Belfry Bulletin No.4. Vol. 1
May. 1947
EDITORIAL NOTES Bristol Youth Service Register The Club is now on the above register, and any circulars will be available at H.Q. as when they arrive. We have one which is of interest to any member under 18 who wishes to learn to swim. Tuition is available at reduced rates for those who wish to take advantage of it. Noise at the Belfry The Hut Warden tells me that Mr. Beecham, our Landlord, has lodged a strong complaint about the noise at the Belfry late at night. It is very necessary that this should not happen again; so would all concerned please remember that the Farmhouse is very near and STOP THE RACKET. Cave Research Group CRO newsletters Nos. 4 & 5, dated May, 1947, have arrived and are available at Head Quarters. Smuggler’s Hole, Northcott Mouth, Bude, Cornwall Page 2 of this issue is a plan of the entrance passages of this cave, which was surveyed by TRS on 7/4/47. We plan a trip to carry on the dig at this site on the third week-end in August. (Aug. 16-17.) It will be a week-end camp. Will all members who are interested please let the Hon. Sec. know as soon as possible, so that Transport arrangements and Camp Site can be arranged in good time. Badger Hole, Wookey Hole This excavation is still being carried out by Mr. H.R. Balch every Saturday afternoon from 2pm to 5pm. He is always glad to welcome anyone who is interested and willing to work. This is a very interesting site and will well repay a visit. Mrs. Joan Fountain. (and the Trickle.) Those of you who have been regular visitors to 74 Redcatch will remember Joan, who caused a great deal of fun whiles she was with us. She is now a fully fledged Farmer’s wife in Texas, and her troubles have changed from wolves after her virtue to Hawks after her chickens. The Trickle is fit and well, and she tells us that his favourite game is hiding in horrid holes. Another Soweek from Perman The Hon. Sec. has done some caving in the depths of his filing system and discovered the lost limerick, Yer tiz. Now Rozzies a nice chap to know, Though’ his Motorbike seldom will go. If he does get it running, By some feat of cunning, It is almost always on tow. My compliments to the President of the Anti-C.D.G. The Limerick about THS was printed with the full approval of his spouse and she asks me to say that she made a bigger mistake than he did. C.D.G. Somerset Section, Redcatch Group On the Henleaze Lake recently certain members have been having a fine time searching the bottom for obstructions during the war, and have retrieved to date; 2 oil drums, 1 waste paper basket, 1 large length if pipe. It is reputed that there’s a bedstead on the bottom. If it is found intact it will be presented to Dizzie and Postle as a wedding present.
BB4. 2
BB4. 3 BELFRY REGULATIONS 1. CHARGES. For use of Belfry for feeding and changing: - 3d. Members sleeping; - 1/- per night. For non-members; - 2/- per night. Theses charges to include fuel for cooking and lighting. 2. PAYMENT. All money to be paid to the Hut Warden, or his deputy, before the person(s) leaves the Belfry. 3. NOISE. Unnecessary noise after 10pm is PROHIBITED. The Hut Wardens decision as to what noise is unnecessary will be final, and if any member(s) does not accept it, a posse will be enrolled forthwith, and said member (s) will be dumped in the Mineries Pool. 4. GENERATOR. The Petrol-Electric Generator must not be touched by any person, other than the Hon. Engineer. 5. CLEANLINESS. Members using the Belfry are responsible for keeping the place clean, and parties will be detailed by the Hut Warden for this purpose. 6. KEY. The key is obtainable from the Hon. Sec. or any committee member. Keys are also available, on payment of a deposit of 1/6, to any member who, in special circumstances, may require one. The committee reserve the right to make any alterations to these rules at any time, without notice. Any such alterations will be published in the BB. ____________________________ PROGRAMME FOR JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER July 5-6th. Digging at Bog Hole. July 20th. Eastwater. If sufficient nos. are available, the whole cave, down both routes will be laddered. Aug 2-4h. Bank Holiday meet at the Belfry. Open programme. Aug. 16-17th Week and camp at Smugglers Hole, Bude. Leader T. Stanbury. ' Aug. 16-24th. Weeks caving in Derbyshire. Leader D.A. Coase. Anyone interested in these two trips apply to Hon. Sec. for details. Aug. 31st. G.B. and Reads Grotto. Sept. 14th. More Muddy Mendip Mine Shafts, including Ores Close Cave Mine. Sept. 26th. Burrington Coombe. As many holes as energy permits. ________________________ ENGAGEMENTS We have just learnt that S.J. (Alfie) Collins became engaged to Jean ? at Whitsun. Congratulations Alfie, but make sure she doesn’t object to you caving before it is too late. _________________________ OUR BELFRY ON THE HILL (With apologies to Stinker) At our Belfry on the Hill. You’ll often find the fellows congregating, At our Belfry on the Hill. They use the place for everything but mating, They may be talking caving, but often they do not. A dose of Belfry Binder will be festering in the pot, You may think its a medicine, but believe me folks, its not, At our Belfry on the hill. At our Belfry on the Hill. The Warden of the Hut is really wizard, At our Belfry on the Hill. We know a frozen tike who hates his gizzard. He keeps the place in order, writes the log, and does the chores. He's very glad we had to put the detail out of doors, He really ought to clean it, but he says the job is yours, At our Belfry on the Hill, At our Belfry on the Hill. We welcome all additions to our party, At our Belfry on the Hill. We guarantee the welcome will be hearty. So come along and see us, we'll be glad to have you call, If you want to spend the night you'll find the cost is small. We have to watch the Warden or he doesn't pay at all, At our Belfry on the Hill, Another verse of this horrible doggerel was written, but thank the Lord we haven’t room to include it.
BB4. 4 This Weeks Crossword Puzzle Well, folks, yer tiz at last, the long awaited X-word by the longest Stream---Beg pardon---member of the B.E.C. We are running it as a competition, and the rules are very simple. 1. All Members are eligible to compete except the Hon. Editor and 10854093 Sergeant James Weeks, N.S.G., the perpetrator of this outrage. 2. The entry fee shall be 6d. per entry. Members may send as many entries as they like. I.O.U’s will not be accepted. 3. Entries must be sent, or delivered, in a sealed envelope, marked ‘Comp’, to the Hon. Editor, The Belfry Bulletin, 74 Redcatch Road, Bristol. 4. 4. All entries must be received by July 10th. 1947. 5. The prize will be: - Either, 10 free nights doss at the Belfry, or Free Membership for 1948, as the winner desires. 6. The winner will be the sender of the first correct, or most nearly correct, solution opened by the Hon. Editor at the club meeting on Thursday July 10th. 7. Entries that have been altered or mutilated or do not contain the Entry Fee will be disqualified. 8. The Editor’s decision on all matters concerning this competition is final. ____________________________________________ KLOOZ AKROST 1. An Englishman’s home --- The cosiest on Mendip? (6,2,7,). 9. Dizzy looked neither when thrown into the Minery Pond! (4,2,9,). 10. Nothing to do with the B.E.C., but it’s a gem. 11. This way in Swildon’s. 13. P.A.F. R.S.M. 14. The Better ‘Ole. 15. Sometimes happens to Rasputin’s Gears. 16. Apply. 18. A stretched collar at the sump? More likely a bad ankle. 21. A lamb brings Woodbridge’s favourite cuss word to mine. 23. Looking for a street in Paris? No, the trend of a fat man’s thoughts in the drainpipe. 25. Keep it low for ability. 26. You can’t take your this underground. 28. Missed? Have another throw (5,5,). 31 & 32. Science probably inspired by growing mushrooms in the cellar. (6,6,) Dowun 1. Coy, Nan, the Colorados Grand. 2. Child of a concentration camp? 3. Was Barnes knocked for this in Swildons? 4. Not a polite bovine, or a new style of tie. 5. There’s one all round the Island. 6. Waterproof? Then they’ll strike. 7. Splash! Don’t be a fool, that’s not a tiddler in the Double Pot. 8 & 22. What the caver told when he had to work on Sunday (4,2,6,). 12. China 2o’s? no, a ‘Mendip Swallet’. 14. Yorkshire Ghyll. 17. Palindronic British Pole. 19. 14lbs. of rock. 20. ‘Purgatory’ is a noted one. 21. You need one after visiting this cave. 22. See 4. 24. Hard Water? 27. Why take a little? 29. Poi! It’s in a knot. 30. Woman’s view. __________________________________________ The above puzzle was sent in, in response to our request for contributions. We have also received a number of other articles; the total number however is not large, and we hope that there will be more forthcoming soon. The more that reach us the more variety you will have in B.B. We would like criticism too, tell us what you like and we will give you more, and vice-versa. Finance Members will be delighted to hear that the Hon. Treasurer has told me that the debt outstanding for the Belfry has been settled, and that the Belfry fund, which covers all Belfry income and expenditure is in a very healthy state at the present time, the allowance made from the General fund for internal fittings being fully repaid.