The Owl 2021

Page 22

The Owl 2021

The COVID Chronicles Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, education changed dramatically for staff and pupils alike. OwingMembers to the COVID-19 pandemic, of the BRA staff reflect oneducation how their roles changed during these changed dramatically for staff andunprecedented pupils alike. times. Members of the BRA staff reflect on how their

roles changed during these unprecedented times.

This proved to be a significant task, although we could only make direct contact with the parents Google Classroom which dedicated to support of our pupils, rather than with was the pupils and wellbeing. were was uploaded, as themselves. I certainlyAssemblies felt that this contact appreciated by many at the time, but it served as were wellbeing tasks, to social media. I vividly no real substitute to speaking to our pupils in remember the first ever trial of a Zoom assembly person, even though a number of our parents put in June 2020, which was such an unknown at that their son/daughter on the phone to speak. We alsostage. moved to create a Google Classroom which was dedicated to support and wellbeing. As we moved to the second more recent period Assemblies were uploaded, as were wellbeing oftolockdown, theI vividly live lessons helped tasks, social media. remember the to support pupils. firstfurther ever trialthe of ainteractions Zoom assemblywith in June 2020, However, there which wasno such an unknown for at that was replacement thestage. subtle conversations

in moved the corridors, or before, during or after classes. As we to the second more recent period of lockdown, livesought lessons to helped to support Pastoralthe staff maintain contact using further the interactions However, virtual assemblieswith andpupils. recorded messages, and there was no replacement for the subtle pupils could contact pastoral staff for support at conversations in the corridors, or before, during anyclasses. stage Pastoral duringstaff thissought maintain or after contact using staff virtualmissed assemblies recorded Pastoral the and daily interactions with messages, and pupils could contact pastoral andatopportunities continue to build staffpupils, for support any stage duringto this time. MR MARTIN WILSON

MR on MARTIN As I reflect the period of WILSON school closures and national lockdowns, and the impact which these have had schoolofcommunity, I am met As I reflect on on theour period school closures and with a mixture of and emotions. I clearlywhich remember national lockdowns, the impact these meeting with key members of pastoral staff just have had on our school community, I am met after the initial announcement, trying to with a navigate mixtureour of emotions. clearly remember way throughI this ever-changing meeting with key of pastoral staff just situation. Themembers challenge was how to maintain contact with our pupils in school during a after the initial announcement, trying to period navigate of through time whenthis theyever-changing would not be physically on our way situation. site. All face-to-face counselling sessions The challenge was how to maintain contact with ceased, as telephone appointments became more our pupils in school a period of time towhen common. Duringduring this time, we endeavoured phone not the parents of all pupils the school. they would be physically oninsite. All face-to-

positive relationships. The school was simply not

Pastoral staff missed the daily interactions with the same during these times. Empty classrooms, pupils, and opportunities to continue to build quietrelationships. corridors, playgrounds positive The school wasdeserted. simply One of the many strengths of our school is the relationships not the same during these times. Empty classrooms, corridors, playgrounds which arequiet fostered between our pupils and our deserted. One of the many strengths our was missed. staff, and there is no doubt thatofthis school is the relationships which are fostered would then b between our pupils and our staff, and there is no Google Clas doubt that this was missed. 2020, we hel plans to staf After a few u

face counselling sessions ceased, as telephone appointments became more common. During this time, we endeavoured to phone the parents of all pupils in the school.

This proved to be a significant task, although we could only make direct contact with the parents of our pupils, rather than with the pupils themselves. I certainly felt that this contact was appreciated by many at the time, but it served as no real substitute to speaking to our pupils in person, even though a number of our parents put their son/daughter on the phone to speak. We also moved to create a 20



On reflectio different bea speed of org One was phen for 1450 pupi something an aspect of the p but the pasto from pupils u concern. Seco competent co teaching brou them.

We offered t throughout th As a Senior Teacher in school, one of my roles As a Senior Teacher in school, one of my roles is guides and tr is to have an oversight of eLearning. This vague issues as they carries a of wide range of This rolesvague and term to haveterm an oversight eLearning. challenges ou responsibilities, and has a lot of flexibility built hadn’t pre-em in to move with the ever-changing face of IT. Our staff sho However, the original job description didn’t they adapted include “launch remote learning during a Global

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