What is your goal in attaining this degree? Make your time, energy and money count! Be purposeful about your career direction and thoughtful about how to maximize your degree. Prepare for the marketplace and present your best professional self.
PARTICIPATE IN THE BRANDING PROGRAM This program is meant to help you clarify your career direction and be purposeful about communicating the value you offer the marketplace.
The program offers Self-Assessment,
If you are interested in this program,
Peer-Assessment, Career Exploration,
Values Clarification, Personality
1. submit a one page document
Fit, Interests Inventory, Strengths/
explaining the reasons you wish to
Weakness Indicators, Online Audits
participate and
and Producing a Video Resume. With
2. submit a copy of your resume
a rich pool of information to create
with your current graduate degree
your best personal brand, it is like a
in which you are enrolled and your
professional makeover. Likely, you
expected graduation date on it to
possess the talent, skills, and raw
material already. Finding ways to highlight these attributes to those around you who may have influence on your career success is critical. Be confident about your goals, resume, online presence, 30 second commercial and speaking skills.
If selected, you will meet for coaching at the UNC Charlotte Center City Building in person one time per week for one hour. Expect your homework each week will be at least one hour. Parking arrangements will be your responsibility. Preference will be given to students closest to graduation. For questions email or call 704-687-7697.
“ I truly believe the Branding Program helped me land the job I wanted. I realized what my strengths were and how to confidently communicate them. I also enjoyed clarifying what types of workplaces will be most beneficial for me. I was surprised by how much I received for a relatively small investment of time.” - Hillary
“ The Branding Program provided me with multiple tools that helped me to identify my strengths and improvement areas. This program also helped me to define my career goals and to identify what roles might be a good fit. The program spanned over six weeks and gave me ample time to improve week over week. I highly recommend this program to every student who wants to prepare to be their best.” - Dnyanada
“This program taught me resume tips, effective elevator speeches, and exposed a lot of my professional strengths. This program instilled in me professional confidence. I would recommend this program to everyone. This program teaches you objectively about yourself, and that information is priceless.” - Christian
“This program helped me develop a narrative that highlighted my skills and experiences. I left the branding program with what I had formerly perceived as weaknesses now transformed into strengths, and I actually became a much more interesting candidate as a result. I used my new brand to land an accounting internship while in school, and eventually a full-time offer at my dream firm.” - Matthew
“If there is any advice I can give to current students in graduate school it is that they should take this course, and to give this course as much or more effort as they would any of their classes.” - Paul