Learning in Year Five All teachers follow NESA syllabus to develop creative and extensive teaching programs for each Key Learning Area. Here is an overview of the content covered in Year Five this term. For further information you can access the syllabus on the NESA website. https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k-10/years/stage-3
Term Two 2021
Explore the Natural Environment through literature Compose narratives with more complexity Spelling Mastery Program Develop cursive handwriting and typing skills Grammar: First and third person, irony, idioms, verb tense, apostrophes
Convert fractions to decimals Convert improper fractions to a mixed numeral Add and Subtract fractions with different denominators Measure mass using scales and record using decimal notation Describe 2D shapes and determine their diagonals Identify and name parts of a circle Explore rotational symmetry and tessellations
Science & Technology
The Science of Sport
Junior Rangers at School: Local Places, Local People
Showing gratefulness towards Allah for all the blessings, journeying towards God, God’s name al-Musawwir, Creation
Recognise, pronounce and write words with hamzat al- wasl, lam Shamsiyah and Qamariyah, letters with long and short vowels. In Quran students are learning surat Abasah.
Visual Arts Music Personal Development
Botanical Art Unearthed (Modern Aboriginal Music) How Does Technology Impact our Health Safety and Wellbeing?
Forces in Sport (kickball)
Stage 3 Games and Sport rotations
Students in 3-6 wear their sports uniform to school on Wednesday and Friday.