BelfryBulletin Vol. 8 No.79
March 1954
Apologies to our worthy Hon. Sec. for moving him from 56 to 65 Ponsford Road in BB 78. Ed. ************************************* Easter 1954. LUNDY. Several people were interested some months ago in the possibility of visiting Lundy, which is now a Wild Life Sanctuary under the protection of the Lundy Field Socy. (Exeter University). I have been in contact with the secretary of the above and if members are prepared to rough it, then I see no reason why those interested should not go. The position is as follows: The Hotel is closed - too expensive anyway. The Old Lighthouse, (The society’s abortive attempt at a Belfry) is full and the Warden does not encourage camping parties ‘because of the difficulties of food supplies’. After telling me this, the Secretary assures me that he is not trying to put me off. Camping would appear to be the thing, all food being brought a with us, although we may be able to appropriate a barn or some such building when we get there. Transport is by AIR at £2/5/- return. Incidentally the Tavern, I believe is unlimited in its licensing hours (not that it interests me of course). Will interested please contact me as soon as possible. Keith S. Gardner. ******************************** CAVING REPORT FOR 1953. by “ALFIE”. The year started with the usual seasonal decline in caving activity which lasted until Easter. The lack of enthusiasm shown at this time of the year is probably due to (a) the weather and (b) the substitution of indoor games for outdoor activities on the part of some members. A list of caving trips was prepared and circulated covering the period from Sat. 21st. March to Sat.25th. April but trips met with a very disappointing response and after canvassing most of the active members, it was decided to discontinue these lists. A fairly active Easter meet on Mendip occurred and a large party of scouts was shown round the Burrington caves and Swildons. On Saturday night a party of small boy scouts arrived at the Hunters and asked Ben if he sold cider! On being asked ‘Rough or Sweet’? Some chose the former some the latter. On arrival back at their camp site, the two groups were easily distinguished!
Between Easter and August a fair amount of caving trips were done including Swildons, Eastwater., Lamb Leer, and the Burrington Caves. At this point, complaints were received that the club log sheets were not available and were getting lost after completion and so the present permanent log was started. This log has been filled in very well since it was started in late July and eventually should be quite a useful reference book as well as a record of our activities. We already have some ‘write-ups’ of visits to Devon Caves and sea caves in the Channel Islands which members may find useful when thinking of visiting these areas. During June, July & August a determined effort was made to sink (and keep open!) a shaft on the Cuthbert’s site. After some of the members escaped premature (?) burial on one or two occasions a shaft was started, and on Sept. 20th, a cave was entered. St. Cuthbert’s Pot has now become one of the major cave systems of Mendip, and will form the subject of an account by Don Coase. Apart from the very impressive number of hours put in on this new cave, the latter part of the year has seen a really fine amount of caving activity. One heartening feature has been the number of trips to the major cave systems such as full Swildons and Eastwater trips, Stoke Lane and August Hole – Long Wood which have all been visited several times. Swildons remains the most visited cave with Eastwater, Cuthbert’s and Stoke Lane. Two trips to G.B. have been undertaken in conjunction with U.B.S.S. and the club will be running parties to all the trips down this cave during 1954. Names, however, MUST reach Alfie two Thursdays before the weekend on which the trip takes place. A few club members have again been helping the Brownes in digging and surveying Browne’s Hole. A survey of the cave as existing last July has been completed. As I mentioned at the A.G.M., a measure of the club’s activity this year is given by the fact that on 25th. Oct. members did a full Swildons including Sump 1 and the Black Hole Series, a full August Hole – Longwood, a full Stoke Lane, and a long Cuthbert’s trip, thus visiting four of the five major cave systems which are open at any time on the same day. A total of 31 caving hours. Apart from normal trips, an enormous amount of work remains to be done in Cuthbert’s during 1954. This year has already, despite a very cold spell, got off to a quicker start than 1953. The efforts of all members will make a great difference to the standing of the club in the caving world if the activity of 1953 can be maintained. “Alfie” ************************************************* A FINAL REMINDER If you have not paid your Subscription for 1954, do not expect to receive another B.B. after this one. ************************************************** Re. St. Cuthbert’s. Entry into Cuthbert’s is still limited. For permission contact the Caving Sec. Further Photography. Permission MUST FIRST be obtained from the Caving Sec. Conditions are as follows: Two prints shall be given to the Caving Sec.; one for Club Records and one for the Landowner. The negative must be available to the club so that lantern slides may be prepared if so desired.
BB79/3 K.C.D. CAVING TRIPS In the past efforts have been made to lay on Official Club trips. Unfortunately these have not been altogether a success, mainly due to the lack of interest. Nevertheless, binds are sometimes made regarding the lack of official trips. In an endeavour to get things going again, it has been decided that in future the responsibility for getting a party together shall fall upon those members wishing to go. These interested persons must then contact the Caving Sec. or his assistant (Don Coase or Alfie Collins) who will arrange for leaders. K.C.D. ******************************************** ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1954. A very brief outline only is appended below; I have tried to give items of interest to those not present, and if anyone thinks they can do better they are welcome to try. The numbers refer to the items listed on the Agenda. There was the usual high attendance which totalled 36 including late arrivals. 1 & 2. Dan Hasell was elected Chairman and collected member’s resolutions. 3. A resolution was passed that nominations should then be accepted for the 1954 committee and the 1953 committee should continue in office until the ballot was held. 4. The Hon. Sec. said in his report that 24 applicants were accepted for membership in 1954. There was a drop of three in the total number of members. This total now being 117. 5. The Hon. Treas. stated that he did not consider the response to the Photographic Competition justified the payment of prizes. 6. The Hon. Assit. Caving Sec. stated that organised club trips had been discontinued due to the lack of support. Apparently members preferred to make their own arrangements. The Club Caving Log is now in use and shows that Oct. 25th. members did a full Cuthbert’s, Stoke Lane, Swildons, August and Longwood. It also shows 27 trips in one month. Members were asked to record all trips. The Hon. Caving Sec. gave a brief outline of the development of Cuthbert’s and it is hoped to publish further details in the near future. 7. The Hon. Tackle Officer stated that the stock of tackle had increased greatly mainly due to the work in Cuthbert’s. 8. The Hon. Climbing Sec. said that there was very little climbing to report. He had given a few unsuccessful talks to schoolboys. The Club is co-operating with the University on a guide to local climbs. 9. Mr. P. Ifold reported that the number of loans from the Library was down considerably. The Hon. Librarian has repaired a large number of books. 10. Mr. E.J. Mason stated that work on the site near the Belfry had continued and it was hoped to complete the excavations in 1954. He wished to record our thanks to Dr. Nash Williams and Dr. Hubert Savory of the national Museum of Wales who very kindly identified the pottery found on the site. 11. The Hon. Hut Warden reported an increase to 830 bed/nights. (This was later reconciled with the lower Belfry income by allowing for a) shorter period; b) lower charges; c) fewer visitors). The addition of 6ft. to the end of the Belfry will increase the size of the kitchen and the ladies quarters when complete. New & more reliable accumulators have been obtained for lighting. Considerable concern was expressed at the state of the Belfry as it was felt that visitors would be appalled. A question asking whether the Belfry should be as clean as a house was answered by a loud shout of “Yes” from a lady member. It was suggested that the need for improvement should be stressed. to members and more charges at the higher rate should be made. 12. a) A resolution for the automatic nomination of members of the retiring committee to be added to any other nominations for the ballot was passed by 12 votes to 11. In view of the narrow margin it was then resolved to hold this in abeyance for one year. b) A letter regarding the short notice given for the A.G.M. and dinner was discussed. It was pointed out that the delay was due to the efforts to improve the Dinner and not laziness.
BB79/4 No action was necessary. c) Proposals to offer Honorary Membership to Mr. (Digger) Harris and M. (Les) Peters were passed. d) A proposal to give the committee power to increase the Annual Subscriptions was passed after discussion. The Chairman then pointed out that the decision would have to be made before an A.G.M. which could annul the increase. e) Proposals for increasing the Belfry accommodation and storage of foodstuffs were referred to the committee. f) A proposal to have a junior representative on the committee was discussed but no seconder was found. g) A proposal to make a tackle fee of 1/- for non-exploratory trips to Cuthbert’s was defeated. Visitors would be charged a fee of 1/-. 13. a) A vote of thanks to the Hon. Editor for his work in the past year was passed. b) The Hon. Sec. promised that a list of members would be complied as soon as possible for publication in the B.B. He agreed to re-address letters to members. The meeting was closed at 5.50pm. and several Annual Subs. were paid to the Hon. Treasurer. HAVE YOU PAID YOURS YET?? K.C.D. ************************************************ R.J. Bagshaw, Hon. Sec. 56, Ponsford Road, Knowle, Bristol.4. K.C. Dobbs, Hon. Assist. Sec. 55, Broadfield Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. T.H. Stanbury, Hon. Editor. 48, Novers Park Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4.