Bellfield College Junior School Excursion Permission Note
Assalamu Alaykum Dear parents/ carers The following excursion has been planned for students at Bellfield College Junior School: Name of excursion
Years 3 - 6 Cross Country
The Cross Country is an optional event for all students in Years 3 - 6. Students who choose to participate will be withdrawn from their usual learning to complete a 2 km run. Students will need to catch up on their learning in their own time.
Ribbons will be awarded to the first 4 winners of each race and age champions will be awarded a trophy at our annual Junior School presentation day. Wednesday 16th June
Educational outcome
Sports Cocurricular
Venue details
Bellfield College – 2 km run will take place on school grounds
Time of event
8.30am – 11.20am
No cost required
Teacher in charge
Miss Mchawrab
Teacher Supervision
Bellfield College Junior teachers
What to wear?
Sports uniform, hat and comfortable shoes
What to bring?
Water bottle
Permission note due
Monday 14th June
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parent/ carer permission note I hereby consent to ________________________________ participating in the Cross Country event held at (Student’s name) Bellfield College on Wednesday 16th June. I understand that the Cross Country will be held during my child’s learning time. Special needs of my child which you should be aware (e.g.: medication, allergies etc). Please provide as much detail as possible. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________ Signature of Parent or Guardian
Contact Number