1 minute read

Everlasting Youth

In the old days, we were young forever

Our carelessness made every day an adventure, every day seemed like it would never end

Lady Liberty's torch burned bright on our smiling faces, blinking as we stared into the sun

But that was a different time, a time of rebellion

Not anymore

Now there are only shadows, and Liberty weeps for warmth

Her torch has burned out, and the sun now hurts our eyes

We leapt for the moon, but now we cannot even reach the stars, much less find our


Howling, aching, burning, our bodies contort and twist into their grown up forms

As do our minds

What do we have to gain?

No wisdom. No energy. No innocence.

Against our will,knowledge seeps into our growing brains as we beg for it to stop, to let us return to the wisdom of youth

It will not

Somewhere, between the dawn and the sunset, between the days and the weeks, between the years and the months, the unthinkable happened

We grew up

-Zoe Symons

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