5 minute read
1:00 P.M., SATURDAY APRIL 15, 2023
Welcome to the 27th Annual ‘Signature Series’ Bull Sale.
Instead of the same old welcome letter that you get to read over and over this spring with all the bull sale catalogs in the mail. With sayings like, can’t believe how the time has flown by since our last bull sale, things sure are looking up this year in the cattle business and McDavid is better than Gretzky. We thought we would just share some of our breeding and developing philosophies and the direction our programs are headed.
We try and breed top quality seedstock that thrive in western North America. Cattle have to be better than most in southern Alberta. Our bulls go out to some tough country and breed in hot summer weather on shortgrass pastures with little to no shade and a long walk to water. While others go to work on smaller irrigated pastures where a good solid steep made foot is a must have. We aim to breed moderate, easy fleshing cows that have big calves at side come fall. Cows that are built to be efficient but also have enough pelvic and calving ease bred in that they are able to cross with bigger framed terminal sires.
We have been ultra sounding for over 20 years now and you can see by looking at the back fat data just how responsible these bulls are fed. We feed this particular diet not just to show their individual performance but their PROFITABILITY. One rancher who has bought our bulls almost exclusively over the last number of years commented on how happy he is with the extra pounds they have gained and overall quality and consistency of their calves.
As you study the sires we have used over the last number of years you can tell we are meeting our goals of having our herdsires raise top quality sons, while the daughters bring in an even better group of calves in the next generation. Our genetics improve every year and our goal is to help you do the same. The last number of years have been proven positive for our genetics. Whether we are dealing with high priced feed, drought, shortage of labour and so forth the cattle sired by our bulls have pulled through and are around today.
Of course we are human and are prone to mistakes like everyone else, which we will try to correct or have the odd animal that can have an issue during the year. We stand behind these bulls but one of our greatest sources of pride in our minds is the low number of sale credits we have. The majority of the bulls go out and get the job done like they should providing good genetics that make ranchers and cattle producers MONEY. That is what we consider customer service.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 15th. Feel free to contact us anytime through the year.
Sale Schedule
FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2023
Bulls can be viewed all day at the ranch.
Beef lunch served at noon
Sale Day Contacts
Clint Morasch (403) 793-1656
Laurie Morasch (403) 501-9898
Nathan Jensen (403) 331-7395
Sale Staff
Don Peacock AUCTIONEER (306) 662-8288
Grant Ellefson RINGMAN ............................................ (403) 501-9707 Lane Purdie RINGMAN ................................................... (403) 506-9488 Robert Peltzer (403) 793-0217 Mark Shologan DLMS (403) 699-5082
LAZY MC ANGUS The Morasch Family
Box 474, Bassano AB T0J 0B0
Clint Morasch: (403) 793-1656
Dawn Burnat: (403) 793-1570 lazymc@xplornet.com • lazymcangus.com
Laurie Morasch, Herdsman (403) 501-9898
NCJ CATTLE CO Nathan Jensen
Box 4278, Taber, AB T1G 2C7
Cell: (403) 331-7395 ncjcattle@gmail.com
Melissa Stenger CFIC..............................................................(403) 664-1148
Video Sale
All bulls will be videoed ahead of the sale. Videos will be available on-line. All of the bulls will be penned at Lazy MC for viewing prior to the sale. Rather than stressing the bulls and the crew, the auction will be conducted using large screen videos of each bull. This will also give bidders the opportunity to view reference animals at the same time.
Payment due at time of purchase. We can accept all major credit cards. All cattle sell under the standard terms and conditions of the respective breed associations. Any announcements made sale day supersede information printed in this catalogue. The bulls will be semen tested, kept after the sale, delivered and fully guaranteed. Scrotal measurements and current weights available sale day. The sellers reserve the right to collect semen on any bull for in-herd use only at the seller’s expense and buyers convenience.
Online Purchasing
We invite those of you who are unable to attend the sale to be part of the action. Real-time bidding will be available via the internet. Visit www.dlms.ca to be approved as a bidder or if you have any questions please email Mark at: mshologan@dlms.ca or call (780) 699-5082
Bull Warranty Program
Lazy MC Angus guarantees to sell you a bull that is structurally sound and has passed a semen test done by a licensed veterinarian. Should any Lazy MC Angus bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder, unable to physically service a cow or heifer, he will be replaced with a bull of equal value. Should this not be possible, an adjustment will be made to reflect the value of the bull in question or a credit will be given towards the purchase of another bull.
We guarantee to provide you with a sound breeding bull, however we will not provide replacement or adjustment for physically injured or mismanaged bulls. We stress the importance of the Lazy MC Breeding Season Warranty. Our warranty program is presented in language you can understand. While under warranty, your bull is covered for injury, sickness or death. We will service your needs with another bull or credit to next year’s sale. Should you have any problems with a bull, contact Lazy MC Angus directly at (403) 793-1656. We require your veterinarian to complete a report and email it to Lazy MC Angus. We will work with you to make sure your cows get serviced and you are satisfied with your purchase. We have back-up bulls set aside for customers.
Lazy MC Angus Breeding Season Warranty has been developed to protect your purchase during the most critical, high-risk time of a bull’s life; the breeding season. We offer the following options which are the buyer’s responsibility to purchase at the time of settlement:
Coverage - During Breeding Season:
In case of loss, Lazy MC Angus will not be responsible for anything over and above the purchase price of the bull.
Option 1 & 2 - Cover 100% of purchase price less salvage value when possible.
Option 3 - Extended season, covers the animal during and after breeding season. We will cover 80% of the original value, less salvage when possible.
Notify Lazy MC Angus immediately by phone (403) 793-1656. Employ a licensed veterinarian to treat, diagnose and/or fill out a vet form. If the animal dies, a postmortem may be required.
Calving Ease Scores
Recommended for use on heifers
Recommended for use on large framed heifers
Recommended for use on cows saturday april 15