Belfry Bulletin Number 322

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August 1974

No. 322



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Editorial Librarian’s Report B.B. Report Letter Minutes of A.G.M. Round and About 1974 Dinner Publications Crossword No. 449

The Belfry, Wells Rd, Priddy, Wells, Somerset. Telephone WELLS 72126 - CLUB COMMITTEE Chairman Minutes Sec Members

S.J. Collins G. Wilton-Jones M. Bishop, D.J. Irwin, B. Wilton, G. Oaten, N. Taylor, A.R. Thomas, A. Nicholls.

OFFICERS OF THE CLUB Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Caving Secretary Climbing Secretary Hut Warden Belfry Engineer Tacklemaster B.B. Editor Honorary Librarian Publications Editor B.B. Postal

A.R THOMAS, Allen’s House, Nine Barrows Lane, Priddy, Wells Somerset. Tel: PRIDDY 269 B. WILTON, 27 Venus Lane, Clutton, Nr. Bristol. A. NICHOLLS, Address to follow G. OATEN, Address to follow N. TAYLOR, Whiddons, Chilcote, Somerset. Tele : WELLS 72338 M. BISHOP, Bishop’s Cottage, The Batch, Priddy, Wells, Som. Tele : PRIDDY 370 G. WILTON-JONES, 17 Monkham’s Drive, Watton, Thetford, Norfolk S.J. COLLINS, Lavender Cottage, Bishops Sutton, Nr. Bristol. Tel : CHEW MAGNA 2915 D.J. IRWIN, Townsend Cottage, Townsend, Priddy, Wells Som. Tel : PRIDDY 369 D.J .IRWIN As above BRENDA WILTON Address as for Barry

Editorial NEXT YEARS COMMITTEE To some folk - no doubt - the club committee may look like a collection of people who spend their time nattering away and getting nowhere. Nevertheless, they represent each year the nine people who YOU elect as being the best for running the club. Once a year, you get a chance to do something about it - and the start of this process is about to happen once more, with the annual request for nominations for the 1974/5 committee. You have until Saturday 7th September to nominate new people for the committee. Present committee members are automatically nominated unless they wish to retire - and we shall not know who might wish to retire until the next meeting of the committee on September 6th. In everybody’s interest, it is important to have an election - and to make sure that this happens, we need plenty of candidates. This is where you come in. If you feel that somebody you know would make a good committee member - or that you yourself would fill the bill - then make sure that a suitable nomination gets in to Alan Thomas in time. These are difficult times for a club like ours, and it is in times like these that we want the best people. There is nothing worse than having to carry on without an election just because no new candidates have come forward.

78 The procedure is simple enough. All you have to do is to make sure that the person or people you nominate will agree to stand if elected, then write to Alan saying that you wish to nominate whoever it is and that he or she is willing to stand if elected. SIGN the piece of paper and put your membership number in if you can remember it. You don 't need a seconder and you can nominate as many people as you can persuade to stand! It is a trifle early to say, but it looks as if the total club membership this year may have DROPPED from last years' level. If this is so, then it will be the first time this has happened to the club. However, we must keep a sense of' proportion about this and there is no need to panic. After all, membership cannot KEEP on rising for ever, and it would not necessarily be a good thing if it did. On the other hand we might start asking ourselves whether we do enough to keep our older members still interested in the club. Perhaps some of the older B. B. readers might care to comment on this? You will find full details of the dinner arrangements in this B.B. Bearing in mind the complaints over the years of poor food and lack of value for money, a real attempt is being made this year to provide a better meal. Those who went to the successful Grampian Dinner last year will be pleased to hear that we are having the same catering. Drinks are being supplied by Roger Dors who is, or should be, well known to all. Roger, of course, understands cavers so we can rest assured that the drinks will be in capable and experienced hands. In addition, there will be an entertainment in the club tradition - by the same team that produced 'Oliver' a few years ago. Only two things about the dinner deserve further comment. Firstly, the time. The Hon. Sec. has picked 6.30 for 7 p.m. so that there will be plenty of time for a full evening's worth. With the A.G.M. starting at 10.30, there should be plenty of time for collecting wives etc. Secondly, the price. At £2, this is higher than we have been used to, but inflation and V.A.T. make up most of the increase, and in any case, we feel that members would sooner have an eatable meal and reasonable drink prices than save a few pence on a poorer meal. Lastly, we have been asked by the Hon. Sec. to remind members that they are responsible for the behaviour of their guests. The throwing dinner occurs a little later in the year than the B.E.C. dinner, and members are asked not to practice for it at ours! “Alfie” _______________________________________________________________________________________ CLUB OFFICER’S REPORTS 1974 1. Hon. Librarian’s Report

The past year has seen another sizeable expansion to the club library which includes the addition of several important books. Club exchanges have been increased and publications of the Grampian (Scotland) and Santander University (Spain) are amongst the more important of these. Gifts of publications and books are always gratefully received and those from Phil Kingston; Martin Mills; Chris Howell and Nigel Taylor among others have swelled the number of book, surveys and other publications.

The club has purchased several items, including Current Titles in Spelaeology 1973, British Caver Numbers 61 and 62. Caves of the Avon Gorge No 2 and Limestone and Caves of North West England. The purchase of Limestone and Caves of Mendip has been agreed by the committee when it is published. Northern Caves Volume 5 has also been added to the collection. Usage of the library has continued, and nearly 100 borrowings during the year have proved the worth of the collection. Attempts to fill gaps in runs of various publications is proceeding slowly and these items are being bound into volumes by Kay Mansfield. I would like to record our thanks to her for this generous help. Space is now an acute problem, and timber is being accumulated to increase shelving and build the frame to house the various loose surveys. It is to be hoped that club members remember that when they borrow items they do so for a period of ONE MONTH only. Several overdue borrowings have been excessive, to say the least. Dave Irwin, Hon. Librarian. 1st August, 1974.

CLUB OFFICER’S REPORTS 1974 2. B.B. Editor’s Report

79 On the costing side, the year has been one in which inflation has really started to bite. However, thanks to the enterprise of a few club members (and one in particular who wishes to remain anonymous) adequate stocks of paper have been built up, which are sufficient to see us well into next year. By this means, a substantial amount will be saved on purchase of paper for future issues

Not content with this, we have gone over to a much cheaper paper master and again, have stockpiled over two year’s supply which represents a further large saving. Covers have also come under review. Here, we have placed an order for only enough to see us through this volume, and meanwhile we are experimenting with printing our own. If we can do this, we shall save another very large chunk of money. In all, the 1974 B.B. has cost less than the 1973 B.B. The only aspect of costs that remains to be investigated is the postal side. Perhaps an extension of the hand delivery system might help here. With the position of stocks so healthy, and with the B.B. actually costing less to produce, while raw materials, printing etc. are rising rapidly, it seems a pity that the only black spot is the shortage of contributions. So bad was this earlier in the year, that only by reprinting from old B.B. 's and republishing from other sources could the size of the B.B. be maintained. Even so, publication dates slipped very badly. An attempt was made to stimulate ideas by running an appeal, complete with cash prize. This met with no real response from the club. There are, of course, ways of filling up the B.B., but it should not be necessary to use them in a healthy club. After all, our members cave; climb; dig; explore; take part in rescues; hold social functions; read books; attend lectures and meetings; have interesting holidays; do other outdoor pursuits and even pull each others' leg on occasion. How much of this finds its way into the B.B.? The work of editing; typing and printing takes an average of 20 hours per month - or six full working weeks per year. The stalwarts who collate, fold, staple, address and post the B.B. put in another large slice of voluntary time. Against all this, the average member, by doing perhaps an hour or two's writing per year, could fill the B.B. to overflowing. It doesn't really seem too much to ask! Looking at the B.B. over the last two complete years shows that the number of contributors is going down while the amount they write is going up. At this rate, we shall finish up with fewer and fewer people writing until the B.B. is written by two or three people. 1975 marks the 40th birthday of the B.E.C. and it would be appropriate to mark this by each member trying to produce something, however small, for next year's B.B. Meanwhile, our thanks should go to those authors who have kept the B.B. going this year, and also to the postal department, who work so hard in the background to make sure that you get your B.B. S.J. Collins. Editor, B.B. 23.7.74. _______________________________________________________________________________________ We have just received this letter from JOHN KNOPS, which shows that a sense of humour still lurks here and there in the club! Dear Alfie, The lack of response to your appeal for articles for the B.B. was only to be expected. Everybody knows that the B.E.C. is, with few exceptions, composed of quiet, unassuming types who are convinced that nobody is interested in reading about their unremarkable exploits. At the same time however, they are extremely interested in the doings of others. I suggest therefore that what is required is some form by which we can boost each others I ego and self confidence. Then, when others say "B.E.C.: - that egotistical, self-centred lot!" I'm sure the B.B. will be brimful every month - but I wonder if I I’d enjoy it half as much! Yours, John Knops.


MINUTES OF THE 1973 ANNUAL GENERAL M E E T I N G O F T H E B. E. C. The meeting opened at 10.35 a.m. with 32 members present. The Secretary opened the proceedings by calling for nominations for a chairman. R.A. Setterington ('Sett') was proposed by Roy Bennett and seconded by Alfie. There were no other nominations and 'Sett' was therefore elected Chairman. Apologies for absence were received from D. Hasell; B. Prewer and R.S. King. The Chairman then called for the collection of ballot papers and members resolutions. He then asked for volunteers to act as tellers for the ballot. Geoff Standing, Frank Jones and Keith Glossop volunteered. Alfie asked, on a point of order, whether we should keep a list of those who voted, so that members could check that their votes had been recorded. He pointed out that the new ballot system would allow this to happen without infringing the secrecy of the ballot, provided that the name slips were retained after the voting papers were destroyed. The Chairman put this at once to the vote, and the meeting adopted this procedure without dissent. The Chairman turned next to the minutes of the 1972 A.G.M. and asked if the meeting wished them to be taken as read. It was proposed by Roy Bennett that they should be read in full. This was seconded by Mike Palmer. The Chairman called for a vote, and the motion was defeated by a large majority – no actual count being made. The Chairman then asked Alfie, as Chairman of the retiring committee, to read out all the actions placed on that committee by the last A.G. M. This was done, and it was agreed that, except for the question of access to the Belfry site, all the actions had been properly discharged. On the latter subject, Dave Irwin spoke. He said that Alan had, in fact, seen an independent solicitor in accordance with the action placed on the committee by the last A.G.M. This solicitor had referred him back to the club's normal solicitors Dave said that he had then contacted 'Digger's' partner, Martin Cavander. Owing to illness, Dave explained, Digger was now entirely ecclesiastical. On the subject of payment Dave said that he had been assured that the existing arrangements whereby we obtained free legal service were still satisfactory to our solicitors, but if we insisted on payment, they would be prepared to quote us favourable terms. On the subject of rights of way, it appears that the Dors family have the right to erect a gate at the entrance to the track, but must supply keys to the owners of the Belfry (i.e, the trustees.) We have a right of way written into our deeds. On the subject of the Foxwell track, it appeared to depend on the exact wording of the agreement. If we gave an alternative right of way to the road we might well be on uncertain ground. If we only gave it over our land the situation became clear. Alan Thomas said that the change was stated on the agreement as being 'as per attached plan' which, in fact, shows a join to the track. Dave Irwin replied that, even so, it was not expressly stated that we were giving the alternative right up to the track, but only implied on the plan. In any case, our ignorance of the exact ownership of the wall which separated our land from the track at the point of entry did not invalidate the agreement as far as we were concerned. It was up to Mr. Foxwell's solicitor to have checked this point. It appeared that Mr. Foxwell could request us to change the terms of the agreement, but could not demand that we did so. In any case, Ben had shifted the track some two feet and the argument is to a large extent academic. The Chairman asked whether the entire subject was not now academic, since there seemed now to be no action threatened. Alan agreed that this appeared to be the case. The Chairman advised that, in the circumstances, the subject was best left alone. Alan replied that the committee had come to the same conclusion and were, in fact, doing just that. He said that it appeared that Ben and Walt had now settled their differences. The Chairman said that the subject was now closed and that any further developments should be dealt with by the incoming committee.

81 The Hon. Secretary's Report came next, and the Chairman asked Alan if he had anything to add to his report. Alan said that he had nothing, but would, of course, answer any questions which might arise. Dave Irwin said that there was no mention of the political implications of C.S.C.C. and N.C.A. etc. The Chairman said that, since there was a member's resolution involving this question, it should be brought up at that stage of the meeting. Bob Bagshaw then proposed that the report be adopted. This was seconded by Dave Irwin and carried unanimously. The Hon. Treasurer's report then followed. There was a correction to the financial statement. The item under 'telephone' should read ÂŁ44.84. The Chairman then asked for any comments. Alfie proposed that the report be adopted and this was seconded by Chris Harvey and carried unanimously. The Hon. Auditor's Report followed. Again, there were no comments, and its adoption was proposed by Doug Stuckey and seconded by Nigel. It was carried nem. con. The Caving Secretary's Report followed. Alan Thomas proposed a vote of thanks to the Caving Secretary. This was seconded by Chris Harvey and carried unanimously. Nigel Taylor then proposed that the report be adopted. This was seconded by Colin Sage and carried without dissent. In the absence of the Climbing Secretary, his report was read by the Chairman. There was no discussion. Its adoption was proposed by Barry Wilton and seconded by Martin Bishop. It was carried without dissent. The Hut Warden's Report also provided no discussion. Its adoption was proposed by Fete Franklin and seconded by Bob Bagshaw. It was again carried without dissent, The Hut Engineer's Report was read by the Chairman, in the absence of that officer. Once again, there was no discussion. Adoption was proposed by Nigel Taylor and seconded by John Bacon and carried without dissent. The Tacklemaster then read his report to the meeting. The Chairman asked if the club was desperately in need of assistance in making tackle. Mike Palmer replied that there was a need to make tackle, but that volunteers had come forward and it was now a question of organisation. Mike said that the club had all the necessary raw materials and said that Derek Targett and Chris Harvey had volunteered to hold some sessions on tackle making. A vote of thanks to Mike Palmer and to Dave Turner was proposed for the efforts they had both made in getting the club tackle situation sorted out. This was carried unanimously by the meeting. Mike replied to this, and said that the biggest problem had been sorting it out. He said that many people had helped. The Chairman asked if digging ropes were, in fact, old caving ropes. Mike said that they were. The adoption of the report was then proposed by Alan Thomas and seconded by Pete Franklin. It was carried without dissent. The B.B. Editor's Report came next. There was no discussion. Its adoption was proposed by Martin Bishop seconded by Joan Bennett and carried without dissent. The meeting then moved on to the Librarian's Report. Dave Irwin said that some books have been out for over a year and appealed once again for members to return books and publications. It was agreed to put an appeal in the B.B. He said that, apart from this aspect, we have not actually lost anything this year. The adoption of the report was then proposed by Tony Meaden and seconded by Nigel Taylor. It was again, carried without dissent. The publications Report then followed. Dave Irwin asked whether the meeting felt that the report on shoring of swallet cave entrances should be re-published. It would, he said, need bringing up to date before this could be done. The meeting appeared to have no strong feelings on the matter and the chairman suggested that Dave take this into account. Alfie said that he would be prepared if required to revise the manuscript. Alan Thomas then proposed the adoption of the report. This was seconded by Dave Turner and carried nem. con. A vote of thanks to Dave, Irwin was then proposed by Alan Thomas and seconded by Dave Turner and again carried without dissent. The chairman then announced the result of the ballot.

82 The votes of 82 members had been recorded. The nine candidates who would for, the 1973/4 committee were, in order of votes cast, Alfie; Dave Irwin; Nigel Taylor; Nigel Jago; Barry Wilton; Alan Thomas; Martin Bishop; Doug Stuckey and Graham Wilton-Jones. The chairman then asked for permission to destroy the ballot papers. Mike Palmer put this in the form of a proposal, which was seconded by Dave Turner and carried unanimously. The papers were immediately consigned to the Belfry stove. The chairman then handed the name slips to Alfie with the advice that voters could appear in the annual list of members with some distinguishing mark against their names. The chairman then counted those present. There were 45 members present at 11.50 a.m. The chairman then took the report of the Ian Dear Memorial Committee. Mike Palmer read this to the meeting. There had been one applicant during the year, and this had caused some surprise, as more had been expected. In the ensuing short discussion, it was agreed that publicity had been adequate. The adoption of the report was proposed by Roger Stenner and seconded by Dave Irwin. It was carried without dissent. The chairman then turned to committee resolutions. The first of these was "that the word 'ratified' be inserted in Article 5 of the club constitution so that it will then read, "both of whom shall be ratified members of the club." Alfie reminded the meeting that Alan Thomas had proposed at the 1972 A.G.M. "That nobody shall be able to propose or second a membership application until his own membership has been ratified." This had been ruled, by the chairman of the 1972 A.G.M., to be a constitutional change, since it added a condition to Article 5. The chairman then proposed from the chair that the subject be referred to the 1972/3 committee in accordance with Article 53. This was agreed by the 1972 A.G.M. with 3 votes against. Since then, the committee have put forward the resolution now in front of the meeting, and also published it in the B.B. in accordance with Article 53. If the meeting now adopts the resolution now before it, it will become an amendment to the constitution. The chairman thanked Alfie for this reminder and put the resolution up for discussion. Roger Stenner declared himself against the proposed change. He pointed out that applicants for membership were not normally admitted unless sufficiently known in the club, and that the proposer and seconder were not consulted as a rule unless they happened to be at a committee meeting, in which case it was unlikely that they were probationary members. Nigel Taylor also expressed himself against the idea and said that it would place an unnecessary brake on new membership. Dave Irwin said that it would provide a safeguard against the formation of cliques. Under the present arrangements, two freshly elected members who also belonged to a small club could propose and second other members of that club who might otherwise be unknown and thus build up a clique which might never integrate with the general membership. Nigel Taylor said that the club committee should act as a watchdog to prevent this or any other bad situation from developing and should not have to depend on detailed legislation to make it occur. He wished it to be placed on record that he was very strongly again this resolution. Dave Turner then proposed the adoption of the resolution. This was seconded by Chris Rowell and carried by 25 votes in favour to 12 against. The chairman then announced that the constitution had been amended for the first time, and that Article 5 should be officially amended in accordance with the resolution. The second Committee resolution "that the existing Belfry sub-committee continue in office until their findings are completed" was spoken to by Alan Thomas, who said that owing to various circumstances, the sub-committee had not been able to complete its work during the club year just ended. He felt that continuity here was of importance, and the election of a new sub-committee might well reduce this factor. Dave Irwin replied that, on reflection, it might be dangerous to perpetuate a sub-committee in this way. Roy Bennett pointed out that we were allowed two types of committee in addition to the general committee. We had chosen a sub-committee as from a special committee, and must therefore accept the fact that such a committee becomes automatically disbanded at the end of the club year. The chairman pointed out that if there was a continuing need for this sub-committee, there was no reason why the new committee could not resurrect it en bloc. Dave Turner agreed that this was the sensible course for the committee to adopt, since they already had the power to do so. Thus, the resolution had no real meaning. Dave Irwin disagreed with this, and pointed out that the resolution, if passed would compel the committee to do what otherwise they would be free to exercise choice over. Chris Howell suggested that this aspect could be got round if the word 'existing' were removed from the resolution. After some further discussion along these lines, Dave Turner pointed out that the resolution was out of order. It was, in fact, a change to the constitution and, as such, could not take effect immediately. In spite of this, the resolution said that the sub-committee should continue in office. Since a finite time must elapse before the resolution could take effect by change of constitution, it was clearly impossible for the sub-committee to continue in the meantime. Hence the

83 resolution was proposing an impossibility and was thus out of order. The chairman asked if the meeting had under-stood this line of reasoning, and if it agreed with it. The meeting unanimously agreed the point and the matter was accordingly dropped. Turning now to members resolutions, a resolution, "that the B.E.C. join the Council of Northern Caving Clubs and do more caving in the North" was proposed by Andy Nicholls and seconded by Nigel Taylor. Both Alfie and Dave Irwin said that the Southern Council would be debating this point at their meeting in November and it might be prudent to wait and see what happened there first. At this point, the refreshments arrived, and the chairman declared the meeting adjourned. After the refreshments, the meeting was re-convened and the discussion continued. Mike Palmer asked what the back-ground was behind this resolution. Alan explained that the CNCC had placed an embargo on members of clubs not belonging to CNCC visiting caves controlled by CNCC. This meant that BEC members could not officially visit these caves unless BEC joined CNCC or its members were prepared to go as guests of a member club of CNCC like the Bradford. Nigel Taylor said there was no point in waiting for the Southern Council meeting, since he understood that the NCA had said that it could not control decisions of CNCC. Dave Irwin said that this was not completely true. CSCC were still trying to bring pressure to bear, via NCA on CNCC. Our proper course of action was to help bring this pressure to bear, rather than to give in automatically to the decision of CNCC. Roy Bennett said that, in that case, we should instruct our representatives as to what the club expected them to do at the next meeting of CSCC. Dave Irwin said that, even if things went temporarily against us, joining CNCC would be one more move in the direction of centralised caving, which, in the long run, could mean the end of clubs like B.E.C. Roger Stenner agreed that this was an important point which the club must consider most carefully. On the other hand, the restriction of caving was an equally important subject to what is mainly a caving club. The chairman then called for a vote on the proposal and declared the resolution lost with 2 votes in favour and 30 against. Roger Stenner then proposed a resolution, "that the defeat of the proposal does not bind the committee NOT to join CNCC should further developments make it desirable to do so". This was seconded by Roy Bennett. The Chairman said that the previous proposal, if carried by the meeting, would have compelled to committee to join CNCC. The fact that it had been defeated meant that the committee were not now so compelled and were now at liberty to do so if they wished. Thus, there was no need for the new proposal. The only new proposal which would alter the status quo would be one which forbade the committee to join CNCC. As no such proposal was forthcoming, the chairman moved on to the next business. This was a resolution by Roy Bennett and Dave Turner "that the 1973/4 committee should take note of the remarks and suggestions concerning payment etc. for access to Northern caves and incorporate these views into its policy as put forward to the Council of southern Caving Clubs." There was no discussion, and the resolution was carried 24 - 0. Under 'Any Other Business', Dave Turner raised the question of payment for legal advice, which had been mentioned earlier. He asked if we would get better conditions if we paid. Dave Irwin said that it would make no difference. Chris Howell wondered whether payment would get us priority, but Dave said that we had not suffered to date. Alan Thomas said that the independent solicitor had cost a guinea. Nigel Taylor said that he was in favour of leaving things as they were. Joan Bennett suggested that we should be prepared to pay, but that the bills, in the event, might never be sent to us. Bob Bagshaw was in favour of the present state of affairs and the discussion ended without any resolution being put to the meeting. A special speech of thanks was then delivered to mark the occasion of Bob Bagshaw's retirement from office. Barry Wilton, as the Treasurer-presumptive, reminded the meeting of Bob's long service to the club. The chairman then asked if there was any other business. Mike Palmer raised the question of fire risk to the Belfry. He asked, for example, whether the gas cylinders should be sited outside. After a short discussion, it was proposed by Frank Jones and seconded by Mike Palmer that the committee take advice from the Fire Service and act at their discretion. This was carried by the meeting without dissent. There being no other business, the chairman declared the meeting closed at 2.45.p.m.


A Monthly Miscellany, by Wig

91. Hollowfield. The missing sketch plan is shown below: -


Social Chit-Chat: Garth Dell, Keith Gladman and Keith Murray have been seen around the Belfry recently. So too, was Jock on a quick visit from Reading. The one memory of Jock's visit was that the Belfry was considerably cleaner when he left than when he arrived. Getting quite excited about it, he nearly managed to wash all the Belfryites as well! Sons are the addition to the Franklin Brothers Families, and Phil and Yo Kingston are on their way to New Zealand during the autumn. Phil tells me apart from the volcanoes, there are plenty of caving to be had, and only a few miles from their home. Pete and Mary Ham have made the break and are now in Australia!


Library: The additions to the library have included P.C.G. an A.C.G. Newsletters and a collection of books, C.D.G. miscellaneous papers, maps etc. in a donation from Phil Kingston. Included in this gift is a timetable for the largest caving event ever organised by the club on Mendip - the Cuthbert’s Sump Digging Weekend in February 1967, when over 30 cavers and divers worked around the clock digging at the sides of the sump to clear a way in for the divers to dig in the sump itself. The project was called off late on the Saturday night due to flooding. Other items include surveys of Lamb Leer, stoke Lane, O.S. Maps and a second edition of the 'Caves of Mendip'.


Golden Oldies: Well down in Swildons! On Tuesday 23rd July, an historic gathering descended Swildons under the leadership - though this is doubtful - of Roy Bennett. Doubtful, because it is thought that all the tackle was carried down by John Stafford's son who, it appears, was always in the lead. Neither did he worry about the pools - including the Double Pots - he jumped straight in without - one might add to Roy's amazement - a wet suit. Anyway, John Stafford, John Attwood and daughters ended up at Sump I. The sump being beautifully clear, it was dived by RB in an attempt to show off the desirability of the wet suit. Back at the Hunters, the Oldies Clan gathered strength by the addition of Alan Bonner, Keith Gladman and Pat Ifold.


G.B. This cave is again locked, as is Longwood and Rhino Rift. Keys for all three caves are kept in the library at the Belfry. Members wishing to visit these caves arriving mid-week should make arrangements with Dave Irwin or Nigel Taylor well in advance.


At the Belfry: The committee have taken several momentous decisions. The fire is to be re-sited in the main room and when the damper has been manufactured. Bucket Tilbury will come down to install the fireplace and chimney. The long-discussed lockers have been costed and Barry Wilton has the job of arranging the construction. The library is due for a face-lift and extra shelving is to be installed.



By the A.G.M., at least 3 reports will have been published for the current year. Numbers 14, 17 & 18

No 14. Pyrenean Report - has had an endless series of troubles since its MS came into the hands of the editor and though it has been published in the recent past, I would like to record our apologies to Roy Bennett for the late publication. The trouble lay with the commercial printers, who dragged their heels, and with a member of the club, who failed to deliver the necessary plates and printed surveys. 100 copies are available.

3. Publications Report

No 17. Burrington Atlas. This booklet has been the most successful publications produced by the club. Approximately 400 copies have been sold, and a second printing is being considered. Number 18. Caving Reports: The first of a number of multi-subject reports. Contains surveys and papers on various subjects written by members of the club.

86 No new parts of the Cuthbert’s Survey have appeared during the year, but the survey is now at a very advanced stage and the publication of the remaining sheets should trickle through during the next club year. The post is now one of the most important in the club, though not a committee post as such. Its expenditure is almost if not equal to the Belfry accounts. As such, it has shown that sales have reached very high levels and the demand does not seem to be abating. The outlet of papers written by members, of the various discoveries and technical notes, to a wide audience can only improve the image of the club. To this end, Alfie Collins and myself have devised a system where papers of an original nature will be diverted to the caving reports and thus help to remove the stigma whereby others have referred to the journals of other clubs as being the original source, when the B.B. has carried the information first. In the same way, material not really suited to the caving reports will be diverted to the B.B. Papers published in the Caving Reports will be accompanied by a précis especially prepared for the B.B. D. Irwin. Editor, Publications. July, 1974. _______________________________________________________________________________________ MONTHLY CROSSWORD – Number 49. Across: 1




5 6

4. Stoke has a muddy one of these. (2-3) 5. Swildons has several of these at first. (3) 7. Stal may have done this to a passage and diggers may be this by it! (7) 9. In the first case of 7, the stal does this. (7) 11. And the rest. (3) 12. A boring device for surface exploration. (5)


Down 8 9 10 11


Solution to Last Month’s Crossword B









































1. Local River. (3) 2. Lure bod to this cave feature. (7) 3. A hundred affirm for this bloke. (5) 6. A hundred are visiting many places (including this Mendip cave?) (7) 8. Caving get-together? (5) 10. One of the 5 across’s. (3)

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