No. 138
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EDITORIAL No, we haven't been affected by the printer's strike and neither is the shortness of this B.B. in any way a piece of sarcasm or a hint. The fact of the matter is that, although we have stated in previous issues that when faced with a shortage of material, we would make up the size of the club's monthly magazine by contributing ourselves, suitable inspiration is lacking at the moment. This being so, rather than waste paper, we are just printing what we happen to have by us this month and hope that we shall have more to offer our readers next month. " Alfie. " _______________________________________________________________________________________
July Committee Meeting Owing holidays, to the absence of many committee members on their holidays, no meeting was held this month of July: _______________________________________________________________________________________
The Caving Secretary sends this list of club trips for the month of July:-
Sunday, 19th July, 11 am at Cooks Farm.
Saturday, 25th July, 2 pm at the Belfry
Tyro’s trip round the top. Sunday 26th July, 2 pm at cave.
Belfry. The Hut Warden regrets that, owing to lack of time it will not be possible to run the 'credit' system next club year. Accordingly, after the A.G.M. all members will be asked to pay 'on the nail', and any credit balances will be refunded to members. It is hoped that all debts will also be cleared by this time and all members are asked to make a strenuous effort to do this so that the Treasurer may be able to balance his accounts. Amounts owing will be available from the Hut Warden in the near future as each account is made up. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Persona1 Congratulations to Bob Price and Mary on their recent engagement - we have our spies everywhere! _______________________________________________________________________________________ Social Column A fantastic weekend was enjoyed by many members recently on Mendip. A celebratory barrel supplied by Chris Falshaw to mark his forthcoming wedding was downed on the Friday even and followed by suitable Midsummer revels on the Saturday. A Goon Suit race across Mineries pool, although somewhat disorganised, provided considerable amusement, and served to show most mothers taking part just where all the leaks in their goon suits were. This was followed by an evening at the Hunter's and finished off with a bonfire and barbecue outside the entrance to Cuthbert's. Two Harvard students, Geoff and Norris, were, we feel, suitably impressed. Suffice to say that, during the evening, they were observed to be drinking Draught Worthington, Ben's Rough, Draught Guinness and T.V. (not all at once!) and finished it up with the special cider punch which was
Page 2 No. 138 served round the bonfire and which was curiously potent. For those still thirsty, there was a four and a half gallon flagon of screech to finish the proceedings (and some of the participants!) The revels were mainly organised by Mike (Emperor) Holland, of the Wessex Cave Club, the food cooked by members of the Shepton Mallet Cave Club and the fun enjoyed by cavers of a number of clubs, including our own of course! _______________________________________________________________________________________
MEETING A meeting was held at Bristol University on Friday, 26th of June, to which Dr. Tratman invited two representatives of all the recognised Mendip Caving Clubs to meet a representative of the Bristol Waterworks Company. The two representatives attending on behalf of the B.E.C. were R.A. Setterington and R.J. Bagshaw. The Waterworks representative, Mr. Brown, informed the meeting that the Bristol Waterworks had taken over the Axbridge Waterworks and in consequence, now controlled both G.B. and the August-Longwood system. In the near future, the Waterworks would be taking over land in the Shepton Mallet Waterworks area, which includes the St. Dunstan's well catchment area of Stoke Lane, Browne's Hole, Fairy Cave, Hillier’s &c. Later, it was possible that the Wells area would be affected, bringing all the caves of Mendip under the control of the Waterworks. Mr. Brown stressed the fact that it is the policy of the Waterworks not to restrict activities on their land and instanced the yachting and fishing clubs which are allowed the use of the company's reservoirs. However, for administrative reasons, the Waterworks will only be prepared to appoint one body as their agents. A further meeting will be held in November at which it is expected that a representative body will be set up to act in this capacity. Editor's Note. The above is not a first hand account of the meeting, but is substantially correct in fact. Obviously, the news of this meeting is bound to raise some speculation amongst cavers. The Belfry Bulletin will keep members informed of any further developments on this subject on a factual basis. Any letters &c involving readers personal comments may be published if it is felt that they are worthy of inclusion. It must be realised, however, that author's opinions are not necessarily those of the Club or the Editor. _______________________________________________________________________________________
LETTERS To the Editor of the B.B. Dear Sir, While glancing through a recent B.B., I was surprised to see that a large part of it was written by Roger Stenner. I don't know whether this person considers himself an author, but the editor must be really short of material to include such tripe. I regret that I find myself agreeing with him on one point, however. That is about the badges. I'm sure the club wouldn't like their badge to be confused with a weegee boogie woogie club and Tony Rich's originals are very good and in complete contrast to such badges seen in thousands all through the summer. Well, I must get back to the kitchen sink or someone will be coming home to find his dinner isn't ready. Still, if you print this you will have a new signature for the B.B. and I'll have written my letter for the year. Daphne Stenner
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Having given one of the Stenner family her head, we must be fair… To the Editor, B.B. Dear Sir, After two successive Christmas B.B. covers depicting most reprehensible caving practice, I feel compelled to announce that the person responsible has been observed making sketches, possibly with the intention of making another block for the B.B. After the scene in 1957 of Drunken Debauchery, most offensive to the morals of any normal decent wellbred gentleman, readers of the 1958 Christmas B.B. were shown a scene including foolhardy, unnecessary and hazardous acrobatics on a ladder! This should not be taken as normal caving practice, as the gentlemen concerned have not even a lifeline! The following extracts from British Caving will need no further comment: page 324. " ....above all …. no alcohol should be given. Hot sweet drinks are most beneficial." page 342. "…..the carrying out of awkward moves without safety precautions for sheer bravado should be firmly stopped at once." I believe that the three cavers shown on the '58 cover are three of the disgustingly intoxicated cavers depicted in the '57 cover. The fourth, already unable to stand in 1957, having been left to fend for himself. I dread to think what further disgusting scene will be submitted for the cover for the Christmas B.B. 1959. I am sir, yours respectfully, R.D. Stenner, Esq. B.F., n.b.g. and finally
Dear Editor, Ugh, gurgle-gurgle, goo….goo….goo. Edwin Stenner. Editor's note. I think Edwin's got a point there! _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Belfry Bulletin. S.J. Collins, 33 Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8. Secretary. R.J. Bagshaw, 699 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol 4.