LEAP magazine Volume 2 issue 3

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How to catch something in midflight and keep in perfect focus by using shutter speed.

Scholars in fashion class collaborating to make an advertisement campaign

Understanding how to work with different apertures and focal points




Shallow depth of field


Understanding aperture in Bokeh


Behind the scenes in class Rarely glimpsed look at what goes on in class

Landscape photography Taking photos from the great bay windows on the fifth floor


Shutter speed Feather and confetti madness



ISO and light sensitivity


The sensitivity of your camera


Rules of thirds Taking photos of things of three

Low-key Photography Understanding are black and white world


Two presidents? An interview with our presidents

Welcome to another amazing addition of Leap magazine. It is been absolutely great to be teaching in person in both fashion as well as photography. In this issue the students will demonstrate their skills and understandings of landscape photography, low key shooting and the understandings of how to work in bokeh. Here’s a special little nugget for you guys if you’re reading this. For every add you see is by the

fashion class. They were working on a special little nugget for you guys if you’re reading this. For every ad you see is by the fashion class. They were working on your ad campaigns. We’re also going to be celebrating In an article the election winner for this years scholar counsel. Please enjoy.

shallow Depth of field

CREATING BOKEH The visual quality of the outof-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens. PhotobySarahG

So what is shallow depth of field and how does that relate to bokeh? Shallow depth of field is a term when you have your main subject which is in total focus and the background which is completely blurry. This can be obtained by using a high aperture. Aperture meaning fstops from f1.4 all the way up to f4. These are the widest openings of the lens and due to that, it’s a lot easier and quicker to take the shot of your subject. You use the widest opening which gives you more light into your camera and make sure processor respond a lot faster. In this method a lot of times the background doesn’t have enough time to be put in focus. Therefore, create a blurriness. This blurriness is called bokeh. It is the Japanese word for blurriness. Shallow depth of field is an art form and should be celebrated as so. Shallow depth of field is usually used in such photos as portraitures,

Sporting event photos and wedding photography. Some of the best photographers at it are Gordon Parks and Steve McCurry. These photographers were also known to take amazing photos of people around the world or in their culture. Steve McCurry who has been known for shooting with national geographics was the same photographer who took the famous cover known as the green eyed Afghan girl. Gordon Parks on the other hand took portraits of different AfricanAmericans throughout the 70s to prove that black is beautiful. By doing this Gordon Parks look through the souls of all AfricanAmericans out there to show beauty through pain. To master shallow depth of field is to master capturing one’s soul. Saying in the photo that nothing else but my subject matters and that we should all pay attention to it.

"focusing on the main subject, and having a lot of empty space in the background to achieve bokeh"

Take a look at how our students demonstrated their skills and shall look at the field. The students were challenged to hold something up in front of them or to create a portraiture where the background is completely blurry.

"I achieved shallow depth of field by having an object 7 inches away from the models face" Sarah Garcia

Class BTS

Did you ever want to know exactly how our classes run in Photography? Did you ever think to yourself where do they obtain these photos? Did you ever Think to yourself what type of cameras do the students use? Well the behind-the-scenes photos which were caught by different scholars throughout class gives you a chance to be that fly on the wall. We got a chance to see exactly how students haul cameras, work on their projects, and even them doing social commentary on what they think of school today in photo.

We see how our scholars demonstrate and learn their skills in order to be great photographers and what it takes to build amazing content for the magazine. In one of the photos which I truly love, we get a really good glimpse on what the students think about being in school during Covid. It’s a social commentary photo that shows Jayden Melo with his head in a bag. It is the best way to sum up the 2020 and the 2021 school year. That we all are just closed off from the rest of society and see nothing else but whatever’s in that bag and or feared to go outside of it.

"Believe in the magic of the season." – @reallygreatsite

LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY Do you know what landscape means? Do you know how it affects you? Do you know what the difference between a regular photo and a landscape photo? Have you ever taken what is considered a Landscape photo? In this article students will show you their understandings of what it means to take a Landscape photo. They were challenged with the idea of catching the twilight as well as the golden hour. And since we got those big beautiful bay windows on the fifth floor, we put those cameras to the test. Here’s what we got.


I achieved my landscape photo by using a tripod This is important so you don't get a blurry shot. Also, as always make sure that your ISO is set at 100-400 since we are shooting directly out of a window or into direct sunlight. Finally, make your f stops between F8 and F13.

Samary The difference between regular photography and landscape photography is in regular photography you have a main subject or still life. When in landscape photography you have some challenges for example setting you shutter speed to 1/6 or 1/8th of a second meaning you will have to use a tripod to insure you don't have the problem of blurriness. As well as having your F stops at F13 and an ISO of 100

"it was golden hour."

I did this by lowering my exposure to look like the photo was taken in the evening. I also waited until golden hour so the light of the sun would project over the buildings. This made my photo a lot more cooler. Adding on, with the marble photo, I asked someone to hold the marble right in the middle of the lens to show the buildings on it. So overall, when you take landscape photos, I suggest that you pick the right time of day to achieve your perfect photo.

Shutter speed

Confetti feather madness!

If you like to take photos of cars driving on a race track in full speed or helicopters coming out of the sky? Than this is definitely the class for you. It’s called shutter speed. And what shutter speed allows you to do is to make your shutter of your lens fast enough or slow enough to capture things in either full speed and slow them down or dim the light to get a better photo. Our scholars are demonstrating shutter speed by throwing things up in the air and capturing them in full focus. This is called the confetti class. See the different creative ways that the scholars demonstrated their understandings of shutter speed. "Sarah Garcia Shutter speed is important because it captures things in mid air. For example, shutter speed helped me capture confetti in mid air. Today we got to used feathers and confetti to work with shutter speed. "

"working with the histogram helps to understand the lighting." Working with my histogram has helped me understand that if a photo doesn't have enough lighting then it is under exposed. And if it has to much lighting then the photo is over exposed and it should be in what we call 18% gray.


The importance of ISOs is that it makes sure the light in your photo is well balanced. For example, if your in a really dark place, it will change the lighting of the photo to see what your taking a photo of. Adding on, when you take a photo in a really light place, the ISO button helps you balance your light so it wont be sensitive to the brightness. But, the dangers of using the ISO button is that sometimes your photo can come out to light or too dark and you wont be able to see the object in the photo. SO overall, even though the ISO's are very helpful when wanting to take a perfect photo, you have to be careful so it wont ruin your photo. Gabriela McGrue


Rules of thirds

Students were challenged with understanding Steve McCurry‘s version of the rules of thirds and how it affects the viewer of their photos. They were also challenged to take a photo of something that has three subjects in it.

Issue 27 | 234




So what is low-key shooting? Why did our class take a week in learning this technique? How does It’s a fact the viewer of your photo? In order to understand low-key shooting and low-key photos you have to understand what ambient light means. Ambient light is the main light source in that environment. For example, if you are in a dark room and you open a window, The main light source would be the sunlight that comes through the window. This is known as ambient light. In this case we were going to use the sunlight to its greatest advantage. To create highlights on the main subjects face and dark in the background to the point where it’s almost completely black. Just make sure you are have a sense of mood. and in this case it’s an emotional mood that signifies either sadness or drama. When creating an ambient light photo, you must have your main subject somewhere near a window that has sunlight coming through it. Also for better effect, you might want to put them in the shadow Area we’re only a peek of sunlight comes through. Make sure that the main subject has just enough sunlight that it hits the side of their face that is important for you to show the viewer. After that, half clicked directly on the highlighted part of the face. That would be where the light hits the face. From there the camera will expose directly for that area and darken the rest of the environment. Once you take the shot, take a look at your LCD screen in the back of the camera and you will see that you created a low-key or under expose photo. You can also do this when using your smart phone just by simply taking down the exposure. Our scholars had a chance to show off

or demonstrate this technique in the classroom. See as one part of the photo is in complete darkness while the other part of the photo is in complete light. In the art world this term is called Chiaroscuro. Which basically means light dark. Artists who are famed for the use of chiaroscuro include Leonardo da Vinci and Caravaggio. Ha, bet you thought I wasn’t going to bring in a middle age artists like that. Please enjoy.

I believe that one creates a portrait to tell a story.


Hello JBA, we are your copresidents and before anything, thanks in advance for giving us the opportunity to represent Jonas Bronck Academy. Alexander Cutrone and I, Yadyra Philip, are hoping to bring education and contribute everything we can to our community. To begin, we are working on toy drives, dress down days, movie nights, game nights, candy grams, tutoring Tuesdays, and After School sports. By doing all of these activities .

we hope to bring happiness and fun to everyone. Thank you for appreciating our Attempts in Trying our best in all of the key things that are needed inside of Jonas bronck Academy. Our main goal is to bring back the Jonas bong we all know and love. Hopefully, all of our desires will be granted. To be a part of the 2021-2022 JBA presidency, felt like a first step to being a leader in our future


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