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No. 129 October 1958 Vol 12 No. 10
EDITORIAL The B.B. published after an A.G.M. is invariably rather full of club affairs, and this one is no exception. In addition to the remarks about the B.B. which readers will find in the account of the A.G.M., we should like to remind them of Jonah's offer of photographic assistance which we hope is still open and which we have never had the opportunity to use. Who is going to be the first to send in an article with photographic illustrations?? We have also been asked to remind members that Caving Reports are normally obtained through the Secretary, either by post or directly at Redcliffe. They may now be bought on Mendip (at the Shepton Hut) and there are a number of back copies of the B.B. for sale there at 3d each. The Editorial Board now consists of Alfie (Editor), Bob Price (Printer), Jill Rollason (Checker), and Prew and Tony O'Flaherty (Addressing and Postal Department). We should like to take this opportunity of thanking all past members of the Board for their help. "Alfie." _______________________________________________________________________________________
SEPTEMBER COMMITTEE At the September Committee Meeting, Keith Robbins was elected as a Junior Member. Amongst other business dealt with, Norman Petty agreed to fit doors to the cupboards in the Belfry kitchen; the speeches for the Annual Dinner were arranged; the laying of hardcore outside the Belfry and progress on the new building were discussed and it was agreed to purchase new spades at 5/6 each and more nylon rope. The club insurance cover on the Belfry is being looked into with a view to raising it if necessary. The Tackle Officer also announced that preparations for a new wire in the wire rift are in hand. The meeting was concluded by the chairman formally disbanding the committee pending the election of the 1959 committee. _______________________________________________________________________________________ OCTOBER MEETING The first meeting of the 1959 Committee was held at the Belfry on the Sunday following the A.G.M. The committee appointed club officials as follows:Committee Chairman Hon. Sec. & Treasurer Hut Warden & Editor, B.B. Printer B.B. Caving Secretary Hut Engineer & Asst. Hut Warden Assistant Librarian & Min. Sec Tackle Officer Lamp Spares Climbing Secretary Librarian
R.A. Setterington. R.J. Bagshaw. A. Collins. R.J. Price. R. Bennett. B. Prewer. C. Falshaw. N. Petty. Marroit Pat Ifold. J. Ifold.
In addition, it was agreed to proceed with the doors and other carpentry in the kitchen. It was agreed not to hold the dinner at the Cave Man again. Keith Asquith was elected a member. It was agreed to obtain one more lorry load of hardcore for the Belfry outside. Other items dealt with included fire fighting equipment for the Belfry; arrangements for obtaining materials for the new building; Cuthbert's survey equipment and caving and climbing tackle.
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REPORT OF THE A.G.M. The 1958 Annual General Meeting of the Bristol Exploration Club was held at Redcliffe Church Hall on Saturday 4th October 1958. The meeting started at 3 p.m., at which time a quorum of 28 members were present. The minutes of the 1957 meeting was read by the Hon. Sec. after R.A. Setterington had been unanimously elected Chairman; and were adopted by the meeting. The Hon. Secretary mentioned in his report that 21 new members had joined the club in the eight months since the last A.G.M., but in spite of this, club membership was only up to 115. The Hon. Treasurer declared that the club’s finances were in a healthy position and the cost of the new Tackle and Changing Hut could easily be borne. Mush of the increased receipts were due to the greater number of Life Memberships being taken out. He also announced that a sum had been collected for a memorial to Don Coase, but he was keeping this separate from the club finances. The Hut Warden announced that Belfry Bed nights were greater than those at the same tine last year by about 300 bed nights and that all records would be easily broken by the end of the year. He attributed this to the bad summer which resulted many members staying at the Belfry, and there was some mention of a number of unemployed in club. A report in the Belfry Bulletin followed in which the Editor pointed out that the B.B. was tending to cost rather more than had been originally agreed on when the present Board took over its running. A discussion followed in which R.M. Wallis, speaking as a member who was rarely able to come to Mendip, pointed out that the B.B. should not be hampered through lack of funds. This was agreed by Dan Hasell. Bob Price then made a plea for some volunteers for the Addressing Dept. Prew and Tony O'Flaherty responded and become members of the B.B. Board. The Caving Secretary commented on the high level of caving activity this year. Arising from his speech, it was agreed to advertise a club trip in the B.B. at suitable intervals. The new caving secretary to arrange this. At this stage, the result of the ballot for the 1959 club committee became known and was read out by the Chairman. The committee again consist of 10 members, as there was a tie for the last place. It consist of: R.A. Setterington; R. Bagshaw; C. Falshaw; N. Petty; A. Collins; R.J. Price; B. Prewer; P. Ifold; R. Bennet and ‘Mo’ Marriott. The Tackle Officer's report followed. He announced that club now possessed 136' of lightweight tackle and 45' of Ultra lightweight as well as a new 100' of nylon line. The Hon. Librarian reported that Clare had donated most of Don’s books to the Club Library. We now have 40 books but it appears that some 70 must be missing, judging by old lists. The Chairman suggested that Chris Falshaw and Johnny Ifold get together and attempt to trace the missing books. The Climbing Secretary reported that active membership of the section had increased and suggested that camping equipment be purchased by the club for the climbing section. It was agreed to leave this matter to the 1959 committee. Sleeping arrangements at the Belfry provided the main talking point under the heading of ‘Member’s Resolutions’ and the meeting ended with a lively discussion on the subject. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Editor's note on the above. This account of the A.G.M. was taken from notes made at the time, but is not an 'official' account. The full proceedings may be seen by members on application to the club secretary.
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CAVING LOG 3rd August
4th August
6th August
8th August 9th August
10th August
16th August 17th August
19th August 21st August
23rd August
30th August 31st August
Alfie’s Hole. Party removed rocks in chamber. A hole in the floor uncovered from which a passage can be seen. The boulder pile is far too unstable to allow penetration yet. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader A. Sandall. Trip via Old Route to sump. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader “Mo”. Down Old Route up to High Chamber and Cascades. Back up Pulpit Pitch. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Chris Falshaw. Down Pulpit Pitch to Dining Room then via Lake Chamber. 180’ of new passage discovered on way out. General Note. Club Record. 24 people down the cave and total man hours was 145. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader N. Petty. Tourist and digging trip. Digging in mud choke by Beehive. Swildon’s. Leader K. Robbins. Tourist trip to Sump I. Alfie's Hole. More muck removed from floor of chamber. Alfie removed one small stone from bottom. Ten seconds later, cave had to be evacuated owing to imminent collapse of boulder pile. Cross Swallet. Alan Fincham spent two hours knocking rocks off and breaking them up. Way on is still not clear. St. Cuthbert's. Bryan Ellis and Chris. Surveying in the Rabbit Warren. St. Cuthbert's. As above. St. Cuthbert's. As above. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Prew. Down to Dining Room and brought out telephone. Tankard's Hole. Leader R. Stenner. Survey started, after cave had been dug out again. Blake's Farm Swallet. Leader Mike Wheadon. Party went to fullest extent of known cave. Chris went on along a streamway until finally stopped when his light went out. He was rescued by Bryan! Swildon's Hole. Trip to sump I via Tratman's Temple and the Blasted Boss. Leader Keith Robbins. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Mike Wheadon & Prew. Swildon’s Hole. Trip to Sump II. Leader K. Robbins. Tankard Hole. Survey continuing. Leader. R. Stenner. Tankard Hole. Survey continuing. Leader R. Stenner. August Hole. Leader “Mo” Marriott. Swildon’s Hole. Upper Series. Leader K. Robbins. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Mike Wheadon. Grand tour of system including Rocky Boulders and Maypole. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Kangy. Hanging Chamber entered and penetrated to its top by a series of feats with Maypoles, ladders ropes and other climbing devices. Swildon’s Hole. Photographic trip. Jonah. Swildon’s Hole. Leader George Honey. One scout fell into the second pot twice. Swildon’s Hole. Photographic trip. Jonah. Hollowfield Swallet. Leader Chris. Lassoed a nearby boulder and dropped down to 'Main Chamber' went on to a flat out crawl which became silted up after twenty feet. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Chris. A passage running parallel to Harem passage was investigated. 40’ of new passage entered. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Kangy. Cross Leg Squeeze and Hanging Chamber. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Bryan Ellis. Tourist trip. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Mike Wheadon. Following Chris's last trip, passage continued through boulder ruckle into fairly large chamber with some black stal. A drop through the floor brings one to a streamway which can be followed to a sump. Swildon’s Four. Leader Alan Fincham. It was noted that water coming down the Maypole Pitch by the final sump was contaminated and a connection with Priddy Green Farms is suspected. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Chris. Investigation of passages in the catgut extension. Hillier's Hole. Leader Prew. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Chris. Tourist Trip. Alfie's Hole. State of affairs at bottom of chamber inspected. Not as bad as feared. Hole might still go!
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Vole Hole. Dig abandoned and excavation started to be filled in. St. Cuthbert's. Leader Mike Wheadon. Found a further small chamber well decorated. August Hole. Leader Bob Bendall. Tourist trip to end of cave. St. Cuthbert's. Leader. N. Petty. Drilling holes in Wire Rift for new wire. Eastwater. Leader Keith Robbins. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Kangy. Photography in Curtain Chamber. Swildon’s Hole. Leader Roger Burky. Sherpa trip in preparation for W.S.G. trip. Alfie's Hole. New entrance started. One side of top shoring completed. 4th September Goatchurch and Sidcot. Leader R. Stenner. 6th September Alfies Hole. Shoring continued. Swildon’Four. 12 Hour Sherpa trip. Dave Balcombe and Kangy. 13th September St. Cuthbert’s. Roy Bennett and Chris Falshaw. A large boulder complex was entered which extended from the Railway Tunnel to Upper Traverse Chamber. It requires much 14th September sorting out. Swildon's. Leader R. Stenner. Top Series with Expresso coffee. 20th September St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Mike Wheadon. Catgut Extension. Another chamber discovered. Report will follow later. St. Cuthbert’s A party of four, including Mike Wheadon, Mike Palmer, Albert Francis and Prew went 21st September down at 8.30pm and went straight down to Catgut Extension. Went into chamber found by Mike Wheadon on the 21st September. SIZE IS SIMILAR TO THAT OF QUARRY 22-23 Sept. CORNER. THE FORMATIONS AT THE TOP END OF THE CHAMBER ARE PROBABLY AMONG THE FINEST IN THE ENTIRE CAVE. The chamber was named September Chamber. At this bottom of the chamber, a small hole led to a chamber in the centre of which was an aven. The top could only just be seen with the aid of a powerful lamp. Height is over a hundred feet. From here, a bedding plane continued down dip to an old stream passage, having excellent formations. This carried on until a T-junction was reached. Left is a short passage. Right goes for about 70-100' and many ways are still to be looked at. Series is called September series. Prew 27th September St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Chris Falshaw. Went to September Chamber which is quite magnificent, the profusion of stalactites being amazing. 28th September Eastwater. Leader Tony O’Flaherty. Down to the first vertical and back. 29th September St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Mike Wheadon & Prew. Trip to Catgut Extension. Photographs taken and formations taped. New passages discovered. Trafalgar Chamber, Strand and Victoria Passages. All of the party were slightly shattered by the magnificence of the series. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 31st August
P e r s on a 1 Congratulations to Dave Radmore whose wife has recently presented him with a daughter, Carol, weight 6lbs.7oz. Congratulations also to Joan and Tony Crawford on the birth of their son, Roger Alan. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Library. AN APPEAL to all members to turn out cupboards, attics, and other odd corners. Have you a club library book, for instance, propping up one side of your piano? Please let Johnny I. or Chris have any club books you might find! Caving Trips. If you are organizing a trip, let the caving sec. know, so that it can be advertised in the B.B. or send or give the information directly to the Editor or any member of the Board. New Building. Don’t forget. FREE BED NIGHTS to all who WORK on this job. Work will be starting in earnest very soon. Come and do your bit!
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RACING IN NORTH WALES!!! The hand of fate fell heavily on two club members, inflicting them with that dreaded malady, 'Midsummer Madness', the effects of which are not so long lasting or so consequential as Spring Fever, but much more horrific. This illness started when Alan Bonner and myself accepted the invitation of Rex Aldridge to join the Yorkshire Rambling Club’s meet to attempt the Welsh 3,000's in North Wales on June 21st - midsummer day. After three and a half hour's sleep, we found ourselves deposited in the Pen-y-pass Hotel car park, to make up a total of 19 starters. The clouds were down low and hanging heavily on Crib Goch with no wind to harass it. The time was 4.30 am. A fast pace was set, and we were soon in a thick, muggy blanket of cloud walking up the steep side of Crib Goch and doing a balancing act on the ridge leading to the pinnacles. By now there were four of us in the leading group, which was reduced to three when Rex tried to turn the last pinnacle and so lost valuable minutes. 1 hour 50 minutes from the start, we were past Crib-y-Ddisgl and on top of Snowdon. From there we belted down the railway track to Clogwyn station and then plunged down a fine scree slope to Llanberis Pass. Alan Bonner was the first down at 6.50 am approx., myself being delayed a few minutes by a call of nature. Older members of the Y.H.C. were installed in Bendy Mawr hut and cooked us a very welcome second breakfast. Rex, Alan and myself set off for Nant Peris just before 8 am and were soon climbing up the long, tedious slopes of Glydir Fawr. Because of the cloud, we did not find the best way, climbing up amongst loose boulders. We then realised that we were possibly off route when a raven croaked some 100' below us. Rex's map reading and compass work was first class in that we were in cloud while traversing. Elidir Fawr, Y Garn, Glyder Fawr and Glyder Fach. It was not until we descended to Bwlch Tryfan that we saw our first cloud free peak, Tryfan. From the summit it we eased our way down a gully on the N.W. face bringing us down to the main road at Milestone Buttress, and so to the Midland Club Hut where more food was waiting. We left the hut at 3 p.m. under a bright sun and headed to the east ridge of Pen-yr-oleu-wen, making our way over the steep, broken and vegetated slopes until we found a track which led to the summit. We rested in the hollow cairn and enjoyed the excellent view. The rest of the peaks on the Carnedds were easily reached, compared with the previous going, reaching the last peak at 730 pm. The last part of the trip down to Bethesda was taken seriously, as the thought of a beer and closing time at 10 pm occupied our main thoughts. We cut through a churchyard to arrive at a pub at 9.30 p.m. Our conscience was eased by finding the vicar installed there. We were met by our friends of the Y.R.C. who plied us with pints and transported us back to their club hut. Our thanks are due to them for providing us with food en route and to Rex Aldridge for inviting us to the meet. Geoff Mossman _______________________________________________________________________________________ Social
It must be recorded that at the Hunters Lodge on Saturday 11th of October, Sid Hobbs drank screech from a ladies shoe! To the best of out knowledge this has not been attempted before at the Hunter's. Sid seems to be surviving well! _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Belfry Bulletin. Editor: S.J. Collins, 33 Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8 Secretary: R.J. Bagshaw, 56 Ponsford Road, Knowle, Bristol 4