Vol. 7 No.68
April 1953
********************************************************************************* FURTHER ADDITIONS TO THE CLUB LIBRARY W.C.C. Journal No. 38, Feb. 1953. C.R.G. Publication No. 4. A brief Glossary of Welsh Topographic Names for Walkers and Climbers, by Arthur Hill. ‘The Cave Book’, has been lent to the Library by C. Falshaw. J. Ifold. ********************************************** QUERY CORNER??????? Who told the Hut Warden, before he went climbing, that it was wet in Tryo’s Crack, and that he would have to wear gum-boots? Who told Jack Waddon that if he went number two to the Hut Warden he would have time to examine the rock? Who told Sago that the most economical way to run a Cammy Velo is to have it towed behind Pat Brazier’s Bantam? Note. The Editor cannot be held responsible for any opinions expressed in articles other than those under his name, and any opinion expressed in the BB is not necessarily that of the Committee, but only of that member who submits it. ********************************************** Climbing Section. Will those interested in a trip to North Wales at Easter, please contact Pat Ifold as soon as possible. ********************************************* Committee News. M. Jones has been forced to resign from the Committee. He says that this is due to ‘Homework’, but there seems to be some doubt amongst members as to what ‘form’ this homework takes. Never mind, Mike, we wish you thee best of luck with her - sorry, It! Mike will, however, still continue with the sale of helmets, lights, etc. R. Bennett has been co-opted to the committee in Mike’s place, and any binds regarding tackle or equipment should be directed at him. The Hon. Sec. and Assist. Ditto have literally turned the first sod in the construction of the new end for the belfry. ******************************************** NEWS FLASH. It is understood from a usually reliable source that on March 1st. the Hon. Treasurer and his assistant were not levelling the site for the Belfry Extension, but digging for a half-penny, which, according to a rumour started by Tony J. had been dropped near the end of the Belfry.
BB68/2 More?????????????????? Is it true that a certain club member is trying to grow a moustache, or is it that a pair of house martins have chosen an unusual prominence under which to build their nest? ‘Bird Watcher’. How did Sago get mud inside his pants and gumboots? ‘Curious’. Is it true that certain members intend to grow fresh vegetables on the site of the old detailer? ‘Gardener’. ************************************************* HOW TO BE A GOOD MEMBER OF THE CLUB. 1. Do not come to the meetings. 2. But if you do, come late. 3. If the weather does not suit you, do not think of coming. 4. If you do attend a meeting, find fault with the work of the officers and the other members. 5. Never accept an office, as it is easier to criticise than to do thins. 6. Never the less, get sore if you are not appointed on a Committee, but if you are, don’t attend the Committee meetings. 7. If asked by the chairman to give your opinion regarding some important matter, tell him you have nothing to say. After the meeting tell everyone how things ought to be done. 8. Do nothing more than is absolutely necessary, but when other members roll up their sleeves and willingly and unselfishly use their ability to help matters along, howl that the Club is being run by a clique. 9. Hold back your subs. as long as possible or do not pay at all. 10. Do not bother about getting new members. Let the Sec. do it. 11. When a Dinner is given, tell everyone that money is being wasted on blowouts which make a big noise and accomplish nothing. 12. When no Dinners are given, say the Club is dead and needs a tin can tied to it. 13. If asked to sit at the Committee table, modestly refuse. 14. If you are not asked: resign from the Club. 15. Do not tell the Club how it can help you, but if it doesn’t, resign. ************************************************** As Editor of the BB I should like to print some of the caving songs that are familiar to those of us that (a , cave; (b, used to cave; or (c, hope to cave. There are quite a number of these, some of which are more or less familiar to ALL, whilst others are local and are only heard when visits are made to other areas. I believe that Tony J. was once making a collection of such songs, and if he succeeded I shou1d be grateful if he would step into the breach and help me. At all times source references etc. will be given and also, if possible details of the tune???? to which they should be sung. I do NOT, repeat, NOT want anything of the type that has reached immortality in ‘Theo-Cons’.
BB68/3 Stanley Gee, Hon. Sec. of the Orpheus caving Club, Northern Group, has started the ball rolling with:If it’s Caving you’ll Go. based on the Climbing Song ‘All for the want of a Nail’, and sung to the tune of "'Abdul, Abulbul Amir’. Now if it’s Caving you’ll go There’s a tale you should know A tale that will turn you quite pale, For ere to this night he remembers the fright When his light was beginning to fail. Now brave boy I knew Did like most cavers do; He ventured below in a gale, But your future ain’t bright When you look on your light And find it's beginning to fail. There was scarcely a grip For his small finger tip, And the limestone was wet under nail; Just a pumping machine Where his heart should have been And a light that’s beginning to fail. He went mad and then madder On twisting rope ladder With a 100 foot drop for a sail; He called it a swine When he swung on lifeline And his light was beginning to fail. At a thousand feet down Old Satan looked round, ‘There’ll soon be a helmet for sale’, With just ten feet to go To the rock bed below But a light’s beginning to fail. Then he took to the ground And he took a look round, And the thought of it made him go pale. A thousand feet down Solid rock all round And a light that’s beginning to fail. But this brave boy pulled through Like all cavers do, And this is the end of his tale, But ere to this night He remembers his fright When his light was beginning to fail. As a result of this epic Mike Jones can expect to be inundated with requests for help for lamps, lights, candles, carbide, torches, batteries and glow-worms. ***********************************************
BB68/4 ARE YOU TIRED OF THE BEAUTIFUL CAVES OF MENDIP? DIG YOUR OWN CAVE SYSTEM Holes to let within easy reach of bus route, garage and local hostelry. Terms: - 1/- per hour per hole. With tools 2/-. COME AND HAVE YOUR NAME – AND YOUR KNUCKLES – TO POSTERITY. We have only a limited number at present, but a further supply is expected very soon. APPLY TO: ROY IFOLD. ***************************************************** YOU ARE REMINDED THAT THE EDITOR’S ADDRESS IS: T.H. STANBURY, 48, Novers Park Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. ***************************************************** The BB is in urgent need of short articles. There are a number very fine long articles ‘on the shelf’, but those essential short ones are in short supply. Caving or climbing reports; news of members; poems; short scientific jottings; lists of caving trips; ditto, climbing, are all very acceptable. I regret that once again I have had to postpone the insertion of Pongo’s article on Colour Photography, but hope to include it next month. I also regret that I was not able to include the A.G.M. Appendix last month. As yet the report is still not to hand and I can only repeat my promise of last month: I will print it as soon as I receive it and will include it in the first available BB. Do you like the BB? Perhaps you don’t read it as you have found it dull or that your own particular interest isn’t catered for in the way you desire. Not being a thought reader, I regret that it is impossible to help you UNLESS you write and tell me. The BB is published for the Club members and they are entitled the maximum amount of interest. Therefore write to me and tell me what you would like, and, providing I can induce someone to churn them out, you will have what you like, always remembering, too, that many other articles to be printed for lots more members. Why not try your hand at writing? There is always room for your article provided that it isn’t libellous, pornographic or otherwise objectionable. Just jot down your experiences on a bit of paper and send ‘em in, I’ll be only too pleased to sort them out for publication. T.H.S. ***************************************************** I must thank ‘Terribly Frustrated’ for her sweet little letter and will reply to it soon. Auntie Prudence. (Ed.’s note; This Auntie Prudence Lark is going to lead to some ‘orrible complications ere long, but She is such a co-operative old lady that I haven’t the heart to chop her. Yet!!) ***************************************************** Is Archaeology dead as far as the B.E.C. is concerned? Several persons have recently asked if there was any active archaeological work going forward; Well, Is there? If not why not? We have in our midst a very prominent archaeologist and a site literally on our doorstep. ‘Archaeocurious’ Rumours of men with red sand in their hair are spreading. The F.B.I. are interested in all things red. Why not a story now that it is no longer a secret? T.H.S.