Belfry Bulletin Number 057

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May 1952

BELFRY The belfry is shortly to be kept locked. Keys are now available on loan from the Hon. Sec. or Hut Warden. The loan fee of 2/- is refundable on return of the key. ---------------CONGRATULATIONS . better late than never. We have just had word that Pete Stewart was married at Christmas. We regret we can give no further information regarding the name of his unfortunate partner. ----------------NEW MEMBERS 259. Don Holmes, 45, Bishop Rd. Bishopston. 7. 260. J. Lamb, 366, Filton Avenue, 7. 261. Jim Martin, 51 Ash Road, Horfirled. May their light never grow dim. -----------------TACKLE A working party to produce ladders etc. is urgently required as tackle stocks are falling. This is the second appeal of this nature. Let’s hope it will not be as fruitless as the last. Our stock of ladders is getting painfully low and if volunteers so not come forward soon the Club will find itself in the unique position of being practically tackleless. Names please to either M. Jones, M. Hannam or K. Dobbs, alias Muggins. ------------------NOTE FROM MR. & MRS. P. IFOLD. Pat and Beryl wish to thank all Club members for their generous wedding presents. -------------------EASTWATER CAVERN It is desired to promulgate the information and guidance of all persons, parties, expeditions, excursions, outings, etc., the following account of an investigation into the possibility of using Eastwater Cavern as a breeding ground for White Elephants. It is further desired to make known that: A research party of seven fully experienced men, good and true,, being of sound mind, and, well versed in, and having knowledge of the breeding instincts of the White Elephant did on the above mentioned date undertake the survey reported hereinafter.

BB57/2 D.A. COASE Esq. Lond. Indif. T. RATCLIFFE Esq. Lond Ad Indif. M. HANNAM Esq. Brit Spel. Allan, Aren Bt. Bertie Conv. D. READ. Somnambulist and meat eater M. JONES Esq. Lib & Nat Con. Commissioners Of the Council. The findings made by the council are set out below in log form 1115. 1118. 1130. 1135. 1140. 1145. 1150. 1155. 1200. 1210. 1215. 1220. 1225. 1230. 1233. 1235. 1236. 1240. 1245. 1247. 1255. 1300. 1310. 1320. 1345. 1415. 1435.

Undressing took place on O.B. Redressing took place in O.B. Entered Eastwater Cavern. Stated that Read was quite incapable of leading a party through the boulder ruckle. My 1135 confirmed. Rediscovered the Boulder Chamber. Left Boulder Chamber for top of the Canyon. Reached top of Canyon. Jones explores a hole in the roof and reported ‘Won’t Go Cock’. (Metaphoric sense intended). Jones explores a hole in the wall and reported ‘Won’t Go Cock’. Began track down Canyon. Found by Coase, Ratcliffe Sitting in a pool of mud. Coase leading. Prayers offered. Right-hand bend, tight crevice. Alan’s braces bust (remarks omitted as they have direct bearing on the breeding of white elephants). Tighter. Stuck. (Latter part of 1225 applicable). It was discovered that heat evaporates. (damm). Moisture, Unstuck. Rejoicing. Climbing. Still climbing. On oxygen. Narrow rift, sharp rock, skin almost gone, great pain, PROFANITY. Wedged down. Duty P.O. requested outside E.R.A. to run the ventilation as the atmosphere was becoming rather heavily charged. Shaft found to be that mentioned in 1200. Back in hole in the wall. All this time spent thratching. Out: Whaw! Raining.

The Commissioners of The Council are of the unanimous opinion that Eastwater Cavern is an ideal breeding ground for White Elephants and recommends that it is to be developed. Signed Jacka Commissioners for the Council. -----------------------------CLUB TRIP TO DERBYSHIRE A few weeks before Easter, it seemed likely that about 12 members would go on the trip to Derbyshire, but one by one, like the Ten Little Nigger Boys, bods had to drop out because of various accidents or changes of plan. Finally four we left, and one of theses did not appear. D. Gwinnnal and P. Bird went up by rail on the Thursday night and reached Bakewell after a free, but quite unwanted rail tour of the peak (because of misdirection by a porter at Derby Station). Thence by bus to Boslow and on foot to the Birmingham Cave & Crag Club’s excellent quarters below Boslow Edge. D. and two Birmingham Club members climbed on one of the edges (millstone grit) on Friday afternoon.

BB57/3 Early on Saturday D. and P. moved on to Castleton. The road from Bakewell to Castleton goes through some fine limestone scenery, past the Gliding centre at Hucklow. At Castleton we stayed at a hut lent to the Orpheus Caving Club. It commands a splendid view across the Winnots Pass to the steep face of Marn Tor. Pongo Wallis appeared on his bike, disappeared in the direction of Chapel-en-le-Frith and was not seen again. On Saturday we searched old mine heaps for lead ore and Blue John. Blue John is a form of fluorspar found only at Castleton. It is banded purple yellow and white, and is used to make justly famed decorative bowls. We visited the Speedwell Cavern, a show cave. One goes by boat along a flooded mine level, 2250 feet long, to a natural sloping chamber which contains a lake. Total height of chamber reputedly 540 feet, but possibly much less. It is certainly imposing. On Sunday we did Oxlow Cavern with a party of Orpheus, who had previously laddered it. Oxlow is said to be really wet at times, but was mostly quite dry on this occasion. You can read all about Oxlow in ‘Cave Science’ No. 17 for July. 1951. The Orpheus Club makes much use of Karabiners and of running belays. The next day we had a look at Peak Cavern, supposed to be the prettiest ‘show’ cave at Castleton. There is one fine stalactite grotto and the veins of Blue John are worth seeing, but there are no formations to compare with Gough’s, let alone the August Hole Series of Longwood. The return journey to Bristol is not worth recording so your scribe will not record it. Peter Bird. -----------------------------CAVING REPORT After an absence of two months, due largely to a lack of variation in the caving programme, the report is back in circulation. During Easter large crowds converged on Mendip and it was a pleasure to see so many of the familiar faces, together with some new ones, from Nottingham, Derbyshire and various parts of Britain. TRIPS TO Eastwater, Swildons, Axbridge and the Burington area were carried out and there were many reminiscences of the ‘old caving days’ during the evenings at the Hunters. Two members of the club spent Easter in Derbyshire and joined the O.C.C. for a trip down Oxlow Pot. They also visited several caves in the district. A number of people attended the recent Lamb Leer meet and apparently had a good time. The only outstanding feature of this trip was the amazing amount of liquid which Sago can carry, or, rather can’t carry, a threatened burst from above caused half a dozen members to scatter in wild confusion across the bottom of the first chamber, 60 odd feet below. (It was also most enlightening to hear a family history traced back for some generations in such a short space of time. Ed.) However despite the above activities there is no need for complacency since plenty of caving and digging is still to be done. LOG SHEETS. Just a gentle reminder that there are still plenty of log sheets, both at the Belfry and at club evening meets, ready to be filled in. ----------------MORE INJURIES We regret to announce the John (Shorty) Shorthose who recently decamped for the wilds of Scotland has become unstuck from Amber, his vintage motor cycle, and is now recovering from a broken shoulder blade. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS 1953 Literature has been received regarding the International Congress of Speleology. The first session is to be held in Paris from September 1st - 5th. Following this there will be trips arranged to French caves. The exact cost is not as yet known, but if any members are interested will they get in touch with the Hon. Sec. as soon as possible.

BB57/4 USEFUL ADDRESSES R.J. Bagshaw, Hon. Sec. 56, Ponsford Road, Bristol.4. M. Hamam, Caving Sec. 14. Vyvyan Terrace, Bristo1.8. A. Setterington, Hut Warden, 21, Priorswood Road, Taunton, Somt. -------------------HAVE YOU SENT YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE B.B. YET? HAVE YOU FILLED IN YOUR CAVING REPORT YET? YOU HAVEN’T! NEITHER HAVE I.

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