Belfry Bulletin Number 119

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EDITORIAL It is a tradition of the Belfry Bulletin to produce a “Bigger and Better” version of the magazine for Christmas. The pages following are our attempt to keep this going. We hope that this Christmas issue will prove to be bigger – if not better – than ever, but, owing to the need to produce as many of the stencils as early as possible, we don’t know at the time of writing this, exactly what will be in this Christmas B.B. We shall be trying this month to concentrate more on the lighter side, without excluding any articles of a more serious nature that may come along – with what success we must leave you to judge. “Alfie”

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NOVEMBER COMMITTEE MEETING The local Rural District Council has now been contacted about the plans for the new stone hut, and we are now waiting to see if they will be passed. We are still waiting for a suitable water meter before the mains water can be installed. The Hon. Secretary was asked to finalise arrangements for the Annual Dinner with the Cliff Hotel, Cheddar – this being the only one which will book us at this stage. The “official” letter to be sent out in answer to enquiries by the Caving Secretary explaining the situation re-access to St. Cuthbert’s and the reasons for it was agreed to by the committee. Other business dealt with included the provisioning of trees for the Belfry site; the disposal of the old nickel-iron accumulators; certificates for Honorary Life Members and the progress on the renovation of the club lantern and slides.. _____________________________________________________________________________________

NOTICES & REMINDERS M.N.R.C. Lectures The notice on this subject in last month’s B.B. has been clarified by the Caving secretary of the M.N.R.C., who has kindly pointed out that any member of the B.E.C. will be very welcome at any of these lectures whether he knows an M.N.R.C. member or not. He continues by saying ‘We believe that this is still maintaining the letter of the rules of our parent society and also the spirit, as we believe that a spirit of friendliness exists between the two clubs.” Unfortunately, a charge of 1/6 is still necessary for two reasons. Firstly to comply with the rules of the parent society and secondly as one of the benefits of M.N.R.C. membership. Thanks, Pete Stewart *

























Annual Dinner and 1958 Committee Nomination Forms. These will be found attached to the back of the B.B. Please fill them in if applicable and give or send them to the Hon. Sec. * * * * * * * * * * * U.B.S.S. Sessional Meetings, 1957 - 1958.















January 20th Mr L. Railton. “Stereoscopic Photography of Caves.” February 3rd. B.R. Collingridge and G. Witts. “Ireland, 1956 and 1957.” March 3rd. Annual General Meeting. Presidential Address, “The Lost Stone Circles of North Somerset.” E.K. Tratman, O.B.E., M.D.S., F.S.A. *

























CLIMBING NEWS October 11th – 12th. The Climbing Section enjoyed its weekend in North Wales. The journey was uneventful, and the weather wonderfully fine and warm for the time of year. The party stayed at the Oread M.C. hut, and after initial difficulties with a bad-tempered party in possession, settled in quite well.

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Several climbs were made in Cwm Silyn and on Craig y Bera, and the views and general scenery of this part of Wales are greatly to be recommended. “Kangy.” Editor’s Note. We have since received an apology, on behalf of the Oread Mountaineering Club for the bad behaviour of the member referred to in this report. They hope that this odd incident will not deter B.E.C. members from visiting their hut again. _______________________________________________________________________________________

CLIMBING NEWS October 6th. Chris Falshaw, Vivien Hudson, Steve Tuck and Kangy led an appreciative party from Westminster Speleological Group into St. Cuthbert’s Swallet and up Maypole Series. The party enjoyed climbing up the succession of pots and noted the very fine set of black-edged stal. at the top of the final pulley pitch. Time was spent examining numerous side passages, some of which showed distinct characteristics; such as Escalator Passage, where large boulders move downwards when trodden on, and Appendix Passage, which trundles on – high, wide and handsome – until it abruptly finishes. This part of the cave system must be very near the surface. It is suggested to leaders that the “thin string” (nylon line) which is left permanently in position and used to pull a lightweight ladder up to the top of Pulley Pitch should be cautiously examined for abrasion every time it is to be used. Acceleration due to gravity (even in a cave) is 32.2ft/sec2. R. King. November 2nd. Ian Dear and Arthur Cochrane went down Hunter’s Hole to start a survey. As a result of this trip, Ian is able to state quite definitely that when surveying in a muddy cave, it is not advisable to use a brown pencil! Also on this date, Alfie and Jill started to put some temporary shoring into the dig at Vole Hole. It should now be possible to dig down and recover the club bucket! Alfie. November 3rd.

Fireworks in Caves On a Cuthbert’s trip with a party from B.O.A.C. led by Norman, one of the party produced some 3d. “Silver Rain” fireworks. Rather to the leader’s surprise, when the Blue Touch Paper was suitably ignited in Cascade chamber, a really outstanding blaze of light, far surpassing that of mag. ribbon, resulted. Further experiments in Curtain Chamber and Gour hall confirmed the brilliance of this new type of cave illuminant. It is reported that Norman, as soon as he emerged from the cave, hastily changed and made a record run back to Bristol where he bought up the entire stock of “Silver rain” from the local firework retailers. It is hoped, however, that this experiment will not lead to the rash use of pyrotechnics in Cuthbert’s. The writer can remember the effect of Very Light cartridges in the main chamber of Lamb Leer during the war years. Unfortunately, there was no indication of the colour of the cartridges. The first one was green – very depressing it looked, but the next one to be ignited was red. Talk about Dante’s inferno! When viewed through the smoke of the first flare from the top of the ladder pitch the effect was most realistic. As for getting out of the cave afterwards, flash powder smoke was merely a thin mist in comparison. The party had to link hands and stumble, coughing and choking, back to the entrance ladder. On the surface, any passer on the road must have thought that Mendip was erupting, as there was a column of smoke just like a volcano. But to revert to Cuthbert’s; it is hoped that no one will try the effect of a ‘thunder flash’ by Quarry Corner, or equally it would be disconcerting to be chased by a cracker all around the Rabbit Warren.

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Water Temperatures Firstly, an apology by the Editor. Owing to a mistake at the last moment, I missed out a few words of the report on this subject with the result that a sentence read ‘both wet and dry bulb.’ This should obviously gone something like, ‘Both wet and dry bulb readings should be taken.’ Judging by this, and other queries, this report seems to have made a number of club members think. The following letter on the subject has been received, for instance, from Paul Burt: “Got the November B.B. yesterday and was interested to hear about the new work in Cuthbert’s, particularly the stream tracing. As regards instruments, there is a psychometer at the lab. which should be suitable for humidity measurements and which I could probably borrow for a weekend. I don’t know much about this, but isn’t identification of stream water by temperature somewhat liable to error? For instance, assuming that the final temperature attained by a stream in a cave is the ambient cave temperature, the point at which this occurs might be affected by other factors besides the total horizontal and vertical distances from the point where the stream leaves the surface. The volume of flow and the efficiency of mixing with the air in the cave will have considerable influence and may vary according to the nature of the steam bed. Also, may not heat stored in, or withdrawn from, the rock in the stream bed on recent occasions have some influence, so that the temperature of the stream at any time may be the result of its recent history? This may have all been discussed already and allowed for, but I am not conversant enough with caving literature to know if it is so. Tess and I would like a trip to Mendip some time between now and Christmas. If there should be anything doing in Cuthbert’s in which we could co-operate, perhaps you could let us know? I will produce the psychometer and a thermometer or two for temperature measurements. You mention doing analysis of water to prove connection. I know that the usual fluorescein tests are out of order at Cuthbert’s, but wouldn’t it be O.K. to introduce some relatively innocuous contaminant, such as chlorine ions, say, as common salt. I would have thought that, in the sort of concentration necessary for chemical tests it would have no conceivable effect on the water at Wookey Hole. There are a number of suitable and reasonably sensitive reactions which could be used to test samples containing chloride. In fact, as a purely qualitative test, it could be done on the spot.” We will certainly take advantage of this offer of a sling psychometer and a trip has been arranged for Saturday, the 7th of December. Some comment is called for on the text of Paul’s letter. It is agreed that the tracing of water by the measurement of temperature is liable to be influenced by many factors such as those mentioned, but it still seems unlikely that Plantation water would drop only 0.5oF in such a distance. Some further information has come from Roy Bennett and it is to be found in Caving Report No.2, page 6, where it is stated that in November 1955, Plantation water was 1o colder than the main stream. The actual figures were – Main Stream 9oC (48.2oF) and the Plantation Junction Stream 8oC (46.4oF). The surface water temperatures were not taken but were lower in the cave. In this case, Cuthbert’s water had warmed up to ambient temperature but Plantation Junction Water was nearly 2oF below this figure. The suggestion of water analysis is that if there are marked differences of physical or chemical composition in the respective streams, it might be possible to correlate this underground. Possibly a pathological examination might be better, particularly if Plantation Stream is contaminated by the same unpleasant bugs as the Ladywell Stream, close by. Various members have made suggestions about the introduction of a chemical or dyestuff into Plantation Stream put into the main; they seem to think that the time of travel would be in the order of half an hour. In British Caving, page 156 are quoted times of flow for distances not greater than 400 yards which vary from 5 minutes up to 2 hours in Upper Easegill, while in Penyghent, a distance of 400 yards took 1 hour 40m. over a vertical drop of nearly 200 feet and nearby took 3½ days for the dye to travel 90 yards, the difference of level being negligible. Thus it would be necessary to watch the Plantation Junction Stream for at least 6 hours to be certain that the tracer was not missed. Using a salt test, it would be necessary to make a chemical test of the water every five minutes or so – a tedious procedure. If one used longer intervals, you could never be sure that the chemical had been missed or that the connection was absent.

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However, deliberate introduction of a chemical or dyestuff into Plantation Stream, even in the small quantities required could lead to the closing of the cave, just to prove a water connection which has no real application. It is therefore best left alone. For those interested in the subject generally, I recommend British Caving, pages 151 onwards and the bibliography on page 169. D.A. Coase. _______________________________________________________________________________________

WHIMSEY IN WALES Jayne Mansfield. – Well, that’s an interesting way to start an article, and having started, I might as well tell you how Alan and I thought of another way of making money. It started with the assumption that people are paying good money to the Central Council of Physical Recreation, North Wales Branch (the Royal) for the privilege of spending a fairly gruelling two weeks bashing around the local mountains. They are paying good money for the privilege of being taught something which anyone with enthusiasm and practicable ability, combined with a certain amount of literacy, can teach themselves. It seemed to us that some people are on to a good thing. Some people have discovered how to organise mountaineering and turn it into a profit. Is there nothing, we wondered which is untainted by commerce? Only caving perhaps? But even this we felt, was bound to follow the lead of the Mountaineering Association. and the C.C.P.R. Thank heavens it hasn’t yet. It hasn’t yet! The clue to our achieving our first million pounds lay here! If someone is, one day, going to organise caving and access fees for training novices, then why not us? How simple we thought; we have the caves (free); the accommodation (by arrangement with the B.E.C. committee who are always keen to earn the odd crafty bob or two – and the staff B.E.C. members, also keen on the O.C.B.O.S.). On the other hand, ranged against our simple project would be the academic might of speleologists better qualified to deal in caving activities than ourselves, and the frosty reception it would have from other caving clubs. We decided that opposition would only spice our plan. The idea was born and we amused ourselves with a more detailed examination of it. We conceived a typical fortnight’s training. The charge we fixed at fifteen guineas for twelve days. Guineas because they contain more shillings than the plebeian pound, and twelve days because we could call it a fortnight. The next step was to make sure that we conserved as much of the fifteen guineas as possible, and accommodation of course would be at cut price, by arrangement with the B.E.C. committee who would receive the cut. Food was different. It was likely to take a fair proportion of the sum per head – at least one and a half guineas. Then we brilliantly saw a solution – cavers need to be thin! This fact solved our last problem – we would put them on a diet of orange juice and porridge and make sure that we were underground during the usual conventional luncheon hour and only emerge when we were sure it was opening time (ascribing this to tradition). We imagined our fond students buying us beer (more tradition) as we counted our ten pounds per student per fortnight profit. It was very pleasant. “Kangy” _______________________________________________________________________________________

Our cover,

which depicts some cavers enjoying the Christmas spirit, was produced from a lino cut by Daphne Clogue, who we should like to thank. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Since the preparation of the caving news this month, we have received letters from Sett and Jack Waddon on the subject of water temperature measurement in Cuthbert’s. These letter and comments will be published next month.

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This is just a few lines to show how glad I am to be back amongst the people who frequent “the hill”. It would take a dozen B.B.’s to relate all the experiences one encounters in a new land. The main contributory factor of my return is the influx of labour which has been arriving so consistently and so overwhelming as to swamp completely the ‘Situations Vacant’ columns. Also, the comparatively recent import of refugee Hungarians has taken care of the smaller temporary jobs which would have been steady, if slight, source of income until better work could be found. A recent change in government, with its cut in spending, has also contributed to the unemployment problem. Therefore it was in Calgary, four weeks after our arrival at Vancouver and thirty pounds lighter in pocket, that the first inkling of a job was forthcoming. At this stage we (Tony Rich, John Lamb and myself) were walking a mile to breakfast because there was a cheaper café than others a block or so away. Soon the tide was to turn, and within two days we were all permanently employed. It was at this stage that I made the second greatest mistake (the other was coming to Canada in the first place) and I turned down a steady job for one with a commission which involved selling magazine subscriptions. Three weeks, three thousand miles, one pair of shoes and minus five dollars later, I thought it was time to try something of a different nature. One advantage of selling magazines was that it enabled me to travel and see some of this country. I saw most of Northern Alberta, British Columbia and some of the Yukon. Damn those mosquitoes! Back in Calgary, I had become friendly with a radio announcer and a newspaper reporter. They were very decent blokes and helped me out a bit with a few dollars here and there. It seemed, however, that there were no prospects of a job in Calgary so I thought it was better to run up a debt home than amongst my friends, and made arrangements for my return to Mendip. During my wanderings, I came across some very nice Canadians, but on the other hand, I also met some of the other types! I gather that on the Eastern side they are much more unfriendly. Canada is a place where money can be made very quickly if you can acquire a reasonable job. My advice to anyone contemplating emigration is to make sure of a guaranteed job before you leave England and not to pay a lot of attention to what the emigration authorities say. Try to correspond with an Englishman already residing in the area you intend to visit.


BOOK REVIEW ……By Bryan Ellis. “One Thousand Metres Down” by J. Cadoux and others (Allen & Unwin) 21/-. “International Expedition to the Goufre Berger, 1956. The exploits of the British members, Nick Pratchett and Bob Powell” (Cave Research Group) 3/6. “The Caves of the Great Hunters” by Hans Baumann” (Hutchinson) 10/-. “The Caving Clubs of Mendip.” by A. Cider (Hunter’s Book Co.). A number of books have been published for the armchair caver in the last year, and three of them are reviewed here. Taking them in the order given above, I can sum up my impressions of the first “One Thousand Metres Down” in a few words – it is the most enjoyable book on cave exploration that I have yet read. It is a similar book to “Subterranean Climber” by Pierre Chevalier but it is of greater interest than the older book because it has been written as a story rather than a straight forward account of expeditions.

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The story starts with the exploration of Vat of Sassonage, some well-known caves near Grenoble in which the team in its infant days as a club discovered a considerable length of new passage, then goes on to the making of a caving film by the same people. The purpose of these fifty pages appears to be to show how the team was built into a closely knit group of friends having complete trust in each other. After these first few chapters, we come to the beginning of the story proper – the discovery and exploration of the Gouffre Berger that was to become the deepest pothole in the world. Jean Cadoux writes the majority of the book, some of the chapters having been contributed by other members of the team, but this does not introduce any lack of continuity as the writer’s styles are very similar. It may be that we gain here in having a translation from another language, as the style throughout the book may well be that of the translator, R.L.G. Irving. The story of the exploration is gripping and this was definitely one of the books which I found very difficult to put down once I had started. I started on a Friday morning and was most annoyed when I had not finished by that evening as I was going away for the weekend and knew that I would not be able to pick it up again until the Monday evening! The story unfolds as they make their way deeper and deeper in the cave, overcoming the difficulties as they come across them – a succession of ladder pitches, great chambers, excessively wet sections and tight winding passages. The exploration was started in 1953 and as it proceeded they passed the depth of the then deepest pothole in France, and on down to 900 metres (2,950 feet). It was about this time that they realised the very definite possibility of their going lower than 1.000 metres (3,280’) and so named the explorations “Operation 1,000”, the title given to the original book when it was published in France. The book ends with the expedition of 1955 when they attained a depth of 985 metres without reaching the end of the cave, but there is a very short postscript to say that in the next year the end of the cave was finally reached at 1,130 metres (just over 3,700 feet). In 1956, the Speleo-Group of the French Alpine club who had been exploring the Gouffre Berger, invited clubs from other countries to send members for a further expedition. My second review is of the first of the “Occasional Publications” to be published by the Cave Research Group of Great Britain and consists of accounts by the two British members of the exploratory team. Nick Pratchett was a member of one of the supporting parties, while Bob Powell was in the international team that went to the very bottom of the cave. These stories, which are interesting, written, inaugurate a new series of C.R.G. publications that are designed to cover topics not coming under the heading of research topics or research aids. This issue is priced at 3/6 but it is available from the C.R.G. librarian at 2/6 for members or members clubs (e.g. the B.E.C.). “The Caves of the Great Hunters” is one of several books published recently about the cave drawings that are to be found on the continent. The exact date of publication of this book is unknown to the reviewer but it has only recently come to his notice – it tells the story of how four boys accidentally discovered an ice-age cave containing rock art. (Anyone wanting to read about “Britain’s painted Cave” should see the article of this title by G. Grogson that appeared in the issue of “County Life” dated 27th December 1956). It won’t tell you very much! Three books about caving – or more correctly two books and a paper, have been reviewed here, but both of the books were published originally abroad. If translations of these books are published in this country, there must be sufficient sale for them to be economically sound for the publisher and yet there has only been one book, as far as I can remember, about caving expeditions in Great Britain. Why do we have to rely almost entirely on books about foreign caves? Which are we short of, caving authors or the caves for them to write about? Dealing with the last book, such comments as the one stating that one of the Mendip caving clubs has the policy of ‘tasting as many brands of beer as possible’ while another has that of ‘seeing how many cavers it can provide with cups of tea on a Saturday evening after closing time’ makes one wonder if this book is not a light-hearted satire on the state of affairs to be found in the area. Whether it is or not, I am not quite sure, but the book is very amusing in places and certainly seems to have an authentic ring about it. The author states that there are only two clubs worthy of note in the area – one chapter of the book is devoted to each of these clubs while the remainder are dealt with in two further chapters one dealing with caving clubs which appear to be more interested in other subjects and one dealing with clubs whose interests are obscure, non-existent or completely inexplicable.

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One can learn a great deal from the reading of this book; how to prevent the democratic functioning of a club with special references on losing unwanted motions for A.G.M.’s; how to influence members of other clubs; how to restrict access to caves and caving literature and how to obtain more material for a club magazine. From the book we also learn how to fill in applications for club membership for the various local clubs in such a way as to ensure that (a) you become elected; (b) you are refused politely or (c) you stir up trouble and are flung out on your neck. As an example the answer of “Wine, Women and Song” to the question of “Main interests” fill find you welcomed with open arms by one club and thrown out on your neck by another. We are also told that no answer will fulfil condition (b) with some clubs. Different clubs provide different amenities for members and guests staying at their Mendip Headquarters. One club provided a scrambles track outside its hut; another caters for lovers of old buildings and yet another for budding housebreakers. This review should have given readers an idea of the type of book that this is, and I leave it to you to decide whether it is fact or fiction. B.M. Ellis


























Across 1. and 6. method of transferring metal. 9. Compounds sometimes added to drinking water 10. Formerly the Gold Coast. 11. Away (3,4.). 12. As leaves but not a lasso. 13. What the Brandy connoisseur does before he drinks it (7,3,5.). 15. These rocket occur at irregular intervals in the B.B. (10,5.). 16. Flag or Crest. 19. Camels from the Andes. 22. Flower or Stringer Instrument. 23. Depose.

24. Owned by Fishermen, done by Irishmen and a caver often does. 25. Not a thin caver, but a seamstress.

Down 1. Pixie-like. 2. German M.T.B. (1,4.). 3. The Hunter’s at Time. 4. Rock formation underlying Limestone (3,3,9.). 5. Before Cuthbert’s was discovered, this was the nearest real cave to the Belfry. (9,6.). 6. Roman military units. 7. Not worth considering, especially to the caver. (5,4.). 8. A lesser variety of slander. 14. Hard water? 15. Butcher’s chopper or Slate splitter. 16. These made a box for Brian Baru. (3,4.). 17. Device for measuring small volumes of liquid. 20. A girl found on a reef. 21. They moved father’s grave to build this.

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THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR ‘OBBS Awake! You cavers from the Mendip night. I’ll tell a gruesome tale to give you fright So listen to me, lo! And be well taught Or Orang Utang’s grim and deadly plight. At a tavern high upon the hill, A voice was heard without that sounded ill And cried, “Our Orang’s gone and all is lost! His merry roving spirit now is still.” This sorry news did sour all the wine And many caving bods began to pine Oh, Mendip! Could such awful tidings be? I fear thou shootest us a shocking line. A bachelor was he, who often raved, “I’ll never be by pretty girl enslaved” How long since he was seen upon the hill With helm and lamp about to be encaved. Thomas is gone – with all his caving clothes And Fanny Barnett bike – where no one knows. And still the fruit its deadly acid yields And still an orchard ‘neath old Mendip blows. There is but little time for us to stay Until we all are likewise called away So now, my brothers, join me ere we go Another cup of wine to cheer the way. Remember how he spake beneath the bough ‘This merry life is paradise enow’ While singing gleeful in the wilderness A Fanny B., some Hunter’s rough, and thou. While many other blokes have met their doom Without such grim and universal gloom Who else but Orang in such dreadful straits Could bring to silence all the caver’s room? Think, in this battered caravanserai, Where many lads have drunk by night and day How caver after caver took a cup Before, encrumpeted, he went away. But come with Omar ‘Ooos and leave the lot Of Belfry and of Hunter’s be forgot Let Alfie glare around him as he will Or Maurice Iles roars “Binder!” heed them not. Night comes; and all too soon the end is near Where are the stalwart Men of yesteryear? So raise your foaming tankards while you may For we at least can be of goodly cheer.

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Editor’s Note We are pleased to have been able to publish some of the rubaiyat, or verses, of this old Persian poet, Omar ‘Obbs. We hope that from time to time, it may be possible to persuade our translator, Sid Hobbs, to provide us with some further examples. _______________________________________________________________________________________

This being the Christmas number of the B.B., we are including a few puzzles to while away the odd hour before opening time. In addition to the crossword on page nine, we have here one of the ‘logical’ type of puzzle, and have persuaded our Hon. Sec., Mr. Bagshaw, to give us a demonstration of his mental powers by solving it for us. There were originally two of these problems, but space has prevented us from including both. Mr. Bagshaw’s answer – being slightly different in approach from the generally accepted solution – will not spoil the puzzle for those readers who have not met it before, and will – we feel – provide all members with a unique opportunity to peer, as it were, into the recesses of our Hon. Sec.’s mind. The Problem. Three men imprisoned. The prison governor, who sets great store on intelligence, promises to free the most intelligent, and devises a test. He has three black and two white discs made, and fixes a disc on each man’s back. None is allowed to see the discs left over, and no man can see his own disc. No talking or signals are allowed, and the man who can first work out the colour of his disc correctly will be freed. In fact, all there were given black discs. By what reasoning did the winner arrive at the correct answer? ……..over to Bagshaw…….. This problem is very difficult because, after the problem is set nobody speaks until the winner says, “I’ve got a black disc on my back” and the governor says, “Tell us how you know”. At this point we may have found ourselves going round in circles – and not the best of circles either – if we are not careful and so the wary puzzler will therefore quickly deduce that this is a thinking type puzzle and that the only way to solve it is to put yourself into the part without reservation and to work out the sequence of thinking type thoughts amongst the people concerned. (Silence while puzzler mentally slips from dismal office/workshop/factory/kitchen/pothole* surroundings) (Strike out words not required in own case) into dismal prison/jug/gaol/clink/stir/ chokey/pothole* surroundings). *What’s the difference anyway? No.1. Thinks: I wonder if the governor’s missed his wallet yet? No.2. Thinks: I wonder No.1’s missed the governor’s wallet yet? No.3. Thinks: You’d think the governor would carry a wallet on him. Governor thinks: Fancy them having £23/19/8 on them! No.1. Thinks: Nothing. No.2. Thinks: I’ve got a white/black card on my back. No.3. Thinks: I’ve got a black/white card on my back. No.1. Says: Nothing. No.2. Says: Nothing. No.3. Says: Nothing. (Remember cunning silence in problem.) No.1. Thinks: Nothing. No.2. Thinks: No.1 has got a black card. No.3. Thinks: No.1 and No.2 have both got black cards.

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No.1. Thinks: Nothing. No.2. Thinks: If No.3 is thinking what I think he thinks, he thinks he’s got a black/white card on his back. No.3. Thinks: No.1 & No.2 have both got black cards on their backs, therefore I must have a white/black card No.1. Thinks: Look at that wasp crawling up the wall! No.2. Thinks: No.1 has said nothing so I know he is puzzled, and thinks he’s got a black/white card, whereas if he knew he would shout the answer therefore he has probably got a black/white card. No.3. Thinks: On the other hand, I could have a black/white card. No.1. Thinks: He’s crawling higher! No.2. Thinks: I know that No.1 has a black card, but where does that get me? (shifts weary body onto other leg) No.3. Thinks: Wish he would stand still. No.1. Thinks: (all in a flash like): I see he’s started flying now I wonder why he’s circling my nose like That? It’s almost as if he’s looking for a landing place BLINDING FLASH OF PAIN (prison Type) AND HE SAYS (reverting in moment of crisis to native Ivor Novello type ruritainian Language). “Eyewego Tawhai Skar Dommit Achkt!” (cor) (stone) (the) (flipping) (crows!) Governor says: “Wonderful! But you must tell us how you know.” And No.1, though bewildered had sense to say “But you say cleverest man goes free and surely you would want these ignorant and stupid fellow to have something to think about for the next twenty years or so? (In ensuing silence, claps on green-pork-pie-release-free-issue-type hat on head and goes.) *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The more usual solution to this problem, also the solution to the Xmas Xword, will appear in next month’s B.B. (Ed.) _______________________________________________________________________________________




FILL IN & SEND OFF YOUR FORM NOW _______________________________________________________________________________________


306 236 20 HM 358 378 368 290 214 370 364

T.O. Andrew T. Attwood R.J. Bagshaw R.G. Balch D.J. Balcombe J.E.Barnes N. Barrington R. Bater R. Bennett W.L. Beynon P.M. Blogg




135, Danson Road, Bexley, Kent. 4, Bridge Road, Shortwood, Nr, Mangostfield, Bristol. 56, Ponsford Road, Knwole, Bristol. 4. 8, Davies Terrace, Wells, Som. 26, Bennett Gardens, Norbury, London, S.W.16. 35, Park Avenue, South Shields, Co. Durham 7, Pickhurst Lane, Hayes, Bromley, Kent. 2, Upper Perry Hill, Southville, Bristol. 3. 37, Queens Road, Ashley Down, Bristol. 7. Lower Lodge, Weston Park House, Weston Park, Bath. 1, Ridgeway Park, Ridgeway, Gols..

No. 119 336 145 36 320 384 190 209 201 328 357 354 366 381 54 211 89 377 71 369 352 226 164 325 331 322 263 355 232 371 269 278 385 251 350 375 346 318 239

A. Bonner. Miss S. Bowden-Lyle R. Brain N. Brooks R.G. Brown P. Burt Mrs. Burt Buxton J. Buxton Mrs. Carter R. Cassell L.C. B.R. Chamberlain Miss D.A. Clague D.A. Coase Mrs. Coase S.J. Collins D. Cooke-Yarborough A.J. Crawford M.B. Dale T. Davies I.A. Dear K.C. Dobbs A.J. Dunn J.A. Etough B. Ellis D. England Miss D. Fairman C.P. Falshaw A. Fincham T.E. Fletcher G.A. Fowler R. RFrancis K.S. Gardner Miss A.F. George P.E. Graham. G.H. Griffiths N. Groves D. Gwinnel

273 104 304 4 372 373 97 150 363 374 279 340 51 225 287 285 289

Mrs. L. Hampton M. Hannam C.W. Harris D. Hasell M.J. Healey. S.M. Hobbs. J. Ifold P. Ifold M. Isles J.J. Jacobs J. Jenkins R.L. Jenkins A.C. Johnson M. Jones Mrs. M. Jones U. Jones D. Kemp

Page 13 45, St. Albans Road, Westbury Park, Brisol. 6. 51, Coronation Road, Bristol. 3. 10, Weston Avenue, Cosham Road, St. George, Bristol. 5. 392, Victoria Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. 91a, Oxford Road, Kensington Gardens, London W.10. 3, Manor House, Rothamsted, Harpendon, Herts. 3, Manor House, Rothamsted, Harpendon, Herts. Coppington Farm, Wellesbourne, Nr. Warwick. Coppington Farm, Wellesbourne, Nr. Warwick. 19, Churchill Road, Wells, Somerset. 50, Elmdale Road, Bedminster, Bristol. 3. 102, Egerton Road Bishopston, Bristol. 7. 38, Paulton Road, Victoria Park, Bristol .3. Batsford, Lower Failand, Nr. Bristol. Batsford, Lower Failand, Nr. Bristol. 1, Kensington Place, Clifton, Bristol. Craiglea, Fellside Road, Shietham, Newcastle. 3, Hillside, Harefield, Nr, Uxbridge, Middlesex. 57, Kingsway Avenue, Kingswood, Bristol. 5. 154, Boston Manor Road, Brentford, Middlesex. Sowter Lodge, North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset. 84, Fox Road, Pinhoe, Exeter. 70, The Crescent, Henleaze, Bristol. 116, Newbridge Road, St. Annes Park, Bristol. 4. 3, Marlborough Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol. 5. 114, West Street, Bedminster, Bristol. 3. Cranmore View, Priddy, Nr. Wells. 50, Rockside Drive, Henleaze, Bristol. Leeds University Union, Leeds. 2. The Old Mill House, Barnack, Nr. Stamford, Lincs. 77, Kingshill Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. 91a, Oxford Gardens, Kensington, London W.0. 10a, Royal Park, Clifton, Bristol. 8. “Beeches”, Priddy, Nr. Wells, Somerset. 6, Lawrence Mansions, Chelsea, London S.W.1. 164, St. Johns Lane, Bedminster, Bristol. 3. 6, Woodchester Road, Henleaze, Bristol. 22569720, Cpl. Gwinnel, 2 Air Support Sigs Unit, ‘A’ Troop, 1 Sqdrn. 1oth Air Signals Regt., B.F.P.O.S.F. Lulworth Cottage, Church Lane, E. Keswick, Leeds. 14B, Vyvyan Terrace, Clifton, Bristol. 8. 14, Market Place, Wells, Somerset. Hill House, Moorlynch, Nr. Bridgwater, Somerset. 24, Water Lane, Brislington, Bristol. 4. 135, Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol. Leigh House, Nempnett, Chew Stoke, Somerset. Sunnyside, Rectory Lane, Compton Martin. 33, Greenleaze, Knowle Park, Bristol. 4. 126, Bridge Lane, Golders Green, London N.W. 11. 251, Bishopsworth Road, Bedminster Down, Bristol. 3. 5, North Street, Downend, Bristol. 46, The Cesrcent, Henleaze, Bristol. 7 389, Filton Avenue, Horfields, Bristol. 7. 389, Filton Avenue, Horfields, Bristol. 7. 3, Durham Street, Elswich Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 17, Becmead Avenue, Streatham, London, S.W.16.

Page 14 316 299 332 260 380 275 106 383 334 339 308 386 329 330 121 362 327 245 22 160 146 376 56 118 337 342 291 138 253 241 343 157 367 240 359 237 213 78 356 307 276 38 1 365 60 284 348 326 80 74 352 175 79 228 351

R.S. King A.J. Knibbs D.J. Lacy J. Lamb A.W. Lewis C.A. Marriott. E.J. Mason. J. Miller D. Mitchell T.G. Mossman K. Murray A. Nash T.W. Neil Mrs. Neil R. Newman F. Nicholson J. Pegram J.S. Pemoury L. Peters N. Petty T. Pink F.M.Piper G. Platten A. Preston B.E. Prewer R.J. Price D. Radmore T. Ratcliffe C. Rees A.L.C. Rice A. Rich Miss J. Rollason J. Rowley A. Sandall Mrs. Sandall B. Scott R. Setterington R.A. Setterington Mrs. Setterington J. Skinner Stafford J.M. Mrs. I. Stanbury T.H. Stanbury R.D. Stenner P.A.E. Stewart A. Thomas D. Thomas E. Towler J.M. Thompsett Mrs. Thompsett S.D.J. Tuck J. Waddon R.M. Wallis D. Willis Mrs. Willis

No. 119 1, Lynmouth Road, Bristol. 2. 18, River Walk, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. 31, Devon Grove, Whitehall, Bristol.5. 365, Filton Avenue, Bristol. 7. ‘Llandaff House’, Earl Road, Penarth, Glam. 718, Muller Road, Eastville, Bristol. 5. 11, Kendon Drive, Wellington Hill West, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. 130, Longmead Avenue, Bishopston, Bristol. 7. 18, Brookside, Combwick, Bridgwater, Somerset. c/o Y.M.C.A. Colston Street, Bristol. 17, Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W.7. 60, Marmion Crescent, Henbury, Bristol Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset. Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset. 63, Sandling Avenue, Horfield, Bristol. 7. 60, Christchurch Street, East Frome, Somerset. 4, Moffats Lane, Brookmans Park, Hatfield, Herts. Grove View, Hambrook, Nr Bristol. 21, Melbury Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. 12, Bankside Road, Brislington, Bristol. 4. 53, Burnthwaite Road, Fulham, London, S.W.6. 2, Hanbury Road, Clifton, Bristol, 8. ‘Rutherfield’, Fernhill Lane, New Milton, Hants. 43, West Town Lane, Brislington, Bristol. 4. 14, Egerton Road, Bath, Somerset. 70, Somermead, Bedminster, Bristol.3. 22, St. Michaels Park, Bristol. 2. 12, Magfield Road, Dagham, Essex. 2, Burghill Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. 20, Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol. 7. Frontier geophysical Ltd., Acme, Alberta, Canada. 157, Pen Park Road, Southmead, Bristol. 52, Granby Hill, Clifton, Bristol. 8. 35, Beauchamp Road, Bristol. 7. 35, Beauchamp Road, Bristol. 7. 39, Colerook Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex. 86, Grand Drive, Raynes Park, London, S.W. 20. 4, Galmington Lane, Taunton, Somerset. 4, Galmington Lane, Taunton, Somerset. 12, Hurst Walk, Filwood Park, Bristol. 4. 2/LR, Officers mess, 3.Q.O.N.R. Enugu, E. Nigeria. 74, Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. 48, Novers Park Road, Knowle. Bristol. 4. 38, Paultow Road, Victoria Park, Bristol. 3. 131, St. Peters Rise, Bishopsworth, Bristol. 3. Sandhill Park Manor School, Bishops Lydeard, Taunton, Somerset. 55, New Road, Llandovery, Carns. 11, St. Philips Road, London, E.8. 51, Rothman’s Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. 51, Rothman’s Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex. ‘Getley’, East Knoyle, Salisbury, Wilts. 7, Haydon Road, Taunton, Somerset. “Swildons”, 343, Upton Lane, Widnes, Lancs. ‘Miner’s Cottage, Priddy, Nr. Wells Somerset. ‘Miner’s Cottage, Priddy, Nr. Wells Somerset.

No. 119

Page 15

No 109. January 1957. “Just like Old Times” A Climb on Dartmoor Article on the Position of the B.B. “Why I’m glad I’m this Thin”

J. Morris R. Newman T.H. Stanbury R. King

Page. 1. Page. 2. Page. 4. Page. 6.

No 110. March 1957. Report on the Annual General Meeting Scramble Swallet

R.J. Bagshaw R. King

Page. 1. Page. 4.

No 111. April 1957 The Caves of Malaya Desilverisation of Mendip Lead

B. Prewer G. Fowler

Page. 4. Page. 5.

No 112. May 1957. Jehu’s Welsh Journey It’s easy to Ski!

R. Newman N. Brooks

Page. 4. Page. 5.

No 113. June 1957. Letters to the Editor Book Review Mendip Mining. I

Waddon, Mossman B. Ellis M. Hannam

Page. 3. Page. 4. Page. 6.

No 114. July 1957. St. Cuthbert’s Report Mendip Mining. II. Book Review Snow and Ice in Scotland

D.A. Coase M. Hannam B. Ellis E. Houghton

Page. 3. Page. 6. Page. 8. Page. 9.

No 115. August 1957. Caving News A New Roman Road near Bristol Letter about Swildon’s IV Stereoscopic Photography

Coase, Falshaw K. Gardiner D. Kemp R.M. Wallis

Page. 1. Page. 4. Page. 5. Page. 6.

No 116. September 1957. St. Cuthbert’s Report Stereoscopic Photography

Coase, Falshaw R.M. Wallis

Page. 3. Page. 11.

No 117. October 1957. Mendip Mining. III. Caving in South Wales

M. Hannam R. Stenner

Page. 3. Page. 5.

No 118. November 1957. Caving in Malaya St. Cuthbert’s Report Letters to the Editor

B. Prewer N. Petty, D. Coase Oldtimer, Jonah, Ellis

Page. 2. Page. 3. Page. 6.

Various R. King R. Jenkins B. Ellis Setterington S. Hobbs R. Bagshaw

Page. 4. Page. 7. Page. 8. Page. 9. Page. 12 Page. 13. Page. 14. Page. 16.

No 119. December 1957. Caving News Whimsy in Wales Return to Mendip Book Review Xmas Xword The Rubaiyat of Omar ‘Obbs Puzzle Corner List of Members

Page 16

No. 119

Will members whose names are not on the list of members on pages 12, 13 and 14 or whose addresses are not correct please get in touch with the Hon. Sec. The address as printed is the one to which your Belfry Bulletin is sent. _______________________________________________________________________________________

CONCLUSION That’s it blokes! As we hoped, in our few words at the beginning of this Christmas number, we have managed to stagger through the biggest B.B. which has yet been printed. Particularly gratifying is the fact that, even with so many pages, articles have had to be left over or ‘pruned down’ slightly due to lack of space! It is only the price of paper and the shocking load on the printing department, who have worked dammed hard, which has limited us to sixteen pages. This completes our first year on the Editorial Board which was set up at the last A.G.M. and whatever measure of success we may have had has been due to the many members who have kept us supplied with a steady flow of articles, letters and reports. Thanks very much, blokes and let’s make it bigger and better in 1958. “Alfie” _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hon. Sec. R.J. Bagshaw, 56 Ponsford Road, Knowle, Bristol 4. Editor. S.J. Collins, 1 Kensington Place, Clifton, Bristol 8. Printers and Distributors. C. Rees, 2 Burghill Road, Westbury-on-Trym: D. England, 114 West St., Bedminster, Bristol 3: B. Price, 70 Somerfield Road, Bedminster, Bristol 3.

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