Belfry Bulletin Number 159

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May 1961 Vol XV No.5

Number 159

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May 1961 – No 159

_______________________________________________________________________________________ Club Rules. The committee are at present engaged (amongst other things) in revising the club rule sheet. These alterations will require ratification at the next A.G.M. according to the constitution. The general principle involved is to have a set of rules which are really worked by members or can be properly interpreted. Thus the rule about providing a lifeline in 'all dangerous places' depends at present on your definition of a dangerous place. The revised rules put the responsibility on the leader of the party to check lighting arrangements, clothing and tackle according to the cave the conditions expected and the composition of his party. With the last few years’ record of M.R.O. callouts, it becomes even more necessary to take such arrangements seriously. Annual Dinner - Photographic and Song Competitions. Jim Giles has agreed to organize two competitions on the above lines. There will be prizes. We hope to be able to give more details in the next B.B. Club Album. Mike Baker has agreed to compile a club photographic album so if YOU have any interesting Caving/Climbing/Historical/ humorous pictures for inclusion, please get in touch with Mike. Caving Trips. There will be a beginner’s trip on the weekend 25th June on the Saturday or Sunday. Contact Mo (C.A. Marriott) whose address is at the back of each B, B. There will also be a trip to AGGY AGGY in early July. Alan Sandall is making the arrangements, and interested people should get in touch with him. Do not leave it too late, as blood chits have to be organised for this trip. Tea Towels. The committee have arranged to purchase sufficient tea towels to ensure that clean towels are provided at the Belfry every weekend and regularly laundered. If this amenity is to be a success, it is essential that towels are not used for cleaning bikes; washing cars; scouring detailers out etc. Children at the Belfry. Under some circumstances, when the Hut Warden can be certain that no other members will be inconvenienced, it is sometimes possible to allow members to stay at the Belfry with their families. However, in all cases, the Hut Warden must be consulted and his permission obtained in advance and a firm booking made for particular days. The committee will view any infringement of these arrangements with some seriousness. Urgent Appeal. Mike Baker is looking for someone who has a reasonable excuse to share in putting up a barrel with him. It will be the occasion of Mike’s "decadence” soon, so if anybody else is liable to have their ten years of caving coming up and wants to share with Mike he will be very interested. Don Coase Memorial Plaque. Various friends of Don Coase's, who can rarely get to Mendip, would like a picture of the memorial plague in position. This would be a nice gesture on the part of one of our photographers next time he passes that way. The club could then have some copies done and sell them to interested friends of Don's. May Committee Meeting. Most of the business of the committee has already been covered in the above notices. However, more notices will be found later in this B.B. Amongst other things, a scheme is afoot for improving the sink drainage in the Belfry as well as continuing to enlarge the car park and tidy up the site generally.

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CAVING LOG for 1961 1st April. Swildons. Upper Series. Steve and Pete. Also trip to the Double Pots next day. 1st April. Crackpot Hole (Fairy Cave). Swaledale. N.G.R. 963955. Dave Rains (N.P.C.) Mike Baker and Jim Giles. A short photographic trip in a very fine cave. This cave is situated about thirty miles north of Ingleton in the Crackpot area of Swaledale. This is a resurgence about two thirds of the way up a cliff and the two entrances to the cave are about thirty foot above. The obvious way into the cave is the hardest and can make a very difficult trip if this entrance is used. About fifteen feet to the left of this is a small hole leading into a level, Blue Pencil type passage which joins up with the stream after about a hundred foot. We followed the Stream Passage, which is a comfortable height and about twelve feet wide, as far as the sump. This passage is very similar in formation to Swildons below the Forty. The sump is passable but is followed by a boulder ruckle which prevents further access by this route. On the left hand side of the sump, a short tunnel (dug out under a stalagmite false floor) emerges into a large, almost circular chamber the ceiling of which is a forest of stalactite straws - some exceeding two feet in length. The floor of this chamber is made up of loose boulders and by climbing over these and negotiating a short drop, the stream is regained. It is possible to follow the stream for a further fifty feet or so until a second boulder ruckle is reached. At the moment this is the end of the cave, but someone is digging here, so perhaps another section may be added in the near future. The total length of the cave is six hundred feet. 4th April. Swildons. Dave Causer and Jim Giles, a six hour trip to measure up a side passage in the Shatter Pot dig for some bang. We had a further look round the 250' of new passage - Shatter Passage - and found a streamway on the left. Although this is not on the survey, we were not the first to see it. This stream passage starts off as a very promising hole just above the ten foot overhang. It runs level for about thirty feet takes a sharp upwards turn through 70째 and forks after a further twenty foot. The left hand passage carries on at the same angle and ends after thirty feet, giving access to a platform behind. This platform we explored but it is chocked with mud. The right hand fork goes on out of sight, but as the passage was at such a steep angle, looked quite tight, and there were a few handholds only, we did got go beyond twenty feet from the intersection of the two passages. From this viewpoint, we could see for a further twenty feet before the way on turned. We carried on looking around the main extension passage, but without any further success. Had another look at the stream passage at the very end and agreed that it just didn't "go". 8th April. Swildons. Shatter Pot and Trouble Series. Party; Dave Causer; Jim Giles to Shatter Pot. Mike Thompson; Mike Holland; Fred Davies; Ken Dawe and Bob Pike to Trouble Series. Dave Causer and Jim Giles added a further forty feet to the Shatter Pot system of Swildons and the other party gained five foot at the right hand fork at the end of Trouble. The Shatter Pot addition is off a side passage in Junction Chamber which, until Dave Causer banged an offending bulge of rock, could only be entered by half a caver. Although this passage (which is a very narrow rift about thirty feet long) shows promise of continuing for at least another ten feet, it is not in the right direction for a sunless trip to Swildons Six. In fact, if anything, it goes towards the recently found Shatter Passage, but only slightly. The way on is going

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to be quite a feat of caving as the rift is partially blocked by rock having an "over or under" passageway. As the lower route is too tight, the upper must be used to get back into the rift which twists about a little and is very narrow. From our vantage point at the "over" route of the blockage, we estimated a further ten feet, making this addition some 35 - 40 foot long. The rift is, for the first twelve foot, easily caved, by walking sideways and the remainder gives just enough space to walk normally. From the entrance at the dig, the rift floor rises about eight to ten feet in its first twenty five feet of length. Above, the rift is about ten feet high for the first twelve foot, then it gains perhaps a further five to ten foot, getting wider at the top. In Trouble Series, the party gained only five foot and there appears to be little promise of a breakthrough to Swildons 2. A small circular hole was found in the floor of this five foot extension and goes down for an estimated fifteen foot. No one was small enough to get into this hole and it was impossible to see down it owing to fumes. 4th April. St. Cuthbert’s. Photographic trip with two Lockleaze schoolboys. Leader Roger Stenner. In the Dining Roan, it was found that a tin of milk had rusted through. The oldest tin of food was replaced by a new tin. 1 pint of meths taken down. The lake was dry. Possible explanation. When empty, the mud seeps down to block the small water exit - lake forms. After a sufficient time, water softens mud and lake empties. Time of cycle: 3-6 years. 9th April. Swildons. Trip round Upper Series. Garth, Brian and John R. Leader, Jill. Garth got stuck going into New Grotto. Brian and Jill went through. John was chicken. Spare lights carried by all. No trouble with them and no rescue required. 9th April. Cuthbert’s. Party of five Bedford Schoolboys taken down the cave. By way of variation, went down Waterfall and Wet Pitches. Bryan Ellis. 10th April. St. Cuthbert’s. Leader Roger Stenner + 2 Lockleaze boys. I am sorry to, have to report that because of insufficient caution, one of the lads hit an 18" stalactite near Gour Hall and broke it. The boy and I are both deeply sorry. The work of thousands of years spoiled by two careless seconds. 10th April. Cuthbert’s. Mike Baker and Jim Giles. We left the above party at Quarry Corner and went to the new passage off the Boulder Chamber that was discovered on the 19th March. This passage was filled with sand and gravel and was rather funnel shaped. The loose gravel could be easily pushed through with the foot and could be heard going on down. This squeeze leads round an ' S' bend and finishes up in the side of a fair sized chamber. This chamber - Sugar Bowl Chamber - is filled with sand, gravel and boulders to a depth of eight to ten feet. Due to the dangerous nature of the floor of this chamber, great care must be taken when coming out of the entrance passage, which is high up in the side of the chamber. A small hole in the bottom of this chamber seemed to be the way on. To reach the hole, you just have to take one stop forward, and gravity and the sand do the rest. Momentarily inspired with the possibilities of the unknown, we commenced to dig, but soon found the easiest method was simply to push material through the hole, and were rewarded with some beautiful noises bouncing about below us. This should have deterred

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us, but we started to make the hole bigger (at that time not knowing whether we were above a large chamber or a large ruckle) and with some well directed kicks, boulders shot through the hole. Then it happened!! We both had that 'let down' feeling. Everything seemed to be going downwards - sand, gravel, boulders and us. I shot past Jim’s feet - not very nice at the best of times, finally coming to rest with Jim sitting on my knee (good job it wasn’t Spike). On the way down, Jim taught me a new word - we had only slipped in about eight or nine feet but were very glad to reach solid rock. I now know how a grain of sand feels in an hourglass. The total length of passage is approximately 70 - 80 feet and a rope is advised for anyone in the Gravel Funnel. Work continues. This truly was Baker's Folly! 15th April. Swildons. Ron Wink 'ole; Mike Grimes; Mike Chilvers. In via Long Dry to bottom of Twenty. On the way back, Ron lost his helmet and lamp, but found it with the aid of a spare torch - which shows how useful a spare torch is (or perhaps a tied-on helmet) 15th April. Swildons. D. Causer and J. Giles. Attempted to pass “Over-Under” blockage (see earlier entry) by using a thirteen inch stemple in the "Over" way. The idea was sound enough, but it bends too much to allow easy passage by a caver. Decided that it would be safer to use explosive rather than risk getting stuck in order to push this very promising passage. By using a hand hold compass, we estimated that the rift turns towards the South or South West. This is the direction required for Six. Shatter Pot is going – Slowly! 16th April. G.B. Leader Mo. Party, N. Petty; J. Hill; A. Saudall; K & P. 13th April. Swildons. Leader R. Roberts. Party G. Owen; R. Books; M. Cuff. Trip to Four. This was the first trip to Four for the party. 22nd April. Swildons. Leader Mo. Intended to go to first sump. abandoned and the upper series was done.

Due to excessive water this was

22nd April. Goatchuroh and Sidcot. Phil York; Jim Smart; Ron Towns. First caves for Phil and Jim. Encountered an army of candle using cavers. Not only did Jim fall head first down the coal shute, but he fell over on a flat, straight road. 23rd April. Swildons. Dave Causer and Jim Giles went down Swildons with the firm intention of doing Sump One. Due to a technical hitch, party retreated after several abortive attempts. 23rd April. Goatchurch. Garth took several people from Bristol round the cave. 23rd April. Cuthbert’s. Party K. & P. Franklin, J. Dryden, Mike Thompson, Dave Bussell and Mo. 23rd April. Cuthbert’s. Leader Frank Darbon. Photographic trip to Curtain Chamber.

Party, Jim Hill, Noel Cleeve and Steve Roberts.

23rd April. Swildons. Richard, Roger Boakes and Mike Calvert. Trip to sump 1 for a cup of coffee. 29th April. Longwood. Rowena plus six members of Imperial College three of which were girls. Therefore the other three were men! Ladder into main chamber, kindly put down by Peter and Pat. 29th April. Swildons Five. Leader Ken Dawe. Frank Darbon, Dave Causer, Noel Cleeve, Steve Roberts. Trip to Shatter Pot for a bang after which we struggled down to Four. All the party went through sump Four.

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ARCHAEOLOGICAL NEWS by Keith Gardner. For many years the study of archaeology has been amongst the aims of the B.E.C., although activities have been sporadic and undertaken by only a few. The subject itself however is becoming increasingly popular, and to match this interest, educational institutions are introducing more courses; more groups are being formed, and more knowledge is being gained. In order to channel this interest along useful lines in the B.E.C., whilst conforming to archaeological standards, it has been decided to re-form the archaeological section. This will not only provide archaeological activities for members, but will also mean that the club itself will attract more members from the ranks of local archaeologists. It is hoped that the club will affiliate to the local county archaeological society and to the National Council for British Archaeology. One feature which the Archaeological section hopes to provide regularly is this archaeological news page in the B.B. in which will be published items of news such as notices of lectures; outings; excavations etc. and notes on any finds or research work and also summaries of proceedings of other societies received by the club library. Member’s views and opinions would be welcomed. Archaeological Courses. Details of some twenty courses are held at present by myself, and will be supplied to any interested member. They range from a course on "The Roman Villa" from 12 - 19 August at Cirencester costing 21/- to one being held in Denmark costing £45 - 50. Many of these courses do tend to be expensive, but a good one is a weekend at Urchfont Manor, Devizes from Friday 16th Juno to Sunday 18th June. It costs £2.5.0 inclusive of croquet on the East Lawn, after Sunday lunch. An excellent hostelry exists in the nearby village (with a private path via the kitchen gardens). The subject is "The Romans in Wessex." Further details can be obtained from the Warden at Urchfont. Excavations. Sites where volunteers are welcome are numerous and nationwide. Locally, the C.B.A. have advised the following:~ (1) Pewsey, Wilts, Neolithic Camp. 4th - 24th July. (2) Cirencester. Roman Town Centre March and April. (3) Nettleton, Wilts. Roman Temple/Mausoleum. Saturdays from 22nd April to 30th September. Mr. Graham Webster will be excavating a Roman fort at Maddon Hill near Crewkerne between the 10th and 24th June. For those touring Cornwall, there are excavations on a roman period site at Goldherring near Penzance. Should any member wish to learn of sites near his holiday area, this information can probably be provided. Excavation of a Norse hall in Orkney, being planned for May and June, seems more of a B.E.C. type of project, as does the following gem. St. Tudwalls, Fast Island, Caernarvonshire. Excavations at St. Tudwalls, an uninhabited island of about 26 acres will be continued under the direction of Mr. D.B. Hague. Work on a small medieval monastery last year produced some Roman finds. Volunteers, preferably experienced, should be mesomorphs prepared to camp and forgo civilised habits. A doctor; a cook; an architect and the owner of a small boat would be particularly welcome. Food and passage will be provided. Prehistoric Society London Conference. This used to be attended by members of the B.E.C. It is from 12th - 15th May this year, and the Summer Conference is in Ireland during the last week in August. Details from Keith Gardner.

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Dear Sir, I came across the following recipe and felt that it would be useful for any members of the B.E.C. going to a small party. Norfolk Punch (Date 1800) In 20 quarts of French Brandy, put peel of 30 lemons and 30 oranges, pared so thin that least of the white is left. Infuse 12 hours. Have ready 30 quarts of cold water that has previously boiled. Put to it 15 pounds of double refined sugar and pour on the brandy and peels, adding the juice of the oranges and 24 of the lemons. Mix well. Strain through a very fine hair sieve into a clean barrel. Add 2 quarts of new milk. Stir, bring it close, let stand for six weeks in warm place. Bottle for use. (Note. Presumably smuggled Brandy is best ) Joan Bennett.

To the Editor, B.B. Dear Sir, Perhaps I should reply to Ron King’s letter in the April B.B. apropos the flood warning notice outside St. Cuthbert’s Swallet. On a number of occasions the M.R.O. has been called out by virtue of “responsible” cavers being trapped in Mendip caves by foreseeable weather effects. Fortunately, the M.R.O. has always been able to call on the uncomplaining services of the Police or Fire Brigade and the latter have now asked for the co-operation of the caving fraternity in drawing attention to all the caves in which they are likely to be called in the middle of the night. It does not seem unreasonable to comply with such a request from them. The fact that this club has instituted a rigid control on parties entering St. Cuthbert’s, as well as undertaking flood diversion work etc, whilst to the credit of the club, does not alter the fact that the cave has been the scene of operations involving the fire brigade. In theory, the decision of whether to cave or not is the responsibility of the leader, and in this instance it is doubtful whether the notice will make, much difference, but as a general policy - at Swildons and Stoke Lane for example - it is hoped that it might have an effect. The other potential sources of danger raised by Ron King are presumably borne in mind by the leaders and have not yet resulted in a call out. The “Great Wetness” has. K. Gardner, M.R.O. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Editor’s Apology ................................................. Owing to holidays, this B.B. has had to be produced in even more of a hurry than is usual. It is realised that the contents, as a result, are rather "lopsided" and that the standard of production is not all that may be desired. However, it is important to get the B.B. out before various trips, etc go out of date and members lose the chance of getting in on them. We'll try and do better next month _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Belfry Bulletin Editor, S.J. Collins, 33, Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8. Secretary. R. J. Bagshaw, 699 Wells Road, Knowle, Bristol 4. Postal Department. C.A. Marriott, 718, Muller Road, Eastville, Bristol.

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