October 1961 Vol XV No.10
Number 164
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October 1961 – No 164
_______________________________________________________________________________________ To those members who were able to attend the Annual General Meeting and Dinner, we must apologise for taking up most of this B.B. with news of these events. However, since the point was once again made at the A.G.M. that the B.B. is the main link with all our members who live in far flung parts, we feel that a fairly full description of the A.G.M. at any rate is justified. “Alfie” _______________________________________________________________________________________ October Committee Meeting The first meeting of the 1962 committee was held according to tradition on the day after the A.G.M. The committee re-elected its officers of last year which are thus: Committee Chairman & Hut Warden R.A. Setterington. Hon. Sec. & Treasurer R..J. Bagshaw. Caving Secretary & B.B. Postal Dept. C.A. (Mo) Marriott. Climbing Sec. A.J. Dunn. Hut Engineer (Spike) Rees. Hon. Librarian J. Ifold. Editor B.B. S.J. Collins. New members elected were Mike and Liz Thompson, Pete Faulkner and Pete Blogg has become a life member. Other matters dealt with included the Belfry floor; the window frames; the new staplers; the Belfry drainage scheme; the new Cuthbert's entrance; the library list; Cuthbert’s leaders; the map for the Belfry; the Cuthbert’s phones and the club tent. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Statement for the year to the 31st August 1961 Annual subscriptions. ......................................................... ... £78 -- 6 Belfry: Receipts ................................. £101 11 7 Less Expenditure ............................... £ 92 17 2 .................... £ 8 14 5 Redcliffe: Levy...................................£ 19 4 8 Less Hire ................................... ........ £ 10 --. - ................... £ 9 4 8 Dinner: Receipts……………….........£ 61 12 6 Less cost .............................................£ 60 - - .................... £ 1 12 6 Post Office Savings Bank Interest ............................................ £ 1 7 3 Goods for Resale: .............................. £ 7 17 Less Cost........................................... £ 5 19 5 .................... £ 1 17 7 Car Badges ...................................... ..£ 30 3 Less Cost ........................................... £ 29 10 -. ................... £ - 13 Donations .................................. , ........................................... ..£ 3 16 6 £105 6 5 Belfry Bulletin Printing etc ...................................................... £ 18 19 2 Belfry Bulletin Postages ........................................................... £ 15 1 3 Tackle Expenditure ....................... ..£17 10 8 Less levy………………………….. £ 2 15 - ....................... £ 14 15 8 Loan repaid (Final ).... ............................................................ . £ 10 - Postages, Stationery etc....... ................................................... . £ 3 17 8 British Mountaineering Club Subscription. ............................. £ 1 - Cave Research Group subscription (2 years ).......................... £ 2 10 Caving Reports: ................................. £ 9 9 Less Receipts………………………. £ 2 - 3..................... £ 7 8 9 Club Ties:.......................................... £ 24 - Less Sale ………………………… £ 17 2 - .................. . £ 6 18 Sundries ............................................... .................................... £ 3 - 11 SURPLUS FOR YEAR............................................................ £ 21 15 £105 6 5 Total Club Monies 31 .8.60...................................................... £ 65 14 7 Add surplus as above ............................................................... £ 21 15 £ 87 9 7 Post Office Savings Bank Balance 31.8.61 .............................. £.60 4 1 Cash in hand 31.8.61………………………………………… £ 27 5 6 Total Club Monies 31.8.61....................................................... £ 87 9 7
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Number 164
October 1961
THE A.G.M A quorum, was reached at 2.55 pm at which time the meeting started. Dan Hasell was unanimously elected Chairman. "Pongo" Wallis, “Prew" Pritchard and Frank Darbon volunteered to act as tellers, for the ballot, and the minutes of the 1960 Annual General Meeting were read and adopted. The Hon. Secretary gave his report. In a brief statement he announced that we had 27 new members during the year, but that the paid up membership of the club had, in fact, dropped by two to the number of 110. He mentioned that the Charterhouse Caving Area appeared to be working out with little practical restriction on caving activities. The Hon. Treasurer reviewed the club's finances. A financial, statement will be found on page one of this B.B. He pointed out that the deficits shown against Caving Reports and club ties were due to stocks in hand, and that these items should show a small profit by the next meeting. The results of the ballot were then announced. The club committee is unchanged from last year. "Spike" asked how many members had, in fact, voted. The Chairman replied that 33 members had. It was agreed that this represented a low poll. The Caving Secretary then gave his report. There had been an increase in caving with 230 entries in the club log. There had been a large number of visitor's trips arranged down Cuthbert's and the new entrance was well on its way to being completed. The club had taken some part on six digs on Mendip. The Climbing Secretary announced that there had been five organised trips to North Wales and that climbing in the Avon Gorge had been well attended on most Thursdays throughout the summer months. He reported that an attempt to organise a climbing log had not met with much success. The Tackle Officer reported that all sisal rope had now been scrapped and that we had some 370' of nylon line and 225' of ladder. A further 300' of ladder is under construction. During the discussion on the report, Spike announced, that he would no longer be able to turn up bungs for new ladder and an appeal for volunteers having lathe capacity was met by "Sett" and Tony Dunn, who agreed to take over this job. In his report, the Hut Warden announced that we had paid off the cost of installation of mains water to the Belfry and that the surcharge had been dropped. There had been an improvement in tidiness at the Belfry due to a new system of arranging the washing up. Work on the new hut had now reached a stage where the main construction was almost complete and the woodwork in the living room had just been repainted. A rubber floor was being laid in the living room and the outside of the Belfry re-creosoted. Bed nights were 1,431. This is an all time record. The B.B. report followed. The editor stated that the paper and cover position was now secure, and that new stapling arrangements, were under way. He mentioned the possibility of a Joint Christmas issue. This was favourably received. In the discussion which followed, Llew offered some additional duplicating capacity and the editor agreed to contact Llew and work out a suitable arrangement. There was, once again, a large preference for the B.B. to continue to appear monthly. The Hon. Librarian announced that Sid Hobbs had begun the cataloguing of the books but had not completed the job. After some discussion about the library, the meeting adjourned for tea. After tea, member's resolutions were discussed. A resolution "that the A.G.M.be held at Priddy Village Hall next year as a trial for subsequent A.G.M." was put to the vote after some discussion and defeated. A resolution "that part or all of the club library be transferred to the Belfry under the supervision of two librarians who shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the books" was also defeated. A resolution "that the Hut Warden be issued with a key to St. Cuthbert's for use in emergency only" was passed, as was a resolution "that the committee be empowered to nominate a sub-committee to administer archaeological matters on behalf of members of the B.E.C." Several suggestions came up under "Any Other Business" but none of these were passed by the meeting. A suggestion that the committee should look into the possibility of having to find another meeting place in Bristol when Redcliffe Hall is demolished was passed to the committee. The meeting closed at approximately 5 pm.
October 1961
Number 164
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THE PHOTOGRAPHIC & SONG COMPETITIONS by the Editor. I think it is no exaggeration to say that the 1961 club dinner was amongst the best we have ever held. Those of us who have been to every club dinner would certainly compare it with the first dinner held at the Whiteladies Hall, which is reckoned up till now to have been our best dinner. The success of this year's dinner was due, very largely due, to the efforts of the organiser – Jim Giles and those members who backed him up by entering for the competitions. Jim has received vote of thanks from the committee. The standard of both the competitions was extremely high. This should not deter members from starting NOW to take even better pictures for next year's competition for which an organiser - Mike Baker - has already volunteered. Members will be reminded of this at intervals throughout the year! The song competition seems to have set an entirely new standard for caving songs, although the proceedings at the dinner were slightly offset by a sudden attack of the "20 minute 'flu". The winning song written by George Weston - is reproduced in this B.B. on the next page. Many of us think that it may well supersede "We are the exploration Club" as the club song, and heartily recommend all members to learn it before they next come to the Hunter's. If any of the winning photographs prove suitable we will try to reproduce these also in the B.B., but the quality of printing by stencil may not be good enough. Here is the winning song, which is sung to the tune of "The Lass of Richmond Hill." A local bloke from Rodney Stoke, more fond of beer than labour Was recommended by a friend to go and be a caver. He said, “Your thirst is not the first of such capacity. I know a crowd who'll do you proud - go join the B.E.C. Go join the B.E.C. Go join the B.E.C. That boozy crew will do for you, so join the B.E.C.” The M.C.G. brew splendid tea which makes them rather merry The spelaeos look down their nose at tipple worse than sherry. The Shepton brood are rude and crude when drinking at the local But worse by far - the Wessex are - exclusively teetotal. We are the B.E.C. Down with sobriety. Throw out your chest, cry “Beer is Best” and join the B.E.C. Each Friday night we all get tight as soon as we are able. By half past eight we lie in state beneath the Belfry table. At nine o’clock our knees may knock - we stagger out despite 'em By half past ten we’re sloshed again. And so ad infinitum. We are the B.E.C. and this we must confess. Whatever is worth doing, we will do it to excess. Note: All references to other Caving Clubs are entirely coincidental and bear no relation to any actual clubs, either living or half dead. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Don't forget there are only fifty one weeks left before the 1962 Photographic and song competitions close. _______________________________________________________________________________________ If you were one of the people who wanted a bigger B.B. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SEND IN YOUR LONG ARTICLES FOR IT???????
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Number 164
October 1961
BOOK REVIEW by P.M.Giles, Esq. A Survey of Headwear and Lighting available for Caving B.M. Ellis. B.E.C. Caving Report No 5. A very comprehensive and perhaps unique report on two major aspects of caving. Details of most types of headwear and lighting available on the market today are given, and the author adds some very sound arguments. Appendices at the end of the report list reliable manufacturer’s quotes from British Standards Specifications; Legal considerations and, for the first time in a B.E.C. Caving Report, photographs of items mentioned. As the B.E.C.'s first answer to "'Which?" the report is first class and by far the best in the series to date. Shepton Mallet Caving Club Journal. Series 3, Number 1. Edited by F.J. Davies. Price 1/3 from S.M.C.C. pedlars. The Shepton’s journal is now on sale to the general public and at a bargain price too, since it contains details of two important discoveries in Swildon's Hole - Trouble Series and Shatter Passage. It should thus be of great interest to both Mendip and ‘foreign’ cavers alike. The springhead rising at Rodney Stoke is also reported by members of the C.D.G. The journal may be obtained from the editor for a subscription of 3/- per annum, post free. The journal is published every six months. Underground Adventure. By Arthur Gemmel and Jack Hyers. Dalesman and Blandford Press Ltd at 8/6 (illustrated) Hull Pot, Simpson's Pot, Hensler's Passage, G.G., Lancaster Hole etc. etc. These and many other of the Yorkshire pots are graphically described from the point of view of the explorer in this excellent book. The thrills of setting foot where no man has trod before take the reader through some arduous crawls and squeezes in the dales and return him safely to the surface with memories of beautiful formations; dark forbidding sumps and pitches wet and fearsome. This book makes good reading and the photographs, mostly taken by Jack Myers, add the final touch to skilful writing. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Personal Congratulations to Shirley and George Weston on the birth of their son, Henry George on the 20th September. The baby's weight at birth was 91hs 1oz. _______________________________________________________________________________________
KNOTS by John Ransome No 2. The Sheet Bend. This can be used as a quick hitch for lifting ladders and other gear. It can be doubled by following the short end round again. _______________________________________________________________________________________ The Belfry Bulletin. Secretary. R.J. Bagshaw, 699, Wells Rd, Knowle , Bristol 4. Editor, S.J. Collins, 33, Richmond Terrace, Clifton, Bristol 8. Postal Dept. C.A. Marriott, 718, Muller Rd, Eastville, Bristol.