Outgoing Exchange Program
“Shoot for the mo you miss, you’ll la the stars.” ― Mark Twain
oon. Even if and among Dear reader, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Aiesec´s Universe! Every time you begin a new journey, the first thing you´ll need is good map. And, that is the exact purpose of the following document: to guide and to give you a detailed overview about who we are, what we do and how we do it. I truly believe that Aiesec is not just an exchange organization, but it is an instrument to become an integral human being: It will challenge your worldview by giving you the chance to discover other cultures, meet new faces, leave your footprint and gain valuable work experience. Therefore, I hope that afer reading this carefully designed booklet, you´ll be encouraged to shoot as high as you can and take this incredible opportunity. Every year over 27 000 young people decide to change their lifes by going abroad with us. You can be the next one! I wish you all the best. Enjoy! Sincerely, Belén Pacheco Fiallos PR & Marketing Team AIESEC Vienna UV
Table of Contents So...What is Aiesec?
The Network
The Values
Our Programs: Global Citizen
Our Programs: Global Talent
Application Procedure
So... What is AIESEC?
he year was 1948 and Europe lay in ruins, this is when 7 European students, inspired to do something positive to avoid the destruction left by the war from ever happening again; they decided to take action and founded an organization focused on promotion of Peace and Understanding between cultures. Driven by their vision, they met in Belgium and founded the International Association of Students of the Economic
and Market Sciences (AIESEC for its original name in French). Aiesec is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. We don´t discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin. 4
The Network
2400 Universities
124 Countries & Territories
8000 Partner Organizations
65 Years
22,500 International Volunteer Expirences 6
The values Activating Leadership
Demonstrating Integrity
We lead by example and inspire leadership through our activities. We take full responsibility for developing the youth leadership potential of our members.
We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfil our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.
Living Diversity
Enjoying Participation
We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.
We create a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.
Striving for Excelence
Acting Sustainably
We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve.
We act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.
Our programs
Global Citizen
his is an opportunity to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills through voluntary internships abroad centered around social issues. You will volunteer in social projects or Non-Governmental Organizations abroad. Depending on your passion, you can choose between 3 different issues, they are Education, Entrepreneurship and World Issues. It is an ex9
perience which challenges your world view and helps you to gain a unique combination of multi-cultural, social and entrepreneurial exposure. If you want to experience new cultures, meet people, explore places and at the same time have a positive contribution to the local society, Global Citizen is the perfect choice for you.
Go abroad and help develop social projects and NGOs with your entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. Global Citizen Entrepreneurship consists of 4 sub-issues: - Organization Development - Entrepreneurship - Social Business - Microfinance
Go abroad and educate youths and children on language, soft skills, career planning and cultures of the world. Global Citizen Education consist of 6 sub-issues: - Career Planning - Language Literacy - Technological Literacy - Other Subjects - Leadership&Soft Skill - Financial Literacy
Go abroad and be involved in creating awareness and providing solutions for the world issues you are passionate for. Global Citizen World Issues consist of 4 sub-issues: - Environment - Human Rights - Health & Lifestyle - Poverty Reduction
• Duration from 6-12 weeks • Be involved in social projects where you will work with NGOs or education institutions. • Most projects offer free or subsidized accommodation • Some projects provide meals • Cost of flight is not covered • AIESEC in the country you are going will help with integration
• Student who is in Diploma, Bachelor, Master Studies or a fresh graduate (within 2 years since graduation) • Not over 30 years old • Competent in English (B2+) • Open minded to new experiences • Some global citizen projects might require specific academic or work background
Related Costs
• Personal growth through challenging yourself to live in a new environment. • Develop your adaptability in working with a team of cross-cultural personalities. • Contribute to the social issues you are passionate about with young like minded people across the globe. • Entrepreneurial skills development through organizing projects and working in NGOs. • A chance to immerse yourself to the culture of a different country.
• 1st Service Fee: 100 EUR once the person signs the contract and decides to go abroad with us.
• 2nd Service Fee: 150 EUR + 50 EUR Deposit Fee to be paid once you have found your dream Global Citizen project • Deposit Fee: 50 EUR to be returned once you are back and attended a reintegration activity.
Global Talent
e a part of the world’s most dynamic group of young talents. Partnering with organizations and companies worldwide which strongly believe in the value of young talents and diversity, AIESEC Global Talent invites you to go abroad and live a cross cultural professional working experience. Depending on your qualifications and background, you
have the chance to work in internships for various companies or organizations abroad. If you are an undergraduate, fresh graduate or in Masters looking to develop your professional skills and enjoys the challenge of working with people of different cultural background, Global Talent is the perfect choice for you.
With Global Talent Business, you have the opportunity in contributing to businesses abroad while developing yourself through exposure to different markets, ways of working and cultures. Global Talent Business covers the working fields of: - Marketing - Bussines Admin. - Accounting - Finance
In this increasingly competitive world, technology advances everyday, everywhere. By working abroad, you will get exposed to new and exciting technologies while enjoying the fusion of diverse ideas, knowledge and cultures in your workplace. Global Talent Technical invites you to the working field of: - Information Technolog - Engineering
With Global Talent Social Studies, you have the opportunity in contributing to the education sector of societies abroad or facilitate the interaction between societies using your knowledge in different languages. Global Talent Business covers the working fields of: - Child Education - Foreign Language Education - Linguistics
• Duration from 3 months to 1.5 years depending on the Global Talent workfield you apply for. • The organizations range from small and medium sized enterprises to large multinational companies. • Salary provided is sufficient to cover the basic living expenses in the country you are staying. • AIESEC in the country you will help you with integration
• Student who is in Diploma, Bachelor, Master studies or a fresh graduate (within 2 years since graduation) • Not older than 30 years • Competent in English (B2+) • Open minded • Previous working experience in the Global Talent workfield you are applying for is strongly preferred.
Related Costs
• A unique international professional development experience • Practical skills in a foreign environment to complement your educational background. • Opportunity to apply skills, attitudes and values at work and in the community • Interaction with a new social and cultural environment • A broad international network and connections
• 1st Service Fee: 200 EUR once the person signs the contract and decides to go abroad with us.
• 2nd Service Fee: 250 EUR + 50 EUR Deposit Fee to be paid once you have found your dream Global Talent Intership. • Deposit Fee: 50 EUR to be returned once you are back and attended a reintegration activity.
The Nethe rlands
Application Procedure • Step 1: Apply! Fill in our application form at www.aiesec.at • Step 2: Meet with us. Stop by for a meeting, go over with us the most possible project for you. • Step 3: Find the one. Search through our extensive Database for your intership. We will assign you a student coach to help you with your search for an internship until you find one. The coach will also provide assistance for formal procedures (visas, work permits, etc.) • Step 4: Congrats! You have found the project you were looking for. 17
• Step 5: Preparation seminar. Before you leave, we will prepare you with organized training on cultural differences and how to deal with them. It´s time to start getting ready for your experience abroad. • Step 6: Experience abroad. You are on your way! During your stay abroad, stay in touch with your student coach in your city in case you need help or support of any kind. • Step 8: Reintegration. At the end of your internship abroad, we ask you to share your experiences with us and with others who might be interested.
FAQ • What types of internships does AIE- • What does the AIESEC Exchange Program offer? SEC offer? AIESEC Austria offers the following types: -Professional Internships: Global Talent. An opportunity to take a professional Internships experience in an area related to your studies. -Volunteering Internships: Global Citizen. An opportunity to contribute positively to social change in another country while experiencing a foreign culture. • How does AIESEC differ from other providers of internships? The difference is that Aiesec´s Internships go beyond the job itself: We empathize on the cross-cultural enrichment you’ll gain alongside the professional experience. You will have the opportunity to connect with other foreign Interns, native people and local AIESEC members. Furthermore, you will have a readymade support network waiting for you in the foreign country.
We would be supporting you throughout the whole process: AIESEC Austria, your sending entity, will help you in the search for an Internship in our online database and, as soon as you found one, we would assist you with the visa, working permit, insurance, etc. Afterwards, we will provide you with an Outgoing Preparation Seminar, which serves as a preparation for your time abroad. Besides, we’ll keep in touch with you during your whole internship to make sure you have good experience. When you arrive, the AIESEC representative in the hosting country will take care of you; they will pick you up from the airport, help you in daily life (where to go shopping, how to create a bank account,...) and integrate you in the local community. When you come back to Austria, we are providing a Follow Up Seminar for you, where you can share experiences with other Exchange Participants and give us feedback. 18
FAQ • What does an AIESEC internship not offer? AIESEC does not offer tailor made Internships as a product, meaning we cannot offer you an internship at a specific place in a specific country at a specific time. Candidates entering our programs should be flexible on a variety of countries whilst not only looking for employment in large multinationals, though these do exist amongst our Internship pool. AIESEC internships do help you gain professional skills but more importantly, they are a great opportunity to have an intense intercultural experience. • What is the Outgoing Exchange Preparation Seminar (OPS)? The OPS is a one day AIESEC seminar, which is run by experienced trainers. You will be prepared for your internship and receive useful tips and information. Furthermore, you will be able to share your thoughts with other people going on exchange 19
soon. You do not need to pay for this seminar as it is included as part of your original exchange fee. • When can I go for Global Citizen or Global Talent Program? The time is flexible, you can apply anytime you want. However, different countries offer social projects and company opportunities at different times. You can check the available opportunities in our Global Citizen page here and Global Talent page here. If the available opportunities in the page do not suit you, you can always seek more clarification by contacting us. • How long does it take from the day I apply to the day I start my internship? For Global Citizen program, it usually take about 2 months. If you are more flexible in choosing the country and the social project which you will work in, the process will be much faster. For Global Talent program, it
FAQ usually takes about 3 months. Again, the tunities on the Global Citizen and Global same principle applies, the more flexible Talent page. you are in your choice of country and com• Can I go to Global Citizen or Global pany, the faster the process will be. Talent with a friend? • When will you contact me? Global Citizen and Global Talent program After you fill out your online application, are meant for challenging you to be more an AIESEC member from your nearest lo- independent in a new environment. You cal office will contact you latest in 5 wor- can apply for both programs with your friends, however, the chances of you getking days. ting the same social project/company as • Where can I go for Global Citizen or your friends are very low. Global Talent? • Do I receive a refund if I cannot find a As a general rule you can go on exchan- suitable internship? ge to any one of our 124 member countries unless you have lived in this country for 2 AIESEC exchange fees are non-refundable years out of the last 10. However, countries should you be unable to find and Internship offer opportunities at different times accor- or decided to withdraw from our program. ding to their peak seasons. Generally spea- We undertake a selection process to ensure king, the more flexible you are in the choice that candidates who are en- tering our exof country, the greater the chance of suc- change programs have the best chance of cess to get matched with a social project/ finding and Internship. comapany. You can find the updated oppor20
FAQ • What kind of contract will I have to sign?
be any problems, there will always be someone to help you. We will keep in contact with you and support you in every possible After passing through selection you will way. be offered a place in one of our exchange programs, so either Global Talent or Global • Can I look at your internship pool/ Citizen. You have time to read through it database before paying the fee and and ask us if you have any ques- tions. We participating in the AIESEC Internship sign 2 contracts, we will keep one, the other Program? one can be taken home by you. Yes, you can come to the Local AIESEC • Who will help me in my host country? office to have a look through our database of Internships, it is best to contact your All the internships are based on a local com- Vice President of Outgoing Exchange or mittee nearby, which is there to help you selection manager to book an appointment during your in- ternship. More concretely, first. the members of this hosting local committee organize your accommoda- tion, pick • Do I have to be fluent in English to you up from the airport / station, show you participate? around in the city and accompany you to work on your first day. In addition, they Depending on the program you are entering will integrate you into their activities, or- and the specific Internship you take there ganize events for you and the other interns can be a requirement for fluency in English. and help you get to know the people and As an example many of the Internships in culture of your host country. If there should our Global Talent program will require you 21
FAQ to work in English, so for this program we will require candidates to be flu- ent. For our Global Citizen program we are more flexible on this as it is a very good opportunity to im- prove your English or other foreign language skills. However we will not require you to pass a TOEFL, IELTS or any other language certificate. • Will I receive a salary during my internship?
and pass our Review Board. • What is the Review Board (RB)? The RB is an interview during which we want to find out whether you are suitable for our program, how you perceive foreign countries, and whether your English skills are sufficient. This is important because we guarantee certain qualities and competencies when we send students to work in our projects and partner companies.
For our Global Talent program you will receive a salary, adapted to the living standards in the country, which will be enough to cover all of your living costs in this country. For our Global Citizen programs the participants are working voluntarily, but they have food and accommodation provided by the hosting entity. • Is there a selection process? Yes, it is: You have to fulfil the requirements (pointed out in the programs´ descriptions) 22
In case you have any further questions regarding AIESEC or our exchange programs, please feel free to send us an email or come by. Here are our contact details: • Doktor-Natterer-Gasse 6, 1020 Wien • office@vienna-uv.aiesec.at