North Carolina Economic Forecast Third Quarter Report (Sept. 22, 2022)

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• For 2022, annual NORTH CAROLINA real (inflation-adjusted) GDP is expected to

•increaseby2.1percentoverthe2021level.Tenofthestate’s15economicsectorsareexpectedtoexperienceoutput increases during 2022. The sectors with the strongest expected growth rates are hospitality and leisure services with a real increase of 10.3 percent, information with a real increase of 8.6 percent, agriculture with a real increase of 7.8 percent, business and professional services with a real increase of 6.2 percent, other services with a real increase of 3.7 percent, government with a real increase of 2.9 percent, and

•educationalandhealthserviceswitharealincreaseof2.7percent.For2022,NORTHCAROLINAestablishmentsareexpectedtoadd162,400 net jobs


to increase by 1.8 percent over •the2022level.All15ofthestate’s economic sectors experienced output increases during 2023. The sectors with the strongest growth rates are hospitality and leisure services with a real increase of 4.2 percent; information with a real increase of 2.9 percent; other services with a real increase of 2.7 percent; educational and health services with a real increase of 2.6 percent; transportation, warehousing, and utilities (TWU) with a real increase of 2.5 percent; business and professional services with a real increase of 2.3 percent; construction with a real increase of 2.2 percent; and

•agriculturewitharealincreaserateof2.1percent.For2023,NORTHCAROLINAestablishmentsareforecast to add 74,000 net jobs,


state’s unemployment rate is expected to rise slightly to 3.6percent.

GDP/Gross Domestic Product is a yardstick that measures the total output of a state’s economy for a givenyear 3.8 Year-End Seasonally Adjusted North Carolina Unemployment Rates 2019 2020 2021 4268 Annual Growth Rates In Real GDP 0 2019 2021 2022f 2023f2020 1 24 6.9 2.0 2.8
2023f2022f2.14.15.6 -2-1 -3 -4-5 1.8 3.9 3 3.6

2022 Highlights

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is forecast to reach a level of $686,627.4 million in 2022. Annual real (inflation-adjusted) GDP is expected to increase by 2.1 percent over the 2021 level. This growth in 2022 will represent the second full ForyearofgrowthsinceCOVID-19.2022,firstquarterGDPdecreasedbyanannualizedrealrateof0.9 percent.

During the second quarter, GDP is expected to decrease by an annualized real rate of 0.5 percent. In the third quarter, GDP is expected to increase by an annualized real rate of 1.6 percent. In the fourth quarter of 2022, GDP is Forexpectedtoincreasebyanannualizedrealrateof1.3percent.2022,therearetwobigstoriesthatareplayingoutoverthe year. First is the decline in both U.S. and North Carolina GDP in the first and second quarters. In the first and second quarters of 2022, U.S. GDP declined by 1.6 and 0.6 percent, while North Carolina real GDP dropped by 0.9 and 0.5 percent. This decline began because of the emergence of the Omicron variant in the first quarter but continued on through the second quarter as supply chain problems persisted in many sectors of the economy. The second big issue is the impact that inflation is having on the economy, and the response that the Federal Reserveisimplementing.Inflationisbeginningtohaveaseriousimpacton real GDP growth. For example, in the first and second quarters of 2022 current dollar GDP increased by 6.6 and 8.4 percent. So while consumers and businesses spent 6.6 and 8.4 percent more on goods and services during the first and second quarters, because of inflation that increase in current dollar

Inspendingresultedinadeclineofactualgoodsandservicesdelivered.additiontoinflation,thefirstandsecondquartersexperienced an unprecedented decline in productivity. During the first quarter of 2022, labor productivity declined by 7.4 percent. This is the largest quarterly decline in productivity since 1947. In the second quarter, labor productivity decline by 4.1 percent. This decline is a serious issue as the U.S. economy has never experiencedatwoquarterproductivitydeclineofthismagnitude.

2022 GDP
Current Dollars Total Gross Product Constant (2012 Dollars) Total Gross GovernmentOtherHEBFIREInformationRetailWholesaleTWUManufacturingConstructionMiningAgriculturalProductDurableGoodsNondurableGoodsTradeTrade&P&H&LServices 101,005.7547,297.3686,627.45,018.9757.018,965.192,815.145,315.847,499.418,965.131,276.328,935.829,657.381,890.143,794.718,478.49,728.466,075.22022* PercentChange8.72.17.8-9.1- *Millionsofdollars 245 30 Quarterly Growth Rates in Forecasted Real GDP 1.6 2022 If 2022IIf 2022 IIIf 2022IVf -0.9 -0.5 1.3

The chart to the left presents the projected contributions of each major economic sector to North Carolina’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The real (inflation-adjusted) growth rate for 2022 is forecast to increase by 2.1 percent. Projected real growth rates for each sector (displayed in black type) are plotted on the horizontal axis. Projected percentages of GDP contributed by each sector (displayed in green type) are plotted on the vertical axis. The resulting rectangles show the expected weighted importance of each sector’s growth during 2022. All of the sector information presented in the table to the left is based on the new North

TenAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem(NAICS)definitions.ofthestate’s15economicsectorsareexpectedtoexperience output

increases during 2022. The sectors with the strongest expected growth rates are hospitality and leisure services with a real increase of 10.3 percent, information with a real increase of 8.6 percent, agriculture with a real increase of 7.8 percent, business and professional services with a real increase of 6.2 percent, other services with a real increase of 3.7 percent, government with a real increase of 2.9 percent, and educational and health Threeserviceswitharealincreaseof2.7percent.sectorsareexpectedtoexperience

growth rates at or below the overall state growth rate of 2.1 percent. These sectors are durable goods manufacturing with a real increase of 2.1 percent; finance, insurance, and Transportation,realestate(FIRE)witharealincreaseof1.0percent;andwarehousing,andutilities(TWU)withareal increase of 1.0


are expected to decline is 2022 these sectors are wholesale trade with a decrease of 0.9 percent, nondurable goods manufacturing with a real increase of 2.0 percent construction with decrease by 2.7 percent, retail trade with decrease by 5.3 percent, and mining with a decrease of 9.1 percent.

GDPRealTotalofPercent Percent of Real Sector Growth 0.9 2022 Total Real GDP Growth 2.1% B&P Services 6.2 E&H Services 2.7 H&L Services 10.3 Other Services 3.7 Government 2.9 FIRE 1.0 Information 8.6 Durables 2.1 TWU 1.0 Wholesale Trade -0.9 Retail Trade -5.3 Nondurables -2.0 Construction -2.7 Mining -9.1 Agriculture 7.8

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is forecast to reach a level of $740,118.5 million in 2023. Real (inflation-adjusted) GDP is expected to increase by 1.8 percent over the 2022 level. This growth in 2023 will represent the third full year of

ForgrowthsinceCOVID-19.2023,firstquarterGDPisexpectedtoincreasebyanannualizedrealrate of 2.1 percent. During the second quarter, GDP is expected to increase by an annualized real rate of 2.4 percent. In the third quarter, GDP is expected to increase by an annualized real rate of 2.1 percent. In the fourth quarter of economyyearpointRateSept.months.almostSodifficultthatadatingNationalnettherecession.ruleeconomy2022answerThe2022,GDPisexpectedtoincreasebyanannualizedrealrateof1.8percent.bigquestionin2023is,“willtheU.S.economyslipintoarecession?”Theisclearlyuncertainatthistime.DuringthefirstandsecondquartersofU.S.GDPdeclinedandmaysuggestthatisanindicationthattheU.S.isinrecession.However,thetwoquarterdeclineinrealGDPisonlyaofthumb.ItisneithernecessaryorsufficientinindicatingthatweareinWhileGDPisdecliningwearealsoseeingtremendousstrengthinlabormarkets.ThroughAugustof2022,theU.S.economyadded3,504,000jobsandNorthCarolinaadded132,600jobsthroughJulyof2022.TheBureauofEconomicResearchistheacceptedexpertonbusinesscycle(recessions).TheNBER'straditionaldefinitionofarecessionisthatitissignificantdeclineineconomicactivitythatisspreadacrosstheeconomyandlastsmorethanafewmonths.Thecurrentlabormarketstrengthmakesittobelieveweareinarecessionatthistime.arecessionin2022seemsunlikely,butwhatabout2023?ThatdependsentirelyonwhattheFederalReservedoesinthenextthreeorfourTheFedannouncedanother75basispointincreaseonWednesday,21,andtheFedmeetsagaininNovemberandDecember.TheFedFundstargetiscurrentlybetween2.25and2.50percent.Ifwegettwo50basisincreasesinNovemberandDecember,thetargetratebytheendofthewillbe4.00to4.25percent,whichwillhaveasignificantimpactonthein2023.

2023 GDP 2023 Highlights Current Dollars Total Gross Product Constant (2012 Dollars) Total Gross GovernmentOtherHEBFIREInformationRetailWholesaleTWUManufacturingConstructionMiningAgriculturalProductDurableGoodsNondurableGoodsTradeTrade&P&H&LServices 102,098.6556,892.3740,118.55,124.0768.719,230.493,764.745,980.447,784.319,456.331,548.529,110.430,503.383,891.344,928.219,259.89,992.167,216.42023* PercentChange7. *Millionsofdollars 8 4026 Quarterly Growth Rates in Real GDP 2.1 2023I 2023II 2023III 2023IV 2.1 2.4 1.8

The chart to the left presents the projected contributions of each major economic sector to North Carolina’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The real (inflation-adjusted) growth rate for 2023 increased by 1.8 percent. Real growth rates for each sector (displayed in black type) are plotted on the horizontal axis. Percentages of GDP contributed by each sector (displayed in green type) are plotted on the vertical axis. The resulting rectangles show the weighted importance of each sector’s growth during 2023. All of the sector information presented in the table to the left is based on the new North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)


state’s economic sectors are expected to experience output increases during 2023. The sectors with the strongest growth rates are hospitality and leisure services with a real increase of 4.2 percent; information with a real increase of 2.9 percent; other services with a real increase of 2.7 percent; educational and health services with a real increase of 2.6 percent; transportation, warehousing, and utilities (TWU) with a real increase of 2.5 percent; business and professional services with a real increase of 2.3 percent; construction with a real increase of 2.2 percent; and Sevenagriculturewitharealincreaserateof2.1percent.othersectorsareexperiencedgrowthrates, at levels below the overall 1.8 percent GDP real growth rate. These sectors are government with a real increase of 1.7percent; durable goods manufacturing with a real increase of 1.5 percent; mining with a real increase of 1.5 percent; finance, insurance, and real estate (FIRE) with a real increase of 1.1 percent; wholesale trade with a real increase of 0.9 percent; nondurable goods manufacturing with a real increase of 0.6 percent; and retail trade with a realincreaseof0.6percent.

GDPRealTotalofPercent Percent of Real Sector Growth 0.9 2023 Total Real GDP Growth 1.8% B&PServices 2.3 E&HServices 2.6 H&LServices 4.2 OtherServices 2.7 Government 1.7 FIRE 1.1 Information2.9 Durables 1.5 TWU 2.5 WholesaleTrade 0.9 RetailTrade 0.6 Nondurables 0.6 Construction2.2 Mining 1.5 Agriculture2.1
Construction 3.9 Percent of Sector Employment Growth Nondurables 4.2 FIRE 5.3 Retail Trade 0.2 Durables 1.5 Wholesale Trade 4.315.310.510. Government 2.7 6.0 Other Services 3.5 Information 6.0 B&P Services 5.8 E&H Services 3.5 H&L Services 5.113.615.23.61.8 Mining 3.6 2022 Employment Highlights GovernmentOtherH&LE&HB&PFIREInformationTWURetailWholesaleManufacturingConstructionMiningTotalEstablishmentEmploymentDurableGoodsNondurableGoodsTradeTradeServicesServicesServicesServices 4,818.55.7247.8477.7259.1219.6200.6514.4195.184.6289.4730.9656.6507.5171.7735.7 Year-End* PercentChange *thousandsofpersons 2022SECTOREMPLOYMENTANALYSIS2022 Year-End Employment Trends EmploymentTotalofPercent TWU 0.2 The sector employment analysis presented on this page is based on the new North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). North Carolina employment is expected to reach 4,818,500 persons by December 2022, a 3.5 percent increase over the December 2021 percentstrongestexperienceAllemploymentlevel.Thestateisexpectedtoadd162,400netjobsin2022.14ofthestate’snonagriculturalsectorsoftheeconomyareexpectedtoemploymentincreasesduring2022.Thesectorswiththeexpectedemploymentincreasesin2022areinformationat6.0andbusinessandprofessionalservicesat5.8percent.
Construction 2.4 Percent of Sector Employment Growth Nondurables 1.6 FIRE 1.0 Retail Trade 0.6 Durables 1.2 Wholesale Trade Government 0.8 6.0 Other Services 3.6 Information 5.7 B&P Services 1.6 E&HServices 0.9 H&L Services 2.413.515.23.6 1.8 Mining 0.0 2023 Employment Highlights GovernmentOtherH&LE&HB&PFIREInformationTWURetailWholesaleManufacturingConstructionMiningTotalEstablishmentEmploymentDurableGoodsNondurableGoodsTradeTradeServicesServicesServicesServices 4,892.55.7253.0485.3262.1223.2206.6517.4197.589.4292.4742.9662.6519.5177.9741.7 Year-End* PercentChange *thousandsofpersons 2023SECTOREMPLOYMENTANALYSIS2023 Year-End Employment Trends EmploymentTotalofPercent TWU 1.2 The sector employment analysis presented on this page is based on the new North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). North percent,withexpectedThirteenaddedpercentCarolinaemploymentreached4,892,500personsbyDecember2023,a1.5increaseovertheDecember2022employmentlevel.Thestate74,000netjobsin2023.ofthestate’snonagriculturalsectorsoftheeconomyaretoexperienceemploymentincreasesduring2023.Thesectorsthestrongestemploymentincreasesin2023areinformationat5.7andotherservicesat3.6percent.

FORECAST reports historical seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rates for North Carolina and the United States and forecasts theseasonallyadjustedmonthlyunemploymentrateforNorthCarolina.Theseasonaladjustmentaccountsforvariationsinlabor market


rates for 2022 and 2023. The solid blue line represents the United States seasonally adjusted historic unemployment rate. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for North Carolinaisrepresentedbythesolidgreenline.TheNorthCarolinaseasonallyadjustedunemploymentrateforecastisrepresentedby the solid red line. The seasonally adjusted rates for the United States and North Carolina can be compared directly and provide more reliable


started 2022 with unemployment rates of 4.0 percent and 3.9 percent respectively. Both the U.S. and North Carolina unemployment rates have fallen consistently to 3.5 percent and 3.4 percent by July. The North Carolina rate should riseslightlythroughtherestof2022andclosetheyearat3.6percentbyDecemberof2022.

The data used in this report comes from the websites for the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis and the North Carolina Employment Security Commission as of Sept. 8, 2022.

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