Belarus (magazine #11 2020)

Page 38


Neurologist Gurbanidzhad Gumen Gushang:

“Do not press the selfdestruct button”


беларусь. belarus 2020


urbanidzhad Gumen Gushang is convinced that a person is an imperfect creature and at some moment as if presses a “self-destruction button”. The most striking examples of harm to one’s own health are smoking, alcohol abuse and overeating, as well as neglecting one’s own body and ignoring medical advice. How we prematurely get those diseases that are typical of an advanced age, why a girl’s carefree attitude towards her health affects not only her, but also the next generation, how we are affected by heredity — Dr. Gumen told us about these and many other things. He was born in Iran, graduated from the Belarusian Medical University and stayed to work in Belarus. For a long time he was engaged in neurology and neurosurgery at the Republican Research Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery, and now he is a researcher at the Department of Brain Tumours at N.N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre of Belarus. He teaches venous thrombosis at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, which is in the sphere of his scientific interests. — Dr. Gumen, what is the danger of venous thrombosis? — Despite the modern medical diagnostics, a large number of drugs and approaches to treatment of thrombosis and its complications, i. e. pulmonary artery thromboembolism, even in the countries where medicine

is at the highest level, the number of deaths does not decrease. The reason is that a clot is formed very quickly. Unlike a cold, which can develop in two days, a blood clot can be formed in five to seven minutes, and if you are very ‘lucky’ it will break off. The second reason is asymptomatic progress. A clot can be formed in one’s lower limb, which is the most dangerous place and a person has no complaints. There are no obvious symptoms or pain. It happens that a person is discharged from hospital, comes home, takes a shower, warm water widens blood vessels — and he or she falls down. So any treatment starts with good prevention. When we are in a stationary position, for example, we go by bus to Kiev, from where we fly to Sharm el-Sheikh, there is stagnation of blood. So you have to move, move your fingers, move your feet, and wear compression stockings, they

are sold at many airports. They help speed up blood circulation in the lower limbs, because the faster the blood circulation, the less likely clots are to be formed. In the evening, the feet should be placed on a raised surface, not necessarily high, 5–10 cm high is enough. It is important to dilute the blood — drink enough water. And to avoid hypodynamics, one should move more. — As far as we know, blood thinning is important in order to prevent strokes … — There are two types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. If ischemia occurs, a clot is formed in the brain vessel, which prevents the blood supply to the area of the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke causes a rupture in the blood vessel and the blood goes beyond it. In order to avoid an ischemic stroke, you have to do really trivial things to make the blood liquefy: just drink about two litres of water a day. This is the easiest way to prevent ischemic stroke. In addition, we need to know that our body has stress hormones, which are also removed through the kidneys. All you need to do is have a glass or two of water and wait until the stress hormones produced by the body dilute and reach the kidneys. And so most of the stress will leave your body through the toilet, so you should drink not because you are thirsty, but because you need to. Thus, drinking water is the first prevention of ischemic stroke. In old age, when the walls of blood vessels are uneven and have plaques, a doctor must select blood-thinning pills taking into account the existing diseases.

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