Week 7 l June 2021
SENIOR SCHOOL WEEKLY Year 8 Elevate Study Skills Session Monday 31st May Staff Development Day – Friday 25th June 2021 Students last day of Term 2 will be Thursday 24th June 2021
Year 9 and Year 10 Inquisitive Minds Maths Incursion Friday 11th June 2021
Stage 6 Subject Selection Day Monday 7th June 2021 at 9.00am Parents & Students Bellfield College Library
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Year 9 and Year 10 IST Year 9 and 10 IST students have been studying the topic Digital Media this term. Students have learnt about the 5 digital data types: text, audio, video, graphics and animation. Students have learnt about digital manipulation techniques using photoshop and pixlr to alter images. They also analysed the ethical issues associated with using and altering other people's images. Students are currently working on their assessment which involves creating a time-lapse movie showing the fast growth of a plant. They will be incorporating text, audio, graphics and animation in their movies. Kind regards, Mrs. Chebli
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NSW Plain English Speaking Award Regional semi-finals for the NSW Plain English-Speaking Award The NSW Plain English Award is supported by the Australian Britain Society and the NSW English Speaking Union. The competition is organised by the Arts Unit of the NSW department of Education and provides an invaluable opportunity for senior students to improve their confidence and develop their speech writing and public speaking skills. Last week, Kasim Farhat participated in the regional semi-finals for the NSW Plain English Speaking Award. Him and another 11 students from all over Sydney, performed a prepared speech and an impromptu at the Lewisham Arts Centre. The competition was very competitive and we are all proud of Kasim and his efforts towards this prestigious competition. We are all proud of Kasim and his efforts towards this competition. Mr. Mahdi Hussain Public Speaking Coordinator
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Arabic السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته حضرة االهالي الكرام، إليكم مختصر عما تعلمه تالميذ الصف السابع والثامن في األسابيع الماضية. تالميذ الصف السابع قاموا بدراسة المفردات المتعلقة بالمدرسة والتي تتمحور حول المستلزمات المدرسية التي يستعملونها في الصف باإلضافة الى دراسة بعض النصوص التي تحاكي الروتين اليومي للتلميذ في المدرسة .وبناء عليه سيتم تقييم الطالب في األسبوع العاشر بحيث سيخضعون المتحان يهدف الختبار المستوى الفردي لتحليل المعلومات المتلقية باللغة العربية وكتابتها باللغة االنكليزية .نأمل منكم مساعدة الطالب للتحضير وحثهم على الدراسة والمتابعة. تالميذ الصف الثامن قاموا بدراسة كيفية تحضير الوصفات الغذائية والتي سعينا من خاللها على تعليم الطالب المفردات المتعلقة بالفاكهة والخضار والمشروبات واللحوم .لقد تم تداول مختلف أنواع األطباق المتداولة والمعروفة التي تطبخ في المنازل والتي نهدف من خاللها الى تمكين التالميذ من فهم مختلف الثقافات العربية واألعجمية وتشجيعهم على التحدث عنها في الصف ولقد أبدى التالميذ افتخارهم بهويتهم وثقافتهم التي ينتمون إليها .سوف يتم اختبار التالميذ في األسبوع العاشر بحيث يتوجب عليهم تقديم وصفة طبق يومي وهذا يتضمن اسم الطبق ،المكونات وطريقة التحضير. لقد تم دمج عدة وسائل تعليمية لمساعدة التالميذ على فهم المواضيع منها البصرية ،السمعية والمكتوبة والتي نهدف منها الى تمكين التلميذ من فهم المفردات ثم دمجها لتكوين جملة مفيدة باإلضافة الى تطوير مهارات االستماع لدى الطالب. نرجو من حضرة األهالي الكرام تشجيع وحث الطالب على تقديم واجباتهم المدرسية في الوقت المحدد .نشكر تعاونكم ودمتم بتوفيق هللا. معلمة اللغة العربية، ميساء بلحص Page | 4
Sport @ Bellfield College PDHPE Cross Country Four athletically gifted Bellfield students participated in AICES Cross Country on Wednesday 2nd June. Positions were granted to these students that successfully placed 1st and 2nd in the ISD Cross Country Race. (ISD = Independent Schools District) Sarah Skandari, Seena Hazara, Ali Meslemani and Azaan Faitrouni gave it their all whilst competing against other regional finalists for a place at the state cross country. Sarah fought her way through a jam packed race of 70 other girls, to place as a finalist and contender in the NSW State Cross Country. An amazing effort and result! Bellfield College would like to congratulate all other students that represented our school in the Independent Schools District Competition and Association of Independent Coeducational Schools race.
High Jump Senior school students have been practising their track and field skills this term. As always, a number of them have impressed their peers and teachers with their ability to soar through the air, run at light speed and launch objects (shotput and javelin) to amazing lengths. High jump is our focus for Week 7 and we wish our year 9 students the very best for their practical assessment in Week 9.
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Helping girls to stand tall Helping girls manage conflict is complex. Unlike conflict between boys which is loud, boisterous, and over as quickly as it began, most conflict between girls lingers on, taking up unwanted mind space and harming their mental health. “She’s so mean to me. I hate her,” is the type of statement that many parents have heard their daughters utter. Girls handle conflict in one of three ways: like a shark (aggressively), a turtle (passively) or an owl (assertively). Let’s look at each style:
Shark (aggressive) A shark is intent on winning and coming out on top when there’s a problem. Shark behaviours include a raised voice, shouting, physical contact, threats, and name-calling. Sharks are effective at getting what they want but they can hurt people in the process.
Turtle (passive) A turtle pulls its head in and hides in its shell when conflict arises. When treated unfairly girls retreat into themselves, experiencing frustration, anxiety and even sadness. In extreme cases turtles become targets for less pleasant girls, who know they won’t retaliate.
Owl (assertive) An owl deals with conflict without avoiding the issues. Owls express their rights and needs in positive ways and do their utmost to resolve problems rather than try to gain a personal win. They use assertive communication strategies rather than aggression or passive acceptance.
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How to help Parents can help their daughters develop the skills and behaviours needed to effectively resolve conflict and manage difficult feelings. Sibling and parent-child disagreements are fruitful grounds for girls to learn how to better manage themselves and others during disputes. Here are three owllike conflict resolution strategies girls can use:
Teach I-statements Learning to use these statements empowers girls to take responsibility for communicating how they feel. I-statements help your daughter express her feelings appropriately without being aggressive or intimidating. The script for I-statements is: When you……………… I feel/felt………………because……………… I would like ……………… e.g. When you went to the movies with her, I felt angry because I was left out of the group. I would like you to let me know next time, instead of keeping it a secret and going behind my back.
Encourage strong body language A girl’s non-verbals including tone of voice, posture, eye contact and head positioning influences how much others take notice of her. A strong “This is what I want” verbal message delivered in a whiny, high-pitched voice or muttered with the head down indicates that a girl doesn’t intend to be taken seriously. The same statement issued with strong body language and a firm voice helps her be taken seriously by others. Her message is only as strong as the body language that supports it. The non-verbal communication techniques outlined in Spoonfed Generation, although written for parents are just as applicable for girls.
Speak with intent Girls of all ages have a tendency to pepper their conversations with qualifiers such as, “I think…”, “This may not be right, but…”,” This might sound crazy….”, “I know it is not my turn, but I was thinking that, like, …” and so on. Qualifiers dilute the power of a girl’s words, indicating uncertainty, lack of confidence and demonstrating a need for validation that undermines her authority. If your daughter continually speaks with qualifiers, respectfully make her aware of this propensity. “Darling, you don’t sound convincing. What exactly do you want?” Most of us resolve conflict in ways that we learned at home in our families. Help your daughter develop effective patterns she can use to resolve conflict amicably, respectfully, and effectively so she can stand tall and feel confident in her own skin. This is an edited extract from session 6 (Helping girls manage conflict) of the Parenting Girls online course, a course that gives parents the tools and understanding to raise girls at any age. Each of the 12 sessions contains some written resources, a video with an interview or short presentation, and an accompanying summary. Michael Gross Page | 7
FREE PARENT WEBINAR Build Your Teen's Study Routine 🎒 Still stuck on a Band 4 or 5 in your Maths results? Wondering how you can attain those extra marks to FINALLY push yourself into Band 6 territory??? Meet Art of Smart Alumni Blaze! Initially he struggled to push himself into the higher range marks for his HSC. However, by the time he graduated he had a Maths score of 97%. In this video, I talk to Blaze to find out: 1. What steps and processes he implemented to break the Band 6 wall 2. What separates the students who get good marks from those who get GREAT marks Watch the video here.
The Best of the Blog - HSC Mathematics The Top 3 HSC Maths Resources to Supercharge Your Learning Want to improve your performance in HSC Mathematics? Read up on our top 3 HSC maths resources to help yourself study and boost your rank!
25+ HSC Maths Past Paper Master List Trials around the corner and you haven't done much practice? Check out our Past Paper Master List!
How Much 2 Unit Study Should You Be Doing? Worried that you're not doing enough study for Advanced? Here are some tips to help you figure out the right amount of study for you!
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Most Common Mistakes in 3 Unit Maths and How to Avoid Them Many students make very common 3U Maths mistakes. Luckily, we're here to take you through them!
Free Parent Webinar: How to Get Your Child Into a Rock-Solid Study Routine From working with thousands of teens, I've found that there's one key difference between student's who succeed and those who fail... REGULAR STUDY For parents, it's hard to know the right way to get your kid to hit the books: “How do I make sure they're actually doing anything? What kind of study is going to get them the best results without adding too much pressure?” That's why in this free webinar next week on the 7th of June, I'm going to break down how to get your teen into a highly effective study routine! Want to learn more? Check out our webinar signup page here.
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Ready for something different? After 12 years at school, it’s no surprise some students are fed up with study. If you’re not sure what you want to do once school’s over, or if you’re just ready for a break then a Gap Year could be the answer. A Gap Year is the name we give a long break taken between high school (or university) and what comes next. It’s a great time to take time away from formal study or work because you’re generally not burdened with debt or family that will make taking time out difficult later in life.
You could travel, work, experience, or learn on a Gap Year If you’d like to travel, you can. Explore the world and visit 30 countries in 12 months. Immerse yourself in one culture and spend a year learning new languages and skills. Or anything in between. Some countries allow you to work while you travel, but there are usually limitations on what jobs you can do and the length of time you can do it for. If that’s what you’d like to do then do your research and find out what visa and other legal requirements there are. If you’d like to experience something out of the ordinary then volunteering is a great way to go. You’ll have the opportunity to travel, explore, learn and gain valuable life experience all in one handy package. • • • • • • • •
Backpack around Australia Volunteer in a remote community Learn a trade Work and save money Go on an artist residency Study languages Do an internship Play sport
Do I have to take my Gap Year between high school and uni? No – you can take it after Year 12, part way through uni, or at the end of uni. Alternatively, you could choose to work for a period and then take a Gap Year later in your career – if you’ve worked for the same company for over 10 years you can access 2 months of Long Service Leave, and many employers will allow you to take this at half-pay which you could choose to turn into a ‘Gap Year’ of sorts.
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REMINDER - Parent Teacher Interviews- Senior School Senior School Term 2 Parent Teacher Interviews Monday, 21st June - 4:15pm to 8:30pm Asalaamu Alaykum, Senior School Parent Teacher Interviews will be held at the end of each Term. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Parent teacher interview may be booked for Monday 21st June 2021 only Bookings open from Wednesday, 26th May 2021. (week 6) Subject teachers will discuss your child’s individual academic and social progress You will have the opportunity to view and discuss your child’s report Interviews are set for five-minute intervals (5 minutes per child) Interview times are booked as per previous years using your access key via the Parent Portal or by downloading the Sentral App. Check your parent email for your access key Parents may contact the administration office for support with bookings or to obtain access key information Teachers will call parents / carers who have registered their preferred time via the booking system only Academic reports will be uploaded to the Parent’s Portal on Sentral. This will be the only place to access the reports and they will not be emailed separately. A WhatsApp message will be sent to confirm they have been uploaded to the portal See attached instructions on downloading the Sentral App to secure a booking Access to register our Parent Portal here: https://bellfield.sentral.com.au/portal2/register You must use a valid email address to create your username Bookings will be made on line at https://bellfield.sentral.com.au/portal2/login using your access key or via the Sentral App. The parent portal will close Monday 21st June at 12.00pm All fees must be paid up to date for reports to be released
One parent/carer from each household is expected to participate in Parent teacher phone interviews as per the Parent Agreement and Enrolment Application. As with any parent teacher evenings we expect there may be delays, we thank you for your support and co-operation with staff members. Kind regards, Ms Mouina Ramadan - Head of Senior School
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Booking Parent Teacher Interviews
Please download the Sentral for Parents app from App Store or Google store. Enter the name of the college (Bellfield College) and Click ‘Next’.
To Login: Enter your username (email address) and the password that you have used for Sentral Parent Portal. Then click ‘Log In’.
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1. Click ‘Interviews’
2. Click ‘Select Timeslot’s
3. Select the times available for each teacher then click ‘Save Bookings’ at the bottom of the page.
Congratulations! You have now booked your times in for parent teacher interviews. A confirmation email will be sent to you providing the details of the interview.
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Parent Communication - Sentral Parent Portal Bellfield’s Student portal is a one-stop shop for everything. Students can access the portal using their school logon, which gives them access to their timetable, assessment marks, attendance history and reports from anywhere at any time. In addition, the parent portal provides parents with 24/7 access to their child’s data. Parents can log in to access their child’s reports, attendance and welfare details as well as updating family contact details. Furthermore, if you are a parent and want to see your child’s records, contact the college and you will be given an access code for the parent portal, which you will use to access your child’s data. You can access the portal here: https://bellfield.sentral.com.au/portal
Please download the Sentral for Parents app from App Store or Google store. Enter the name of the college (Bellfield College) and Click ‘Next’
Parent Communication - WhatsApp Save the college mobile number:
0430 842 666
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Senior Girls Winter Uniform (7-12) White long sleeve cotton shirt Long teal check winter skirt Teal wool blend knitted jumper Teal blazer Charcoal lycra tights Black hard leather hard sole school shoes
Senior Girls Sport Uniform (7-10) Long teal polo shirt with logo Striped cotton long polo pants (unisex) Long White Sport socks School hat Microfibre long jacket
Charcoal grey
Senior Boys Summer Uniform (7-12) White short sleeve cotton shirt Charcoal wool blend long pleated pants Grey school socks to cover the ankle Seniors - School tie Bellfield College logo bag Black hard leather hard sole school shoes
Senior Boys Winter Uniform (7-12) White long sleeve cotton shirt Charcoal wool blend long pleated pants Grey school socks to cover the ankle Teal wool blend knitted jumper Teal blazer Black hard leather hard sole school shoes
Senior Boys Sport Uniform (7-10) Teal polo shirt with logo Striped cotton long polo pants (unisex) White sport socks School hat Microfibre jacket
Sport Uniform Sports Uniform is worn for PE PRACTICALS and Sport days only. Please refer to the student timetable and CANVAS classroom for PE practicals days. o Year 7 - Year 8 students attend sport on Wednesday afternoon. o Year 9 - Year 10 students attend sport on Friday afternoon. Students not in the correct and full summer uniform will be issued afternoon detention. NOTE ** Our College uniform shop stocks open toe tights suitable for ablution
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Girls 7-12 Sports Uniform Long teal polo shirt with logo Striped cotton long polo pants (unisex) Long White Sport socks
School hat Microfiber long jacket
Sock colour + length
Uniform and length of uniform
Avoid fashion items
Boys 7-12 Sports Uniform Teal polo shirt with logo Striped cotton long polo pants (unisex) Long White sport socks Sock colour + length
School hat Microfibre jacket
Uniform and length of uniform
No bright/Fluro coloured shoes
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Students are required to wear their hair in a neat and tidy manner. Haircuts should be of an even grade. Hair should be well brushed and combed and it is assumed that hair will not be in such a condition as to invite comment. Please be aware of the following: •
Extreme styles of hair are not permitted.
Gel, mousse and hair spray or other similar substances should not be used.
There will be no undercuts or steps.
Nothing shorter than a number 4 comb is acceptable.
Hair should not extend below the eye brows or touch the shirt collar.
Beards should be well groomed / or clean shaven at all times.
Long sideburns are not permitted.
Students who do not abide by the haircut requirements will be asked to fix the identified problem and not return to school until the issue is resolved.
Regular hair blitzs will be conducted to enforce these expectations.
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Suspension A suspension from school is offered to students as a last resort or for a breach of College rules. Students can be suspended from school from anywhere between 2 - 3 days. The length of time is dependent upon a number of variables and is at the discretion of the CEO/Principal. An immediate suspension will be given to a student who: swears at a teacher, engages in physical fighting, violence directed toward a person, steals from someone or engages in immoral behaviour. Other behaviours may also result in suspension at the CEO/Principal’s discretion and include vandalism, high level bullying, an ongoing accumulation of issues and an inability to demonstrate improved behaviour. Chewing gum = immediate suspension from school. Students were informed during morning assembly, grade meets and prayer meets: If a student is seen chewing gum / has chewing gum in their mouth or other, the teacher will report this to the year advisor immediately via Sentral incidents. There are no exceptions, no negotiation, and no flexibility. Mobile Phones Our College is a student phone free zone. Mobile phones MUST be placed in the school bag and switched off before entering school grounds, this includes before the 8.30am bell and after the home time bell. If seen, heard or used on school grounds devices will be confiscated immediately and held for two weeks. Please note that this also includes mobile phone devices such as Air Pods and headsets. Other technology items including IPADS and Apple watches are also not permitted. Students also have the option of handing in their mobile phone to the senior administration office each morning. Pick up occurs at 3.20pm, not earlier. Afternoon Detentions Your child may receive an on-the-spot afternoon detention for reasons including but not limited to: o Late to class o Out of Uniform o Non completion of class work If a student is absent from school when the afternoon detention is served, then he/she will have to serve it on another day and families will be notified accordingly. Failure to attend the afternoon detention may result in a suspension as this is considered a serious breach of college rules. Homework Homework is sent home every night. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you have any questions. The Main Types of Homework are • • • •
Practice Exercises – providing students with the opportunities to apply new knowledge, or review, revise and reinforce newly acquired skills Preparatory Homework – providing opportunities for students to gain background information on a unit of study so that they are better prepared for future lessons Extension & Research Assignments – encouraging students to pursue knowledge individually Revision and consolidation – reading over class notes, applying information and organisation or reformatting notes
Students late to class Students late to class will receive an Afternoon Detention. Late to class can be defined simply as ‘wrong place, wrong time’. If a student is late to class / truant an entire period they are marked as absent on the
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Sentral roll marking system. This is then followed up by the class teacher and the Head of Department the next day. Continued late to class / truancy may result in further action being taken. Withdrawing from the College If you are withdrawing a student from the College, please be advised that 10 weeks’ notice is required If you do not provide the College 10 school weeks’ notice of withdrawing from the college, a term’s fees will be charged to your account. Roll Call Students must arrive prior to 8.30am and will attend period 1 class immediately after the morning bell (8.30am). Attendance rolls will be marked at the commencement of period 1 and throughout the day occurring at the beginning of each period. Students late to class will be issued with an ‘on the spot’ afternoon detention. Travel Policy Please ensure that prior to booking any holidays during term time, that you seek approval from the college. We only allow 10 school days leave maximum during a calendar year. Any families who are in breach of our travel policy will be asked to repeat their current grade. Please note that students enrolled in the Compression classes will not be granted leave during term time. Private Buses Students travelling to and from school via private buses should use the foot path along the front driveway. When leaving school, students must use the Junior crossing and the student exit pedestrian gate. Afternoon Pickup and Morning Drop off – Kiss and Drop If travelling to and from school by car, pick up and drop off is strictly via the school car line zone. Car line may be accessed through the Junior school gate, follow the road through to the senior school library and wait in your car for your child. Children must wait in front of the library until mum or dad are seen to approach the library. Students are not permitted to wait along the grass area, nor should they be encouraged to cross carline to enter your vehicle. o o o o o o o
ALL students must be picked up from the car line. NO students will be permitted to exit to enter cars parked on the street. Gates will open at 2.45pm. Please join the car line. No cars will be permitted to make a right turn to enter the car line. ALL cars must exit the driveway and turn left ONLY. Right turn and U-turns will not be permitted. Students will be lined up in family groups during afternoon pick up to allow for faster access. Please be respectful and courteous to our staff as they are only doing their job.
Sick Bay Illness at School o Students who are sick during the school day should: 1. See a teacher for written permission to go to the sick bay. 2. Present themselves promptly to the senior administration office. 3. Follow instructions from the administrative staff politely. 4. Stay at school until the administrative staff have contacted parents. o o o
Students must not telephone parents to arrange for their parent/guardian to collect them. This will be done by the office staff. The sick bay is used for a short time only and students will be monitored by the senior school administration officer. If the problem persists parents or caregivers will be contacted. For serious problems, parents or caregivers will be contacted immediately and for very serious cases medical help will be sought. It is extremely important that the medical information in each student’s file is accurate. If there is a change in your child’s health status, the school MUST be notified. For students who are on medication parents are required to complete a ‘Prescribed Medication’ form explaining the nature of the medication and give clear guidelines for administering the medication. This form is available from the front office. Prescribed medications must be distributed from the office.
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Ms Mouina Ramadan Head of Senior School mouina.ramadan@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Mariam Bazzi HSIE/English mariam.bazzi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Zeinab Rammal HSIE/English zeinab.rammal@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Ayah Balloot Head of Department – CA.L.E ayah.balloot@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mohamed Mohamedali HSIE mohamed.mohamedali@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Chanel Jbarah English chanel.jbarah@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Wassim Hijazi Head of Department – HSIE wassim.hijazi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Ali Fawaz HSIE/English ali.fawaz@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Owen Gates Science and Mathematics owen.gates@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Hussein Akil Head of Department – PDHPE hussein.akil@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Monika Kumar HSIE/English monika.kumar@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Zahrah Shaddad PDHPE zahrah.shaddad@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Dr Abdi Ali Head of Department – STEM abdi.ali@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mahdi Hussain English mahdi.hussain@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mustapha Khalil Mathematics mustapha.khalil@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Javid Karimi Mathematics Coordinator javid.karimi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Riem Derbasi English and Learning Support riem.derbasi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Staphanie Laguna Science and Mathematics stephanie.laguna@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Moustafa Nehme Year 7 Year Advisor moustafa.nehme@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Maysaa Balhas Arabic and Languages maysaa.balhas@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Shweta Sharma Science and Mathematics shweta.sharma@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Ms Chanel Jbarah Year 8 Year Advisor chanel.jbarah@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Sasha Hayes Visual Arts sasha.hayes@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Marwa Hijazi Science and Mathematics marwa.hijazi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mahdi Hussain Year 9 Year Advisor mahdi.hussain@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Matthew Kent PDHPE matthew.kent@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Rana Chebli IST / Arabic rana.chebli@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Miss Zeinab Rammal Year 10 Year Advisor zeinab.rammal@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Andrew Smith Music Teacher andrew.smith@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mr Mark Pardi TAS mark.pardi@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
Mrs Shweta Sharma Year 11/12 Year Advisor shweta.sharma@bellfield.nsw.edu.au
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UNIFORM SHOP Change of operating hours As of Monday 22nd February 2021, the uniform shop will be open on Monday and Wednesday ONLY
Bellfield College Canteen – Lunch Orders Senior School The canteen will be in operation on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout term 2 during the recess and lunch breaks. How to place an order: • • • • • • •
Orders for lunch items, must be pre ordered and cannot be purchased over the counter. Please ensure your child brings their lunch order in a brown paper bag with their full name, year group and order clearly labelled. The correct money for the order must be included in the bag, no change will be given. Students must place their lunch order in the designated ‘lunch order’ box in the Senior School administration office prior to 8.30am. Failure to place their lunch order by 8.30am will result in your child not having their lunch order fulfilled. Lunch orders will be available for collection at the canteen during lunch 1, 12.30pm – 12.50pm. Senior School students will collect their lunch order and return to senior campus immediately. Senior school students are not permitted to enter the junior school playground other than to collect their lunch order from the canteen.
Items available over the counter: Snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase over the canteen counter during recess and lunch breaks only. Senior students may purchase items from the canteen at the following time. •
Recess: 10.30am – 10.50am
Lunch: 12.30pm – 12.50pm
Can I place a lunch order over the telephone? Unfortunately, we do not accept lunch orders over the telephone.
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