The Vine 11 01 2017

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Forward into Fall


F R O M T H E PA S TO R In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many 4mes and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son. —Hebrews 1:1-2 Dear Friends in Christ, Just a few days ago, I returned from a two-week pilgrimage through the Holy Land with 24 other Bellaire UMC members, and I want to share a bit about the trip with you while it’s fresh on my mind. It’s the third Fme that my wife, Elizabeth, and I have had the chance to travel to Israel, and I am amazed at how different an experience each of these trips has been. Our Bellaire UMC group spent the first several days in a hotel within the Old City walls of Jerusalem. We spent two days walking through Jerusalem tracing some significant biblical events. We explored the ruins of King David’s palace and walked through the tunnel that King Hezekiah built to secure the city’s water source during a foreign invasion. We worshiped in the church that stands on the spot of Jesus’ crucifixion, death, and resurrecFon. We sat on the steps where Peter preached his sermon on the day of Pentecost (see leS). And that was just a porFon of the first two days! ASer those first days exploring Jerusalem, we took day trips to places of biblical significance, finally making our way to the Sea of Galilee where we spent several days exploring some of the places and stories associated with Jesus’ ministry in that region. This trip was much more than a tourist adventure, though, because the underlying goal was to learn to be be[er Bible readers. Our professor for the week, Dr. Jack Beck, has spent the be[er part of his career teaching others how to read the bible geographically—that is, understanding how the place where Bible events happened makes a difference to the story. On this trip, he really helped us do that! Here’s just one example. The photo to the right shows the view from the top of Mt. Arbel, where Jesus likely took the disciples to give them the Great Commission in Ma[hew 28. We don't need to be on top of Mt. Arbel to hear and understand Jesus’ instrucFons to go make disciples of all naFons. But when we are, and when we have a sense for the geography of Jesus' Fme, we see that Jesus was using the view from Mt. Arbel to teach his disciples just what he meant in the Great Commission. Just below Mt. Arbel was Magdala, a tradiFonal, observant Jewish town. Plainly in view across the sea was a Hippos, a great Roman city. And along the coast was the InternaFonal Highway, the main travel route between empires in the ancient world. So when Jesus tells his disciples to go make disciples of all naFons, just a wave of his hand will remind them that he means “go to people who are like you (Magdala), and to people who are nothing like you (Hippos) —to people who live close and to people who come from far away (travelers from distant empires).” The good news of God’s love and forgiveness—the good news of Jesus—is to be shared with all. If we look out over the city of Bellaire, it’s maybe not all that different from the view on top of Mt. Arbel, because our job is sFll to share this good news with people who are like us and with people who are very different—with people who have always lived close, and with those who have come from far away. What a privilege it is to serve God here in Bellaire and to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformaFon of the world.

AHEAD IN WORSHIP All Saints’ Sunday November 5

All Saints’ Sunday is a day when we remember and give thanks for the members of this church who have died in the previous year. We will speak their names in worship and give thanks to God for their faithful witness in this world. Join us for this special worship celebraFon.

The saints from Bellaire UMC who have died this year: Marion Adkins Sandra Allen Louise Dellis Nancy Jensen Patricia McCoy Judy Myers Phyllis O’Neal

For the first three weeks of November, we will conFnue our Miracles sermon series, exploring some of Jesus’ miracles and God’s conFnued miracle-working power in our lives today. Over these three weeks, we will also focus on generosity and stewardship for the year ahead. November 5 Jesus Raises Lazarus John 11:38-44 All Saints’ Sunday Pastor Seann Duffin preaching

November 12 Water Miracles Mark 6:45-52 Pastor Seann Duffin preaching

November 19 Feeding the 5,000 Mark 6:30-44 3rd Grade Bibles Pastor Seann Duffin preaching

Elsa Rosborough Hazel Ruth Joseph Schmoll Jay Simpson JG Thomas Van Walco[

Christ the King Sunday, the final Sunday of the church calendar year, is November 26th. It’s a day that focuses on the authority of Christ in our lives and offers us a fresh opportunity to recognize Christ as king in our lives and in our world.

Begins December 3

2018 STEWARDSHIP Generosity is a core value of the ChrisEan faith. Our fall stewardship and generosity emphasis will begin on November 1st. For three weeks in worship and through wri[en communicaFon, we will focus our thinking and praying on the year ahead. This campaign has both a pracFcal and a spiritual purpose. The pracFcal purpose is to begin planning financially for 2018. We will ask church members to think about and plan for their 2018 financial giving and then share their plan with the church by making a 2018 Giving Commitment or Pledge. This informaFon helps church staff and leaders build a fiscally responsible budget and spending plan for church ministry and operaFons. The spiritual purpose of this campaign is to conFnue growing as disciples of Jesus Christ whose lives are centering on loving God and loving neighbor. Jesus talks about money more than any other topic because what we do with our money ma[ers for our spiritual lives. As we grow in generosity, we will see that we are becoming more and more like Jesus.

stewardship — Stewardship is not the annual fundraising effort to

underwrite the local church budget. In the case of the church, stewardship means the management of resources that belong to God—including money, faciliEes, and personnel.

Growth in generosity is growth in discipleship. Finding ways to grow deeper in our faith requires opening our hearts to prayer and a willingness to personally evaluate and challenge exisFng habits. One way to do this is to return a porFon of our financial blessings to God through the Fthe and other offerings. Our giving recognizes God as the source of our blessings. Our giSs help to create and implement ministries that change lives, transform communiFes, and spread the good news of Christ.

the Ethe — In the Bible, a Fthe is 10% of one’s total income. This was the porFon of one’s resources that belonged to God and is the biblical standard for giving among God’s people. In the church, we give proporFonally, meaning that we give a pre-determined percentage of our total income to support the ministry of the local church.

How much should I give? Giving comes from the heart, and prayer is essenFal for determining what to give. Your decision to be faithful in giving originates out of your love for God. Evaluate your current giving. Does it reflect your blessings? Is it generous? Is it Fme for you to increase your giving to God and the work of the church? In these quesFons, you will find your answer.

AND GENEROSITY Outreach + Evangelism $60,000 Adult Discipleship $94,000 Student Ministry $91,000

These are preliminary figures based on 2017 budget and ministry plans for 2018 and do not replace the tools used by our Finance CommiBee. If you want to see a detailed line item statement of how ministry funds are used, come by the church office. Note: Staff salaries are divided among the ministry categories they support.

Service to Others $162,000

Daily Ministry + Support $104,000

Children’s Ministry $141,000

Space for People + Ministry $320,000 Worship + Music $228,000

ervice to Others Daily Ministry + Support Space for People + Ministry

Worship + Music Children's Ministry Adult Discipleship Outreach + Evang 2018Student Ministry Ministry Budget

$1,200,000 (EsFmated)


FUNDING MINISTRY What a difference a church makes…

Meghan Lutschg

We knew BUMC was a special church from the moment we arrived that first Sunday. We were warmly greeted at the door and loved the feeling of "home" during worship. What we didn't know that day was how profoundly we would be impacted by the BUMC community. We have gone from being newlyweds, to new parents, to school parents, during our Fme at BUMC. Recently, our love for our BUMC community has grown even stronger. ASer Harvey, we were overwhelmed by our community of faith's response to our flooded home. Without even asking, a talented wrecking crew arrived to "muck out" our home. They prayed for us and worked Frelessly to clear our home and prep it for renovaFon. The crew was so talented, our contractor asked to hire them! Their selfless generosity renewed our faith and strength and made us smile and laugh as we conquered the unimaginable. Pastor Seann has visited us in Fmes of great joy and aSer Harvey with the same thoughrul and caring spirit. We are grateful to be part of a faithful community of believers who show the love and care of Jesus through acts of service for each other and our great neighborhood.

Why I Give to Bellaire UMC I give because God and the church have given me so many blessings, and I want to do what I can to give back. I always want help with whatever money I can give and whatever Fme I can invest. I thank God every day for this church and all the blessings I have received. Tammy Landry

If God owns it all, why should I give? (1) Your giving expresses your love for God. (2) Your giving is a sign of your gra8tude to God for all you have received. (3) Your giving makes you a partner with God to fulfill God’s mission in the world. (4) Your giving honors God as your source and provider. (5) Your giving results in your spiritual growth. (6) Your giving changes your heart. (7) Your giving pleases God.

IN 2018

But me—who am I, and who are these my people, that we should presume to be giving something to you? Everything comes from you; all we are doing is giving back what we have been given from your generous hand. 1 Chronicles 29:14 — The Message

Why We Give to Bellaire UMC

For us, giving is an act of praise...praising God from whom all of our blessings flow. For us, giving is an act of glorifying God...praising Jesus Christ whose power upliSs. For us, giving is an act of God the source of all our giSs. Alleluia! Hal and Debbie Sharp

Since coming to BUMC 15 years ago, I have learned many lessons that have changed my life—especially my spiritual life. God has used this wonderful church to help mold and shape a new “me," and I am so very grateful. One of the most important lessons you have taught me is that our ChrisFan walk is one of faith and commitment....not convenience. It's NOT about worshiping God just on Sundays whenever it fits into my schedule. It's NOT about praying just when things aren't going so well. It's NOT about giving him an offering of what's leSover aSer I've bought all the other stuff I think I need. And its NOT about giving my Fme and talents to serving Him IF I can squeeze an hour into my busy schedule every now and then. Instead, this church has shown me that God expects us to commit to a faith-filled life of worship, prayer, Bible study, service and giving BEFORE anything else. This is the path to loving and serving our Lord, and this is also the path to true joy and happiness. I love how this church is helping me change. But I sFll have lots more work (and joy) ahead. How about you?

ProporEonal Giving As ChrisFans, God invites us to give at least 10% of our total income to the church as an offering to the Lord and to support the work of ministry. Many members of this congregaFon have learned the discipline of Fthing and give 10% or more. If you aren’t currently giving proporFonally (that is, a predetermined percentage of income), perhaps that might be a next-step in your giving. Whatever your giving level, consider how you might grow in your giving in the year ahead. See the chart below for an illustraFon of proporFonal giving.

Steve Smith Lay Leader

Which characteris9cs describe your giving? Prayerful Spontaneous—an ourlow of my loving heart Reflects my life prioriFes to allow giving, regardless of temporary circumstances Represents my first blessings and resources, not what is “leS over” ProporFonate to my means Given cheerfully and joyfully


BETHLEHEM VILLAGE Save the date! Bethlehem Village returns on Friday, December 1 and Saturday, December 2. Remind yourself and teach your children "the reason for the season.” We need your help to share the most amazing story ever told. Can you serve as a volunteer (costumed or not)? Can you bake cookies or help set up? There is a chance for everyone to be involved! Contact Brad Jackson at or Marylyn Jackson

Would you like to dig deeper into Sunday's sermons? There is a new class meeFng on Sunday mornings for our Miracles series that will explore the scriptures and themes from each week’s sermon. The class meets at 10:00am in Room 231. For informaFon, contact Gary at


GARAGE SALE + FALL FEST Mark your calendar! Our annual garage sale is on Saturday, November 18. Be on the lookout for more informaFon about donaFons, or contact Barbara at In addiFon to the garage sale, there will be a bouFque with one of a kind items, an aucFon, bake sale, lunch, and games. All proceeds from the day support our community ministry partners.


Join us Tuesday nights from 7:00-8:00pm in Room 234 for Holy Yoga at Bellaire UMC! Holy Yoga provides parFcipants with a spiritual oasis in the chaos and stress of everyday life. Even more importantly, our instructor Amie Koronczok is commi[ed to introducing the Bible to many people who haven’t heard it or read it before, using yoga as the medium. Bring your yoga mat, a bo[le of water and a friend! First session is free; subsequent sessions with a suggested donaFon of $10.

CHARGE CONFERENCE Our annual charge conference will meet on Tuesday, November 14 from 6:30-8:30pm at Westminster UMC (5801 San Felipe Street). We will meet with our District Superintendent and three sister UMC congregaFons as part of a “cluster conference” where we will have an opportunity to learn what is happening among Methodist churches in our part of the city. All are invited to a[end this important business meeFng of the church where we will elect new leaders for 2018.

Ken Medema will return to Bellaire UMC on Sunday, December 3 to lead music in our sanctuary services on the first Sunday of Advent. You may remember that Ken led a special Fme of story-telling and bapFsmal remembrance on the first Sunday of 2017, and we are pleased to welcome him back as we begin a new season in the church year. Ken is an excepFonal musician and giSed storyteller. Please plan to a[end worship at 9:00am or 11:11am on December 3. You don’t want to miss this!

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Join the Bellaire United Methodist Seniors group for fun and fellowship this fall. Contact Tom and Sandra Williams at (713) 703-1153 or tandswms@a[.net with quesFons or for more informaFon. Mark your calendars with these dates:

Make sure to join Bellaire UMC Children’s Ministry each Sunday for Sunday School for all ages, and throughout the month for their great teaching, service, and fellowship opportuniFes.

Thursday, December 7, 2017: Join us for a great introducFon to the Christmas season as we go to the A. D. Players to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever," based on the book with the same name by Barbara Robinson. If you have ever been involved with organizing a Christmas pageant, you know things don't always go as smoothly as you would like, especially when six children go to church for the first Fme and find themselves having roles in the Sunday school's Christmas play. The only music in the show is a few Christmas carols at the end. The cost of a Fcket is $20. Show Fme is 7:30pm, so eat before you come to get on the bus, which will leave the parking lot at 6:30pm.

UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Bellaire UMC has formed a new United Methodist Women’s group called UMW-now! The group meets regularly for serviceoriented events and fellowship gatherings and is focused on expanding opportuniFes for the women of Bellaire UMC to connect to God, to people, and to service. Currently, UMWnow! is partnering with the Chimney Rock Children’s Center to support their “points store,” which is a place where the residents can shop. You can learn more in the ConnecFon Center on Sunday. Or contact Princess Aschermann at to learn how you can help.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY Men of Bellaire UMC: Start your morning off right! Join us for Bible study every Tuesday morning from 6:30-7:30pm. The pastors provide great teaching, and we have delicious tacos from Fuzzy’s. It’s a great way to connect with other men and connect with God through scripture. Contact Kenneth Peters at for more informaFon.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH GROUP Are you looking for an opportunity to serve at Bellaire UMC and in our neighborhood? Come join the BUMC Community Outreach Group on the third Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm in Room 123. This group helps plan our ministry with CCSC, Chimney Rock Children’s Center, Cunningham Elementary, SEARCH, and much more. Contact Barbara at for more informaFon.

BASKETBALL OPEN GYM Looking for some fun and a good work out? Come to the BUMC gym on Thursdays from 7:00-9:00pm for some friendly compeFFon with other local churches. Contact Henry Owen at for informaFon.

Sunday School — 10:00am every Sunday for all ages Children’s Choir - 4:30pm every Sunday (K-5) Ignite — 1:30pm first Sunday of each month (Grades 4 & 5) Mission Kids — 3:30pm first Sunday of each month (all ages) Lighthouse Kids - One Friday evening each month Contact Kelly Vicente, Director of Children’s Ministry, at for more informaFon.

YOUTH MINISTRY Bellaire Student Ministries is open to all students in grades 6 through 12. The youth of this congregaFon are commi[ed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, service, study, and ChrisFan community. Here’s the weekly programming schedule:

Sundays 10:00-11:00am — Sunday School 5:00-6:00pm — Junior High Bible Study 6:00-7:00pm — Dinner for all students 7:00-8:00pm — Senior High Bible Study We have just finished construcFon on a renewed worship space in the Student Center and have begun a regular student-led worship service. See below for a picture of the new space.


The group gexng oriented to the city at Jerusalem University College, just outside the Old City walls.

Our group picture on the Nazareth Ridge.

A scene from Shiloh, the place where Samuel was called into the Lord’s service and where the tabernacle was located.

The group learning about Psalm 23 in the Judean Wilderness.



Top le^: Learning from Dr. Jack Beck in a 1st Century Roman theater in Bet She’an. Top Center: Members of the group hiking down Mount Arbel. Top Right: A scene from the Western Wall where worshipers go to offer prayers. Bobom: The Dome of the Rock on Temple Mount. This mosque is located on the site where Solomon’s Temple had been built.

Financial Stewardship Update Year-to-Date Financial Snapshot Income through October 31: Expenses through October 31: Difference:

$989,090 $955,312 $33,778

Thank you for your faithfulness in supporFng the ministry of Bellaire UMC! Your giS—no ma[er the amount— really does make a difference. Our ministry leaders and Finance Team will conFnue to be careful stewards of the giSs you give, and we are delighted to inform you that at the end of October we are current on all commitments, including connecFonal apporFonments. Strong giving over the past twelve months has provided a strong cash balance that allows us to remain in a healthy financial posiFon. Giving in September and October has slowed relaFve to the previous months, but we believe that we will see strong year-end giving that will help us finish 2017 well. If you have quesFons about your giving or about how you can give to support the ministry and mission of Bellaire UMC, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Lloyd, the BUMC Business Administrator, or Pastor Seann at (713) 666-2167. Thank you! Have you considered giving online? It’s an easy, convenient, and secure way to make a one-Eme gi^ or to set up recurring contribuEons. Learn more at

4417 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire, Texas 77401 713-666-2167 Bellaire United Methodist Church

THE BELLAIRE UNITED METHODIST NEWSLETTER USPS 048-820 is published semi-monthly by Bellaire United Methodist Church. Periodical postage paid at Bellaire, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address change to, The Bellaire United Methodist Newsletter, 4417 Bellaire Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401, 713-666-2167; FAX 713-663-6397. Second Class Postage Paid at Bellaire, TX 77401

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