once upon a time in Europa

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Intercultural dialogue between 35 schools from 33 European countries through fairy tales,drama and art 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

High School 198, Yerevan, Armenia Volksschule Oberwart, Oberwart,Austria SOU”Ekzarh Antim I”,Kazanlak, Bulgaria Versus Foreign Languages School Krapina, Croatia Tsirio gymnasio, Lemesos, Cyprus Základní škola a mateřská škola Hranice, Šromotovo, příspěvková organizace,Hranice ,Czech Republic Vastseliina Gümnaasium, Vastseliina , Estonia Oriveden Keskuskoulu, Orivesi ,Finland/ “ how to get the light…./ Oulun normaalikoulun perusaste , Oulu ,Finland/trilogy/ Collège Stendhal, Nantes ,France Rustavi School nr.5 Georgia Siegerland-Grundschule, Berlin ,Germany Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ζερβοχωρίων, Χαλκιδική ,Greece Gyulai Alapfokú Közoktatási Intézmény, Gyula Hungary Hofsstaðaskóli, Gardabaer ,Iceland Glenmore N.S., Crossmolina ,Ireland Circolo Didattico di Staglieno, Genova ,Italy Pērses pamatskola, Koknese ,Latvia

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

Telšių ,,Atžalyno'' vidurinė mokykla, Telšiai ,Lithuania St. Clare College, San Gwann Primary B, San Gwann ,Malta De Opslach, Franeker ,Netherlands Spetalen skole, Saltnes ,Norway Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im. Orła Białego, Czechowice-Dziedzice , Poland Agrupamento de Escolas de Penalva do Castelo, Portugal School”Ion Borcea”, Agigea, Romania Scool nr.700 with advanced study of Forein Languages, Saint -Peterburg,Russia Primary school “Ivo Andric” Belgrade, Serbia Spojená škola Tilgnerova, Bratislava ,Slovakia Osnova šola Pod goro, Slovenske Konjice ,Slovenia Siete Campas-Zorrozgoiti, Bilbao ,Spain Bergundaskolan F-6, Växjö ,Sweden Yenituran Primary School, Ankara ,Turkey School of the Future, Yalta,Ukraine Church Aston Infant School, Newport ,United Kingdom Cannich Bridge Primary School, N.W. 2 Scotland ,United Kingdom

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Do a Favour and Throw It into the Water Princess Trina The Most Precious Fruit The Enchanted Forest The Animal Exodus The story of Budulinek Little Red Riding Hood The woman in Frog Skin How to get light into the cottage Folktale trilogy Donkey Skin The Dreamer Hans in Luck The Lear Shepherd The Foal-egg of Ratot Bukolla and the Boy Larry Lynch

18. Old Man’s Mitten 19. Fantachiro 20. Grandmother and a Kitten 21. The Legend of Castello 22. The Girl Thrush 23. The Trolls in The Hedal Forest 24. Three Brothers and The White Eagle 25. The Baker of Aljubarrota 26. Salt in Dishes 27. Kolobok 28. BashChelik 29. The Golden Horseshoe, The Golden Feather and The Golden Hair 30. Mary Nickelpot 31. Miren Felli 32. Prince Hat 33. The Bald Boy and The Emporer 34. Serko 3

Armenian folk tale retold by High School 198, Yerevan, Armenia

Do a Favour and Throw It into the Water Once upon a time there lived a very poor man. He had a wife and lots of children. Every day he looked for a job. Once he met a stranger who asked him, “Where are you going ?” The poor man said, “ I am a poor man. I am going to look for a job.” The stranger said, “ Come with me to catch fish.” The poor man went with him and they caught many fish. He took home some fish and then in the evening he and his family ate them. The next day they went fishing together. The stranger said, “ Did you see how I threw the hook ?” The poor man said, “Yes I did.” The stranger said, “Now it is your turn to throw the hook today.” 4

This poor man threw the hook and he caught a beautiful but very small fish. “ It is too beautiful and too small to be eaten. I‟ll let her go.”, he said and threw the fish into the water. The stranger saw that and got angry and cried, “ Why did you throw the fish back ? I„ve brought you here to catch the fish but not to play with it. Get out of my sight !” So the poor man left the stranger and went to look for another job. He was sad and unhappy as he was walking, when suddenly a monster appeared before him. “Where are you going, my poor man ? ”, the monster asked. He said, “I‟m a poor man. I have six children, who are very hungry, as we have nothing to eat. That‟s why I want to work to feed them.” The monster said to the poor man, “I have a cow, take it and feed your family. After a year I‟ll come and ask you a question. If you answer it, the cow will be yours, but if you don‟t, I‟ll eat you.” The man took the cow and went home. 5

When the children saw the cow, they were very happy. The time passed by quickly and soon the worst day came. The wife of that poor man said to him, “Today is a day when the monster will come.” All day they thought about the question, which the monster would ask them. In the evening a stranger came and asked, “Can I stay here for a night, please?” “Of course you can,” answered the poor man.”, but …” As he didn‟t want to hurt the stranger, he told him the whole story. When he finished, the stranger said, “Give me a place by the door, I‟ll answer his questions.” They sat and ate some food then the stranger said again. “Will you give me my place by the door ?” They said, “No you are a guest so your place must be the best one in the house.” But the stranger said again, “No, make my bed by the door and when the monster asks his question, I‟ll hear and answer at once”.


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They did so and he fell to sleep. At midnight, the monster came and knocked at the door. Guest: “Who is it ?” Monster: “The Monster. I have come.” Guest: “ So have I. ” Monster: “Where do you come from ?” Guest: “ From the other side of the sea.” Monster: “The sea may be small ?” Guest: “The sea is so wide that an eagle flying from one side to the other will take nearly a month. ” Monster: “Well, then the eagle is too small.” Guest: “No, not at all. Each of its wings can cover a city.” Monster: “Oh, I guess, the city is very small.” Guest: “No, a horse will hardly be able to run around the city within a month.” Monster: “Then it is not a horse. Is it a colt ?”


• Guest: “ No, 7 men can‟t tame him”. • Monster: “Well, then they were children”. • Guest: “With the cock screaming under their beds, they continue to sleep.” • Monster: “Were they deaf ?” • Guest: “They can hear the deer sneezing in the fields.” The monster had nothing left to say and walked away from the house. Thus the stranger saved the life of the poor man and the cow remained with his family. In the morning the guest said, “Well, thank you for everything but I have to go now.” The poor man asked, “Brother, who are you ? Tell me how will we pay back for your kindness ?” The guest replied, “I‟m the fish that you caught and released last year. To this I say, “do a favour and throw it into water, if the water won‟t know, the fish will know.” 8


A story from Austria retold by Volksschule Oberwart, Oberwart,Austria

PRINCESS TRINA Once upon a time there was a very beautiful princess called Trina. She sat on a golden throne, wore a golden dress and on her black curly hair, she had a golden crown. She sat on the throne and thought very hard to get a good idea. She thought and she thought but nothing happened. Thinking was hard and difficult and a very unusual work for her. Although she sat there for a long time lost in thoughts, scratching her head; she had no new idea. She sat there for three days; still nothing came to her mind. She called her Master of Ceremonies and asked him to help her find a good idea. So, they both sat there together for two, three days more but nothing happened. 10

All the ladies and gentlemen in the castle had to sit down and help them think, but no one could think of anything clever. Even the king condescended to scratching his head and he thought and thought. Finally, all the men and women and all the servants in the castle were lost in thought and it was so boring, that the king had to appoint a Noble Court Jaw Closer, who had to help the people close their mouths after yawning, because they couldnâ€&#x;t close their jaws anymore by themselves. After eight days of closing many mouths, the Noble Court Jaw Closer was so sick of his hard work that he had to take a six-month holiday. The whole kingdom began to think, no one said a word, it was all mute, just minds thinking thoughts and more thoughts. The only one who didn't think was Liesel, the kitchen maid. She laughed and sang all day. The king was disturbed in his thinking by her songs. He ordered the singer to his throne. 11

The kitchen maid Liesel appeared, wiped her hands on her apron, curtsied and said, "How do you do, Mr. King. You have sent for me, just tell me quickly what you want from me, I donâ€&#x;t have much time. The milk will boil over, since everyone in the kitchen is busy with thinking. I am alone in the kitchen and I have a lot of things to do." The king nodded graciously and asked, "So you are not thinking, Liesel?" "No, Lord King,“ she answered, "I have no time for that. I can not think as much as all the others and they do not know what they are thinking about. No need to worry, but I canâ€&#x;t waste my time with thinking." As Liesel said these words, the beautiful princess came and overheard them. "You say that you do not waste your time, since you have so many other things to do. So, no one will have to think any longer, you shall tell us what we should do. Share your ideas with us!"


"My dear and beautiful princess, when I look at you I wonder why you are still here in your fatherâ€&#x;s castle and never married a prince." As the Princess heard this, she clapped her hands for joy and shouted, "Liesel darling, you are the smartest kitchen maid in the whole castle. This is a brilliant idea. I have thought for such a long time and this is what I waited for all along. This is what I want to do. I want to marry a prince. Come, let us think together about how to bring this marriage about." "No, no!", Liesel said friendly but firm. "I do not want to think three weeks long without any results. If you are looking for a prince, then throw a great party! The princes will come and you can see which one will be the best for you." The princess was delighted, and gave a great ball. Many princes came, some were chubby some were thin, the handsome and the ugly ones, both young and old, rich and poor, hunchbacked and straight-backed, they all came. 13

Of these princes three were so kind and handsome, that the princess could not decide which one she should marry - she needed Liesel's advice. Liesel, who had in the meantime become the princessâ€&#x; Noble Court Counsellor knew just what to do. "Dear princesâ€? she said to them, “only one of you can marry the princess. We will not decide today who it will be. Go out into the world and come back in one year. Try to find the most beautiful and most precious thing that this earth has and bring it to the princess as a gift. The prince, whose gift the princess likes best, will be her husband and rule the kingdom in joy and glory." The three princes agreed. They left the castle and the princess, to find the most beautiful and most precious thing in the world. Jubb, the first prince, wanted to climb the highest mountain, the highest peak on earth. He crossed rivers and oceans to go to a distant land.


He travelled to India. He saw wild animals, tigers and poisonous snakes, it was dreadful! He had to fight many life-threatening battles, but he bravely marched through the risks and fears of death. After many days of climbing in the mountain wilderness, Prince Jubb finally made it to the summit of the highest mountain. He marvelled at the world beneath him and all the hard work was forgotten. He took the stone that formed the top of the mountain. He was sure that this wonderful stone would help him win the heart of the beautiful princess. On his descent from the mountain he came into a snow storm. Avalanches thundered down into the valley, he thought he would soon die, and sank down exhausted. The mountain dwarves found him and carried the weary traveller into the blue ice cave of the ice queen. When Prince Jubb awoke, he saw blue, bright light coming down from the walls of the cave. It was so enchantingly beautiful that he could not see enough of it. 15

Everything was made of dazzling, shimmering crystal in this blue cave! Frost flowers bloomed and decorated the walls. Prince Jubb could not believe his eyes. As the ice queen entered the cave, she asked, "Where do you come from stranger? No human being has ever entered my castle. You came here without being called, and you may never leave this place again.“ Prince Jubb forgot his past life completely. The ice queen was beautiful and enchanting as can be, and loved prince Jubb and he fell in love with her. Both lived in bliss and joy ever after, in the blue ice cave in the remote Himalayan mountains. The second prince, Prince Niki went to sea. He thought, "Beautiful women love jewellery, and what is more beautiful and precious than a pearl necklace?“ He dived deep into the sea to fish for white shiny beads from its depths. 16

Prince Niki had already found a lot of shimmering beads, but he hoped to find larger and more beautiful shiny ones. Nothing he found was precious and beautiful enough for the princess. As he once again dived in, he saw a large pearl in the middle of a red coral forest at the bottom of the sea. Prince Niki swam down to the coral forest, but a sea monster suddenly attacked him. The young prince was not scared. With his sword he cut off its head. Suddenly he heard sweet music from the red coral forest. On a shell chariot drawn by silver dolphins, a mermaid appeared. The lovely lady captured Prince Niki and since she was so beautiful, he did not mind one bit. Prince Niki never came up to the golden sunlight again. In the depth of the blue sea, he lived in the red, coral forest as the husband of the mermaid. He forgot all about princess Trina. Only Prince Clot remained and stayed at home. 17

Every day he wanted to go out and find the most beautiful thing in the world, but even though he thought a lot about it, he could never make up his mind about what was actually the most beautiful and magnificent thing in the world. He sat deep in thought in his castle, and before he realized it, the day came, on which he should appear with the other princes before the beautiful princess. Noon, at the twelfth hour, Her Royal Highness the princess was to make her choice. The king and the princess were sitting on their throne in all their magnificence and splendour. The kitchen maid Liesel was also on the steps to the throne. Prince Clot arrived very early in the morning at eight o'clock. He had found nothing - nothing nothing at all and showed up empty handed. Everyone waited impatiently for the other two princes to come. They waited one hour, two hours more, no one came 18

Heralds blew down from the tower into the surrounding countryside, guiding the princes on the right path if they had lost their way. It was twelve oâ€&#x;clock. Still no one came. The stomach of the old king grumbled for lunch. Then the kitchen maid Liesel, who was also hungry, said, "We can no longer wait for the princes, the ceremony must begin." Everyone was glad to hear these words. Prince Clot came forward and made a low bow before the throne. He stood alone and did nothing - absolutely nothing. The king said, "Come on, dear prince, what have you found to be the best and most beautiful thing in this world? Please show us." Prince Clot was embarrassed. He shifted from one foot to the other and out of embarrassment he blew his nose. He had nothing, and he had no idea what to do. He desperately looked up into Liesel's face for help. 19

He was extremely relieved when she whispered to him, "The most beautiful and magnificent thing in the world is Princess Trina." Prince Clot, relieved to have something to say, repeated in a loud and clear voice and with deep emphasis, "The most beautiful and magnificent thing in the whole wide world is you, Princess Trina." The king's daughter was delighted to hear these words, and since the other two princes had not come, the choice was easy. She instantly fell in love with Prince Clot and was really fond of him, especially because of his thoughtful nature. They celebrated with a big royal wedding. I wish I would have been invited. Everyone told me, that it was a lot of fun. And if they are not dead, they are still alive and in love today!



A Story from Bulgaria retold by SOU”Ekzarh Antim I”,Kazanlak, Bulgaria

The Most Precious Fruit Once upon a time, there was a father who had three sons. The father was old, and he wanted to give only one of his three sons the entire inheritance after he died, but he couldn‟t decide which one of them deserved it the most. One day he called them together, and told them the following, “I will give each of you a bag of gold. Go and walk around the world and find me the most precious fruit. The one who brings it to me, will get my whole fortune.” The boys took the money and went in three different directions to look for the fruit. Three years passed, and the sons finally returned home. First, the father asked the eldest son, “Well did you bring me the most precious fruit ?” The son answered, “Father, I 22

believe that the most precious fruit must be the one that tastes the sweetest. I have been in many different countries to find you some white grapes. From all of the fruit on our earth, the white grape is the sweetest.” “Good job son,” said the father. “What about you ?” asked the father as he turned to the middle child. “I think that the most precious fruit is the one that is the most difficult to find, so I travelled south. I was in Africa, and I bought you fruit that you can‟t find in our lands. For you, I have oranges, dates, and bananas. Here they are. Choose whatever you like,” answered the middle child. “Well done son. I will take one of them,” replied the father. He then turned to the youngest son. “What did you bring me ? Why don‟t you have anything?” questioned the father. The youngest son said, “It‟s true that I come with


empty hands, and I didn‟t spend the gold you gave me on fruit you can eat . I went to school with teachers and books. They taught me for three years. The fruit I have can‟t be seen because it is in my heart and in my mind. I believe this is the most precious fruit.” When the father heard these words, he said happily, “You brought me the most precious fruit son. You deserve the inheritance the most because there is no fruit more precious than those which give a man knowledge.”



A Story from Croatia Versus Foreign Languages School Krapina, Croatia

The Enchanted Forest A long time ago, a young man came to an enchanted forest to get some wood. The man was very foolish and kindhearted and he didn´t know that the forest was enchanted. Suddenly, a beautiful snake appeared in front of him. He liked the snake and wanted to take it home. Then the snake turned into a beautiful girl, but she was evil and she was left with a snake´s tongue. The snakewoman was very happy to go home with the young man. His old mother saw her tongue and she knew that her future daughter-in-law was a snake, so she told her son to beware of her. The son got angry and called his mother a witch. The three of them lived together but they didn´t get along. The daughterin-law was vain, evil and she ate a lot. 26

She wanted to get rid of young man´s mother. The son kept quiet because he wanted to please his wife. One day, the daughter-in-law chased the mother out of the house. It was very cold and she couldn´t go anywhere,so she just sat feeling sad and desperate in front of the window. Then a poor girl came by. She politely asked the old mother to buy some wood she was carrying, but the old mother replied she didn´t have any money and offered to mend her torn sleeve instead. The poor girl accepted and gave her some wood. In the evening, the son and the snake-daughter-inlaw, went to visit their friends and mother was left home alone. She put some wood on the fire that the young girl gave her and suddenly it started crackling and out of the fire came tiny, but very loud and happy creatures – the Domaci. The old mother thought they were sent from God and she told them everything about her troubles and asked them kindly to help her.


One of them had an idea. He told her to place some magpie eggs under their hen (because it is a well-known fact that snakes like to eat little magpies), so that the snake-daughter-in-law would try to eat them and then show her snake-tongue. When the magpies hatched, the daughter-in-law first thought they were little chickens, so she called the entire village to come and see them because she vas vain and she wanted to show off her chickens that had hatched in the middle of winter. When she saw the little magpies, she became hungry and she stuck her snake-tongue out, so the whole village saw that she was a snake. The son was embarassed and angry and told his mother to get out of the house, although there was snow outside. The mother was so sad, she sat on the ground and lit up a fire because she still had some of the wood that the poor girl gave her. Suddenly, Domaci started jumping out of the fire again. She told them what had happened and they decided to take her to the chief of the enchanted forest. 28

When he heard about her trouble he offered to make the old mother young again and to bring her back to the village where she was born. The old mother said she couldn´t do that to her son and suddenly, all the magic together with the forest and the snake-daughter-in-law disappeared – the spell was broken. The mother returned happily home together with her son who then later married the poor girl who had sold wood to the old mother. The three of them lived happily ever after until the end of their days. (This fairytale is an adaptation of Ivana Brlic Mazuranic´s (1874-1938) story, who was a very respectable female children author and is nowadays refered to as the ˝Croatian Hans Christion Andersen˝, however, the story itself is so old and popular among children that is conidered to be a folktale, although it is not.)



A Story from Cyprus retold by Versus Foreign Languages School Krapina, Croatia

The Animal Exodus A long time ago, a mouse was sleeping in the forest under a tree. A gush of wind went through the forest and knocked a branch of the tree down. As the branch fell it landed on the sleeping mouse. The mouse woke up and startled it began to run ! The mouse ran faster and faster passing a rabbit, the rabbit asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?" The mouse said, "Because the wind blew hard and knocked a tree branch down hitting me." The rabbit then began to run with the mouse and as they ran they came upon a marten. The marten asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"


The rabbit said, "Because when the mouse was sleeping the wind blew hard uprooting an entire tree almost killing all the animals that were beneath it !" The Marten then became startled and in fear began to run with other animals and as they ran they came upon a goat. The goat asked, "Why are you in such a hurry ?" To which the Marten replied, "Because when the mouse was sleeping there was an earthquake which caused an opening in the earth almost swallowing all the animals that were in its path !" The goat then became startled as well and in fear ran with the other animals. Every animal that came upon their path became startled with the ever changing story... what a task it would be to catch them !



A Story from the Czech Republic retold by Základní škola a mateřská škola Hranice, Šromotovo, příspěvková organizace,Hranice ,Czech Republic

The Story of Budulinek Once upon a time there was a little house near the woods. Grandma, Grandpa and the little boy called, Budulinek lived in the house. One day, Grandma and Grandpa went to the town to the market. Grandma made peas for Budulinek. Grandpa told him not to open the house to anybody. Budulinek took a bowl and a spoon and he started to eat peas. A fox knocked at the window. “Budulinek, give me a pea; I‟ll let you ride on my tail.”Budulinek remembered what Grandpa had said and he didn‟t open the window. After a while the fox knocked at the door. 34

“Budulinek, give me a pea, I‟ll let you ride on my tail.” This time Budulinek didn‟t remember and opened the door. He gave the fox some peas. Then he sat on the fox‟s tail. At first they rode around the room and Budulinek sat on the fox‟s tail and he smiled. Suddenly the fox ran out of the house and ran away with the little boy on his back. The fox had a den with baby foxes in the woods. He took Budulinek to the den. In the morning, Grandma and Grandpa came home. They looked for Budulinek, they called him, but they didn‟t find Budulinek. “Grandma, don‟t cry“, Grandpa said. He took the violin, he gave Grandma the drum and they went to the woods. They walked and walked until they came to the fox‟s den. They heard crying there. “It is our Budulinek”, they rejoiced. Grandpa took the violin, Grandma took the drum and they started to play. 35

Grandma and Grandpa played and sang, “We have a fiddle at home and a nice drum; there are three baby foxes and our Budulinek.” When the old fox heard this, she said: “Go and tell them not to play, my head hurts !” When she put her head out, Grandpa threw the baby fox in the bag. And they again played on, “We have a fiddle at home and a nice drum, there are two baby foxes and our Budulinek.” The old fox sent the second baby fox and Grandpa again threw the baby fox in the bag. And they played again, “We have a fiddle at home and a nice drum, there is one baby fox and our Budulinek.“ The old fox got angry, “I‟d better go myself.” As she put her head out of the den, Grandpa grabbed her and threw her in the bag and tied the bag. Then he pulled Budulinek out. Budulinek cried and promised to be good and never be bad. Grandpa and Grandma forgave him


with joy. Grandpa threw the bag on the ground, he found a pole and he beat the foxâ€&#x;s jacket. Then he untied the bag and allowed them out. They ran away quickly !



A Story from England retold by Cannich Bridge Primary School, N.W. Scotland ,United Kingdom

Little Red Riding Hood On a chilly spring morning, Red Riding Hood set off to visit her grandma. The old lady had not been well. Red Riding Hood had packed a basket, full of lovely treats, to cheer her grandma up. As Red Riding Hood (she was called Rosie really) prepared to leave, her mother gave her a warning. “Rosie, go straight to Grandma‟s cottage and don‟t talk to any strangers on the journey.” As Rosie travelled along the path, she spotted some pretty flowers. Thinking they would be nice for Grandma, she stopped to pick a few. There were so many colours that Rosie spent far longer than she had planned plucking her bunch of flowers. 39

Meanwhile, a wicked wolf quietly watched from behind a group of trees. “What a tasty snack this little lady would be!” he thought. The wolf crept up to Red Riding Hood At first Rosie was startled. She had never met a wolf before and this one was rather large and very hairy! “Good morning, young lady,” the wolf purred, “ and where might you be going this very fine day?” “To visit my grandmother,” Rosie replied. “ I‟m taking this basketful of treats to cheer her up!” The wolf thought to himself, ” Why have one snack when I can have two? I‟ll have the old lady first and then this little morsel later!” “Sir, I must be going now,” said Rosie. “Perhaps we‟ll meet again?”


“Perhaps we will,” replied the wolf, in his smooth voice. Of course the wolf ran on ahead and reached Grandma‟s cottage way before Red Riding Hood. Fortunately, Grandma had begun to feel better and had nipped into town to do a little shopping. Thoughtfully, she had left a note on the door for Rosie. It read:

Dear Rosie, Just popped out to the shops. Back soon. Make yourself at home. Lots of love, Granny. Now that did not please the wolf. Feeling furious at missing Granny, he let himself into the cottage and lay in wait for Red Riding Hood. Well we all know what happened next. Red Riding Hood arrived at Grandma‟s cottage. She lifted the latch and let herself inside.


The wolf looked perfectly ridiculous dressed in Grandma‟s clothes. Not to mention a pair Grandma‟s reading spectacles perched on the end of his long nose. “Oh Grandma what big eyes you have,” cried Red Riding Hood. “All the better to see you with,” replied the wolf. “Oh Grandma what big ears you have,” cried Red Riding Hood. “All the better to hear you with,” replied the wolf. “Oh Grandma what big teeth you have,” cried Red Riding Hood. “All the better to eat you with,” replied the wolf. “Really?” asked Red Riding Hood. Red Riding Hood laughed out loud. She laughed so loud that Granny and the local woodcutter heard her giggles. They ran to the cottage as fast as they could.


Poor Mr.Wolf. He felt so embarrassed and such a fool. With a giant leap, he bounded from the cottage and was never seen in that story again.

So that was the end. The wolf was gone. Grandma and Rosie were safe. As soon as the kettle had boiled, they enjoyed a delicious teatime together with Roy the Woodcutter. And of course, Rosie (Little Red Riding Hood) never stopped and spoke to strangers ever again.



A Story from South-Estonia retold by Vastseliina Gümnaasium, Vastseliina , Estonia

The Woman in Frog Skin In olden times there was a king with three sons. When his sons had grown up, the king gave each of them a ball of yarn which they were to throw down onto the marketplace from the castle window high up. There were always a lot of women moving around down there. The young woman who the ball of yarn rolled up to would become the wives of the king‟s sons and therefore the king‟s daughters-in-law. The eldest son‟s ball of yarn rolled. It skimmed out of the window, rolled swishing through the legs of the townspeople straight to the daughter of a great nobleman. That daughter became wife to the eldest son. The middle son‟s ball of yarn rolled a bit further straight to the edge of the


marketplace, where a war leader‟s daughter was standing. That girl became the middle son‟s wife. But the youngest son‟s ball of yarn had a such a lot of momentum that it rolled across the marketplace, over several streets, slipped under several fences and reached the edge of the forest at the outskirt of the city. There it disappeared rustling into the stinging nettles. The ball of yarn came to a stop in front of the frog maiden. There was nothing to be done. The king‟s youngest son had to take a frog as his wife.. One day the king wanted all his daughters-in-law to bake him black bread. The king‟s youngest son became worried. How was his frog wife to deal with this task? After all, she had no hands like a normal woman. But the frog woman sprang into the big mixing bowl and started kneading the dough with her strong legs. She kneaded and kneaded and soon the dough was ready. She baked it in the oven and it was the best bread that


anyone had ever tasted. “This is no simple black bread like that of the other daughters-in-law. This black bread would honour any king‟s household!” said the king. Soon the king wanted all his three daughter-in-law to weave him a carpet. The king‟s youngest son started worrying again. How was his frog wife to deal with such work? But the frog scurried round nimbly between warp ends and wove with all four legs at same time. When the king saw the carpet woven by the frog, he couldn‟t take his eyes off it. “This carpet with its fine pattern is fit to decorate my most beautiful hall,” he declared. After a time the king invited all three sons, together with their wives, to visit him. He promised to treat them to a dinner. The king‟s youngest son was again weighed down with worry. “How am I to take my frog wife to the king‟s court ? What will they think of me and my wife?”


He was about to tell his wife that she would have stay home. But his wife looked at him intently and started slowly peeling off her frog skin from her limbs. Out of slimy frog‟s feet came fine white hands and lovely legs. From under the frog‟s mud-coloured body appeared a beautiful young woman! The king‟s son was so staggered that all he could do was look spellbound at his wife. But the woman gathered up the wrinkled frog skin, folded it together, went into the back room and hid her covering in an old clothes chest. The king‟s son peered through a crack in the door at where his wife was hiding the skin. He just couldn‟t help it. Everyone who had come to the king‟s court also looked spellbound at the young, beautiful woman. The wife of the king‟s youngest son was the most beautiful, there was no doubt, and her clothes were so finely embroidered like no one else‟s. The king was content and full of joy.


But his youngest son felt as if grains of sand were scratching against his heart. With jealousy and fear he thought about what would be when this wondrously beautiful being turned into a frog again. Stealthily he stole out of the banquet hall and slipped off home. There he went straight to the old clothes chest. Opened the cover and took out the frog skin. It was still warm and stuck to his hands. It smelled of his wife but it also smelled of riverbank mud and water weeds, clay hole and water lilies. The man grabbed the skin and threw it into the fire. Then the young people came home from the king‟s court. The woman started to immediately look for her skin, but she didn‟t find it. “I can‟t stay here without my skin,” the woman decided, ran towards the river in the light of the moon and disappeared in among the reeds. The king‟s son ran after her, but his beautiful wife was gone just like that. The.


kingâ€&#x;s son looked and looked but he didnâ€&#x;t find his wife anywhere . Every night he came to the river, wept and called out to his wife, but she never answered. Only the rushes rustled sadly.



A Story from Finland retold by Oriveden Keskuskoulu, Orivesi ,Finland

The How to Get the Light into the Cottage ? A long time ago somewhere in Finland there was a village, where simple people lived. They decided to build a cottage. After a while they noticed that the cottage looked different from the other cottages. “Something is wrong with our cottage. We have forgotten something. What could it be ?” they cried. They looked at the cottage and they were sure that something was wrong. It was so pitch-dark inside the cottage that the simple people couldn‟t see. What had they forgotten? Finally somebody lit a wood shingle (roof tile). In its light, they looked around. “Wasn‟t it great that we lit the wood shingle ? Otherwise we wouldn‟t have seen that the light is missing!” 52

The simple people started to plan what they should do. “My brothers and sisters”, said one simple woman happily. “The world is full of light ! We have many empty sacks. We can carry some light into the cottage and take the darkness indoors.” The simple people found the answer to their problem. Some of them started to carry the light into the cottage and the rest of them carried the darkness out. The light and the darkness were so lightweight that it wasn‟t hard work at all. A wise man came to the village and saw what the simple folk were doing. He said he could bring the light into the cottage much faster. The simple people were already so tired and sweaty from carrying the sacks, that they were ready to let somebody help them. The wise man took his axe and made a hole on the wall. The simple people were happy and marvelled at how easily the wise man had solved their problem.


yelled the simple folk. Well, it wasn‟t possible to notice that in the darkness; what do you think ? After the wise man had left the village, the simple people decided to get more light and they cut down the whole wall. The cottage was full of light. “Let‟s have even more light”, the simple folk decided and they cut down another wall. When they started to cut down the third wall, the whole cottage collapsed. The simple people were disappointed but also happy that finally they had enough light, possibly too much.



A Story from Finland retold by Oulun normaalikoulun perusaste , Oulu ,Finland

A Folk-Tale Trilogy Folk-tales are originally, a nation‟s shared, oral, cultural legacy. No one knows who has written them, except for a few, e.g. the tales from Grimm, Aisopos and Perrault and the tales from the thousand-andone-nights. In Finnish folk-tales the characters are often animals. Just like in these. 1. The Rabbit and the Frost Rabbit runs through the forest. He is so cold; he is fighting the frost. Rabbit says that he is stronger than frost. Then frost hears what rabbit has said and answers: “You will freeze”. Rabbit says with finality: “I will not freeze”. It is so cold that you can hear the frost in the rocks. The rabbit runs and runs to keep warm.


After a while Rabbit falls into snow huffing and puffing. Frost is now baffled how Rabbit feels hot. He thinks that it is no use bullying the rabbit. After that the frost goes away and the weather becomes milder. The rabbit starts to laugh so much that his mouth stretches from ear to ear. His mouth burst. The rabbit runs through the forest boasting that he‟s stronger than the frost. Since then the rabbit has had his mouth burst. 2. Bear Fishing Bear wakes up in the middle of his sleep and he sees that fox is eating his fish. Bear‟s mouth waters when he sees the fox‟s fish. He walks to the fox and asks for fish. He asks the fox how he got the fish. Fox lies and he tells him that the fish grabbed his tail. “I put my tail in the hole in the ice. That‟s the way I got those fish”. In the evening bear goes to the hole in the ice. He


his tail off in the nick of time and runs to the forest. Since then bear has had a small tail. puts his long tail to the hole in the ice and waits until he catches a fish. The bear waits and waits until the morning comes. After the wise man had left the village, the simple people decided to get more light and they cut down the whole wall. The cottage was full of light. “Letâ€&#x;s have even more lightâ€?, the simple folk decided and they cut down another wall. When they started to cut down the third wall, the whole cottage collapsed. The simple people were disappointed but also happy that finally they had enough light, possibly too much. Meanwhile, the fox had run on the roof of the cottage. He yelled for the housewife that the bear is messing the hole in the ice. The woman runs out of the house to chase the bear away. Bear pulls and pulls to free his tail but it is stuck.


Bear pulls his tail off in the nick of time and runs to the forest. Since then bear has had a small tail.

3. How Fox Got The White Tip Of The Tail ? Fox fools Metsola´s housewife, who lived deep in the forest onto the ice by shouting from the chimney-stack that the bear is messing in the hole in the ice. When the housewife goes to the ice, the fox goes to the cabin and eats the cream that she has made from the milk. When she returns to the house, Housewife notices Fox. She hits the tip of his tail with the butter piston, which she had used to make the cream. This made the tip of his tail, as white as the cream. Since then Fox has had a white tip on his tail.


A Story from France retold by Collège Stendhal, Nantes ,France

DONKEYSKIN A king had a beautiful wife and a rich castle, including a marvellous donkey whose droppings were gold. One day his wife died, after making him promise not to marry except to a woman whose beauty and attributes equalled hers. The king grieved, but was, in time, persuaded to seek another wife. It became clear that the only woman who would fit the promise was his own daughter. She went to her fairy godmother who advised her to make impossible demands as a condition of her consent: a dress the colour of the sky, a dress the colour of the moon, a dress as bright as the sun, and finally, the hide of his marvellous donkey. Such was the king's desire to marry her that he granted all of them. The fairy godmother gave her a marvellous chest to contain all she owned and told her that the donkey skin would make an excellent disguise.


She fled. Eventually, she found a royal farm where they let her work in the kitchen, despite her ugliness in the donkey skin. On feast days, she would dress herself in the fine gowns her father had given her, and one such day, a prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin. Nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him. When Donkeyskin baked the cake, a ring of hers fell in it. The prince found it and declared that he would marry only the woman whose finger it fit. Every other woman having failed, he insisted that Donkeyskin try, and it fit. When she had dressed herself in her fine gowns, his parents were reconciled with the match. Donkeyskin later found that her father had remarried to a beautiful widow and everyone lived happily ever after.



A Story from Georgia retold by Collège Stendhal, Nantes ,France

The Dreamer Once upon a time, there lived a poor boy and his stepmother. One day the stepmother was drying the seed. She asked her stepson to watch over it whilst she was busy elsewhere. The boy fell asleep and the hens began pecking the seed. The stepmother was angry and whipped the boy. “Why did you fall asleep ?” she shouted. “Mother, Mother ! Wait a little; I have something to tell you.” “What happened” the stepmother asked. I had a nap and I had a dream. There was the Sun on one side, the Moon on my other side and stars were shining above me. The stepmother liked the dream and ordered the boy, “Give me your dream!” “It’s only a dream, how can I give it to you ?” the boy answered. 63

The stepmother whipped and kicked him out of the house. The dreamer left and after a long walk he reached the king’s palace. “Where are you wandering, boy, what are you looking for?” the king asked. The boy told the king his story about the dream. “My stepmother kicked me out because I didn’t give her my dream.” he added. The king liked his dream too and ordered the boy, “Give me your dream!” “How can I give it to you, it’s only a dream ?” the boy replied in surprise. The king was very angry and gave the order to put the boy in the prison. The king had a beautiful daughter. The princess was sorry for the poor boy. After dinner she used to take some meal secretly and gave it to the dreamer in the prison. This king was the king of the West. The king of the East wanted his son to marry the princess, but her father was against their marriage. 64

One day the king of the East sent the king of the West four horses and demanded, You must guess, which of these four horses is a mother and which of them are the older and the younger ones. If you guess, it will be fine, but if not your daughter will be mine! The king and his daughter got very sad, because they couldn’t solve the riddle. The girl went to the dreamer and asked, “ If the king of the East marries me, there won’t be anybody to help you, what will happen to you poor boy, you will die with hunger.” Then the princess told the dreamer about the horses and the riddle. “Don’t worry”, said the boy, “give the horses a lot of salt to eat, then lead and lock them into the stable, for a full day, then let them out to have a drink. The mother horse will come out the first, the next will be the youngest one followed by the older one and the last will come out the oldest one. 65

The princess was very glad and told everything to her father, but she didn’t say anything about the Dreamer. This time they won. As they solved the riddle, the king of the East thought of another one. He shot an arrow and dropped it in front of the king’s palace. Nobody could pull it out. The princess came to the dreamer and asked for help. “Don’t worry,” the Dreamer said, “I’ll come out of the prison and pull the arrow out.” That night the boy went out, pulled the arrow put and returned back to prison. The next day the king saw that the arrow was removed and was very surprised. “I am giving my daughter to the person who has removed the arrow !” he declared. Everybody wanted to marry the princess, but nobody could move the arrow because it was too heavy. Then the girl said, “ Father, what if the Dreamer is alive and can move the arrow ?” The soldiers were sent for the Dreamer. 66

When he came he picked up the arrow and shot it into the air. It dropped in front of another king’s palace. The king of the West was very happy and let the Dreamer marry his beautiful daughter. Some time later the Dreamer decided to go and fight the king of the East. On his road to the king he saw a man ploughing and then swallowing the dirt. “What are you doing, man? It must be very hard to swallow such big pieces of dirt?” asked the dreamer. “No, this is not hard. The hardest thing is what the Dreamer did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting the other king!” “That’s me - the Dreamer; be my friend and my brother!” said the boy. Two brothers went. They saw a man who was drinking the sea. “It must be very hard to drink the sea.” said the Dreamer. “Oh no, this isn’t that hard. The hardest thing is what the Dreamer 67

did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting the other king!” said the man. “That’s me the Dreamer; come with us and be our brother ! The three brothers walked down the road. They saw a man who had millstones on his feet and was catching rabbits. Everyone was surprised and told him, “Oh man, what a hard job you are doing.” “No, this is not hard, the hardest thing is what the Dreamer did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting the other king!” “That’s me - The Dreamer! Come with us!” he replied. The four of them went on together. They saw a man who was touching the ground with his ear and speaking to himself. “Oh man, what are you doing?” they asked. “The ants are fighting down in hell and I am making peace between them.” The man answered. “That must be very hard to do.” said the Dreamer. “No, this is not hard, the


the other king!” “That’s me - The Dreamer! Come with us!” The five of them went on. They saw a man looking up to the sky. “What are you looking at ?” they asked. “It’s already three days since I shot an arrow in the sky and it has just returned back.” “That must be very hard to do.” said the Dreamer. “No, this is not hard, The hardest thing is what the Dreamer did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting the other king!” “That’s me - The Dreamer! Come with us!” The six of them went on. They saw one man who secretly was taking the feather from one dove and adding it to another, without the doves feeling anything. “That must be very hard so that the doves don’t feel anything.” said the Dreamer. “No, this is not hard, The hardest thing is what the Dreamer did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting the other king!” “That’s me - The Dreamer! Come with us!” 69

hardest thing is what the Dreamer did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting The seven of them went on. They saw a priest who had a church on his back. He could carry it and hold a service at any place he wished. “It must be very hard to carry the church.” said the Dreamer. “No, this is not hard, The hardest thing is what the Dreamer did. He married the daughter of the king and is fighting the other king!” “That’s me - The Dreamer! Come with us !” The eight of them went on. They came to the king of East and asked for her daughter’s hand in marriage. The king said, “ First, I am going to test you to see what you can do and only after this I will let one of you marry my daughter. My bakers are going to bake bread for three days and if you can eat it in one day, I will give you my daughter, if not, I will hang you all !” “Quick !” they said to the man who could swallow pieces of dirt, “only you can help us!” “Don’t


worry, I will eat it to the very end.” said the dirteater. The bakers baked plenty of bread, but the dirt-eater was able to eat everything. “Well” said the king, “Now I am going to offer you some wine. If you can drink my jug that can fill six carts, I will give you my daughter, if not, I will hang you all!” “ Come on, my brother sea-drinker,” said the dreamer “ if you can drink the salty water of the sea, you can probably drink the wine too.” “Don’t worry about this !” said the sea-drinker. They showed him the enormous jug, he just smiled and drank all the wine at once. “Well,” said the king, “Now you are supposed to fetch water from three days walking distance. You will send your man, I will send mine. If yours comes back first, then you can take my daughter.” This time the Dreamer asked the man who caught rabbits for help. “Come on, man, you could catch the rabbit with stones on your feet and you won’t have problem in fetching the water.” “Just give me this chance and I will!” the man replied. 71

The two men went. They ran for one day, the man who had stones on his feet overtook the king’s servant, but the king’s man played a trick, he called the man and told him “ Wait, wait, let’s walk slower, let’s rest a little.” The man obeyed. They sat, had lunch, drank wine. While having lunch, the king’s servant secretly changed the wine and instead he put in a sleeping potion. The man with stones fell asleep. The king’s man took the opportunity and went on his way, he went two day’s walking distance, filled the bucket the water and came back a day’s walking distance. The man with stones kept sleeping. The Dreamer asked the man with an arrow. “Look and see if the man is coming, is he still there or what happened to him?” The man looked and said, “Oh ! our man is sleeping by the path and the king’s man is coming back with his bucket filled with water.” “Can you help us ?” 72

asked the Dreamer. The hunter shot his arrow and the arrow hit the millstone. The stone broke, the man woke up and quickly went to fill the water and he could even overtake the king’s man. The eight friends won. “Now, you can take my daughter” said the king. The Dreamer gave the king’s daughter to the ground-digger. They got married. That night the king had a big feast, but he warned his servants secretly, “Poison the food, so that everyone will die.” The antpeace-maker heard this talk and he told everything to the man who played with the doves. This man changed the plates, so that the king’s men were confused and everyone who ate died. “Now, bring me the man who can carry my daughter’s large dowry.” said the king. “Quick, priest, come on, help us. If you could carry that heavy church, then it won’t be a problem to carry the dowry.” 73

The priest carried the dowry on his back. Everyone left and went home happily. Everyone found their place and started their work. Dreamer’s sons and a daughter had already grown up. When the Dreamer visited the king of the West, his wife sat on one side and his daughter on another side and his sons stood behind him. “So, my wife is the Sun, my daughter is the Moon and my sons are the stars” said the Dreamer. “So this is my dream and how I could give it to you!” said the Dreamer to his father – in –law. The king blessed his crown and gave his kingdom to the Dreamer.!



A Fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm retold by the class 5c of Siegerland-Grundschule, Berlin, Germany

Hans in Luck For seven long years, Hans had worked hard for his master. At last he said, ´Master, my time is up; I must go home and see my poor mother again. So pay me my wages and let me go.´ And the master said, ´You have been a faithful and good worker, Hans!´ Then he gave him a big lump of gold. Hans took out his handkerchief, put the piece of gold into it, threw it over his shoulder, and soon he was on his way home. After a short time he became tired. Suddenly a rider on horse back came in sight. ´Ah!´ said Hans, ´what a fine thing it is to ride on horseback!` The horseman heard it, and answered, ´Well, friend, why do you go on foot then?´ ´Ah!´ said he, ´I have to carry a big 76

lump of gold and you must know it presses on my shoulder.´ ´What would you say of making an exchange?´ said the horseman. ´I will give you my horse, and you shall give me the gold.´ The horseman took the gold, helped Hans up, gave him the bridle into one hand and the whip into the other, and said, ´When you want to go very fast, smack your lips together, and cry “Jip!”´ Hans was delighted as he sat on the horse. After some time, Hans wanted to ride faster, so he smacked his lips and cried “Jip!” Immediately the horse ran full gallop and he was thrown off, and lay on his back. His horse would have ran off, but fortunately a shepherd was coming leading a cow. He could stop the horse. Hans thanked and said to the shepherd, ´This riding is no joke, I like your cow.´ The shepherd answered´ We could make a great deal. I will change my cow for your horse. So you will have milk, butter, and cheese, every day.´ ´Done!´ said Hans. ´What a noble heart that good


man has!´ thought he. Then the shepherd jumped upon the horse, wished Hans and the cow good morning, and away he rode. Hans was happy. He thought, ´I can, whenever I like, eat my butter and cheese and when I am thirsty I can drink the milk.´When he came to an inn, he stopped and he gave away his last penny for a glass of beer. Then he continued his way to his mother's house. But it became warmer and warmer and he was thirsty. ´Now I will milk my cow and quench my thirst´. So he held his leather cap under the udder of the cow, but not a drop was to be had. Hans could not believe that the cow was dry. And while he was trying his luck in milking, the beast gave him such a kick on the head that it knocked him down. Fortunately a butcher with a pig passed. ´What is the matter with you?´ said the butcher, as he helped him up. Hans told him what had happened. The butcher told him, ´Your cow will give you no milk. Don’t you see she is an


old beast, good for nothing but the slaughter-house?´ Hans said, ´Who would have thought it? What a shame to take my horse, and give me only a dry cow! If I kill her, what will she be good for? I hate cow-beef; it is not tender enough for me.´ ´Well,´ said the butcher, ´I will change, and give you my fine fat pig for the cow.´ Hans gave the butcher the cow taking the pig. The next man he met was a countryman carrying a fine white goose. The countryman stopped and he asked what time it is. Hans told him about all his luck. The countryman shook his head and said, “My worthy friend, your pig will bring you into trouble. In the village I came from, there was just stolen a pig. I'm really worried that they suspected you and that they catch you and at least they will throw you into the horse-pond. Can you swim?” The poor Hans was frightened. ´Good man, cried he,´ take my pig and give me the goose.´ Hans took the countryman's goose in exchange for his pig. Hans went on the way homewards free from care. ´After all,´ thought he, ´everything turns out well´.


As he came to the next village, he saw a scissor-grinder with his wheel, working and singing. Hans said, ´Master grinder, you seem so happy at your work.´ ´Yes,´ said the other, ´mine is a golden trade; a good grinder never puts his hand into his pocket without finding money in it – but where did you get that beautiful goose?´ ´I did not buy it, I gave a pig for it.´ ´And where did you get the pig?´ ´I gave a cow for it.´ ´And the cow?´ ´I gave a horse for it.´ ´And the horse?´ ´I gave a lump of gold as big as my head for it.´ ´And the gold?´ ´Oh! I worked hard for that seven long years.´ ´You did well,´ said the grinder, ´now if you could find money in your pocket whenever you put your hand in it, your fortune would be made.´ ´Very true: but how is that to be managed?´ ´How? Why, you must turn grinder like myself,´ said the other; ´you only want a grindstone; the rest will come of itself. Here is one, give me your goose for it! Do you want my grindstone?´ ´How can you ask?´ said Hans; ´I should be the happiest man in the world, if I could have money whenever I put my hand in my


pocket: what could I want more? There’s the goose.´ Hans took the stone, and went his way and he said to himself, ´Surely I must have been born in a lucky hour; everything I could want or wish for comes of itself. In the meantime he began to be tired, and hungry too. Hans stops for a drink but he had given away his last penny. So he stopped at a fountain. He placed the stone carefully by his side on the edge of the fountain but when he bent down to drink, he forgot it, pushed it a little, and he plopped into the fountain. Hans sprang up and danced for joy, he fell upon his knees and thanked Heaven, with tears in his eyes. ´How happy am I!´ cried he; ´nobody was ever so lucky as I.´ Then he went home with a light heart, free from all his troubles, and walked on till he reached his mother’s house, and told her how very easy the road to good luck was. And they lived happily ever after.



A Story from Greece retold by Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ζερβοχωρίων, Χαλκιδική ,Greece

The Liar Shepherd Once upon a time it was a shepherd who was grazing his sheep on a hill. As he was sitting there alone, he thought to have a joke with his friends. So he started shouting loudly to his friends. “Help ! Help ! Somebody help me ! A wolf has come and is eating my sheep!” “Help !!!” Some of his friends, who were grazing their sheep near to him, ran and tried to help him save his sheep from the wolf. When they arrived, they saw that there was no wolf at all ! So, they asked him. “Where is the wolf ?” “There isn’t any wolf,” he said,. “I just wanted to make a joke and laugh !” “So you wanted to laugh with us ! Shame on you !” they angrily said to him and they left. 83

As the days were passing, the shepherd was bored just sitting there with his sheep so he thought to make the same joke with his friends again. He started shouting, “Help ! Help ! Please help me my friends !” This time I tell you the truth, a wolf is eating my sheep please help me !” Most of his friends didn’t believe him but there were some of them who thought, “This time maybe it’s true and he maybe really needs our help. Let’s go and see what’s going on and help our friend.” But when they went to him they saw for the second time that he was lying and there was no wolf at all. They felt so angry and they said that from now on, no one would ever go to him again because he was not a serious person and they didn’t want to have him a friend anymore. Time passed by and no one talked about him 84

again. Suddenly one day, as the shepherd was grazing his sheep as he did every day, a real wolf started to approach his sheep. The shepherd was really in a panic seeing the wolf coming closer and closer to his sheep and he didn’t know what to do to save them. He knew that his friends were angry with him but as he didn’t have any other choice he started shouting one more time, “Help me! Please help !! A wolf has come to my sheep and started eating them. Somebody help me !” But his friends “took their lesson” and as they were talking between them they said, “We don’t want to hear him anymore he is a lier and he always is laughing at us. He is lying again and he is trying to make jokes with us. We are not going to believe him this time because we are sick of him.” And they didn’t go to help him.


So, the wolf ate his sheep and as he was watching and he couldn’t do anything to stop the tragedy. He thought, “They are right .I was always making jokes and telling them lies. Now I need them and they don’t believe me. How stupid I have been. I deserve to be punished. From now on, I’ll never lie again to them but it’s too late for my sheep”. From that moment the liar shepherd never lied again and he lived with his friends happily ever after.



A Story from Hungary

retold by Gyulai Alapfokú Közoktatási Intézmény, Gyula Hungary

The Foal-Egg of Ratot Once upon a time the guard of Ratot who looked after the fields found a huge peachy (delicious) pumpkin. “Wow ! What on earth is it ?” he exclaimed. He picked it up, touched and smelled it but he could not figure out what it was. He went back to the village. Ratot brought the pumpkin into the village hall, where the village council was just in discussion. When the guard put the pumpkin down on the desk, all of the old counsellors were in horror. “I have already lived a lot but I have never seen such a creature yet.” said a counsellor. “Well, I have to tell the truth, I am not a child of today, but what on earth this can be ?” said another counsellor. 88

At this time, the judge of Ratot also spoke, “ Well brothers, from its shape, it can be nothing else but an egg.” “Really, an Egg!” “What else it could be if not an egg.” The guard confirmed it that the egg was quite warm when he took it into his sack. The judge who was the cleverest person in the village also wanted to know what kind of egg it was. The old counsellors thought lizard dragon but the judge believed the guard who said that in those days a strange foal sauntered the field. The counsellors exclaimed at the same time, “It is true! The strange foal laid it, because only a creature from Hell can have laid us such a big egg.” “Well, we got the solution luckily,” said the judge, only one question, “What shall we do?” “We should hatch the egg.”


“Yes, okay, but what shall we do it with ? Our horses don't lay eggs, so they don't brood them,” said the judge. Everybody was thinking, but the judge of Ratot had a good idea. “Well, my brothers, although the horses of Ratot don’t have big enough minds, the council of Ratot has. I'm saying that we should brood the precious egg.” It was a strange idea but everybody nodded. Setting a good example, the judge sat on the egg and then the others sat onto it. It is sure that someone would be still sitting on the egg if it were not for the citizens of the neighbouring villages, who started to gossip that Ratot had a rotten foal egg. Answering this, the counsellors started to argue that they would not sit on the egg any more. The judge was very sad, because he believed strongly that the small foal had already moved inside the egg. The counsellors claimed the egg


was smelly. Finally, they agreed that they would take the rotten egg up to the hill and roll it down to the gossipy neighbour village. After that everybody from Ratot went up the hill to see the rotten egg fall down to the badtongued neighbouring village. When they stopped their noses, the judge began to roll the foal egg down. The egg was rolling and rolling, finally it rolled into a hawthorn bush at the bottom of the hill. Inside the bush it crashed into pieces loudly and a small rabbit jumped out of the bush. All of Ratot shouted, “There is a small foal! The small foal is running! People, fetch it!” The villagers ran after it. Only the judge stayed on the hill, and he thought sadly, “I said that the foal had already moved. Hey, why don't we sit patiently more some days on that God- given foal egg !?"



A story from Iceland retold by Hofsstaðaskóli, Gardabaer ,Iceland

Búkolla and the Boy It was cold winter. An old man wanted to go to the forest to get wood. Suddenly the old man wanted to light his pipe. Whilst he was searching for tobacco and a cigarette-lighter, he lost one mitten. A fly that was running away from the frost, noticed the mitten and ran inside it. She was happy and started to dance. A mouse that was running from the frost, ran to the mitten and asked: “ Who dances in the mitten ? “I - the queen of the flies. But who are you?” “I am a mouse-pepper. Allow me to warm myself.” “Crawl in and get warm!”


Once there was a man who lived with his wife in a cottage. They had one son, but the weren´t very fond of him. There were only the three of them in the cottage. The couple also had a cow, which was all their livestock. The cow was called Búkolla. One day the cow had a calf, and the woman herself sat with her while she was delivering. When the cow had calved and had recovered, the woman dashed into the house. A little later she returned to see how the cow was doing, but by then, Búkolla had dissapeared. The man and his wife went out to look for the cow, and they searched for it both far and wide but to no avail. On their return, they were in a foul mood and told the boy to get out and not come within their sight again until he brought back the cow. They packed him some food for the road and gave him new shoes, and with that he set off. He walked for a long time until he became 94

hungry and sat down to eat. In his desperation, he said out loud, „Moo now, my dearest Búkolla, if you are alive anywhere.“ From far, far away, he heard the cow´s response. Again, the boy walked for a long time before he sat down to have another bite. Then he repeated, „Moo now, my dearest Búkolla, if you are alive anywhere.“ This time he heard the cow somewhat closer than before. Once more the boy walked for a long time until he reached the brink of an enormously high precipice. Having walked up an appetite, he sat down to eat, again saying as before, „Moo now, my dearest Búkolla, if you are alive somewhere.“ The cow´s response now came from right under his feet. Somehow the boy clambered down the precipice, and reaching the bottom, he saw a large cave carved out of it. He went in, and


there , bound to a low partition, he found Búkolla. He untied the cow immediately, led her out, and set off back home. The boy had gone only a small part of the way when he saw that a huge ogress was coming after him, accompanied by another smaller one. He realized at once that the big ogress, with her long strides, would catch up with him in no time, and he said, “What are we to do now, my dearest Búkolla?“. “Pick a hair from my tail, and put it on the ground,“ said the cow. He did. The the cow said to the hair, “By these words I lay the spell that you become a stream so large that no one can cross it but the bird on it´s wing.“ At the very instant, the hair turned into a tremendous stream. When the ogress reached the bank of the stream, she said, “you won´t get away with that, my boy.“ And she told the little ogress, “run, run home girl and get your father´s big bull.“


The young one ran off and soon returned with an enormous bull, which instantly drank the whole stream. Again, the boy feared that the ogress would overtake him very quickly because of her long strides, and he said, „What are we to do now, my dearest Búkolla?“ “Pick a hair from my tail, and put it on the ground.“ Then Búkolla said to the hair “By these words I lay the spell that you become a blaze (fire) so hot that no one can cross it but the bird on it´s wing.“ As soon as she had spoken, the hair turned into a big fire. When the ogress reached the blazing wall, she shouted, “You won´t get away with that, my boy.“ And to the smaller ogress she said, “Go get your father´s big bull, girl.“


The girl did and returned with the bull, which then urinated all the water it had drunk from the stream and thus put out the fire. Once more, the boy saw that the ogress would catch up with him very soon because of the length of her strides, and he said, „What are we to do now, my dearest Búkolla?“ “Pick a hair from my tail, and put it in the ground,“ she said. Then, to the hair, “By these words I lay the spell that you become a mountain so big that no one can surmount it but the bird on its wing.“ The hair immediately turned into such a huge mountain that the boy could see only straight up into the sky. When the ogress came to the mountain, she roared, “You won´t get away with that, my boy.“ To the smaller ogress she said, “Go get me your father´s big drill, my girl.“ Off went the young one, returning with the drill. The ogress then bored a hole straight through


the mountain. But then when she could see through it, she became a bit too rash (hasty, impulsive). She squeezed herself into the hole, which was too narrow for her, and got stuck. Finally, she turned into stone right there in the hole. And that´s where she remains to this day. As for the boy, he reached the cottage safe and sound with his Búkolla, and the couple were quite relieved to have them both back.



A story from Ireland

retold by Glenmore N.S., Crossmolina ,Ireland

Larry Lynch Once upon a time, there was a very proud king living in Ireland. Larry Lynch was his name. Larry was tall, handsome and very brave but he had one problem, his two ears looked like horses ears... “Oh woe’s me!” He cried, “no other king in Ireland has horse ears.” The king was very embarrassed but he had a tradition of cutting his hair once a year. It was always cut below his two ears so that his hair hid his ears. Unfortunately there wasn’t a hairdresser or a salon years ago. There was a lottery to cut the kings mane of hair. Anyone who cut the king’s hair would be put to death, if they told the secret. At the same time every year people realized that nobody came back safe from cutting his hair. The rumour spread as everyone who cut his long red mane would be killed. 101

It just so happened that an old widow and her son lived beside the king. He was a big, strong foolish boy. It just. so happened that this year to cut the kings hair fell to her son. She was heartbroken. She sat and she cried buckets full of tears and she thought of a plan. She went to the king and begged him not to kill her one and only son. “I have nobody but my only son” she begged. Let another boy cut your long red mane. My son would make a mess of it, he has never cut a rib of hair in his life. He took pity on the widow, but now he was worried. “The lottery was over and the choice was made” he said slowly. “Your son will cut my long red hair and he will go back home again. So he won’t be able to talk about it to a living soul or there will be consequences” Away went the widow and she was pleased with herself. Not long after he cut the king’s hair the young 102

boy got very sick. He was so sick, he had to stay in bed. He thought about the horse’s ears through the day and night and soon he wasn’t able to think about anything else. The widow got very worried and went to speak to the local wizard. He was a very tall, skinny, wise, grey-haired, old man. He looked at the young boy sick in bed; he wasn’t able to speak he was that sick. It’s a secret story that's upsetting him; that is what is making him sick. He’s not aloud to tell the secret to any person. He stood and thought for a minute. Walk into the forest and turn right and tell your secret to the first tree you see. The wizard said goodbye and went. The young boy walked until he got to the forest. He turned right and the first tree he saw was he the willow tree. He hugged the tree and told his secret quietly. The boy was quickly cured. He was very happy that the smart wizard helped him get cured. He had a tradition that he


would have a party after he got his hair cut. He would give tasty food and brilliant music and all the locals would be invited. Every year the harpist would play the harp. He was practising when the harp cracked and broke in two halves. He wasn't a bit happy. “What will I do now”, said the harpist. I need to get a new harp before tomorrow. He ran into the forest until he met the crossroads. He turned right and the first tree he saw was the willow tree and he cut a branch off it. Soon, afterwards the party was at full swing. There was lovely food and wine there and the widow and her son were enjoying it. Larry Lynch was walking around proud with his newly cut soft hair. During the evening the harpist went on the stage. He sat down with his new harp and started playing. Instead of music the harp started to shout. Everybody stopped. The harpist tried again and pulled his fingers over the strings.” The wizard was there keeping an


eye on everything. There are two horse ears on Larry Lynch.� When the king heard the music and was very sad and embarrassed. He stood up and took the crown off his head. He showed his ears to everyone. Everyone clapped. From that day forward he never covered his ears again.



A story from Italy retold by

Circolo Didattico di Staglieno, Genova ,Italy

FANTAGHIRO In olden times, there was a king who had no sons, but only two beautiful daughters. The oldest was named Assuntina, and the youngest was Fanta-Ghiro. The king, who was always sick and irritable, stayed shut up in his room the whole day long. He had three chairs : a sky blue chair, a black chair and a red chair. Every morning, upon going to greet him, his daughters were quick to note in which chair he sat. If it was in the sky blue chair, that meant he was in high spirits. If he sat in the black chair, that spelled death. The red chair meant war. One day the girls found their father in the red chair. "Father!" exclaimed the eldest, "What has happened ?" The king replied, "I've just received a declaration of war from the king of the country 107

next door to our land. What will I do? I'm ill, as usual, and there's no one to take command of the army for me. Where can I get a good general at a moment's notice ?“ "If you'll allow me," said the oldest girl, "I'll be your general myself. I command your household. Do you think I couldn't command your soldiers ?" "Don't be silly! That's no task for a woman!" said the king. "Do let me try," begged Assuntina. "Very well. We shall try," said the king. "But understand that if, along the way, you get to talking about women's work, you march straight back home." Assuntina agreed to that condition and the king ordered his trusted squire, Tonino, to mount his horse and ride with the princess to war, but to bring her straight home to the palace the first time she mentioned women's work. The princess, dressed regally in silk, mounted her horse sidesaddle and rode with the squire off to 108

war. The army marched behind them. They had already gone a good long way when they came to a cane field and started through it. The princess exlaimed, "What magnificent canes! If we had them at home, we could make any number of distaffs for our spinning!" "Halt, princess!" cried Tonino. "I am under orders to take you back to the palace. You brought up women's work." They wheeled their horses around and the whole army about-faced and followed them back. Then the youngest went to the king. "Majesty, let me take command of the army." "No, a thousand times no!" he replied. "You're too young. How could you command an army if your sister could not?" "Is there any harm in letting me try, Papa? I promise not to disgrace you. Let me try." It was agreed that Fanta-Ghiro would go to war. She dressed as a warrior, with helmet, armour,


sword and two pistols and galloped off with Tonino at her side and the army behind them. They passed the cane field without comment and soon reached the border. "Before going into battle," said Fanta-Ghiro, "I'd like a word with the enemy king." The enemy king was a handsome young man. The minute he set eyes upon Fanta-Ghiro, he suspected she was a maiden rather than a general. He said, "You are young to command such a large army." Fanta-Ghiro replied, "I am a member of the royal family and my father, the king, has given me full authority as general of the army." Intrigued, the king invited Fanta-Ghiro to his palace to agree on the reasons for the war before going into battle. They arrived at the palace and the king ran privately to his mother. "Mama, Mama," he said. "Listen, I've brought home with me the general in command of the enemy forces, but just wait until you see him. 110

“Beautiful Fanta-Ghiro. With eyes so black and speech soft and low; She's a maiden, I know, I know!" His mother replied, "Take him into the armory. If the general is really a girl, arms won't interest her at all and she won't even look at them." The king led Fanta-Ghiro into the armory. Fanta-Ghiro took down the swords hanging on the walls, carefully noting how they were gripped and how heavy they were. She moved onto the guns and pistols, breaking them open to see how they were loaded. The king ran back to his mother. "Mama, the general handles weapons like a man, but the more I look at him, the more I'm convinced of what I say. Beautiful Fanta-Ghiro



A story from Latvia

retold by Pērses pamatskola, Koknese ,Latvia

The old man’s mitten It was cold winter. An old man wanted to go to the forest to get wood. Suddenly the old man wanted to light his pipe. Whilst he was searching for tobacco and a cigarette-lighter, he lost one mitten. A fly that was running away from the frost, noticed the mitten and ran inside it. She was happy and started to dance. A mouse that was running from the frost, ran to the mitten and asked: “ Who dances in the mitten ? “I - the queen of the flies. But who are you?” “I am a mouse-pepper. Allow me to warm myself.” “Crawl in and get warm!” 113

The mouse crawled in the mitten. Both the mouse and the fly started to dance. A hare that was running away from the frost, noticed the mitten, ran to it and asked. “Who dances in the mitten?” “I - the queen of the flies and the mouse-pepper. But who are you?” “ I am a hare – white tail. Allow me to warm myself.” “OK, crawl in and get warm!” The hare crawled in the glove and all the three began to dance. A wolf that was running from the frost ran to the mitten and asked: “Who dances in the mitten?” “I - the queen of the flies, the mouse-pepper and the hare – white tail. But who are you?” “I am a wolf – snappy ear. Allow me to warm myself.’’


“OK, crawl in and get warm!” The wolf crawled in the mitten and all the four begin to dance. A bear that was running from the frost, ran to the mitten and asked: “Who dances in the mitten?” “I - the queen of the flies, the mouse-pepper, and the hare – white tail and the wolf – snappy ear. But who are you?” “I am the big shaggy-haired bear. Allow me to warm myself.” “OK, crawl in and get warm!” The bear crawled in the mitten and all the five begin to dance. Suddenly a cock arrived and sang “Kikerigu, let’s run!” The dancers got scared and everybody began to force their way out of the mitten. The fly left for the king’s palace, the mouse to the cellar of


potatoes, the hare – to the oats, the wolf – to the bushes, the bear – to the wood. While they were running, they tore the old man’s mitten. And so to this day the old man walks with one mitten.



A story from Lithuania retold by Telšių ,,Atžalyno'' vidurinė mokykla, Telšiai ,Lithuania

A Grandmother and a Kitten Once upon a time there lived a Grandmother. She had a Kitten. Both went out. A leaf fell down on the Kitten‟s tail. The Kitten began to shout, “The sky is falling DOWN – run !” “Do not run, Kitten, The sky is not falling down”, said Grandmother. Then again another leaf fell on the Kitten‟s tail. The Kitten again started crying, “The sky is falling DOWN - run!” They ran and ran until they met Hare: “Hare, let‟s run - the sky is falling down!” “What do you say ?” “I've seen: on my tail it falls! We must run! Ww must run together! They met the Fox: - Let‟s run - The sky is falling DOWN! - Kitten, said, “I've seen: on my tail – the sky has fallen! Let‟s run! Let‟s run!” 118

Than met a Wolf and they cried, “Grey Wolf, Let Us Run - the sky falling down!” “And what did you say ?”, called the wolf. “I've seen: on my tail; the sky had completely collapsed!” “Well let‟s run! We must run!” Next, they met the Bear. “Bear, Let Us Run - the sky is falling DOWN!” “And what did you say ?” “I've seen: on my Tail – the sky had completely collapsed!” “Well run everyone! Well run!” They fled into the woods. Here they found a hut and they went inside. All were keen to eat, but there was nothing. They all said, and agreed that they would invite the Elk for the afternoon and then they would eat him. They said, “Now we must all hide. When only when Elk comes into the hut, we will jump on him and eat him.


Fox went on the stove, the Kitten jumped on the bar, the Hare hid under the broom, the Wolf stayed near the stove, the Bear went in the stove. When all were hidden, Fox jumped from the oven and went to the Elk and he said, “Elk, Elk, come to us: there is everything to eat in the hut.� The Fox climbed back on the stove. The Elk came to the hut. As soon as the Elk opened the door, all the animals fell on him. But the fox, speeding from the oven, broke his neck; the Kitten, attacking from the bar, broke his legs; the Hare hurt his eyes on the broom and was blind; the Wolf near the stove, slipped and broke his ribs and the Bear jumped from the oven and broke his backbone. The Elk had a nourishing meal and went home to his house.



A story from Malta

retold by St. Clare College, San Gwann Primary B, San Gwann ,Malta

The Legend of Castello Zammitello Some 300 years ago, in Imġarr, on the road leading to Ġnejna Bay, there was a castle, a fortified house that guarded the bay against sudden raids by corsairs, which were very frequent in those days. In this castle lived the Baron Bernardo Zammit and his only daughter Lucia. Bernardo was very rich but he was also a miser. He enjoyed his money and possessions and would do anything to get richer. His daughter Lucia was very different from her father. One day she told her father that her only wish was to become a nun but her coldhearted father wouldn‟t hear of it. Lucia would spend nights crying in her room. 122

One day an old Count from Sicily and friend of the Baron, came to Castel Zammitello with a proposition. He wanted to marry the young and beautiful Lucia and take her with him to his own castle away from her land. Luciaâ€&#x;s heart was broken, unlike her father, who was delighted. To him, this was a great opportunity for him and his daughter, as the Count was very wealthy. Lucia tried as hard as she could to persuade her father to stop this marriage, reminding him of her wish to become a nun. Her father wouldnâ€&#x;t hear of it, and had all the preparations for the marriage arranged. The day of the marriage arrived. The Baron was so pleased. Everyone was waiting eagerly for the bride to come down from her room, to see her in her wedding dress. Everyone waited and waited, but she was taking too long. Finally the Baron sent a maid to her room to see what was taking so long. The maid came down with a terrified look on her face. The bedroom was empty and her bedroom window was open.


The Baron was devastated. He believed that his daughter had been kidnapped by the corsairs that had landed at the bay some days before. He sent search parties everywhere looking for his daughter Lucia but it was useless. The girl was never found. The Baron cried so much in despair. A year passed and one day the bells of the local church started tolling mysteriously. There, in front of the altar, appeared a vision of Lucia dressed as a nun. She told the villagers and her father that on that fateful day she had run away through the window to stop her marriage to the old Count. She had taken her vows as a nun and had spent the last year taking care of the wounded in another land, until a stray arrow had killed her. She had lived happily the way she had always wanted.



A story from the Netherlands retold by De Opslach, Franeker ,Netherlands

The Girl Thrush There once was a girl who wanted to understand the animals. She asked her grandmother if she would help her. The grandmother knew a bit of magic, but not much. She could only understand the thrushes. That was enough for the girl. It was easy, if she only had love for the birds and to give them crumbs. Every day she listened to the thrushes. One day she went to her father. "Get the hay from the land, tomorrow it will rain". She was right. The next day it was raining hard. All the hay was wet except in the vicinity of the father. The people were angry that their hay was wet. They were angry at the poor girl. The girl said nothing. She went to grandmother and said, 126

“Now I want to understand the moles.”."What you want is a lot," said grandmother." Be kind to animals, you will after a while understand what they are saying”. After three months she could understand the moles. One morning she told her father: "Bury the potatoes into the ground, because tomorrow it will freeze”. The next day it was freezing. The father had his potatoes buried deep underground and they were still good. Other farmers complained because there was no potato anymore, whilst the father had warned them. They thought the girl was bewitched. The girl said nothing. She also wanted to understand the bees. Her grandmother could not help her. "You're beyond me," she said, "you should do it your way". The girl was nice to the bees. She ate no more honey and left the wax in the beehive. On one day she went to her mother and said: "Support


the fruit trees in the orchard and close the shutters. There will be a storm tonight". There was a very bad storm and that destroyed all the houses. The trees were blown down and there was much sadness in the country. Only the farm where the girl lived stood up and there was no tree damage. Now the people were very angry. That girl is haunted, we'll burn her!! They piled together many wooden twigs.. The girl was standing on the top and cried: "Thrush, thrush, help me!" People did not understand her, but there were thousands of birds which all picked a twig away. The girl fell down quickly and when she stood on the lawn there was no longer a single twig. She went home happy and shouted: "Father, mother, the birds have made me free." They were very happy. 128

That did not last. The soldiers of the King knocked on the door: "Open up, we will get the girl!" She was taken to the market and there stood an executioner with a big shiny axe. "You head must be off," he said, “kneel down and stretch your neck forward." The girl obeyed, but when she put her head down she cried, "Bees, bees, help me!" The executioner didnâ€&#x;t understand. It was bee language. But the bees understood her well. As the executioner raised his axe they did strike him with their stings. There were more than a thousand. The executioner fell dead and the soldiers ran away. The girl quickly went home and cried: "Father, mother, here I am again!" But now the king himself came. He said: "I come and get your daughter. We will shut her up in a stone tower with walls of 5 meters thick and iron bars." It was very dark and there were rats and 129

mice. The girl sat down and cried, "Oh moles, moles, help me!“ Hardly had she spoken when thousands of moles crawled under the tower and started digging. The walls were tilted and torn. Boom, the tower fell over. The king heard the hit, "Do you hear that?� "Yes, father," said the prince, "should I marry her?� "Do that," said the king. They stepped into the carriage with four horses and drove to the house of the girl. She was throwing crumbs for the birds. "Will you marry me later?" the prince asked. "No," the girl said, "I will not. I do not love the people here. I'm leaving." She grabbed three sandwiches with honey and stuffed it in her basket with some rowan. Then she put on her fur hat of mole skins and walked away. Nobody had ever seen her again.



A story from Norway retold by Spetalen skole, Saltnes ,Norway

The Trolls in the Hedal Forest Section 1: Once upon a time, in a little place called Vågå , in the Valley of Gudbrand, there lived a poor man and his wife. They had many children, and the two teenager sons had to run around begging for food. They were well acquainted with all roads and trails, and they knew about the short cut to Hedal too. Section 2: One time, when they were on their way to Hedal, they heard that the fowler (bird hunter) had built a cabin by Mæla, and they would like to visit it. They took the short cut over the Lang marsh, but


it was already late autumn, so the milkmaids had gone home from the mountain farms. Therefore it was impossible to get food and shelter for the night. Section 3: They had nothing else to do, but to continue on to Hedal, but the road was no better than a path. So when the darkness came, they lost the path and they could not find the fowler`s cabin either. Suddenly the ended up in the Bjølstad forest. They had no choice ,but to build a shelter of branches from the pine trees. Then they picked moss and made a bed. Section 4: They went to bed, but after a while, they heard a strange, snorting sound. The boys put their ears to the wall to listen for an animal or perhaps forest trolls outside. The sound grew even stronger, and suddenly they heard:


Section 5: ”I can smell Christian blood ” They heard that the trolls stamped so heard that the ground was shivering, and the boys now understood that there were trolls outside their shelter. ”God help us, what are we going to do now?” said the youngest boy to his brother. Stay under the pine tree where you are right now, and be ready to take off as soon as you see them coming. I will take the axe. Section 6: Suddenly they saw the trolls come rushing, and they were so big and tall that they were even higher than the treetops. But they had only one eye, and they all shared it. They had a hole in their forehead where they could put it, and then they controlled it with their hand. It was the troll in the front who used it, and the other two held on to him.


Section 7: ”Run away and hide!” said the big brother. ”but don`t run too far. “they have only got one eye ,so they can`t see me when I am behind them. Section 8: Yes, the younger boy took off, and the trolls followed him. Meanwhile the oldest boy got behind them and cut the last troll on the back of his leg. He made a loud scream. Section 9: The first troll got so scared that he jumped in the air and lost the eye, and the boy was quick to snatch it. It was bigger than two saucers, and so clear it was, that even though it was pitch-black night, it seemed as bright as the day when he looked through it. Section 10: When the trolls noticed that they had lost the eye,


and that one of them had been hurt , they started to threaten the boy with all evil things they could think of, if he wouldn`t give them the eye back. Section 11: ”Oh, I am not scared,” said the boy. “Now I have three eyes, and the three of you have none, and two of you have to carry the third.” “If we don‟t get the eye right now then you will become a stone!” shouted the trolls. Section 12: But the boy said that he not was afraid of neither threats nor magic. If they didn`t let him be, he should cut all three of them with his axe, so that they would have to crawl around on the ground. Section 13: When the trolls heard this, they became scared, and tried to turn the situation around.


They begged him nicely to give them the eye back. If he did, he would get as much gold and silver he could whish for. Section 14: Yes, the boy thought this was a good idea, but he wanted to have the gold and the silver first. The boy told the troll, �You shall get your eye back, but first one of you have to go home and get so much gold and silver that my brother and I can fill up our backpacks. We want two good steel bows as well�. Section 15: The trolls complained and said that they could not walk without the eye. But then one of them started to scream for their wife, because they only had one wife who they shared as well. Section 16: After a while they heard an answer north in the mountains. Then the trolls` wife shouted that she would bring two steel bows and two buckets of gold and silver.


Section 17: It didn`t last long before she came, and when she heard that the boy had the eye, she began to threaten him too. But now the three trolls were scared and said it was probably best if she didn`t mess with the tiny wasp. She could risk that he took her eye as well. Section 18: She threw the bows and buckets with gold and silver and ran home to the mountains with the trolls. And since then no one has heard of any trolls in the Hedal forest sniffing for Christian blood. 6th grade, Spetalen School , Norway



A story from Poland retold by Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im. Orła Białego, CzechowiceDziedzice , Poland

THE TALE OF THREE BROTHERS AND THE WHITE EAGLE Once upon a time there was a beautiful country where Slavs lived. They were sincere and candid people. They were famous for their hospitality, bravery, great strength and diligence. Among Slavs there was a special tribe. It was ruled by an old grey-haired man who had three sons, Lech, Czech and Rus. They had a lot of virtues like their father and they were famous for their intelligence. One day the old father called for his three sons and said them: “My dearest sons!” “We are listening to you, father!” replied the sons. 140

“I‟m old and soon I‟ll die. It‟s time to nominate my heir, and it should be one of you …” “We are on your orders, father!” said Lech. “What should we do?” asked Czech. “So it will be this way, bring here your bows and arrows. Draw your bows and aim them in three different directions!” ordered the father. “Done!” replied the sons. “Now saddle your horses and go as fast as you can where your arrows flew. And when you will find them, look around and hunt for a big animal. And the one of you who will come back with the greatest hunting trophy will be my heir. Go!” The young men rushed in three different directions. Czech found his arrow as the first one. He looked around and suddenly … He saw a huge auroch. They fought hard and Czech strained every nerve to break its neck. He won! Lech found his arrow high on a great royal fir tree. He climbed it fast. Suddenly, he saw a herd of


Polish bison running toward him. Lech jumped down and the herd stopped. A huge bison came forward and they fought hard. The animal fell down at Lech‟s feet. He won! Rus‟s arrow lay in front of a big bear‟s den. Rus had no choice – a bear barred his way to the arrow. They looked deeply into each others eyes and then the bear stood on its legs. It seemed that it would tear Rus to shreds but he didn‟t give up. He won and went home. “I have to admit that you trophies are impressive.” said the father. “It is hard to name the winner. So you will share the power.” “But father, you said that only one of us could rule our tribe.” said Rus. “Yes, I said so and I still believe it, but it will be wise and fair if all of you are my heirs. Your arrows flew in different directions and you will go these ways too. It is there you will create your countries which you will rule according to your will.” replied the father. 142

“And what about you, father?” asked Czech. “And what about our home?” asked Lech. “I will stay here alone. Forever.” said the father. “Father …” said the sons. “No, my dearest sons, it is not the right time for sorrow and tears. I‟m asking you for one more thing. Be kind to each other, respect each other and support each other. Now go and remember what I taught you. Be well Czech, my dear son and go your way!” said the father. “Be well my father. I will always think about you.” replied Czech. “Goodbye Rus and be happy!” said the father. “Goodbye father!” replied Rus. “And you, Lech – live and rule wisely and in peace!” “Be well father! Goodbye forever!” said Lech. Three brothers: Lech, Czech and Rus looked deeply in each others eyes and they shook their


strong hands for a long time in silence. As their old father ordered, they went their ways with their people and property. Czech‟s people went south. After a long journey they stopped in wide land. There were huge fields and high mountains. Rus went in different direction, he went west. He went with his people through forests, swamps and endless steppes. One day he said to his people: “Here is our land. This land is cold and icy, but it‟s our dearest land!” Lech was a bit different from his brothers. You could recognize his thick fair hair and linen clothes. His people weren‟t similar to his brothers‟ people either. Lech‟s arrow flew where the sun sets. His people went there looking for their own land. But it wasn‟t that easy for Lech to find his place. He walked for long months; he lost his way and found many obstacles. He and his people were very tired and dissatisfied too. So Lech stood in front of them and said: “We will bear it!”


During a council of elders, Lech put his head in his hands and thought. He dreamt that a strange power lifted him up and he flew in unknown direction for a long time until he saw broad fertile valleys and blue rivers full of fishes. Yes, it was their dream land! “Wake up! Wake up!” shouted the night guards. Soon they woke up the whole camp. Prince Lech wiped his eyes and reminded himself about his dream. This huge bird, these huge wings … Suddenly, he saw a large eagle which gave him a sign to follow it. Yes! It was the bird from his dream! The white eagle, the royal eagle gave him a sign! “Come here my friends! Come here Bolko, Przemko and you, Ziemko!” said Lech. “We are with you and your people are ready!” said Lech‟s friends. “Let‟s go right now! We‟ll follow the eagle!” shouted Lech.


Lech‟s people went through thick forest. The white eagle flew over them all the time, and it led them in one direction. Suddenly, they found themselves by a beautiful lake. The water was crystal clear. They set up a camp. Lech sat down under an old oak, which grew by the lake and he looked for the eagle. Suddenly, Bolko shouted: “Look over there! The eagle is in the oak!” “He‟s got the nest there!” said Przemko. “I can see royal eaglets in the nest.” said Ziemko. “Thank you eagle! You led my people to this place. I will build my nest here, as you did. Near the lake we will build a town, which we will call Gniezno. And your image will be on our standards.” said Lech proudly. “Vivat Lech! Vivat the white eagle, our symbol forever!” shouted the people. “Vivat Poles!” Lech‟s people settled down and build a town called Gniezno. The town was the first capital city of Poland, and the white eagle is still our national symbol. 146


A story from Portugal

retold by Agrupamento de Escolas de Penalva do Castelo, Portugal

The Baker of Aljubarrota Once upon a time there was a woman who became very popular in the History of Portugal. Her name was Brites de Almeida. She was born in Faro, in the Algarve in the XIV century. Her parents owned a tavern in Faro and she used to help them. Her parents died when she was 20 years old and she decided to sell everything and leave to the North of Portugal. On the way she mets lots of different people and in particular some soldiers. She was very fond of fighting and using weapons and so she asked them to teach her how to use the sword. At the time Portugal was always at war with the Spanish and the Muslims. The population fought to defend the territory. 148

Our character was an ugly, tall, fat but very strong woman. The soldiers amused themselves watching her fight with other men. One day a soldier fell in love with Brites and asked her to marry him. She asked him to fight with her first. During the struggle he died. Brites was distressed. She was convicted by law to go to prison but she managed to escape. She travelled to Spain by boat, dressed as a man with other villains. Some pirates caught her and the villains and they were made slaves and sold to a rich Muslim. Being so brave, Brites managed to escape and returned to Portugal. She decided to live a normal life and look for a job. She was told that in Aljubarrota she would find a job as a baker. Brites accepted the job. After some time she married to a farmer, a fat, strong honest man. One fine day they are told that there was going to be a battle nearby. Brites decided to help and


fought the Spanish. Tired from the battle, Brites and her husband return home to their bakery. In the bakery some noise got their attention. There was a strange noise coming out from the big oven. They looked closer and discovered that some Spanish soldiers were hiding inside. Brites grabbed the shovel and struck them hard again and again. Ten were the soldiers, so they say. Hurray to Brites who saved us from the enemy! And so the story ends! Today she is still the most famous baker of Portugal!

The End!



A story from Romania retold by School”Ion Borcea”, Agigea, Romania

Salt in dishes Once upon a time there lived a king. This king had three daughters. He loved them very much, especially after his wife‟s death, (the girls‟ mother). One day the king asked the oldest daughter: “ My girl, how much do you love me?” “ Father, I love you like honey”, she replied. “ God bless you, my daughter”. Then he asked his second daughter: “What about you? How much do you love me?‟ “Like sugar, father.” „God bless you too” The king was very pleased and happy when he.


heard how much his daughters loved him. He believed that a great love is sweet as sugar and honey. Then, the turn of the youngest daughter to be asked came: “How much do you love me, my dear?” “Like salt in dishes, father!” answered the girl Her sisters started to laugh when they heard her answer. But the king turned red with anger and said: “How so? Did you not hear what your sisters said and how much they love me? That‟s your gratitude for how much I work to raise and teach you? Go away from my house with all your salt! The youngest daughter was sad because she had upset her father and said: “Forgive me, father. I didn‟t want to upset you.


That‟s how I thought I love you, at least as much as honey and sugar.” „I don‟t want to hear you, said the king, go away, you shameless girl!‟ And he left, leaving the girl crying. Seeing the king‟s anger, the youngest girl took some ragged old clothes and left. She went from village to village until she arrived at the court of another king. She stopped at the gate to have a rest, when the cellarman‟s wife saw her and asked her: “What do you want?” “She answered: “I‟m a poor girl without parents and I‟m looking for work, if there is anything. As the cellarman‟s wife‟s helper had just left and she was searching for another one, she looked at the girl carefully and thought that she was just perfect for the job. “What salary do you want?” “I don‟t want any money, I want to work for a


while and if I do a good job, and then give me whatever you think I deserve.” Hearing her humble answer, the cellarman‟s wife hired her. The girl was nice and clever and she also proved to be very hardworking. She didn‟t gossip with the other servants at the court and when she had any spare time, she read. The news about the helper„s modesty and work reached the queen‟s ears. She asked to see her. As soon as she heard her and saw that she was honest and nice, the queen liked her. So she decided to take her by her side. Wherever she went the girl also went. She was never separated from the queen. The queen loved her as if she were her own child. Even the king was amazed by such attachment. This king had a son, and he loved him greatly and so did the queen. One day the king had to go to war and he took his son. The king‟s


son was wounded in battle. It was a great sadness and sorrow at the court because of this. He was brought home and cared for with great attention by the queen. But when she was very tired, her place was taken by the girl. Her gentle words, sweet caresses and her modesty made the prince like her. One afternoon, when he was healthier, he told his mother: “You know something, mother, I want to get married! “Ok, my son, ok. I will find you a good king‟s daughter, kind and beautiful too.” “I found her, mom” “Who is she?” Do I know her?” “Don‟t be upset, mother. I like the girl who is always with you. I love her very much” The queen resisted at first, but she couldn‟t make her son change her mind.


So both of them went and convinced the king that the girl was modest, honest, hardworking and kindhearted. So the wedding was decided. When they started sending the wedding invitations, the future bride asked her fiancé to invite her father, a certain king, but she didn‟t say that she was his daughter. The king and the queen agreed and invited him. The wedding day came, all the guests arrived and the party lasted all day, just like a king‟s wedding always does. In the evening the royal table was filled with various foods, drinks, pies and many other goodies. The bride told the chefs what to cook. But they cooked the same dishes for all the guests except one. Then she told a servant: “You will take these dishes cooked by me to one guest. Don‟t take them to someone else, because it is very dangerous.” Everyone sat down, began to eat and have fun. The king, who was the bride‟s father, ate very


little. Since he had come he kept looking at the bride, and she looked familiar, but he could not believe it. He recognized her, but he couldn‟t figure out how she ended up marrying a king‟s son, that‟s why he didn‟t tell anyone anything. He found her changed, probably because of all the trouble and misery she had to endure. The king wanted to eat and have fun too, like all the other people at the wedding. But after just one bite he stopped. The servant who brought him the food, picked it up untouched. He was very surprised because all the other guests were eating the food which to him tasted strange. So he decided to try some of the dishes of the guest sitting next to him at the table. They were delicious, mouth-watering. He wanted that food, he couldn‟t eat the horrible food he was brought. Finally he couldn‟t take it anymore and he stood up and said out loud: “Well, king, did you invite me to your son‟s wedding to make fun of me?” 158

“Oh, no, your highness! How can you think of this? You are taken care of just like any other king at this wedding!” “Do forgive me, king, but the food of all the other guests is good to eat, unlike mine, which is not.” The father-in-law king got very angry and asked for the chefs: “What did you put in this food? Taste it and tell me what‟s wrong!” and told them to find the one responsible for this and punish him harshly. The bride had cooked all the dishes for her father with honey and sugar and without any salt. Even the salt cellar on the table had sugar in it. At that moment the bride stood up and told her fatherin-law: “I cooked the food for the angry king and this is why I did it: This king is my father. We were three sisters. One day my father asked us how much we loved him. One of my older sisters told 159

him she loved him like honey, and the other told him she loved him like sugar. I told him I loved him like salt in the dishes. I thought there isn‟t a bigger love than this. But my father was so angry that he threw me out of the house. I got where I am now with God‟s help and through hard work and honesty. I wanted to prove to my father that a man can live without sugar and honey, but he can‟t live without salt, that‟s why I cooked all his dishes without salt. Please judge for yourselves who was right.” All the guests said that her father unfairly threw her out. Then her father said that he had been wrong and he hadn‟t been able to treasure his daughter‟s wisdom and he apologized. The girl kissed his hand and apologized for her deed, too. Then, everybody started dancing and having fun. And they all lived happily ever after. Translated by the pupils of 6th grade- “Ion Borcea School, Agigea, Romania(Podaru Gabriela, Paicu Gabriel, Badau Claudiu, Radu Oana, Gafar Selvin, Teslaru Alexandru)



A story from Russia retold by Scool nr.700 with advanced study of Forein anguages, Saint -Peterburg,Russia

KOLOBOK INFO: Kolobok – is a traditional Russian fairy-tale. It is very old. It one of the first fairy-tales which parents tell their kids. It is also easy and funny to perform, because it has many characters. Small kids know this fairy-tale from their childhood, grown-ups find lots of wisdom in this tale. Kolobok – [kolob‟ok] – kind of round bun. * * * Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. They lived in the wooden cabin not far from the forest. One day the old man asked his wife to bake him the bun. His wife became very sad, because they were very poor and their flour bin was empty.


“Oh, my dear! Look with care- and find enough flour, please!” The old woman looked with care and found somewhere two handfuls of flour. She did as he asked and baked the bun, called ' Kolobok'. She left it on window-sill to cool. 'Kolobok' got tired to lie - so it rolled down from the window to the ground and started rolling along the forest path. It rolled and rolled and met the Hare. “Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you up!” “Oh, please don't eat me, squint-eyed Hare! Better listen to my song!” The Hare raised his ears and began listen to the Kolobok's song. “I'm Kolobok-Kolobok, made from two handfuls of flour, kneaded with sour cream, fried in butter a nd cooled on the window-sill.


I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma And I'll get away from you!” And it rolled away before the Hare even saw it move! It rolled and rolled and met the Grey Wolf. “Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you up!” “Oh, please don't eat me, Grey Wolf! Better listen to my song!” “I'm Kolobok-Kolobok, made from two handfuls of flour, kneaded with sour cream, fried in butter nd cooled on the window-sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the Hare, And I'll get away from you!”


And Kolobok rolled away before the Wolf even saw it move! It rolled and rolled and met the Bear.” “Oh, please don't eat me, Big Bear! Better listen to my song!” “I'm Kolobok-Kolobok, made from two handfuls of flour, kneaded with sour cream, fried in butter and cooled on the window-sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the Hare, I got away from the Wolf, And I'll get away from you!” And Kolobok rolled away before the Bear even saw it move! It rolled and rolled and met the Fox.


“Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you up!” “Oh, please don't eat me, She-Fox! Better listen to my song!” “I'm Kolobok-Kolobok, made from two handfuls of flour, kneaded with sour cream, fried in butter and cooled on the window-sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the Hare, I got away from the Wolf, I got away from the Bear, And I'll get away from you!” “What a nice song!” said the Fox, “But I didn't hear it well- I have became old now, my dear! 166

Will sit you on my nose and sing your beautiful song once more, please?” “With great pleasure!” exclaimed Kolobok. It jumped onto her nose and began singing: “I'm Kolobok-Kolobok made from...” And- snatch! – the Fox ate it. THE END



A story from Serbia retold by Primary school “Ivo Andric” Belgrade, Serbia

Bash-Chelik Once upon a time there lived an emperor who had three sons and three daughters. When the time came for him to die he told his sons to marry their sisters to the first men who proposed to them, so they wouldn‟t be cursed. One night somebody started knocking on the door, making a terrible noise. Only the youngest emperor‟s son dared to open the door. As soon as the door had opened, a creature came into the castle. But nobody could see it clearly because of the flame that was all around it. The creature said that it had come to propose to their oldest sister. The oldest and the middle brother were against it but the youngest one remembered their father‟s last words. So he let the creature take the girl away. The next two nights the same thing happened again. Some creatures surrounded by fire came to 169

propose to the middle and the youngest sisters. Again, only the youngest brother let his sisters go. decided to try to find them. So they set off on a long journey. Soon they came to a lake and decided to stay overnight. They agreed that the eldest brother should be on guard. That night the surface of the lake started stirring and a dragon came out of it. It attacked the prince, but soon the dragon was killed by the young man. He cut off the dragon‟s ears and threw the rest of the dragon‟s body into the lake. Then the three brothers continued their journey. On the second night the middle brother kept the guard. Just like the first time, a dragon got out of the lake but this one had two heads. However, the prince knew how to deal with it. He cut off its ears and threw away the body. In the morning he didn‟t tell anything to his brothers. On the third night of their trip they stopped by a lake. The king‟s youngest son was getting ready to


guard. Later that night a dragon with three heads got out of the lake and attacked the prince. He defended himself and cut off the dragonâ€&#x;s ears. But when he threw its body back to the lake the water splashed and put out the campfire. Since his brothers were asleep, he decided not to wake them up. Instead, he decided to go alone and find something that would set the fire again. While he was searching for it, he came across a cave. Some giants were sitting in there. There was a smell of roasting meat. They were eating human flesh. The prince got scared, but having no other choice, he approached them. They welcomed him nicely and told him they would treat him as one of them if he did everything they told him to do. So the young man joined them and sat down pretending to eat. After they had finished eating, they decided to go hunting and take the prince with them. Then they reached the town where they


usually chased people. They told the prince to go there first and climb a tree which led to the town. He did so. Soon the giants started climbing the tree one after another but each time one of them reached the place where the prince was standing he would kill them. When he killed all of them, he went to the town but it was completely deserted. There were no people. He was wandering around when he saw a tower. He came in and soon he was in a room which was decorated with silk and gold. There was a bed too. A pretty girl was sleeping in it. All of a sudden he spotted a snake going towards the girlâ€&#x;s head. Before the snake had time to bite her, the prince took out his knife and killed the snake. Then he went back to the cave, took some fire and joined his brothers. They were still sleeping when he arrived. When they woke up the


youngest brother didnâ€&#x;t mention anything. Then they continued their journey. They arrived in the town that had been saved by the prince. Having seen the dead giants, the town mayor ordered his men to find the man who had done that. One of his servants met the three brothers. Each brother told him what had happened while they were on guard. When the servant heard the youngest brotherâ€&#x;s story, he immediately told his master. He invited the princes to his castle and gave a lot of treasure to the eldest and the middle brother. He gave his daughter to the youngest prince to be his wife. The prince stayed in his father-in-lawâ€&#x;s castle and lived there. The two elder brothers went home. One day his father-in-law went hunting. Before he left, he gave nine keys to the prince telling him that he could open the first eight doors in the castle but not the ninth one. But the prince opened all the doors out of curiosity. Then he came to the ninth door and opened it. Inside


there was a man who was completely shackled with heavy chains. There was a golden fountain in front of him but he couldnâ€&#x;t reach the water. When the prince stepped into the room the man started begging him for a little water in exchange for his life. The prince gave him some water. The prince asked him what his name was and the man said that his name was Bash Chelik. Just as the prince was getting ready to leave, the man asked him again for some water in exchange for one more life. When the prince again turned to leave, the man offered him the third life if the prince spilt the water over him. As soon as the prince did it, all the chains broke. Bash Chelik got free grabbed the princeâ€&#x;s wife and flew away. When the girlâ€&#x;s father came back to the castle, the prince told him everything that had happened. He promised to find his wife and set her free. He went on a long journey. He wanted to find Bash Chelik. Travelling along he came across a castle. There 174

was a girl who was calling him from the castle. When he came closer, he recognized his eldest sister. She brought him into the castle and told him how she got married to the dragons‟ emperor. When her husband arrived she hid her brother. During the dinner she asked him what he would do if her brothers came to visit her. He responded that he would kill her eldest and her middle aged brother, but he wouldn‟t do anything to her youngest brother. Then she brought her brother. The young prince told the dragons‟ emperor everything that happened to him. Although the dragon tried to dissuade him from further pursuit, the young prince didn‟t change his mind. As he didn‟t succeed in his efforts, the emperor gave him a feather, and told him if he ever needed any help, he only had to burn it, and he would come to help him with all his army. Then he continued his journey. Soon he came across another castle. His middle-aged

sister, who got married the emperor of falcons, lived there.


Like her elder sister she hid her brother first. When her husband returned she asked if he would hurt her brothers if they decided to visit her one day. The emperor of falcons responded the same as the emperor of dragons. Then she brought her brother. Since they greeted each other, the young prince told him his story. Although the emperor tried to stop him in his intention to go on, the prince didnâ€&#x;t give in. The emperor gave him another feather, telling him to burn it if he needed help. As he was going further, he came across the third castle. The youngest sister was calling him from it. She told him that she got married to the emperor of eagles. She had hidden her brother before her husband returned. During the dinner she asked him what he would do if her brothers came to visit her. He answered that he would only spare the life of the youngest brother. Then she brought


her brother. After they greeted each other, the prince told the emperor that he went to save his wife from Bash Chelic. Even the eagles‟ emperor didn‟t succeed to dissuade him. So he gave him ones more feather, and told him to burn it he would get trouble. Travelling from town to town the young prince found his wife in one cave. He tried to escape with her, but Bash Chelic caught him. Since he promised three lives to the young prince, he didn‟t kill him; he just took his wife and came back to the cave. In spite of Bash Chelic‟s threats, the young prince tried to save his wife two more times. But the third time, after he has lost all his lives, Bash Chelic cut him. However, before he died, he succeeded to light all three feathers which were given to him by his brothers-in-law. When the emperors came and saw the young prince dead, they sent one of the dragons to the River Jordan to bring some water. As they poured the water over him, the young prince revived.


The young princes tried to prevent him to return for his wife, but he didnâ€&#x;t listen. Finally they told him to force his wife to find out where the power of Bash Chelic was. So he did it. As she was asking him many times, finally Bash Chelic said to her that there was a bird in the heart and in the bird there was a power. She told that to the young prince, the prince told that to his brothers-in-law. The three of them together with their armies went on the trip to find the fox. When they reached the mountain they let the eagles go to catch her but she escaped into a lake. The falcons started for her, but she had flown away. Then the dragons started for her but she has landed again. But the rest of the army waited and caught her there. They made the fire and took out the heart from the fox, and then they took out the bird from the heart and threw it into the fire. When the bird was burnt, Bash Chelic died. The young prince took his wife then, and they returned home together.


Dear friends In addition to this story, we send you this letter in which we want to inform you that this national fairy tale is very popular in our country. All our younger students have it as a required reading. The original title is „Baš Čelik“. If they write it in English, it will be something like „Bash Chelic“. You pronounce it as (bʌʃ tʃelik) and the meaning of this title is something like „Man of steel“, or maybe better, „ A creature of steel“. We didn’t want to translate this title because it is more the name of the main character of the story. Sincerely yours, Students from a Primary School „Ivo Andric“ in Belgrade



A story from Slovakia retold by SpojenĂĄ ĹĄkola Tilgnerova, Bratislava ,Slovakia

The Golden Horseshoe, the Golden Feather, and the Golden Hair Once upon a time, there was a peasant who had twelve sons. The youngest of them, whose name was Johnny, was not only the cleverest, but also had the friendliest mind. One day they decided to go around the world to find work. They came to a kingdom, hired themselves to a king and stayed there for three years. They earned twelve bullocks during the first year, twelve cows during the second year and twelve horses during the third year. Johnny couldnâ€&#x;t find a horse for himself but at the end he chose a small, mangy one. This horse was not usual, because it could talk. He promised Johnny to help him and serve him. 181

After returning home, the brothers said to their father, “Father, we have earned enough already, now it‟s time to get married.” Father decided to go and find twelve brides for his sons. He found an old hag who had twelve daughters. They agreed that he would bring his sons and they would make a great wedding reception. On the appointed day the father came together with his sons. Johnny‟s steed advised him to sit on the edge of the table and go out every time he knocked on the door. During the wedding reception the steed knocked three times and Johnny went out. Firstly, the steed advised him to pour water from the first cup under the table and a glass was created from it. Secondly, he poured the first spoon of the soup under the table and a brush was made from it. Finally he threw the first piece of liver under the table and a comb was made from it. Johnny hid everything, ate the meals and went to sleep. After a while, the steed knocked again and told


Johnny, “Move your brothers to the beds of girls and girls to the beds of brothers, quickly!” Johnny did everything and in a moment he could see the hag beheading her daughters instead of brothers. Johnny woke up his brothers and they ran home. Johnny shouted, “Hag, hag that murdered her own daughters, thanks for dinner.” When the hag saw what had happened she sat down on a shovel and flew on it. She wanted to catch Johnny and threw a golden horseshoe at him. Johnny picked it up and threw the comb to the ground. In that moment the dense mountain grew up and the hag was slowed. She threw a golden feather; Johnny picked it up and threw the brush to the ground. Sharp thorn bush was made from it and the hag was slowed again. She threw a golden hair. Johnny picked it up and threw the glass to the ground. A big sea was created and it stopped the hag definitely. Johnny saved himself and his brothers thanks to


of the horses. Servants the steed‟s advice. He decided to go around the world again and hire himself. On his way he saw a town and the steed told him: “In this town there lives a king, hire yourself to him.” Johnny started to work in a stable. Other servants were angry with him because the horses he took care of were the best brushed and cleaned and he didn‟t spend any candles. Servants found out that he used golden horseshoe to have the light instead of the candles. They told this to the king and he ordered Johnny to bring the horse to whom that horseshoe belonged. Johnny went back to the old hag‟s house and stole the golden horse. She tried to catch him but she failed. Johnny kept on taking care of horses and didn‟t use any candles because the golden feather gave him the light. Servants reported it again and king ordered Johnny to bring him the golden duck. Johnny managed to steal it from the old Hag‟s house again. At the end, Johnny used the golden hair as the light while taking care


saw it and told everything to the King. The King ordered Johnny to bring him the golden girl. It was not easy but Johnny was successful. He set the golden girl free from the hagâ€&#x;s house and brought her to the King. When the king saw the girl, he wanted to marry her. The golden girl refused him; she wanted to marry her saviour. The king was angry and decided to kill Johnny. Johnny had the right to choose how he should be killed. His steed advised him to let himself be boiled in the hot milk. Before Johnny jumped to the hot milk, Steed had breathed the heat in. Johnny jumped in and became golden. The king wanted to become golden too and jumped into the milk. Steed breathed the heat out and the king was boiled. Johnny became a new king and he married the golden girl. His steed stayed to live with them together. They lived together happily and if they are not dead, they are still alive and in love today.



A story from Slovenia retold by Spojená škola Osnova šola Pod goro, Slovenske Konjice ,Slovenia

Mary Nickelpot Mary Nickelpot was sweeping the house when she found a nickel in the rubbish. She took it and bought a little pot. It was freezing outside and there was hoarfrost. She was very tired and fell asleep. But then a strong knocking on her little house's door woke her up. “Who is it?” she asked. “It's me, the fox. Oh, Mary Nickelpot. I beg you – let me come in. Bora is blowing and it's freezing. I'll freeze to death if you don't let me in,” she whined.


Mary Nickelpot hesitated and asked the fox, “If you are good at something, I'll let you in, otherwise no!” “I'm a dressmaker,” answered the fox. Mary Nickelpot let her came inside the little pot. They lay down and fell asleep. But soon after they had fallen asleep the knocking on the door woke them up again. When Mary asked who it was, somebody moaned, “Oh, Mary Nickelpot, please, bora is blowing and it's freezing. I'll freeze to death. I'm a wolf and I‟m a butcher.” “Because you are good at something, you may come in,” she answered. Mary Nickelpot opened the door and let the wolf in her little pot. While sleeping they heard the moaning again, “Mary Nickelpot, please, open the door! The bora is blowing, there is hoarfrost and I, the bear, will freeze to death if you don't let me in.” “What are you good at?” asked Mary Nickelpot.


“I'm a shoemaker!” answered the bear. Mary opened the door wide. “Oh, we won‟t have any peace this night!” Mary said angrily when she heard the knocking and the moaning again. “Mary Nickelpot, I beg you, let me in, I'm freezing!” “Who are you and what are you good at?” asked the housekeeper. “I‟m the rabbit, and I can sew like a tailor!” came the answer. She let him in, too. Mary Nickelpot was very angry, when she heard the knocking and moaning again. “Mary Nickelpot, I beg you, let me in. I can't stand the bora and the hoarfrost anymore.” It was a deer. Mary Nickelpot let him in too, as she found out that he is a qualified lumberjack. After that they all fell asleep.


The next morning, Mary Nickelpot sent all the guests to work. The wolf provided a delicious dinner. He brought several bee hives and put the honey in a pot. They ate the dinner and went to bed. During the night the fox moaned: “Oh my, I've got a stomach ache!” Mary Nickelpot said to her, “Go to the kitchen and make yourself some chamomile tea.” The fox went to the kitchen. As soon as they had fallen asleep again, the fox began to moan for the second time and was moaning for so long that Mary Nickelpot repeated the advice and sent her to the kitchen in order to take some more chamomile tea. And the fox went to the kitchen for three times to make herself some tea. But there was no pinching in her belly and she made no chamomile tea. Actually, she knew where the honey was and she


licked it all. Then she fell soundly asleep. In the morning, Mary Nickelpot sent everybody to work and said to the fox, “Poor little dressmaker, as you were sick last night and you couldn't sleep, you can rest now”. But soon everybody in the kitchen started arguing, “You ate the honey!” “No, I didn't! You did!” And so on and so on. Mary said: “The thief was somebody from the house. Nobody else could know about the honey because the door was closed. In order for the guests to avoid the shame the wolf suggested, “Let's all lie down on the back, open the mouth and sunbathe! The animal that ate the honey will be discovered as the honey will be leaking from that person's mouth!” Everybody lay down on the grass in front of the little pot and immediately fell asleep. Only the fox couldn‟t sleep because she felt guilty. Indeed, the honey came out of her mouth. She quickly wiped


the honey and spread it around bunny's mouth. Then she, like the others, fell asleep. The uproar woke her up. Meanwhile the others woke up and saw the honey round the rabbitâ€&#x;s mouth. They started chasing him. He ran as fast as he could, but while running he broke both of his front legs and only after that he managed to escape. Everyone ran after him and Mary Nickelpot was left alone with her little pot. The legs of poor little rabbit stayed like that for ever and thatâ€&#x;s why even nowadays his front legs are shorter than his back ones.



A story from Spain retold by Siete Campas-Zorrozgoiti, Bilbao ,Spain

Miren Feli Once upon a time in a small village surrounded by mountains, lived a young girl called Miren Feli. One day she was visiting her grandmother because she was ill. “Hi granny, I have brought you some food and milk.” “Thank you very much Miren Feli.” “Oh! It is nice to visit and talk to you.” “Say to your mother I‟m feeling better and I am looking forward to seeing her.” “I will say it to her. Now I have to leave because it is getting dark and I could get lost in the forest.”


“Yes, yes Miren Feli. You must go back home. Take care in the forest and go straight to your house.” “ Yes granny! I love you! Bye-bye.” “Bye-bye honey.” As Miren Feli was walking through the forest, she heard a scream. “Ai,ai.ai.aia.aai!” That screams sounds three times. Miren Feli is scared and she doesn‟t know what to do. Finally she also screams. “ Ai, ai, aiaii, aiaii, aii!” As soon as she finishes shouting, three witches appear behind her. “Who are you?” asked Miren Feli. “We are the three witches who live in the forest,” replied the witches. “What do you want?” asked Miren Feli.

“Us? You are the one who has called us.” “Me?”


“Yes!! Don‟t you know that if somebody replies to the three screams we do we take that person with us?” “But I didn't know. I screamed because I was frightened, said Miren Feli. “It is too late. Now we will take you,” chorused the witches. And the three witches took Miren Feli with them. Next day, a man from the village who was walking in the forest found Miren Feli´s scarf on the floor. He called Miren Feli but she wasn't there. The man ran to the village to tell people what has happened. “Miren Feli has disappeared. I found her scarf in the forest but she is not there,” said the man. “We have to do something to find her,” said the major of the village. “ I will call all the people from the village.” So the Major called the people from the village.


When all the citizens were gathered he asked each one for help to go to the forest one by one. “You Eneko (the teacher) are very wise you can go and find Miren Feli.” “I'm sorry but I can't. If I go the students cannot learn. I have to stay here with them to teach them.” “Ok! Then you Ibai (the farmer) you are very familiar with the forest. You must go and find Miren Feli!” “I would do it but if I leave the farm, who is going to milk the cows and bring you the milk you drink every day?” “Ok, ok so you Saturnino (the priest) are very kind and you know Miren Feli very well. You should go!” “I would go but then who would take care of the church and the rest of the people?” Then a woman who was standing there said, “ You,


Major are asking people to go but why don't you go yourself?” “Me? I have to take care of the village,” he replied. It was then when a little boy who was there said, “Why don't we call Mikel the young boy who lives in the cottage in the mountain and who likes Miren Feli?” “It is a great idea!” said the people. And they called MIkel and asked him to go. He immediately replied, “Of course I will go if Miren Feli has disappeared, I will find her!” Before going to the forest Mikel thought that he would need a white sheet and a big stick to play a joke on the witches. He went through the forest and he heard the three screams. He replied to them but he hid himself behind a tree. When the three witches appeared they didn‟t find anyone. Mikel, hidden behind the tree, started hitching the three witches.


“Eiii! Why do you hitch me?” said one witch to the others. “Me? I didn't do it!” Finally Mikel appeared covered with the white sheet and said. “You witches! What are you doing in my forest?” “Your forest?” questioned the witches. “Yes. Don't you know who I am?” “No, no… who are you?” The witches started feeling a little bit scared. “I'm Mikel the wizard! I am the one who lives in the forest and punishes people who disturb me!” “We don't want to disturb you. We only heard a scream and we came to help the person who was screaming,” replied the witches. “So, if you only help people who scream, why did you take Miren Feli?” asked Mikel. “Who, you mean us? No, no we only took her because she was lost in the forest.”


The witches were frightened and they lied and lied. “If that is true… you must free know Miren Feli and from this moment every time you hear a scream you will appear only to help people. If you do not do it that way, I will appear and you will be destroyed,” said Mikel. “Yes, yes,”said the three witches. This way, Mikel set free Miren Feli and they returned to the village where they married and lived happy forever. Nowadays if you get lost in the Spanish mountains, you only have to scream, “Aiaiia, aiaii, aiiia!” and three good witches will help you.



A story from Sweden

retold by Bergundaskolan F-6, Växjö ,Sweden

Prince Hat under the Ground Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters and they were all much talked about for their beauty. The youngest of them was not only beautiful but also had the friendliest mind. One day the king was going to a market very far away. He asked his daughters what they wanted him to bring home to them. They counted out all the precious things they wanted. But the youngest said nothing. She had enough, she thought. But the king still continued to question his daughter. She said, “I know one thing I wish if I dare to ask for it.” 202

“What would it be?” “I have heard about the three singing leaves, I would like to have them.” The king wanted to fulfil her wish. In the market there were people from different parts of the country that sold many things but the king could not find the three singing leaves. When he began to ride home he was very sad. He was thinking and riding in the night when he suddenly heard music. He came to a hazel bush and saw the three singing leaves. He tried to take them when he heard a voice saying, “Don‟t touch my leaves.” The king replied, “I would like to buy the leaves.” The voice answered, “I‟m Prince Hat under the Ground. You can‟t buy my leaves. But you can get them on one condition. Promise me that the first thing you meet when you come home you will give to me.” The king thought this was a strange wish but he agreed. He took the leaves and went home. The leaves sang beautifully all the way home.


Only the youngest sister wanted to go to meet her father. When the father came his daughter heard a lovely song. She understood that her father had found the leaves. But when she met her father he was very sad. She wondered why but when she asked him he became very serious. When he finally told his promise it was with great sorrow. Then the father returned to the hazel bush with his daughter. The Princess sat alone at the hazel bush and cried bitterly. At once, the ground opened up and she came down in a hole to a beautiful place full of silver and gold. She was tired and found a bed where she lay down. Suddenly a man came in the dark and said that he was Prince Hat under the Ground. He said that a wicked witch had enchanted him so he could not show himself to anyone in daylight so he would only come at night. They slept together but in the morning he had disappeared.


Days passed and the princess listened to the three singing leaves. After nine months she gave birth to a son. Now she played with her baby and had a happier life than before. Prince Hat came home late one evening from the princess's father's house. He had great news. The princessâ€&#x;s father was going to remarry. Prince Hat said she could visit her father and take their son with her. “But you must not tell anyone about me,â€? he warned. The princess promised this. The princess and the baby traveled over mountains and valleys in a golden chariot and then she was at home with her father. The king rose from the throne and embraced her with love and so did her sisters and the queen. The queen was especially eager to know all about Prince Hat. The princess did not want to tell her anything and after the wedding she went back to Prince Hat.


The princess later gave birth to a baby boy. One day Prince Hat came home later than usual because he had been at the Princess‟s father‟s kingdom. The Princess´ older sister was going to marry a king‟s son. When the princess went home to her father‟s kingdom to attend the wedding there was great happiness. The queen asked lots of questions about Prince Hat but the princess had promised Prince Hat not to say anything about him. The princess went home and later gave birth to a baby girl. One day Prince Hat came home later than usual because he had been at the princess father‟s kingdom. Prince Hat told the princess that her second sister was going to get married. The princess went to her father‟s kingdom again with her three children in a golden chariot. When she came to the father‟s kingdom there was great happiness. The queen asked lots of questions


again but the princess remembered her promise. The queen was smart. She asked the children about their dad and then the princess forgot her promise and told the queen everything about Prince Hat. The queen promised to help the princess and told her to light a candle in the night. “Don‟t wake up him,” the queen said. Then they parted. When the princess came home the leaves were singing very beautiful. The prince came home and fell asleep. The princess lit the candle and looked at her husband. The princess thought he was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. A hot drop fell on the prince‟s chest. Suddenly the leaves stopped singing and the whole hall was transformed into a den of snakes and toads. The princess was horrified standing there with her three children and her husband who now was blind. The prince said to the princess, “I forgive you for doing this.” But the Princess did not want to accept it.


“I will follow you as long I live,” she said. They went away from the home sadly with the children. They walked through a wood with green trees when the princess saw a house with copper roof. The prince said, “We will leave our oldest son here for my oldest sister will take care of him. But my sister must not see me, promise me that.” Prince Hat waited outside and the princess went in alone and left her son. Then they walked on through a wood with green trees when the princess saw a house with silver roof. The prince said, “We will leave our second son here to my other sister and she will take care of him. But my sister must not see me, promise me that.” The princess went in alone and left her son and Prince Hat waited outside. Then they walked on through a wood with green trees and came to the last sister in a house with golden roof. The prince said, “We will


leave our daughter here for my youngest sister. She will take care of her.” Now the princess was so sad that she broke her promise and the prince‟s sister went out with the princess and met Prince Hat. Then the prince went up on a cloud of heaven and disappeared. The sister said to the princess that there was an old witch who might know where Prince Hat was now. This magic woman lived in a mountain and the princess went there. On the floor of the cave there were a bunch of small trolls and a very, very old woman. The princess knew that this must be the witch and went up to greet her. “Good evening, dear mother,” greeted the princess. Then all the little trolls jumped up and they were amazed to see a human inside the mountain. “Good evening yourself,” said the old woman with a friendly smile. “Here I have been sitting for five hundred years and no one has ever called me dear mother.


What do you want?” The princess presented herself and asked if the woman could tell her about an enchanted prince called Prince Hat under the Ground. “You called me dear mother so I will help you. I have a sister who is twice as old as me. Maybe she can help you. Stay here overnight and tomorrow one of my small trolls will show you the way.” The Princess thanked the old woman and rested in the mountain cave. The next day she went off and the old woman bid goodbye and said, “As a thank you for calling me dear mother you will get this wheel which can spin as much as nine ordinary spinning wheels.” The princess thanked the old woman for the precious gift for it was of pure gold. The princess and the small troll walked over high mountains and deep valleys. High up in the sky there shone a little light of a star. “Now I have shown you the way as I promised,”


the small troll said. “This is grandmother's sister and now it is time for me to go.” In a trance he was gone. When the princess came to the mountain she saw plenty of little goblins and in front of the fire there was a very, very old woman. The princess knew it was the old woman‟s sister and she said, “Good evening, dear mother.” The very, very old woman said, “I have been sitting here for a thousand years and no one has ever called me dear mother.” The princess asked if the old woman knew anything about Prince Hat in the Underground. She did not. “You can sleep here this night and we can talk tomorrow,” the old woman said. The next day the woman gave the princess a winder to put the yarn on and told her that it was of pure gold. She also said that the princess could go to her older sister and ask about Prince Hat in the Underground.


And the princess went. At night the princess came there and she met a very old, old woman. She had a big nose and looked awful. The princess greeted her, “Good evening, dear mother.” The woman said, “I have been sitting here for two thousand years and no one has ever called me dear mother.” The princess asked if the old woman knew anything about Prince Hat under the Ground. “Yes I do. He is bewitched at a royal estate and has forgotten all about you and your children. You can sleep here tonight so we can talk more tomorrow.” In the morning the old woman bid the princess goodbye and said, “As a thank you for calling me dear mother I will give you this purse knitted of gold. It will always be full of golden coins. The princess thanked her and went away. The princess went to the royal estate. There she met an awful queen dressed up in nice clothes.


“Who are you?” the queen asked. “I am a poor stranger who wants a job,” replied the princess. “Show your skills and get the goose house in good shape,” the queen said. The princess did it and she made it so nice that the troll queen gave her the job. The princess invited the troll queen home and cooked a dinner for her. After the meal, the princess showed the troll queen her spinning wheel. The troll queen was so impressed that she wanted to buy it. “It is not for sale,” said the princess. “But you can still get it if I can sleep with Prince Hat this night.” The troll queen thought about it and then agreed saying, “Very well.” She got the spinning wheel and went. When the trollqueen was home she knew what to do with Prince Hat and the Princess.


She ordered her stepdaughter to hide in Prince Hat´s bedroom. Then she filled a cup with mead and mixed in some strong herbs and gave it to Prince Hat. When he had drunk it he fell asleep abruptly. When the Prince and Princess Hat were alone the princess was happy that she found Prince Hat again but when she walked up to him he didn‟t wake up. In the morning the princess was crying because the prince didn‟t wake up at all. The next evening the princess had another party and she invited the queen and her daughter. When they just finished the dinner the queen saw that the princess had a golden harp. The queen asked if she could buy the golden harp. The princess said she could change it for a night with the prince and the queen said yes. When the night came the queen gave Prince Hat another herbal drink. He fell asleep at once. Meanwhile, the queen‟s daughter came in and hid in the room. When the princess came in and tried


to wake the prince up he just slept. In the morning the princess cried because she could not wake the prince up. On the third evening the princess had another party for the queen and her daughter. When they had finished the dinner the princess showed her silk purse for the queen. She didnâ€&#x;t want to sell the silk purse but said she could exchange it for a night with the prince. The queen said yes. Like the night before the queen gave Prince Hat a drink. Just when he was going to swallow the drink the queenâ€&#x;s daughter waved from her hideout. The prince understood at once. So he pretended to sip the drink but poured the drink out when the queen wasnâ€&#x;t watching. When the princess came he pretended to sleep but when she told him about her love and their three children he remembered everything. It was like wakening up from a dream and he kissed the princess.


The queenâ€&#x;s daughter helped them to kill the queen putting her into a cauldron of boiling water, which is the only way to kill a witch. Then the prince and the princess took the golden spinning-wheel, the golden winder and the golden purse and went home. Their children and family were happy to see them. The three leaves were singing and they listened and lived happily ever after.

Class 6 at Bergundaskolan F-6 VäxjÜ, Sweden



A story from Turkey

retold by Yenituran Primary School, Ankara ,Turkey

The Bald Boy and Emporer Once upon a time there was a bald boy in a far country. He lived in an old house with his old mother. His father died when he was very young.They were alone. One day his mother said, ‟‟My boy, get these gold coins inherited from your father; change them and employ a construction foreman so that we can have our house repaired. Otherwise it will be ruined in a short time.‟‟ The bald boy got the golden coins and set off. While he was walking, he met a group of people. He saw that they were beating a cat. Immediately he intervened in and said, ‟‟Take this piece of gold and stop beating him.‟‟ He gave a gold coin to them and rescued the cat. 218

The bald boy and the cat went on walking together. After a while he saw a couple of people beating up a dog. He couldn‟t stand this situation and shouted at them, ‟‟Stop! What are you doing here?Take that gold coin and stop beating this animal!” In this way he saved the dog as well. Then the bald boy, the cat and the dog continued to walk along the road. When he was close to the town, he met a crowd. They were woodchoppers trying to kill a snake with an oaken stick. He couldn‟t stop himself and said, ‟‟Take this gold coin and release the snake.‟‟ Thus he saved the life of the snake.The snake started to talk to the bald boy. “The son of Adam, I am the son of the snake emperor. I had argued with my dad and I had hidden over there. But they found me. I want to go back to my dad and if you want, you can come along with me.‟‟ The bald boy decided to go with the snake.


After a short while they arrived at the house of the dad. The snake emperor felt so happy to see his son again. He wanted to give a reward to the bald boy and he said, „‟Make a wish, anything you want !„‟ At that moment the prince snake whispered in his ear and said, „‟Ask him to give the seal under his tongue.” Accordingly the bald boy said, „‟I want your seal. „‟The emperor smiled, ”You asked for my most precious treasure. I‟ll give it to you because you saved my son. Whatever you wish, your wishes will become true with this seal. ‟‟The bald boy got the seal and he went back to his house with his new friends,the cat and the dog. When his mother saw that he did not bring home anything but a dog and a cat she got mad at him. The following day he said to his mother, “Go and ask for emperor‟s young daughter as a wife.” His mother was shocked and said, „‟My boy, this is impossible. We are poor people. Does such a magnificient emperor


give his daughter‟s hand to you? „‟ But the bald boy was so insistent that eventually she went to the palace to ask for build a big palace just across from my palace, then I can say OKAY. „‟His mother returned back to home and told what emperor wanted from them. The bald boy smiled and said, „‟Mum, don‟t worry. I can build it in five seconds.‟‟ And he asked the seal to make a great palace. When the emperor got up the day after and saw the big palace built in a night, he was shocked. Willy-nilly he gave his younger daughter to the bald boy. The bald boy moved into his new palace with his beautiful wife and he put the seal the best place in it. His wife was not aware of the secret of the seal. One day in the absence of the bald boy, a man came to the palace as a bead seller. His intention was to have the magic seal. He tried to sell beads to the bald boy‟s wife. His wife did not have any money and therefore she said, „‟Unfortunately I can‟t buy any beads.„‟ The bead seller insisted, ‟‟ You don‟t need to give me money. I can take


anything that you have in exchange.‟‟ The girl thought about all inside the palace and decided to give the seal to him because it was only an unnecessary, simple and cheap seal. The cunning man got the seal and crossed the lake immediately. The palace of the bald boy fell apart right away and the emperor took his daughter back as well. The bald boy felt so unhappy. He was so sad. The cat said, “I can find the seal, but I can‟t cross the lake.‟‟ The dog said, ‟‟I can swim through the lake and you can sit on me.‟‟ At last the two friends of the bald boy came to the man‟s house. The dog waited at the door. The cat caught a mouse and put pepper on his tail .Later on the cat walked in and he put the mouse‟s tail into the man‟s nose. Therefore the man sneezed and the seal under his tongue fell off. The cat caught the seal and along with the dog they ran to the lake. The dog started swimming back to their


palace but in the middle of the lake the cat dropped the seal from his mouth and a fish swallowed the seal. This time the dog got the blame and they both went to the fish market. The dog sniffed each fish and found out which one had the seal and showed it to the bald boy. The bald boy bought that fish and they returned back to their house rejoicing. The bald boy got back his palace and his pretty wife. They celebrated this occasion. They ate cakes, drank fruit juice, danced and sang songs for seven days and seven nights. The bald boy, his sweet wife and their two close friends the cat and the dog lived happily for many years. God accepted all the wishes of the bald boy. In fact the cat and the dog were the angels that God sent. God loved the bald boy because he was so kind and so merciful to all the animals.



A story from Ukraine retold by School of the Future, Yalta,Ukraine

Serko Once upon a time there lived a man with a dog. The dog‟s name was Serko. But the dog became very old. The man noticed it and he turned the dog out from the homestead. A sad dog was walking across the field. The wolf came up to him and asked, “Why are you walking here?” Serko answered, “Well, brother, the host has turned me out, that‟s why I am here.” “If you want, the wolf said, I can help you and I‟ll do so that the man takes you back again.” Serko answered, “Do it, please. I‟ll be very grateful.” The wolf said, “Well, listen. It‟s the harvest time now. Your master with his wife will go to reap the


field and the mistress will put the child under a shock. You‟ll go near the field and then you‟ll show me where the child is. Then I will grab the child and you‟ll take him from me. I‟ll be very scared and I will throw him and you‟ll save the child.” The man with his wife went to the field to reap. The wife put the baby under a shock and reaped near her husband. Suddenly they saw that the wolf was running across the field, he seized the child and carried him away. Serko ran after the wolf. He caught him up, took away the child and brought him to the owner. The man was very pleased, took out a piece of brown bread and some lard and said, “Oh, Serko, you are a nice dog! Thanks for saving my child. Help yourself!” In the evening returning from the field he took Serko with him. They came back home and the man said to his wife, “Well, it‟s time to have dinner. Cook the buckwheat dumplings and add some lard to them.”


The wife put the dumplings into a bowl for Serko and the master began treating to the dog. That time Serko thought, “I should thank a wolf for help”. Time passed and the man was going to have his daughter's wedding. Serko went into the field, found the wolf and told him, “Come to me to the kitchen garden on Sunday evening, I‟ll let you go into the house and I will thank you for your help.” On Sunday evening the wolf came to the kitchen garden where Serko was waiting for him. And that day the owner celebrated his daughter‟s wedding. Serkо invited the wolf into the house and they hid under the table. Serko took a bottle of Ukrainian gorilka, a big piece of meat from the table and put them before the wolf under the table. People saw that the dog was stealing food from the table and wanted to beat the dog for it. But the man said, “Do not beat Serko, he has done a favour for me and I‟ll be very grateful for it.”


Serko gave the wolf the best food and drinks and the wolf overate and said, “I will sing!” And Serko said, “Do not sing or you‟ll be in a big trouble! Calm down! “ But the wolf said, “Well now I‟ll sing!” And he howled under the table! Some people rushed from the house, others began to beat the wolf. And the man said, “Do not beat the wolf because you can hurt or even kill Serko! He will cope with the wolf by himself.” Then Serko drove the wolf away into the field and said, “You‟ve done me a favour and I‟ve repaid you.” So, they said goodbye to each other.

Translated by the pupils of School of the Future, Yalta, Ukraine



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