platform regulation is a more narrowly tailored vision for B2G data sharing than that of aggregating private sector data to build a “knowledge commons” that informs community understandings of the city more broadly. What material goals should be pursued along this spectrum” and what is the role of local agencies in building data infrastructures that balance data asymmetries between the private sector, public institutions and the populous in order to advance more just material and power relations?
Platform Urbanism Data Sharing Policy Guidelines: Best Practice Recommendations for Practitioners Building a future for cities that empowers legitimate government use cases for platform data sharing while protecting fundamental privacy rights—a future that ultimately serves the public interest by holding both private platforms and government regulators accountable—will take continued debate and dialogue, as well as continued policymaking. In order to support effective and responsible regulatory approaches as jurisdictions develop new platform urbanism data sharing (PUDS) policy iterations, my team and I documented a set of best practice recommendations: the “Platform Urbanism Data Sharing (PUDS) Policy Guidelines”. These guidelines draw from research, including qualitative interviews with public officials and other practitioners, policy review and analysis, and a literature review of the academic scholarship on the topic. However, we owe a particular debt of gratitude to legal scholar and smart city researcher Beatriz Botero Arcila and her writing and recommendations for local governments, including her articles “Sharing Data in the Sharing Economy: Policy Recommendations for Local Governments” and “The Case for Local Data Sharing Ordinances”, both of which we have drawn from heavily. The guidelines are not ranked in order of priority and do not address every question that should be considered when preparing a platform urbanism data sharing policy. However they provide a starting point and guide to ensure certain best practices are taken into account. In addition to serving 118
Towards Urban Data Commons? On the Origins and Significance of Platform Data Sharing Mandates