Belfry Bulletin Number 041

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Vol. 4 No.41

November 1950

To remind you that all nominations for the 1951 Committee MUST be in the possession of the Hon. Sec. by 30th November 1950. T.H.S. ****************************************************** In view of the continued business of Frank Young, Miss Sybil Bowden-Lyle has taken over the job of Assist. Hon. Sec. Her address is 31, Highworth Road, St Annes, Bristol. All correspondence except that of a personal nature should be addressed to Miss Bowden-Lyle and not to the Hon, Sec. In accordance with the plan for the excavation of the site behind the Belfry, K.S. Hawkins has been appointed corresponding secretary to the Archaeological Section. His address is 9, Quarrington Road, Horfield, Bristol, and all correspondence relating to Archaeology should be sent to him. All articles for the BB either serious or otherwise should be sent to the Hon. Editor, c/o 74, Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol, as before. ****************************************************** The size of the BB has been criticised for some time past, and a promise was made by the editor that all steps would be taken to expand it whenever possible. Since this, however, a serious shortage of duplicating paper has become evident. We are taking all possible steps to ensure that the BB will at least remain as at present, and have placed an order with the suppliers for a large amount of paper which will act as a reserve, but do not, under the circumstances, feel it advisable to exceed our usual six sides. ****************************************************** Another mighty Saga of the exploits of the B.E.C. Climbing Section by R.H.N. (This article has been on the shelf for some time, and has been part of the BB ‘Reserve Pool’) Ed. Since its resurrection, the climbing section seems to be going from strength to strength; The B.E.C. was even more strongly represented in North Wales recently. Members present were Gwen & John Ifold, Pat Brown, Johnny Bindon, Johnny Morris, Roger Cantle, George Lucy, yours truly and our affiliated members from Merseyside, Bob Crabtree, and Len Davies. After two very wet weekends, the law of averages finally operated to our advantage (except for a wet evening on the first day) and consequently the meet was highly successful- we had three days of rock-dicing. By the time I arrived from Holyhead, the B.E.C. was shaking itself reluctantly from the arms of Morpheus, to greet Phoebus coursing through the heavens in his fiery chariot. (i.e. the lazy blighters were just getting out of kip because the sun was scorching their eyelids). On this, the first day, Len, the Menace, Bob, Roger and I loosened up on the Gribin, doings the Two-tree Route in two parties. There was only one highlight on this trip: Cantle opened his gob. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the Cantle gob opening, only at this particular moment his pipe happened to be in it. It nearly brained your boy Ronnie, who graciously retrieved it for him from a nearby ledge.

BB41/2 Just as we got to the top it began to rain. Normally one doesn’t mind rain, but in North Wales there isn't much room between the spots, so the Crabtree, Cantle, Newman outfit beat it quickly down to (here is an indecipherable word in the MSS Ed.) for some char. Morris and Davies, being philosophical types who believe that there is a saturation point beyond which one can't possibly get any wetter, carried on and did a few more climbs, including one ‘severe’. There was the inevitable session in the Royal afterwards, and the staff became rather dazed after a fill of the B.E.C.’s songs and recitations. There was some divergence of opinion as to which climbs we should do, so we split up into three parties to suit our tastes. Pat Brown, J.B. and the Menace departed for Tryfan East Face, The main party went on the Idwal Slabs, while Len has a hankering to do the Glyder Fach, so I trotted along with him. I must therefore be excused if I dwell too much on the doings of the Davies-Newman combination on Glyder Fach, since the exploits of the other parties I know of only by hearsay. The Iwald outfit, it seems, was not lacking in interest. Cantle covered himself in glory by peeling off Saints’ Well. It appears he was on a tricky move involving a blind grope for a hold out of sight around a corner; his blind grab missed, and off he came. The rope held and Crabtree was delighted at the spectacle – until he discovered that it was his new rope that Roger was dangling on, whereupon he waxed exceedingly brassed off! It was also reported that Johnny Ifold had devised a new slab technique, consisting of a breaststroke swimming motion, with feet in the air and belly on the rock. Meanwhile Len and I were having a wizard time on Glyder Fach. We went up the Alphabet Slab via Beta and continued on from there straight up the Chasm Route, which proved a most enjoyable and satisfying climb. Holler-in-the-night Newman was particularly happy because he led up the Vertical Vice and got it at his first attempt. After Chasm we were in marvellous form and decided ambitiously to do a ‘severe’ – either Hawk’s West Buttress or Direct Route (while on Chasm we had made detours to inspect both the top and bottom of Final Crack on Direct Route). Accordingly we shot down Main Gully, only to discover that both routes had been occupied in the meantime by other parties. So, instead, we climbed up and down Main Gully Ridge, practising abseils and generally pottering about on the way. It was then decided to start back to our rendezvous with the other two parties and to do a climb on Bechlwyd Buttress on our way. The sun was warm, and it was nice lazing about on boulders nattering idly, so somehow or other we never got around to doing Bechlwyd Buttress. The day finished on not quite so happy note as it might have done: instead of following our arranged programme, search operations were began on Tryfan. By Monday morning, two of our party found they had contacted Cantle’s Disease, and this was attributed to drinking stream water. Later on in the day Newman was likewise stricken, and, failing to get a lift, had to walk from Capel Curig to Bothesda, thereby spending a most uncomfortable and exhausting night. However, to return to the earlier part of Monday proceedings. Five of us did Sylvan Traverse on Tryfan’s Milestone Buttress, all in one party – Len, the Menace, myself, Roger and Bob respectively. The party was far too large, and the expedition assumed ridiculous proportions: for every minute one of us moved, fifteen were spent waiting for the other members of the party to move. However, it was jolly good clean fun (apart from Rob dropping is karabiner) and we had quite an audience on the main road below viewing our antics, some spectators being armed with binoculars. After our little duffy on Tryfan, the party broke up and went their respective ways. Finally for the first time in his life, Johnny Morris was scared stiff – and it was all Newman’s doing. He lived up to his name ‘Holler-in-the-night’, only this time the yells were accompanied by physical violence: Johnny was seized by the throat and almost strangled. As for John Ifold, he needs a National Health deaf aid, for, although the closest, he was the only one who slept through the commotion. Don’t miss the next thrilling account of the Climbing Section’s adventures!!!

BB41/3 Photographic Competition You are reminded that the final date for receiving entries for this competition is November 30th. There has been a very poor response so far and we hope that this last month will see entries pouring in. ********************************************** Belfry Bulletin Christmas Number Anyone having anything special in the way of articles that they would like included in the Xmas issue (which by the way, will be a double number) must send them to the Hon. Editor by the end of November. ********************************************** Gentle Dizzie Part II Our recent note about the other ‘gentle Dizzie’ has brought a ‘pome’ from our own Gentle Dizzie God bless her. Our gentle Dizzie doesn’t feed On grasses, as other Hippos do – She much prefers to dine off crisps, And guzzle beer and Belfry Stew.

Her mate – a Postle – makes amends By now and then descending under, But only after irate friends Have shamed him into such a blunder.

Her size, though large, is not as big As many of her kindred souls, But really is a useful shape For crawling through those ‘orrid ‘oles.

So if on Mendip you should roam, Preoccupied and very busy, Don’t run if you should see a shape, It’s probably our ‘gentle Dizzie’.

Though lately we have noticed that Her keenness as a caver waning, She takes to sunbathing instead, While other members are Stoke Lane-ing. ************************************************ A number of members have suggested that there be a space allocated for ‘Sales Column’ for members. Anyone with white elephants for disposal are asked to write in to the Editor before the middle of the month for the entry to be included in next month’s BB. Here is the first entry: mFOR SALE. One. Price £70. Taxed and insured to end of year. Make Austin 16, (6 cyl.) 1931. Colour Black and dark blue. Maintenance: - a. Bodywork re-enamelled two coats. b. Inside and underneath metalwork all cleaned and painted with bitumen paint. c. Transmission sound. d. engine re-valved, de-coked & valves ground. e. pistons & co-rods examined – big-ends in good condition, crank shaft is of bearing type. f. interior of engine clean. g. re-conditioned battery – starts easily. h. 4 new tyres. i. oil pressure 20lb when hot, used very little oil. j. seating – 5 with comfort – used to carry ½ a ton. Defects: -driving side windows damaged by sun and really need replacement. Brakes worn. Rear mudguards were worn but have been welded and lined with aluminium. Price as standing £70; with brakes and windows done £100. Apply to: - John S. Buxton, Calwich Gardens, Nr. Ashbourne, Derbyshire: Tele. Buxton 78. ******************************************************* Cave Research Group of Great Britain The 4th Annual general Meeting of the C.G.G. will be held at the Church house, North Parade, BRADFORD, Yorks on Saturday 11th November 1950, followed by a descent of Ireby Fell Cavern on the 12th. All persons contemplating going on this meet are asked to contact Assist. Hon. Sec. as soon as possible for details. ********************************************

BB41/4 Annual Dinner, The lst Annual Dinner held at the Hawthorns, was successful beyond the organiser’s hopes. Fifty seven persons attended, including representatives of the W.C.C; S.W.C.C; U.B.E.C; M.N.R.C. The Hon. Sec. of D.S.S. sent apologies that owing to sudden illness of his wife he was unable to attend. A good time was had by all, entertainment being provided by Messrs. R. Brain, R. Cantle, P. Ifold, H. Perry, R.A. Setterington and G. Lucy. The verdict was that those that were elsewhere missed a really good show. *************************************************** Calendars and Xmas Cards. As usual there are Xmas cards and Calendars available to members and friends. This year there are five samples to choose from. a. The Corkscrew Stalactite, Stoke Lane; b. Singsong around the camp fire at August Bank; c. Old Lead Works, Priddy; d. Small Grotto, Stoke Lane; e. Party in Hunters (Lucy, Binden, Cantle, Pat Ifold, Hal Perry & Sett. all catching flies). Cost of Calendars is increased from last year’s price to 3/- owing to rising costs. Cards are as before at 6d. each. ALL ORDERS MUST REACH HON. SEC. at 74, Redcatch Road, by the END OF NOVEMBER. *************************************************** T.H. Stanbury, Hon. Sec. 74, Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. Miss D.S. Bowden-Lyle, Hon. Assist. Sec., 31, Highworth Road, St. Annes Park, Bristol. 4. W.J. Shorthose, Hon. Sec. London Section B.E.C. 26, Gateside Road, Upper Tooting, S.W. 17. R. Cantle, Leader Climbing Section, 46, Cherrington Road, Henleaze, Bristol. H. Perry, Librarian, 20, Northfield Avenue, Hanham, Bristol. ***************************************************** BRISTOL EXPLORATION CLUB BELFRY RULES 1. Belfry Charges. (see addendum). a. Members: - 1/3 per night. 6d. per day Cooking facilities. b. Non-members. 2/3 “ “ 1/- “ “ “ “ 2. No unauthorised persons may interfere with electrical, plumbing radio of gas fittings. 3. Lights out from 1am – 7am when strict silence shall be observed. You are also expected to be quiet as possible between 12pm and 8am. 4. Everyone must do their fair share of the chores before departing for any activity. 5. Do not waste gas or electricity. These supplies are convenient, but also very expensive. 6. No one must wear nailed boots or caving clothes in the New Belfry. 7. Whenever you go underground leave a note in the Hut Log as to your whereabouts and the expected hour of return. 8. All damage to the Belfry to be made good or paid for by the person responsible for the said damage. 9. Children under age of 14 years will in no circumstances be allowed to sleep in the Belfry or on the Belfry site. 10. The last person to leave MUST be sure that: a. Electricity is turned off at the Main. b. Gas is turned off at the Cylinder. c. ALL water is drained off. d. Windows are closed and the hut is secure. 11. The Hut Warden is in control of all matters connected with the Belfry Site, and in any dispute his decision if Final. NOTE. Rule 9. is temporarily in abeyance, and so consequently there is the following Addendum to Rule 1.:'Children under the ago of 14 years pay the appropriate member’s charge, providing that they are accompanied by their Parents, one of whom must be a club member’.

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