is planned to include the monuments (besides the already made one to Francysk Skaryna) to Kirill of Turov, Simeon of Polotsk, Yefim Karsky, Vsevolod Ignatovsky, Eustachy Tyszkiewicz and Kazimierz Siemienowicz. According to Armen Sardarov, the work is expected to be completed this summer. Cartouches have already been made near each monument with famous sayings of these scientists. On the one next to Francysk Skaryna it is written: "The Word teaches, discloses, corrects and shows the way to the truth!" Sculptors Elena and Aleksey Kharaberushev were invited to make the monuments. Armen Sergeevich also shared with the newspaper "Zviazda" the plans of the National Academy of Sciences for the opening of the composition:

In the center of Minsk, on the square between the National Academy of Sciences and Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library, the fifth monument to Francysk Skaryna has recently appeared in the capital. It is an element of the architectural and artistic composition "Golden Ring of Belarusian Science" in the project "Walk of Fame of Belarusian Science".

– In the center of the rotunda there is a vertical stele, which is a time capsule in the form of a globe. This time capsule will contain a message to the descendants of Belarusian scientists of our time. It is also interesting that this is the fifth monument to Francysk Skaryna in the capital. One of the monuments is located in the courtyard of the Belarusian State University, the second is installed near the National Library, the third monument to the educator is "Knowledge is Power", the fourth, made of stone, is situated in Yanka Kupala Park. Natalya Drozdova

беларусь. belarus 2021



Highlights in the Olympic

photo chronicle

When the magazine's July issue is published, Tokyo Olympics will be in full spate. One cannot predict their results. It is hard to predict what the competition will be like for the Belarusian Olympic team in the Japanese capital. The strongest, as they say, wins. Only one thing is known for certain: the Belarusian team was quite noticeable at the previous Olympic Games. By the way, the photo exhibition "The National Olympic Committee of Belarus – 30 Years. Stories of our victories!", which is located on Svobody Square in Minsk, reminds about it. The exhibition shows the glorious past of Belarusian sport. Anyone will be able to get brief information about the country's Olympic heritage in an accessible form, get acquainted with the sports in which Belarusian athletes won medals from 1992 to 2018. At the exhibition there are photographs of champions and prize-winners of the Olympic Games of independent Belarus. In other words, pictures capture the brightest moments of the national Olympic biography, i.e. participation in the first for the country's sovereign history Olympic Games in Lillehammer, the first gold medal won by Katsiaryna Karsten, the golden run of Yuliya Nestsiarenka, the sensational victory of Andrei Aramnau in Beijing 2008, the victory of Maksim Mirny and Victoria Azarenka in London 2012, the triumph of Darya Domrachava in Sochi 2014 and the biathlon quartet in Pyeongchang 2018, golden jumps of freestylers, kayak and canoe rowers. NOC vice-president Dmitr y Dovgalenok told about the idea of the project: "The exposition includes all the Olympic Games and Olympic medalists since 1992. All our heroes who have won


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medals in a sovereign country are fully represented here. It's interesting for people." Kseniya Sankovich, two-time Olympic medalist in rhythmic gymnastics, shared her impressions of the exhibition: "It is, of course, important for the country to remember its past. It’s important for the next generation. I hope that for someone it will be an incentive to send their child to sports clubs. I think that the exhibition will be of interest to people who used to go in for sports themselves." And that’s what the Olympic champion of Beijing-2008 Aliaksei Abalmasauv said: "When I was looking at these shots, I felt nostalgia for the past. Those, probably, were my best years in sports life. It is impossible to forget those bright moments – awards, a pedestal. Now I lack this a little bit." Indeed, the exhibition tells about the rich heritage of Belarusian sport. Taking into account the fact that the exposition will be supplemented with photographs of the Belarusian athletes, it is expected to be renewed based on the results of the Olympic Games in Tokyo. This summer Olympic Games are held with a one-year delay. Coronavirus

demanded such an adjustment, and the organizers met the demand. The current format of the Games is the most unusual in all years. Nevertheless, they are important both as a life-affirming symbol in countering the pandemic, and as a sign of the goodwill of the peoples. In his parting words to the national Olympic team, the head of state warned that the competition would not be easy: — All of us — both athletes and fans — have been waiting for these Games for a long time. I am absolutely convinced that the postponed start of the competition, the accumulated energy, events in the country and the world will make the upcoming fight for medals tough and uncompromising as never before. Well, all that remains is to wish the national Olympic team a successful participation at the current Games. Despite everything. We will expect and hope that soon in the exhibition "Stories of our victories!" a new photo chronicle will appear — about the successes of the Belarusian Olympians in Tokyo. Vladimir Mikhailov. Photos by the author.


беларусь. belarus 2021



A sold-out romantic saga Scary and beautiful legends of the mysterious swamps of Polesie came to life in one of the best Belarusian operas "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus. It was decided to close the 88th season with this premiere performance at the theater. The performance really surprised the theater fans with its grandeur and scale. At the premiere, the audience applauded even a real horse, which "performed" its part – peacefully chewed hay, and of course the vocalists, whose voices sounded brightly, organically fitting into the musical outline of the score. And at the finale, except for the happy smiles of all performers and directors of the performance, there were bouquets of flowers and, of course, the incessant applause of the satisfied audience. Note: the hall was overcrowded. It is pleasant to note that even in such an abnormal heat, unusual for our latitudes, Belarusians did not exchange the high art of opera for cool reservoirs. On the eve of the premiere of Vladimir Soltan's opera "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh", it will not be superfluous to recall how the very first, already legendary performance was created in 1989, who were the first performers of the main parts, how the production group worked. Personally, I even know firsthand how joyful the author of the libretto Svetlana Klimkovich was when she finished working on it. We then worked side by side with her in the Union of Theater Workers. Svetlana, as an editor, published Theatrical Bulletin, and we, the young ones, were consultants. One should have seen with what

reverence she spoke about the historical detective story of Vladimir Korotkevich, according to which she wrote the libretto, and about the rehearsals of the performance, which became a musical classic, and about the genius of the composer Vladimir Soltan. To my shame, I did not get to the premiere of the opera: I was not quick when the Union of Theatre Workers compiled a list of those wishing to go to the theater by invitation cards. And then I was desperately jealous when the next day I heard the rave reviews of my colleagues about the performance, and the fact that there was a horse militia on duty near the theater: there were more people who wanted to get to the opera than the theater could accommodate. The performance of the opera in the "live" scenery of the Trinity Suburb in Minsk has become a unique phenomenon for Belarus. The premiere and further screenings of the opera on the home stage were sold out. The life of this opera at the Bolshoi lasted for 22 years. In the year of the production, the performance was shown twice at the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. That opera became a legend. On the eve of the premiere, one could ask about this personally from the artists, who have also become a legend for a long time. A meeting with them took place on July 7 in the

Episode from the first act


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Marta Danusevich

Vladimir Petrov

Yury Gorodetsky

Dmitry Shabetya

(Nadezhda Yanovskaya)

(Andrei Beloretsky)

(Andrei Svetilovich)

(Grigory Dubotolk)

Chamber Hall of the Bolshoi Theatre. The first performer of the part of Beloretsky, a man without whom this opera might not have existed, Honored Artist of Belarus, Artistic Director of "Belarusian Chapel" – Viktor Skorobogatov, conductor of the opera "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh", artistic director and chief conductor of the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Belarus, People's Artist of Belarus Alexander Anisimov. We also heard the first performer of the part of Dubotolk, People's Artist of Belarus, director-teacher Vladimir Eknadiosov, as well as the performer of the part of Nadezhda Yanovskaya, Honored Artist of Belarus Belarus, head of the Bolshoi Theatrу Chamber Hall – Tamara Glagoleva. By the way, in 1990 the work of the composer Soltan and the directors of the play (conductors Yaroslav Voschak and Alexander Anisimov, director Vyacheslav Tsyupa, artist Ernst Heidebrecht and performers of the main roles Natalia Kostenko, Viktor Skorobogatov and Vladimir Eknadiosov) was awarded the State Prize of the BSSR. How the work on the new version of the opera "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" was proceeding could be heard at the press conference dedicated to the premiere. By tradition, the meeting of stage directors of the performance with the journalists took place on the stage among the scenery. And their fragments – horses shining with metal – promised entertainment. Andrei Ivanov, production conductor, Anna Motornaya, stage director, Andrei Merenkov, production designer, Nina Lomanovich, choirmaster-director, People's Artist of Belarus and laureate of the State Prize of Belarus, Tatiana Lisavenko, costume designer... Unfortunately, Olga Kostel, choreographer-director, who fell ill with Covid, was unable to attend. The floor was given to the director: Vyacheslav Garbuzov: "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" is a complex, not entertaining work for perception. It makes one think, comprehend some important things, including, perhaps, of a personal nature. And the production group did everything possible so that the viewer could plunge into the idea of Vladimir Korotkevich, and into its interpretation by the theater." The director also introduced the Bolshoi plans for the new season. In the Bolshoi poster we will see the second directorial work of Oksana Volkova. The Honored Artist

of Belarus is preparing for the production of the opera "Samson and Delilah" by C. Saint-Saëns. The premiere is scheduled for December. At the end of October, choreographer Yuri Troyan will stage the ballet "The Little Humpbacked Horse". And another premiere of the 89th season – the opera "Bastien and Bastienne" by Mozart staged by the young director Daria Potaturko on the Chamber Stage. Andrey Ivanov: "The score by Vladimir Evgenievich Soltan is a masterpiece, the pride of our country. We should be proud of this score and the fact that such a great composer lived in Belarus. The most complete version of Soltan will sound in our production. And Anna Dmitrievna and I talked about how we would try to restore and use all the material that was written by him. As you know, the score was lost and was restored from the orchestral voices in a very short time, and some fragments were not included there. Therefore, we included those, which were not performed in the first production. These are four arias from the second act. By the way, they were written by the composer back in 1987. And we, again, included them in the performance instead of those famous ones that were performed in 1989. This is Ryhor's song accompanied by an orchestra. And Beloretsky's aria, which describes the character in a completely different way: he is closest to Korotkevich. As a result of this monologue, we understand: we have before us a living person with his own fears, emotions characteristic of anyone who still comes to the idea: besides him, there is no one to figure out the devilry that is going on around him, and there is no one to save the situation and Yanovskaya. We also took Yanovskaya's aria instead of the famous, recognizable and beautiful one that can be heard on the radio and at concerts. Rather, it is even Yanovskaya's monologue, which is dramatically structured in a different way. And the heroine is unfolded gradually, which is also very close, in our opinion, to Korotkevich. And Svetilovich's aria will sound in a completely different key, because in Korotkevich work this image is resolved in heroic, very pure and light colors. And it reflects the inner world of the character. In addition, in the first act and in the second there will be a number of fragments, except for the arias. This suggests that we have tried very carefully and with great reverence to approach the composer's work and to present his music as fully as

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Premiere possible on our stage. The theater has done a tremendous amount of work on restoration of Soltan's clavier, on a computer restoration of the entire score and orchestral voices. I.e., we can even say that all the material of Vladimir Soltan will be presented in full. As for the fragments. For example, Soltan wrote on the clavier in the first picture: here zhaleyka should sound. And we invited a specialist to make this instrument and so as the composer's intention could sound in full. Of course, the leitmotif of the hunt and our performance, as in the first, will be zurnas. These long pipes for the performance were made by the master Ales Los. We will also use pipes from the first production of folk master Vladimir Puzynya. The music will be decorated with sounds that are not typical for a classical orchestra. In some moments they will scare, in other – will immerse us into a mysterious atmosphere and cause bewilderment... I am also glad that we have wonderful vocalists. Both honored and young. There are four teams practically for each part in the opera. From a creative point of view, all performers are equal. I also want to say about the wonderful atmosphere that prevailed at the rehearsals.

that can unite people. When everything is falling apart, it is very difficult to build something on the ruins. And it seems to me that this work is just about the fact that there is a world of masks and scoundrels, and there is also a world of poignantly delicate relations between people capable of heroic deeds. And this is important at all times, and applies not only to Belarusians. We all wrote together, created this world. And we tried to keep the main idea of Korotkevich – love will save the world and all of us. The main thing is love for this land on which we live. We are also talking about the unique atmosphere of Belarus, its traditions and people through the reconstruction of rituals and legends. We want the world to know about a huge layer of Belarusian culture, about wonderful people, about traditions. Features of a gothic novel, mystical, historical and romantic drama – all this is in Korotkevich's novel, in the libretto by Svetlana Klimkovich, and, of course, in the music of Vladimir Soltan. Conductor Andrei Ivanov worked with the original score of the piece of work. There are minimum cuts, as he said, because we have a great desire to give the composer the opportunity to speak. Whether it turned out or not, the viewer and the time will judge. But I believe that

Episode from the second act

Dmitry Trofimuk (Grigory)

We all felt that the material we worked with was our own, deeply national. And we are all doing a very important and necessary job. Judging by the work of the orchestra, soloists, choir, we can say that we have deeply experienced it... And I want our performance to sound and take its rightful place on the theater poster and become its jewel. Anna Motornaya: "For all of us, through the score of Vladimir Soltan, the romantic saga of Vladimir Korotkevich, with its deep implications and eventual twists, has turned into a surprisingly poignant and true story about living people. It seems to me that Korotkevich, by creation of "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh", brought Belarusian culture, Belarusian literature into a completely different space. In this space, one can talk about the people who live in it. One can love them or hate them. But it is impossible not to feel emotions. Also, in my opinion, this work destroys fears, allows all of us to approach something very important – self-awareness, awareness of the atmosphere in which each of us lives. Every day we are faced with joy and meanness, with people who love us or hate us. And in this struggle there is an opportunity to forge own character. Therefore, it is very important today to find that thin thread

we all accomplished a feat while working on this masterpiece. We put all our efforts at the end of the theatrical season to close it with dignity. I would also like to say about the choir. When in February I asked its director Nina Lomanovich a question: "Can we do without ballet?" She answered in the affirmative. And you will see this talented team, you will see how they sing and move at the same time: they fly, jump, dance... They create both a wild hunt and the world of common people... We tried to visualize everything that Korotkevich says." Nina Lomanovich: "We can be proud that in our repertoire, in addition to "The Gray Legend", the play "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" has appeared. I was fortunate enough to be another choirmaster when the previous opera was being worked on. Volodya Soltan and I were on friendly terms. And for me, his death was a great tragedy. Of course, it was a completely different performance. I'm not even going to compare these two operas. Today there are so many important things for all Belarusians, for the country. Not everything can be realized yet. But, I think, with each performance they will be revealed. The main thing in it is thought. It is important for me that the following words are


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Premiere heard here: "We want to build nests on our land, we want to drink water from our native springs". This is so native, our Belarusian. The play was staged quickly, so it takes more time for everything to sound brighter, more vividly. And it will happen. I'm sure. And our choir is amazing. Its participants both sing and move beautifully. More than once, even critics were wrong when they talked about the choir as a ballet. Olga Kostel is a wonderful choreographer. Note that she works great with the choir. And in this performance she did it. You will see." Tatiana Lisavenko: "Luckily, I was at the 1989 premiere of "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh". And I didn't even think about the fact that someday I would have to work with this piece personally. We were all fascinated with Korotkevich in our youth, so I gladly went to that opera. Impressions from it are unforgettable. The work on the current one was difficult: the time frame is limited, and other aspects... I did not want to show the historical costume in its pure form. The costumes for the first act are transformed. I decided to use the ornaments of Belarusian icons in them. The clothes themselves are carnival in nature. One of the ideas was the idea of using purely

soloists and the choir are on top... And everything that the directors talked about at the press conference is realized. In the stage design the production designer Andrey Merenkov used the colors and motives of Slutsk belts. We saw old castles revived, their interior decoration with a library, fireplace, hanging tables. Ominous swamps and a wasteland covered with snow appeared. The video content of the performance is rich and full of imagery. One of the surprises of the performance, I repeat, was a live horse. Great importance is also given to symbols. For example, to the clock as time that is running out, to the chess covering of the stage as the leitmotif of the eternal game played by people. The costumes, which Tatyana Lisavenko spoke about, the reconstruction technique is used – prints referring to Belarusian icons of the 15th-16th centuries are guessed. A little about the beginning of the performance. The action takes place at the end of the 19th century. The young scientistfolklorist Andrei Beloretsky (Vladimir Petrov), having lost his way during a storm, gets to the Yanovskys family castle – Bolotnye Yaliny

Aristocratic games (Ilya Pevzner in a mask, on him – Aleksandr Gelah)

Dmitry Shabetya (Dubotolk)

theatrical technologies, which are very characteristic of the Bolshoi Theatre. When I entered the costume shop, it seemed to me that I was in the kingdom: how many amazing costumes there were. As for the main characters, I decided to dress "the hunt" in black and Yanovskaya in white. She is like a white dove that is being attacked by a black flock. The visual imagery of the opera is rich, it is globally informative. And it is not immediately possible to see it. I think that this performance should be watched more than once. In the second act, the theme of the people sounds. And I tried to bring the solution of the costume as close as possible to the clothes in which the Belarusian people have been dressing for many centuries. The costume was based on the idea to use such Belarusian materials as linen". The meeting with the production group of "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" on the eve of the premiere turned out to be very welcome. We went to the performance prepared. And we witnessed, I repeat, a grandiose premiere, we really saw a huge and worthy work of the Bolshoi Theatre. The scenery is stunning, the music is mesmerizing: you want to listen and listen to it, the orextra plays masterly, the

(Swamp Firs). He is welcomed by the owner of the castle, Nadia Yanovskaya (Marta Danusevich), the last representative of her family. The girl is exhausted by the horror of the invasion of the terrible cavalry led by King Stakh. As the family legend says, Stakh was killed while hunting by his friend Yanovsky-senior and now he takes revenge on all members of his family. But the discerning Beloretsky feels that something is wrong here. And the love that flared up in him for Yanovskaya prompts him to act... As the director of the theater Vyacheslav Garbuzov said at the meeting with journalists, "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" in September will open the new 89th theater season in the Bolshoi. And we will look forward to the opening so that we can listen to other performers of the main parts. And we will certainly see those details that were not revealed at the first performance, and more sharply, through the score of Vladimir Soltan, we will feel and realize the deep subtext of the romantic saga of Vladimir Korotkevich. Valentina Zhdanovich. Photo credit: Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus.

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Valentin Gubarev:

"Art should be rough. Everything slips off the glossy surface..." Valentin Gubarev is one of the most famous contemporary Belarusian artists. His name is well known to connoisseurs of fine arts both in the country and abroad. Critics call him "Belarusian Bruegel", one of the albums of the popular series "The Best Contemporary Artists" is dedicated to his work. The fact that the prestigious French gallery Gallerie Berthéas Les Tournesols has an exclusive contract with him for many years is evidence of the recognition of Valentin Gubarev's work in Western Europe.

The main theme of Valentin Gubarev's work, which was confirmed by his recent personal exhibition at the National Art Museum, is the everyday life of ordinary people. Provincial cities and towns, narrow streets with low-rise buildings, small courtyards and small, simply furnished rooms, people going about their everyday affairs or indulging in simple human joys. But the artist's everyday scenes are not a naturalistic description of everyday life. Gubarev's works are made in a naive, almost cheap popular print manner, the figures of people, their gestures and postures look grotesque, the colors are bright and juicy. All this creates an atmosphere of celebration, reveries, dreams, even phantasmagoria. Living an ordinary everyday life, the characters of Gubarev's paintings – simple, unremarkable people – subconsciously dream of something bigger, of some better, wonderful life. And the author shows us these dreamers with sincere warmth and kind irony. Valentin Gubarev's work is often referred to as naive painting. But his works are by no means "naive" in the ordinary sense of the word. Apparent innocence is a form with which a peculiar "Gubarev" atmosphere of romance is created in everyday life, capable of attracting viewers of varying degrees of sophistication in art. But the impeccable accuracy and consistency of style, the richness of the content of each work speak of the high professional skill of the author. In the works of Gubarev there is no folk primitive painting stylization, the "naivety" here


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is deeply thought out and masterfully built. In general, Gubarev's plots consist of many carefully written small details. But at the same time, the composition of each work remains internally integral and harmonious. Paintings by Valentin Gubarev can evoke a variety of feelings in different viewers: someone feels nostalgic memories, someone feels irony, laughter, surprise or delight, a feeling of emotion, and someone, perhaps, can be led to serious reflections on the meaning of human existence... Of course, personal exhibition of Valentin Gubarev at the National Art

Valentin Gubarev was born in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) on April 14, 1948. He studied at Gorky Art School, and then at the Faculty of Graphics of Moscow Polygraphic Institute. Since 1975 he has been living and working in Minsk. He is a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists. Honorary Member of the Artistic Association "Masterpiece" (Würzburg, Germany). Since 1994 he has had an exclusive contract with the Gallerie Berthéas Les Tournesols (France). Since 2005 participates in auctions Christie's (London), DrouotRichelieu (Paris), Kinsky (Vienna). Personal exhibitions were successfully held in many European countries. V. Gubarev's works are in the Museum of Art of St. Petersburg, the Zimmerli Art Museum (USA), the ProArt Gallery (UAE) and other museums, as well as in numerous private collections in Belarus, Russia, USA, Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Japan, Israel and other countries

Museum of Belarus is a large-scale event that made it possible to get to know the artist's work better. Yes, he writes such familiar everyday life, filled with warm images from childhood. An atmosphere of sincerity, romance and dreams reigns in his paintings, which involuntarily makes you smile. Gubarev's canvases, solved with ease and kind irony, have a different effect on the audience: someone plunges into memories, someone laughs heartily at the plots, and someone begins to reflect on the eternal. Today the Belarusian artist Valentin Gubarev is famous, independent, and, as his colleagues believe, successful. It all started with an ordinary phone call from Moscow 20 years ago. Valentin then picked up the phone, and a pleasant female voice asked him if the artist Gubarev was still alive. Then, when he met with the French, owners of the famous gallery, everything fell into place. It turned out that they accidentally (whether by chance?) got a small catalog on inferior paper with his paintings. The works of an unknown artist from Minsk surprised and interested them. A not very burdensome contract was offered, which he signed when he started working. Valentin usually tells all this with a smile, in which there is surprise, and joy, and a light, subtle irony. He is a great storyteller, observant, impartial to himself: – Some critics write about me: "The main feature of his work is to see the nontrivial in the banal." But this is probably really so. It is interesting for me to look into a small courtyard, a non-parade entrance,


Valentin Gubarev

an ordinary apartment where everyday life flows, and objects familiar to everyone reign in the interiors. And based on what I saw, to try to make a work of art. I have no battle scenes. But there are always people in the picture and the relationship between them, sometimes loneliness… As a rule, in my paintings small provincial cities live their own lives, ordinary people who are waiting for sympathy and understanding. I am by no means laughing at my heroes. I love them, I worry with them. I am not a historian or a director who makes historical films, where everything should correspond to a particular era. They may reproach him for filming the wrong model of the sewing machine. And for me the main thing is the artistic image. And if some inconsistencies help me to express the idea more clearly, I use them. Basically, I rely on memory, of course, far from ideal, which I carry through my life – childhood, adolescence, adulthood. After all, man is woven from the present, past and future. As a student at Gorky Art School (now Nizhny Novgorod), I discovered impressionists, post-impressionists, and

intensively painted still lifes, imitating Cezanne. Then, in search of myself, I was fascinated by the Cubists. I liked everything and wanted to at least get a little closer to them. And only later, while studying at the Faculty of Graphics of Moscow Polygraphic Institute, I found my own style. One can learn to make engravings, etchings, but not be an artist, because an artist is not a technical skill, it is an inner self. I came to Minsk before graduation from the institute – to practice at the publishing house "Mastatskaya Litaratura". Then I received a postgraduate work assignment here, although there were invitations to stay in Moscow, to teach at the institute

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in Saratov. But I came to the homeland of my wife, whom I met in my second year. I worked in a publishing house, illustrated books, was an art editor. I dreamed of becoming a freelance artist and even determined the Rubicon for myself when this would happen. Of course, I was engaged in personal creativity, but these works of mine were not exhibited at exhibitions – it was believed that they were inappropriate. There has already been a reformation period, but the paintings were almost always rejected because of "inappropriate irony". Those graphic works that sometimes got at exhibitions were always criticized by critics. But I was still pleased that I was noticed. For example, I once made an almost realistic portrait of a plumber from a poultry farm.


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A simple guy, such a big eared, a lover of mushrooms, fishing – a man without harbouring a grudge against anyone. I was proud that I saw it in him and conveyed it on canvas. It was not a caricature, this portrait showed exactly those qualities that are characteristic of my work – and I was just scolded for them. Because at that time the portrait at the exhibition was supposed to show successful, noble people. There was no place for a little man at such exhibitions. The first work, which suddenly became known at a large exhibition, was called "Transparency Games". I did not tell anyone about my participation, because if I did, all my acquaintances would nestle to the screens, and there – criticism again. I sit alone, watch, and suddenly my work is shown on the full screen and they say that this picture has become the center of the entire exhibition. The names of the paintings are important to me. There were two or three cases when

the title "ran" in front of the picture. But it often happens that the work is done, but there is no title. I don't want to name the work "Evening" or "It was getting dark", but literal names are also not suitable, I strive to have space for the viewer, his/her imagination. I avoid names that repeat lines from works of mass culture, because they are clichés, although, it is only fair to say that I do have one. Sometimes people, when naming their paintings or photographs on the Internet, use ready-made clichés that are heard, but this is the easiest way. For example, I have a picture of a girl in a winter apple orchard – I could not come up with a name for a very long time. Someone came and said, but it's simple – apples in the snow. But this is too obvious. And the picture already had to be transferred to the exhibition. I couldn't think of anything special, I just called it "Orchard". If they told me today: we need a few of your paintings for a very important collection, out of two hundred I would choose only four or five. When you need to publish your work, you start to doubt: in this one I did not achieve what I wanted, and this one is ordinary, and here the plot is small, and in this one I failed in technique. Although some pictures for myself, I assess as paradigmatic, title. Once I arrived in Austria, I was handed the catalog of the Christie's auction in London. And I was surprised to see one of my favorite pictures "The Observer" on the cover. — Still, how long have you come to your caricature style? What creative experiments preceded this?


— I have a completely typical path for an artist – drawing from childhood, art studio, plaster ornaments, Venus de Milo, Socrates, David, still lifes with wax apples and jugs, a stuffed magpie... There was only one desire: to draw "as it really is." Impressionists and Post-Impressio­ nists – this discovery had a great impact on me. Until I entered the Faculty of Graphics of Moscow Polygraphic Institute, I enthusiastically mastered the painting style of Manet, Cezanne, and then Van Gogh, Matisse and Renoir. Then I smoothly moved on to the Cubists, to Picasso. Now I understand that this is how the path of my self-education and the search for my own creative charisma continued. — You mentioned that at one time your work was branded as "inappropriate irony." Why do you think this happened? — Irony at all times worries officials. It has been and will always be so. And when grotesque is added to irony, it scares. It is easier when the object of art causes only blissful pleasure in the viewer. — But even among the grotesque works, yours do not frighten, at least, the viewer. Tell me, are you deliberately thinking about such a presentation? — If painting is art, then isolation of the non-trivial from the banal is a great art. — Where do you get the material for human life depiction? — My characters in the paintings are people from everyday life. Some people lack happiness a little, but they don't even know about it. I myself love such people:

simple and kind-hearted, ready to help and sympathize, not knowing how to hypocrite and intrigue. — Do you catch yourself, that you create works that can still potentially become a wonder for foreigners? — In creativity I am a happy person. Because I never worked, taking into account someone's interests and tastes. In this regard, I am completely irresponsible, I paint only what I like myself. This is such an honest and selfless process, like a song of some forest bird. And if to analyze it, it will be clear that the artist is primarily addressed to the viewer. Because he/she recognizes his/her home there, his/her fence, his/her first date, his/ her starry sky above the head. And most importantly, he/she recognizes himself/ herself there. For me, Motherland is not new trolleybuses or currency exchange offices. This is something permanent. The place where people love and are jealous,

where fishermen sit on the shores of foggy lakes, and couples are still kissing on the benches... This is the place where my childhood and youth passed. And all this is dear to me and from this I draw inspiration. If I were born in the Caucasus, I would paint mountains, but if I lived by the sea, I would become a marine painter. In other words, it is an environmentally friendly art based on personal experiences. And very deep. Art is not sports or cooking. Only by "sinking" in it deeply, one can achieve something worthwhile. Build a bridge without supports, solve an extremely complex theorem, create a direction in painting... Levitan was "bogged down" in landscapes, and in the history of art he will remain as an unsurpassed landscape

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painter. An artist all his/her life can paint only flowers, not oppressed by the thought that before him/her in all ages this has already been done. — In your paintings, women are always depicted as honey bunches – is this personal preference? — I pay attention to women with forms that just distinguish the female figure from the male. A woman should be feminine! And it is not the girls from the model catwalks, who look more like ski poles, that get into my paintings, but those ladies whom I meet in the savings bank, in the subway, in the supermarket. Plus – a little grotesque. — Then tell me, who are your favorite artists today? — I like the work of many artists, both of the distant past and the present. I will name a few names: Vermeer, Van Eyck, Rublev, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lucian Freud. — An d w h e n y o u a r e c a l l e d "Belarusian Bruegel", do you agree? — Let them call me what they want. Let Bruegel, let Petrov-Vodkin... I am doing my job. — Hav e y o u r p a i nt i n g s b e e n successfully sold at auctions, what are the results of participation therein? — I had a successful experience of participating in major auctions in Europe. Among them I will note the sale of paintings at CHRISTIE'S in London, as well as "DROUOT-RICHELIEU" in Paris. — Often, after exhibitions or news about sales at prestigious auctions, the artist receives profitable orders. Do you


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create custom-made artworks, and how do you think it is harmful or beneficial for the artist? — Personally, I do not like to work on order. Probably I am just spoiled by the fact that there is an opportunity to make own dreams and ideas come true. Therefore, work brings me pleasure. To work with pleasure on a custom theme, one should love it as own, and this is not always possible. Although the "customized work" itself does not harm the artist – on the contrary, it enriches him/her with new experience and provides means of subsistence.

— You can't call your attitude towards life gloomy, can you? — My life philosophy is generally straightfor ward: life is short. Pure thoughts, righteous deeds and love in the heart are what makes it not accidental. And here is how the author, who is very fond of in France, talks about how

Belarusian visitors to museums differ from French ones: — The French have a different attitude to art. Our people come to exhibitions prepared: well, what are you going to show now? The foreign audience is attracted by the creativity itself. They can go home after work and run into the gallery for impressions. They rejoice at any manifestation of art, rejoice and anticipate pleasure. Yes, Western critics have nicknamed Gubarev "Belarusian Bruegel", but Valentin himself believes that due to the fact that the French do not fully understand our mentality, reviews in foreign publications are superficial. — They write a lot about me there, but I don't really follow. I hope the responses are positive. I think they are like that, since the gallery orders paintings. After all, it will not spoil own reputation. Now even vernissage has been done not for one day, but two. The first is for buyers and those who already have my works, and the second is for everyone. Critics love that this is original. But they do not fully understand the mentality. They only perceive positive energy, kindness. Valentin Gubarev is quite self-critical. This is how he reflects on his works: — I believe that when you are original, you seem to create your own microcosmos. I hope my works are memorable. Art, in my opinion, should be rough. Everything slips off the glossy surface. And rough art will make one stop, look, and then someday remember about it. Veniamin Mikheev. Photos by the aurtor.

Sunset above the Svisloch





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