- 63 B.B.
No.243 JUNE 1968
CONTENTS. Club Notes FAIRY CAVE QUARRY Meets Monthly Notes 14 Caving Log MAGPIE MINE From Other Clubs Loch Coruisk Letters Access to Longwood Yorkshire Meet
63 64 68 68 69 69 70 71 73 74 75
ADDRESS CHANGES: C. Priddle, 37 Fishponds Road. Fishponds, Bristol 5. C. Hall, 37 Fishponds Road. Fishponds, Bristol 5. M. Hanham, “Lowlands”, Orchard Close, East Hendred, Berks. J. Laycock, 41 Woodlands Park, Quedley, Glous. T. Marston, 3 Maple Grove, Plymton, Plymouth, Devon. G. Selby, 913 N. Olive St., Corona, California, USA. R. White, c/o 22 Bayham Rd., Knowle, Bristol. R.M. Chandler, 83 Spring Place, Pound Hill, Crawley, Sussex. A.C.J. Davies, 9 Queens Road, Clevedon, Somerset. “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” Current List of Cuthbert’s Leaders. R. Bennett, P. Kingston, B. Lane, C, Priddle, J. Hill, D. Irwin, M. Palmer, D. Palmer, Dr. O. Lloyd, A. MacGregor, J. Eatough, R. Stenner, P. Franklin, K. Franklin, B. Prewer, S. Tuck, M. Luckwill, M. Calvert, J. Cornwell, A. Sandall, A. Meadon, N. Petty, B. Ellis, R. King and A. Coase. “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” Grateful thanks to Ralph Lewis for the gift of two fine digging ropes.
Hon. Sec: A.R. Thomas Westhaven School, Uphill, Weston-super-Mare, Somerset
“””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” Gordon Tilly has ONE Helmet left at 10/-. CARBIDE is available at the Belfry at 1/6 a pound. Please supply your own tins. “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” IF YOU HAVEN’T PAID SUBS – THIS IS YOUR LAST B.B.
Editor: “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” D.J. Irwin, 23 Campden Road, Bristol. 3.
PRICE 2/- 9Free to members)
TICKET ONLY PRICE 6/- or 10/- on the day – get yours from Zot NOW. Limited number only. ANNUAL DINNER at the CAVEMAN SATURDAY IN OCTOBER
- 64 For many years Fairy cave Quarry has been a centre of cave discovery from the armchair but it goes without saying it has contained, and still does, among the most beautiful of Mendip caves. The following article sums up the present position. DESTRUCTION AND DISCOVERY IN FAIRY CAVE QUARRY By “Prew” During recent quarrying operations at Fairy Cave Quarry certain parts of Balch’s Hole have been destroyed, these include Cascade Chamber, Maypole Chamber and crystal Chamber. At present the way to the Stream Series has been blocked at quarry floor level and the way on to the final chambers has not yet been reopened. This entrance lies some 20ft. above the quarry floor level in a pile of extremely unstable boulders. Of the remains of Balch’s some parts such as erratic Passage and Pool Passage have been damaged and little of their former beauty remains. Other parts such as Bulrush way and Gour End still remain in reasonable condition. The cave at present has three entrances, one of which is extremely dangerous, another is only accessible by rope from the top of the quarry and the third is at floor level and is safe. The third entrance is the end of Pool Passage where it entered Maypole Chamber. It is therefore possible to enter Pool Passage and reach Bulrush Way and Gour End. It is also possible to climb up from the end of Pool Passage and arrive at the quarry face at the entrance of what used to be Cascade Chamber. This entrance is the dangerous one. Higher up the quarry face it is possible to enter Erratic Passage but for anyone who saw it in its original condition I would recommend that they stay away; at least the photographs remains. I recently went into Pool Passage and Bulrush way and found the whole length of the passage dried out and covered in a layer of grey quarry dust. This is probably due to the through draught caused by having two entrances. The survey shows the areas of Balch’s that may be entered. The hatched areas are blocked but not quarried away. (see page 65). The problem of dust extraction at the quarry was solved recently by mixing it with water which formed a slurry similar in consistency to that of ‘Magicote’, the slurry was then fed down Hilliers Cave with the effect that over a period of a few years the cave gradually filled with slurry until the 20ft. crawl just near the entrance became completely filled to the roof. It is hoped to dig the crawl out soon when enough mud loving diggers can be found. When the blockage is removed it is not known whether Tar Hall Boulder Choke has collapsed or not due to the recent blasting in the vicinity. Most of the other caves in the quarry have now been lost or blocked. Fernhill lies under a waste tip along with Duck’s Hole. It is possible that these two caves cloud be entered from Fairy Cave but a lot of work would be needed. Fairy Cave itself is still open although care is necessary at the entrance and for the first 50ft. or so. This again has been caused by blasting nearby. Finally Christmas Hole is blocked at the entrance and could probably be cleared fairly easily. That deals with the destruction that has occurred in the Quarry over the last few years. During the later part of 1967 a few new interesting discoveries were made. The one known as Conning Tower Hole consists of a hole in the quarry floor 15 feet deep, at the bottom of which there are two ways on. The first ends in a muddy pot, the second is at present blocked by a large boulder that has peeled away from the wall. It is far too dangerous to proceed until the slab has been removed by a little chemistry. The hole has been temporarily covered with an oil drum – hence the name given to the hole. Would be explorers should equip themselves with a heavy duty tin opener. Shortly after the discovery of Conning Tower Hole, a small hole in the quarry face at floor level was cleared out to reveal a new cave – Balch’s Extension. This cave is 250ft. long and contains many fine and unusual formations. Some photographs of these are included in this article. The floor formations are exceptional and great care is needed not to damage some of the crystal pools. The colour photographer has vast scope in this cave for the contrast of colour is quite outstanding. Near the end of the cave a 40ft. drop down a muddy rift gives rise to a deep pool of water, to date no outlet has been found. This short section of cave is in complete contrast to the rest and because it is so muddy it is best left as mud removed from the series would certainly spoil the rest of the cave. The final chamber of the cave is a rift like feature, about 40ft. high, with some stalagmite flows. Recently some high level passages in this chamber were maypoled but without success, all the inlets are blocked with stalagmite.
- 65 The small annex chamber to the right, Red Pool Chamber, contains some fine formations including pink and white ‘candy – like’ crystals and most of the walls are covered in ‘flow’; in fact one might observe that there is very little limestone showing at all.
Survey of BALCH CAVE (Traced from survey by D. Warburton et. al. 1962 with their permission) This article was written for the B.B. and published with the kind permission of the Cerberus Spel. Society.
- 66 -
- 67 -
- 68 On January 1st 1968 a new cave was entered in the quarry after several hours of ‘gardening’. It proved to be a short but high rift containing some mud formations and one gigantic stalactite that has fallen and partially blocked the rift. No further passages were found and New Year Hole was left to the mercy of the quarry owners. A fortnight later another hole was entered which although at first sight showed great promise was found to be blocked some 20ft. down. It consisted of a large hole on a ledge near the top of the quarry. Unfortunately due to blasting, about 300 tons of rubble has fallen into the hole and completely blocked it. The day after its discovery many tons of rock had slipped into the hole. This hole was probably one of the largest that had ever appeared in the quarry. As to the future, well the few lines of a well known hunters “ballad” sums up the situation: “Caves are discovered for us, from digging we can shirk”. “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” June 9th Sun.
JULY 14th Sun.
G.B. Including Ladder Dig series
SOUTH WALES – Dan-yr-Ogof and Tunnel Cave
Date to note: -
St. Cuthbert’s Full Scale Practice Rescue – Sunday September 15th 1968
For local caving meets 11 a.m. at cave entrance. The Autumn Holiday will be camping at Penwylt. For further information contact Andy MacGregor, The Railway Arms, Station Road, Theale, Reading, Berks. Climbing Meets: June 22/23 North Wales or Lake District. July 27/28 North Wales or Lake District. For further information contact Eddy Welch, Frenchay Lodge Bungallow, Malmains Drive, Frenchay, Bristol. “”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” MONTHLY NOTES No. 14…………………………………………………………………………by ‘WIG’ THE COMMITTEE GO UNDER……… ….ground!!!!!! May 12th was quite an event for the B.E.C. Committee – it - wait – it WENT CAVING! Wonders will never cease. The cave – G.B., meeting place – the Stal. Bridge. When Chairman ‘WIG’ called the meting to order, watched by several club members, the Minutes Secretary – Phil Townsend regretted that he had forgotten the book and so with the Minutes 15 miles away in Bristol the Committee 200 feet underground the meeting was closed. The party of 14 split several ways – a group led by ‘Wig’ went to the Ladder Dig Series where it was intended to show Bob Bagshaw the new chamber and Bat Passage. To Bob’s disgust Wig failed to find the Great Chamber – though one could hear him muttering something about ‘Didn’t have this flaming trouble before’ and the Climbing Secretary sabotaged the route finding to Bat Passage for nearly half an hour by continually asserting that ‘this hole doesn’t go’ – it did.
- 69 The remainder of the party toured the ‘old’ cave and on the way out ‘Alfie’ managed to squeeze through and at the same time empty the pools at the Devil’s Elbow even though he was wearing a label on his jacket marked’ ‘sub-standard’. WOOKEY HOLE Recent dive by Savage. He reports that the system beyond Chamber 19 degenerates into a 100ft. long bedding plane only a few inches high. Is this the end? “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” FROM THE CAVING LOG Edited by Phil Coles 10th March –15th May 1968 Over the past two months St. Cuthbert’s has, as usual, proved the most popular cave with 24 trips encompassing a variety of activities including surveying, digging in addition to the many tourist trips. Swildons came second in popularity with 17 trips; although they were all tourist. A big push was made by Alan Thomas and Co. on Masebury but mow seems to have petered out, probably due to Alan’s sceptic hand (the result of a trip into Stoke Lane). Also on the digging scene permission has been granted for work to start again at Emborough Swallet and a dig in Wales is in progress. The dig is in an area where no cave systems are known. Geologically the site is very promising (say Roy Bennett and Dave Irwin, whose dig it is) and there is certainly a large stream sinking nearby (it’s 200-300 times the size of Emborough Stream! Ed.) Other caves visited have been Cuckoo Cleeves, Hunters, G.B., Nine Barrows, Sidcot, Goatchurch and Stoke Lane. On foreign soil there have been trips to OFD. Long Kin West and Simpsons. One of the G.B. trips was attended by most of the Committee (minus Caving Sec who was working and Hon. Sec who was caving in Derbyshire) and the highlight of the visit was ‘Wigs’ failure to find Great Chamber in the Ladder Dig Series! The past two months has seen two rescues. The first in Sidcot was relatively a minor affair – some bod became stuck in the 30ft. rift but was extracted by a BEC party led by Robin Richards. The second in Nine Barrows was a more serious incident. A member of the East Somerset Caving Club was climbing in Crystal Chamber when he slipped, fell and broke his ankle. His fall was broken by his cousin standing below him and prevented him falling on down into the 10ft. pot in the floor of the chamber. The MRO were called out and Luke Devenish directed surface operations. Don Thomson went down and set the ankle in plaster. The subject was able to help himself with his arms enabling the rescue to go smoothly apart from the fact that the squeeze approaching Crystal Chamber needed widening. He was out of the cave in about 2 hours. =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= The mine is situated three miles S.W. of Bakewell, standing on a limestone MAGPIE MINE plateau 1025 – 1050 feet above sea level. It is said, locally, to be over 300 tears old, but its history can only be traced for half that time. Galena was the chief ore Sheldon, Derbyshire. extracted although some brown ore, zinc blend, calcspar and barites were removed during some periods. by John G. Riley. During its history the mine changed hands several times, there was always a problem of flooding and the cost of removing the water from the shaft caused the return of lead to be minimal at times and as the price of lead fell the mine closed. It was not until 1882 that things began to ‘look up’ for the mine when a sough was driven through at a depth of 579 feet to drain the water away into the River Wye. In this year a record amount of ore was produced. Pumps, however, were still required to drain away the water standing below the level of the sough. Some idea of the extent of the flooding is indicated by the flow rates of 8,000 gallons/minute from the sough in 1913.
- 70 During the period 1907 – 1951 the mine was closed and reopened twice and at one period remained closed for 25 years. In 1951 a London firm commenced to drain the shaft using electric pumps and by 1953 had succeeded in draining it to a depth of 620 feet where two large, partly natural caverns, Chatsworth Cavern and Devils Hole became accessible but proved to be disappointing. By 1958 the price of lead had fallen drastically and it became no longer economical to work the mine and it lay in peace once more (that is until the B.E.C. arrived!). On 11th and 12th May, party from the B.E.C. (including two Alan Thomas’) visited Debyshire with the intention of descending the shaft by ladder. On the Saturday afternoon Eldon Hole was visited as a ‘warm up’ and the night was spent in Magpie Cottage after being fortified in Buxton’s answer to ‘The Hunters’. The tenancy of Magpie Cottage was taken over by the Peak District Mines Historical Society who use it as their base for study on mining antiquities. A certain young member of the society was somewhat apprehensive of our venture, after being convinced in the pub by Alan that we had no knowledge of such sophisticated equipment such as lifelines, caving helmets, wet suits etc! The shaft was laddered on Sunday morning and descended first by Alan Thomas (the somersaulting – window smashing one) who descended the shaft to water level (i.e. the flood level of the sough at -579 feet). There was obviously no question of leaving the ladder but it was possible to rest adequately (or even sleep if required!) using an excellent harness loaned by Ken Kelly. After Alan had slogged up 500 feet of ladder the word was passed down that according to the lifeline there was another 400 feet to go. After a few oaths and curses (the joke was not appreciated!) and rapid calculations the climber realised this to be untrue and on reaching the top the classic remark was “Funny how your sense of humour goes after climbing 400ft. of ladder!” Successive valiant attempts at reaching the bottom were made by Martin, Alan Thomas (the one who doesn’t somersault and smash windows) and the writer to no avail and finally by Mike Luckwill who was privileged enough to gaze on the stagnant water at the bottom! Dr. D.T. Ford of the Department of Geology, University of Leicester wrote this of the mine which is not without interest: “Both the blende vein and the shaft show natural solution features indicating the passage of underground water in the geological past. In both cases the water table was above these until the sough was driven, so they are examples of phreatic solution by slow-moving waters beneath the water table. The sources and outflow points of such water before the driving of the sough would form an interesting study, which might lead to the discovery of other caverns and water courses. One such water course is apparently still active and is responsible for the main feeder of water (or ‘boil-up’) into the sough beneath Sheldon village. In forming such deep-seated water-courses it may be that surface water has utilised a series of interconnected, incompletely filled mineralised fissures, as the route from the surface catchment well to the west of Magpie with the water subsequently rising to feed springs at a lower altitude near Bakewell. The position of toadstones would at least partly control such a flow and solution under such circumstances may have been partly responsible for the caverns such as the Chatsworth Cavern found beneath the present flooded deep levels.” -----------------------------------------------------------FROM OTHER CLUBS by G. Tilly.
Speleo. Vol. 6 No.2 Spring 1968 This edition of the S.W.E.T.C.C.C. newsletter is a 72 page octavo publication containing reports on “Cave Hydrology and Water Tracing” and “Karst Relief and Caves”. Articles range from “Cave Surveying including the use of a simple Water Level.” To “The Dangers of using dissimilar materials.”
Wessex Journal No.116 Vol.10. April 1968 The Wessex seem to have another pursuit (other than caving!) namely the scrap metal business if you don’t believe it read it for yourself. The Journal itself, however, again contains some very interesting articles. One in particular is a factual account of the Mossdale Caverns Disaster by Alan Fincham. This report includes the history of the survey attempts and the events up to and following the disaster. Other publications were received from Axebridge.
- 71 CORUISK The following articles triggered off a series of letters on behalf of the Club. The story is reproduced for your information. Letter from the Guardian: Sir, I thank you from your leading article (May 10) discouraging Inverness County Council from “opening up” Lock Coruisk next month by bridging the Scavaig and Camasunary Rivers, blasting the Bad Step and building a Land-Rover track to Camasunary. This first test given to unwitting army engineers has untied all outdoor organisations in the United Kingdom, whether climbers, hill walkers, or ramblers in hostility to a legitimised vandalism. Most ironically the plan was first mooted by the police in a well-intentioned notion of aiding mountain rescue. The effect would be the reverse of what they desire. The un-bridged burns, rough track, and rocky ground, have hitherto acted as a filter ensuring that unfit walkers think twice of going into hills that for them are dangerous. Remove the natural obstacles and the accident rate will leap up. Accidents are meantime rarer on this side of the Cullin and injured men are evacuated by motor-boat to Elgol. Lock Coruisk, ringed by the Cullin Horseback of 20 sharp peaks, is in of the outstanding landscapes of Britain. Its peculiar quality is a wild loneliness, refreshing to the mind of all who come even if only to look – even by steamer from Mallaig. Such rare places are fast becoming too few in this small island. We need every one we can save, both for our own delight and health and for future generations. If any man can help influence Inverness to prevent an unnecessary disfigurement of Coruisk and its ancient footpath let him do so all at once. I am etc. W.H. Murray, Loch Goil, Argyll The next day appeared: PLAN FOR SKYE JEEP PATH TO STAY. Inverness County council is to adhere to its proposal for making rescues in the Cullins in Skye easier by improving the footpaths into the hills. It also said that the work had to start in a fortnight or the Army would all go on holiday. A telegram was immediately sent to Inverness county council asking them to reconsider and was followed by this letter: Dear Dir, While it is well intentioned of you to clear a track vehicle route into Coruisk for the purpose of rescue, with our experience as a rescue organisation we beg you not to act in haste. Other ways can be found. We would council against altering natural features in any way that would prevent new generations gaining our experiences. For example we understand that the Bad Step is to be blasted. This is a feature of renown in mountaineering and is to the mountaineer a place of great interest and importance and its loss would make us much poorer. The men of the crowded areas have a deep need of rare places such Coruisk and its unnecessary disfigurement would cause spiritual hardship. Please delay the approval for at least another year so that your proposals can be given mature consideration. You have control of our heritage. We are sure that as responsible people you will want to do right. Yours etc. Letters were also sent to an M.P., to a Bristol City Councillor and to Bill Murray offering help. Inverness replied as follows: -
- 72 Dear Sir or Madam, Mountain Rescue Cuillins – Lock Coruisk I refer to your recent letter making representations against proposals for certain improvements to the access from Camusunary and thereafter to the Mountaineering Hut at Lock Coruisk. The many representations received against the proposals were duly considered by the Planning Committee of the Council. That part of the scheme which envisaged the making of the steps across the face of the “Bad Step” has been discarded and been replaced by a proposed improvement of a path which goes round the “Bad Step”. It appeared to the Planning Committee that the proposals particularly as amended, did not offer any threat either to the amenity of the area or to its quality or satisfactions as a mountain sanctuary. As to whether the works will encourage people to go into the area who would not at present do so the Committee feel that is not so; the track which is to be improved for the use by police Land-Rover vehicles will not be available to private cars because (firstly) it will be unfit for private cars and (secondly) it will be made available by the estate owner only to his estate vehicles and police and rescue vehicles; as to people on foot it does not seem to the Committee that more people will walk along the altered track than do so on the present track. The Council as police authority have inescapable responsibilities in the matter of mountain rescue (and of search until it is established that a feared mishap has not in fact occurred) and they therefore owe to the police and others who assist them the fullest practicable assistance. Only a brief reply to your letter is practicable. The views of the Committee have been set out in detail in a letter to the Countryside Commission for Scotland and copies of that letter have been sent to what appeared to be the nine principal organisations who had made representations. The matter is now being considered by the Countryside Commission. Yours faithfully An encouraging number of letters have appeared in the press, all anti. The essence of the matter is neatly summed up by this letter: Sir, My brother and I visited Elgol by motor-cycle in 1932, and, seeing the track marked on our ¼in. Ordnance map, had intended to ride to Coruisk. But, of course, we had to walk it; and the memory of that day, and of the “Bad Step” in particular, has refreshed me at frequent intervals over the past 35 years. Please leave this path ‘unimproved’. Yours faithfully (The Rev.) George Jager. Sutton Courtney Vicarage. Abingdon. The crunch comes on 1st June ’68, the original date for the work to commence. Let us hope that it doesn’t. Kangy.
- 73 LETTERS TO Dear Sir, There can be no real argument against the gating of caves. Quite apart from the THE EDITIOR preservation angle, one must also consider the safety factor. It has been suggested many times over that if Swildons, for instance was properly gated there would be a great reduction in the M.R.O. callout figures. “Ah but”, you may say, “This does not prevent accidents!!” This I agree, but is does reduce the risk of people entering caves against the advice of the local landowner when the weather is very unsettled and the risk of flash floods is greater. Another point to remember is if that all caves were gated and application for the key had to be made to either the farmer or an appointed club, at least the farmer would be able to receive his ‘bobs’ more regularly and more important the owner would know how many parties were in the cave at any time. Gordon Tilly 1st June 1968 Dear members, With the sudden change of weekend weather it was necessary for the M.R.O. to be in action, yet again, on two successive days. In both cases, the cause was due to inexperience of caving under conditions that exist in Swildons during wet weather, but in particular it was a complete underestimation of the severity of the system. Coupled with this, it was necessary for one of the parties, having missed their way on the trip through “Double Troubles” and had to return by the same route. Whereas this situation is easily summed up by the general caving society with word like, “so what!” it is time that more serious thought was given to the obvious need for control of access to Swildons Hole. There are undoubtedly many arguments that support and reject this proposal, but at the moment Swildons has the highest (and almost the only) accident history in any Mendip Cave. I believe it is true to say that Swildons is the only major system on Mendip that is not controlled. It would seem that with the ever increasing popularity of caving, there is certain to be a high density of novices, so it is time for the major, responsible, caving clubs on Mendip formulated a simple system of control; I see no reason why the B.E.C. should not start the motion in this respect. The control need not in fact be any different to several systems that already exist for caves such as G.B., Lamb Leer, St. Cuthbert’s etc. This may sound, at first, to be rather “Northern” in attitude, but why wait until another fatality is added to what at present is a short list in the history of Swildons, but one which is very likely to increase because “WE” have done nothing about it. Michael A. Palmer 30th May 1968 Well there you are. Do you want a gated Swildons? Perhaps there are among you wishing for a fixed steel ladder on the 40’ – lets have your views – there must be several who disagree with this month’s letters. “””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” The Climbing Meet for May was scheduled for Cornwall and held in Llanberis by OUTDOORS popular request. Present were Pete Sutton, Roy Marshall, Malcolm Holt and Eddy Welch. A branch meet (Tony Dunn, a previous sec. once defined a meet as two or more with members together) happened when Kangy and Mark James didn’t get to North Wales. HEDERA The Llanberis party had good weather were able to carry out their planned programme of objectives in accordance with the weekly socialized co-operative meetings of members, nearly. Base camp at the Camp at the Grochan. Phantom Rib, thin and exposed on the Grochan and Yellow Groove on Craig Ddu are both recommended while Nea was followed to a logical conclusion which happened to be the Glyders. Crib-yDdysgl was approached from Clogwyn and the ridge followed to Yr Wyddfa then down by the Rwlwal track.
- 74 Meanwhile back at the ranch, Kangy and Mark awoke in the heart of the Black Mountains, having turned left instead of thundering on to Llanberis. Breakfast was only retrieved by driving back out of the hills to buy baking tins and knives and forks wherewith to cook. It was obviously to be a non-event of a weekend. This is where it was not going to happen. So, strolls down the Brecon and Monmouthshire Canal, lunch in a boozer, climbing on the Llangattock Quarries (frantic top roping enthusiastically indulged – well it’s loose) caving with a single torch then an enormous P.U. lying underneath the stars, with the lights of Crickhowell below. A more disciplined Sunday allowed a circuit of Lord Herefords Knob from Capel-y-Ffn. An easy longish walk with occasional vista. Crew’s lecture on the Cella Terro in Patagonia was about a non-event. Interesting only because it was Crew. It became obvious as the lecture progressed that they weren’t really trying. You may remember that this was the expedition that was forced by bad conditions to lay siege for months and months and become so unfit that when the weather became fair they were unable to take full advantage of it. Happily sponsored by the Sunday Times they festered it seems. If you are thrilled by close-ups of sheep’s entrails or lascivious, naked, bearded men, then this is your scene. Nothing wrong with Uphill, no sheep etc., but a nice little cliff. A meet, spontaneous and unrehearsed, occurred here on 5th May, when Kangy and Mark James saw Derek Targett and Arthur Cullen and families. Derek and Arthur led off on the smooth Main Face while Kangy and Mark went to the beach for lunch. It poured with rain during lunch but abated to enable Mark and Kangy to follow an unlisted rib to the right of Apes Ascent. About H.S. or “horrifyingly severe” particularly the bit where you use limestone in compression. Meanwhile the first party hung out to dry! Eddy Welch has a message. I must pass it on. He was going to write a book review, but you know how it is. Anyway, get and read ‘Rock Climbers in Action in Snowdonia’ by John Clare and Tony Smythe. It’s marvellous. Eddy sez. HEDERA ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() NEW ACCESS ROUTE TO AUGUST LONGWOOD SYSTEM
- 75 HILLGROVE SWALLET Latest news is that it is abandoned until the winter. 150ft. of passage discovered. EMBOROUGH being worked again by Keith Franklin and Phil Coles. THE BEC IN YORKSHIRE By G.E. Atwell (Fred to some!) Saturday June 1st 1968, seven members went to Alum Pot. We did exchange journeys through long Churn – Alan Thomas, though, thought it was far too much like hard work to go through and so went up and down the Main Pitch twice. On Sunday, we went back to Alum Pot again for ladder practice. After going up and down the pitch twice I decided to take ‘Buster’ caving. We had a go at Long Churn but did not get far as he (Buster or Fred? Ed) didn’t like the water. Monday saw us at Long Kin (West) Pot. Eight people went down. As matter of interest Pennine Underground is incorrect – for the 1st pitch you need forty feet of ladder instead of twenty. Wednesday – G.G. Main Shaft. We tethered the ladder in the south east corner. Alan Thomas (junior) climbed from the bottom to the top in six and a half minutes. There was no trouble with getting the ladder out of the shaft. Damming was easy as there wasn’t much water going down. (Phew! Ed). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well that’s yer lot for this month and so it would be a good idea if your Editor reminded you to send an account of your holidays to him as soon as you are able. I know that there are three parties going on either caving or climbing holidays and a fourth weegeeing somewhere in Norway and Sweden – so don’t forget – the B.B. readers will be interested in hearing (or rather reading) about your exploits (some at least!) Next months issue of the B.B. will see the first of a two part article on the Structure of Mendip and the second of Jock Orr’s photographic articles. In addition will be ‘Sumping by Numbers’, Poem, and the usual items of general interest. The B.B. is available to non-members at about 1/6d (the price will vary from time to time) and so if you know anybody that isn’t lucky enough to be a member of the BEC and would like to purchase a copy they can get it from Bryan Ellis or the price stated for the month or at a standard rate of 18/- p.p. when they will be added to our mailing list. KEEPBOBHAPPYBY PAYINGYOUSUBKEEPBOBHAPPYBYPAYINGYOURSUBNOW