10 minute read

New horizons of opportunities

It is already obvious: the decision made in the country in due time not to pause production in the midst of a pandemic not only saved the enterprises, but in general had a positive effect on the economy. While many countries last year closed their borders and introduced lockdowns,

Belarusian products were successfully sold and competed on world markets.


TThis is also confirmed by compa- “brain” of the holding, Alexander Lu- pied, therefore, proposals are periodically nies that have long earned a name in the kashenko recalled how at the very begin- received to transfer these territories, for world market. One of them is JSC Hori- ning of his presidency he visited an en- example, for residential development or zont Holding Management Company. terprise that found itself in a very difficult entertainment centers. However, the poThe holding itself includes 16 commercial situation after the collapse of the Soviet sition of the Head of State on this issue is organizations, employing about 4 thou- Union. But the decision to keep the com- principled — the holding must analyze sand employees. The company is actively pany was right. everything for the future, so that later it developing six business areas — from the — This is a great production, this is does not look for new production points development and production of consumer the image of our country. Horizont, Vi- for itself: and industrial electronics to construction, tyaz in Soviet times… Horizont was gen- — We need to build something that logistics and services. In addition to sever- erally a great company. It’s good that we will give money tomorrow and where we al hundred models of TVs, interactive sys- saved it. I do not regret that I have kept can employ people… tems, electronics for cars and agricultural this production, the President emphasized. At the same time, the current situation machinery, and much more are produced New times — new solutions. It is not at the enterprise is favorable. While inhere. The contracts with world famous for nothing that the management of the dustrialists in many countries are countbrands are among the achievements. How- holding was instructed, together with the ing losses from the coronavirus pandemic, ever now Horizont can be proud of such Government, to think and decide what it is Horizont is counting profits. COVID-19 successes. But it was not always so. necessary to use production sites in the did not reduce the demand for TVs and During a recent visit to the HORI- center of Minsk for. The fact is that for the other electronics, so the Belarusian manZONT innovation center, which is the time being, several objects remain unoccu- ufacturer is in the black: plans here are already planned for the whole of 2021. BELTA Yes, and the results of last year are impressive: the revenue from product sales for 11 months approached 400 million rubles, and the net profit amounted to almost 21 million rubles. In general, over the past five years, the holding increased its production volume almost fourfold, exports grew 3.7 times, and profit from sales — 4.6 times. In addition, as the general director of the holding, Yury Predko, said, they set up production of their own screens, which made it possible to increase the share of localization in Belarusian TVs to 60 percent. By the way, 90 percent of the production is exported. According to the top manager, in the last year, sales to Germany have grown

fivefold, to India 4.4 times, and to Kazakhstan, Poland and Vietnam twice.

By the way, the Atlant plant, which the Head of State also visited some time ago, significantly increased the supply of refrigerators to Russia during the pandemic. Alexander Lukashenko once again emphasized the importance of the decision taken, albeit not popular at the time, which cost the image losses, to continue working without interruption: with pleasure… You work today day and night, there is demand, there are no deposits in the warehouse.This is the great thing that you have done.

This is if we talk specifically about manufacturers. But we shouldn’t forget about the global either. The tactics chosen by the country were reflected at the level of the economy. Against the background of a fall in GDP in the EU countries, Russia and other regions, Belarus ended the year with a minimal economic decline: the gross domestic product at the end of 2020 is expected to be at 99.5 percent against the level of 2019.

Meanwhile, the HORIZONT innovation center concentrates developers, industrial designers, programmers, engineers, designers who create new products for consumer and industrial technology, electronics. In fact, the holding is a modern grocery company. Alexander Lukashenko was pleased with the novelties and developments he saw. He also positively assessed the fact that in the IT sector, along with the HiTech Park, there are other centers operating today, and a layer of young, promising specialists is emerging at the National Academy of Sciences and at industrial enterprises. According to the Head of State, this creates healthy competition in the industry. Communicating with the staff of the innovation center, he commented on it this way: — You are a good alternative (to IT spe-

At the innovative products research and development centre

— We started taking Belarusian goods

cialists.— Ed.), where talented people are gathered. You need competition, you need several points of competence. I was convinced that it was not in vain that we started this. There is room for development.

The developments and products of the holding today clearly demonstrate: Made in Belarus — it not only sounds proud, but also is a guarantee of quality. In any case, the demonstrated samples are in no way inferior to their foreign counterparts, and at a price they are much cheaper.

Within the walls of the innovation center, they talked not only about the future of the holding — the entire country. From the topical: this year has been declared the Year of National Unity. The first, very important comment on this issue has already been sounded in the President’s New Year speach. Alexander Lukashenko proposed to turn the page and stop unnecessary confrontation. He developed the topic, communicating with the work collective:

“I want the country to be quiet and peaceful. Probably, you yourself want it. If you do not like the current President, then only elections can resolve this issue. Only elections. I say this, no matter how someone likes it. You, especially in Minsk, should understand that besides Minsk, we have Belarus. They say it is small. It is big! Yes, you (youth.— Ed.) are the future. We will leave. You then take care of this country. You are the future. But elections are when a young man of 18 years old and over, and an old man has the same ballots.

In this regard, an appeal was made: not to break the law, everyone to do their own thing, to develop production and, first of all, think not about themselves, but about their children. The President spoke about the opponents of the current government as follows: — Let it be a minority, but these are my people, no matter how pretentious it sounds. If someone was lost, I also want them to hear: we will not have another piece of land. Do not forget, we — this is the most important moment — can lose everything. Irrevocably. We will never return to this.

Perhaps the best way to advertise your own products is to draw attention to them. A new laser TV that looks more like a small bundle will find its place in the Palace of Independence. However, the employees of the holding did not fail to mention one more area of their activity — the possibility of transferring the housing stock to heating with electricity. The calculation here is simple: Horizont has launched production of affordable and competitive electric water heaters. The President is not against such experiments, he instructed the technology to be tested on several houses. At the same time, he recalled that a campaign was launched in the country to expand the use of electricity in various fields, including transport and heating. The work in this direction is as follows: new houses are being built with electric heating and electric stoves, production of electric vehicles has begun, and electric buses are actively used as urban transport. For the implementation of long-term plans, the electricity of BelNPP will also be used. The station will also allow significant savings on the purchase of imported natural gas. By Vladimir Velikhov


More than 800 thousand children all over the country took part in the New Year charity marathon “Our Children”

Since autumn began large-scale preparations for, perhaps, the longest winter campaign “Our Children”. According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers dated October 6, the heads of the republican bodies of state administration, local executive and administrative bodies participated in it.

And thus, starting from mid-December, during a month, children from boarding schools, family-type homes, those who live in foster and adoptive families, as well as those who were forced to celebrate the New Year and Christmas in hospitals, were congratulated by representatives of the authorities on the holidays and were presented gifts and even were helped to solve persistent problems.

Many public associations have joined the charity event. Thus, the Belarusian Peace Foundation in the Gomel region organized New Year’s meetings “Christmas Trees of Peace and Friendship” for low-income children and children with special needs. The baton was taken over by servicemen of the 103rd Independent Guards Airborne Brigade in Vitebsk. They visited the local orphanage with New Year’s gifts. And on New Year’s Eve, the boys and girls who were at that time in the children’s regional clinical hospital were also pleased. From the windows of their chambers, the children enjoyed a spectacular show with lights and music.

Children struggling with serious illnesses took part in the charitable action “Christmas tree of desires” in Brest. “Good wizards” from the regional youth union came to them to fulfill the cherished desires indicated in the letter to Father Frost. So, eleven-year-old Ulyana Akhmetova received a life-size doll house, which she had long dreamed of. Although most of the “requests” among the children were related to high-tech devices: children wanted to get multiboards, laptops and other gadgets.

Already in the New 2021 year, the National School of Beauty organized Christmas fashion show with the participation of young models from 3 to 16 years old. They represented collections from Chou Chou, Mugako, Fashion Birds, Mari St, as well as Russian and Belarusian designers. Participation in the show was fee-based both for the parents of young models and for themselves: the funds raised were used to buy necessary things and gifts for the childrenpatients of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology, Immunology.

Until the Old New Year, children from the most remote corners of Belarus received their long-awaited gifts and congratulations from Father Frost and Snow Maiden. A symbolic and beautiful end to the charity marathon was the New Year’s performance “The Magic World” at the Palace of the Republic and the youth ball at the Palace of Independence in Minsk.

About 4 thousand children from all Belarusian regions came to the “main New Year party of the country”. This event was attended by the winners of olympiads, creative competitions and sports competitions, leaders of children’s public associations and organizations, as well as children left without parents, disabled children from large and low-income families, from refugee families. For many, it was a dream — to get to the “presidential” New Year party, because the Head of state traditionally visits it every year. In the Palace of the Republic, the children were shown an interactive performance with the use of information technologies and then presented with memorable gifts.

On the eve of Orthodox Christmas, the organizers held the Belarusian New Year’s ball in the Palace of Independence. It was attended by about 350 people. It was preceded by rehearsals and, of course, a tough selection: were chosen only the most successful and worthy young citizens of our country. At the end of the ball all participants were also presented gifts, among which was a flash drive. It contained not only captured and recently recorded in history footage with the participants of the ball but in general — the entire event that took place in the Palace of Independence.

Despite the fact that usually children easily believe in miracles, many admitted that they didn’t expect so much attention from society and a huge number of gifts this year. Probably, they were also affected by the general fatigue due to the long struggle with the coronavirus pandemic. By the way, safety precautions were taken into account during the monthly campaign.

The campaign “Our Children” has been held in the country for 25 years. During its holding, new interesting projects, which are initiated not only by adults, often arise and are even implemented. By the way, many organizations promised to help not only during the holidays but throughout the year. Although it was not yet calculated, is already known that the amount of material assistance in the form of the necessary special equipment, souvenirs and sweet gifts, have exceeded 2 million Belarusian rubles. Alisa Gungor

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