Learning in Year One All teachers follow NESA syllabus to develop creative and extensive teaching programs for each Key Learning Area. Here is an overview of the content covered in Year One this term. For further information you can access the syllabus on the NESA website. https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k-10/years/stage-1
Term Two 2021
InitiaLit: oa, ow, ee, ea, y, igh, ue, ew Handwriting – correct pencil grip, letter formation, size and shape Guided reading groups – reading and exploring decodable texts Informative texts – writing procedures Grammar: verbs, homophones, sentence punctuation Speaking and Listening - News
Partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones Count on and count back to solve addition and subtraction Count by twos, fives and tens Share objects to make equal groups Continue forward and backwards number patterns Measure and compare area of everyday objects Describe and name 3D objects Horizontal, vertical and parallel lines
Technology Through Time
Science & Technology
What to Dough (exploring and mixing materials)
Benefits and reasons for fasting, the moral character of Prophet Mohammad and the basics of the daily prayer.
Visual Arts
Music Personal Development Physical Education
Read grouped letters and simple words containing the target letters with fatha. surat At-takathur and Al Qraari Beat Around the Bush
Where the Forest Meets the Sea
What influences me to make positive decisions? Exploring Cultures Through Movement Rotation Games and Sports
Students in K-2 wear their sports uniform to school on Tuesday and Thursday.