Beng Volley - Brochure

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2010/2011 BENG Volley making its debut in the sports world has obtained immediately results of highest level. The first season in the national championship of series B2, BENG has won play-offs after finishing third place overall at the end of the regular season the result of 21 wins out of 26 matches played, only four points by direct promotion in series B1. Another historic result is access to "Final Four" of the Italian Cup.

2011/2012 Second season BENG was full of triumphs with 35 wins from 38 games played, which have allowed it to win the Serie B2 with three days in advance, winning a historic promotion to Serie B1, already in its second season of operation. BENG closed out the season with 23 victories, including 18 in a row, out of 26 games played, unbeaten at home, with the best quotient sets and the best ratio of points. The other important result obtained was the victory of the Italian Cup.

2012/2013 The third season of BENG in series B1 has brought for the first time in Rovigo, players directly from the series A1 that have inflamed the public the indoor stadium of Rovigo. For the second year is elected as society organizer and host of the Final Four of the Italian Cup gaining a hard-fought second place in the point to point Tie Break.

BENG Volley On first July 2010, thanks to sponsorship of Bellelli Engineering S.p.A. and enthusiasm taking on a group of people who have felt able to propose and develop a very important project, creating one’s best ambitious sports projects in recent history the Province of Rovigo:

BENG Volley. This project is based on belief that they can achieve results never before achieved through collaboration between sports clubs, because: "Unity is Power.”

2013/2014 The fourth season sees Beng Volley in Master Group Sport Cup Volleyball - Serie A2 Female. Conquest immediately important exciting victories against major teams finishing in the top of the rankings. Currently the team has won the play-off for qualification in A1 and is competing in the match tiebreak.





Idea of the Project BENG Volley is a real proposal, including cultural , who wants to achieve ambitious results by promoting collaboration in coordinating the activities of other local sports clubs in a synergistic way. By keeping the organization and the autonomy of the club you want to target a part of the effort in order to obtain the greatest satisfaction sport and to reduce the economic efforts.

BENG as Firm The club BENG Volley, after positive seasons and full of satisfaction, continues to work for the future. Strengthened the corporate organization, we introduce new members each year in the technical and organizational sector. The purpose is to enhance the value of the best companies setting given to the club, with well-defined roles and tasks, in order to ensure optimization of resources, both human that economic stability and a lasting impression.

BENG Volley, therefore, represents the maximum expression of the collaboration between different members of the same context. For the first time, the province of Rovigo has the opportunity to make a major sporting project: unique and special.

Sport Project The first team of series A2 BENG Volley represent the apex of a pyramid of teams organized network. The ideal path of a young athlete can begin within youth structures, starting from Mini-volley, on up through the various teams Under, coming to the D series, until the eventual landing in A2, reaching the maximum value in a team high-level sports.

The philosophy is to maximize the value of people, proving to be a reality who wants to grow together and to promote the national level through the province of Rovigo sports scores achieved by BENG Volley. President of BENG Volley is the engineer Antonio Monesi, Sales Manager of Bellelli Engineering S.p.A.; Vice-President is Valeria Rizzi, Managing Director of Bellelli Engineering S.p.A. Furthermore C.D.A. are compose of Fabio Volpe, ex vice-president of FIPAV, and Nicola Settini.





Short-Term Goal Beng Volley wants to establish itself in the national women's volleyball. The clear objective of the club is to achieve, in the shortest time, play offs for promotion to the first division in A1. This is clear that the goal can be reached in a few years. The women's championship of A1 represents the ideal goal for every player who wants to reach the professional level.

Medium-Term Goal Within 3-5 years to become a top team of A1 series with clear lens for the first team to qualify for the Champion Leagues, the Championship of excellence. But not only that, the target also sees the expansion plan of the club both in terms of technical/sporting organization. The project aims to achieve and reach a base of athletes who militate in most of the categories at national level.

Long-Term Goal BENG was born to stay long in the reality of high-level volleyball world also want to be as an example to follow by other clubs. The idea to be implemented is to build, through a major partner, an indoor stadium and run entirely independently from Beng for the entire planet that has developed through the achievement of the other objectives .





Economic Sustainability

Reduction of cost

Availability of resources

• Support from a manufacturer of apparel and sporting goods.

• Through sponsorship by leading companies in the area;

• Abatement costs through sharing of expenses for technical, transportation, technical equipment, etc.. • Investing in BENG Volley doesn’t mean giving the usual contribution sporty, but the means to bind its image to a young, fresh, dynamic, healthy and free from ideas of conditioning of the past. • Means promoting the future by supporting the younger generation through the values only sport can give.

• Sponsorship by companies or organizations with interests in national area; • Organization of cultural and sports events; • Merchandise sales; • Issuance of cards "BENG Card”.

• Lets have the opportunity to use a very powerful communication channel that allows to intercept a target broad and diverse relying on a simple and direct language.





Opportunity for Partners

Become a partner of BENG Volley means to have the opportunity to promote their image with the general public and extremely competitive costs compared to any other form of promotion.

Target The Volleyball is followed by from public young or young-minded, to young families see the game as an opportunity of social life. It should be remained that volleyball is the most popular sport, after football, and the most practiced by women ever. The age range covered by the public of volleyball is the one that goes from 6 to 70 years old. This is the social range most dynamic and incline to spending; and, this is the ideal target for each type of company to promote his brand. To improve and increase participation in sporting events, BENG Volley, intends to

organize, before and during home games, some party, events and situations conducive to socializing among the public; as well, to ensure the best results in terms of visibility for the company and the sponsor/partner. The aim is to transform the sporting event in the cultural and social event.

Sporting events and contacts Based on the experience of past season we can quantify an average of about 500 people with a peak of more than 650 spectators for each single match; to which must be added the 2,000 spectators at the Final Four of the Italian Cup. This quantity is very important for a club that recently appeared as BENG Volley, and are bound to increase further given the interest shown by the territory for the high-level volleyball. The season is based on 12





Comunication Project BENG Volley intends to promote the project and its supporters through a real communication project. The project communication is the most simple and effective way we can think today in the national sports panorama. Website dedicated to BENG Volley: with management full of spaces, pages, news, appointments, photographs, videos. The site numbers are important : over 50,000 unique visitors and approximately 135,000 pages visited . Newsletters, press releases and mailing lists. Through recording will be possible stay up to date receiving the newsletter weekly, issued in preparation and description of the game coming. Social Network with a Twitter and Facebook profile "Beng Rovigo Volley ", which records more than 4,500 following, constantly increasing, and is one of the main generators of traffic for your site and direct communication with supporters. Youtube channel dedicated the BENG Volley, where they are loaded all the videos inherent in the life of society : from the events, video interviews , through press conferences, messages of social utility and video summary of games played. Presence in the media such as TV on Rai Sport 1, Radio and newspapers with spaces dedicated at BENG Volley with weekly programming and links to Delta Radio in matches and important news about the the team. Anything of communication is left uncovered.

Date Range last 30 days: Page Loads 214.590 Unique Visits 89.432 First Time 60.691 Returning Visits 28.741  





Sponsorship and Advertisement

The collaboration ’s proposal for allows partners to use a very unique opportunity and Beng Volley can offer various possibilities of visibility and publicity of the brand:

• Company logo on Official Jersey and/or on Representative Clothing; • Company Logo on Video Spot on Border and/or on Taraflex; • Exhibition of Advertising on Billboards at the indoor Palasport; • Visibility of the company logo on the website of Beng Volley and/or on printed materials pre-game; • Availability of cooperation from the athletes for projects of communication and advertising business. WWW.BENGROVIGO.IT





The PalaSport is the place where made all volley competitions of BENG and offers maximum visibility at every sponsor. It was decided that for the season 2013/2014 the playing surface will be changed using the Taraflex. This new surface allows our players the best gaming experience and also enables partners to expose company logo on a sticker applied directly to the ground. The project of BENG Volley allow in the long term the construction, with an important partner, a new indoor stadium in the city, directly managed by Beng Volley. This ambitious project can give to the Volley team, the public and all the citizens of a advanced structure and




inserting in the built all the comforts for transform


afternoons game in real event days.  





Young people are the future, especially in the sports world. For this reason, BENG Volley is making significant investments to consolidate a large pool of young athletes. To achieve this goal BENG decided to organize its organization starting right from the youth athletes aspiring to cover all categories of play in volleyball . It 'just the Project School “Mini Big Beng .. Go off the desire of Volley at School!� that BENG Volley decided to start the new season. The positive experience of last year, which has reached more than 11 school in Rovigo and the surrounding municipalities and approximately 2,000 pupils (aged 6 to 12 years in primary schools). The intent of BENG Rovigo is to act actively in the promotion and development of volleyball in particular among youth, for this reason it was decided to register their athletes to the participation in the championships: Under 14, Under 16, Under 18, Third Division and the First Division. Another new feature will be the BENG Series D team that will compete in the regional championship, organized in Group D series Veneto south-east, will be the real stepping stone to the A2. Trained by a highly experienced technical and athletes young and motivated will be managed in collaboration with the technical staff of the first team, so as to provide an important preparation to the athletes that want to grow , compare and improve.

All the activities carried out by BENG Volley in the different categories and in different leagues are started in September 2013 and will end in May 2014 , involved seeing only within our projects 100 athletes in gyms and sports halls.






BENG ROVIGO S.S.D.A.R.L. via della Cooperazione, 37 45100 -­‐ ROVIGO


PH. +39 0425 595074 FAX. +39 0425 590372 E-­‐MAIL



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