Publications & Communications An organization committed to global impact depends on strong relationships with the world’s leading media organizations. Much of our research reaches the public through broadcast and print interviews with our scholars, and the pieces of commentary they write.
With nearly 278,000 page views a month (a 21% annual increase) along with a time-on-research page average of over three minutes, continues to be a leading source of relevant research for policymakers, government officials, academics, students, and the media.
The Center had a strong year sharing insights via commentary and interviews. Leading websites and newspapers published more than 330 pieces of analysis and opinion from our scholars in 2021, including two dozen in the nation’s most-competitive outlets: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.
Some of the most-read reports from the past year include The Coming AI Hackers by Bruce Schneier, Mass. Vaccine Report Card by Graham Allison and Hugo Yen, and Avoiding a Plastic Pandemic: The Future of Sustainability in a Post-COVID-19 World by Nicola De Blasio and Phoebe Fallon. The Center produced timely responses to major events in 2021, including the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, Russia’s saber-rattling against Ukraine, as well as the ongoing pandemic.
Center scholars also hosted 272 events during this stretch, published 73 reports and papers, and testified before the U.S. Congress four times. With both in-person and online attendees, our events continued to attract strong interest, including from top journalists around the world.
Drawing on the strength of our timely videos responding to global news and trends, along with evergreen content that continues to draw strong organic search traffic, our lifetime YouTube views reached 3,261,755, a yearly gain of 20%. As we featured more of our work training tomorrow’s leaders, the Center’s LinkedIn profile grew by 165% to 11,679 followers. We also invested in new podcasts, including Northern Lights, IS: Off the Page, Middle East Matters, and Immutable. Collectively, these programs generated more than 20,000 downloads.
The following pages of publication listings provide a glimpse of the extraordinary range and influence of the Center’s scholars. For Students
Our presence on social media continued to expand this year. Our Twitter followers increased 14%, to 32,814, while our Facebook likes grew 8% to 15,996.
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Catalina Gonzalez-Marques, an emergency medical physician, receives the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, in Boston.
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, ANALYSIS & OPINIONS - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School
Massachusetts Vaccine Report Card Authors: Graham Allison, Hugo Yen | Feb. 09, 2021
That Massachusetts has been stumbling in its attempt to meet the challenge posed by COVID-19 is not news. Many readers may, however, be surprised when they see the Massachusetts Report Card below. Among the 50 states in the union, on three of the four key performance measures, Massachusetts is currently earning an F. For Students
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Belfer Center
Searchstatistics Nwitter Grim about this killer disease have been repeated so often that they become numbing. But
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we should never forget that every one of the 2.3 million deaths to date was someone’s mother or New to 'witter? father, sister or brother, colleague or friend. So too with our 460,000 fellow Americans who were
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alive when coronavirus arrived in the United States 12 months ago but are now gone.
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The tragic fact is that most of these deaths were unnecessary. To put the point more provocatively:
The Coming AI Hackers
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most of these deaths would not have occurred if our federal and state governments had taken actions
A Hard Look at What Happened in Afghanistan
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could to deny the relevance of comparisons of our results with those of other nations. Nonetheless, it
The hub of research, teaching, and training in international security affairs, environmental and resource issues, and science and technology policy.
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The United States kept forces in Afghanistan far longer than the British did in the 19th century, and twice as long as the Soviets — with roughly the same results, write David E. Sanger and Helene Cooper.
Bruce Schneier
is a simple fact that Singapore, with a population essentially the same as that of Massachusetts has
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had only 29 deaths. Taiwan with a population three times the size of Massachusetts has allowed only
9 deaths. And South Korea, with a population of 52 million, including 28,500 American servicemen,
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Belfer Center ABelferCenter · 7m Wedge strategy theory explains how states use strategic arms control to divide adversaries by affecting trust, threat perceptions, & beliefs about trade-offs, Timothy Crawford & AKhangXVu write, citing 3 landmark arms control negotiations. AJournal_IS
is an incendiary charge, let us explain why. Because our nation’s
performance has been so appalling, under former President Trump, Washington did everything it
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they Signcould up withhave—but phone or emailfailed to do. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service and Since we understand that this Privacy Policy, including Cookie Use.
has experienced only one fiftieth the deaths per capita of the USA. For those who live here in Massachusetts, that means that if our fellow Bay Staters who died in the You might like past year from COVID-19 had relocated to Taiwan or Singapore or Seoul this time last year, they … this earth today. While certainly not the only reason, President Trump’s blatant Harvard Kennedy would be alive on Follow AKennedy_School
failure to meet the coronavirus challenge certainly contributed to his being fired in the November election. AEI Foreign Policy
AP Photo/Rahmat Gul
International comparisons aside, within these United States, 50 state governors, their health The Wilson Center
ATheWilsonCenter departments, and health providers each face an essentially equivalent challenge from this deadly
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virus. In combatting it, many are doing significantly better than others. To sharpen the point once
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more, had many of those who were killed by coronavirus in the past year moved from the state in Jobs
Harvard's Belfer Center
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which they had lived to one of the other states in the country, they would now be alive. What’s happening Arms Control as Wedge Strategy: How Arms Limitation Deals Divide A… Wedge strategy theory explains how states use strategic arms control to divide adversaries by affecting their trust, threat perceptions, and … beliefs about a commitment’s trade-offs. Examining three...
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Avoiding a Plastic Pandemic
AP Photo/Noah Berger, File
AP Photo/Rahmat Gul
APRIL 2021
Kiyoshi Ota/Pool via AP
Easier to Get into War Than to Get Out: The Case of Afghanistan
Climate Change Uncertainty has Been Eclipsed by Political Uncertainty
Dr. Nazanin Azizian
Joel Clement
The U.S. should accept with humility its inability to fully eliminate terrorism.
The Future of Sustainability in a Post COVID-19 World
Why the Quad Alarms China Kevin Rudd
Ingmar Schumacher AIng_Schumacher · 11h
So far, Beijing has struggled to mount an effective response to the Quad challenge.
The report reminded us that stabilizing warming will require net-zero emissions. MORE FROM JOEL CLEMENT
Environment & Natural Resources Program ABelferENRP · 5h "The time has passed for environmental economists to think about climate policy only in terms of carbon pricing instruments." - ARobertStavins talks about the future of environmental economics and advice for young researchers w/ AIng_Schumacher
I am very happy to present to you my new Meet Top Environmental Economists interview with Robert Stavins. AEAERE_envecon ARobertStavins AAereOrg… 7
Belfer Center ABelferCenter · 1h Although relatively prosperous and stable, the mid-Euphrates region of Iraq has not been successful in producing a civil society that promotes and produces democratic growth, writes AMarsinRA. In a new report, she explores the forces behind this.
US national newsthe morningstrengths · Thisgreat One of
of the American system of government is that our 50 states are
Trending now: it’s National Milk oftodemocracy.” Lessons learned in one in reducing infant mortality, promoting racial Day;“laboratories Sierra Leon returns AFCON; Maya Angelou appears harmony, or maintaining highways can be adapted and applied in others. Our 50 states are also on the quarter
competitors, indeed fierce competitors. They compete in attempting to persuade their citizens not to
to attract talented individuals in the hope that they will create new enterprises that will produce · 5 hours ago Harvard's Belfer Center
Top well-paying universities colluded to for limit their residents. Indeed, they’ve even been known to persuade star athletes to jobs Think Tanks student financial aid, lawsuit “come home to Cleveland,” as Ohio did in the case of LeBron, raising the Cavaliers from the bottom alleges Cambridge, MA · 12,395 followers
Trending Masvidal So with if we compare
the states to 50 runners in a series of marathons, we can see who is leading—as well
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Ben Barnes
4,743fewest Nweets
up the rear. In the first race to protect the lives of its citizens and thus have the
About deaths perus capita, at this point Massachusetts has fallen so far behind that it is almost
The Affairs theuse hubthe of Harvard Kennedy School's impossible forBelfer it toCenter catchfor up.Science But inand theInternational second, the raceisto vaccines delivered to it weekly to
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research, teaching, and training in international security and diplomacy, environmental and resource issues, and science and technology policy. From terrorism and nuclear weapons to cybersecurity,
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Think Tanks Washington, DC
vaccinate its citizens, every day Governor Baker, his Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the
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the week © 2022 Nwitter, Inc. after
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a more secure, world. Directed by formerwe Secretary of Defense former that we peaceful run faster in this marathon, will move up inAsh theCarter race and for the highest
Pentagon cyber czar Eric Rosenbach, the Center has been ranked the world's #1 University Affiliated percentage of our population vaccinated. Moreover, if the governor and his team are able to do that, Think Tank each year since 2014.
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they can advance the date in which we’ve reached the level of vaccinations that will allow us to return
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to something closerhas to normal. The Center a dual mission: (1) to provide leadership in advancing policy-relevant knowledge about
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the most important challenges of international security and other critical issues where science, environmental policy, and the international affairs andbe (2)shouting to prepare our future In sum, intechnology, this marathon, cheering from sidelines, weintersect; should all words of generations of leaders for these arenas.
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Eric Rosenbach The Limits of Cyberoffense
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Thu, Aug 26, 2021 | 3:00pm
How the US funds the Taliban AP Photo
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Agents of Change: Driving a More Di… Rene Magritte Postwar development of civil society in Iraq’s mid-Euphrates region Legacies of war and authoritarianism continue to shape civil society formation in southern Iraq, Marsin Alshamary writes in this report, … which provides a sub-national case study of civil society in...
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Belfer Center ABelferCenter · 4h China’s national emissions trading system started operation in 2021. However, there are critical challenges to overcome before an ETS can fulfill its potential.
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P.S. Footnote: Grades are assigned on a curve in which the top 10 are awarded A’s and the bottom 10 F’s.
Enlarge Harvard Project Conducts Research Workshop on China's National E… The Harvard Project conducted a joint research workshop in October 2021, “ETS and the power sector in China and other Asian countries: … interactions, design, and operation.” Co-organizers were the...
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will show The A’s heart rather F’s.Center is its resident research community of more than 150 scholars, who of than the Belfer
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encouragement: run, Charlie, run. Personally, I look forward to the day when our state’s report card
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Neither NATO, Nor Nukes: The Answer to Ukraine's Security is a Strategic Alliance with the United States Mariana Budjeryn, Amb. Thomas Graham Jr.
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Council on Foreign Relations
Quartz · 4 hours ago move elsewhere. They tout the advantages of their state, sometimes even providing tax incentives, to Vinyl outsold CDs in the US for the attract first time in decades major businesses to locate their headquarters and manufacturing plants there. They compete The Wall Street J…
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For Academic Citation: Allison, Graham and Hugo Yen.“Massachusetts Vaccine Report Card.” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Specialties international affairs, climate change, policy, science, defense, Harvard Kennedy School, February 9, 2021. technology, international security, cybersecurity, environment,
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Expertise: Russia, Asia & the Pacific, South Asia, Europe, Employees at Harvard's Belfer Center Middle East & North Africa, Conflict & Conflict Resolution, Weak/Failed states, Energy security, Coronavirus, Rob Knake Governance, Middle East Relations, Senior Fellow at the Council onpolicy, ForeignInternational Relations U.S. foreign policy, U.S. primacy, United Nations, NATO, International Security & Defense, DJ Patil Weapons of Mass Destruction, Preventive defense, Former U.S Chief Data Scientist Security Strategy, Terrorism & Counterterrorism, National security economics, NATO, Military policy, John Park & biological weapons, Afghanistan war, Chemical Director, Project, Harvard’s Belfer Homeland Center MilitaryKorea intervention, Democracy, security, Iraq war,
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