Vol XXX No.3
No. 339
QUODCUMQUE FACIENDUM : NIMIS FACIEMUS CONTENTS List of Club Officers, Committee members etc. Editorial Ireland 1975 Letters to the Editor Belfry Jobs New Finds in Valley Entrance Secretarial Crossword No. 65
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All contribution to the Belfry Bulletin, including those of officers of the club, are not necessarily the opinions of the editor or the committee of the Bristol Exploration Club, unless explicitly stated as being such.
CLUB HEADQUARTERS The Belfry, Wells Rd, Priddy, Wells, Somerset. Telephone WELLS 72126 CLUB COMMITTEE Chairman Minutes Sec Members
S.J. Collins G. Wilton-Jones Chris Batstone, John Dukes, Chris Howell, Tim Large, Mike Wheadon, Barry Wilton.
OFFICERS OF THE CLUB Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Caving Secretary Climbing Secretary Hut Warden Belfry Engineer Tacklemaster B.B. Editor Publications Editor B.B. Postal Spares Membership Sec.
M. WHEADON, 91 The Oval, Englishcoombe, Bath. Tel : BATH 713646 B. WILTON, ‘Valley View’, Venus Lane, Clutton, Nr. Bristol. Tele : TEMPLE CLOUD 52072 TIM LARGE, 15 Kippax Avenue, Wells, Somerset THIS POST IS NOW IN ABEYANCE. C. BATSTONE, 8 Prospect Place, Bathford, Bath.. J. DUKES, 4 Springfield Crescent, Southampton. SO1 6LE Tele : (0703) 774649 G. WILTON-JONES, ‘Ilenea’, Stonefield Road. Nap Hill, High Wycombe, Bucks. Tele : (024) 024 3534 S.J. COLLINS, Lavender Cottage, Bishops Sutton, Nr. Bristol. Tel : CHEW MAGNA 2915 C. HOWELL, 131 Sandon Road, Edgebaston, Birmingham 17. Tele : (021) 429 5549 BRENDA WILTON Address as for Barry T. LARGE, Address already given Mrs. A. DOOLEY, c/o The Belfry. To whom all subs should be sent.
Editorial WHAT MENDIP THINKS TODAY…. The fact-finding commission of the N.C.A. have visited Mendip as part of their work in trying to find out what ordinary cavers think about N.C.A. We hear that they went out of their way to make sure that they contacted as many and as great a range of cavers as they could, visiting places like Goatchurch, where they might expect to find non-club cavers. From all accounts, they found their average Mendip caver far better informed than were cavers from other parts of the country. More to the point, they found that the views of those they spoke to were remarkably uniform and very much in line with the views as expressed in the Southern Council. Perhaps the theory that those who have taken up strong and definite positions on the subject at the Southern Council are just a collection of crackpots, trying to push their way out ideas may now be revised. Perhaps, the views of Mendip cavers may even be listened to! UNRESOLVED PROBLEM The letter from Graham, printed in this B.B., raises to my mind some very fundamental questions. The whole structure of regional councils, and hence N.C.A., was originally brought into being because of the difficulties experienced by some Northern clubs in dealing with the landowners of some of the Yorkshire fells over questions of access to the potholes. It now seems that the C.N.C.C. has been faced with a situation in which some cavers are jeopardising the arrangements they have reached with the landowners, but have not been able to resolve the matter. The existence of a political structure in caving has caused many problems and has made some of us spend much time that could have been put to better use, so that we can make as sure as we can that the structure remains our servant and does not become our master. In spite of having to spend time in this way, many of us have come round to the idea that the councils are worth having, if only to enable caving to defend itself against pressures from the outside. This conclusion is one which has, in some cases, only been reluctantly agreed and there is a danger that if councils show themselves unable to deal with the very matters for which they were formed originally, then more and more people will wonder whether the whole idea is worth the time and effort spend on it. We must hope that the matters reported by Graham will, in fact, be sorted out. WHO WROTE WHAT Figures for the 1975 B.B. (Vol 29) are now available. The volume comprised 236 pages - a drop of 20 pages on the 1974 B.B. The contribution of authors was down by 5½ pages to 143½ pages, but the percentage written by authors was up by 3% to 61% of the total. Even fewer people wrote half the total authors contribution in 1975. 'Wig,’ Mike Wheadon and Malcolm Jarrett wrote half the 143½ pages between them. In 1974 it took four authors to do this. They were 'Wig' (still top) Andy Nichols (now 12th) Bob Cross (now 22nd) and Graham Wilton-Jones (still 4th). Incidentally, the Wilton-Jones family taken as a whole came third this year with 14½ pages between them. If anyone is interest in a 'Top Ten', they were, for 1975: - First, 'Wig'; Second, Mike Wheadon; Third, Malcolm Jarrett; Fourth, Graham Wilton-Jones; Fifth, Colin Priddle; Sixth, Derek Sanderson, Tim Reynolds, Chris Howell and Janet Setterington; Tenth, Andy Sparrow. “Alfie” _______________________________________________________________________________________ GORDON TILLY In memory of Gordon, it has been suggested that an appeal for donations be launched for the Society for the Physically Handicapped. Please send any donation to 'Wig'
Ireland 1975
This article is described by its author - Ian Calder is 'A rather belated account of a trip last summer.' Better belated than never!
A group of us from South Wales decided to see what some of the Irish caves were like, so one Saturday in August we set out for that centre of the West - Fishguard. After a rough crossing to Rosslaire and the inevitable two hours delay, we set off again for County Clare in the early evening. A Morris 1000 with three adults, two children and gear for a week is no place for spending four and a half hours on bumpy Irish roads, definitely a journey to forget. Anyway, we arrived at Lisdoonvarna at midnight to find the place heaving with people. It was, of course, chucking out time, as we were soon to learn. We had been told of a campsite at Fanore, and so made our way over dirt tracks, ending up at the site an hour and a half later having been given 'directions' by a helpful native who was holding up a pub along the way! The next day - or was it the same day? - having been woken at around nine o’clock owing to small children, the five of us eventually took off to look at the Doolin River Cave. We rigged the Fisherstreet Pot and went down St. Catherine's I and after a smallish entrance series which seemed to enlarge very uniformly, we found the main system of magnificent canyon passage and fine formations. What a joy to see untouched and un-taped stal. Having crossed under the Aille River, we found the Fisherstreet Pot, had a look towards the sump nearly under the beach, and managed to arrive at O'Connor's at Doolin for a 5.30 p.m. Sunday Guinness. It certainly lives up to its reputation and we took good advantage of the licensing hours. The next day, we had an excellent through trip Pollnua-Polnagollum-Poulelva. We abseiled into Polnagollum Pot off a rather doubtful chock, only to discover it was much easier to climb out, go round, and then descend without any tackle being necessary. At least we never left the cave, although we did manage to find a way to the 90 foot, pitch of Poulelva and exit there, having rigged it before hand. Back to the site for a swim and some food. The beach here is very good and the surf was exhilarating at least while we were there. The fact that the caves were there as well was almost an added bonus. We even struggled off to a cave the day after, although the Guinness was beginning to get through by now, and had a look at the Coolagh River Cave. We didn't get very far inside owing to the fact that there seemed to be too much crawling for our physical condition. We had also been warned that this cave was liable to rapid and severe flooding and so our natural idleness and cowardice took us off to the nearest pub to restore our spirits. We did walk a little over the 'burren' - a wild and desolate area of bare limestone, but saw nothing which even remotely resembled a cave. Sickening! My last excursion underground was into Collaun 5, and I can certainly recommend this cave to anyone. It is possible to do an exchange trip if you can find the right entrances. Our maps, being some sixty years out of date, weren't very helpful. The main entrance (5) is by the road and easy. A couple of us tried to find 5d and only after an hour and a half of hunting did we stumble upon it. For anybody who wants to look for this entrance I can only say that it is by a fence and very close to the edge of the NOW forest. We joined up inside the cave and decided to bottom it. This was well worth the effort. There are some magnificently decorated ox-bows and the end is quite large, although it closes down to very unstable-looking boulder choke. We returned via opposite routes and I am glad to say that the others had almost as much difficulty in picking up the road once they were out of 5d than we had going the other way. Others went to see the stal in Pol an Ionian, whilst I baby-sat, but that pretty well sums up the active side of our Ireland visit. Thanks to 'Wig' for his information and helpful hints beforehand! _______________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE SEND SUBSCRIPTIONS TO A. DOOLEY, 51 OSMASTON ROAD, HARBOURNE, BIRMINGHAM 17. MAKE CHEQUES, POSTAL ORDERS ETC. OUT TO ‘The Bristol Exploration Club’ and remember please that the current rate is £2.50 for single membership and £3.50 for joint membership. Please also let Angie Dooley or Brenda Wilton know of any change of address and a big ‘thank you’ to all those who thoughtfully enclose a stamped envelope with their fees!
We have three letters of some importance this month.
The first letter is the one which has already been mentioned in the editorial from Graham Wilton-Jones. Dear Alfie, On Saturday, February 7th, a special meeting of all member clubs of C.N.C.C. was held at Ingleton. The meeting was advertised with the sensationalist headline POTHOLING BANNED ON NORTHERN FELLS. It was held because several events have occurred recently which could have serious consequences upon caving in Yorkshire. Specifically, they are:a. The landowner of LECK FELL is making things difficult for cavers. b. There have been two rescues from BIRKS FELL CAVE. Both parties were 'pirating' access and both were in the close season. c. There has been a great deal of pirating on PENYGHENT. The landowner has recently died, and therefore it is at present very difficult to negotiate a new access agreement. Thirty three clubs were represented at the meeting. This was utter chaos. Club representatives were asked if their committees could guarantee or prevent their member from pirating access agreement. Only nineteen said that they could. Of the fourteen who said that they could no, or would not, one representative a diver from Preston C.C. - admitted to being the ‘phantom diver’ who had pirated several dives in the north, and assured the meeting that he would continue his present practice of disregarding all access agreements. Another representative, also a member of C.R.O., backed up his view. Uproar naturally ensued. After three hours, the meeting was ended, nothing having been achieved. In the view of some of us Southerners, we face a number of possibilities:a. Cavers will continue to pirate access on an increasing scale until landowners, fed up with all this, will begin to block entrances almost irretrievably. This has been done before. b. Landowners will find it necessary to gate caves - a difficult and expensive process, almost impossible in many cases - and certain cavers have assured the C.N.C.C. that they will use bang to destroy such gates. This would lead to ALL cavers bang licences being withdrawn - a simple matter for the authorities concerned. c. Landowners will prosecute trespassers and the fells. d. Landowners will finally realize that money is to be made out of cavers. This last is the most likely, for certain cavers are NOT prepared to sit around waiting for committees to sort out impossible access agreements. They are already impossible in that cavers are not able to ensure that all other cavers will comply with the access regulations. Cavers basically want to cave and, whether they think so or not, they are prepared to pay to do so. For myself, it costs me at least £5 travelling for a Mendip weekend; £8 for South Wales and at least £10 for Yorkshire. Other cavers must be in a similar position over travelling costs. My caving gear is worth about £115 plus a further £125 for rope. These amounts are not unusual. At these prices, I see no reason against paying, say, £1 per head for a caving trip in Yorkshire. What will happen if landlords realise that caves are a source of income? Someone only has to offer money on one occasion, and the avalanche has started - soon to spread throughout the fells. I, for one, would consider myself far better off under these circumstances as a caver. No longer the bother of booking up weeks or months in advance: We’re almost back to the days when a friendly word at a farmhouse door is all that is required - plus a few of those green things and spontaneous caving is back, just as it still exists on Mendip. Our club is affiliated to C.N.C.C. and although we have no voting rights, we are clearly deeply involved in such matters as this. Other people within the club must have their own views. Let’s hear them. Graham
15 The next letter is from Tim Large, the Caving Secretary, who has comments to make about the N.C.A. Equipment Committee. He writes as follows:Dear Alfie, I would like to add my comments to those already published in recent B.B.’s concerning the N.C.A. Equipment committee. Like Dave, I too am concerned about the ideas of such a committee for much the same reasons, but would now like to look at the question from a caver’s point of view. On the whole, the available equipment (be it ropes, krabs, descendeurs etc.) is of a very good standard. The manufacturers are well aware of the reliance placed on their products and have long experience in dealing with climbing and caving requirements. In this respect, the committee has its purpose, as I see it, in passing on cavers needs to the manufacturers and to publicise any information regarding faulty items that do get on to the retail market. It seems to me that the N. C.A. equipment committee was primarily instigated with the advent of S.R.T. and its ever increasing popularity. O.K. So, like everything else, there are teething problems with these new techniques (as there were with electron ladders initially) but these were overcome. Now I know you are going to say "Yes, but there has been this accident or that, so we must needs improve our tackle." Well, go ahead! Caving is a pastime which attracts independent minds and inventive skills – so modify your equipment yourself! The main fault, and I would suggest reason, for recent accidents (particularly with regard to S.R.T.) are the bad techniques employed when using tackle. Ropes are not meant to be rubbed against sharp limestone with a hundred and fifty pounds swinging on the end. They should be belayed in such a position that they hang free or should be protected in some way if this is not possible. A classic example of this problem is the present belaying points in Rhino Rift. It would not surprise me to hear of a rope breaking down there, through what can only amount to misuse. In Rhino's case it may prove difficult to provide free-hanging belay points, but not impossible for those who value their life! Think back, over past caving trips, to all those small incidents that could have proved disastrous - screw gate not done up, hence the krab opens up when passed against the rock. Knots not tied correctly. Rawlbolts not fitted correctly. Whistle signals not known by all members of the party, hence lifelines go slack and someone peels. The list could go on. It all points to incompetence or misuse in the handling of tackle and NOT to actual tackle failures. It may take more time to do things properly, but surely this is half the pleasure to be able to overcome an obstacle as safely as possible. I know there are those amongst us who like to gallop around caves at high speed - which is very enjoyable providing that you are competent to do so, both with regard to your own safety and the preservation of the cave. S.R.T. has become the 'in' thing because, so many would have us believe, it saves time and means less tackle to carry - assuming you live to carry it out! If done safely, within the limitations of the ropes available, S.R.T. can still be a useful method in certain circumstances. Of course, it would be very nice to have a hard wearing, high tensile strength, low stretch, anti-spin rope for S. R. T. and, given time, I am sure the manufacturers could produce something - but at a price! I suggest that the price would be so high as to make it commercially impracticable to develop. Whereas, by the use of currently available ropes and by treating them respectfully with good rope techniques and by discarding such ropes at regular intervals, the current ropes would prove satisfactory, as I have no doubt many people have found out. So, once more I say that the value of an Equipment Committee is very limited and, certainly as far as I am concerned, would NOT include providing testing facilities for any equipment. This committee, and the N.C.A. as a whole, do what cavers want, and would do well to remember that those elected to the various committees are merely acting as the cavers' mouthpiece - to be given teeth only when we, the active cavers, desire it. Long live the true spirit of independent caving. Yours very sincerely, Tim Large.
16 Editor's Note: I would go even further, and suggest that if the intention is merely to inform manufacturers of the needs of cavers, or to inform cavers of the products of manufacturers, it hardly needs a committee, since the job can easily be handled by one man. On the other hand, the publicising of faulty products is something which has to be approached very warily indeed, since it has to be proved that the product was being used at all times within the limitations laid down by the manufacturer and was not subject to any form of abuse. The remainder of Tim's letter shows how difficult this might be to prove. Another danger implied by Tim is that some form of 'official' approval by an N.C.A. committee might give the impression that there was no need for the normal care of equipment once it had been approved. One final point - the whistle code Tim mentions is S.U.D. in case any caver feels too proud to ask. One blast for STOP, two for UP and three for DOWN. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Now, a member's views on another controversial subject that of school caving and affiliation of such bodies to caving clubs. Dear Alfie, Re school caving groups becoming affiliated to the B.E.C. Here are one or two thoughts I would like to raise:1. I voted with the rest at the A.G.M. against any certification in the caving world - but if no alternative is offered, and offered quickly, Local Education Authorities will force the certification issue. 2. Any vetting scheme of teachers as to their competence (whether this is done by B.A.C.I. or by C.S.C.C.) is tantamount to a certificate. Do we really want to see caver assessing caver? Isn't this an invidious situation? 3. We all basically deplore non-cavers or idiots (not the same thing, surely!) having anything to do with novice caving trips whether from school or not. 4. Whether people agree with caving from schools or not, it is happening and is probably on the increase again, whether we like it or not. 5. Have we any more right to discourage schools rather than geologists or employees of Bristol Waterworks? Do we really want the right to forbid to anyone what we ourselves enjoy? Who is to judge whether schools spoil caves or whether cavers do. The muddy Land marks on the stal in the Great Chamber in G.B. were surely not put there by novice school parties - led or un-led. 6. We have a chance of allowing schools to become affiliated to the B.E.C. and thus a chance to influence this group of cave users. Note, to influence them - not to pass judgment on them. To pass on informed opinion and creative ideas. If we let this chance go by, we may never again be able to influence this group in the same way. If this happens, don't bellyache in five years time when we all have to have a certificate. Yours, Ian Calder.
Ian's letter deserves a fairly lengthy comment, because it raises a number of points about which some members are known to feel strongly, but which I suspect they may not be informed of the present situation. Taking Ian's letter paragraph by paragraph:1. It is true that the club voted in no uncertain terms against any form of certification. Most other clubs on Mendip feel the same way, as does the Southern Council in consequence. In order to PREVENT the spread of certification, the Southern Council published its own booklet called CAVING FOR BEGINNERS in which it made it quite clear that caving was not a competitive sport and that all forms of certification were unnecessary. Instead, it suggested in informal scheme for keeping an eye on novices such as schoolboys. Thus, an alternative WAS offered quite some time ago.
17 2. However, Somerset Local Education Authority (L.E.A.) could not accept this. The reason is that they must have some sort of competence standard. This means, as Ian puts it, caver assessing caver. Thus, the ONLY choice open to Mendip clubs, through the Southern Council, is either to find a compromise acceptable to the Somerset L.E.A. and to the caving clubs or to wash their hands of the whole affair. If this latter is done, then Somerset will go it alone and produce a scheme which has nothing at all to do with local clubs. NOTHING AT ALL. Thus, we will have no opportunity to influence, to moderate extreme ideas, to apply our experience. 3. This being so, the Southern Council have been negotiating with Somerset L.E.A. and have now reached the stage of having a compromise solution, which will be put to the next Southern Council meeting. One of the points is that any leader shall be a caver first and a school leader second. This answers Ian's 3rd paragraph. 4. What has been said so far shows that Ian is right his assessment here. 5. With the greatest respect to Ian, I think he has missed the point here. I don't think that anyone wants the right to forbid people going caving. What we should be trying to do is to convince schools and other bodies that it is one thing to make caving trips available for those who are genuinely interested and quite another thing to pressurise people into caving. As Ian says, damage to caves will occur in any case and the more people involved, the greater the damage. Therefore, we only ought to have the people who really WANT to go down caves and not those who have been talked into it. This is one direction where we must try to use our influence 6. Firmly written into the proposed agreement with the Somerset L.E.A. is the participation of local caving clubs. Indeed, the wording has now been so arranged that the B.E.C. no longer have to make the decision as to whether to permit formal affiliation, or not. As for the spread of certification, it may well be that when their blokes and our blokes have got to know each other enough it may even be possible to persuade the L.E.A. to come even more into line with what the caving clubs would like to see and to progress towards the ideals of CAVING FOR BEGINNERS. I hope that these remarks may go some way towards putt' Ian's and other members minds at rest on this subject. Any further correspondence will, of course, be welcome. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Belfry Jobs
A list sent in by the Belfry Engineer, who hopes that members will take the hint!
If you are not sure what needs doing, after reading this list of jobs, please see either the Hut Warden or the Belfry Engineer. You will probably need to bring your own tools, and if materials are needed, get them yourself and give us the bill. If you do not feel like doing any of the jobs yourself, come along to a working weekend with tools (if you have any) and the Hut Warden or Engineer will show you what needs doing - or write in for information. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Scrub down walls and ceilings to remove grease etc. Plaster wall by front door. Cold water supply to Women’s Room needs connecting up in the attic. Tidy up attic and re-lay insulation (see Hut Warden for key of the attic.) Installation of two airbricks or similar ventilating bricks between library and Men’s Room and between library and main room. Scrubbing down paintwork on lockers Fixing bunks in Women’s Room securely to the walls. Levelling floor in main shower room. Washing floor in main room. Building a wall across the car park from the manhole cover by the front door to the drinking pond. The foundations for this wall are already in position. Levelling the ground and tidying up outside generally. A drystone wall needs building at the end of the car park adjacent to the drinking pond to retain hardcore. Use existing half blocks from rubble pile which has been levelled.
18 Plus, of course, anything else which looks as if it ought to be done - only please check first before you do it in case your ideas clash with any plans the Hut Warden or the Hut Engineer may have. The committee recently agreed to spend some money on making the Belfry a better place to stay at - but your help is needed so that we can spend our money sensibly and get value for it. _______________________________________________________________________________________
From the 'terminal' chamber of Cascade Inlet, as described in 'Northern Caves' (Whernside & Tragareth), two notable extensions have recently been discovered. One of these, a continuation of the thirty foot climb to an inlet on the right hand side of the chamber, is adequately described in 'Descent' No 32. The other starts off as a muddy and somewhat unstable route through the boulder choke from which the Main Water emerges. After a short squeeze up through boulders to the right of the stream entry, one enters a small mucky cavern sloping steeply upwards and consisting partly of loose boulders. Care is needed here, as anything dislodged will funnel straight down into the squeeze. A further climb up through boulders at the top left hand side of this chamber leads to a similar cavern with a mud and boulder strewn floor. From here, the way on is forward and to the right, dropping down between the boulders into an impressive flat roofed tunnel which continues for a disappointingly short distance before becoming too low. Tributary streams enter it from impenetrable fissures to the left and right. The only exit from this tunnel is an obvious inlet on the right at the start of the larger passage. A thrutch over a rocking boulder marks the beginning of this fine meandering stream trench, which is about four feet high and has some large blocks at intervals which create some interesting crawls at roof level. Finally, in a small sandy chamber, the roof dips sharply to tight bedding with two miniature rock arches creating an interesting tight duck for about three feet. Beyond this, a short tube followed by a squeeze leads to a high passage at right angles. This continues under a high chamber with a washed out shale band containing many fine straws. It then swings to the left and for a very short distance resumes the proportions of the earlier stream trench. Here, the way forks. To the left, one enters an area of bedding and boulder chaos, the threshold of which is blocked by a magnificent static pool of crystal-clear water. Reflected in this is a delightful array of straws. No doubt, this will not be allowed to remain like it is for long. The right fork of the passage is the main route consists of a rift, sloping steeply upwards through mud and over boulder obstacles until, after levelling out for a short way, the passage abruptly chokes. At this point the stream is once again encountered, trickling down through pools in a high rift which joins the passage at right angles. Traversing at different levels becomes increasingly difficult as the slippery walls of the rift begin to close in. Eventually, it becomes too tight. It would appear that this passage ends in a region somewhere near Thorny Pot and, apart from adding on a sizeable chunk to the already varied and extensive West Kingsdale system, it will be an inviting prospect for further exploration, with the possibility of pushing a route through to a top entrance, thus creating yet another through trip in the system. Dave Metcalfe.
Some items of news from the Sec.
Although the committee has been progressing the event since last October, the time is rapidly approaching when we must come to a decision about this year’s dinner and therefore I feel that we should test the membership response via the columns of the B.B. Following last year’s dinner came two complaints mainly, objections to the venue and objection as to the menu. To try to overcome these objections, the club approached many restaurant organisations to get their, response to putting on a reasonable dinner for the 200 or so of us at a reasonable price. We have had NO offers to date. In addition to the complaints of venue, there has been a suggestion from some members that we emulate more our roar northerly cousins and include a 'stomp' or disco with dinner. Yet a further suggestion is that we hold a buffet dinner coupled with a dance. My assessment, after talking to a few members is that none of these would be popular, but your views would be appreciated. The situation at present is as follows: - We cannot have the next dinner at the Blue School as it is fully booked for October and has now become very expensive. We have therefore, in the absence of response from any other caterer, asked Arthur Laws to research possible locations for the next dinner and submit menus and costs. Two possible locations are Glastonbury Town Hall and the new centre at Shepton Mallet. We are hoping that the next dinner will be up to our normally high standards and will include the traditional entertainment, which was clearly missed last year. So if you have any thoughts, please let the committee know. Whether or not we are losing members at a similar rate to our acceptance of newcomers, I cannot say but we have over the past couple of months managed to trap one errant back into the fold and recruited several new bods: New members are: Alistair Simpson: 30 Channel Heights, Bleadon Hill, Weston S.M. David Lampard: Woodpeckers, 11 Springfield Pk Rd, Horsham, Sussex Steven Woolven: 21 Three Acres, Horsham, Sussex. Ken Roebuck: c/o P.O.'s Mess, H.M.S. Daedalus, Lee on Solent, Hants. Nick Thorne: 20 Hawkers Lane, Wells, Somerset. Peter Shearman: Wood View, Grayfield, High Littleton, Bath. Jim Andrews: 43 Portway, Wells, Somerset Graham Nye: 7 Ramsey Close, Horsham, Sussex. Andrew Higginbottom: Warana, Hill Lea Gardens, Cheddar. Barrie Wilton would like to advise that this is your last chance to own a B.E.C. car badge at the £1.75 price. If you don't get your bid in quickly, you’ll have to pay more or the same item in future. John Dukes's next working weekend is planned for the 8/9 of May, so roll up and help make the Belfry better. 'Sett' is once again organising a weekend for older club members to meet each other. This year it will be from Friday, 11th June to Sunday 13th June.
20 MONTHLY CROSSWORD – Number 65 1
Across: 5
6. Suitable place for post in G.B. (6,3)
7. See 1 across and 12 down. (6) 10. Large number of high cave passages form typical mine working! (6) 13. Lion ate me – erratically, one imagines! (9)
Down 7 8
10 11 13
Solution to Last Month’s Crossword O U
1. and 7. Well known Mendip underground place. (3,6) 2. Starting point for worrying, if not met. (1,1,1) 3. Ore train found on certain edge perhaps. (9) 4. Die down perhaps with Bertie in the middle. (5) 5. Passage type found in G.B., Swildons, Stoke. (2-3) 8. Optimum state of affairs found after affectionate plural in Hunters. (5). 9. Make of 10 across sounds young. (5) 11. 9 down and cavers both do this. (3) 12. and 7. Contrasting place to 1 and 7 in same cave. (3)