Belarus (magazine#5 2021)

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Magazine for you

No. 5 (1052), 2021 Беларусь. Belarus

belarus Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X





The newspaper for fellow countrymen: well-known and well-read 1



Голас радзімы панядзелак, 26 красавіка, 2021

ГОЛ АС Зямля багатая, прыгожая — людзьмі Ы РАД М І Жы ЗІМ ДЗ цц А а яд в Р ай Ы рэ ВЫДАЕЦЦА З КРАСАВІКА 1955 ГОДА ●

● № 4 (3640) ●



1 02 ,2 тага лю 26 а, тніц СВетапОГЛяд пя ы ім дз а с­р ла Го








"Букет дружбы" для Рагора Васільева

"Купалінка" ў карагодзе сяброў Стар. 3





Эскіз да будучай РА карціны С










з н Пудзел Аляксандр Лукашэнка ў чарговы раз наведваў прычарнобыльскія рэгіёны Беларусі. Ён прыняў Y 26 ац ры А, ыя га A.B ікі, у мітынгу-рэквіеме, прысвечаным 35-годдзю аварыі на ЧАЭС і ў закладцы Алеі Памяці ў Брагіне. НІЦ ZD Вы на жо ял ля ЯТ с ●

с ту

в л уй та а! як На роўнар.8 Дз т Ст Пя












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ад льн ць це ы нн м прысвеаварыі нам Ста е




Го ла сР


ад ЕЎ (36 ферме, на пасецы, што зла- што першай задачай яго 20 з мітынгу-рэквіеме, зім ці­ Па­гадоў ы ІН 39) l джана там. У часе гутаркі з лішнім таму было — чаным 35-годдзю Бе­ ва­ж чац ла­ а­н ТЭ Р майстрамі, якія займаюцца зрабіць ыя­ сышоў страх ЧАЭС. Адзначым, што Геройр.— вер у­с каб са Тра­ ртак, 3 РН ЗЕ ПА ,2 ­і­г ге­д і! дасу­атэмы народнымі промысламі — лоза- гэу­т кдачыненні Чарно- ураджэнец Брагінскага раёна, 5с й­ч ы ЭЦ а­ б а­ра­"Дзесьці ГА ын ак НА д я­ Х пляценнем, саломапляценнем, бе­лбыля: запалохалі — быў у ліку першых пажарныхаві ­ні­к ЕН Е а­ру оль,­ оў­з­т а­ты­н ● Сён аб'ектыўна, ка і!­Г разьбой па дрэве — Прэзідэнт суб'ектыўна. ліквідатараў аварыі. Прэзідэнт 8) ,2 А ос­ ЭЦ па­ка ­ня­ ­саў,­ у які­ н а­кім і­ і­ ты 63 02 “ Н П (3 е­ ­ж К м звярнуў увагу чыноўнікаў фна ­л Сітуацыя была няпростая. пасадзіў клёнік (а ўсяго іх 1 2 Р АР ры на­ец ен­н ы,­ п сіх­с сці­х а­лё­ ­сяч­ і­ l № вё­ а­весупакоіць тое, каб дапамагалі прасоўваць высадзілі 35) на Алеі Памяці. ае­ сам людзей, ЧА даў ла­софТрэба яў,­р рбыло ТЭ Т п н м ад ц ­ п ● ай ц а: ў АЛ Ц ра ом ка ­скіх э­л ­ста самім. ­кіх ­Трэба ІН ­з у Брагіне прайшла нарава ,­ са разабрацца сэ ­— было ,­лПотым такую прадукцыю на рынках, Ў ­і­п і­гій ў­ні­к ­лю р­цы ­ н на­ро­ ю­бо ­ідэй Жу ніц ” Е Z ВЕР, 2 ніц ць­ п ­бра­псіхалагічна л д н ­ д ­ Е камерцыялізаваць народныя пераадолець гэты да па адраджэнні чарнобыльскіх ­р і­ ­ а­ й а­ і­ а­ аў ы зе с ь­ пр ры ь ­ н ­ін­ш а­са­в VIA 5 СА п мяць­ я­ ра­ лі­тыч х­кан роз­н й.­ Стр вы­шзямель ЙЦ промыслы. поўдні Беларусі, ай КА цяж аў­да­ раў­ду страх". аш эй ад­ ін айна бяз зам,­ ­ных ­фе­ ых­ х аг ­п сё ­і С Z і ­г е­ сі ­ ш р ТА н т н ­ ­шы ра­ Прэзідэнт. Адказваючы на і­ іхпытанні ў Брагіне якую У ёй ­кая жо ­ аб 26­він красавіка ка ­п ар DA ВІК ы сабраў е а ні­к ­ня­ зн а­ то ва е­не­ты Ы ­ то ­ны б­у о­гля­й,­ .­ У рстПрэзідэнт .4 А, е,­шх­ і­ ­мі,­ ­гкіраўнікі аў­п 920 ­ са Луі б леж .6 і­ад ч­ адпажурналістаў, Аляксандр кветкі да а­хопаўдзельнічалі ша­ х­ і­ усклаў .B Б й к ­ д 2 з­ к ая ў ­ ­ о ”Ч д у 0 н ­гу, а­ ­дзя то­г раёнаў. р п ­ны Y як 0чарговы ,­ ваГероя 21 ­бе­ дзе ­майбюста а­ дл Васіля й аб Украіны кашэнка гаварыў пра лё е тар Ы ць­ э­ты у­га­рада­дзе­л х­ я­ н ­фа­ш ўсімведных мы ­ 5000 ла­ру ль­ні­к ­це­ся гэ­та­ ­не.­ Г а­ра­ тыудзел ІМ Да на М С у р У­ а­ уы ­све св я­ крок у развіцці пацярпелых Іванаў ­ве­ ­ — с­кіх і­Ігнаценкі ­н Іван :­ п і э­прыняў та e­ на­ц ч­ная шых­ сц­кая ­це. а­іх­ п тэ­о­р ых.­ ­ ты э­дад­н гэ­ты да­ем "ПаДЗ ­ р ­в па­лі­ аку а­мяц ­ ы­ ko ік­ раёнаў: чарнобыльскіх ­ ы­я ­па­м бе­л ­ід ­Ал ры ыі­ Іва ,­ з­ а­зам ё­сак.­Зцаі­ сп ­пан­т ь­ звярн­ска і­ чар па­м і­ еў­б ­х эа е, ­н ­ РА russраўн­ канкрэтная А● ча­го ­ з­ трэбна праа­ц аб’­ ­ па­ У­г аль­н яць­ста­ру­с ­ло­г ­дзя іль­ ­іх а­ ы­ і­ ві­лін ­ elo новая сп ­ну й­ тр ­го­в ят­ны ОД й­х х­ ­жа. ­г жы ­б лі­л АС ны кут,­ э­тай ым­і а­ла­ аў,­ ч ія­чу ­куй грама seb з Кпунктамі: м ра­бу ц­ца­ а­ге ай­ ­ ве 5Г пе дзе ўсі еж а­ а­ х штос­ дзе будуць э­та­ў ­ха­р ольш і­ 95 e­v іe­ людзі, су ­ во у­ ёй ­па­м му­н са­п ыя­ ге ­жая ­ у у.­Ня­ е­ад да­ ­дыі­ га­да­ ­чар­ ­па­ да­ ­м бе­л ОЛ н яны будуць сен Б сё­п а­мі.­ ­ х­ ж у,­чым sto жыць А1 ­ніх уц­ца­ аў­ заі­на­ э­ бе­ ­ “Г ran р­шы ува­г ­ тра ,­ і­ ­ но ­светн­ ­пыт. ­ тра­ я­ці­ ші­тэ­та раўд­н ­не­ ­ н ­сям’і хай­г ­ра­дзі тых,­ я­ х ві­ны на­пя­ І­ а he obзаймацца. а­ ш ІК ч ч с ­ я ы о ь а­ ­ За лета Урад са й н /s г ­ н ­ Е м аю ы­ В у зе і­р ­ны ым а­ ш св ы­ жал ­не­ э­та ць­сі хто а­цеў Ха­ р к ж та ата ­s пе ў­ зн ,­ ян ая­ Гэ­та гічн­ мат . ts ­ё і­ е­ап я а­р а­р ­я ­а ­ СА en oe з­ р­ну схо­д ­ эфпадрыхтуе ­ м ь, б ­ НН с­ц а­ зв бе­л е­к вы е­це­ ін­н на­ і­шчэн а­ был­ а­ ­ ф ы­ гі ­бо­л іль а­м ­ яе з ур м — ­ ev rodn а­вы­спецыялістамі ыж РА не­ Я­звя ­ёсц ез­вы дзін­к ­ва­л свя­д бы ро а звя і­ на м ым цпытанне, тэк к­са­м яў­ ,­чы а­лі­ мя­та­ ­па­в е­жа­ ь­ ь­м е­ж е­дшто мы ­ у­адказамі ДА ав ­даў ­нем ста­ла­ не­ акт.­ с­тар­ ю­і­ ЗК ­ на кр кай і na рж зям ны,­ш р­та­ ь­у­с ­рад і­(як­ ы­на­ о­ма­ ­ га і.­К ­па­ ­вы ­ м ыц т­ п та ­нан­н ­на­ ­н н­н ра яд­ зя ­зуа­мзапаведніку". . Д ы е­ц ы ­л ЦА дзя к­ла­д пбудзем ­ Памяці б Алеі за на і­зу ­лю­ то­ф ю­ся­ у­час ­ка),­ал ка­ж цыз­ Аляксандр Лукашэнка высаджвае ­ле ў­ п рабіць а­ш пла­ рос­та ру­г ч­ ВЫ Ста ін! л у­й ­у­св зі­дэн­ны­ ям ­лі­вы зі­му,клёнік яд кож ­з тн куц мл ЕЦ ат­ це­ Кож ­ ых на­ ­ ва ая­ да ­сту Журналісты БЧ е­ за цы­в а­шы да­ў ­най­Б е­та уць, а­ ю­г ­лі­к пыталіся: ­ ь р.8 рэ­ гоці вар­ сл мер й Да­ с­кай ,­ка ­ра­д ­ на­в а­ста­е­м’і.­ на­ват ­ ДА мя Ір зя тар. 4 вы ­юц­ц я­цы ым ­васц я.­П ­ку­я м­ — ­ ге­н Б­сц ­бой­ц і­лі­за­ зм­“ сіх,­х е­ла­р ­кія,­ ­ ю то е­настроі а­вя н­ ы ­ р ВЫ а ­т а ўкладваць Даўняя традыцыя: уру 20-х грошы лы С у­сы ­кумервае" Па на с­л ўвогуле ш е­ п ай­ ся а­ва­ўі­ грамадстве, лю анта н­с м­ за­н а­цы я­гам аў;­ цыю нёс то­ў у­сі. ,­у ­ці­к ял­ і­к а­чат ­шы шмат ­ ўп ­тай­ ла­р ­лень бачыць кіх ь,­ н чыслах красавіка Прэзідэнт с­к пр с­тую А а­в ­сп узямель? на­ палескую тр ў­дзейрэабілітацыю гэ ­ка,­ да­ка я­лі­с д­бе­л ,­ пад хто­ ”;­ хт ­на­н пэў­ ­ ін к,­“ ы­та"Я а ­мец ­мы­н а­ріуадчувае .­ ­ ­ ­с о м л ­ І­ то ­ м ў налюкожны зі бе­л што ск патрэбу .­ штогод наведвае рэгіёны ы­х гэтыя ­ва, мае што ­жам я­ гэ а­ру ­ як па­кл о­ ге а­шу ­і­ны ыгод таптаў ­бо ­пземлі­га ра­зу а­дзямлю, ра зеі­б зіў,­ш ­ кр го­ў ­тых ыя­ло ­вых­ ­ ­сло ці­ ў а­і­ны ­тры ва­ша, кды сён ­та­ко ­ і­ п ­тай­ с­ка­га­ і­мі­ а­ня­ец ­ра­ ­ ў д Беларусі, якія пацярпелі адмі­ Р т­шым пераканаўся, што рашэна­ кр пад і­ ­ д ­ о э­ кай шаеклопаце. ­я ­д ­з ы а я м ­ а­ п пя­р ­ б лаў ч­ ы і­на ­ні­к ­пл .­ ­ на­ як ­ня­ е­ге а­ка праб на­р чы­н ­ца­ ыБх не аварыі на Чарнобыльскай АЭС. час ­ва­Наведваючы жыць і працад ы а­правільнае: ­пр ­цё­ ая Нараўлянскі на­ ­ жыц нас­ ­на­ц ­жам­ ­ле­майо­да.­Міў­ся­ а­ш суЕ­ЛА п ак­лаУ н­ад­к ­хо­дзя зня­л а­в а­вых сю­ды ­ ае ­цыя жыц эб­н жа­да­ н н сп ы ­ ваць тутд можна. Гэта­н ўжо Дзякуючы паездкам, сустрэчам раён, Лукашэн­ г­ не ны гэ­та­ ь,­ як ра­ д­і уся­м ,­ і­ ы а­тр а­ а­зі на­ Аляксандр ­ з­ ­ю­чы н­ ым ,­РУдСале­ё зме­злы ­вы­ў ах­і я­ло ­кай­ ім­сэн­ны­ ­ е­ п і­ку­ п ­не”у. ­гіяПалескім з людзьмі, якія былі й сёлета пка зразуме­і ьіян ў­к і­ гл м­і­а пр ­ м бу­ю ­што у­ св мы ­ ы Стратэгія К­ч о ­ку ый ­тоестратэгія. вае нпабываў л о х­ды ае­ зд ей­к ­кра тыя­ ІМ д ­ І умы ­як ляіц­цы Ал я­дзі дур­м а­ва.­ і­ні­му ць­ п ­тыя, е­ту,­ ­ ё лая. ­н а ырэалізаваць 24-26 красавіка, Кіраўнік дзяр- р акдра­ыі­ я цм­ы й­бун­рэн а -,­э мкнаі­лдазяг і і­чкан­цы м ­ ­ ­п яў,Апавінны ля н­ ць­ус ы­Рэс х­ ты ­п аль­нміт­ры ад ­та­ў іц­тв ­ на ­пра і,­ ю аг­л м Аза у,­ Д !”­ Ід а­не­ Усім м­ н а­ву­ч ­хто хЦ жавы не з чужых слоў ведае запаведніку, з яеы празн канкрэтныя у­ е­раз р­кузнаёміўся ­ уД там о­Г н гэ аў­н а­вы ­вы с­ц ­ пе праграмы, вы гі­яЯ­нРЫ ця­н ­ры­ч аль­ву зі­ ў ным,­ ­ вам е­ ма­ аць,­ ­ зм ка в а­чзые а­ла­ц оз­н ма­ а а м х­ а­це,­гаі­згадаў, р а­н Мя оў­працы а­п ю стан спраў на месцах, нібы "за- арганізацыяй на конеСустрэча ­ ,­ зн а­р інвестыцыі". га майстрамі ­ е ­П ец”, ы,­ з ,­народнымі рэ­ ўПрэзідэнт ­ка К ­ч ­к -рэ р­ж ы­та ­ сут­н ­дэн­т х­ ­і­б е­т д У Ха­ ­ва­ аб ць­ т цьЗн яч­ўна р­нах ць­ ­шую ­ ­та­ч м­ цо ­лі­хо к­цыя а­ дзякіяв­в іе па э­зі ­ны і­ вы Гля­ ­“Ям а­ ме­ са­кі­н тын ру:­“І ­луд­ эн св у­ Ідзі чы сн­ ы м­чу раол­ а­сакяа­пе б­елёсодозль ­ней ,­ ід Ка ­рэ­а ў­ні­к ,­як том,­а аз­ Пр ­дзён ыц­ц ва­ч ­жы­л дзі:­ а”,­“ ма­ры а,­ Шь,­ Бо дзі­ в­ д­йа­ц мах айб­ я­рца ае а д­ка ыгр БеЛаруСы раСіі кр якім ­ і­ сл эз ч а а­ ы ш а л е а­ а р к ­ р і в ­ ­ ц с ­ а­ б ­ ­ а с Кі­р ов­ ак мо ха­нм ў­ж а­ П у­ мі­ пад ва­ча­ Чыр ­я­лаў у­нёў р­кі, Н упс ­бао с ­нае аын сумрз .­ты ч­н ­ ро д б ы­кі, ­ р у­х ,­ д ае ічн НСГр ам ,­ о глкыія ­непр а­ і­ а­па­н .­ Т ­ раз­ а­мы ль­кпі­ад а­ты што :­ с што­ані­ксі.ф­Да­рэ­ ця­ ка­ло­ дзя­ц ­ це­ мі­ д ­во­ны ­“Т ­ку, ­ л аць­ка ­ ма­ а­зам ай­ Х ыя скі­ уп у б­л а этрм­ Уамдоў­нодаез­ ваа­зпноўзеамр­ма­чды­ ­ пр ­ва­лі” ы­ла ­па­с е­то 3 амі ­ла­м я,­ ст ы­ц ­ці,­ ­кі­мі­ ­ не­ жар­н дзеж ей,­ лам­ зі­ця­ ­Бе­р рас­ ­ н а­ру­с ў­ск ця­ры ­ злі­л а­тын пуф­таэр­нгэл­та а­д па ып ны ко­м м­ аў і­ е­ вы ы улу а в е н ­іанў­ф ­длуі? п­ ь н ­с і­ ца т­ а­ б ­дам і­ н ар. ва­ч спаз ай­ ж ;­ ва­ч кі­ну­т за­бі­т ці,­ як аг”. Ал мя ,­ д ка­на­ ­ ні­ .­Ты а­ у ту ко­р ча­ла­ве .­ Бе­ сму ­скі­ ся­ д кі­ зв ­ тр ас­нас.­ Гэт я­юц ,­ кыта­я ебез­яыв­цаякг­л­раед,­нш зе ц й ,­ ін ы т н ­ о а ай ­б ы х д як а ч а­ ск ая ц ая а­ і­ ч ­ гэ ч ­ в­ ыа , ­с я С мёр мі­ а­ла­ ан­ч мі­ х­ п ­ м ое­ о ­с р чўыа к­ н і ­н су ­ню ў­л а­су ­ у е­ра­ д­н ША У­н ­ п тА а­р э­рка ­гу,м­і ппы са гэ­т а­ны ­чы ла­ру ­так­ плач зі­ця­ он,­ сх та а о ­а і­ пр н­ ывы ­ла­ру адш­ л а­газ­,­н ­танн­ .­ ➔ та Ч аць­ шч ы­ны за­с а­мі­ а­ці; З ар.­ ­нуІ,ц мабыць, ы нд ­веч без т­ва­г бсхока­ж ы­ п вы­го ні­чалавек. м тое, як ­ер­шыўва­дэ­­мне ­ ш ннна­бдк­гаазм сё­д а­ па­ х­і­н я­ па­ ­саў,­ міль­ё­ ­ і­ го чыя­ , е е­рд ­ ях пякыі­ ­ны у­ ўменш ас размованы пра Усебеларускага народнага свая мова, іншыя асаблівасці, р ад ­ да­ ду­ч рас­с ы­ні­ а­род ­ а­ р тр д ­ рЛ а га­ ы кі р ,­ м б ­ р д ­ га к ­ ,­ у м ац а­ а­ Б ц ­ з­ н ­ я ві а­па­ сы ,­як е­м як э­ле­ ь­ ва­ мш,­а ікіч­ као з­ е а чы­н ­ п ыо ­ты,­ рап­іа­ д Федэральнай як ,­ не­ ЕС ­вы ах­в ч­нфа­ га як ы­і­нўсён­н е­ пе­ ку­ты якія наў р­кі­ ук Сп а­ная ў­ бу­ ­ ­пл ца­Н ­шчы ­ ая вельмі юц кож актывісты ду пабываў ён у Выдавецкім бы хацелася х а в—ш н мож ­на; і­ід нам к хо хта­н Яўй­х­р з­р ­ ро аш ­кі­ ­муі­­1ф я­ка ы ­ніюа­,­ ў­­ бзгубіўшы с “М жу­чы цыя­ і,­ні­ наш супляменнікаў, т­ а ­ а­ст а­ця­ры ­ так­ ай­ (паная­б­б е­ба­ ы­з­в ра­м ,­ ал ­ зве­ ­ бе­ а с­8ы6 л ­н/а­М і­ дач ­дзіў са­в ­ што ы­ў ес­ ­каў лы на ды всл е­лгр ож­з­назямрэ­ а­лі­тродавыя яко ь­аб ­на­му ім эн ы к­ аў з эн ­шэн і­кся ­ны ­ва­ча­тое о­ д нацыянальна-культурнай доме "Звязда" разам з калегамі зберагчы, перадаць ­ ка­ ­ка­ла­ ру­с ­не­ ­та­часам я­лек ­т а.охсувязі ім п арС­тас ста­ ва­ная і,­ ­ен­ці­р ць­м Баць ­ліць­г сэнс­ь­ ка бы ­дэ­м я­нах д яц­ц а­мі­ жа­ е­ н а­л мі­ аў­з­п н­ств і­ ­в­ а­рвуа гр йу­д­т а­ цКьаррэ­зі­д у­ка ль­н б ­сп­халоy1/r­гuо­д аг­да­ ­кі­ ­ са­ зб і­ е­ ­ты ­ п яж ск ўХ га­ ­нпродкаў, па­ве о­ппакаленням. эс Бе­ла­ ку­яю нна Боў П­ск ­ Л дзе ­пааць­v.b п­ч зе ле­ пра­ ядпа грамадскай працы: Сяргеем­ста­рступным а­вд оё­ўл­не­іц э­та ­ных­ін­на­лёй расіі ія­к а­ ні­ а­ў­в пом ных.­ е­ па­ і­ ку як­л каш­т м,­як а­ка­л а;­ ­тыа­л ыа­­ўтв цс­ы ра­ о­ва­м ары на­чы ц­ці­ рэс —­ а­юц ­ б­с лБеларусаў а­ Пе­ ),­пАсабіста ­шасіміляваліся ру аўтаноміі а ­ ­г та ­ .­ ы аты а і­ а­ н а н ­ н р і­ е ь е­ к н ­ o ы м ац ва ц о ёг ко ін е­ ь ­ з ­ я­ !­ і­ ен с а­ о ч р ш р аў ц ­ в ­ П н ­ М ы ­ў ­ ­ ­ша­ лу­ за імпатрыятычнае н ль іц л ал расійскіх л ві а­х ,­ ­ ы а­ ы энл­нё ­нлеек а­ндд­р бдыыў і­дэа nеўt.­g ў,­ к­я а­ко ы­Н ­сл Кандыбовічам, сл о­на­ вы ­ж ш­а ­ны зы і­ты ­ е­ п ра­ ь­Апрасторах: м ­г ­ пішуцца ел ўмацоўваюць які з'яўляецца я х. адказваю і,­н ь­б ­ны і развіваюць па­мль­ гу ­ка­ ў ў­нае­ч ня­ўст ­ню­ ні ны ,­ як мо­гі­ ­хо­дзі д­аб лы­н і­кія­с ь­ за ы­ пр­тр ёсц­чь­ымію,­ эт н ­с­са а­­мслі­ т,­ ­в дdзіe па­ то­ шч ль­ а­ві аў­н лай­ еб бо х­агунар­м н­ня,­ суб­пй­нЗШ хр ж­на­ е­ча­ў нак ­цый ы­ на­ па­л вух ас­ц ­ёсц й­чы ж,­ сувязі х­ што а­вуад штовельмі ­г ,­ ўсе, а­ таы дНе я­та ­чыц сё­г а­л ой­л на­га ­ця­ч ма­ сп э­ п кі­ ц­к Старшынёй ле,ескак і­кта­а е­ с ск ць­ о­ін у­ла­ вя ў­ нрознабаковыя а­ Ус ы ў анкетах рускімі. ФНКА, і Аксанай выхаванне, важна ія sі я ­ ­ я н ­ р і­ ы ы т­ га а­ Д ­і о І о а­ А р а­ зе ю а­ т ­ э­ а­ л а­ ­з к ­ ш д дзе а­ ч ­за,­лі­ ­ п оў­ п ­л ­м б­р­ лін (ця­ а­ гр­та­эк pre ай ыя­ ці. а­ч е­р на­ ай­— ­ ь­ гэ та а­ве і­вы д­в ­м V ­ш у м га­В ­як а­л ер ­ск і?­ 0­ ч ­ ,­ н ­ты а­гі адНа Аг­ лмеа­­гты ,­ д а­мі­брацкімі шэн Нам е. а­ ­наг жам, е­на­­куўаяпершай а­су ыпаміж ат ад р Солапавай, // ве ­— а­ ­до спа­ народамі ­ яг і, ­ц а,што намесніцай. і актуальна ўне­гэтым а­юы іабведаюць, бы ка­лі­часе. ­ты ­стр ­чае­ж ­све а­ На ­ну­л ­да­ва ­свет­ ыя­х а­ нас ,­ сі­т перяго на­ .­ Бо ­ эв экс­п а­мад год­к 270 а­ ім ­ ­ку,ttps: П ц,­ж ­у­в га­ды З­ бац ­ку­ п ­шл а­дзіў ­ у­— ­ны ­ ні­к н,­п сю­д ме­ж .­ Вя мы­ вам­ і­ ц ўза­е­м а­міч ў­ра­ссяа­мінў­ ­ Яўа­руо­с­ 1а­яун:­­н1М ярві­т­ца­а­­ на­годвіэ­с­ты :­ Н ­ а­ л л ­ ва л б эт зв ц ­ ­ ц і­ і­ ­ і­ ­н м ­ о ш ы — ы ­я ­с к ­н ­ ю h ь­ рыхтавалі гэтую Аляксандр абраны тэрыторыі Расіі ­ І­н ды ы ,­УДарковіч .­Ё ­у ­за­ Спецыяльна ­б Беларусі у гр я­ц раў ­ло ль а­ ы он іць. ыц­ц т,­ р н ­кі­ ёс ­ ’іБ­ е­л ­хжанчыны-касманаўткі е­ж то ны дзе­л н ­Дзе ­ро­ а­н ы­ Е ­ укрсвеце ім .­ ­ ту ні­к ай­ я­ ст о­лі­ а­ст 60­я ­ё­н се­ рэ­ зям­л ­ я­ха . ,­ Б ­І­п ё­ ык бы на­ц ­ла­ся ­ках а­зям ь­ка­м оз­ві­ ­бам­ ­явіц га ­ні,­ ­да­р згы­к­ у.­ ­ не­ я­ а­леж нь­ эк ну Пнамеснікам бо ­го,­ ш ай­ ­яй­ п ­ са­б ,­ бы ­ і­ бо а­чыкра­і­н ынстаршыні о­лі­ Ай а­ро не­ я­р ён­—нас­і публікацыю ўыго ­д­рзе нумар. Церашковай мы штогод плануем, а­стп ч­ св іль ­мі­ ў кім­ Дўа­красавіцкі е­ла­ а­ эн­ня­ т­пе­д— й­гправодзім, а­ем ­лі­б ы­я ц а­ ­Ят­ ­лі­Н і­ п шч першым ту­ оне­ яв д­ніх Валянціны ­чы нас ­в б ю с ­ ц м э­ ет а­ ы н а­ ес к ў н ­ а) ю ­ ­м а­ ,­ н за ч ­ я т ’я н ­ м я н ­к р э­ за З а­ н ­ н д н ­ аў ей го н ру і­ д с­ е­ р та ­лоў а­дзе ­ру а­і­ ­таў ты мера- ­гі­н .­ Т ае е­ вядома, о ні­ ць­т ­знбеларускія а­ ар аў­ . Беларусаў ­вас202­ ­га­ ­бы пачатку прымаем удзел у розных ­н­зі­а­я ­ ув­ып­м ­каб во ­ча­л не­ ын­н ­кі­ і.родавыя сь­ ны ­сы:­а­ ­за­ 3 оБо ру не­ красавіка, ­вя­зна пр ­шай ла­ру аль­нас­й­на­ а­ды а­ва­гр а­вёў­ праўлення зяр я­га ра­зу ­ у­ б ояк за­х ­ве­рэ­ моцныя у­лі, а­му ­ вы зіі.­Я ’­еФНКА й­ А­к­ ан 1­г га ­ п ­ фо й­кр ле­га . ­ рха­ ­ ва ­так ­ру­ў ён­ а­то ­за­ ­са­ жу а,­ адяк ы­ т‑ кіхпаыкма­бацьку, е­ла­ е­ й­ ра­ф ж­у ь ­тадзначаюць Мен ­Бя­р ад­ Расіі, па­м ­ра­га­на­веч­н да­ру ай­ гіс­то ць­ ст а­карані: ру льш ­мі­ п у Ббратэрскіх ­ла­сы ­ п а­ э­ го а­ м р ­ ц п ­ краінах і па ён — выканаўчы дырэкпрыемствах. У Расіі адзначаы ­ ­ ц св х ай Ф ­У м ы і­ у су сё н у ш д н ­ ­к ­т і­ а­ е­ ц б н ­ ні­в н н е, і, з­ са­ .­ П жы ы­ў мы ас­ я­та а­ н асц ­ем­ вай­н ­рыі­ ра­ ы оў ад і­но­в ­гу­ч ё­д­на­яў.­слаў ба­ аў ск­н ­ныя­ ­2­й аю­ ­у 0­ ны д­ з ас бо з­ны я­ Дзень у­в с”.­Г ­што ем­кі­ ­што ж­бац ­шчы о­за­ ­ яднання народаў а­ Беларусі д т­ Дзмітрый і­кі­ я ян з­уммаці. Шастаковіч, арганізацыі, адказны нацыянальныя беларускія­з­мі­ дтар р ­В дзё век­з 240 о­ша­ п за ерем ра ь­ч зе ­ска ­ та Веч ­ем,­і­ а­шай ь­ і­ жор ы.­ Вя­ ро ­ча­ны ,­ хай ы­вём ­чы­ма­ о­лі­ і­бы­т н е эфек тэр­м ­ні­ б зу­мен а­ К ­най­ ры я­лі­к а­да­ва ­ён­“ Яў­х ­ві­дац ь­кі­ ­не. Ім лек­ц і­лен е­да­га ­мі­ ыц та ­ рэк ­га­ ў па ла­ аль­ ­за­пр Заўважым: Аляксандр святы, гадавіны значных для у­ла­ п­бела-б ,­Аляксандр ар­ ­п н якраз ыі­ ­ска ­г а­ га­л ­ва­ны ­ная­п ў­гэ­ ­зям бяс ст­кас Мы ­га­ ы Грын, ­ лу ­дам ды ­ж Расіі. ­ а е­б ’і” ж га ­вёс­к ай­сям ў­ся­ пры і­ма­К ь­з­ яго­ ­ вы ­лнапрамак ент­ ­та­р ні­в ­пе­патрыятычным маг вым ляд,­ ем Твардоўскі, ­сту вы­ оў пл а­р ам ­300 ер ра­та па­ й­г іч­ беларусаў паз й ­ ся ­ бу­д ­род дае руская ў Расіі падзей. ЗапрашаАляксандр ­ме е­ ­ц ям ну о­вы м­і­з а­мяцтым­н ­лі.­М­чын­с ць,­ ­ ар аўтограф а­ ы­г Ро од­каў ­ не­ дыяспара ­ д е­ ў­ ­не­п Ігар Шклярэўскі,за­5­на­ рац і­ Ла­ ’і:­Дарковіч ­вы —­ра­самая це ск ­швыхаванні. эй Кар а­ там ­сі­тэ­ р­ска мя­та ім­ ­ ­тай ­і­ў му за ­ста й­с за тв у Зорным ­і ­ны ­скагарадку. ­ка, ­сі­л ь­всярод што д­— ­ н ла­ ­ ў Яўгеній пр а­сішматлікая ­лмы емгас да ўдзелу та­ ­гвялі ­і­ў ­ яскпа прадстаўнікоў ат­ е­ра с­ка ­маў ша­ ­ча­н ь­за­б а­ша­ ы­гэ­ ы­ ­га­­ ­ца­ зе ша­ (Г 8­дзя у­чы ­б ­га­ ім біц а­ ­няў Еўтушэнка (у 1990- е,­0за ай­ ­ска­г з ­земляком ­ інс­ а­га­ў ­шГутарку ь,­ схо па­ ­бе­светонашых ў (на­ а­ Варі­ й­ алі а­в у а­ як жа­ Шлапаковай, ве кл рце. н ­ц ­ака­д е­ла­ 2019 а­ ад ты разам м р ус­к ­рПаводле ­ яго ­ мрэн ыц ­на­ ы­яс­ ых­ ­чан ну­е ым.­ і­тым сі­ла. та­ ­ш афіцыйных у Мінску выйшаў зборнік рэгіянальных і бы ­рас дадзла­ г. “Н ­не­п ­ла­р э­ іц­т та­в ма­ц оў­­п ­ля­ о­д ей Снежань ­т і­вер задуДар'яй ­ рас­к па­са ­трак федэральных, ла­ час м. ль­на, ­та­ ў­ад ­дзем м­— ­ ­ня. м­іх І­ сх ,­за ва­ж ых ­д то­р аз­ ў­н ы­с уКм а­р­зыяў ра­ ком зен !­Ж мік іх рус­ у­та,­н ­сі­тэ­ ­ка­цыз ар вы й­бе а­ ­і у за ­га­н р"Звязда". ёй больш вершаў "Беларуская мясцовых улады, роз­па­ і­лім ­ка­ ы­ ыў су­ с ­вя тысяч за­ў ­ша­н ус­кайне­ка­ ы­ р м­ ­цо женых, та,­М і)газеты ­дэн ­на­зары600 с­та сэнс: яго а­ в аць­я­ суар­в­сяка ­яль­н­ цуе­ .­ Там­скі­ р ы­ха­ ­ п ­ па­ кіх­журналісткай ­норганаў а за а­ а­ і­ о н а­ зі с ­ ве р мяц ­ж к в ­ з ы р ка эк ­ ,­ н ач ­ а эд а­ ч ­ э­ я­ а­ а­ён ­н пр ла­ :­ ­го а­м е­ у ­ ­п крывінка"), ыакадэмікі з Герой — арганізацый, а­ Аляксандр Васілевіч, я ­ні­ч х­ тэ п Па­ Пр а­ср ­ П ан­т ­ны ­б палкоўнік, ­га.­цІы ы ­ ў­шРасіі, су ных ­сграмадскіх ь­ м а­ та­в ож арг­ дінс­тыы­наў стаў д­ні­кі­ інск Расцётап­рла­ )­ а. й ­ныФё­ўд”­к. а­нмінулым Важ х­за­ ы­бе­ кра­ін ­ чар м­ с м!­— і­ і­ му­зей ко­л ольш е­н оў ­Іг­­а . ­то ы ­ра­м ­ з­розных народаў ­с і­ ­ні­ е­п ­ж ­з­к ­бін Новасібірска асобнай пытаннямі ­н ­а ы займаецца ­ ка­м ­тякімі йпрадстаўнікоў ы ­т ­ ­н ­ ы ка брыў­л а­дзеВалянцін ар до­д­ма а­рла­я­цо­сіц а л б­л­ аскамандзір ут) я­ М іц­кіх Мен­с эга ­ е­ Ме­ ­ л ­пе­ ў­ ­ным дк­ о і­ в ­ Пе а­наў ыі,­ лен сыл­нза­меж ам”, ь­ глы д­т іс ых .­ У ­ ты ­н ен ­ м ь­ марской ­р йы­хп вігады ­ста с ­ні­т ск ль ­ ­ная Япяхоты Капцюг, БалтыйскаБеларусаў е ды гасцей .­Ё ін ў ­ з Беларусі. Кар­с ­ц і­біб­га­дзя і­сіі­пФНКА д р вы днРасіі ро ­ты­в роз­н а­лей ы­ло а­род ля­м і­ка­га ­ ад ы­ ­ма ­іАндрэй ­скі­ ­ куерсукіхРасіі? ­выч­—а­даяг о­н­іа ­на ай па­ ­саў­ ы­хо­д ­ліц па­р кі­ к­ц і­га­м н­та і­ як ­ ­бе­ль­­­ту ­біб­хі­ма­ Дарковіч рж а­ ст—н­жНаша е ­на­ ­с­тавы н л ­ пр і­ка­н ­ гу цяперашні ­ м л д ­а д ­Ш н н ь п с ­ і­ ак ­ з­ ­ д а­ б се­н ­ су­п ­вя­л ­хі­нае ­ ­ Трафімук, га флоту Аляксандр — галоўная мэта — Займаемся і народнай дыі­ д е л у і ­ а­ ет зе ў ы д б од ні­гі”я.­Я ­лі­ а ал­ выду­х­мі­­пуск ра­ва я­тэ­ ­уні­ ва а­беыВ е­л аў­ ку ха­іл ­ры ра­с ­ к рэ­ й­ш ­ным р ­па­ ­св як аў­н сцве кл н­нюСібірскага ­ ад вядомых а­р зітых ку зрабіць а­р беларусы, (з і­ ты ры да­ем ­ле­н ­—­У ­ныя ­лі­ны ­рас аць ­ вер ­рэн так, ­ў ­кр нт­ра­фі­кН н ­з ўпаважаных, і­адь з ў каб е­жі­га оўу­н ­нліку аў П а заключаем жы- п пламатыяй: дамо“з ­ вы мат ­ укл аль­н р­дзі ста кіраўнік ва ­шых ­ цэн нын міжай ва­н­і­ккоў ­д­ноай­ ­хім­ га­н ­нак­м ў.­Ма­ ­сваю ­сі­тээ­нд­ні­ Б ­на­­выч ху­с­кі­ ­М Ча­ ­ на­ ­цяг­в .­ ы­ пр ­ту­ал імя­ ­н і­ла­ зга­ ­крэс о­кім ­меж я­га ­што ы­ Б та­кім ­ а­ ль,­ каб вян ика а­дал а­га­ ў­ся­ ­ ­т­ 7­ га ун а­вя­ ­ ­с расіян. РАН А­ таксама не гублялі повязі паміж а аВалянцін а­р е­н ла­ вучы ­ўанст ўтаРасіі, ­вед кан­з­кла­ тр рзы вы ,­ на Н ўйсеактывістаў ­і­ны раб а­ш ­ра­і дзялення э­ч супрацоўніцтве пад вы­с і:­ за ы­вы э­ва, ­ ме­ж у­ а­сам аг ­вір .­( ­ е­нлоа­ртуа­­рлае­ ­ско ­ др ь­нік ргіыч ка 1 ­м кнМі­ген і­ ­та­гца­е­ се ­ц я­зя с­ на­Л ­ н яны, цэн ў­ п кранаселенымі ­б о­вы а­ві­т хтгістарычнай м і­ ў м радзімай, оН і­вер Д ір­м а,­Із а­нія ­ст ­і­ў а­у і­ Пармон —Д усе адчувалі ев апунктамі і­ на­ роў­н та­ж ­др й­ за ы,­ ы­ ч і­Ма­ с гі іяі­­на­рі­ка­м­нацыянальна-кульн­п­ іМа­нса­Федэральнай ­міц рады га су ,­так і­ 1917 е­ла­ру м­ ст а­Яў ­ця­п ва­с­рі­таэ­і­а­траэ­­рчысс­,­ л у­ м русск ­го­ яз ­не­го­ вы­д о­ва­зн ­ га ­ я­ шых н­н ­ ў­інусс­­кта ы­к а­і­н ер­м я­л ё­ ца ёсць СН ­зна­ётаксама Г у­ “А а уз­ —­гэ­ с­ка­га ё­ка­ а­рэ­ч це­ м ус­к ­хім ­ ер ­д У нас ­ры ­га) Расіі. іншых з .­Азатурнай краін, ­язы им ы ­рлыь­н ыі­а­м аўпБеларусаў тсамабытнасць. ан­н аў ­лі­н ёй Га асобныміуч уВНУ. с­ка ар­ш сваю ­р ­дааўтаноміі та­в кр ,­ Г ,­Втысячы ­зга“Лту­п С ус ор­чы ь­ным е­ е­ч о,­­ ро ­гай­ ­леза ­сты па ка­мі­ ­кур­с НД­ .­еБМы :­ ­к ­ ц я­ ­с ­га­ ысвая ад­К гісторыя, а ­тунычх­­ншто ­мП напярэдадні кі­ ла­ру да­л .­ Д экс­ е­ла­р ы­с ,­У ыя ­нія .­ ы­ "крывінкай". ­ ­я ­і пад еб­ны ­ку­д учеб а,­ ср ер­ко “Г тва: у.­­с ўд­в­ваае а­ н ­ С .­ Б ­бўа­лпісалі, ­т о культура, ­ца­р го­н ­лед VІ тв ал ➔е. Стар. 4 Б ­ в ­сія ан­ц р­ме ШАнашай ­б і­ з’ пе­н­рёй ­сар з­­т п­ло ет е­ у­ й­г свая ­ва ы ні­

дэн т пам а Бел яці” арус , пр і Ал ым якс ерк ан ава дра ны Лук м д аш а 7 эн 8-й кі н гад а рэ аві сп ны убл Хат іка ын нск ска ім й т міты раг нг еды у-р экв і


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р э­ а р зь я З ­ца с­ц ез ко ў і­ родо а­ы ­а стк­рі­об сва,­ ­ да­р а­цэ­ ­ ­ец а­і­ ы ай цы ­руч х­ за ля­ ІV ник авн в­но­с ам­ ­ а ­ у­р р­ма­ц р ых га­ р­жа зен­н ста­л ў­у­р ­ц­кі­ д а­свтыа аК­ца­ыл гр­ад.­—м­раз ­вае­с­цпі­а­ ў­д­а­ ч(с П д­н я­Р Ф Р,­А ,­ ес юер а­ыў й ро ­ві­лі­с тан,­ ,­КН ер­бія ае­м руж­н Д­сё та ­я­ліс ­нік,­ вед ­кл ­ по ител ла­ фа д­лне­ гэ­ш­та­гая­лі­­ка в­ ае­п а­ш ім­ дзя а­вя­д ­цы­ ­ло­ма ­10 сь­ззо арй­м­ша­лчыі­ў,пе­ ­Рказ­­гно­нле,і­казбег ­н с на ­зах­с у­э­ла ,­ С а­ро­в а­д СН яе ­ры­тэт ­ты­а а­ўсп ений ас­са­ ­ рус­ ьно в ­ ў ­к ы­а­а ­жан ­ пр ­даў ып іх­— ­ла­ру ­ ін­фр­дзв ­зн а­кягні­д­а­го эд ышад­ ь­ энс­ о ­ца­ў ­ на­ Прэ­ ­ вы.) ё­з­д’е а­ р— ­му Ка ­не­с ­та­нія ­га­н е­на­С аў:­ . Ра­ ­ шм ­ную д­ра­зу ры­м ”.­ Н сред ско­ ­ ‑ вы 4­х­д х,­ з­ і­ Бе істр ­кі­ а ­тув­као­ в і­тоа­нрая­ ­гу­бызаў­с ту­х­раў ­ру ­ ў М­ ым а­ н ­ту­ас ­ ц чМ та ‑ Ве ­бры э­тае аў­л зяр­ж д­дзе ­ фо ­ Ад ­ цы сій­скаат­кр ­мо ­ж­п аць­ і­бы­т них ік ­н іЖ р­ а­ ­тэр­к­шыяк­ўое ­ ыв­ аю 16 ­цы­я ры,­ Мі­н Луц с­тац ­ма­н­ и­аф­яд ­ма­н ­лтоа­2 а­ ы еадў­наік ы­с кс я­ л­родал з­ н ка ­та­г ­да­ст х­Д 0­го ц­ця ­ні­ка ак­сім ­ у ­ ­ няў і­19 й­ оць­ ­ва­зн а­ча­ яго­с а­ й ­ кН м­в ел­Э с­ ка на ан­п м.­ ар “Ма е­г е­п орм­ ­ а­гра­флю5с­гца­­ця,­ ­ад­б р­ечад адс­ т ­на ьён ай Н ле ­пра еж­ны уе­3 ­кры і­раў а­М й­ ды ­ не­ !­ Ры17­га­ ім­пе­ пе­р аў­чу лі­ як пе­ ­ ­ны Б “Я ес іяж­“ы дошў,то ,­— ай бел Гр а­ра ­сі­ Іг рс­ аж­на а,­ яко . и­п”.р а­ між ю а­ р ­а р ­т ­це ­ліч о а­л т­к ад ­ к ль ы­“ ­міная­ ў ў д ц ­ в б ц ы ” о ­ х д у у л ­п ­ п а б ы п х е а­ а я ік эн с ­ ­з ім ярэ а­ а­ч ­та­ ы­л і: ы­д ­ н р ў­ т­р ‑я ­н ­н ­рус­ сыО,­б­ ­нах тв спван і­ п­(М лі­ ­ла­р н­к ­мі­в ­ств а­і­н е­ ­ а і‑ Ка ўс Не ­та­св ча­се ­мес­н рэ­зі­д ы­ га ім­в ­нен ­ дзя ча­ла­ ы­ла­ ва­ла­ о­19 ­ да­ а­ва­л а­цу,­ ы­я эн ­28 іж ы­в ‑ Бе ­ ко ель ры­ем ­і­кр ы­м ­ між ар­ аў ­ скокйра­і уб­ме­ а.Р­ а­сі­­не­ яшаск­в р а­ц м­ц ла я­кн .­пр ор­ у р­ж свет ся­ ­пе­ рэ­ва і­ ў ле У­ ­ на і­П а­ю­ч ў:­ “С кс­па ­сту х­ ­ ­зі­ е­­тла­ Ты а,­1 20 скі”кі. а­ што ­—­в ­ра­п ­дзей ­рэ­ж йн­ ы а­ра­т ,­ на а­ й р а­ бу у­н ч­ны ай­ш н ы і­т ы а м­э ­ вы ­ны 05 . по кэн ­ а ­ аш ам­фдэнт. ь­ні­ч ­з­ 88 ім а­ру м­ і­ чэ­ кія Яў­х ву. ­да­вац ,­ бо ­ 20­е а­вы­д ­лю­ ­ гі” е­ме ­лю айн ­цы ­ лі­т э­та оў­к ў­ ­ р­ш а­ц ­ в а­з ў г. ва ”­пр ­род ірм зі­д ­ ча­сес­кае­ па­ч з­ га­д 6)­ — ь­ ­но­в ,­ ад ан­ пе ніст­р ­коў, ў,­ск ль­ны ­ру­му а­леж ­ гэ ­ мяс ­га­д ім­К ­ і­к рэ­зі­ ­дзел ен­та а­ на ў­вае ан­л ра­ды і­ум ”.­ Г ля­ц нн­ я ­ па ­на ­ва‑к ельн атэ­ ая­ў ­нак ,­ га мо­в а­ло­с оў­ ст ­да­ аў ­н ­дж ­ мі­ ­жан ­ні­ка т­ра ­ фо Не­з од­дзяа­род ь­ на­ ­цо­в ы­па­ ар­ск іс­т ла­ ­ но У­ і­ т ­поз­ час я­ п ы­та ­ ад між ­ста ­ўдз в­ аў­пе­ п кс­па р­бай е­су­э ,­ ­ды а­знаў я­ н у­д сле­ ыч да­ Ры зель ­цэн ня­га сць­ 30­г іж­н ­рус ­ п ай ст гру ыя­ чаў­г і­яш ім ­ і­ а ­ пр ­с а­ву эн ­ вы н­не ­кі­ра ­ста­в 80­э ­Азе е­н а­на ,­ ­ну ­н оў ­ с ­нік етн­ я­ ўд ,­што ё­лет­ ж­на ­ру­ ­ м Бе­ла руж ў­ аз­ тва. ­ко­в ц­ гра­ва,­та н­це­ як бе­ла­ лы­бо чэ­у­с ю­ та ­на вы а­2 рыі, у­сі,­В­на,­Ір о­вы ,­ а ­ с ру ­ па ­най ыі­ а­д ы ­ ш од­ны ­мен ад­м ­ван­н а,­ яго ­У­х ае д к ф ­ к р ту н ­і ва а­ д у ­ іч у д ­ ­з д ­ С ­б ­в п зе с­ р ісь ,­ рк­ а і­к вы ­дэн ,­ Я ут­ ­ м У­ ьш ў­ст е­ла­р ­ста ал Ра­сіі ­ там е­ Са аў.­ У ы­тэт ­ні­за­ц е­ ў­ ё­ды ­вым ­ ­ву­ч ц­ гу н­ска ­ных­э ы­ні­к ом­ні­ кія­ л ў­х А Б “П ­да­ем б­ме ­мен­н ах М ,­ к­ме ім­ ,­ па р­ж ў­та­р р­га ­ству ­заў­с ы­по ь­нас ­ ­бо н:­ ,­ а­з а,­ яго ­бер­н й,­ кс­п аў­у каў­ га­во аць­ га я­ а пісь ла ­кра­і ­ме­ніі іі,­К ста­н ­ты­ны Тур та­на ­ Дзяй­ а ай­а ын інск ын­ц ­пол э­гра ­ ➔ ­ныя­ ях.­ К Ві­лен е­ды­ц лас­ныпісь­м р­кі:­ дл сіі­ н р­ш 20 ,­Ар р­ма­н р­гыз­ а­лес а­на,­ е­кі­с што ­ Ста ­пр су н­т ра та аш ­ска ый х ен мі­ на ,­Ге Кы ,­ П ­кі­ст Уз­б аць,­ ­ным ­ ста с­ці.­М­ец­ца кам­ ай­і ай­п н­ні­ р. за­п ­тоў й,­ ­па­ ­эт­на­ ­ 6 і­сы ­ны М Гар лы тая,­ а­на жы ыі,­ а­га­д ­раль ­на на ­ста ь­ні­ а­ко­в ­вец­к ы­да НД,­ ­ ск ен а­ ­ Кі­ ­кі­ст ­ Та­д ур­ц а­ н цэнт ­ між і­за ы­хіл се­б ст­са ыя­ в ­ С фал арб ­скай­ Па рыі, а,­ Т Вар­т ы­ ­скай пр ды­ў ­по а­ка­в ь­ніц ьк­л ­ — і­ д ­ а н ­ і­ л С ста ы.­ ­ га Мін ц і­ н .­ Зн дзе о­ру. ­ ні­ ра­і­н ныя ам­ ­ цы ­ры аў­у Ук роз­ ен­т сто р­ж ў­ с­па­н дзя эк

б о­н ы­н кан ы:­ та кр ­шч ым­ ­сло­в ы­с каў ­са­в ем­і я­в сэн ы­ва­ ­На уж



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Беларусь. Belarus




Social and political magazine No. 5 (1052), may, 2021 published since 1930 Founders: Zviazda publishing house editorialand-publishing establishment Editor-in-Chief: Viktor kharkov Executive secretary: Valentina Zhdanovich Editorial office address: 220013 minsk, belarus, 10a bogdan khmelnitsky Street tel.: +375 (17) 287-19-19, +375 (17) 292-66-92 Тel./fax: +375 (17) 287-15-26. E-mail: Subscription index — 74977


registration certificate no. 8 issued on 16.07.2018 by the information ministry of the republic of belarus Design and layout by andrey Siniawskii Proof-reader alisa gungor

Symbols of unity and amity


Special iSSue

wElComE tourist!


This year, on the first Sunday of May, Belarus celebrated not only the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, but also the Day of the State Emblem and the State Flag

Беларусь. Belarus is published in belarusian, english and chinese. the magazine is distributed to 50 countries worldwide. final responsibility for factual accuracy and interpretation lies with publication authors. Should any article of Беларусь. Belarus be used, reference to the magazine is obligatory. the editorial office does not bear responsibility for contents of advertisements. Signed for printing on 26.05.2021 offset printing. coated paper. format 60х84 1⁄8. conventional printed sheets 5,58 accounting published sheets 7,27 total circulation — 830


copies (296 — in english)


Excursion to native places What is modern Minsk like? The hero city, rebuilt after the Second World War, with a population of almost one and a half million people, today lives in the rhythm of European metropolises. The hospitable capital is like the heart of Belarus: it is open to everyone who wants to learn something new about it

Order republican unitary enterprise "budmedyyaprayekt" licence no. 02330/71 on 23.01.2014 220123 minsk, belarus, 13/61 V. khoruzhey Street

© Zviazda publishing house editorial-and-publishing establishment, 2021

On the front page of the cover Photo by S. Plytkevich

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


From Mstislavl "Suzdal" – to Bykhov "Mesopotamia" If you are interested in medieval temples and battle fortresses, healing springs and cascading lakes, knight tournaments and Kupala rituals, Mogilev region is the right place to visit


Belarus through the eyes of Napoleon Orda Today, iconic historical objects in various


Attractive Polesie Land Today Brest region is widely known outside the country thanks to its symbols: Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha


In the land of blue lakes and festivals In the north of Belarus, there is Vitebsk region, which cannot keep out of the interest of tourists either




Thousands of years ago, the ruling dynasty of the Polotsk principality was famous for its special piety



Exhibition as a true cultural event The SculptFest Sculpture Festival is the first large-scale exhibition marathon that brought together most of the country's acting sculptors from various art venues in the Belarusian capital

Monasteries attract not only pilgrims

Amazing events are waiting for you Five reasons to visit ancient Belarusian cities



Беларусь. BelaruS 2021



parts of Belarus are being restored according to the drawings of Napoleon Orda








Speech by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the wreath-laying ceremony at the Victory Monument on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory on May 9, 2021

беларусь. belarus 2021


Celebration Dear compatriots! Dear Belarusians, veterans! Today I appeal to all residents of our blooming blue-eyed Belarus, to those who live in the capital of our republic — the hero city of Minsk, to all those who live in cities and agro-towns, to all those who live in small villages. I congratulate all of you on the Great Victory Day! We again, as before, meet the victorious May, which in the distant 1945 of the last century brought freedom to Belarusians and all fraternal peoples of our vast country — the Soviet Union. The further the heroic and tragic events of the Great Patriotic War go down in history, the more majestically and grandly does the sacrificial feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers arise in our minds. Those who saved humanity from enslavement and extermination. It was an epoch-making battle for life on earth, for the preservation of the human race. The Great Victory of good over universal evil. We bow before the heroism and steadfastness of front-line soldiers, partisans, underground workers and home front workers, without whom Victory would have been impossible. You, who died in battles, died of wounds, dear veterans, gave us the unfading light of the Great Victory, a guiding star that will forever shine for many generations of Belarusians, giving strength for our creation, for our movement forward and only forward, despite any problems and difficulties. It was more difficult for them, and today they are looking at us from above and they have one mute question: will we hold ground or not? We will.

We bow before the selfless labor of those who, returning to the ashes of their native cities and villages, raised the country from ruins. It was the most difficult thing to do, because on this land there was nothing and no one but women, children, disabled people and exhausted soldiers who returned from the front. We plowed and sowed using female and child labor. There were even no horses left. We will never forget that millions of our compatriots laid down their lives on the battlefields, perished in death camps, were hanged, shot down or tortured to death in Gestapo dungeons. We remember it, and if there are those who forgot — we will remind them. Belarus glorifies its veteran heroes and will always remember your feat. We bow our heads low before the memory of those who died. We grieve for the veterans who left us. Every year on May 9 we come to the Victory Monument. We continue the tradition of meeting front-line soldiers and partisans at the Eternal Flame and other memorable places. Today I ask myself, just like you do: could the heroes of the war ever think that after 80 years their children and grandchildren will have to fight for the truth about the Great Victory, for the right to honor the victorious warriors on this holy day? It is inconceivable that at a time when we are concerned about preserving memory, the followers of the occupiers and their henchmen


беларусь. belarus 2021

Celebration reproach us for militarism and glorification of war. We are the heirs of those who did not come from the war. Every third. We, like no one else, had our fill of sorrow and constantly say that war is terrible. We don't need a war. Their background is obvious. Dreaming of global domination, modern neo-colonialists deliberately incite ethnic strife, breed bloody conflicts on the planet and again try to dress young people in brown clothes-uniforms. They do everything to make us forget the feat of our grandfathers and the terrible truth about the war. That is why flags and hymns, discredited by cooperation with Hitler's assassins, are imposed on us instead of symbols of the Great Victory, peace and creation. Today we must say openly that the Belarusians during the Great Patriotic War for the first time in their history faced the massive and systematic extermination of the civilian population. The blood of thousands and thousands, millions of innocent victims — women, old people and children — is on the hands of fascists, policemen and other collaborators. The world must know and remember the tragedy of our people, the Belarusian people. We will raise this topic to the highest international level. So that they remember and not forget. Let the heirs of the Nazis not even dream that when the last witnesses of the genocide of the Belarusian and other peoples pass away, so does the historical truth.

Dear veterans! There are very few of you left, but you must remember and, leaving us, pass along to those who look at us from above today: we will never betray your feat and will not allow anyone to take away your Great Victory from us. Moreover, we will not allow anyone to discredit everything that you have done in your life, protecting Europe from the brown plague. Today there are children of war with us, who saw with their own eyes how Hitler's fanatics, police servants, burned their mothers, brothers and sisters, how they tortured and hanged patriots, how they killed babies. Their voices are heard today, and we will preserve each of them in documents, books, films. We will not be here, but future generations will surely hear their testimonies. This truth will live forever! Dear friends! The Great Victory is one of the most grandiose events in the history of the Belarusian people, and the feat of our soldiers is a symbol of courage, patriotism and humanity.

An example of solidarity, friendship and brotherhood of people of different beliefs and faith. An inexhaustible source of powerful creative spiritual energy that we need so much today — in the Year of our unity. To preserve Belarus, its sovereignty and independence, we need the simplest thing — to be close, to unite. The way the Soviet soldiers did it in the terrible years of the war and after it, when they were rebuilding the large ancestral house, which had been destroyed and burned to the ground. We need to strengthen the unity of the people with all our might, so that our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, sacredly preserving the heroic heritage of their ancestors, could always live and work in a beautiful, peaceful and certainly happy country. Dear friends! I understand that after the events that took place last year and what we are promised this year, we have, frankly speaking, somewhat overstrained our society. Maybe someone is unnecessarily worried about peace and security. Maybe someone stopped believing in it at all. So, I now appeal to you, to those who do not believe, remember: as long as our generation is alive, Belarus will always stand firm. We will live, we will live on our own land. And I swear to you in this holy place that we will never allow anyone to look at our land with contempt, the land that you defended during the hard times and won back. We will protect it, no matter what the cost. I appeal to you, those who have become wary in connection with the latest events. Do not even think and do not worry about the future of your children, grandchildren and your future. We will do everything so that the sun like today shines over our land, and the sky is blue. We will do everything so that young mothers and fathers with their children can go outside at any time of the day and walk on their land, as it has always been. It will be so. I promise you, I swear it will be so. I want to be heard not only in Belarus, but also outside, you know by whom. Happy Victory Day, dear friends! Photo credit: BelTA

беларусь. belarus 2021



Symbols of unity and amity This year, on the first Sunday of May, Belarus celebrated not only the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, but also the Day of the State Emblem and the State Flag


беларусь. belarus 2021

bow our heads before those who left, who gave us the country and this life. Mind you, we are ready to fight for the memory of your heroism and feat. And we will win, because the truth is with us, because we are the heirs of the winners and we are together." Alexander Lukashenko pointed out that Belarusians have always lived in a calm, peaceful Belarus, but recently we have been played off against one another. "Today I can say: we have figured out where the truth is and where the lies are. Let’s stop this unnecessary confrontation. Let's come to understand that for the first time in millennia we are lucky to live on this piece of land and raise our children, — said Alexander Lukashenko. — Let's finally understand that we will not have another land and no one will give it to us." The head of state stressed that a cruel, bloody repartition of the world is beginning and, God forbid, we could fall into these grindstones. "If we just stumble — and, as it happened more than once in history, we will be bent down to wipe the floor with and be thrown in the dump. Because by the will of fate and God we are in the geopolitical rift," — the President said. He continued: Belarus used to become an arena of foreign wars, the Belarusian people were trampled and killed — both old and infants. "Does anyone want to repeat this again in Belarus? We must not allow this. We are Belarusians, all those who are standing here today to greet these symbols, and those who are not here today, who have a different point of view. We must finally understand and realize: we are Belarusians and this is our land. We should not give it to anyone and give it away, — stated the President. — And let our symbols be the key to this unity and harmony." Belta

In the Year of National Unity the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko called such a union of the most important holidays in the history of Belarusian statehood a sign of the inviolability of national traditions and spiritual values. He participated in a solemn ceremony of honoring the state symbols in the State Flag Square in Minsk. According to the President, emblem, flag, anthem, Great Victory are inextricably linked symbols of greatness and independence of the Belarusian people, which embody the fateful achievements of Belarusians, spiritual and moral features of the nation, features of our culture and worldview. The head of state noted that the symbols reflect the national idea — the people's desire for an independent, peaceful and creative life. "And on this historical path, Belarusians have never receded from their traditions, values and principles, — added Alexander Lukashenko. —With our symbols we became a founding republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, went down in history as the founders of the United Nations (with these symbols), in the difficult 1990s managed to unite and survive as a sovereign state". The head of state emphasized that despite the economic crises, industry and agriculture have been preserved in Belarus, outer space has been conquered, and advanced technologies are being developed, including IT and nuclear energy. This was done under unprecedented challenges to the statehood — economic sanctions and political ultimatums. The President of Belarus stressed that it was the people who determined what our main symbols would be like. During the ceremony, he addressed the veterans of the Great Patriotic War: "There are few of you left, but we bow down before all of you who remained. Today we

Maria Dadalka

Special issue


tourist! Whatever it be, but time takes its toll. It's almost a calendar summer outdoors, which means that the tourist season is in full swing as well as the time of the most active rest. This reality cannot be bypassed or neglected in any way. After all, even gloomy pandemic cataclysms that have hit almost all our planet are not able to completely obstruct people’s natural desire to use favorable environmental conditions, as well as their emotional mood, for physical and mental recovery. In short, this topic is important. We feature it in this issue of the magazine. It is our story about the tourist and recreational opportunities in Belarus, about the wealth of the Belarusian nature, historical and cultural sights of the country. And, of course, about the sincere kindness of the hosts, which always resonates with many guests.

беларусь. belarus 2021


welcome tourist!

capital aS a



About the tourist opportunities of the capital of Belarus – Minsk Hero City – in a conversation with the head of the main department of sports and tourism of Minsk City Executive Committee Maksim Voropay


– The capital of any state is, as a rule, always the center of tourist activity. How does Minsk, the capital of Belarus, position itself in this regard? – Minsk today, of course, is the largest center of the tourist services and jobs in the field of tourism. This, if you like, is a kind of point of investment and innovation activity of international tourism, which forms the image of the Republic of Belarus in the world. The very same tourist offers of our capital are focused both on the development of mass types of tourism and on the growth of individual services provided to individual tourists or organized groups of excursionists. Rich historical and cultural potential of Minsk makes it possible to develop such types of tourism as cultural, educational, entertainment, sports, medical, transit, business, ethnographic and others. Welldeveloped transport communications, implementation of measures on their modernization make it possible to involve in the process of a tourist product formation the entire complex of historical and cultural attractions located both in the city and in its suburbs. This is the historical and cultural museum-reserve Zaslavl and Nesvizh palace and park complex with diverse architecture and the largest landscape park, the museums of folk architecture and everyday life "Strochitsa" and "Dudutki", the museum of Belarusian folk art in "Raubichi". – Offering a potential tourist to visit Minsk, how would you justify the indispensable benefit of such visit? – Convenient geographical position of Belarus in the center of Europe, and Minsk in the very center of the country, the brisk transport links with all neighboring states give a huge advantage for the development of various types of tourism in our country. Business centers with the necessary equipment have been built in the capital, conditions for convenient interaction have been created. Modern congress halls operate at hotels. By the way, the number of collective accommodation facilities in the capital last year amounted to 75 units, of which 69 are hotels. At the moment, all conditions have been created in the city both for receiving tourists and for holding any major events. By the way, there are more than two thousand catering facilities operating here. As I have already noted, Minsk has great opportunities for the development of event and cultural tourism. There are 17 theaters, 30 museums, more than a dozen galleries in the city. Among the


Беларусь. BelaruS 2021

museums, the most famous, of course, are the National Art Museum and the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War. The pride of the city is the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater – the main musical and theater stage of the country, Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater – the oldest Belarusian theater. The Belarusian State Circus pleases the guests of the city with its performances. There are two water parks. Evening life is also quite diverse, because there are about seventy nightclubs in the capital. – What places in the Belarusian capital, in your opinion, are the most attractive for guests? What, first of all, would you recommend them to see, what places in the city to visit? – The most visited excursion sites in Minsk are traditionally historical buildings of the center – the Upper Town and the Trinity Suburb, the Stalinist Empire-style architectural complex on Independence Avenue, modern buildings of Pobediteley Avenue, the cult architecture of various denominations, the Gorky Central Children's Park, Chelyuskintsev Park of Culture and Recreation, the National Library, Minsk History Museum, one of the branches of which is Loshitsa Manor and Park Complex, the Botanical Garden, Slepyanka Water System, the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the National Museum of History and Culture of Belarus, Belarusian State Museum of the Great Patriotic War History, Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus, Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater, BelExpo National Exhibition Center, the State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. It should be noted that at present more than sixty excursions in foreign languages have been developed: English, German, Polish, French, Turkish, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Italian. In total, over a hundred excursions around the Belarusian capital are offered within the framework of the annual "Guides Fest". Besides, Minsk has a fairly large potential for the development of industrial tourism. Enterprises that offer their excursions have already become objects of industrial tourism in the capital. Among them are Slodych confectionery factory, Zorka jewelry factory, Minsk Tractor Works, Minsk Soft Drink Factory, Alivaria and Krinitsa breweries, JSC "Atlant". Sports lovers can visit physical culture and sports facilities in the capital of Belarus, including: Minsk-Arena multidisciplinary cultural

National Library of Belarus

and sports complex, Chizhovka-Arena cultural and sports institution, Solnechnaya Dolina Ski Training Center, Dinamo National Stadium, Republican center for Olympic training in team sports "Palace of Sports", Olympic sports and recreation complex. In general, every tourist can find a place and entertainment in Minsk that suits his/ her interests. – How many tourists visited Minsk per year in the best times? – The number of organized tourists and excursionists who visited Minsk in 2019 – considering the time before the pandemic – was just over 120 thousand people. The share of organized foreign tourists is about 18 percent in the total structure of foreign persons accommodated in hotels. In general, this indicates the domination of unorganized inbound tourism over organized. The main flow of incoming organized tourists are the citizens of the CIS. The five countries whose residents most often visited Minsk, in the same 2019, were the neighboring countries: the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia. There is a clear trend towards an increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Minsk and the Republic of Belarus as a whole. Among the non-CIS countries, the largest number of tourists comes from Germany (1.1%), China (1.3%), Great Britain (0.5%), the USA (0.3%) and Israel (0.2%). The number of organized tourists from the UAE in 2019 amounted to 1.2 thousand people (0.3% of the total number of tourists). It is worth noting that in 2019, 151.3 thousand people from 70 countries visited the capital under the visa-free regime. Mostly the citizens of Germany (27.2 thousand people), the United States (12.9 thousand) and Italy (12.7 thousand). The national airport's total passenger traffic increased to 5.1 million that year, which is 12.5% more compared to 2018.


Special issue

Loshitsa Manor

беларусь. belarus 2021


Welcome tourist! Minsk and its satellite cities, strategic goals for the development of tourism in the capital were outlined. Today, the recognizable appearance of Minsk includes a whole complex of city images created on the basis of key attractions. For example, such as Minsk Hero City. The capital of the Republic of Belarus was awarded the title "Hero City" for courage and heroism in the struggle against fascism during the Great Patriotic War. The recognizable image of Minsk as a "Hero City" is promising for promotion to the most capacious tourist markets – Russia and China. Minsk – the gateway to Eastern Europe – is the main image for shaping the image of the city as a center of international transit tourism. The central object here is the tower houses, which form a visual symbol of the gates of the capital of Belarus on the Railway Station Square. Replication of this image is promising as part of a branding campaign in the tourism market of countries outside the CIS. Minsk is a library of impressions. The image of the capital of the Republic of Belarus as a library of impressions simultaneously reflects a variety of positive emotions and the cultural and educational value of visiting the city. The main visual symbol of the image is the National Library, with the use of which it is promising to create a tourism brand of Minsk, aimed at visitors from the CIS countries. The attractive appearance of the Belarusian capital for foreign tourists is formed by the positive impressions received as a result of visiting it. Minsk is a beautiful and hospitable city. This image is realized through the inhabitants of the capital and the aesthetics of the everyday life of the local places of the city. The general positive background Belta

It must be said that the number of organized tourists and excursionists sent along routes within the country from Minsk in 2019 amounted to 156 thousand people. – Probably now it is impossible to be guided by these figures. But even taking into account the difficult current situation, which directly affects the tourism sector, do you expect an increase in the influx of tourists to the capital? Is there any reason for this? – In the current conditions caused by the pandemic, the main thing is to focus on the development of domestic tourism. In 2020, a plan of priority measures for the development of domestic tourism in Minsk was made out. The effective implementation of the main positions of this plan is aimed at uniting together efforts of all interested structural divisions and institutions of Minsk City Executive Committee, public organizations and associations. Besides, new presentation materials using virtual technologies are being prepared. The concept of the presentation was formed taking into account global trends. In addition, an innovative strategy was approved for the formation of Minsk own style and its recognizable international image to popularize the capital among foreign tourists until 2035. Within the framework of this strategy, the tourism brand of Minsk will be developed. As a result of the analysis of the tourism industry of the Belarusian capital, a methodology of approaches was formulated based on the National Strategy for Tourism Development in the Republic of Belarus until 2035, as well as the General Plan of

National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater


беларусь. belarus 2021

Special issue

Tower houses - symbols of Minsk

formed by the behavior of residents and their attitude towards guests, combined with the neat courtyards, clean streets and creative art objects are the main attributes of this image, the replication of which is the main basis for the formation of an attractive for foreign tourists appearance of Minsk. Minsk is a smart, high-tech, eco-friendly city, oriented towards the future. The image of the Belarusian capital with the inalienable attributes of the future, providing comfort, convenience, mobility, security, is formed at the local level of tourist zones and manifests itself in the level of accessibility of services and the adaptability of the infrastructure to the needs of visitors. The physical carriers of the image of Minsk as the city of the future, which are at the center of the branding campaign, are electric public transport means. Minsk is a "green city-park". The Belarusian capital is distinguished by a wealth of park areas and a high level of maintenance of their improvement. The image of Minsk as a city-park is formed by optimization of the transport and logistics system of the city and creation of a network of pedestrian and bicycle paths, which together provide easy access and attractiveness of green areas for visitors of the capital. The image of the city-park is intended to become a part of the attractive image of Minsk as a European capital with the best natural and ecological conditions for life. – It is impossible to attract tourists today without the appropriate infrastructure – transport, hotel... Is it sufficient for recreation, for living, for excursions in Minsk?

– In 2020, 75 collective accommodation facilities operated in Minsk, which included 46 hotels, hotel complexes, 16 similar accommodation facilities – hostels, boarding houses and guest rooms, guest houses, hotel rooms, 6 health organizations and other specialized accommodation facilities. The city's hospitality industry includes hotels and similar accommodation facilities, 4 of which have the category of five stars, 4 – four stars, 13 – three stars, 5 – two stars and 43 are uncategorized. The one-time capacity of hotels and similar accommodation facilities is 11.8 thousand beds in 6320 rooms, of which 10.8 thousand beds are in hotels and hotel complexes. – Perhaps the capital of Belarus can offer its guests something of the novelties this season and in the future, based on its excursion and tourist potential? – Objects and subjects of the tourism industry of the Belarusian capital annually offer tourists new programs, excursion destinations, author's excursions. All information about the capital's tourism potential can be obtained on the official information and tourist portal of Minsk ( In 2020, the portal was updated. To solve this problem, a competitive business analysis of websites of the most popular cities was carried out, its concept and content strategy were adjusted. I believe that tourists will always discover something new and interesting after visiting the capital of Belarus. Here they will always be welcome. Alexander Pimenov

беларусь. belarus 2021


Welcome tourist!

Excursion to native places

What is modern Minsk like? The hero city, rebuilt after the Second World War, with a population of almost one and a half million people, today lives in the rhythm of European metropolises. The hospitable capital is like the heart of Belarus: it is open to everyone who wants to learn something new about it.

As a rule, tourists' acquaintance with Minsk begins with the history of the city's emergence, with a visit to the sights known to every city dweller. I have never been in the role of a guide before, but lately my children have begun to frequently ask questions about Minsk, where they were born. Then I thought: yes, I know a lot about the place where I grew up for more than thirty years, but... Years go by – the city is changing. It continues to grow, getting prettier every day. And my "places of memory" are no longer so easy to find in Minsk. "There was a huge apple orchard here," – I point out to the children at the "singing" fountains glowing in the dark, near the Vostok metro station and the huge Dana Mall shopping center. – And here there used to be the village of Malinovka, and no metro!.. – we are already standing at the other end of the city, in the southwest." I perfectly understand that listening to stories about how it was before is not very interesting for children. After all, the past is in the past. They want to know their modern city. So we decided to get on our bicycles and go to meet our hometown.

women's monastery. Now it houses – I wink at my son – the Minsk Suvorov military school. We drove a little more and ended up in a place with the beautiful name Trinity Suburb. This quarter in the center of Minsk, stretched out on the banks of the picturesque Svisloch River, is well known even to foreign tourists: the winding streets between low houses with tiled roofs are captured on many souvenirs. Trinity Suburb is an open-air museum: the local stone buildings recreate the picture of old Minsk as it was in the past centuries. Those who get there, according to tradition, go along the arched bridge to the small Island of Tears (another name is the Island of Courage and Sorrow), a memorial dedicated to the Belarusian soldiers-internationalists who died in Afghanistan. In memory of the partisans who desperately fought the enemy during the Second World War and launched the most powerful resistance in Europe, we have named another avenue – Partizansky. Its length is 10 kilometers; the avenue also starts from the city center and reaches the southeastern border, passing into the Mogilev highway. There are many large industrial enterprises and factories on and around Partizansky Avenue. How much effort was invested to revive the city, which was destroyed to the ground by the war!

A We ride a bike

I started the excursion practically from home: we live next to Independence Avenue – the largest in Minsk: it starts from the center and stretches to the end of the city to the east, passing into the Moscow highway. The length of the avenue is 15 kilometers. By the way, its name has changed more than a dozen times since 1801. Riding along the "main" street of the city – fortunately, our bike paths are very convenient – you can see many well-known and significant buildings for the country: the Government House, the Belarusian State University, the Central Department Store, the National Academy of Sciences, the National Library, the Belarusian State Circus, and next to it – two parks: the central children's park named after Maxim Gorky and the Yanka Kupala park. Behind it very soon you will see the monolithic building of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus, if you turn off the avenue. Its history dates back to the 30s of the twentieth century, and the building was reconstructed at the beginning of our century. The renovated building of the theater was even consecrated by the then Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus Filaret. After observing the play of water jets of fountains near the Bolshoi, we went further: to the old building – the former Mariavite


беларусь. belarus 2021

Let's synchronise watches Of course, I could not help but tell the children and show some of the metropolitan squares. By the way, at school children usually begin their acquaintance with the city from the "gates of the capital": this is the name of the station square because of the two tall buildings built in the form of towers. At the very top of one – the coat of arms of Belarus, on the other – a huge dial with a clock. In the old days, the townspeople checked the time, coming to the oldest square for us, modern residents – Freedom square. To this day, in its center there is a restored building of the town hall – the former city council. Built in the XIV century, it clearly testified that Minsk had the right to self-government. There was a clock on the town hall. And now they are hanging. We checked the time – exact: the numbers on my smartphone with an Internet connection confirmed this. On the town hall you can also see the coat of arms of the city with the image of the Virgin: she protects all the inhabitants of Minsk.

Special issue

Near Minsk Town Hall

Excursion bus against the background of the Blessed Virgin Mary Archcathedral


The largest square in the capital is Independence square. There is an unusual monument on it. It is called "The Bell of Nagasaki", it is a gift from famous Japanese cities that suffered from nuclear bombs during the Second World War. Oktyabrskaya Square is known for the fact that in its center is the zero kilometer – the beginning of the roads of Belarus, and you can see how many kilometers separate the capital from other cities. Victory Square is the most sacred place in the city, where an eternal flame burns. During the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, solemn ceremonies and concerts are held here, and fireworks illuminate the night sky above the square. Not so long ago, the State Flag Square appeared in Minsk – the same age as my son. It was built in 2013. The national flag of Belarus is raised here at a height of 70 meters. Initially, they wanted to install it in a different place – at the entrance to the city. But the architects took into account the wind rose to allow the flag to fly all year round. The authors of the project had thoughts on building the highest flask. But the clouds are going low here, so this achievement would simply not be visible. After a rich excursion program, I really wanted to take a break and relax. It's good that we were not far from Lake Komsomolskoye. This is a place where it has already become a tradition to hold sports competitions and even winter swimming. The reservoir is 1.5 km long and about 400 meters wide; the maximum depth reaches 4.5 meters. The history of the origin of the lake is interesting. The pit for the reservoir was dug by hand, and a park with attractions, cafes and restaurants was to appear on the territory nearby. Of course, there is a stadium for sports events on the water. It was assumed that there will be 10 thousand spectators. The grand opening of Komsomolskoye Lake was planned for June 22, 1941... It is easy to guess that the holiday was canceled – the war began.

At Dreamland Aqua Park

Minsk is clearly visible from the Ferris wheel

Monument to the town governor with the key from the town

беларусь. belarus 2021


Welcome tourist!

Modern Minsk There are many beautiful themed alleys in the Belarusian capital. But the most famous, perhaps, is the Friendship Alley. It is located in the city center, not far from the Trinity Suburb and goes directly to the Svisloch River. In the last century, the German sculptor Peter Medtsech created an art object "Sign of the spiritual relationship of the countries of the world" here. Water parks are a wonderful recreation area for Minsk residents and tourists. You can have fun there, not only swimming in the pool, but also participating in themed parties in the park, at any time of the year. For example, in the Dreamland water park (located on Orlovskaya Street), they constantly arrange interesting outdoor activities. At one time I came there for the "Mumslet". Young families with children from all over the Minsk region loved to spend time there, relaxing to pleasant music, sipping delicious cocktails or watching a movie, sinking in cozy armchairs, without worrying about their baby. This is almost a utopia! And yet reality. After all, the child is entertained at this time in different play areas by animators. And when winter is over, but the snow has not yet melted, they come there to return a few months ago and again get into the New Year's fairy tale: light installations 50 km long are simply mesmerizing! You can visit another winter fairy tale if you go to the Central Botanical Garden. It has already become a tradition to create an alley of ice sculptures there every year. Well, as soon as summer comes to Minsk, murals appear on the huge concrete walls of city buildings – this is how the annual street arts festival Vulitca Brasil takes place. In July-August, Minsk will again be crowded: such a holiday in the style of urban art is always a lot of colorful impressions and a good mood for the whole day. If the highest point in Belarus is Dzerzhinskaya Gora, then the highest point in Minsk is the Parus skyscraper. Its height, together with the spire, is 133 meters, appeared in 2015. In this residential complex of 34 floors, the building is located on Kalvariyskaya street. On Pobediteley Avenue there is a skyscraper – the Royal Plaza business center with a height of 130 meters. The smallest object in the city was recognized... "a nano-monument to the Belarusian ego." What is it and why was it created? I quote the answer of the sculptor Stas Nikonovich: "Together with the authors of the idea, Denis Antsyavichyus and Yevgeny Metelitsa, we decided to make a monument to Belarus, which is not Belarussia. Wherever a Belarusian is, and no matter how local maps define our country, we explain that we are Belarusians, that our country is spelled Belarus". The details of the pedestal can be seen only under a magnifying glass, its height is 15 cm, and it stands on the Zybitskaya street, which is loved by tourists. In general, Minsk can be discovered endlessly and all year round. Each of its nooks keeps the memory of some events, interesting stories. New festivals and art objects appear here. The capital has always been famous for the hospitality of its residents. Alisa Gungor Photo credit: the author


беларусь. belarus 2021

Digital World mural was recognized the best in the world in 2019

Special issue

WHERE NESVIZH, NAROCH AND OTHER PLACES ARE SITUATED Minsk region is rightfully called the heart of Belarus. Minsk region is the largest of the six regions of the country in terms of area. It is ahead of others in terms of the number of inhabitants and is the leader in terms of economic potential. And historical places and opportunities for active recreation here always interest even the most discerning tourists and travelers. route "10 architectural pearls of Myadel district", several cycling tourist routes, – says Inga Malashkevich. – Educational tourism of the region is represented by monuments of the history of archeology, architecture, urban planning and art. Undoubtedly, tourists are attracted by the objects of Naroch resort zone, the center of ecological tourism "Stankovo", the architectural and cultural complex in Nesvizh, the museum of ancient folk crafts "Dudutki", the manor-park complex "Panski Maentak Sula", the ethno-cultural c e nt e r " Na n o s y Novoselye", historical and cultural museumreserve "Zaslavl". Tr a d it i on a l l y, in addition to the Belarusian capital, many guests of the countr y always strive to visit a small city in Minsk region called Nesvizh. And not without reason, during the excursion because the famous Nesvizh Castle is located there, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. There is also Farny Church, the 16th century Town Hall, as well as a number of other architectural monuments. But above all, the reconstructed residence of the Radziwills princes attracts attention. This place is one of the most visited by tourists in Belarus. But the city of Borisov is known for history related to the events of 1812, when the main forces of Napoleon were defeated by the troops under the command of Mikhail Kutuzov on the Brilevsky field near the Berezina River. Every year the historical clubs of Russia, Belarus, Poland, France and Lithuania reconstruct the events of those days, putting on a grandiose performance for numerous spectators. Of course, agro-ecotourism has become a promising direction in the development of tourism in the region, which involves belta

The region is located at the intersection of the main transport routes linking Western Europe and the East, the Black Sea coast regions and the Baltic states. The region has a developed road and railroad network. The main air harbor of the country, Minsk National Airport, operates near the town of Smolevichi. – There are 267 nature reserves on the territory of Minsk region, 682 objects are included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus, – says Inga Malashkevich, head of the tourism sector of the main department of sports and tourism of Minsk Region Executive Committee. – Today, every tourist who comes to the region can choose a vacation to fit every taste. But traditionally, the most popular is agro-ecotourism, educational, health-improving, ecological and hunting tourism. Last year, about fifty thousand people, including citizens of 26 countries, used the services of the region's tourism enterprises, and there are more than a hundred of them. Most of all, the region was visited by tourists from Russia, France, Hungary, Italy, Israel, China, Norway. Using the existing tourist infrastructure, cultural and natural potential in the regions, 466 tourist and 559 excursion routes, 90 green routes have been developed. – To actively attract tourists, the following excursion routes have recently been developed and offered, e.g. "The Wealth of Berezino district" and "Berezino District Memory Beacons", the excursion route "Sentimental Walk along Borisov", the routes "Secrets of Belarusian Huts" and "Ladies in Centuries", "The ensemble of the former estate of the Counts von Gutten-Chapsky", excursion "Zaslavl – the border in Minsk direction", excursion

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


welcome tourist! tourism have a unique opportunity to enjoy wild nature by visiting reserves, natural monuments, which are considered to be exclusive not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in Europe. The region is home to Berezinskiy Biosphere Reserve, National Park Narochansky, 23 reserves of republican significance, 50 natural areas of local significance, 89 natural monuments of republican significance and 119 natural monuments of local significance. Undoubtedly, Lake Naroch attracts special interest of tourists. After all, this is the largest lake in Belarus. Many medical and recreation centers have been built on the banks of Naroch. There are more than 25 species of fish in the clear lake water. The most famous is the Naroch eel. On the territory of the National Park belta

outdoor recreation, Belarusian traditions, rituals, comfortable living, coziness of village life, ecologically clean, natural food, excursions to local attractions, walking, cycling, horseback riding. Today there are 972 agricultural estates in Minsk region. The largest number of them is in Borisov, Volozhin, Logoisk, Minsk and Myadel districts. Only last year, more than one hundred and fifty thousand people used the services of agricultural estates. – It should be noted that recently, ecological tourism in Minsk region has begun to develop at a fairly rapid pace, – says Inga Malashkevich. – And this is understandable. Indeed, on the territory of the region, the area of protected natural territories is more than three hundred thousand hectares. Fans of ecological

in the demonstration hall of Slutsk belts enterprise

mound of glory

brilevsky field

nesvizh castle


Беларусь. BelaruS 2021

Special issue

Sula park-museum of interactive history

Narochansky there is an ecological trail of the natural complex "Blue Lakes". Last year, a new historic hiking trail and a series of eco-bike trails were added thereto. A new collection of plants was presented in the arboretum of the National Park Narochansky. Also in 2020, activities were carried out on the organization of ecological tourism in the republican landscape reserve "Naliboksky". Since May, the equipped stopping points along the Isloch River have been actively booked by tourists-kayakers.

Hunting tourism is also in demand. There are 31 hunting complexes in the region, of which 22 belong to Minsk State Production Forestry Association. In 2020 almost fourteen thousand people were accommodated in hunting and fishing centers and complexes. At the guests' disposal there are stationary and temporary towers for trophy hunting, dog enclosures, shooting ranges, professional huntsmen. There is wild boar, elk, roe deer, deer, beaver, wood grouse, black grouse hunting The tourism infrastructure is constantly developing. Last year, new objects of this infrastructure were commissioned in the Berezino, Kletsk, Minsk, Slutsk, Smolevichi districts. A tourist base "Selyava Tour" was opened in Krupki district on Lake Selyava near the village of Proshika, an entertainment sports complex with racing tracks for auto and motor sports was erected in Minsk district near the village of Prilesye. In Nesvizh district, near the village of Zavitaya, an ecological path was built, the territory along the Bernardine pond was equipped with modern conveniences for the recreation of tourists and local residents. A hotel "Belostok" with a cafe was put into operation in Nesvizh. In the forested area near Soligorsk, a roller-ski trail and a covered parking lot for bicycles was opened. And in Volozhin region, a tourist information and recreational center for people with disabilities was opened. More relevant information on new tourist sites and those that have proven themselves earlier can be found on the tourist portal Vladimir Velikhov

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poleSie land

Today Brest region is widely known outside the country thanks to its symbols: Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. In addition, clean rivers and lakes, dense forests, pristine bogs of Polesie, a rich historical and heroic past – all this contributes to a varied, interesting and informative recreation in the region.

St. nicholas church in brest


Беларусь. BelaruS 2021

– We have preserved and restored many historical, cultural and architectural monuments, – says Denis Nikityuk, head of the tourism department of the sports and tourism department of Brest Region Executive Committee. – Among the most famous is, of course, a symbol of heroism and courage, Memorial complex "Brest Fortress-Hero". But there is also a palace complex in Ruzhany, Kossovo palace, Kamenets vezha (tower) and the excavation of a Slavic settlement of the 13th century, the Nemtsevichi estate, where the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed between Germany and Russia during the First World War. This is the pearl of the Belarusian Polesie – the city of Pinsk, the distinctive Motol and Bezdezh, the Balt Ishkold. And, of course, the city of Brest itself. Besides, there are many interesting places in the region associated with the names of famous people, such as Lev Sapega, Adam Mitskevich, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, Napoleon Orda, Mikhail Oginsky, Alexander Suvorov, Menachem Begin, Petr Klimuk and others. For those who for some reason left Belarus and want to visit their native places or visit the place where their ancestors lived, nostalgic tourism is relevant. In total, tourist organizations offer guests more than 250 excursion routes in Brest region. One of the attractions not only of the region, but of the whole country is the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" with extensive hunting grounds and the

residence of "Father Frost". Today it is the largest forest in Europe, which has retained its original appearance to this day and has become the "home" for the world's largest population of auroch, other rare animals and relict plants listed in the Red Book. Here in Viskuli in 1991 an agreement on the collapse of the USSR was signed. Today, in the National Park, one can comfortably spend vacation: relax in a tourist complex, get acquainted with the national Belarusian cuisine, be alone with nature on ecoroutes, usefully spend time in nature and archaeological museums, a museum of folk life and ancient technologies, and recharge with positive emotions during events. – In our region, we have all the opportunities for water tourism, – says Denis Nikityuk. – For example, the only cruise ship in the republic runs along the Pripyat River. Excellent conditions have been created for those who like hunting and fishing, as well as for recreation in the countryside. There are 12 forestry enterprises and 434 agritourism entities in the region, which offer a cozy family vacation with a sauna, spa treatments, fishing, horseback riding, master classes of folk crafts and folklore programs. Thanks to the powerful medical base and loyal pricing policy of healthcare institutions, medical tourism and sanatorium-resort recovery are one of the most popular areas among guests of the region. 11 sanatoriums pleasantly surprise guests with excellent value for money, offer active recreation and good cuisine.

Sapiega Palace in Ruzhany

In general, there are many unique places in the region. Here, in particular, there are five objects of the Struve Geodetic Arc from the UNESCO World Heritage List. One of the world's two aprons museums is located in Drogichin district. In Brest region, one can visit the only museum of cosmonautics in the country. The lowest point in Belarus is a granite quarry in Mikashevichi in Luninets district, located 16 meters below sea level. The quarry looks like an amphitheater with vertical serpentine roads and waterfalls from the walls of the slopes. A hot spring of a geyser type is easy to find in Baranovichi district. The beach with the whitest white sand in the country will be striking in Kobrin region: on Katashi lake with gushing springs. But L ake B elo e in B ereza district is the only reservoir in Belarus where shrimps live in their natural environment. A n a t t r a c t i v e a n d my s t e r i o u s land in the center of Europe – Brest Po l e s i e , w h e r e a n c i e n t c u s t o m s , crafts, peculiarities of the language, culture and life of Poleshuk have been preserved. Here, in Brest Polesie, there is an "orchid belt" with 60 habitats. It is here the only place in the country where paparats kvetka (fern flower) grows. Traditional Polesie village of Kudrichi with reed-covered houses according to the lost technology has also been preserved here.

It is important to know that from January 1, 2018, the regions bordering on Poland – the regional center, Brest, Kamenets, Pruzhany and Zhabinka districts – can be visited by foreign tourists without a visa. Among other things, this makes Brest an attractive platform for meetings of partners, relatives and friends. In general, Brest region ranks second in the country – after Minsk – in terms of tourist visits, which is about thirty percent of the total flow of tourists. Last year, 1 million 333 thousand people visited the region for tourist purposes, including 280 thousand of foreign citizens. On the routes of the so-called domestic tourism, the tourist flow amounted to 1 million

52.5 thousand tourists and participants in various excursions. – In recent years, tourists have a priority in tourist trips, in addition to educational purposes, to obtain vivid, emotional impressions, – notes Denis Nikityuk. – That is why today much attention is paid to the development of event tourism. More than a hundred events of tourist interest are held annually in the region, which undoubtedly adds to the attractiveness of the region. Among these events are international festivals: theater – "Belaya Vezha" and music – "January evenings" in Brest, folklore festival "Motal prysmaki" in Ivanovo district, folklore festival "Good neighbors" and a festival of hunting horn music in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, bikefestivals, tourist exhibitions within the framework of the international forum of business contacts "Brest", a blacksmithing festival in Baranovichi district, the international Baltic Youth Games, historical and ethnographic reconstructions, and many others. A calendar of events of tourist interest is formed annually and is posted on the regional tourism website Along with the existing attractive objects, such as the tourist complexes "Chalet Greenwood" on White Lake, "Rynkovka" and "Lesnaya Gavan", the subjects of the tourism industry create new, no less interesting. For example, Depriz Animal Park in Baranovichi, Komarovo camp site in Kobrin district – on Lake Lyuban, the equestrian club in Brest region – in the village of Schebrin, Polyanka Park educational and entertainment center

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Granite quarry in Mikashevichi

беларусь. belarus 2021



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Memorial complex "Brest Fortress-Hero"

on Bulkovo reservoir with a rope town, laser tag, climbing wall and quests. The tourist complex "Park-hotel "EcoBel Kolbovichi", which is located near the Schara river in a forest, on an area of 90 hectares, began to receive guests in Baranovichi district. The tourist complex offers various options for family and corporate recreation. Here guests can usefully spend time, enjoy the unity with nature on eco-trails, engage in active sports such as zipline, wakeboard, ice stock, ride bicycles, quads and electric vehicles. – It should be said that health tourism and agroecotourism have become the most successful projects in Brest region in recent years, – notes Denis Nikityuk. – 80,591 people, including 5,550 foreign citizens, rested last year, in the sanatorium-resort and health-improving organizations of the region, and there are 69 of them. In the field of agroecotourism, the growth of entities amounted to 102.6 percent compared to the level of 2019 (a total of 434 entities were registered), the flow of agrotourists amounted to 69,440 people, including 1,751 foreign citizens. In 2020, 11 more subjects of agritourism were created, more than 20 new jobs. Today there are agro-estates in all districts of the region. The largest number is in Kamenets (82), Brest (76), Kobrin (39), Baranovichi (31) districts. The trend of recent years has been the unification of agro-estates into tourist destinations on a cluster basis. They bring together all the interested parties: including


беларусь. belarus 2021

farmers, producers of organic products, museums, rentals of tourist equipment, folk groups, artisans, representatives of the tourist industry, clubs of military-historical reconstruction, folk creative groups. A striking example is the destination "Mukhavetskaya Kumora", which united the agro-estates of Kobrin, Zhabinka, Pruzhany and Kamenets districts into a single agritourism product. Each argo-estate in the cluster complements each other's services. Someone has a mini-zoo on the estate, someone has an apiary, somewhere along the route one can spend the night in the hayloft, taste national cuisine, take part in folk rituals or master classes of artisans, make oneself a souvenir with own hands. The initiative is also aimed at the use of the natural and ecological potential of the Mukhovets river valley (a typical region of the Belarusian Polesie) and, accordingly, at attraction of tourists to the region where agricultural estates, key tourism facilities, natural and historical monuments are concentrated. Every year, the agro-estates in the cluster jointly hold ceremonies, festivals, celebrate folk holidays, and organize master classes in folk crafts. Last year, the pandemic, as elsewhere, made its own adjustments to the work of the tourism industry in Brest region. But even in difficult epidemiological conditions, the course towards the development of new forms of tourism gives positive results in the region.

– The priority in our work is the development of tourism infrastructure, – says Denis Nikityuk. – Particular attention is paid to the implementation of IT technologies: the development of new mobile programs, and as a result of raising awareness of existing tourism products, the possibility of organization of meaningful recreation. An important aspect is the improvement of the tourism services quality. For the second year in the region, the project of sports and tourism management of the regional executive committee "School of hospitality" is being implemented. In 2020, 36 tour guides and guides-interpreters improved their qualifications and passed professional certification. There are 139 certified guides in the region. According to this indicator, the region occupies the third position in the republic – after Minsk and Minsk region. An important point is the increase in the volume of investments in the objects of the tourism industry, as well as the growth of the tourist flow on the routes of domestic tourism. The main task is to adapt to the current difficult situation and develop the tourism industry with new approaches, with new ideas and proposals. Without a doubt, Brest land is an amazingly beautiful and hospitable land. It will be appreciated by everyone who loves travel and outdoor activities, who starves for new experiences, is interested in history. And real professionals and hospitable hosts will help therein. Aleksey Fedosov

Special issue

gueStS are alWayS Welcome here Grodno region is traditionally considered the region of the country where the tourism industry is developing quite dynamically. Tourists are quite frequent guests here, which, of course, is facilitated by the geographical position of the region, its border status. But not only this explains the noticeable tourist activity in the region. What else? Tatyana Lidyaeva, Deputy Head of Sports and Tourism of Grodno regional Executive Committee, answered this and other questions. Now for more details. The tourist potential of the cultural and historical heritage of Grodno region is represented by the royal palaces-residences in Grodno itself – the Old and New castles, powerful castles-symbols of past valiant battles in Lida, Novogrudok, Lyubcha. In total, there are eight castles on the territory of Grodno region, and this is a real reason for pride. In addition to castles in our region, there are majestic temples, monasteries, churches. The churches of Grodno, Slonim, Zhirovich are known far beyond the borders of the

region. It is no coincidence that all this attracts tourists from different countries of the world to the region. Also in Grodno region, in almost every district of the region, numerous old family estates have been preserved. Such, for example, the Chetvertinsky estate in Zheludok (Shchuchinsky district), the Umyastovsky estate in Zhemyslavl (Iv ye district), the estate of M.K. Oginsky in Zalesye (Smorgon district), the Bogushevich estate in Kushlyany (Smorgon district), the Volovich estate in

– How would you characterize the tourism opportunities of the region? How attractive is the region for the modern tourist? – It will not be an exaggeration to say that Grodno region undoubtedly has a large and varied tourism potential. The very location of the region is already beneficial for the development of tourist activity: it contributes not only to an increase in the number of transit tourists, but also to the targeted arrival of visitors for educational and business purposes.

museum-estate of m.k. oginsky

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


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беларусь. belarus 2021

is the Augustow Canal – a unique hydrotechnical structure of the 19th century, included in the state list of historical and cultural values of Belarus. In the basin of the Augustow Canal, many sights, outstanding monuments of culture, architecture, ecology, and military history have been preserved. The Augustow Canal is a unique place also for the reason that the borders of three states – Poland, Belarus and Lithuania – converge here. Having visited the water area of the Augustow Canal, tourists have the opportunity to both relax and enjoy communicating with the rich nature. – And yet, what sights in the region – historical, cultural, archaeological, natural – do you recommend tourists to see first of all?

– As I have already noted, Grodno region stands out among other regions of Belarus for its rich history and cultural and historical heritage of ancestral estates, temple and castle architecture. The leading role in the cultural heritage of the region is played by its unique architectural monuments and their entire ensembles. In total, more than one and a half thousand historical and cultural monuments have been preserved in the region, including objects of world value. Such as Mir Castle, points of the Struve Arc, included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. As well as other objects claiming to be included in this List. These are the Kolozhskaya church of the 12th century in Grodno, the Synkovichi church of the 15th century in the Zelvensky district,

Svyatsk (Grodno district), the Segeni estate in Kraski village (Volkovysk district), the Bokhvits estate in Podorosk village of the same district. Most of them are currently being renovated and will undoubtedly soon become even more attractive tourist destinations in the region. National festivals, knightly tournaments, concerts of medieval music, exhibitions of folk crafts, concerts of folklore groups, which are regularly held under the walls of Mir, Novogrudok, Lida, Krevsky, Holshany castles, serve to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of Grodno region. Of course, Grodno itself is a powerful tourist resource as one of the oldest cities in Belarus, with a history of about 900 years. Its remarkable architectural monuments play a significant role in the cultural heritage of the city. So, to this day, monuments of ancient Russian architecture have survived – the remains of fortress walls and towers, the Lower and BorisGleb churches, the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque – the Bernardine church and monastery, the Old Castle, the Jesuit Farny church, the Brigitic and Franciscan monasteries with churches, and others of a wide variety of styles and trends. In addition, the only royal residence in Belarus with two almost intact castles has survived in Grodno. Grodno, despite its antiquity, is also a modern European city. It is a large scientific and cultural center with a population of over 360 thousand people. A unique and one of a kind city of Belarus, unlike any other in the country. Despite the fact that today it is rapidly developing and settling down, history seems to have frozen on the ancient streets of the Old City and left contemporaries a memory of its past. Today Grodno is truly an open-air citymuseum. It is not for nothing that the State Historical and Archaeological Museum, the only in Belarus State Museum of the History of Religion, the Gorodnitsa History Museum, the House-Museum of Maxim Bogdanovich, the Eliza Ozheshko Museum and many others are located here. It should also be said that only a few tens of kilometers from Grodno

Fortress type Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Murovanka


Special issue

Augustow Canal in Grodno district

the fortress church in the village of Murovanka, Shchuchinsky district, the miracle of engineering of the first half of the 19th century – the Augustow Canal in Grodno region, a unique archaeological monument – Krasnoselsky Neolithic stone mines. Of course, all these objects cannot leave tourists indifferent and will always attract attention. In short, the territory of Grodno region today has a rich cultural and historical potential to attract tourist flows. And, accordingly, – for the further development of domestic and inbound tourism to the Republic of Belarus as a whole. – How many tourists visit the region on average per year? Do their priorities change over time? How does the receiving party take this circumstance into account? – Every year, thousands of tourists from all over Belarus and other countries come to Grodno region to get acquainted with the historical heritage of Mir Castle, ancient Novogrudok and Slonim. In order to visit the homeland of Adam Mitskevich, Hafets Chaim, Michal Kleofas Oginsky, Eliza Ozheshko. The rich cultural and historical potential of Grodno region attracts foreign tourists not only within the framework of cultural and educational, but also nostalgic

tours. After all, the unique geographical position of the region has contributed to the common historical cultural ties with the bordering states. In order to promote the tourism potential and the development of inbound tourism in Grodno region, the state provides comprehensive support. A significant event in the development of inbound tourism was the introduction of a visa-free regime. In accordance with the Presidential Decree, foreign tourists have the opportunity to stay in Grodno region without a visa for 15 days. In general, and for this reason including, in recent years, tourism in the region has developed quite dynamically. For example, in the first two months of 2020, the growth rate of the export of tourism services was 125 percent (the best indicator in recent years), from January 1 to March 14, 2020 (before the first wave of coronavirus), 17.5 thousand tourists visited the visa-free territory. Unfortunately, in the subsequent time, the unfavorable epidemiological situation in the world led to a decrease in the tourist flow to the region by almost five times. Compare: 22,657 visa-free tourists in 2020 and 125,732 in 2019. – What new tourist routes, new tourist programs have appeared in the region recently? Why are they attractive?

– Yes, in order to use as many objects of historical and cultural heritage and tourist infrastructure as possible, work is underway to create new interregional tourist routes. Each district of Grodno region is looking for its own "chips": places of attraction for tourists, working on improving infrastructure, positioning tourism opportunities on the Internet. Despite all the difficulties of 2020, tourism has not lost its relevance. The crisis has led to a change in trends and reorientation of destinations, an increase in interest in domestic tourism and the growth of active and ecological tourism. Cycling routes are becoming more and more popular. In total, for 2021, 98 cycling routes have been developed in Grodno region, 106 bicycle paths with a total length of almost 240 kilometers have been equipped. Over the past five years, all districts of the region have been developing new cycling routes, marking them with appropriate signs, for example, the August Velo cycle route. This year it is planned to organize a tourist route in the Lipichanskaya Pushcha Republican Landscape Reserve, to create an ecological trail on the territory of the Miranka Republican Hydrological Reserve. Currently, the issue

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беларусь. belarus 2021

Recently, for the comprehensive service of tourists, the formation of various thematic routes, agro-estates have been combined into clusters. Two tourist clusters "Terem of entertainment" in Shchuchinsky and Lida districts, as well as a cluster "Z ak ho dnyaya skarbonka" in Zelvensky, Volkovysky and Svislochsky districts have already been registered. In general, interest in agr ic ultural est ates is growing. Recreation in nature and away from the bustle of the city remains relevant, respectively – the services of agroecoestates continue to be in demand among tourists. – Summer is usually the peak of the tourist season. Is the region ready for it now? As, however, and for any other season of the tourist year? – In order to ensure quality recreation in Grodno region, monitoring of tourism infrastructure and tourist facilities is systematically carried out. L ast year, 166 signs of tourist-oriented navigation were installed on the territory of the region, of which 81 are road signs indicating directions to t ou r i s t att r a c t i ons , 8 5 At "Annenski kirmash" fair in Zelva are information boards, b a n n e r s , p l a qu e s w it h historical street names, parking signs for In the agro-estates of Grodno region, tourist buses. as a rule, events are held that contribute For the organization of c ycling to the popularization of agro-ecotourism, tourism in the cities of Grodno and Lida, rural traditions and the rural way of life. bicycle sharing began to work since last Traditionally, every year in the region there year. With the aim of organizing tourists' are rural holidays – such as the "Festival of rest and better orientation, a mobile Flowers" in the urban village of Zheludok, application "Grodno guide" has been Shchuchinsky district and the fair developed, which is a universal mobile "Annenski kirmash" in the urban village guide around Grodno. of Zelva. Every year, the Podkostelok agroIn conclusion, I would like to note estate together with the management of that guests are always welcome in the Sarochanskie Ozera reserve (Ostrovets Grodno region, here we are ready to district) holds the Day of Bream. On the receive tourists at any time of the year. basis of agro-estates in the Zelvensky district, the OPENFEST "Five nations" electronic music festival is held annually. Alexander Emelyanov grew annually: in 2019 it amounted to 3.2 million rubles. In 2020, it decreased by 16 percent. The number of accepted agritourists in the same year amounted to more than 65 thousand people and this despite the pandemic. It must be said that the share of domestic tourists in the total volume of agro-ecotourists is the majority. The main countries from which agrotourists also arrive are the Russian Federation, Poland, Lithuania. Although last year the trend has changed: most of the foreign agrotourists were from Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.


of equipping parking lots for a walking route of a sightseeing tour of the unique biological reserve of local importance "Garadzenskaya Svislach" is being studied. In the Ostrovets District, a project of a water route is being implemented on the territory of the Republican Landscape Reserve "Sarochanskie Lakes". Meanwhile, pages of districts on tourism topics have been created on the social networks Facebook and Instagram in all districtss of the region. There materials are regularly published on the tourism potential of the districts, the events held in tourism. The main pages of Grodno region "Visit Grodno Region" in the social networks Facebook, Instagram, Telegram are maintained by the Sports and Tourism Department of Grodno regional Executive Committee. I would also like to note the #routes_ Grodno_Region section in the Telegram channel. Weekly Telegram publishes tourist routes in Grodno region with a description of the objects to see and infrastructure facilities located along the route. T h e l a r g e s t information platform is the Grodnovisafree website, which contains information about the main attractions of the region, events, tourist routes, accommodation and catering facilities. Information on the site is presented in five languages: Polish, English, Chinese, Russian, Lithuanian. – How good is agritourism developed in the region? How much is it in demand? – Agroecotourism in Grodno region is developing quite dynamically. The number of subjects in this area is increasing annually. Judge for yourself: in 2006 there were only 13 agricultural estates in the region, and in 2010 there were already 180, in 2016 – 324, and finally in 2020 – 433 agricultural estates. Until last year, revenue from agroecotourism services

Special issue

in the land of blue laKeS

and feStivalS

In the north of Belarus, there is Vitebsk region, which cannot keep out of the interest of tourists either. And there are many reasons for this. Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Impressive, isn't it! – And in addition to this, 44 republican highways run on the territory of the region with a dense network of roadside service facilities, offering travelers a wide range of services: refuel, rest, food and bed, purchase of various goods, – adds Svetlana Astanina, head of the tourism sector of Vitebsk Region Executive Committee. – Besides, Vitebsk International Airport provides airlines with a full range of airport services. Yes, the center of the region is the ancient Vitebsk. And the birth of the Belarusian statehood, culture and spirituality is generally associated with the even more ancient city of Polotsk, the belta

Of course, a modern tourist is not least interested in logistics. For example, how – by what means of transport – one can get to the region? So, given its geographical position, Vitebsk region has convenient road and rail links with many countries. On its territory there are transport arteries connecting the largest economic regions of Russia with Europe. There are two European transport corridors passing through the region: Crete No. 2 (Berlin – Warsaw – Minsk – Moscow), connecting Germany, Poland, Belarus and Russia, and Crete No. 9 (Helsinki – St. Petersburg – Kiev – Chisinau – Bucharest), which connects Finland, Lithuania, Russia, Belarus,

monument to marc chagall in Vitebsk

first mention of which in the annals dates back to 862 AC. Ancient cities of Orsha, Braslav, Postavy, Glubokoe, of course, are also interesting for tourists. – Vitebsk region has a significant potential for tourism development – Svetlana Astanina is sure. – First of all, educational, environmental, health, rural, pilgrimage, transit. The cultural and historical heritage accumulated over the centuries is of international interest, and the ecological systems and natural landscapes located in the region are unique. The statistics say that in Vitebsk region today there are more than three thousand monuments of archeology, architecture, history, art and culture, about a thousand are included in the list of historical and cultural values of the Republic of Belarus. These are ancient settlements and burial mounds, old estates, majestic temples, architectural buildings of ancient cities. The region is proud of the names of famous compatriots who left their mark in world culture. Such as educator Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk, the first printer Francysk Skaryna, enlightener and medieval poet Simeon Polotsky, painter Ivan Khrutsky, Belarusian writers Vasil Bykov and Vladimir Korotkevich, famous explorer of Eastern Siberia Ivan Chersky and many others. And of course, Marc Chagall, a world-renowned artist. He carried his love for his native places throughout his life. And wherever he was, in St. Petersburg, New York or Paris, his heart was filled with the colors of Vitebsk, which the master put

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021



Welcome tourist!

Ilya Repin Zdravnevo Museum Estate

on his canvases. There are many interesting places in the city associated with the artist's name: Marc Chagall art center, where a large collection of the master's authentic printed graphics is collected, the building of the art school where he used to teach. But most importantly, in Vitebsk there is a house on Pokrovskaya Street, where Chagall spent his childhood and youth. Now it hosts the House-Museum of the famous artist. For its beauty and uniqueness, Marc Chagall called Vitebsk the second Paris, and Paris – "my second Vitebsk". The great Russian painter Ilya Repin also made his mark in the history of Vitebsk region. Zdravnevo Museum Estate, where the artist lived and worked, houses a museum exposition. Picturesque places on the banks of the Dvina, a linden alley, ancient trees, unusual architecture of the estate in Zdravnevo attract tourists from all over the world. It hosts international plein airs, exhibitions, folk festivals,


беларусь. belarus 2021

musical evenings and even theatrical performances. – Vitebsk region is a unique spiritual and cultural region, which is geographically and historically located at the confluence of the cultures of Western and Eastern Europe, – says Svetlana Astanina. – In our region, traditions are intertwined and different nationalities and religious confessions coexist peacefully. Each of the denominations created cathedrals, many of which are masterpieces of religious architecture. There are amazingly beautiful temples, orthodox churches and catholic churches. There are almost four hundred of them, 100 of which are monuments of historical and cultural heritage. Vitebsk region values its spiritual and historical heritage and actively promotes it. Today, pilgrimage and educational excursions are especially popular here. Routes lead to the Savior-Euphrosyne Convent in Polotsk – the oldest operating in Belarus, to the Annunciation Church in

Vitebsk – a monument of ancient Russian architecture, to the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in the 17th century, and to the Church of the Holy Trinity in the same place – Glubokoye, erected in the 18th century, as well as to the Church of St. Anne and to the landscape and park complex in the village of Mosar, Glubokoe district, which many tourists and guests call "Belarusian Versailles", to the unique Church of John the Baptist in the village of Kamai, Postavy district. – And the beauty of the nature of Vitebsk region is very impressive, it provides favorable conditions not only for memorable rest, but also for effective treatment, – notes Svetlana Astanina. – The advantage of Vitebsk health resorts over similar ones in other countries is a good price-quality ratio, a modern medical base and highly qualified specialists. There is a wide range of services for the treatment and improvement of the respiratory system,

Special issue which makes almost a tenth of the total area of the region. The forest resources of the region contribute to the popularity of hunting tourism. Importantly, the hunting enterprises of Vitebsk region provide a full range of services for the reception and accommodation of guests – from opening an entry visa and obtaining permission to import and export hunting weapons to organizing tourist services for citizens of Belarus and foreign tourists. Event tourism in Vitebsk region is represented by bright and large-scale holidays, cultural events, conferences, symposia, competitions, but above all festivals. Vitebsk region is rightfully considered to be one of the centers of the international festival movement. The international festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk" is a visiting card of the regional center. This is the most famous and popular, the largest musical festival, which takes place annually in July. The geography of its participants covers all five continents. All in all, the festival life of Vitebsk region includes about 50 forums, holidays and plein-airs of various topics, e.g. Ivan Sollertinsky International Music Festival, the International Festival of Contemporary Choreography IFMC, the International Organ Festival "Bells of Sofia", the international Repin plein air, the festival of models and designers "White Amphora", festivals of ancient and modern chamber music, historical reconstruction, festivals of children's creativity. Besides, there are international holidays of traditional culture, i.e. "Ringing cymbals and accordion" in Post av y, "Dneprovskie voices" in Dubrovno, " C h e r r y Fe s t i v a l in Glubokoe", "Braslav Lightnings", Catholic Church of John the Baptist in the village of Kamai ecological festival

Kupalye. One can even have a wedding in Belarusian traditions. In rural estates, they bake flavorful bread, weave from flax, weave from vines and straw, mold clay jugs, and felt. And this is only a small part of what awaits vacationers here. Of course, Vitebsk region is one of the most picturesque corners of Europe. The land of blue lakes and pristine forests, open to the sun meadows and spacious fields, transparent rivers and springs. The nature of Vitebsk region is unique in beauty and richness of reserved places, which attract tourists from different countries of the world. Ecological tourism is developing rapidly. – Recently Belarus has begun to use the potential of conservation lands and develop ecotourism. It is especially relevant for our region, – says Svetlana Astanina. – It is here that the largest raised bog is located. In protected areas, tourists are offered such services as walks along ecological paths, on bogshoes and a swamp buggy, horseback riding, and photo hunting. Today the natural reserve fund of Vitebsk region includes 25 reserves of republican significance, 63 reserves and 141 monuments of local significance. In particular, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, Braslav Lakes National Park are located in the region. The total area of nature reserves is almost four hundred thousand hectares,

digestion, diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system. It should be said that the health resorts of Vitebsk region are located in ecologically clean zones, surrounded by mixed and pine forests, on the shores of deep-water rivers and crystal clear lakes. Nature itself here is a healing factor for the human body. The temperate continental climate of Vitebsk region with mild and humid winters and warm summers promotes relaxation and health improvement all year round. The complex of natural and climatic healing factors is represented by a dozen sources of mineral water, which are used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Medicinal sapropelic mud from own deposits, as well as mineral sulphide mud of Saki Lake are widely used both for treatment and in cosmetology. – In our health centers, speleo-hospitals are represented by complexes made of white and red salt blocks of Soligorsk potash mines of one of the world's leading producers of potash mineral fertilizers, JSC "Belaruskali", – says Svetlana Astanina. – In such hospitals, patients receive highly effective treatment, similar to the treatment in the healing salt caves. Besides, in Vitebsk region there are more than 650 agro-estates, which hospitably receive tourists from various countries. The beauty of nature, original Belarusian folklore, holidays, rituals, national Belarusian cuisine – all this gives indelible i mp re s s i o n s a n d emotions for the guests. Owners of the estates organize entertainment and excursions, master classes of folk crafts. Here one can hear local legends and aut h e nt i c s on g s , l e ar n B e l ar u s i an dances and take part in ancient folk rituals, for example, at Kolyady, Maslenitsa or

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Welcome tourist! Heritage Network, which promotes local culinary specialties, traditional dishes and recipes. To date, the European network has gathered more than 1,500 participants from 44 European regions. Belarus is represented by five districts of Vitebsk region: Miory, Verkhnedvinsk, Glubokoe, Polotsk and Lepel. In total, more than 30 catering facilities are concentrated here, which offer unique dishes from local products. Meanwhile, the sports achievements of Vitebsk region contribute to the promotion of sports tourism. Attending major competitions and tournaments has

become a popular leisure destination. In total, there are more than four thousand sports facilities in the region, i.e. gyms, swimming pools, shooting clubs, ski resorts, and others. In a word, the region pays great attention to the development of active tourism in various directions. There are many attractive routes for horse and hiking, there are bicycle and water routes with boating, kayaking. Such routes run both through the territory of the region and continue in the neighboring border countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Russia. Vladimir Anisimov belta

"Cranes and Cranberries" in Miory and many others , which are held in cities and towns of the region. – One of the directions that plays an important role in the formation of the tourist attractiveness of our region is public catering, – says Svetlana Astanina. – In recent years, significant work has been done to develop roadside service facilities. Today in the region there are more than thirty public catering facilities with Belarusian national cuisine, which use themed interior design – decorative elements that reflect culture, identity and traditions. Vitebsk region is the only one in Belarus included in the European Culinary

Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk


беларусь. belarus 2021

Special issue

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


welcome tourist!

region, Welcoming

With open armS

It is already clear that the pandemic has severely damaged the world's tourism industry. However, any crisis is also a moment for rethinking one's possibilities, a search for a way out of the current situation. As for Belarus, the trend towards the development of domestic tourism has been more and more noticeable lately. The Belarusians have become interested in recreation at home, while learning a lot about the history, traditions and culture of their native country, considers Pavel Starosvetsky, head of the sports and tourism department of Gomel Region Executive Committee.



– With all the certain inconveniences associated with the coronavirus, people, nevertheless, do not want to give up travelling, – says Pavel Starosvetsky. – Yes, they need rest, a change of environment, but they will choose those offers that are as safe as possible for their health, taking into account the epidemiological situation and many other factors. Now this is more possible when one travels within the country, for example, on eco-routes or when visitы agricultural estates. However, Gomel region today is rich in a variety of tourist sites. The region presents such types of tourism as cultural, educational, sports, gastronomic, religious, hunting, industrial, recreational. For example, nature reserves, unique floodplain oak forests and rich fauna are a visiting card of Pripyat National Park, in the center of which is one of the most ancient East Slavic cities – Turov. Other sights of the region include the palace and park ensemble of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskeviches in Gomel, the "city of Old Believers" Vetka, ancient Mozyr, Rechitsa, Chechersk, which are part of the "Golden Ring of Gomel Region". In my opinion, tourist routes to the evacuation zone after the Chernobyl accident – on the territory of Polesie RadiationEcological Reserve – have significant potential. This is a new direction for Belarus and has recently been worked out in detail. It is no secret that the Chernobyl zone has long been open to tourists.

"the call of polesie" festival in petrikov district


Беларусь. BelaruS 2021

Our part is more interesting and Ukrainian experts also say so. And Polesie Radiation-Ecological Reserve is the only one of its kind in the world, in which territories exposed to radiation after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are studied and preserved in their natural state. Gomel region is the largest southeastern region of Belarus, rich in unique natural, economic, intellectual resources and has a significant tourist attraction. The region borders on Bryansk region of Russia, as well as on Kiev, Chernigov, Zhitomir and Rivne regions of Ukraine. Gomel region is rich and diverse in its nature. It is especially famous for its flooded meadows and forests, which are located in the floodplains of the Dnieper, Pripyat, Sozh, Berezina and other rivers. This is a corner of the Belarusian land, where ancient history and modernity coexist. Art and culture of the region are carefully preserved in 26 museums. Gomel palace and park ensemble is one of the oldest museum institutions, the center of which is the palace of the Rumyantsevs and Paskeviches. The ensemble includes six museum objects. Buildings of the institution are architectural monuments of the 18th-19th centuries and are included in the State List of Historical and Cultural Values. – How popular is medical tourism in Gomel region, including in the current epidemiological situation? – Today in Gomel region there is a wide network of health resort institutions. Medical and health tourism in the region has become attractive not only for residents of the regional center, but also for other regions of the republic, near and far abroad. Popular are health resorts of various departmental affiliations, in particular, the sanatoriums "Chenki", "Mashinostroitel", "Pridneprovsky", "Serebryanye Klyuchi", and many others. In these and other medical and health institutions, favorable living conditions have been created, there is a wide range of medical services, a wellorganized system of food and cultural entertainment. – You will probably agree that agro-estates and other similar suburban complexes are very popular today. What is the situation with this direction of tourism in the region? – I want to say that last year, amid a pandemic, agricultural estates were the most popular among tourist facilities. In total, today in Gomel region there are about two hundred subjects of

Special issue са agroecotourism. Depending on the personal preferences, a tourist can choose any agro-estate for recreation: from a traditional village house to a whole agro-ecological complex. Hospitable hosts are happy to offer guests a variety of leisure options according to their specialization. It can be both an active pastime for tourists and a purely family vacation. The program, as a rule, includes acquaintance with Belarusian traditions or the life of rural residents. The owners of agro-estates are always ready to conduct excursions to the surrounding places for their guests, show berry and mushroom places, and help organize a successful fishing trip. In the prevailing epidemiological conditions, everything related to outdoor recreation turned out to be in demand. An excellent example is Bellagio Ecotourism Center. For five years, the proactive approach to the business of the head of the center Vasily Antonov made the agro-estate a very successful project. On its territory there are gazebos, piers over the water, a house for living, a children's playground. And of course, a mini-zoo in the open air, where more than thirty species of animals live, has become the brand of the estate. No wonder lovers of relaxing holidays come here with whole families for a long time. Tourist brands of Gomel region are: the main tourist route "The Golden Ring of Gomel Region" which passes through nine settlements (Gomel, Mozyr, Vetka, Loev, Rechitsa, Turov, Chechersk, the village of Yurovichi (Kalinkovichi district), the village of Krasny Bereg (Zhlobin district) and includes 17 objects of the tourism industry, as well as major events such as "Sozhski Karagod" in Gomel, "Festival of folk humor" in Avtyuki of Kalinkovichi district, International festival of ethnocultural traditions "The Call of Polesie" in Lyaskovichi, Petrikov district, "Wader Festival" in Turov, Zhitkovichi district. – What could you say about ecological trails and routes? Are they created in the region? – Short walks in the bosom of nature are ideal to escape from everyday worries and relax. And although there are no high mountains in Belarus, there are still plenty of beautiful natural places. And in order not to wander along an unknown forest or lake, it is easier to follow the developed route. In Gomel region, 26 ecological paths and routes with a length of 1 to 85 kilometers have been arranged for tourists. Some of them can be traversed on foot, others can be overcome by bicycle, horse or car, and still others by sailing on a motor boat, rowboat or kayak. It is more convenient to get to almost all of these points by private car, because by public transport the road will either be unreasonably long or almost impossible. – Are industrial tourism objects in demand among guests? – Actually, the target audience for industrial tourism is very wide. Many businesses can be of interest to people of all ages. But schoolchildren are still the most massive segment. Also due to the usefulness of industrial tourism – for example, for vocational guidance. Moreover, visits to such objects by schoolchildren in modern life can no longer be expected in the format of "excursions with the whole class", but as part of family trips.

View of the Palace of the Rumyantsevs and the Paskeviches

беларусь.belarus беларусь. belarus май   2021 2021


Welcome tourist!

Memorial sign to Kirill of Turov on the Castle Hill

Today enterprises in different regions of the country invite people to walk through workshops and exhibition pavilions, observe the work processes and see in detail how the brands "Made in Belarus" are created. It should be expected that in the coming years there will be even more factories and plants open to tourists. There are already about thirty of them in Gomel region. Today the region has a developed road infrastructure: large international highways connecting European countries with Russia and Ukraine, a railway, an airport, navigation on the Dnieper, Sozh, Berezina, and Pripyat rivers. There are airports in Gomel and Mozyr. Powerful industrial potential, favorable geographical position, benevolence of residents – all this attracts the attention of business partners and tourists from far and near abroad to Gomel region. The main industrial potential is concentrated in the cities of Gomel, Mozyr, Zhlobin, Svetlogorsk, Rechitsa, Dobrush. There was created a free economic zone "Gomel-Raton". – To what extent has the tourism, based on the historical reconstruction of certain events, developed in the region? – Yes, today in the country there are many interesting historical routes dedicated to wars and battles on its territory, heroic destinies of people and tragedies that cannot be forgotten. A pilot project "Patriotic Impulse" has been developed in our region and has been being implemented since the last year.


беларусь. belarus 2021

Within the framework of the project, it is possible to offer the route "Alive in eternal memory...", which was highly appreciated by experts of the International Tourism FestivalCompetition "Divo of Eurasia" and the 17th Republican Tourism Competition "Discover Belarus". The route includes a visit to the memorial "Monument to children-victims of the Great Patriotic War,1941-1945" in Zhlobin district, memorial complexes "Ola" and "Operation Bagration" in Svetlogorsk district. It is also planned to include in this project the militaryhistorical complex "Partizanskaya Krinichka" in Gomel district, defensive facilities in Petrikov district. – How would you rate the readiness of the tourism sector to receive guests in the new tourist season? – Over the past months, tour operators have formed excursion and cultural-educational programs, signed agreements with health resort institutions, developed new tourism products. In order to attract tourists, promotions are always held, discounts are provided, and additional free services are included in the tour package. For example, vacationers in sanatoriums are offered various promotional products, such as Early Booking, Last Minute Vouchers, Health Bonus, and Honeymoon in a Sanatorium. In short, in Gomel region, guests will always be greeted warmly, competently and with the words "Welcome!" Vladimir Evseev

Special issue

from mStiSlavl "SuZdal" – to byKhov

"meSopotamia" If you are interested in medieval temples and battle fortresses, healing springs and cascading lakes, knight tournaments and Kupala rituals, Mogilev region is the right place to visit

the international festival "Mahutny Bozha", organ music concerts are held here. Wall paintings of the main church of St. Nicholas Monastery, which was built in the 17th century, will not leave anyone indifferent. Recently, the ancient Podnikolye has become even more interesting and attractive thanks to a park created here with a chic cascade staircase, image platforms, cozy gazebos, and bicycle paths. In Podnikolye, the construction of the Church of the Intercession is being completed, which has been restored according to old drawings, with the museumification of the bell tower foundation. This object will become another hallmark on the tourist map of Mogilev.

coMe aNd See A large reservoir is located on the border of Kirov and Bykhov districts in the floodplain of the Drut river. Recently, the government of Belarus has determined this place as one of the most promising for development. The project "General plan of the "Chigirinka recreation zone of republican significance "is being developed which will provide for the creation of a tourist cluster. At the same time, the zone is being developed by the Foundation "Sustainable Region" of Bykhov district. Its initiative "Chigirin Cluster: Partnership for Economic Growth" is being implemented within the framework of the EU-UNDP project "Supporting local belta

Get to See firStHaNd In 1577 Mogilev was granted the Magdeburg Law, and in 1938 it was supposed to become the capital of Belarus. Therefore, do not be surprised when you see on Lenin Square the building of the House of Soviets, identical to Minsk Government House, built by the architect Joseph Langbard. The prospect of becoming the capital, unfortunately, cost Mogilev the loss of several very valuable historical buildings. One of them is the Joseph Cathedral, built at the end of the 18th century in honor of the meeting of two dignitaries in the city on the Dnieper, i.e. the Russian Empress Catherine the Great and the Austrian Emperor Joseph II. Now only the Triumphal arch reminds of this meeting. And in the place of the cathedral there is a building of the former hotel "Dnepr", built in the style of the Stalinist Empire. Its rooms now house private shops and offices. Despite all the historical twists and turns, Mogilev never ceased to be a city of interest for tourists. There is something to see here for lovers of architecture of the 18th-20th centuries, religious tourism. One of the oldest and most interesting architectural monuments is the regional drama theater, the royal box of which remembers the last Russian emperor. Visitors will have a unique opportunity to visit the theater backstage. In the historical center of Mogilev there is an architectural monument of the 18th century, St. Stanislaus Cathedral with its unique frescoes. During

celebration of the honey Savior on golubaya krinitsa (blue Spring) in Slavgorod

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


Welcome tourist! of one of the most powerful films about the war "Come and See". Secrets of Bobruisk fortress This unique monument of defensive architecture of the first half of the 19th century is located in the historic center of the city. The citadel is a polygon connected by a bulk rampart on the bank of the Berezina River. It was erected by thousands of reserve unit soldiers of the Russian army of pioneer (engineering) companies. Construction materials were delivered from Ukraine, Karelia, the Caucasus, and the Urals. Before the war of 1812, 7 main bastions, part of the internal structures were built, ramparts were raised, deep ditches with inclined pointed logs at the bottom, a water channel were dug. The thickness of walls of some bastions is 8-10 bricks. In the future, it is planned to create a

hope to venerate the miraculous icon of the Barkolabovo Mother of God. An architectural monument of the 18th-19th centuries, Zhilichi palace and park ensemble is located on the territory of Kirov district. Despite the going on restoration works, there is an opportunity to see some of its buildings that have already been brought back to life. One of them houses Zhilichi Historical ComplexMuseum. Kirov district keeps memory of the victims of fascism. Last year, an updated memorial complex "In memory of the burnt villages of Mogilev region" was opened in the village of Borki. The sculptural objects that were built there bring us back to the terrible 1942, when German punishers burned almost 2000 people there. Belarusian writer Ales Adamovich described these horrors in the book "Punishers", which formed the basis

economic development in the Republic of Belarus". Another project "A New Look at Ecotourism" will be implemented with the support of the GEF Small Grants Programme over the next two years. But the journey should not be postponed. Already today, a number of agro-estates of Bykhov and Kirov districts invite you to make good use of your rest in this most interesting corner of Mogilev region. In addition to relaxing at a water reservoir, there are many more attractive places worth visiting. For example, the village of Barkolabovo, in the immediate vicinity of which there is the Holy Ascension nunnery. It is located in the interfluve of the old channel of the Dnieper and the Lakhva river on a sandy island. It was here that a unique monument of ancient Slavic writing, the Barkolabovo Chronicle, was created. And pilgrims come here with the

Buinichi field near Mogilev

Monument to a beaver in Bobruisk


беларусь. belarus 2021

Staircase with a cascade fountain in Mogilev Podnikolye

Special issue historical and cultural complex "Bobruisk Fortress" with museum objects, dioramas, panoramas, original samples and models of military equipment and weapons made at a modern scientific and technical level. Some of the facilities will be used for cafes, restaurants, hotels, shopping centers, entertainment complexes. Buildings of Bobruisk Fortress attract Russian filmmakers. Besides that, fascinating quest excursions are often held there. froM MakoVeY to kNiGHt'S feSt Mstislavl is well known to lovers of medieval culture for the Knights' Festival, which takes place here in early August. More than 30 clubs of historical reconstruction from all regions of Belarus take part in knight amusements. For two days of the festival, the city lives in the atmosphere of medieval traditions. It is impossible, having arrived in Mstislavl district, not to visit the Pustynsky monastery. It is still being restored, but there are many interesting things to see. It was here that the miraculous image of Christ appeared on the wall when the decision was made to restore the shrine. The monastery is also known for its healing spring. According to legend, Mstislavl prince Olgerd had a son, Semen, who suddenly went blind, and not a single healer of that time could make him sighted. Once, in a dream, an old

man appeared to Semen and advised him to find the Pustynsky spring and wash his face with its water. Semen washed his face with holy water and recovered his sight. Another wonderful spring is located in Slavgorod district – the famous Golubaya Krynitsa (Blue Spring). Religious rituals used to be carried out there even in the days of the Radimichi. And in the same place the pagan tribe was baptized by the battlemaster of Prince Vladimir Red Sun – Wolf Tail. Today Golubaya Krynitsa has become the center of nature reserve "Slavgorodsky". Tourists are offered an excursion along eco-trails, including on bycycles. An exciting journey, by the way. At Golubaya Krynitsa, Makovey holiday is celebrated annually – Honey Feast of the Saviour. On August 14, there is the rite of blessing water, a procession of the cross, folk songs are sung and a crowded fair is buzzing there. Patriotic, WaLkiNG, HiStoricaL... There are 21 districts in Mogilev region and each is ready to offer its own unique route and excursion. The most popular are patriotic. Not far from Mogilev, these are "Buinichi field" and "23 days of courage and glory" about the feat of the defenders of the city, described by the Russian writer Konstantin Simonov in his novel "The Living and the Dead". Klichev district is

associated with the Usakinsky forests – one of the largest partisan zones in Belarus, which at the end of 1942 comprised 1.9 thousand square kilometers, and at the beginning of 1944 – almost 3 thousand square kilometers. And near Bykhov there is a memorial complex, famous throughout Belarus – "Ludchitskaya height". On an artificially created high mound, a symbolic figure of a 10-meter epic Bayan with a gusli is installed, which glorifies the feat of warriors-heroes. At its foot there is a stele wall with high reliefs of six Heroes of the Soviet Union, each is 2.5 meters high. Walking excursions around Bobruisk will bring a lot of pleasant impressions. One can hardly imagine what rich and interesting history this city has. Do not forget to visit the Bobruisk museums as well. An old princely helmet of the 10-11 centuries alone, found two years ago on the banks of the Berezina, deserves a special notice. And a trip to the agro-town Aleksandria, Shklov district, to see the Kupala celebration can be unforgettable. – Museums of the region take an active part in the development of tourism, – notes Vadim Brezhezinsky, deputy head of the sports and tourism department of Mogilev Region Executive Committee. – Demonstration of museum exhibits using QR codes is becoming more and more popular. Mogilev Regional Art Museum named after P.V. Maslenikov uses educational platforms "The Art of Fresco Painting" and "Artists of Mogilev Region". Last year, a YouTube museum presentation took place in Bobruisk. for Your iNforMatioN The State List of Historical and Cultural Values in the Mogilev Region includes 797 monuments of archeology, 130 – history, 9 – arts, 129 – architecture, 1 – urban planning, 13 – intangible heritage. Travelers are offered 60 hotels and other accommodation facilities, 21 hunting and fishing centers, 229 agricultural tourism facilities, 27 recreation centers, 348 roadside service facilities, 3 camper parking lots, 9 health centers. Nelly Zigulya

at knights' fest in mstislavl

Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


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Belarus through the eyes of Napoleon Orda


An avid traveler with an easel under his arm lived in Europe for over twenty years. But at the end of his life, he returned to his homeland to document in watercolors and graphics luxurious castles, manors, temples and nature the way he loved them. Today, iconic historical objects in various parts of Belarus are being restored according to the drawings of Napoleon Orda.

On the high bank of the Neman in Grodno, the 12th century Borisoglebskaya Church stands out in all its beauty. The people call it Kolozhskaya, or more simply – Kolozha. According to legend, the church was built during the reign of the Grodno princes Boris and Gleb Vsevolodovich and consecrated in honor of their heavenly patrons. According to another version, the temple was built by their descendants. From a geological point of view, the place chosen is not the best, but the temple has been standing for almost a thousand years. In the 19th century, Napoleon Orda made a whole set of sketches of Kolozha

Church. However, in every picture it is... without a roof ! The only monument of Black Russian architecture was really nearly lost: during the years of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, cattle were kept in the building, and in 1853 it even collapsed. But, fortunately, everything was restored. The unplastered walls on the outside are an unusual sight – the facades are decorated with polished red, brown, dark crimson, gray-green, olive boulders. And inside there is a glass floor, which allows one to see the ancient foundation. There is also a sound secret – there are numerous jars-resonators hidden in the walls. So it's worth going to the service, if only for the choir.


Napoleon Orda


Kolozha Church


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Special issue


TO VISIT A FRIEND OF PUSHKIN "What a genius! What a sacred fire! What am I compared to him?" – Aleksandr Sergeevich exclaimed when he first heard the poetic improvisation of Adam Mitskevich in the literary salon of Zinaida Volkonskaya. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, eminent poets crossed paths more than once. It is known that once Pushkin, seeing a colleague on the street, stepped aside and jokingly said: "Out of the way, deuce, ace is coming." To which Mitskevich remarked: "The trump deuce beats the ace." Fans of Adam Mitskevich should visit Zaosye in Brest region. A spacious thatched wooden house, barns, a well with a crane and old linden trees – the poet's family estate is like an illustration to the world famous poem "Pan Tadeusz". Images for many poems and ballads were inspired by the native land. By the way, Napoleon Orda was also a frequent guest of the Mitskevichs. It was his sketches that at the end of the twentieth century were used to recreate the original appearance of a gentry manor. TO GET FRIGHTENED OF GHOSTS IN HOLSHANY Domovye (house sprites) and ghosts are not only typical of gloomy British estates and palaces. Supernatural forces have long chosen the ruins of Holshany castle in the west of Belarus. "Ominous, monstrous! And not on a hill, not far off so that a person could somehow prepare oneself, but face to face,

like an unexpected blow of a sword," – wrote Vladimir Korotkevich. According to legend, several centuries ago the daughter of the magnate Hanna Hordislava Holshanskaya fell in love with a guy of humble origin. Due to social inequality, marriage was impossible, and the couple began to meet in secret. Moreover, the young man kept dates in the vestments of a monk. But once the lovers were disclosed by the girl's father and, according to one version, he ordered them both to be immured in the walls of the castle. O tempora! O mores!.. Since then, the ghosts of the Black Monk and the White Panna have been wandering around the castle. This year, a major reconstruction will be completed in Holshany: one of the towers has been restored and now a museum will be opened there. TO FIND A GOVERNORATE SKARBCHYK* (BELONGINGS) A family estate of the legendary Counts von Gutten-Chapsky is situated a couple of dozens of kilometers to the south-west of the capital. The most famous of them – Jan Karol – was the mayor of Minsk at the end of the XIX century. Thanks to him, public transport (horse-drawn tram), a power station, a telephone and a brewery which still exists today, appeared in the city. Meanwhile, every day after work Chapsky rushed away from the noisy streets to the family nest in Stankovo. It is not completely extant, but there is something to look at – a gate with the

remains of a watchman's house, a kitchen wing with a stepped pediment, a barn and a stable. The pearl of the estate is the twostorey "skarbchyk", which was depictured by Napoleon Orda at one time. The owners kept tens of thousands of books, antiquities and works of art in this unusual place. Minsk dwellers have chosen the old park for a long time for picnics. There is a place for romantic photo shoots – an authentic rotunda gazebo on the shore of the reservoir. *Skarbnitsa, storehouse of valuables. TO ENJOY A BALL IN SKOKI Napoleon Orda made his name not only in visual arts, but also in music. He left beautiful polonaises, mazurkas, waltzes and nocturnes. In the late 1840s, he even headed the Italian Opera in Paris. It is not surprising that he also visited the Nemtsevichi estate in Skoki, famous for its secular receptions. Balls are also held there today. Ladies and gentlemen in luxurious costumes, accompanied by the sounds of the orchestra, lightly waltz on the lacquered parquet several times a year. Many tourists from different countries come to take a look at the leisure of the high society of the past. One more fact attracts attention to the estate. In December 1917, negotiations between Soviet and German representatives took place there, which later resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It actually put an end to the First World War. Sofya Arsenyeva

беларусь. belarus 2021


welcome tourist!

moNAstEriEs AttrACt Not oNlY PilGrims Thousands of years ago, the ruling dynasty of the Polotsk principality was famous for its special piety. Thus, the first woman to become a monk in Russia was Princess Rogneda. Her son Izyaslav went down in history as a prince-scribe, and her grandson Vseslav Charodey (Vseslav the Sorcerer) erected amazingly beautiful St. Sophia Cathedral on the banks of the Western Dvina. TO SEE PARADISE ON EARTH The Holy Dormition Zhirovichi Monastery owes its appearance to the pear tree. It was in its branches in 1470 that young shepherds found a small icon of the Mother of God in an effulgence. The image in jasper not made by human hands soon showed the miraculous power of healing the sick, and a temple was erected at the spot where it was found. Pilgrims started to come from all around – they founded a monastery there. Last year the convent celebrated its 500th anniversary. The main relic has been kept there to the present day and as before, performs miracles to the believers. In memory of its finding, a huge orchard was laid out at the monastery, which the novitiates call Eden. Dozens of wild animals live among the endless rows of fruit trees – from roe deer and foxes to camels and bears. To d a y

everyone can taste apples from the Eden of Zhyrivichy, as well as visit the zoo there. TO ASK FOR PROTECTION FROM THE HEAVENLY ADVOCATRIX The great-granddaughter of Rogneda and Vladimir, Princess Predslava, is rightfully considered the heavenly patroness of the Belarusian lands. At the age of 12 she refused to marry and secretly took monastic vows under the name of Euphrosyne. She copied books with her own hand, opened schools and libraries (in the 12th century!) and founded monasteries for men and women. The pearl of Polotsk architecture, erected by the order of Euphrosyne, is the Saviour Transfiguration Church. Impressive on the outside, but tiny on the inside, it has survived almost intact. The stone walls are decorated with unique frescoes dated by the 1150s, and on the second floor there is a small cruciform cell, where the saint retired for prayer.

But the legendary cross of Euphrosyne of Polotsk, alas, disappeared during the Great Patriotic War. Inside it there were fragments of the Cross of Christ with drops of his blood, a stone from the tomb of the Mother of God, a particle of the Holy Sepulcher and other relics. Today, in the Saint Euphrosyne Monastery in Polotsk, one can see only an exact copy of the shrine, created by the Brest jeweler Nikolai Kuzmich. TO STAY OVERNIGHT IN A CONVENT AMONG THE SWAMPS On the high bank of the Pripyat, near the ancient village of Yurovichi, there is the Holy Nativity-Theotokos Monastery. According to a legend, the Mother of God herself chose a steep hill. In the 17th century, a young priest set off with an expensive icon of the Virgin on a long journey, travelled for a long time, until the horses stood rooted to the spot, nothing could make them move. It was then that a voice from above was heard: the holy picture should remain in

the Saviour transfiguration church in polotsk


Беларусь. BelaruS 2021

Special issue Yurovichi. The huge monastic architectural complex is made in the style of the mature baroque, surrounded by a high brick wall and, despite the restoration work that has been going on for more than a decade, looks luxurious surrounded by forests and swamps of Polesie. Every year on September 12, Cross Procession takes place from Yurovichi to Mozyr. Ahead, as usual, there is a copy of the miraculous icon that was brought there more than three hundred years ago. TO GET ACUTE VISION Looking for a miracle? Visit Pustynki on the border of Mogilev and Smolensk regions. The local Holy Dormition Monastery was founded in the distant 1380, but by the 21st century it was practically destroyed, without brethren and prior. The monks came back there only in 2003. On the first night, they went to bed in one of the rooms which remained more or less intact and, in the morning, they found an image of Jesus Christ on the wall. The image becomes more legible every year. Experts and art critics shrug their shoulders – the Image is "Not-Made-By-Hands"! These days a flow of pilgrims does not run short either in winter or in summer. The bell tower, residential buildings have been restored, and the reconstruction of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God will soon be completed. Believers come not only to look at the image of Christ on the wall, but also to get holy water. According to the chronicles, at the end of the 14th century, the spring of Pustynki helped Prince Lugveny recover his eye-sight.


STAY ON A SHORT VISIT WITH JOY In the Belarusian capital, unlike the Russian one, there is only one monastery. But what a monastery! Founded in honor of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fedorovna. Eight temples, dozens of workshops, a school, refectories and shops with delicacies and souvenirs.

A whole city in a city that beckons with shiny domes and stained-glass windows. The best time for pilgrimage is Christian holidays, on which the monastery usually holds festivals and mass celebrations. So, before Christmas, one can always immerse oneself in the world of batleyka (this is an old folk puppet theater). Before Easter and the Intercession, the festival "Joy" is held there, which is attended by representatives of farmsteads from Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and other countries. Sofya Arsenyeva Photo credit: BelTA

holy dormition monastery of pustynki Беларусь. BelaruS 2021


welcome tourist!


Five reasons to visit ancient Belarusian cities 1. TO FIND A BRIDE IN POLOTSK The place where it all began. Every schoolchild knows that Polotsk is the cradle of our statehood and culture. Even in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said about the Ruriks who reigned on the local throne, were distinguished by their power and love of freedom. It is interesting that the wives of many ancient Russian princes came from Polotsk. From the infamous Rogneda, who was married to Yaropolk, but by the will of fate became the wife of Vladimir, to Aleksandra Bryachislavna, the beloved wife of Alexander Nevsky. There are still a lot of beauties in Polotsk in our time. It is best to look for them on old Nizhne-Pokrovskaya street, next to which there are the main attractions of the city – St. Sophia Cathedral on the steep bank of the Dvina, the original house where Peter the Great used to stay, the Museum of Local Lore and the Museum of Book Printing. Even if one won't find a bride, amazing cultural discoveries are definitely guaranteed! 2. TO GET WISDOM FROM THE TUROV GOSPEL The tiny town of Turov a thousand years ago was one of the main centers of Christianity in Ancient Russia. Located between Kiev and Polotsk, it occupied an enviable place on the banks of the Pripyat. Not only money flowed in there, but also the brightest minds of their time. Already in the middle of the 12th century, several monasteries and at least 85 churches were founded in the principality. That is why many enlighteners came from Turov, and the Turov Gospel, written in a charter on parchment in chestnut ink, is rightfully considered to be the most ancient Belarusian book. Prayed-in places today amaze tourists with real miracles. So, in the old part of the


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city in the last years of the 20th century, stone crosses literally began to grow out of the ground. Another wonder is two twometer crosses, which, as legend has it, sailed up to Turov from Kiev against the current, and are now kept in the Orthodox Church of All Saints. 3. TO RETURN TO THE MEDIEVAL ZASLAVL This place is a gift from Prince Vladimir to his eldest son Izyaslav. Despite a thousandyear history, the name of the city cannot be found in any railway schedule: the station here is called "Belarus". Why? Until 1939, Zaslavl was the first stop for trains going from Europe to the Soviet Union. A kind of gateway to White Ruthenia! Today the city center is a huge open-air museum. Here one can look at the ancient settlement "Zamechek", hide oneself in "Val" with military fortifications, unravel the secrets of pagan and early Christian mounds and quench one’s thirst with crystal water from ancient springs. For a complete immersion in medieval life, go to the Ethnographic Museum. A mill, a smithy, and authentic huts fully convey the old Belarusian spirit. And children will definitely like the Museum of Mythology and Forest – Domovoy (house sprite), Vodyanoy (water-sprite), Leshy (woodspirit) and Wurdalak (werewolf) always come out to meet young visitors. 4. TO COME ASHORE IN VITEBSK According to legend, the city painted by Chagall was founded by Princess Olga in the middle of the 10th century. She chose an excellent place, i.e. on the most important trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks." This predetermined its further destiny. In the 11-12 centuries, the city was subordinated to Polotsk, then Kiev, then Chernigov, then Smolensk princes.

On the Castle Hill there was a detinets (citadel), and at its foot there were settlements of artisans and merchants. The only stone building in ancient Vitebsk was the Holy Annunciation Church. Today in the city center one can see only its reconstruction. Nevertheless, the Castle Hill often surprises archaeologists with amazing artifacts. Like, for example, a birch bark letter, dating back to the turn of the 13-14 centuries. Its condition is perfect, and the text is as follows: "From Stepan to Nezhil. If you sold clothes, buy me barley for 6 hryvnia. If you haven't sold anything yet, send me these things back. If you have sold it, be so kind, buy me barley." One can see the medieval message in the regional museum of local lore. 5. TO JOIN WITH PARTISANS IN VOLKOVYSK According to legend, the inhabitants of this place were real wolfhounds. Even the ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote: every inhabitant of the lands between the Dnieper and the Danube turned into a wolf for several days. In the neighboring principalities, they were afraid of evil spirits, which is why they never picked a fight with Volkovysk. However, another legend is closer to reality: the local squad could deftly howl wolf-like during the hunt – this was how they entrapped the beasts. And the forests here have always been dark and dense, there are many swamps around. It is not surprising that in 1812, when Napoleon was moving to Moscow, the first partisans met him near Volkovysk. The dashing hussars, led by Pyotr Bagration, howled like a wolf, and set ambushes in the forest. In short, they did not allow the French to take a breath, day or night. Today, in the central square of the city, there is a bronze sculpture of the protector beast of Volkovysk. Sofya Arsenyeva


Test by Nobel, or to each their own

The New Drama Theater in Minsk hosted a number of premieres based on the Nobel Week play by Belarusian journalist Valentin Pepeliaev. We attended one of the premieres.


confess, we were pleasantly surprised, delighted when our colleague invited me to the premiere and said that the play was based on his play. There were many young people in the hall that day. Frankly, we doubted whether they would be interested in the topic outlined in the program. By the way, right in front of the entrance to the hall, to the left of the door, on an electronic board, one could read what "dish" the theater had prepared for us. Quote: "Nobel Week comedy in an ironic and paradoxical form tells how imperceptibly for ourselves we betray the ideals of our youth and our past dreams. How we find ourselves drawn into the whirlpool of someone else's will and opinions of others, how imperceptibly for ourselves, instead of living natural speech, we suddenly switch to the language of cliches and stereotypes of the mass media and social networks. How imperceptibly, over time, envy of others'

success, laziness and idleness grows in us. How impossible sometimes at some point to determine – where we are real, and where are invented? The collective images of modern intellectuals and "common people", a parody love triangle, elements of absurdity and farce are an occasion to reflect on the opposition of everyday life and feelings, freedom and lack of freedom, on the relationship between the intelligentsia and society, high ideals and indifference. At the same time, one cannot be sure to the end that everything really happens in reality and is not a game of wild fantasy." So, about the plot. In the provincial town of Drogichin, the action unfolds in the apartment of the Khomutovs. They have been together for many years. And immediately from the initial dialogue of the characters, you can understand: they live side by side out of habit, existing in parallel worlds that intersect only on a purely everyday basis. As such, there is no spiritual closeness between them. Oleg (Sergei Shirochin) is a journalist,

works in a local newspaper, as a student he wrote poetry that he is proud of. His wife Ulita (Lyudmila Batalova) is a librarian. The days of their lives are similar to one another. The news breaks into the usual life of the spouses: their classmate Melanya Vamp (Milana Ivanova), with whom our hero Khomutov was in love, receives the Nobel Prize in Literature. Moreover, she comes to Drogichin to not only visit her classmates and share her personal joy, but also to interview the people. Perhaps for their new writing plots. Say, what people live here, what they breathe. In fact, it turns out that the people are petty, lazy, inert and even stupidly fixated on their problems. Melania's desire to urge local residents to live higher, more active, remember the lofty ideals of youth and their dreams sounds like a dissonance: people do not want to change anything in their lives. This is the social mini– slice of the performance. Neighbor Lyusya (Natalya Kapitonova) is obsessed with plastic surgery: I am sure that if she becomes more beautiful, she will

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debut get married. Natella (Oksana Baranok) is convinced that she was abducted by aliens. And Ivan Fidelevech (Igor Nikolaev) is convinced that he is the son of Fidel Castro. Absurd, isn't it? Sergei Kulikovsky was helped by director Elizaveta Mashkovich, production designer Lydia Malashenko, plastic director Marina Baranova, lighting designer Tatyana Kudinova to work on a satirical comedy, in which the events taking place with the characters are shown in a grotesque form, and they themselves, Sergei Kulikovsky. Video graphics (Sergei Sumin) and, of course, musical numbers can be called a success of the performance. The songs that organically highlight the essence of what is happening sound very beautiful and heartfelt. And the musical composition "Don't Cry" by Tanya Bulanova, where she sings about youth and unfulfilled dreams, does "deliciously" fit into the context of the performance. This is no longer a wave


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of pamphlet and satire, but a wave of soulfulness that grows from the very depths of the performance. Reality and fantasy, the truth of life and a little mysticism (one person from Vasily Nitsko's closet is worth something!), The elevation and flat oblivion of the characters, lyrics and silly impulsiveness – all this prompts you to laugh and worry. Restrain involuntary tears and makes you think about yourself, about your life and surroundings. Nobel Week is a multi– layered performance. It hints: life is so fleeting, and glory is illusory, because, alas, it, like Melania Vamp, our glamorous heroine, did not bring personal happiness and peace. Every "little" person in his place can be happy if he only understands what is the value and mystery of life. That, we note, it's nice, the young people in the hall watched the performance with bated breath and interest. They reacted adequately to those semantic moments of

the production, which, as a rule, you are not interested in at the age of 20– 25. About all this and about such a genre as drama, we talk with Valentin Pepelyaev. – Valentin, have you written a play about people of pre– retirement age? Why? After all, the public loves the young and the beautiful, the successful and the stylish? – In a way, for me, this is a story about the generation of my parents. Their youth fell on the Soviet era. Maturity – for the period of the collapse of the USSR. Elegant age – for the time of sovereign Belarus as an independent state. I wondered: in what historical period did they feel most comfortable? What era do they consider themselves to be the product of? In my opinion, they remained Soviet people with their complexes, fears and dreams. They are the notorious "red man", according to Svetlana Aleksievich's formulation, with whom today one can disagree and argue, but whose work, in my opinion, is interesting to study. I would even say – surely. – And yet about age. Ageism is a widespread phenomenon, unfortunately it is the norm in our life. Society is aging, but the negative attitude towards "old" people among young, beautiful, healthy and successful people still persists in our society. Aren't you afraid in this regard that the play, in which the elderly characters appear, will not interest the directors?

debut – I would not say that ageism is the main theme of the play and performance. I didn't think about this aspect at all. There are heroines quite 30+ who are obsessed with plastic surgery or believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. Let it remain on their conscience. It is really more interesting for me to build the composition and the artistic world of a play with older characters – they are more experienced, they have a formed picture of the world, a clear system of views, which can serve as a guarantee of a strong ideological conflict, which is necessary for any play. I think older characters are always interesting to directors. The cult of youth is still for me a synonym for vulgarity, characteristic of mass culture. In addition, in this story, postmodern parallels with "Visit of the Old Lady" Friedrich Dürrenmat's are important for me. It is one of my favorite plays in the world drama, where the main characters are also aged. – Why did a journalist, one might say an ace in theatrical journalism, a "slave to the lamp," whose column is readily read by colleagues, decide to try his hand at drama? What prompted? – The feeling of professional slippage, self– repetition, some kind of global internal deadlock. At some point, I realized that I knew what to expect from this or that theater – and this premonition was almost always confirmed. I think the

theaters already knew what to expect from the "critic". Our cultural field itself is rather limited. We sometimes talk about the theater in a professional circle more than, in my opinion, it deserves. There are no real breakthroughs and discoveries yet. There is great inertia and pressure from authorities. Apparently, that is why I wanted to take a creative act, which the French writer Michel Houellebecq put into the title of one of his books – "Expanding the space of struggle". I think that people who I annoyed as a journalist and critic, I will continue to annoy as a playwright. For example, an article in the Kultura newspaper, choking in its helpless bile, inspires me with optimism in this regard. Our insidious age is conducive to fanfare, narcissism and self-promotion. In this fuse of self-promotion, perhaps, you want to seem smarter than you really are. Once, talking with one director about the next premiere, I caught a slight reproach:

they say, it's easy to criticize and try to write something for His Majesty Theater yourself, then we'll talk... The director did not pay attention to the argument that critic, journalist and playwright are still different professions. This is how my adventurous idea arose to write a dramatic work based on modern materials. Write, interest others and see the result on the professional stage. – Why did you choose the New Drama Theater? – This theater has its origins in the legendary theater studio "Dze– Ya?", which was founded in 1987. It was led by the talented experimenter Nikolai Trukhan. It is excellent theatrical heritage. In its best modern works, the theater demonstrates lightness, a mischievous beginning of the studio and solidity, the precision of high professionalism. He works on Liza Chaikina Street in the Zavodskoy District of Minsk, and an inexperienced viewer often finds himself in the hall. The more interesting it is

Performance mosaic

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debut to perform creative tasks. Without dreaming of large national theater venues, where the aspiring author is forced to compete with Chekhov, Shakespeare and Gorky, from the very beginning I set my sights on the talented troupe of the New Drama Theater. The theater director Vasily Martetsky is open to new proposals, he always hears his team, is ready to take creative risks. The theater's chief director Sergei Kulikovsky has already shown himself to be a great dreamer with a taste for beautiful gestures and healthy innovation. (The fact that innovation is sometimes unhealthy, alas, cannot be argued). Together, Martetsky and Kulikovsky create a strong professional tandem capable of realizing a variety of tasks. – Are you, a quiet young man, really so interested in the problems that are solved in the play? – Would I have written it then? They really are. I worked on the play for two years, and if the topic did not excite, the venture could be abandoned halfway. Relations between the intelligentsia and society, the "common people", conventional intellectuals and hard workers, the capital and the province seems to me today to be a key problem for the Belarusian sociopolitical context. I see a split, a reluctance to hear opponents, an increase in hostility. The culture of public discussion is monstrously lame. Instead of argumentation, rudeness, insults are used... To me, a person who was formed in the situation and a vivid public dialogue of the 90s, listened to Sakharov's speeches, Likhachev, who did not miss a single episode of the program "Vzglyad", who has Ural roots on his father, dating back to Viktor Pepeliaev, who was shot together with Kolchak, it is sad to watch this degradation. A new digital or technological dictation has brought us nothing but problems. There are more gadgets, freedom of expression has become an end in itself, and new meanings are not being formulated. People are pouring from empty to empty, trying to suck each other in what is called last year's snow. We walk in a circle of ideas about life and social world order imposed on us. Stereotypes prevail. However, in order to avoid moralizing


беларусь. belarus 2021

and boredom, I added a playful carnival beginning to these thoughts, recalling Bakhtin's formulation "carnivalization of culture" (Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin is a Russian philosopher, culturologist, literary critic, theorist of European culture and art – Ed.). By and large, Nobel Week is a modern theater of masks, a comedy del arte, but with recognizable archetypes of modern pop culture, oral folk art and anecdotes: "simpleton husband", "unloved wife", "friend is a lover", "neighbor philosopher ", "a broken divorcee", etc. – In one of your interviews you said: "The theater should interact directly with real life." How do you think this is so? – Writer and playwright Yuri Polyakov in an interview with me called drama "direct heart massage." It takes years for a novel to come out to the reader and be read. A playwright can turn to real life, to real problems and talk about them from the stage, bypassing such a long period of time. This does not mean that you need to follow the principle in the morning – in the newspaper, in the evening – in the verse", but not to react to painful points of time, to the problems of your country and challenges of the time, no matter how pathetic it sounds, the thinking author cannot. Theater for me is still a pulpit, a temple, and a public tribune. When a possible and quite acceptable for me publicistic beginning in

the text is combined with high theatrical poetry for me this is a high class. I do not like indirection in art, dry speculative constructions without vivid characters and situations, as well as stupid entertainment, as well as the crap of the "new drama" that has become a commonplace. – What, in your opinion, is the role of the playwright in the theater of the future? – In Western theaters, in particular in German, there is such a position as "fulltime playwright" – the author works at the theater and writes plays, based on the capabilities of the corpse and those topics that concern the director. It seems to me that we will come to this too. A playwright should not write without publication. He should not knock the thresholds of theaters for years. The play must be played on stage, only then it becomes a complete artistic statement. Therefore, I see the playwright at the center of the theatrical process as a key figure and structuring chaos. – Did Sergey Kulikovsky understand you correctly? – When I asked the director Kulikovsky, known for his sharp reading of modern and classical plays, what seemed to him the main thing in this story, he replied: "For me, by and large, this is a story about love and death at an acute social cut. In several other characters, I saw in the monologues the real pain that breaks through there. We do not

Actors Milana Ivanova and Sergei Shirochin in the roles of Melanya and Oleg Khomutov


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the two main characters of the play, is so and do it! Little money – work harder and hang labels, we do not take sides... There is brilliantly good and young... She reads the better. My husband is not happy, go away! a reason for any assessments and reflections. thought of youth and beauty of the soul. It If you don't like your job, change it... Don't Many of the questions the heroes are asking seems to me that this is a successful find of look for someone to blame, don't envy your today sound very relevant. I like his answer. the director. After all, as you said, Melania neighbor... I think everyone will find their own answer is in the play, the heroine is also of age... These are the thoughts that prompted me for themselves." What did you find? – Yes, I agree that Melania's youth is to play based on your play. What do you say? – I left the hall in high spirits, working on the idea of the play. A delighted: the debut of my colleague series of secondary characters was as a playwright took place. Therefore, conceived as a gallery of frankly Valentin, I sincerely congratulate you. farcical images that have one explicit Thanks to the performance, I and exaggerated "quirk" in the became even more convinced that I am psyche. They seemed to have left the personally happy with my life. After TV screen... Someone is obsessed all, this is the result of my capabilities with plastic surger y, s omeone and aspirations, ambitions, finally. I believes that he is the illegitimate son like that I am not skeptical about what of Fidel Castro, someone is sure that I have, I do not envy people who are he came into contact with aliens... higher on the social ladder. However, Probably, this is dictated by some above and below is just an accepted internal problems. For example, the condition in society. Even then for those who attach too much attention to this Valentin Pepelyaev, laureate of the national competition actor Igor Nikolaev in the role of standing. For me, it is more important "Golden Letter 2020" in the nomination "Best Cultural Ivan Fidelevich managed to embody how professional and human a Materials", during the presentation of a special prize of the a whole social phenomenon of person is in his position, whether he is National Theater Award – Honorary Diploma of the provincial "couch critics" who boldly developing. I confess, it was pleasant to Belarusian Theater Workers' Union and the Belarusian Union talk about the fate of the world with note about myself: I am satisfied with of Literature and Art Critics for bright and talented a glass in hand. The actor sniped the results of my work, in which I try to reportings in 2016-2018”. into this comic and bitter character. Neither add nor subtract. be in motion. I like that the Belarusian – But, you must agree: all these – I am, of course, pleased to hear Union of Journalists, together with my "quirks", deviations are just born from that the play has evoked such personal husband Ivan Zhdanovich, marked me with dissatisfaction with oneself, from internal associations... a joint "golden pen" in 2015. I also like that problems. And your "black" man from – It may seem strange to you, Valentin, we walked 2810 km along the State Border the closet is such a cool reminder of how but in the dialogue of the main character of Belarus in 1996. Nobody in the world has something petty, flattering, nasty, slippery with Melania per formed by Sergei walked around their country before us! Only inside us, something that is not God's, Shirochin, I saw the hero's breakthrough now, years later, am I starting to be proud pushes us to unseemly acts, to justify into the realization that his modest that we did it! I appreciate my profession, ourselves, loved ones... Brilliant work provincial realities of life and profession my modest life, which does not prevent me of the actor Vasily Nitsko, whose hero are quite acceptable for life. Oleg is far from doing what I love – writing. All this is skillfully mirrors our insides. And what from being a trivial type who just fulfills the result of my choice. Why should I be sad kind of plastic! his task in the service. So far, in my about the fact that, say, I don't write poetry, – His hero is even compared to a opinion, he simply cannot accept what he or I don't sing on the stage of the Bolshoi demon. I repeat, everyone will find their is. After all, a talented person! The actor is Theater, or I just can't finish my unfinished own in the performance of the New wonderful in dialogue with Melania, the novel... Therefore, the feeling of the joy of Drama Theater. Maybe their own demons. childishness of the soul of his character, life as the basis of being in me is born every Of course, if our play hooks a person's when he talked about poetry. And at that time I open my eyes to meet a new day. But soul. But even if someone comes to the moment he did not look like a tired old you have to interact with people who are theater with a bad mood, the play will man. Yes, his own components mutate not satisfied with their life. These are those entertain a little, distract from personal about the correctness of his life, and wife for whom movement, self-development is problems, this is also not bad. As they say, Ulita by Lyudmila Batalova, convincing an empty phrase, or mind games. I just to each his own. her husband, they say, everything is fine want to tell her, or him: if dissatisfaction with them, close to accepting life as it is. with yourself, with your wife or husband, And then the "explosive" Melania... By the with a modest position has arisen in you, Interviewed by Valentina and Ivan Zhdanovich way, it is clear why she, the same age as move more actively through life. Take it Photo credit:,

беларусь. belarus 2021



Exhibition as a true cultural



беларусь. belarus 2021


The SculptFest Sculpture Festival is the first large-scale exhibition marathon that brought together most of the country's acting sculptors from various art venues in the Belarusian capital


he project was worked out by the sculpture section of the Belarusian Union of Artists. Its goal was to present to the general public the creators and their works made in various genres and materials, to acquaint them with new trends in modern Belarusian sculpture. It must be said that apart from the central event of the festival – a traditional group exhibition in the Great Hall of the Republican Art Gallery "Palace of Art" – there were separate expositions at other venues. For example, the exposition in the "Academy" gallery introduced the work of young sculptors. An interesting event was the exhibition of animal sculpture in the art-living room "Vysokaye mѣsta". And the National Historical Museum of Belarus presented an exposition of the sculpture "Heroes. Events" dedicated to the history of the country and its outstanding figures. In total, the SculptFest sculpture festival united nine venues in Minsk, where 120 works by more than 60 authors from different regions of Belarus were presented. – This is a great cultural event that will be remembered for a long time. First of all, because of its scale, says Konstantin Kostyuchenko, a member of the sculpture section of the Belarusian Union of Artists, a member of the curatorial group of the festival, laureate of the State Prize of Belarus. – Over the past decades, this is, perhaps, one of the largest sculpture projects, which has involved the main exhibition grounds in Minsk, where the works of sculptors are exhibited, from eminent masters – honored and folk artists, to young authors – students of art institutions. In turn, the chairman of the sculpture section of the Belarusian Union of Artists, a member of the curatorial group of the festival, Sergei Oganov, noted two tasks of the festival: – We wanted to demonstrate our art to people. It is difficult for me to judge what impact our sculptures will have on a person. At the same time, we also exhibit for ourselves – this is our professional demonstration of work to each other. We all have the opportunity to show our works on the Internet, social networks, we have a fairly well developed online visualization of works, where one can study the works of artists from all over the world. But still, in my opinion, the online space does not compare with what is happening offline. For example, while exhibiting, I myself saw many interesting works by other authors, whom I did not know about before. Thus, we can see what is going on, where are we moving, to look at ourselves in the context of our colleagues as professionals and in general what the Belarusian sculpture looks like in relation to the world.

беларусь. belarus 2021


vernissage Natalia Sharangovich, first deputy chairman of the Belarusian Union of Artists, said that SculptFest is a large-scale exhibition marathon that unites most of the country's acting artists-sculptors at various art venues: – Any personal exhibition is interesting and good, but in the format of the festival there is an opportunity not only to make a flashback, but to show a certain direction of art in all its diversity. It seems to me that this is a very significant, bright, interesting and memorable event. Although last year was difficult and the same difficulties continue this year, I would like art to live, breathe, show itself. Art should be, and you can create it at any time. The festival opens the eyes of the audience to the fact that we have formal and traditional sculpture, many masters work in historical, animalistic themes. A sculpture cannot remain on the floor – it must be displayed on good platforms. We are faced with the fact that there are many sculptors and there is much to show. We are very glad that not only Minsk artists have responded, but also the ones from our regional cities. This suggests that when there is a desire and opportunity, they results in such an interesting event. Within the framework of the festival, 14 sculptures, including two created in 2021, a personal exhibition of the Mogilev sculptor Andrei Vorobyov, were presented in the Great Hall of the Republican Art Gallery "Palace of Art". "For me, an exhibition is always a report to myself and the viewer, so I included my new and most favorite works in the exposition," – said Andrei Vorobyov. Sculpture is one of the most interesting forms of art. On the one hand, it has monumental forms, and on the other, it also realizes itself in plastic art. This plastics is absolutely free. – I think this festival was really a good gift for Minsk residents and guests of the capital. We tried to cover as many regions as possible, so not only Minsk was exhibited here, – Olga Nechai, a member of the sculpture section of the Belarusian Union of Artists, a member of the curatorial group of the festival, shared her opinion of the festival. Although at first, it seemed that the idea was doomed to failure: empty walls around, there are only sculptures. In many museums, sculpture is a lovely accessory to painting. But this time the hall in the Republican Art Gallery with an area of 850 square meters has become space for real art, which did not have its own place in the Palace before. A team of curators selected items for the exhibition from any material that can be formed in three dimensions: width, height, depth. Clay, wood, marble, aluminum, silicone sculptures. Complicated reliefs were raised up. In general, this is the kind of art we meet almost every day. To do this, you don't even need to go to the gallery, just look around. In Minsk, next to the Palace, there is the Victory Monument, a bronze composition on Kolas Square, a little farther, in the nearest park, there are also sculptural compositions... Look and be impressed. The more so, in spring we feel like watching beauty. Veniamin Mikheyev Photo credit: the author


беларусь. belarus 2021

At the sculpture festival







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Econom y. Culture

No. 2 (1049), 2021 Беларусь. Belarus

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Беларусь. Belarus

BELARUS Politics. Economy. Culture

ISSN 2415-394X

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