No. 142
Christmas 1959
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EDITORIAL No, you weren’t missed off the list for the November B.B. – There wasn’t one. This is the first time since we took over the running of the B.B. that we missed an issue – just as we were in sight of beating the record for the regularity of the publication, too! The thing that finally had us baffled was a series of accidents to the duplicator. After four hours work; nearly a ream of scrap paper, and not one decently printed page to show for it, we finally gave up. However, good has come of all this. This B.B. and, we hope, ALL FUTURE B.B.’s will be printed on a modern, all electric, dreaded automatic machine. The pages of this one that were already printed were done at the rate of one page every four minutes. This compares with at least two men working quarter of an hour on the old machine for the same result. All those long suffering members which have had the bad luck to handle the club duplicator will know what a wonderful feeling it was to stand beside the machine and watch identical printed copies coming out like machine gun bullets! November’s B.B. was to have been the last one to have the now familiar blue cover. This distinction is now taken by the October issue. This copy is the last one to be printed on the old size – quarto- and we hope, in honour of the occasion, to make this the biggest B.B. ever to be published so far. You will consider that this is written before it is all printed, you realise that we are sticking our necks out at this stage. However, we hope it turns out all right, and it only remains for us, on behalf of all members of the B.B. Editorial board to wish all our readers a very Happy Christmas. _______________________________________________________________________________________
CAVING LOG For September, October and November 1959. 5th Sep. 6th Sep. 12th Sep. 13th Sep. 16th Sep. 17th Sep. 19th Sep.
Swildon’s. Photographic trip round Upper Series. Party, N. Brooks, Ron Woodford, R. Hancock, C, Gallen and G. Hobby. Swildon’s II. Tourist trip. Party, N. Brooks, and as for previous trip above. It was found that the guide wire in Sump I was corroded and it was broken on the return trip. There is now no guide wire. Agen Allwedd. Party, N. Petty and George Honey. Photographic trip to Main Chamber Swildon’s. Party, D. Greenwood, J. Davey (B.P.C.) A. Whittingham, R. Wakefield, P. Davies and Norman Humphries. Tourist trip to Sump I. Then up into Tratman’s Temple and St. Paul’s Series and Mud Sump to head of Blue Pencil Passage. Still a moderate amount of water about. Swildon’s. Party, D. Greenwood, J. Davey (B.P.C.). Photographic trip to the end of Barne’s Loop. Still no water until the bottom of the 40’ pitch. Swildon’s. Party as above. Upper Series. Down via the Wet Way and out via the Long Dry Way. Swildon’s. Party, R. Lewis, A. Knight and three visitors. Down the Wet Way to Sump I. A very pleasant trip with no difficulties.
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20th Sep.
St. Cuthbert’s. Party, Alan Coase, Colin Knight and Norman Petty. To sump via Upper Traverse and High Chambers. Five inches of airspace in the sump. 21st Sep. Swildon’s. Party, J. Davey and D.A. Greenwood. Down to Sump I. A little water still going down the 20. Sump dive was enjoyable, if cold. St. Cuthbert’s. B. Prewer, John Davey and D.A. Greenwood. Quick evening to sump via Cascade 23rd Sep. Passage and Fingers. Back via Curtain Chamber. Swildon’s. Tourist trip to Mud Sump in dry conditions. One of the party, using a “new method” for 27th Sep. traversing the double pots, had a good soak! Roger Burky and 6 members of B.C.S.S. Swildon’s. Party, Nigel Hallett, Colin Knight and two characters from Axbridge – names unknown. 10th. Oct. Tourist trip to Series IV. We took our time on the way in, with the usual struggle down Blue Pencil. Sump IV was muddy and “cowsh” coming from the aven – from DIG? A medium speed on the return trip. Swildon’s. Ian Dear and some Rover Scouts frtom Weymouth. Ian acted as Safety Officer. Easy trip. 7th Nov. Lack of noise from the water made the cave a little eerie. St. Cuthbert’s. Norman Petty and Roger Stenner went down to put a rawlbolt into the Wire Rift. The rift 21st Nov. was also measured for future wire to be fitted, also sites for more bolts found. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Note on the above. A wave of MODESTY appears to have broken out amongst our active cares. Why not hand YOUR name down to posterity by recording your trip in the log book? Apart from the fact that the club rules require you to, of course! _______________________________________________________________________________________
9 Burleigh House Beufort Street Chelsea SW3
Dear Sir, Regarding your comments in the August B.B. about the origin of the word ‘ouijee’. This particular spelling has been used by the Chelsea Speleological Society and London Speleological Group from time immoral and it has on occasioned some research to find its history. In the classic case of Jones v Claire, the judge at one stage asked, “What is a ouijee?” and learned council opined that it might be the corruption of the word ‘ouija’, a board to obtain spirit messages, but did not suggest what the connection might be. Greaves “Famous Oaths” quotes the case, and adds the information the ouija is derived form the French and German words for ‘yes’. Recent researches at Oxford have now produced the correct connotation. Dr. Caoutchouc, as famous for his revolting personal habits as for his epigean exploits, explains the matter in a manuscript ‘Caves and Orgies’. If Martel is the father of Speleology, then Caoutchouc must have been the grandfather, for he formed the Exploration Societe Speleologique d’Orleans – or ESSO – in 1850, with Martel as a junior member. He recalls that a member, whose name has been lost in iniquity, once achieved a degree of notoriety by continually saying, “I know that!” when anything was explained to him. Thereafter, he was always referred to as “I know that!” or “Oui, j’y sais.” The term eventually came to mean all newcomers and was shortened to “Oui j’y.” It is not known who first brought it to England, but no doubt it was amongst the more repeatable phrases that floated up to the early lifeliners at Gaping Ghyll. English has no sound to match ‘j’y’ and it has become altered in consequence to ‘jee’. Similarly the ‘goon’ in goon suit is a corruption of the French Goudron, meaning pitch and ‘trog’ is an abbreviation of the French ‘trougge’ meaning of a ruddy countenance, i.e. bloody cheek. I am available to answer any similar entomological problems. Yours etc. Harry Pearman, Editor, C.S.S./L.S.G. Journal Editor’s Note. The name ‘Pearman’ is, of course, a corruption of the name ‘Pairman’, meaning a man who makes a hobby of pairing unlikely words together.
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Christmas 1959
Page 3 32 Chaworth Road West Bridgeford Nottingham
Sir, Perhaps you would be good enough to print this letter in our esteemed bull. B.E.C. members are welcome at the above address with b. & b. GRATIS – WELL, NOT QUITE. Let’s say 40/- single, 92/6 double. Comfortable beds on coal in cellar. Homely smell of gas in cellar supplied at nine pence extra. Food, miscellaneous and various. Drink – 1953 Hock; 1952 Barsac; 19?? Chianti; 1958 Mendip Elderflower (Petty/Stenner/Falshaw). Regret no screech, only a mock Norfolk brew. Wild beer only on draught, various brands of bottles available. Free parking (no lights) in front of genuine corrugated iron Bethel wot don’t ‘arf rattle when it rains. Cigarettes by Abdul. Patrons are requested to leave quietly when the landlord calls for the rent. Recreational pursuits: -Swallet digging in the back garden – Price one shilling an hour. Next year we plan to hold a grand swallet digging week with prizes for the most attractively finished plot. Potatoes, cabbages, etc. are to be supplied free for putting round the edges. L.B.C.R. unknown; A.A., six stars at least. R.A.C. ditto. Running water everywhere. Cheers Chris F and Wife Editor’s note: - We were, unfortunately, unable to reproduce the genuine thumbprint which was superimposed on Chris’s signature on the original. N.B. We understand that the abbreviation L.C.B.R. stands for Lady Chatterbox’s Rating. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Miners Hostel Huntley New Zealand I spent last Easter hunting with a Maori friend and had a terrific weekend. The country was beautiful and we bagged 3 deer and one pig, not to mention shooting the trout in the lake, and drinking a fair quantity of beer. My friend’s folk held a ‘hange’ for us, which roughly translated means a big oven. A hole is dug in the ground and a fire lit in it. Then stones are put in the fire and when it has died down, the ashes are taken out and the meat and vegetables put on the hot stones. It is then covered with a cloth and earth. The meal is then left to cook for about two hours. The ‘hange’ consisted of two sheep and half a pig. About thirty friends and relatives ate it and there was not a single scrap left! The pakika’s contribution was a fair quantity of ale and a good time was had by all. The hunting was all done on horseback. I had never been on a horse before, but I was persuaded that there was nothing to it. It was fair enough on the flat, but the guide quite suddenly disappeared down the side of a hill as steep as the side of Snowdon. Needless to say, I finished up flat on my back at the bottom. However, I had a wonderful time. Incidentally, I came across a strange thing here. Vicky, my friend, used the word ‘weegee’ for trippers. I don’t think it is Maori, but it may have originated here. John Lamb. The last letter was part of a letter written by our own New Zealand Lamb to Ian. Johnny said we could publish it and it is good to hear that he is enjoying himself out there. What about the derivation of the word ‘weegee’ now, Harry (ed.)
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No. 142 39 Colbrook Ave Hayes Middlesex
Dear Sir, I should like to say how pleased I am to receive the B.B. up here. It helps to keep me informed on club matters and also has a circulation of about twelve L.S.G./C.S.S. members. Now for some news. From the 24th July to the 3rd August last, some real effort was put into the third choke in Agen Allwedd. To date, there have been three trips. The third choke consists of a very large boulder fall blocking the streamway, which is this shape: -
The fall is very unsafe, and explosives may have to be used to settle it. Yours “Scottie” (B.M. Scott) Thanks Scottie. I expect your news is a little out of date by now, but it is very welcome as we have no account written yet on any of the club Aggy Aggy trips. We hope top be able to print something soon! _______________________________________________________________________________________
)NOTICES( Pyrenees 1960 - Summer School. A fortnight's holiday course on the painted caves of France will be held in August 1960, based at Foix, in Ariege. Accommodation of hostel type; food; transport from Bristol to Foix; etc are all included in a charge not to exceed £35. This is being organised by the W.E.A. through Ted Mason and provisional applications MUST be made to P.C. Fryd, W.E.A. office, 7 Nicholas St,, Bristol 1, by December 31st at the latest. Mendip Rescue Organization. Some years ago, a list was prepared giving details of members who would be prepared to turn out in the event of a large scale rescue operation. It is intended to revise this list and bring it up to date. Would any member so inclined please give me full details of address; home and business telephone numbers, and transport available. K.S. Gardner. (M.R.O. Rep.) New Addresses. Since printing the list of members at the end of this B.B., some of the unknown addresses have come to light they are:276 J.M. Stafford, 24 Alma Road, Clifton, Bristol 8. 342 R.J. Price, 2 Weekes Road, Bishop Sutton, Somerset. 104 M. Hannam, "Myndeep" Wstward Drive ,Mariners Gardens, Pill, Somerset. This leaves Peter Stewart, Roger & Daphne Stenner and Barry Woof whose addresses we are at present unable to publish. These will follow in the January B.B.
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BELFRY BINDER By “Sett” When the Editor asked me to publish the recipe for Belfry Binder, I realised that there must be many of the present club members who have never tasted this nutritious dish, and many more who do not know of its origin or raison d’etre. Priddy Stew – to use its original name – was first developed at Maine’s Barn, around the end of the war when food was rationed and meat, in particular, was not readily available. The advantages of Priddy Stew as it was originally prepared were fourfold. Firstly, a large number of persons can be catered for out of one pot, hence only one source of heat is required. Secondly, when correctly cooked, it can be eaten with a fork. Thirdly, it can be made with practically any available ingredients, and lastly, it can be cooked before going underground and warmed up ready for eating while the party is changing. By the time the original Belfry was built on its original site, where the Shepton tackle hut now stands, Belfry Binder, as it had become known, was cooked almost every weekend, Most cavers could obtain some food off the ration, but these additions were not usually such that one man could eat them. One caver might, for instance, bring a tin of corned beef or spam and no sugar, while another brought sugar but no butter. In these circumstances, the preparation of Belfry Binder was an ideal answer to the catering problem. By the time the Belfry was moved to its present site, there were several good shots in the club and rabbit became the traditional meat content. Unfortunately, this source no longer exists, and we have to use tinned or butcher’s meat. One other traditional ingredient, curry, also seems to be out of favour these days, but tastes vary and it will probably come back in the future. As previously stated, there are no fixed ingredients for Belfry Binder, so a typical recipe would be given. It was left up to the initiative of the cook to ring the changes of the various vegetables used. A word of warning here. Don’t try to use fish and various members of the cabbage family are best left out. Each person will eat the equivalent of about 17 ounces of raw material at an approximate cost of 1/- per head. This weight should be made up as follows: - 2oz of stewing steak; 7oz of potatoes; 2oz of onions; 6oz of other vegetables, well assorted and preferably fresh. When totting up the total quantity of stew required, don’t forget those underground and any more latecomers; count these in ands then add a couple more for people you forgot. The large aluminium pan at the Belfry, when full, hold sufficient for 17 people, so a typical recipe for this number will be given. The pan will be full to within half an inch of the brim with this quantity. Ingredients 2lbs Stewing Steak 2lbs Onions 2lbs Peas 1lb tomatoes, condiments and thickening
8lbs Potatoes 2lbs Carrots 1lb Beetroot
Method Put 1½ inches of water in the pan with two level dessertspoonfuls of salt and one of pepper. Put the pan on the stove and light the gas. Dice the meat into half inch cubes with a sharp knife and put them in the pan. Scrape and slice the carrots, and dice the beetroots and add to the pot. At this stage, clean and add any other root vegetables except the potatoes. The preparation of the meat should take about ten minutes, by which time the water should be boiling. The first lot of vegetables will take another twenty minutes. During the next fifty minutes, continue preparing the other vegetables and then add all but half the potatoes. Twenty minutes, add the remaining potatoes. From this point, stir continuously until the last lot of potatoes are cooked. This will take a further twenty minutes or so. Just before serving, make two tablespoonfuls of bisto into paste and add to the stew. Serve one large enamel mug full per person. The stew is fully cooked when the wooden spoon will stand vertically for at least fifteen seconds.
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We were pleased to receive recently, yet another of those revealing descriptions of how the other half lives. This is the third in the series describing the Stately Clifton House of B.E.C. Members.
LADY CHATTERBOX COVER By Ann Gardner On Monday the 16th October 1959, BY INVITATION, Lord and Lady Chatterbox visited the home of Messrs Mosspan, Harvey and Tarling. Upon entering, we were enticed into the kitchen and teacloths were thrust at us. We ignored them and proceeded to watch the Washing Up Ceremony, which is usually performed on alternate Sundays during the close season. The decorations in the kitchen are many and varied with 29 pairs of tatty socks and 5 old ones. Cooking appears to be done in B.P. Energol, and an equal amount of milk and pure meths appears to be drunk in this establishment. We were offered some rather lumpy custard which was, however, politely declined, owing to an aversion to lumpy custard in any shape or form. The ceiling of this room is ‘orrid green and the place of honour is taken by a large gas stove (price 2/6) two regency type velvet chairs and three broken bits. Proceeding into the hall, one is amazed at the number of climbing boots that can be used by so few feet. If there were the number of feet per boot that there are boots, the number of socks in the kitchen would be easily explained! Two hot water bottles only were in evidence. It is presumed that the odd bed uses the two flat irons which were seen as foot warmers. The lounge, two bedrooms and the bathroom open off the hall, which is the size of the average home’s living room. The lounge is tastefully furnished with a dartboard, two gin bottles, five twisted red candles, two radios and one record player, one of which was working. A novel idea was the hula hoop reclining in one corner. After careful consideration, I could not see who uses it. The floral decorations were somewhat unusual for a bachelor flat, comprising three drooping chrysanthemums and one deader. At the far end of the room – the size is somewhat after the fashion of Mr. Collins’s residence – and one can walk for miles, a lonely beer mat poised upon the picture rail peered blearily at the one bar electric fire which valiantly pits its strength against the wintry blasts. There are the usual chairs and bits scattered about and the walls are neatly papered with posters pinched from far away places like Severn Beach, Pill and Minehead. The bedrooms are not very large. Mr Tarling’s is very bachelorish. Messrs Mossman and Harvey share a slightly larger room. All there beds sagged somewhat in the middle, and Mr. Mossman pointed out the notches on each bed. (I wonder what for!) Messrs Mossman and Harvey have an interior window into the hall. They take it in turns to watch the assorted climbing gear in the hall. After all, it might get up and walk out one day. The bathroom is the most gay and tastefully decorated room in the whole flat. It is mostly a ghastly blue with repulsive maroon ironwork. To add to this, it has pink walls and green bits here and there. The towels on that occasion were mauve and the bath is verdigris green with decayed soap trimmings. In short, not a room in which one would wish to meditate on the future of the world. We thanked Mr. Mossman for his ‘co-operation’ (he had no choice anyway) and left to visit Mr and Mrs Stafford. We arrived and told that they were out. Never mind. We don’t give up that easily! _______________________________________________________________________________________
PUZZLE Two cavers were holding an inquest on the seasonal festivities the night before. “I drank one more pint than you did,” said one, “but I can’t remember how many I drank.” “We both drank beer and screech,” replied the other, “I remember thinking that the number of pints of beer I drank, the number of pints of screech I drank, the number of pints of beer you drank and the number of pints of screech you drank would make 210 if they were multiplied together.” “That doesn’t help very much!” “No, but one of us drank an even number of pints of screech and you drank more beer than I did.” “Did I” “Yes, you mentioned it as we were walking back to the Belfry.” How many pints of beer and screech did each of them drink?
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Christmas 1959
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A NOTE ON CONTINUOUS FLASH POWDER IGNITERS By P.A.E. Stewart During the course of a recent visit to South Australia, I had the good fortune to make contact with the Cave Exploration Group of South Australia, or C.E.G.S.A. After a lot of talking shop on cave exploration, and caving matters in general, we came to the subject of equipment. They had shown me a large number of excellent colour slides of the Nullarber Caves, and had mentioned the DIPROTODON. Upon further questioning, the following facts were forthcoming: The DIPROTODON, a sketch which can be found on the next page, is an instrument named after an ancient marsupial hippopotamus, the bones of which are sometimes found in caves. It is a continuous flash powder dispenser, giving an improved illumination efficiency by ejecting the flash powder though a flame of burning methylated spirits. Using the DIPROTODON, one may not only take flash photos but also continuous cine films. It would appear that the instrument was designed by the Hon. Henry Pairlie-Cunningham of the Victoria Cave Exploration Society. Basically, it consists of a meteorological balloon attached to the end of a motorcycle exhaust pipe. The balloon has an attachment for inflation by means of a lilo pump. The degree of inflation necessary varies with the length of run, but one should always ensure that the air exhausts before the flash powder to prevent a flashback. The outflow of air is controlled by a valve operated by the trigger. This trigger also controls the flash powder admittance valve, which lies at the base of the hopper. The hopper is sealed at the bottom by a plug. During operation, the air and powder valves are opened, and powder is blown out by the air from the balloon through the exhaust pipe and fishtail silencer. Below the fishtail is a tray filled with methylated spirits which is fired before using the diptrodoton. The flash powder is ejected through this hot flame and thus ignited at a higher temperature than would otherwise be obtained. It would appear that the user would be faced with a terrific glare and would need to use welder’s goggles or some other protection for the eyes. A better solution would be to provide the diprotodon with some form of reflector. If any reader should build one of these devices, I should be very interested to know of the factor by which the normal guide number for flash powder is increased. I should like to thank Bob Sexton of C.E.G.S.A. for his kindness in giving me the details of the diprotodon in Adelaide. THE HOOKAH A smaller version of the diprotodon was described to me by Les Southwell of the Victorian Cave Exploration Society. This was named the Hookah, for its similarity with the Indian pipe, though this one is rather more potent. It comprises at Kodachrome tin with a hole ⅛” x ⅛” cut in the side. On the top of the tin is a sweated copper tube with a mouthpiece of plastic or rubber tubing. The copper tube extends downwards almost to the base of the tin, and terminates in a nozzle. Below this nozzle, the flash powder lies in a deflecting bowl, on blowing through the tube, flash powder is agitated and ejected through the hole or jet at the side. This passes over a wick which has been soaked in methylated spirits and ignited. Results are similar to those obtained by the diprotodon although on a smaller scale. It would appear that both the above devices are prone to flashback, and some flame trap should be incorporated. The Hookah seems prone to detonation of its contents, and great care should be exercised in experiments involving any device of this type. I should be very interested in the results obtained with either of these instruments. It is beleved that one may exist in the U.K. and belong to C.E.G.S.A. members Ken and June Lyon at 42 St. John’s Road, Walthamstow, London. Editors Note: Some years ago, a bloke called Johnny Rundell and myself played about with a gadget which continuously burnt magnesium ribbon. I can describe the main pints of this if anyone is interested.
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Proposed Combined Clubs Foreign Caving Expedition. There appear to be many clubs who are anxious to partake in such an expedition for their summer holiday. The main advantages of a combined expedition would seem to be: 1. Each club could lend some tackle to the expedition and is should be possible to tackle a major cave system. 2. Cheap travel rates could be obtained by block party booking. 3. There should be a good chance of obtaining a financial grant for such an expedition. As a first step, the Northern Pennine Club propose to hold an initial meeting on December 5th, the purpose of which will be to elect an organising committee for the expedition. As soon as this committee has been elected, the N.P.C. as such will withdraw from direct organisation. Should any B.E.C. members be interested, the N.P.C. will be pleased to send the club details of any further developments. Members of the B.E.C. should contact Bob Bagshaw if they are interested, and he will then write for further details.
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13 14
15 16 18
22 23
24 25
30 31
32 35
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Across (1) Presumably these did not leap or twitch! (5,4,6) (9) A high flying bird. (5) (10) See 19 down. (12) The club voted against one in this B.B. (5) (13) “No ruddy use…..” (3) (14) A dexterous move. (5) (15) Mary in the garden was related thus to her questioner. (5) (16) These of the earth are familiar! (5) (22) Contrasted in rhyme with an insect. (7,6) (26) Advice from Gil? (5) (28) Drink, or state the next morning! (5) (30) Presumably written on a brass plate. (1,4) (31) 28.11 Commemorates a small scale variation of this. (3) (33) Another dexterous move. (5) (34) Reilly had one. (3) (35) We get some of these ‘upon the ordinary route’ (2-3) (36) The squire had not gone far when this occurred. (
Down (1) There’s a downtown………where the boys all go. (7) (2) I had a welsh bother of the shortened form of this name (6) (3) When 36 across occurred, it must have been quite a this in the passenger’s life! (5) (4) The man who talked to Ivy had no this. (4) (5) Found in a PealoO’Bells. (5) (6) Bert ‘Iggins was undoubtedly a this man. (5) (7) Descriptive of the tools associated with 1 across. (3,3) (8) Age of the passenger in 36 across. (7) (11) Vehicle associated with Plymouth. (7,4) (16) Oldfellows hold them. (5) (17) These 16 downs are sometimes seen on the 30 down. (5) (18) What ‘Enery did. (3) (19) See 10 across. (20) A type of this is heard at the Hunters sometimes. (3) (21) Two brothers owned one. (3) (23)A woman of Hitchin did this. (7) (24)He’d be made of wood without his head, but presumably he wasn’t.! (7) (25)Worn by 27 down types. (6) (29) Did the squire say this before lifting his hat? (5) (30) On which 24 down presumably lay. (5) (31) No need for the leading seaman to do this. (4) (32) These clues are useless if you can’t this. (4)
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Annual List of Club Member’s’ Names and Addresses This list which follows is that used by our Postal Department. If your name is not on this list, or your address is incorrect, please let us know, as that may be the reason why your B.B. has been late or not sent at all. 418 306 412 236 20 392 358 368 290 214 390 370 417 364 336 145 320 393 384 320 209 190 389 361 36 429 366 231 398 211 89 395 377 416 71 401 405 427 423 350 424 226 164 325 331 322 263 426 232 394 371 269
S.F. Alway T Andrews T.O. Asquith T. Attwood R.J. Bagshaw M.J. Baker D.J. Balcombe N. Barrington R. Bater R. Bennett J. Bennett W.L. Beynon P. Bird P.M. Blogg A. Bonner Miss S. Bowden-Lyle F.R. Brown R.G. Brown R.D. Brown N Brooks P. Burt Mrs P. Burt R. Burky B. Busson R. Brain R Casling B.R. Chamberlain N.D. Clark A.C. Coase Mrs C. Coase S.J. Collins Cochrane D. Cooke-Yarborough. A. Colburn A.J. Crawford M. Cunningham F.G. Darbon A.C. Davidson L.W. Dawes Mrs A. Davies P.V. Davy I. Dear K.C. Dobbs A.J. Dunn J.A. Etough B.M. Ellis D. England P. Eyles C. Falshaw Mrs C. Falshaw A. Fincham T.E. Fletcher
102 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol 8 135 Danson Road, Bexley, Kent 70 Albert Road, Pellon, Halifax 4 Bridge Road, Shortwood, Nr. Mangotsfield, Bristol 699 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 Morello, Ash Lane, Wells, Somerset 26 Bennett gardens, Norbury, London SW16 53 St. George’s Drive, London SW1 2 Upper Perry Hill, Southville, Bristol 3 3 Russetts Cottages, Backwell Common, Somerset. 3 Russetts Cottages, Backwell Common, Somerset Lower Lodge, Weston Park Road, Weston park, Bath, Somerset City Museum, Queens Road, Bristol 1 Ridgeway Park, Ridgeway, Glos 45 St. Alban’s Road, Westbury Park, Bristol 6 51 Coronation Road, Bristol 3 13 Alexandra Road, Bath, Somerset 45 Blundell’s Road, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire 3 George Street, Taunton, Somerset 392 Victoria Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. 3 Manor House, Rothamsted, Harpendon, Herts 3 Manor House, Rothamsted, Harpendon, Herts 54 Sedgemore Road, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset 57 Southcote Rise, Ruislip, Middlesex 4 Lees Hill, Kingswood, Bristol 51 Oakdale Road, Downend, Bristol 102 Egerton Road, Bishopston, Bristol 7 3 St. John’s Crescent, Wainfelin, Ponytpool, Mon. 18 Headington Road, London SW18 P.O. Box 1510,m Ndola, Northern Rhodesia 33 Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8 23368196 L/Cpl, Gordon Barracks, Bulford, Wiltshire The Beeches, St. Briavels, Lydney, Glos 69 North end, Clutton, Bristol 3 Hillside, Harefield, Uxbridge, Middlesex 103 Staplegrove Road, Taunton, Somerset 43 Arthur Henderson House, Fulham Road, Fulham, London, S.W.6 57 Halsbury Road, Bristol 6 113 Brooklands, Avenue, Sidcup, Kent New Bungalow, Hancot Lane, Pentre, Queensferry, Flintshire 15 Hamilton Gardens, St. John’s Wood, London NW8 76 Reforne, Portland, Dorset 85 Fox Road, Pinhoe, Exeter, Devon 70 The Crescent, Henleze, Bristol 116 Newbridge Road, Brislington, Bristol Oakmead, Cher, Minehaed, Somerset 28 Mendip Road, Bedminster, Bristol 3 56 Cairns Road, Bristol 6 32 Chaworth Road, West Bridgeford, Nottingham 32 Chaworth Road, West Bridgeford, Nottingham Leeds University Union, Leeds 2 The Old Mill House, Barnack, Stamford, Lincs
Page 12 278 G.A. Fowler 385 R. Francis 404 A. Francis 251 K.S. Gardner 388 J. Goodwin 434 D.A. Greenwood 346 G.H. Griffiths 239 D. Gwinnel 432 N.P. Hallett 104 M. Hannam 304 C.W. Harris 400 R. Hartley 4 D. Hassell 372 M.J. Healey 373 S.M. Hobbs 387 G. Honey 406 D. Hoskyns 97 J. Ifold 150 P. Ifold 363 M. Isles 374 J.J. Jacobs 279 J. Jenkins 340 R.L. Jenkins 51 A.C. Johnson 225 M. Jones 267 Mrs M. Jones 285 U. Jones 433 J.F. Kembury 289 D. Kemp 316 R.S. King 413 A.F.. Kitchen 430 C.G. Knight 332 D.J. Lacy 260 J. Lamb 429 R. Lewis 275 C.A. Marriott 414 T. Marston 106 E.J. Mason 383 P.J. Miller 334 D.W. Mitchell 339 G. Mossman 308 K. Murray 386 A. Nash 329 T.W. Neil 330 Mrs T.W. Neil 362 F. Nicholson T. O’Flaherty 396 M.A. Palmer 245 J.S. Pembury 327 J. Pengram 22 L. Peters 160 N. Petty 146 T. Pink 56 G. Platten 337 B. Prewer 342 R.J. Price 291 D. Radmore 241 A.L.C. Rice 391 P.A. Richards
Christmas 1959 No. 142 77 Kingshill Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 91a Oxford Gardens, Kensington, London SW10 53 St. Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset 10a Royal Park, Clifton, Bristol 8 11 Glanarm Walk, Brislington, Bristol 4 53 Lingwood Road, Clapton, London E5 164 St. Johns Lane, Bristol 3 34 Gatehouse Close, Withywood, Bristol 3 67 Blendon Road, Bexley, Kent Address to follow 14 Market Place, Wells, Somerset 19 Cowper Road, Redland, Bristol 6 ‘Hill House’, Moorlynch, Bridgwater, Somerset 24 Water Lane, Brislington, Bristol 4 135 Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol Giddings Caravan Site, Hemingford Grey, Huntingdon 128 Woodland Gardens, Isleworth, Middlesex Leigh House, Nempnett, Chew Stoke, Somerset. Sunnyside, Rectory Lane, Compton Martin, Somerset 33 Greenleaze, Knowle Park, Bristol 4 126 Bridge Lane, Golders Green, London NW11 49 Stoneleigh Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 5 North Street, Downend, Bristol Warren Cottage, Station Road, Flax Bourton, Somerset 389 Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol 7 389 Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol 7 3 Durham Street, Eslwich Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 2 Newent Avenue, Kingswood, Bristol 17 Becmead Avenue, Streatham, SW16 1 Lynmouth Road, Bristol 2 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment, B.F.P.O. 69 64 Norton Way, Isleworth, Middlesex 31 Devon Grove, Whitehall, Bristol 5 365 Filton Avenue, Horfield, Bristol 7 Roseacre, Limpley Stoke, Bath, Somerset 718 Muller Road, Eastville, Bristol 5 54 Pear Street, Kingston, Halifax, Yorkshire 11 Kendon Drive Wellington Hill West, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol 130 Longmead Avenue, Bishopston, Bristol 7 2 Selwood Road, Frome, Somerset 5 Arlington Gardens, Arlington Villas, Clifton, Bristol 8 17 Harrington Gardens, South Kensington, London, S.W.7 62 Silverhill Road, Henbury, Bristol Orenda, Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset Orenda, Bradley Cross, Cheddar, Somerset Fullbrook Cottage, 52 Friggles Street, Rodden Down, Frome, Somerset Oldfield Park Lodge, Wells Road, Bath, Somerset Cathedral Coffee Tavern, St. Thomas Street, Wells, Somerset Grove View, Hambrook, Bristol 4 Moffats Lane, Brookman’s Park, Hatfield, Herts 21 Melbury Road, Knowle, Bristol 4 12 Bankside Road, Brislington, Bristol 53 Burnthwaite Road, Fulham, London SW6 ‘Rutherfield’, Fernhill Lane, New Milton, Hants. 14 Egerton Road, Bath, Somerset New address to follow 2 Dunkeld Road, Filton, Bristol 13 Wades Road, Filton, Bristol 164 Eastcote Road, Ruislip, Middlesex
No. 142 Christmas 1959 Page 13 Frontier Geophysical, Party 8, 207, 61st Avenue, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 344 T. Rich 82 Eaton Valley Road, Luton, Beds 411 K. Robbins 2 Burghill Road, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol 258 C.H.G. Rees 157 Pen Park Road, Redland, Bristol 6 157 Miss J.P. Rollason 52 Granby Hill, Clifton, Bristol 8 367 J. Rowley 35 Beauchamp Road, Bishopston, Bristol 7. 240 A. Sandall 35 Beauchamp Road, Bishopston, Bristol 7. 359 Mrs. A. Sandall 39 Colbrook Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex 237 B.M. Scott 4 Galmington Lane, Taunton, Somerset 78 R. Setterington 4 Galmington Lane, Taunton, Somerset 356 Mrs R. Setterington 86 Grand Drive, Raynes Park London SW20 312 R. Setterington 143 Love Lane, Heaton Norris, Stockport, Cheshire 403 A. Sidall 31 Springfield Lane, Teddington, Middlesex 425 J. Simonds 48 Windsor Road Leyton, London E10 414 C. Smith 12 Loring Road, Isleworth, Middlesex 402 D.G. Soutar New address to follow 276 J. Stafford 74, Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol. 4. 38 Mrs. I. Stanbury 6 Aubrey Road, Bristol 3 1 T.H. Stanbury New address to follow 365 R. Stenner New address to follow 381 Mrs. Stenner New address to follow 60 P.A.E. Stewart Sandhill Special Residential School, Bishops Lydeard, Taunton, Somerset 284 A. Thomas 23585478, 58/18 Troop, 5th Royal Tank Regiment, Catterick Camp, Yorks 379 D. Thomas 86 Kingsholme Road, Kingswood, Bristol 409 G.E. Todd 51 Rothmans Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex 78 J. Tompsett 51 Rothmans Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex 80 Mrs. D. Tompsett 11 St. Phillips Road, London E8 326 E. Towler Gently, East Knoyle, Salisbury, Wiltshire 382 S. Tuck Swildons, 343 Upton Lane, Widnes, Lancs 79 R.M. Wallis 2 Hulbert Place, St. Thomas Street, wells, Somerset 397 M. Wheadon Woodland Cottage, Wrington, Somerset 399 P.C. Wilson 7 Haydon Road, Taunton, Somerset 175 J. Waddon 1 Stanley Villa, Crewkerne, Chard, Somerset 420 R. Winch 71 Windfield Crescent, Lawrence Weston, Bristol 416 B. Windridge Address to follow 435 B. Woof 80 Torrington Road, Ruislip, Middlesex 341 R.A. Woodford 50 Glanfield Road, Beckenham, Kent 418 E.A. Woodwell _______________________________________________________________________________________ OUR COVER. this year, for those who may be interested in such things, were drawn by a pukka commercial artist and printed by the offset litho process. Considering that, as far as we know, he has never been down a cave, we think he got the 'atmosphere' very well, although his cavers look too neatly dressed to be authentic! _______________________________________________________________________________________ WE REGRET that one tradition of the Christmas B.B. of recent years - the inclusion of a poem by Sid Hobbs - has not been possible. Rumour hath it that we might get one early in the new year.
Page 14
Christmas 1959
No. 142
THE USE OF A BAROMETER IN CAVE SURVEYING By Roger Stenner The altitude, or height above sea level, of a point, is a function of the air pressure at that point compared to that at sea level, the temperature and humidity of the air, and the local value of gravity. Allowing for these quantities, the general formula connecting height and pressure reduces to: H= Where: -
H T Po P go gn Wn
= = = = = = =
(49080 + 107t ) go ( Po − p ) + + (1 − 0.378Wn) go Po + p )
Increase in altitude between points 1 and 2. Mean temperature in Fo Air pressure in mb at point 1. Air pressure in mb at point 2 Local value of gravity in C.G.S.W. Mean value of gravity in C.G.S.W. Water Vapour Pressure at to x Relative Humidity
Where h is measured in feet and Pm is the mean pressure between the two points in the same units as Water vapour Pressure. Knowing the latitude and altitude of a cave in metres, we have: G(sea level) = 978.85(1 + 0.005288sin2Ν - 0.000006sin22Ν) go = g(sea level) – 0.000309H + 0.000042κH
where Ν is the latitude.
where H is the altitude and κ is the density.
The correction for gravity is usually negligible, and is less than 0.1%. A temperature error of 5oF gives an error of 0.9% and neglecting the humidity factor gives, at 50oF and 100% humidity, an error of 0.8%. As an error of 0.05mb, one part in 20,000, gives an error of about 1.5 feet, it is most important that the barometer used should be accurately calibrated. If a mercury barometer is used to calibrate it, it is important to apply all the necessary corrections. A capsule aneroid barometer, loaned to the club for this purpose by Messrs Mechanism of Croydon, was used by the author, assisted by George Honey, in St. Cuthbert’s in August last. A series of readings were taken which it is hoped will add to the known data on the cave and help evaluate the usefulness of this barometer. A number of selected stations, the air pressure and the time were noted. The air pressure at the entrance was noted both on entering and on leaving the cave, so that a correction curve could be drawn, assuming a linear rate of change. To further check the method, readings were duplicated at one station in the cave, with a long time interval between the two of them. The air temperature in the cave was found to be 10.5oC and temperature measurements have shown this value to be fairly constant. R.A. Setterington, on the 11th August, showed the temperature of most of the important risings on Mendip to be 10.5oC. The relative humidity in the cave has previously been shown to lie between 99% and 100% throughout the cave (See B.B. Nos 118 and 120). The scale of the micrometer attached to the instrument enabled readings of 0.05mb to be distinguished. This is the equivalent to a vertical error of 1.5 feet. Results were as shown overleaf: -
No. 142 TIME Hours 1325 1345 1350 1400 1415 1515 1615 1622 2125 2145 2150 2153 2153 2200 2230 0010
Christmas 1959 READING mb 992.85 994.80 996.25 998.45 1000.70 1001.05 1001.40 999.85 999.25 1006.10 1006.10 1005.50 1006.30 1006.60 1004.35 991.45
CORRECTED READING mb 992.85 994.85 996.30 998.55 1000.60 1001.25 1001.80 1000.25 1000.25 1007.20 1007.20 1006.60 1007.40 1007.40 1005.45 992.85
DEPTH ft 0 55 95 157 218 231 246 203 203 393 393 377 399 407 346 0
Top of shaft. Window into Arête Chamber. Foot of Arête ladder. Entrance to Wire Rift. Foot of Upper Mud Hall ladder. Quarry Corner mud slope. Upper Traverse Chamber near Katchenjunga. High Chamber, Catgut entrance. High Chamber, Catgut entrance. Main Stream, Plantation Junction. Main Stream, Beehive. Lip of Great Gour. Gour Hall, Main Stream. Main Stream, First Sump. Dinning Room table. Entrance.
Accuracy of the Results. The assumption of a linear rate of change of air pressure with time was borne out by the correspondence of the two corrected pressures in High Chamber. Nevertheless, readings taken during an atmospheric discontinuity, such as is caused by a thunderstorm, would not respond to such a correction. Conclusions. In normal conditions, it would appear that the instrument is capable of giving readings to something approaching the reading error of eighteen inches. In addition to its use as a depth measuring instrument, it would be useful to take a series of readings in unsettled weather when the barometric pressure is changing rapidly, at the entrance to a cave and deep within the system simultaneously. From these readings, any time lag between a pressure change at the surface and the deep cave would be measured. Another experiment which would be possible, in connection with an anemometer, would be to determine the pressure differences necessary to produce the string winds which are found in some parts of cave systems. Finally, to confound all the critics, it would be worthwhile to compare barometric readings of depth with figures taken from an accurate survey of the same cave by conventional methods. _______________________________________________________________________________________
C o n c l u s i o n……. Well, that's it again! The end of the Christmas B.B.; this size of paper and this typewriter. We’ve got a lot of work to do now before the next B.B. can come out. The stapling machine must be altered, the new typewriter must be got hold of, and the blocks for the cover must be finished and the printing organised. So January's B.B. may be a bit late. After that, the new arrangements should be working smoothly and we will make a great effort to get the B.B. out by the first Thursday of each month, as we did until recently. So keep your fingers crossed, hope for the best and a Merry Christmas. _______________________________________________________________________________________ THE BELFRY BULLETIN FOR CHRISTMAS 1959 Secretary; R.J. Bagshaw, 699 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol 4. Editor; S.J. Collins, 33 Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8 Postal Department; B. Prewer, 14 Egerton Road, Bath, Somerset.