December 2015 - Holiday Edition

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An Online Magazine


Clear Out the Old


Make Room for the New

Secrets to Staying

Sexy &Slim

Through The Holidays



4 Steps to . . .

Turn Your Dream into Do So Your Dreams Can Come True


Let it go . . . For the Holiday Season Belle Kohen

3 4

4 Steps To Turn Your Dream Into Do So Your Dreams Can Come True Lisa Steadman


Secrets to Staying Sexy & Slim Through the Holidays Cindy Nunnery


Can We Use the Placebo Effect to Our Advantage? Belinda Phillips


Money Confidence . . . Expand Your Perspective Michelle Dean


Habits are Helpful Except When They’re Not Michael Anne Conley, LMFT


Clear Out the Old & Make Room for the New Christine Catoggio


You Are the Change Denise Joy Thompson


Your 2015 Year End Financial To Do List Sharon Case


An Online Magazine


UNLEASHED Magazine exists to intentionally reawaken women to sparkle,

eliminate obstacles, and create momentum toward abundance in their

lives. Catering to women 50 and above, UNLEASHED provides a community

for women who are seeking to rediscover the dreams deep within their

hearts, by encouraging women to sparkle, inspiring them to overcome obstacles,

and connecting them to resources that can help them realize the abundance

that is their birthright.

Belle Kohen is the CEO of Creative Coaching LLC and a

Transformation Coach for Daring Women Seeking Success Strategies, Business Breakthroughs and ways to go from

Daunted to Daring. She is also a Speaker, Best Selling Author,

Radio Show Host and Magazine Publisher. Having had

many diversified careers spanning decades, including:

Dental Hygienist, Dental Practice Management Consultant

for 1-800 Dentist and Mercer Advisors, Belle also owned and operated a Petland franchise, became a self-taught

screen printer, and an advertising specialties guru. Belle has been married 40 years, has 2 happily married children and 6 grandchildren. Always willing

to help way beyond the norm, Belle has found her niche as a Coach because it is a way to help others while immensely enriching her own life. Belle can be found online at, or you can also email her at

“You’re NEVER Too Old To UNLEASH Your Bold!” 12-13



4 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into Do So Your Dreams Can Come True continued from page 4




Can We Use the Placebo Effect to Our Advantage? continued from page 6


You Are the Change continued from page 10


Melissa Noto, Graphic Designer, Unleashed Magazine and

owner of Melissa Noto Design Studio, Inc. has more than 20

years of multi-faceted experience as a graphic designer,

including work in print, packaging and website design.

She’s a master at integrating a company’s brand identity

into a visual representation, whether it’s a logo, product package,

website design or even the interior of their office space.

To receive our media kit, please contact Belle at

“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Yo ur Bold! ”

Let it go . . .


In fact, not taking care of ourselves can be irresponsible! Caring for you means showing yourself you're worthwhile and valued which positively influences your energy, relationships and business. Win-win baby!

Take YOU time: time to make yourself a priority - to show yourself appreciation.

r Unleashed fo al edition of fin e th e to m d beco ck everyone to step up an Welcome ba ing experience az am insightful an e en ng with th ki or 2015. It has be w re su ea ings well as a pl en so many th Publisher as There have be e. in to az ag am m te r a rs in ou having women write s, and, #1 is es oc pr e th sted in that have assi project. d execute this an implement remember season, please ay lid ho e th group and to the thick of in a Facebook g in As we move in w llo fo e th azine. YOU. I found e it in our mag to take care of riter to includ w e ems th se om It fr sion e hear t. asked permis rectly from th di es tly at ac an ex st was and em el when this po It is poignant he w e th nt ve try to rein redundant to you. to say to all of d what I wante re to include . Please be su ay lid ho us yo jo ate. It rful, safe and hich to celebr Have a wonde family with w no ve ha em in th ho w you for having those around ur gratitude yo ow sh to ul way is a wonderf your life. ew Year! and Happy N hy lt ea H a r fo Best Wishes Fondly,

Stand in front of your mirror naked, smile and say to yourself, “You are BEAUTIFUL”… and mean it!

Treat yourself to a bubble bath, light a candle and take along a good book. A glass of wine is divine. Exfoliate, put on a facemask, better yet, make one Eat healthy…no fast or processed foods.

Go for a walk - say your favorite affirmation

Forgive yourself for anything in the past that you’re holding onto Wake up and sing to yourself

Start your day with hot lemon water Dance in the morning

Decide to drink 1/2 your body weight in water ounces Get a massage

Turn down the lights and meditate Do some slow, deep breathing Wear hot undies

Buy yourself flowers

Make yourself a little organic herb garden

Make a date with a girlfriend and have a heart to heart Treat yourself to a cleaning lady – so worth it

Belle A

Get a mani/pedi

s women we tend to put others before ourselves and neglect our own needs. Yes, the world needs our intelligence, insight, determination, and empathy. But we do need to balance life's demands with activities that bring us peace, pleasure and joy. Because when we forget to nurture ourselves we can get moody, self- esteem drops and along comes burnout. If we're feeling unappreciated or we keep pushing ourselves, we can end up feeling defeated or resentful. And these feelings will manifest somewhere, because the truth always finds expression.

Self-care is essential for our well-being, and NO, it’s not selfish!

Buy some quality Essential Oils - dab a drop of lavender on your pillow at night Get back to that gratitude journal

Play hooky and take yourself to a movie Have a super charged green smoothie Sit outside and listen to the birds

Rewire - change it up, put the other shoe on first, dry yourself differently Go get a blow out

If you became an entrepreneur because what you really want is freedom, you’ve got to take freedom days now. You know how the Law of Attraction works! By Susan-Jane Rome – The Entrepreneur Incubator Facebook Group

“ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”



4 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into DO So Your


Can Come True By Lisa Steadman

11 years ago, I walked away from the life I knew – a well paying, creative job writing and branding Barbie, living in my newly purchased luxury condo, falling in and out of bed with my ex, aka My Big Breakup – to pursue a life I didn’t yet believe could exist. A dream life that included writing books, finding true love, living in my dream neighborhood (far away from my condo!), and getting paid to be me. I didn’t know HOW to make that dream life a reality. And yet 11 years later, here I sit, typing in my home office with a view of the Hollywood sign out my window, my extraordinary husband (The Night Owl) asleep in the next room, 3 best selling books on the shelf across from me, weekly meetings on my calendar to pitch, develop, and consult on entertainment projects where I get to be me, and a robust 6 figure coaching business filled with dream clients. And while it’s easy to look from the outside and say, “Must be nice!” the truth is, I couldn’t have arrived where I am today had I not put in the blood, sweat, and tears of the last 11 years, a decade of self discovery, trial, error, epic failure, and rock bottom combined with self forgiveness, spiritual allowing, insane self awareness, trust, stamina, and strength. My journey isn’t all that uncommon. Think of any well-documented success story. Martin Luther King. Steve Jobs. Jim Carrey. Oprah. Caitlyn Jenner. Our field of expertise may be different. But our approach is not. Here’s the exciting part - these secrets of success are not just attainable for others. They’re attainable for us all when you unlock and implement this simple success formula…

Dream + Do = Dreams Come True 4

Chances are, you’ve mastered one of the two elements that are essential to your success. Either you’re a dreamer who struggles to take action. Or you’re a doer who struggles to define your dream. Either way, the four steps I’m about to share will help you turn your Do into a Dream OR your Dream into Do so your dreams can come true.

Step 1: Set a Vision

“I want to write a book.” This was the dream that called to me from my future self while I was happily – and somewhat ignorantly – going through the motions of my life 13 years ago. The idea hit me like a bolt of lightning one Saturday afternoon. I still see it in my mind’s eye like it was yesterday. I’m standing in the dining room of my 1 bedroom apartment in Culver City, pre-condo purchase. I’d painted the walls a vibrant red when I moved in. I’m on the phone with a friend, staring up at one of the red walls, talking yet again about my on-again, off-again romance with Mr. Ex, my Big Breakup. “I want to write a book about breakups,” I hear myself clarify. It was a single idea, birthed from the pain of my confused heart. And yet, that one sentence changed everything, shifting me every so slightly day after day, month after month from a young woman who was happy writing about Barbie for a living, who relished collecting a paycheck every two weeks, who dutifully maxed out the employer matching program with her 401K, who relished being in love with a man who worked three cubicles away. That one sentence slowly but surely chipped away at my satisfaction with life as I knew it, and set me on a path my future self had carved out, inviting me some days to take baby steps, and others to take giant leaps. That path included writing four versions of my first book proposal over a two year period. It nudged me to quit my job, rent out my condo, and sleep on a blow up mattress on my best friend’s living room floor for a summer while launching my first website to build my online brand. It inspired me to write my own breakup stories when submissions were slow to trickle in. And two years later, it ultimately attracted an email in my inbox from an editor at a publishing company who wanted to know if I was interested in writing a book. Big or small, wild or practical, what is YOUR big dream? What can you give yourself permission to say out loud that you deeply desire… but may be terrified to make happen? Today, give voice to the dream. Don’t hold back because of your history, your age, your size, or the wrinkles around your eyes. Give yourself permission to dream as big and bold as you want. No apologies.

Step 2: Own your Voice

Once you own your Dream, it’s time to start magnetizing it to you. How? By getting so clear and distinct about why this dream is uniquely YOURS that the dream has no choice but to find YOU! continued on page 14 . . .

“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H You r Bo ld !”

Secrets to Staying

m i l S & y x e SThrough the Holidays

By Cind y Nun nery Certified Integrative Nutrition Coach Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur


o matter which holiday you’ll be celebrating, or if you are celebrating all of them, the holiday cheer & spirit can easily push your healthy eating habits aside and make your bad ones even worse. While you’re making all the merry of the season, the empty calories are going in and the belly is going out. Before you know it, your sexy little black dress you planned to wear New Year's Eve seems to have ‘shrunk’.

Taking on some extra pounds is normal around the holidays and so is having them stick around after the first of the year. In this case, it isn’t good to be normal. In fact, I have a couple secret weapons to avoid normal holiday weight gain while still enjoying everything the holidays have to offer.

So why is all the holiday cheer so damaging to your diet?

I was speaking with a client the other day and one of the biggest challenges she said she has, as do most other women, is what to do when she attends parties & events at the office or elsewhere. She said they usually only have unhealthy food available and it’s so hard to stay away from it; before she realizes, she polished off a plate of greasy, fattening food and feels awful. Here are some secret weapons to help you avoid holiday weight gain and they are very useful after the holidays too.

Secret Weapon #1: Eat More

If you are thinking that the secret to keeping the holiday bulge away from your midsection is to not eat so you don’t overindulge, think again. The truth is eating more can stop overeating. If you snack more and with properly balanced ones, it can keep you from being overly hungry and overeating at any meal and especially parties and events. I recommend having snacks available at all time but you want to be smart with your snacks. Snacks should balanced and always include protein, low-glycemic carbohydrate, fiber and some good fats (EFA’s.). For example, avocado by itself or nut butter by the spoonful is high in fat and calories without much fiber. Have the avocado on top of a thick slice of tomato with a little drizzle of EVOO is

better. Enjoy the nut butter with a small green apple and/or celery sticks. A balanced snack to provide even energy so your body can release the fat and keep you fuller longer. Want more snack recipes? Visit my blog and search snacks. If the parties are in early afternoon or later in the evening, enjoy a healthy lunch or dinner before you go. Again, you won’t be stuck eating the unhealthy foods because when you get to party you’re not famished. Also, eating your healthy meal before you go will allow you to enjoy some dessert without the guilt.

Secret Weapon #2: Be Mindful

While you are making merry, pay attention to the clues your gives you. When your body tells you you’re hungry, eat wisely by going to the salad or veggies first; when you are hungry and stop before you feel full so the “I’m-full’ hormone leptin can be released and you don’t overeat. My mother used to say “wait until your brain catches up with your stomach or you’ll get sick eating so much.”

Secret Weapon #3: Move

Don't let your fingers do all the shopping this season. Go offline and go shopping! Go to the mall or the downtown shopping district and enjoy the sights & sounds of the holiday. You may even find that perfect gift or run into that old friend you haven’t seen in years. Park away from the entrance to the mall, walk (don’t forget to wear comfy shoes), try on clothes, and just move to the holiday groove.

The holidays are also a time to think about the New Years resolutions.

The holiday season can be ‘the most wonderful time of year’ for your waistline if you keep healthy, balanced snacks handy, are mindful of your hunger cues and move. By doing this, you can stave off starvation-induced binges and you can avoid packing on the office and holiday party pounds. When the New Year rings in, you'll be ahead of the game and will be able to make sensible New Year's health & wellness resolutions that you can keep.

! s y a d i l o H e h t y jo En

Contact Cindy at

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Can We Use the PLACEBO EFFECT to Our Advantage? The placebo effect has been underestimated and is often given a negative connotation. When a doctor says that the symptom we are feeling is all in our head, we are often disappointed in the diagnosis. What if the truth is that our thoughts are so powerful that they can create and heal symptoms in our bodies? When a pharmaceutical company conducts a study on a new medication and the results show that the study participants who received the placebo did the same or better than the study participants taking the actual medication, the pharmaceutical company considers it a failure. I consider it a huge success! It indicates that the mind is so powerful that the mere suggestion that the pill will heal the symptoms may actually cause the symptoms to go away. Clifton K. Meador tells an excellent example of the placebo effect in his book, “Symptoms of Unknown Origin” about Vince Vanders (not his real name), a patient of Dr. Drayton Doherty. Vanders was admitted to the hospital having been ill for many weeks. He had lost a great deal of weight and was deteriorating quickly. Dr. Doherty ordered a battery of tests and everything came back negative, yet Vanders continued to decline and the outlook was not good. Vanders’ wife pulled Dr. Doherty aside and told him that her husband believed that a hex had been placed on him. The brilliant doctor spent the night trying to figure out what to do. The next day he told Vanders and his family that he tricked the person who had hexed Vanders into meeting with him the night before and divulging how he had hexed him. Dr. Doherty told Vanders that lizard eggs were rubbed on his skin and the eggs found their way into Vanders’ stomach, where they hatched, and that one lizard had survived. Dr. Doherty told Vanders that he would give him some medication to remove the lizard and that he would be cured. Dr. Doherty then gave Vanders a drug that induced vomiting. Vanders began to vomit into a basin and as the vomiting slowed down, Dr. Doherty picked up the basin and slipped a lizard into it. He loudly proclaimed that the lizard had been expelled and the hex was lifted. Vanders fell into a deep sleep and when he woke 12 hours later, he eagerly consumed food. Within a week, he had regained his strength and was back to his normal weight. Similarly, the placebo effect can cause a patient to experience symptoms without a correlating physical cause. A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 1968 looked at the effects of inhalers on study participants with asthma. The participants were given an inhaler that they were told contained an allergen or irritant but in fact the inhaler contained nothing but water vapor. Almost half of the participants experienced asthmatic symptoms and 30 percent had full-blown asthma attacks. 6

They were then given inhalers that they were told contained medicine that would relieve their symptoms and in each case, the patient’s symptoms improved. Think about the times in your life when the doctor told you that the medication that was prescribed would help and you experienced relief. Is it possible that you experienced the placebo effect? And what about the times you were told that you would experience certain symptoms and you did. Take it a step further and remember the times someone told you that you couldn’t do something, or that you were not good enough, or that you were selfish for wanting to have your needs met. Does the placebo effect cause you to experience emotional symptoms and issues around self-esteem as well? What if we could harness the power of the placebo effect in all areas of our lives? Is it possible that we could learn to use our thoughts in powerful ways to experience physical and emotional health? And if that were true, isn’t it possible that we could learn to use our thoughts to effect significant change in our lives? According to Greg Braden, author of “The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits,” we live our lives based on what we believe about our world, our capabilities, our limits, and ourselves. As we gain more knowledge and understand more about the world, our capabilities and our limits, our changed thoughts and beliefs affect our lives. So how much power do we actually have over our lives if we decide to pay attention to our thoughts and what we believe? continued on page 16 . . .

“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Yo ur Bold! ”

Money Confidence…


your Perspective By M ich elle Dean, Financial Strategist

How confident are you about your retirement years? Do you feel you have done well and are prepared for the “golden years”? If you are like most of us you can’t truly answer yes to that question. You are not alone! If you know me at all you have heard me say many times… “just start”! In my opinion this is the first step, and most important step, to any savings plan. I hear from more than a few people each month… “I can’t afford to save or participate in an individual retirement account (IRA).” or “I have to get out of debt first.” Let me offer a perspective you may not have considered before and ask that you open your mind and truly give this some consideration. Your future retirement depends on this! The Employee Benefit Research Institute ( found in their 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey that only 18% of workers are very confident about their retirement plan. A few other statistics for you to consider is 58% of workers and 44% of retirees report having a problem with their level of debt and 24% of workers and 17% of retirees stated their current debt was higher than it was 5 years ago. While I am throwing out statistics you have also probably heard me say “75% of those over the age of 65 living in poverty are women!” These statistics are frightening to me and the very reason I continue to speak out in hopes that you will see, hear and ACT. After reading those statistics how sure are you that you will even get out of debt and be able to save toward your retirement? I am sure those who took the survey thought the same thing . . . I will start as soon as I get out of debt. Since I have an analytical nature let me give you some numbers to consider. If you are 35 years old and begin by saving only $100 per month by the time you are 65 you will have saved $118,368 (based on an average 7% rate of return over time). Your cost ($100 per month x 12 x 30 years) is $36,000. Now what if you waited until you are 35 years of age? Waiting 5 years has a price tag of $38,860. Now your pot of money at the age of 65 is only $79,508. If you wanted to accomplish the same goal of $118,368 you would now have to save $150 per month for 25 years… your cost… $45,000 ($150 per month x 12 x 25 years). Waiting 10 years has a price tag of $66,566. Now your pot of money at the age of 65 will be $51,802. Again if you wanted to accomplish the same $118,368 you would have to save $230 per month for 20 years… your cost… $55,200 ($230 per

month x 12 x 20 years) You do the math . . . would you like to purchase $118,368 for $36,000, $45,000 or $55,200? Time is an important component when it comes to saving and you NEVER get that back! Now that I have your attention you say… but I really don’t have the money to save. I believe anyone no matter how much they earn or how much debt they have can afford to save something. We live in a culture that has become spenders and not savers. It begins by changing your priorities and making your golden years as important as your coffee fix each morning.

1 2 3 4

Set a goal for your retirement. Find a way to visualize that goal and write it down. This is important! You have to write STEP ONE: it down. Your subconscious mind is powerful and your goal has to be imprinted there. Visualize the goal, verbalize the goal, keep it in front of you to remind you daily what you are working to accomplish and why you are sacrificing whatever you choose to sacrifice. STEP TWO:

Budgeting is important… it is your road map for your financial future. People just don’t do this anymore! If you have a budget and still say you can’t save take another look at your budget and find something you are willing to sacrifice to have a better retirement. Maybe it’s going to Starbucks 2 times per week instead of 5, or cutting some premium channels from your cable bill, or removing cable all together. If you need help with this let me know . . . I have tools that can help.

Just START… ACT… determine the amount you STEP THREE: plan to start with and just start! Start with a simple savings account until you have enough there to cover the cost of emergencies. Not only does this help you form the habit of saving but it also keeps you from further debt because you have the money to handle emergencies. Seek the help of a professional who can help you develop a plan that meets your needs and STEP FOUR: your budget. Some professionals offer free consultation services so you just need to ask. There are so many professionals out there and so many products and services out there it is hard to know what is best for you so decide on a professional who cares about YOUR needs and offers solutions to meet those needs. It’s never a one size fits all!

If you take action and complete each step I promise you will feel more confident about your financial future.

Contact Michelle at

“ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”


Habits are helpful –

except when they’re not!

By Michael Anne Conley, LMFT

You enter the meeting and sit down. The host says, “Who can take notes?” You wait. For what seems like a long time, no one speaks up. You start to feel edgy around the silence. So you raise your hand. “I’ll do it,” you say. Same scenario, except when no one speaks up, the silence doesn’t unsettle you at all. Someone else raises her hand. “I’ll do it,” she says. I’ve been both of these women. What about you?

Helpfulness is Tricky Business

Dr. Ravi Godse says, “Helping people is my hobby. I don’t care if they want help or not.” This teaser is from one of Dr. Ravi’s movies, “Help Me Help You.” He has a passion for creating films in which he plays the fool. He has learned some things about helping. “I have seen how many problems well intentioned, but misguided, help can cause.” As a health professional, I support women who are struggling with habits that hold them back from who they want to be or the life they want to lead. It turns out that helping is a common habit for many of my clients. Often they aren’t sure how to give or receive help – so they over-help and tend to reject appropriate support from others. Marian is a very well intentioned over-helper. You can count on her to know what you need before you know that you need it. She’s got that glass of whatever you want, and before you can clean your plate, she’s ready to clear it off the table. Marian doesn’t wait to be asked. She volunteers to take notes, pick up the meeting food and supplies too. And when you ask her if you can help, she’ll probably say, “No, I’m good.” Marian doesn’t think of this behavior as a habit. It might be helpful if she did. Most habits serve you. Consider what it would be like to figure out, over and over again, how to get out of bed, walk, brush and floss, eat, drive a car, read a report. On the other end of the continuum are habits that don’t serve and can lead to serious illness or even death: Issues with Alcohol, nicotine, drugs (including prescriptions) and food. In between there are problem habits that don’t kill directly — like working too much, gambling, gossiping, negative self-talk – but do cause great unhappiness. Among these, helping is more problematic than you might imagine. 8

Aren’t we Supposed to Help Out?

As a woman, you have been socialized to be helpful. But it turns out that it’s not always possible to know if what you’re doing is really helpful, and for whom, least of all yourself. How can you know? Motive is the key. In How Can I Help, Ram Das and Paul Gorman write, “Catering to our own needs and expectations, we may be less likely to hear what others feel they really need.” They recommend being alert to your own agenda. “The more you see yourself as a ‘helper,’ the more need for people to play the passive ‘helped.’ You’re buying into, even juicing up, precisely what people who are suffering want to be rid of: limitation, dependency, helplessness, separateness.” In other words, not really helping. Feeling resentment is another sign that you’ve probably over-extended. If you notice that you want a response, or if afterwards you feel a twinge or tightness, you may be feeling the resentment that comes from unmet expectations.

What to do Before you Help

None of us is immune to helping that is motivated by filling our own need. “In real life,” Dr. Ravi says. “I have been both the recipient and perpetrator of that problem.” His words are humbling, and I think of times when I offered to help based on what I thought was needed. I learned to ask simple questions before jumping in: “Is there something you want from me around this?” Maybe the person needs a shoulder to cry on, or wants to brainstorm. What if your friend just wants to complain or needs you to fix the situation? Wouldn’t it be good to know that? If you ask first, then you can decide whether you can or want to help. When helping comes without conditions, without the need to serve something in yourself, without seeking praise, you won’t suffer from resentment, irritation, frustration or anger — and it’s more likely you’ll be really helpful.

Contact Michael Anne at

“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Yo ur Bold! ”

Clear Out the Old


Make Room for the New

B y C hristine Catoggio Ask a woman what are her three biggest challenges on a daily basis, and chances are she will answer that she is overwhelmed, trying to juggle too many things, and feels like everything is always in chaos. Chances are, if that sounds a little too familiar, you are probably overrun with CLUTTER! Quite often we think of clutter as dishes in the sink, piles of newspapers and magazines, clothes strewn everywhere and a general state of messiness and disorganization. But, clutter isn't just the obvious, visual, physical environment. A chaotic, busy life, or a major life transition, can create different kinds of clutter. Emotional and mental clutter can have even more of a chaotic effect. Clutter affects every area of our life. Physical clutter is the outward representation of all the other areas. It is a reflection of our inner world and represents the things that we may be avoiding.

So, what exactly is clutter?

Clutter is anything that is blocking our flow. It is stagnant energy. Clutter drains our energy and keeps us in overwhelm, stress and unable to focus on any one thing.

Some examples of emotional clutter are: •

• •

A chaotic lifestyle -- always running from one event to another, but never totally present at any one place.

Unfinished projects -- making to-do lists, but never actually completing anything on the lists.

Unresolved pains from the past -- feeling anxious or guilty about past experiences that have not been put to rest.

Technology has greatly contributed to mental clutter. • • •

Most of us experience constant overstimulation -- always attached to some type of technology, in a constant state of attachment to cell phones, tablets and computers.

Always distracted by the next thing to do or place to be. Never truly being in the present moment.

Multi-tasking -- Always feeling that we need to do more in less time, and, a constant angst that things cannot get done if we don't do them.

Physical clutter isn't always about the obvious. Physical clutter can also be holding on to things long after their expiration date. This can be relationships as well as, "STUFF!” It also includes the meaning that we attach to things. Not letting go of things because of the memories attached to them will overfill our drawers and spaces if we allow them to. If our home is a metaphor for our life, then our clutter speaks volumes. When we connect meaning to our clutter, a lot of things surface. Most often, we are trying to hold on to a part of our life that has long since been gone. Not being able to release the past is unhealthy and unproductive. It keeps us from moving forward in a positive way. It also holds us to stagnant energy, therefore, not allowing room for a new and fresh perspective to come in.

So, how do we begin to remove the clutter that is affecting our life?

The first step is removing what no longer serves us or has a purpose in our life. This can be as simple as starting with the clothes in our closet that no longer fit. Holding on to clothes that we may fit into again, or "just in case" sizes, sets us up for disappointment. Making room for new, properly fitting clothes, is a much healthier approach to our body image. Ridding ourselves of things that are attached to painful people and experiences in our life gives us the opportunity to replace them with new, positive experiences. Sometimes, the baby needs to go out with the bathwater and, the people attached to those negative experiences also need purging. If it's not working towards good in your life, it needs the boot. The purging process allows room for the new. Secondly, practice self-care. This is one of the only ways to remove oneself from the emotional clutter. Learning to take the time to heal our hurts and care for us is a big step. It means setting aside others' needs and putting our own needs first. This is a muscle that needs to be trained, but starting off small and learning to say "no" is a good beginning. It is difficult when you are used to taking everything on yourself, to be able to ask for help, but, it is a stepping-stone to de-cluttering our life. Taking time to decompress and disconnect from technology and the stresses of always needing to be connected, is healthy. Taking time to enjoy life, friends and family is invaluable to our overall physical, emotional and mental health. Lastly, creating a healthy lifestyle. Eliminating the food and bad habits that we typically resort to during stressful times, is a way of de-cluttering. Bringing in the foods and exercise that relieves angst and makes us feel better about ourselves, will trickle down to every other area of our life. When we feel better, everything around us looks better and feels better too. Put a plan in place. Have a routine for your life. Keep your life and schedule in order. As you start to de-clutter and make more room and time in your life, you will feel more at peace. You will be able to enjoy your life and surroundings, and then, and only then, will you be able to live your best life!

Contact Christine at

“ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”


The Change

. . . e r A u o Y By Den ise Joy Th ompson The holidays and New Year provide us with a time for reflection, goodbyes, hellos and new beginnings. Not everyone will celebrate this time with a positive perspective. With a year behind us, we may not have experienced events which were happy, fulfilling or empowering. The past year for some may have included the loss of a job, loved one, a relationship or a significant transition. Every day is an opportunity to choose how we will respond and move forward from everything we experience. As we move forward to a New Year, it is helpful for us to remember the power we have in our life. We can create positive change, we can enjoy the moment, and we can make a change in our attitude with a single, simple thought. We can move forward and past whatever we are “allowing” to hold us back. We have everything needed inside of us to make the end of this year, the holidays, and the New Year be positive, empowering, encouraging, motivational and inspirational. It is within the power of our hearts and our minds to do so. The mind is the most miraculous organ within us. Our mind, through our thoughts, can regenerate, create “pathways” which increases our ability to see, feel and experience the positive. We can deliberately and consciously increase our endorphins, the feel-good hormones, which results in increased happiness and satisfaction. An increase in these hormones, including serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and oxytocin are proven to be essential to feelings of satisfaction, fulfillment, and happiness. (Ladies, oxytocin is the natural love drug… hugging, kissing, sex is a great way to increase this natural drug!) Take a moment, observe and analyze your pattern of thinking. What do you notice; do you have a habit of seeing the negative, 10

pessimistic aspects of situations? If so, do you stay there? As soon as you realize you are creating negative thoughts, do you consciously change your perspective to seeing something positive, accepting that you are not to blame, moving past what is not what you want and creating change? There is a quote by Gandhi, “Be the Change You Want to See in The World.” We can start changing the world by changing ourselves, one day at a time. I wish for you to take an authentic and honest look at yourself, your situation, what you want in life during this holiday season. There are many religious and spiritual connotations to this time of year and the birth of a new year. This is a natural time for all of us to decide on change. Real change, not the same resolutions we make every year and seem not to follow through on. Real change is possible when we are authentic, genuine and honest with ourself. Take off the mask, peel away the veil of doubt, insecurity and uncertainty. This is the year for you!! This is the year of the Unleashed Your Bold, Empowered Woman!!!! How do we do this? We do this by stepping up and stepping out. We say YES to opportunities. We do not let the past control us, we do not let indecision and hesitation get in the way of us becoming who we can be. We become known to ourselves and others. We allow our light to shine so brightly, others are drawn to our flame, others ask to be with us, work with us, and learn from us. We live full out, live our potential, and share all of our gifts and talents!! You are not alone, many women are on this journey, and have accepted the empowerment and encouragement from those around them. continued on page 17 . . .

“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Yo ur Bold! ”

Your 2015

Year End Financial

✓To Do List

By Sh aron Case I cannot believe the end of 2015 is approaching. Now is a good time to think about year-end activities you can do to get your financial house in order for 2016.

Review Your Health Insurance Options

Many insurance companies across the nation, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, are updating their plans for 2016. Those enrolled in these plans have an opportunity to shop for new plans between November 1, 2015 through January 31, 2016. Some 2015 plans are being discontinued. If you choose a new plan on or before December 31, 2015, your new plan will start January 1, 2016.

Practice Tax Loss Harvesting

You can potentially sell investments which have lost value by the end of the year to total at least $3000 in capital losses. In fact, some investors can use this tactic to offset all their capital gains for a given tax year. Losses that exceed the $3000 yearly limit can be rolled over in future tax years to offset capital gains again. Discuss this strategy with your tax professional to see if it makes sense.

Can you Contribute the Maximum to your IRA?

The maximum contribution in 2015 for a Roth IRA or a Traditional IRA is $5500 if you are age 49 or younger and $6500 if you are age 50 or older. The sooner you contribute to your IRA, the sooner the money invested has a chance to grow. Talk to your tax professional for details about the ability for you to deduct contributions to a Traditional IRA if you are participating in retirement benefits at your job (i.e. a 401K). There are also income limits for contribution to a Roth IRA. Talk to your tax professional before the end of the year to get specifics on how much you can contribute.

Open a Health Savings Account (HSA)

If you are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan, you may set up and fund an HSA. You can make fully tax deductible contributions of $3350 (single) or $6650 (married couples) on an annual basis. Catch up contributions of $1000 are permitted for those 55 or older who are not yet enrolled in Medicare. Moreover, HSA assets grow tax free and withdrawals from these accounts are tax free if used to pay for qualified health care expenses.

Make a charitable gift before December 31st, 2015

You can claim a deduction on your 2015 return, provided you itemize your 2015 deductions on Schedule A. If you give cash, you need to document it. Even small contributions need to be confirmed by a bank record, payroll deduction, credit card statement or written communication from the charity with the date and amount donated. You can gift appreciated securities if you have owned them for over a year. You can deduct 100% of the fair market value of donated securities and avoid the capital gains tax that would have resulted from selling them and donating the proceeds. Lastly, make sure to review your Financial Plan with your Financial Advisor. Check to make sure your goals have not changed and that your plan is still consistent with your goals. Review your budget and make necessary modifications as well. Planning ahead and addressing some of these ideas will pay off at tax time and throughout 2016! Sharon L Case owns and operates Case Wealth Management and Financial Services For questions email Sharon at Investment advisory services offered through Advisory Alpha LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Case Wealth Management and Financial Services Ltd is independent of Advisory Alpha LLC.

“ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”


F E AT U R E D E X P E R T S SHARON CASE is a licensed, independent Financial Consultant and a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. As a Financial Consultant, she works with women to help them set financial goals that establish peace of mind and clarity. As a CDFA, Sharon works with women in all stages of the divorce process, helping them deal with financial issues they may never have dealt with before. Sharon is also a public speaker on a variety of financial topics. Sharon lives in the Chicago area and has two children, Kelly who is 30 years old and Bryan who is 27 years old. Her other passions include traveling, reading, and wine! For access to financial worksheets and resources, email Sharon at CHRISTINE CATOGGIO is a Life Transition Strategist, Women’s Empowerment Coach, Inspirational Speaker, and Best Selling Author. She is passionate about helping women understand and

navigate the many challenges of life’s transitions. Christine

inspires and empowers

women in all stages of their

lives to thrive, not just survive, through their own personal

transitions. Christine is the founder of Successful Life

Transitions and the Women of R.I.S.E Community. She

holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Barry University

and is a member of Women Speakers Association, Soroptimist International, the Holistic Chamber of Fort Lauderdale, and

the Board of Scleroderma South Florida.

For more information or to book Christine to speak at your

organization visit, or phone 561-929-1195.

MICHAEL ANNE CONLEY, M.A., LMFT, is a private consultant supporting women who are ready to start choosing them- selves first and loving themselves for doing that. Michael Anne has a 30-year track record of bringing clients to a place of empowerment in the world of addiction recovery. Today, her system makes this transformation possible for anyone in everyday life. She is a motivational speaker, leader of personal development classes and workshops, and author of the ebook, Do YOU HAVE a habit ~ or does your habit HAVE YOU? In addition to consulting, Michael Anne is the Founder and Director of Stillpoint integrative health center in Lafayette, California. Michael Anne says, “I am passionate about helping women step into their value, awaken to their beauty and to themselves because I believe that when women become change agents in their own lives, they transform the world.” Contact Michael Anne at

DENISE JOY THOMPSON, LISW, ELI-MP is a #1 International Best Selling author, a life coach, military member, Passion Test Facilitator, therapist and transformational speaker. Denise has over 25 years experience as a therapist, speaker, and instructor. She also has 24 years of military experience specializing in trauma and sexual assault support and treatment, including deployments to Iraq and Kuwait, and was recently chosen for promotion to Colonel in the AF Reserves. Denise, through her company The Coach Alliance, offers individual, group, organizational and corporate coaching in life and wellness. She also created a Life Coach Certification program through The Coach Alliance Academy. As the founder/owner of Crisis Re- sponse Consulting, Denise provides crisis and disaster response intervention, management and training to first respond- ers, local, state, and federal agencies and is a faculty member of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation and ofResiliencySciencesInternational,LLC. Denise can be reached at

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“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H You r Bo ld !”

MICHELLE DEAN has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. She has been an entrepreneur since 1990. Michelle has always been a planner and began making financial plans and goals for herself when she opened her own savings account when she was 13 years old! Going into the insurance business in 2006 was a natural progression for her. She stepped out again to run her own business with New York Life in 2012 and once again enjoys being a Fempreneur. With New York Life, Michelle specializes in helping fellow Fempreneurs (Female Entrepreneurs) with simple financialsolutions by sharing tools and guidance to help them feel confident and secure about their financial health. She is also the founder of WHOW (Women Helping Other Women) You can find Michelle at or CINDY NUNNERY is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, AADP. She is also an author and speaker. Cindy studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and was taught by Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. David Katz, Dr Walter Willett, and Dr. Geneen Roth, among others. Cindy strives to make her coaching and programs simple and effective so that you can seamlessly incorporate them into your busy life. She works with clients to help them make lifestyle changes (not just dietary or exercise changes) that produce real and lasting results. Cindy can be reached at

LISA STEADMAN Lisa Steadman is a relationship expert, bestselling author, writer /producer, media personality, and highly sought after voice for women who are redefining what Having It All looks like. From her best selling books including her runaway hit It’s A Breakup, Not A Breakdown to her hilarious and heartfelt blog/Twitter following chronicling her Confessions Of An Imposter Mom, audiences rave about Lisa’s refreshingly real world take on the ages + relationship stages women find themselves in (single, dating, mating, marriage, motherhood, divorce, starting over) – and how to navigate each with humility and humor. Lisa’s innate talents as a writer, producer, and host make her an in-demand talent in the entertainment industry, on stages and screens around the world, and online.

Go to my facebook page for a 30 day Dream Plus Do Adventure?

BELINDA PHILLIPS is a certified ThetaHealing® practioner and instructor and has received certifications in Spiritual Response Therapy, Spiritual Restructuring, Psych K, Reconnective Healing, and Pranic Healing. She is the proud mother of two amazing daughters, Alyssa age 23 and Marlee age 21. Belinda left her career as a lawyer when she was 55 to do what she feels is more aligned with her true purpose in life. She found this true calling while on a journey to help her daughter Marlee who had significant medical problems and special needs. Taking a practical approach to spiritual energy healing, Belinda empowers people to create rich and fulfilling lives, free of unnecessary obstacles and challenges. Visit and register for your FREE gift and set up your Get to the Root Breakthrough Session now.

“ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”


continued from page 4 . . .

4 Steps To Turn Your Dreams Into DO

So Your


Can Come True

When I claimed my dream I want to write a book about breakups, I knew how my book would be distinct from others. At the time, most of the books in the Self Help section – specifically the Love & Relationships section within Self Help – were written by therapists, doctors, and other authorities with plenty of credentials behind their name. Not only could I not compete, I didn’t want to! While those books were more scholarly, steeped in theory, and serious in tone, I wanted my breakup book to be positive, life affirming, and focused on how a breakup isn’t so much a breakdown, but a breakthrough (Hence the title of my first book It’s A Breakup, Not A Breakdown.) In cultivating a street smart, tell it to you like your best girlfriend voice, my brand, voice, and energy vibed with MY tribe - women who wanted a fun, fabulous approach to letting go and moving on. And that’s how I started building a loyal following, not to mention a reputation as America’s Leading Breakup Expert. (This is where my background in branding comes in handy. To this day, whenever I meet with producers, development executives, and networks, I never sweat the fact that I’m NOT The Millionaire Matchmaker. I’ve cultivated a brand and voice that’s unique and distinct to me.)

Honor your Value

The biggest stumbling block in your path to turning your Dream into Do so your Dreams can come True? YOU. More specifically, believing in yourself consistently – even on the days when you want to throw in the towel – so that you put one foot in front of the other, day after day, week after week, and year after year. continued from page 4 . . .

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“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Yo ur Bold! ”

continued from page 4 . . . This is where having a Woohoo Crew comes in handy. Yes. You read that right. A Woohoo Crew, a.k.a. your inner circle of friends and supporters who will cheer you on and hold you accountable on the days when you’d rather throw the covers over yourself and hide in bed. If the people you’re currently closest to more likely resemble a Boohoo Crew, a.k.a. partners in mediocrity, it’s time to expand your circle. Join a networking or mastermind group. Hire a coach. Uplevel your circle of influence. The more you spend time with quality people, the more you’ll attract MORE quality into your life. And the sooner you value yourself and your dreams? The sooner you’ll turn your dreams into do so your dreams can come true. While you may be dreaming of overnight success, the real path to success takes time. And this is where so many people give up too soon. You know those actors and actresses people refer to as An Overnight Sensation? The truth is, those individuals have been honing their craft for years. Putting in their ten thousand hours Malcolm Gladwell talks about in his book Outliers.

Step 4: Be willing to be highly Visible

When I first embarked on my Dream Plus Do journey, I had no idea the amount of spiritual stretching, belief busting, and personal development I’d be required to go through. Thank God! I might not have thought it would be worth it. And yet, now I know it is. 11 years ago, I was a shy writer who was far more comfortable behind my computer than in front of the camera. Today, I’m a different woman. I’ve been on television around the world over a dozen times, had the privilege and pleasure of speaking on stages in front of thousands of people, and relish the opportunity to connect with people online every day. If you have a dream you want to come true, it’s time to become highly visible. It is time to step onto the world stage and be seen, heard, celebrated, and even criticized for your beliefs. Daunting? Sure. Rewarding? Absolutely! The truth is, YOU are the best ambassador for your dreams. Which means there’s a place in the spotlight reserved for YOU. Are you ready to take center stage?

Contact Lisa at

“ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”


continued from page 7 . . .

Can We Use the PLACEBO EFFECT to Our Advantage?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of “The Placebo Effect”, contends that we have the power to change our lives by utilizing mental rehearsal or guided meditative practices on a consistent basis. Setting a clear intention along with an elevated emotion in a meditative state (a theta brain wave state) on a consistent basis can create new neural networks, new feelings, along with biological and chemical changes in our body according to Dr. Dispenza. His position is not novel and this is a topic of conversation and study in the medical world as well as the spiritual world. An article in Scientific American, “Changing Our DNA through Meditation”, addressed several studies that suggested this is possible. In their book, “Super Brain”, Deepak Chopra, founder of the Chopra Center, and Rudolph Tanzi, Ph.D. professor of neurology at Harvard University Medical School, state that the wiring of your brain is ever-changing, depending on your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and habits. They argue that each day brings new evidence that the mind-body connection reaches right down to the activities of our genes, giving us the ability to influence our fate. No longer are we victims of circumstance. We have the power within ourselves to heal and to experience the lives we have always dreamed of.

Are you ready to take control over your own destiny?

I love to share so if you are interested in learning more, feel free to contact me at


“ Yo u ’ re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Yo ur Bold! ”

The Change

continued from page 11 . . .

. . . e r A u o Y

To help you begin the Best of The Rest of Your Life!! I encourage you to begin today. Here a several ideas to help you on your path:

1. Love Your Self.

Eve Ensler, creator of The Vagina Monologue, has a great message for women to accept their bodies. Our bodies are amazing and actually the more we love them, accept them and think positively about them, the healthier our bodies become. Our thoughts can create healthiness.

2. Accept Your Gifts and Talents and SHARE THEM!!

What are you good at? Whatever it is, someone needs it. As I am growing my business, I am working with women (and some men ☺) who create graphics, provide administrative services, are musicians, publishers, editors, and TV show producers…. I cannot do everything to build my own business. I need the gifts and talents of other people to help create who I am.

3. Create positive thoughts every day!!

4. Say YES to opportunities.

You do not have to know the entire “how” before saying Yes. The how will come in time. If we wait until we are ready, then life will pass us by. Say Yes and move forward, do not doubt what you can create, go forth and build your dreams. Dreams are not built by saying “no”. Dreams are not achieved by “can’t”. Dreams are achieved by, “I AM, I CAN, I DO.” Have a blessed holiday season, embrace all you are as a person, share all of your gifts and talents, live full out. You are in charge of the change you want, you can live the best YOU now and in the future. Welcome 2016 with positive anticipation, excitement, and inspiration. 2016 is your year of TRANSFORMATION!! Denise can be reached at

Be positive through meditation and mindfulness. Wake up and greet the morning with gratitude and thankfulness for another day. I also recommend every night being grateful and thankful for the day just lived.

VIRTUAL EVENT DECEMBER 1-7 “ You’re N E V E R Too O ld To U N L E A S H Your Bold!”


“Interested in more ways to UNLEASH Your Bold!” “You’re NEVER Too Old To UNLEASH Your Bold”

Connect via your favorite platform and plug into a BOLD Community of Women whose purpose is to live, share and UNLEASH their areas of expertise. Radio Show Host, Publisher, TV Co-host, Author, Speaker and Transformational Coach

UNLEASHED Magazine exists to intentionally reawaken women to sparkle, eliminate obstacles, and create momentum toward abundance in their lives. Catering to women 50 and above, UNLEASHED provides a community for women who are seeking to rediscover the dreams deep within their hearts, by encouraging women to sparkle, inspiring them to overcome obstacles, and connecting them to resources that can help them realize the abundance that is their birthright.

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