January 2015eng

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BELARUS in International Ratings and Domestic Statistics January 2015

The National Statistical Committee reports that in January 2015 in comparison to the previous year Belarus recorded:  a capital investment increase of 4,5 per cent;  a population increase of 12,8 thousand people (0,137 per cent);

in 2014 as compared to the previous year Belarus recorded:  production level increase of 10 per cent;  export and import of services increase of 4,2 and 6,8 per cent respectively;  house building increase of 6 per cent;  real disposable income of population composed 100,1 per cent.

The International Labour Office published the global report "Women in business and management: gaining momentum". The report analyzed the percentage of women executives in 108 countries around the world. According to the report, there are about 30 per cent of small and medium-sized businesses owned by women. It is concluded that the increase in the proportion of women in business management is not only important in terms of gender and management balance, but also for the economic development of the country in general. Belarus in terms of percentage of female managers at all levels as on 2009 occupies 6th place out of 108 countries with an index of 46.2 per cent, ahead of all the CIS and Baltic countries, the majority of EU countries, as well as the US, Australia, Canada, China and several others. In 2014 in terms of women managers of large companies Belarus with 32.8 per cent ranked first among the CIS countries and the EU Member States represented in the report. In terms of female employers Belarus is among the 20 countries in the world, where the percentage of this category is higher than 30. According to the criterion of management and gender gap in remuneration as of 2013, Belarus showed better performance than most EU countries represented in the report, including Germany, the UK and Austria. In terms of female members of banks board of directors Belarus ranks 14th out of 58 states with an index of 18 per cent ahead of the vast majority of EU Member States, the CIS, Asia and America.

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Belarus in International Ratings and Domestic Statistics

In the annual Corruption Perceptions Index of Transparency International in 2014 Belarus climbed four positions, gaining 31 points (119th in the world), ahead of Turkmenistan (17 points), Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan (28 points each), Kyrgyzstan and Russia (27) Ukraine (26), Tajikistan (23), Uzbekistan (18). More than two thirds of 175 countries scored less than 50 points in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2014 on a scale from 0 (extremely high level of perceived corruption) to 100 (low level of perceived corruption). Denmark took the lead of the index in 2014 gaining 92 points, while North Korea and Somalia shared last place of the index gaining only 8 points.

TRACE International, a non-profit business association, has announced the launch of its own corruption index. Trace Matrix registers cases of corruption in the countries all over the world. Belarus is at the 74th position and is placed in the second out of four groups of countries (the first group consists of countries with the minor corruption risk and the fourth one of those with the maximum risk). Russia is ranked 134 th out of 197 countries, Ukraine is at 132nd place. According to the report, Belarus is among top six countries in terms of anti-corruption legislation.

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) released the annual report entitled "Measuring the Information Society". In accordance with the information and communication technologies development index, Belarus occupies the 38th position. For the first time since the National Program for Accelerated Development of Services in the sphere of information and communication technologies in 2011-2015 was launched, Belarus is the CIS leader and is ahead of Russia (42nd position) and Kazakhstan (53rd position). The report is based on innovative and respected instruments used to measure control parameters. The instruments have been developed by the ITU to monitor the development of the information society across the globe. The report surveys 166 economies of the world taking the data of 2013 and comparing it with the data of 2012. The constant leader in the development of ICT the Republic of Korea conceded to Denmark. Then follow countries such as Sweden, Iceland, Norway and the United Kingdom.

Belarus ranks 58th out of 132 countries on the Social Progress Index. Experts of Harvard and Massachusetts Universities developed the index, which is now used as a measure of countries welfare. More than 50 indicators such as basic needs, foundations of wellbeing and opportunities for human development are to be taken into account.

Belarus in International Ratings and Domestic Statistics

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Belarus has demonstrated good results in the fields of foodservice, health care delivery and basic education accessibility. Experts also expressed a high opinion of Belarusian ecology, living conditions, level of personal security, access to information and mass media. Belarus being at the 58th place is ahead of Russia and Ukraine. New Zealand, Switzerland and Iceland are among the top-10 countries in the rating.

Relying on a wide range of data from the UN, the World Bank and other international organizations experts produced the world’s first Good Country Index based on 35 specific data points. The index takes into account the following categories: education, science, trade, culture, peacekeeping contributions, health, freedom of the press, as well as a range of other indicators. 125 countries participated in the research. According to the research, Ireland was acknowledged best in the world. Finland was placed 2nd, Switzerland – 3rd, Netherlands – 4th. New Zealand ranked 5th. In the rating of the best countries in the world Belarus was placed 82nd. Russia occupies 95th place between Honduras (94th) and Congo (96th). Recent events prevented Ukraine from achieving good results: it was placed 99th.

Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Minsk, 220030, Lenina st, 19. Tel.: (+375-17) 289-15-48. Fax: (+375-17) 210-42-51. e-mail: info@mfa.gov.by

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